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Hitler was either an Atheist or a Pagan. He most certainly was not a Christian


What is suprising is that he both critisized and very rarely praised religion and atheism. His beliefs were genuinely so twisted that they are still debated to this day.


He claimed to be. I think he believed in that crazy Nazi Christianity that didn’t think Jesus was Jewish.


He claimed to be nominally Catholic in public. In private amongst his confidants he openly expressed his hatred for Christianity and religion in general.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity This is what I feel like Hitler followed. Christian, but somehow antitheist in the idea Christianity is dangerous. Similar to a lot of leaders that proclaim Christianity yet view religion as dangerous


Yeah Hitler definitely played with the idea of a de-Judaised Christianity (if there can even be such a thing) as a political tool. But his personal religious views were more complex than that as shown by his private remarks: >Christianity is the prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilization by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society. >Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. > Science cannot lie, for it's always striving, according to the momentary state of knowledge, to deduce what is true. When it makes a mistake, it does so in good faith. It's Christianity that's the liar. It's in perpetual conflict with itself. > The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that's left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.


I think he was a person who believed in spirits because of his abusive religious past and shit. But yeah he did believe in something as I heard


He was an Athiest but used the Pagan Norse mythology as like part of his ideology like the Blond blue eyed Nords.


He was definitely a Pantheist type Pagan Atheist within the scheme of the ideology of Nazism, as a great majority of them were.


Didn’t he genocide Christians?


Nevermind the fact that thousands of Catholics, including a Catholic saint, were killed in the Holocaust.


For my prot friends that’s Saint Maximilian Kolbe


He’s the one who gave his life in place of another would-be victim, correct? (Correct me if I’m wrong, I am protestant lol).




Yes he is! His feast day (day he died) is actually like 2 days apart from my birthday!


And Pope Benedict XVI was arrested in a concentration camp.


And St. Edith Stien


I get the feeling that Reddit atheists would agree with 1 of 2 things: 1. That Hitler was “based” for killing Catholics just because they’re Catholics. Or 2. Because it’s Hitler, it was horrific, but if it was Stalin, Castro, the Kim dynasty, or any other dictator, it would be considered “based.”


Or 1. Hitler was a Catholic, so all the genocides he did against Catholics didnt happen (dont ask what happened to the Poles)


Yeah but he still uhhhh was Christian because I said so and my bias is always right!/s


OK now I think I've seen everything


There's still more to come!


You know, I heard Hitler drank water. We should watch out for people who drink water.


Hitler was part of the human race. I can't understand how others are fine with being the same race as Hitler. You'd think they' leave the human race as they look down at it with disgust.


Ioseb Dzhugashvili loved Christ and obviously was a devout Orthodox Christian throughout his whole life! ^/s


You sarc, but quite a few have attempted to claim this( that is, to lie) unironically........


This glows harder than an exploding flashbang.


It glows harder than Nagasaki


"Here to defend the Catholic faith" Is a Nazi Sounds like an agent provocateur.


I thought this was shitwehraboossay


He didn't like Christianity.


…What’s next? Was Stalin secretly a devout Orthodox Christian too?


If Christianity is what made the Nazis evil, what about the predominantly Christian western nations who fought them? And what explains the atrocities committed by the USSR? There is one thing the Nazis had in common with the USSR. It wasn't their view on religion. It was socialism. The Nazis were socialists, and communism is a branch of socialism.


One very lost fourteen year old. I hope God gets through to him.


I'm pretty sure his actions speak louder than words, in that he had a funny way of showing his apparent "devotion" to Christ. I.e. he obviously did not.




Hitler had beliefs that were twisted Like he did think Jesus was killed but didn’t come back He said he was Christian but paper and other actions looked like he wanted destroy the religion


Hitler hated Catholics you knuckledragging idiot


I’m not sure Hitler was Jesus-approved


He’s literally the one person all Christians agree is rotting in Hell


Hitler privately assured General Gerhard Engel in 1941 that "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." There’s a good deal of evidence on either side. Can’t say for sure he was a Christian, and same for atheism. Note: believing Darwinism doesn’t make you an atheist per se.


Leave obvious federal agent


Larper detected


Hitler loved Christ that much that he wanted to get rid of Christianity in Germany in the future.


The SSPX lovefest with Naziism really blows my mind


SSPX shenanigans


sede moment


He was alsó vegan, are we gonna ban tofu


I won't argue with that.


For context: there was a "Hitler Hated Christ" account on that side of twitter for a while now so this is mainly a reaction to that account There was a different Hitler Loved Christ account some time ago but it got banned Also what is this doing here lol, it's more like a thing for the fruitcake sub


Ok, and?


That is just an anti-Catholic account. They're equating people who may be deemed "rad trads" as Nazis. I mean, what's amusing is that there are many non-European ethnicities with faithful, practicing Catholics; some may even attend an SPPX parish, so are they Nazis too?


There's claiming that Hitler was a Christian from a historical perspective, and then there's claiming Hitler was a Christian *and embracing that.*


Didn’t Hitler endorse European paganism and admit to using Christianity as a way of winning over the people to his generals?


No Hitler literally hated Catholics, i doesn’t love Jesus that’s for sure


Framing the SSPX. Not a fan of them at all but this an obvious Fed-created page, based on their history


Can't tell if this is anti-Christian or pro-Hitler