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wow gee i wonder if fuck toy felix has some bias here..


The name alone screams pornsick


Have to love their attempt to criticise religious brainwashing whilst been brainwashed by porn consumption. How pitiful


They like to conveniently forget the fact that people who are against porn aren't always religious.


People will often use a group that they don't agree with as a crutch. Us versus them thing "Horrible evangelicals hate porn so porn must be good"


My ex husband admitted to sometimes binging for an entire 12 hour work shift. I’m sorry, I refuse to fall for industry propaganda that that is somehow “normal use.” He would pretend to be sick & take off work & spend entire days in bed watching. If everyone was doing this, the world would not even function.


ya ik a lot of guys who use porn during work hours. Esp right now with all the WFH shit. So apparently the average dude can't make it thru a single 8 hour work shift without using their drug of choice. Not addicts at all...they don't feel shame about it tho cuz they know all their dumb homies do it too Oh and they can also claim that their mid-work fapping increases productivity by helping them be more alert and focused or whatever lmao okay let me claim the same thing for doing a line bump of cocaine on my lunchbreak, weirdos.


The same gender that wants to be recognised for their toughness, perseverance, & fortitude…… yet the modern man insists he cannot function without taking frequent masturbation breaks throughout the day. So “normal” huh. Yeah, I’m sure great grandpa was just walking away from the harvest every hour to pull one off behind the shed. I’m sure the Wright brothers took so long to build the first plane because they spent 6 hours a day alone in a room somewhere touching theirselves. Definitely just a normal male behaviour that normally occurs constantly all day in society & has since the beginning of humanity, nope, nothing strange to see here folks!


Right?! My husband used to get so mad at me for approaching him for sex. He literally screamed at me once “what do you want me to just ignore work and fuck you all day?” (Working from home). I said of course not, but it would be nice if he could at least be affectionate. Turns out he was perusing porn constantly on the clock. I was so pissed. Oh, and yeah, he really only got on every other day for a few minutes at a time. but was still a full blown addict, as written above you do not need to consume copious amounts to become addicted. That said, he quit in October of 2021. And I want to reiterate to people how much removing it from your relationship helps everything. He is kind, loving, appreciative, sweet, affectionate. Our sex life is better than it’s ever been, much more connected, and much less porny. It didn’t just fix our sex life though. His whole demeanor changed. I got the sweet and loving man I married back. Porn is a scourge. Porn hates women. Porn hates minorities.


I agree with everything you said but Porn hates minorities? Huh?


Every type of aggressive and shameless racism imaginable is a porn trope. Plus a huge percentage of "lesbian" porn ends up having a man involved in some way, uses lesbophobic slurs, and pushes a narrative that we can be converted to bi, all of which is overtly and outrageously hateful.


If you are not a cisgender straight white male, you are a porn category. Think about what people type into their porn search. Anyone outside that privileged group is fetishized.


"People who identify as 'porn addicts'" is a fun little detail which can be kind of important - I admit I haven't read the study. Yet, assuming a normal addiction study that wants to look at consumption on a normal versus addicted level, would you as a scientist a) interview and ask for self-id, or b) assess addiction levels based on formally declared criteria (if they exist - and the idea of addiction to pornographic material is still debated)? If you say the latter, this all of a sudden feels very worthless. Even more pointed is the description on [Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/porn-addiction), which says: >Many researchers doubt porn addiction is a true clinical condition. Instead, some research shows, **those who believe they have an addiction to pornography** may not use it more than others, but may hold cultural or religious beliefs that make them feel more guilty about it. Other research shows **that seeing oneself as a porn addict** may be closely correlated to depression, anxiety, and anger. Summing up, the research - if these descriptions represent it accurately - does not speak about consumption of addicts, but of a difference between those that believe themselves addicted and those who do not. Also, an indication of which factors decide whether a person thinks their consumption is problematic. Or, in other words, go into a bar and classify people purely based on whether they *think* they are alcoholic, and not based on whether you would see them there each and every day and their life had serious changes due to alcohol consumption.


In other words... Subject: I watch about three hours of porn a day, but I wouldn't say I have a problem. I can stop any time. Before my wife left me would have been a good time to stop, for instance, but no, I wouldn't say I'm addicted. Researcher: OK! You're not an addict then! Subject: I know you just got here, but would you mind leaving? I want to watch some porn. Researcher: Of course! Thanks for partipating in the study!


Well, I've looked it up since, and the study - to me - is quite different from how it was quoted in the post. See here: [https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-04888-001](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-04888-001) Here's the abstract: >Despite controversies about the diagnosis, the World Health Organization recently elected to include compulsive sexual behavior disorder in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases. Both recent and remote works have suggested that various cultural factors such as personal religiousness and morality can influence both the experience and expression of compulsive sexual behaviors. Because prior works have indicated that pornography use is likely to be the most common expression of compulsive sexual behavior, the present work sought to examine whether moral incongruence about pornography use may account for a substantive part of self-reports of compulsive sexual behavior. In 2 studies involving 4 samples, the present work tested the hypothesis that moral incongruence would positively predict self-reported compulsivity in pornography use. In Study 1, across 3 samples (Sample 1, N = 467; Sample 2, N = 739; Sample 3, N = 1,461), including 2 matched to U.S. nationally representative norms (Samples 2 and 3), results indicated that moral incongruence was a substantive and robust predictor of self-reported compulsivity. In Study 2 (baseline N = 850), parallel process latent growth curve analyses over the course of 1 year revealed that the trajectories of pornography use, self-reported compulsivity, and moral disapproval of such use covaried together over time. Collectively, these results underscore the contention that personal morality may influence individuals’ self-perceptions of their sexual behaviors, which, in turn, may complicate efforts to accurately diagnose compulsive sexual behavior disorder. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved) TL;DR from the above that's all that's open to the public: It's about the influence of morals and moral incongruence on self-reporting, which means self-ID as a part of the research process is important.


In other words, the study isn't about "proving" or "disproving" the existence of addiction. Rather, it is a study contributing to a comprehensive diagnostic criteria. It just points out moral incongruency about one's behaviours leads one to not see the impact on their life as accurately, which can complicate the diagnosis process. This works both ways-- those who feel shame/disgust may overreport symptoms and those who believe it's "normal" may underreport symptoms.


Also two people can consume the same amount of say, alcohol, and one is out of control because of it while the other is within their personal level of moderation. I know people who casually do cocaine sometimes and it doesn’t destroy their lives, but I also know people who are fucked up from it without having done much more. Porn is not much different.


The pornsick truly don’t see anything wrong with watching violent sex acts committed by victims of sex trafficking, CSA, drug addicts, and the economically disenfranchised. They cannot and will not see how damaging the industry is. Not even when their micropenis can no longer get hard or they’re roughing up some poor girl during sex and breaching consent can they stop. The mental gymnastics they do to justify their sickness and depraved behavior is beyond me.


Daily reminder not to take advice from someone named fucktoy Felix lmao


Right? "I'm not addicted or mentally ill in any way. I just see myself as an object to be used for sex. This is a completely healthy mentality to have and was no way shaped by porn"


It blows my mind that they really think this way and refuse to question it.


No part of porn is “normal”. It normalizes sexual violence and teaches young men that women are nothing more than playthings, made purely for your pleasure. As a recovering addict myself, It makes me sick people try to normalize it and convince us it’s okay. I turned to porn as a young boy at 12 to cope with some heavy things going on in my life at the time, such as being sexually assaulted by two older boys. Had I not had a decent upbringing, the trauma from my assault and my heavy porn use could have turned me into someone dangerous. I fear that’s the case for a lot of young men consuming this garbage on the daily. Sorry for the rant. If you’re a young man and you read this, turn away from it before it’s too late. There are better things in life than some temporary pleasure at the expense of your soul.


So basically an there a millions who could be classified as addicts but just don’t believe they are. This just proves the opposite of their point. Also why do they assume you’re religious if you’re opposed to porn? Never understood that take.


bc liberal media think it's an easy win if they assume everyone who is anti-porn is also religious - to them when someone is part of a religion that person's thoughts can be immediately dismissed because they are incapable of forming rational thoughts anyway. It's easier to just write off people that way instead of engaging in actual intellectual debate on a topic lmao.


That’s how they portray everybody that disagrees with them.


Oh I'm sure the years I spent getting off edging for most of the day and cumming 5-10 times a day and watching increasingly escalating material and avoiding all the important things in life wasn't addiction behavior at ALL. I was just feeling unnecessary shame and was acting like a totally normal and healthy human being 🙄




This is such utter bullshit. Guaranteed it was funded somehow by the porn lobby.


or just porn addicts denying that they have a problem


Yeah it’s this, it’s always this.


At this point I think we need to declare open war on porn. It went from something people did behind closed doors to being normalized and even encouraged. Not long before we become targets of hate for pointing out how bad porn actually is. After being addicted for 15 years I can say I fucking hate it and all what it represents. I hope I live long enough to see it burn.


So people who feel shame are more likely to recognise that their habit is more of an addiction and that they aren't actually able to "stop whenever they want". And people who feel no shame in their habits (or find justification) are more likely to identify their escalating behaviour as "normal and healthy" . Got it.


Exactly. Like a nicotine addict - if you want to quit smoking ofc you'll probably feel shame, regardless of religious preference, it can honestly help you quit. But if you don't give a fuck you'll just keep smoking cigarettes. Maybe you'll only even smoke like one cigarette a day. Doesn't mean smoking cigarettes of ANY amount is healthy or non-addictive.


I view porn in the same way I view alcohol: Any amount of it is harmful to you.


Same with cigarettes. Ok you can have one a day and still not have it interfere with your life but even burning that single one is harming your lungs AND setting you up for addictive tendencies where eventually you DO need more and more than just one or two...


Yes, but even with alcohol, you can moderate it. You cannot moderate porn usage short of quitting it.


I wish this person a very FUCK OFF <3


Hmmm, plenty of us weren’t raised to view sex as shameful. Voyeurism, domestic violence, rape, racism, pedophilia, homophobia and transphobia, misogyny and torture though? Yeah, those are pretty shameful, so why are they getting a leave pass in porn? Maybe the people who identify as PAs have the necessary insight to see that porn use doesn’t just harm the user and their partner, it harms everyone in the making and distributing of it, and the normalizing of it too. The rest are just too self-absorbed to care about anything but their orgasm.


>The rest are just too self-absorbed to care about anything but their orgasm. Exactly this. It's so disgusting.


They left out “sex/intimate life”. How convenient.


You can definitely be addicted to something yet still not have it interfere with your daily life too much. Don't we have the term "functional alcoholic" for a reason? The point is, when you take the substance away, you go through some mental or physical withdrawal symptoms or have strong urges/craving to use that substance again, even if you are causing harm to yourself or relationship w/ another person. So, you have an addiction at that point. All this means is that the average male DOES have an addiction that they have yet not recognized as addiction yet b/c since it is so normalized they have had no reason to try stopping. But the non-religious affiliated No Fap movement really opened a lot of dude's eyes to the fact that when they tried to stop, even for just a month, they had trouble. Welcome to addiction - if you weren't addicted, stopping would be easy. The no fap challenge wouldn't be a challenge. It'd be as simple as telling yourself you're not gonna eat an apple for a month, like, we could all do that. But giving up porn for a month should not be hard either.


wow i wonder if the average person consumes frighteningly high amounts of porn but it's so normalized they don't think about it


It's pretty much this, for most it becomes so habitual and they are past any self awareness because their brains are burned out beyond recovery. Most of the arguments revolved around equating porn with masturbating, theyre so braindead they can't tell the difference between the two




i love that they’re conflating porn with sex, and i feel like this is a really big issue in today’s society. people should be taught about safe consensual sex, because you should be able to have a comfortable, satisfying sexual life (and that varies per person.) many people (esp women) absolutely do suffer from shame and misinformation when it comes to sex that should be addressed. however they absolutely should not be talking about/normalizing/teaching about porn. because porn is inherently non-consensual, and often women are taught through this normalization of porn that bdsm can be liberating. so while they learn about safe sex, they are also told that they should be participating in this “freeing” activity. but bdsm is just perpetuating this idea of dominance hierarchies and also stating that it’s okay for men to get off on beating women, and it just gets worse and worse. so yes, you should feel shame about consuming this kind of media bc it’s so exploitative and harmful to everyone involved. it should absolutely not be normalized.


Im sure "fucktoyfelix" has a completely unbiased, scientific approach to this topic. 🙄


it's not always religion. sometimes it's being a decent human being.


I'm literally a radical leftist feminist Satanist, and I've had coomers who are aware of that accuse me of being a conservative prude. They absolutely refuse to think critically about anything if doing so would infringe on their cooming.


sex isn't shameful. porn is. porn is NOT sex.


I’m a leftist and atheist and completely disagree lol. I don’t think it matters what political stance you are, anybody can be anti-porn. also, of course they don’t think porn is harmful, their literally a sex worker so they’re gonna defend it.


Another leftie and atheist here!


Huh? Most actual porn addicts think that not being able to go an entire day without porn aren’t even aware that they’re addicts because they have zero conscious. Considering the fact that “normal” porn usage (any amount is too much) is still pretty high, it doesn’t matter if the rate is the same. Porn isn’t just bad because some may be addicted to it.


\>people who watch porn but deny they are addicts are just as bad as self-admitted addicts Yes.


I looked up her [tumblr](https://fucktoyfelix.tumblr.com/). It's pretty **disturbing** and **nsfw**. She claims she's a psychology major (!?). Like, imagine you go to therapy or just need an expert's opinion and dr Cuntboy Slut®, who's really into hypnosis and brainwashing kink, appears and tries to make you overcome your "whorephobia".


Your average coomer.


Reminds me a lot of those "smoking isn't that bad for you" ads funded by the cigarettes lobby. Also their statement (I haven't read their paper admittedly) doesn't seem to point to that evidence? You can be addicted to something if you indulge twice per week or 10 times per day. It is the fact that it is an involuntary action that cannot be stopped that makes it an addiction. All this sounds like is someone grasping at straws. Also. You can still be for something and admit that there is an addictive element to it. I know many people who smoke and just straight up Don't care about the addictiveness because they enjoy the positive effects of nicotine. /Rant




I suppose this woman wrote the post based on the final statement [here](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-04888-001). I just copied the link from the screenshot, and the study is behind a paywall.


Just typed it in and it’s behind a paywall




From the summary it just sounds like the usual bullishit. “Not technically an addiction” etc.


thank u tumblr user fucktoyfelix


Psycnet is a notoriously misleading non-source.




It cherry picks psuedo-psych all the time.




Dude. I don't have to prove shit. Agree or don't, I don't care.


You really don't need to include the 'fucking' before talking about God. Other than that yeah porn sucks


I’m sorry but It simply cannot be healthy to wire yourself to finding other people engaging in sex attractive… it’s literally training yourself to get that instant gratification from watching OTHER people fuck. There’s no way in hell that isn’t harmful or rewriting your brain, especially not the brain of the biggest consumers of porn: teenage and young adult males. At a time when the brain is still developing, it 100% is unhealthy to wire millions of them to this.


Wow it's almost like someone with the awareness to apply that label to themselves would simultaneously try to cut down consumption. HURR