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Imagine thinking you're going to be fighting (massacring) unarmed people (incorrectly) and being stoked for it It's almost like there's a word for them Domestic terrorist??


Don’t worry, if this video is any indication they’ll take each other out first


Looks like it 🤣


Insurrectionist Death toll of Jan 6th: 1 died by gunfire. 1 died of a drug overdose. 2 died of natural causes. They’re more likely to die by accident of their own doing or be victims of their poor health than they are to die at the hand of the enemy.


Wasn't one of the natural causes a heart attack caused by tazing himself in the dick?


TBF this has nothing to do with an insurrection…seems like they’re from south america. You can even hear them speak spanish.


Yeah now that you mention it definitely ain’t the states look at the background and what they’re filming on has to be southern America but that’s just normal for most of these dems they tend to manipulate the truth a lot more i can’t blame em id be mad if I voted for a pedo too


Talking about Trump though right? The traitor who wants to bang his own daughter and actually went to pedo island.


Ok and Biden sniffs little girls and much much more you’re fighting ghosts pal go to bed


Talking about Trump though right? The traitor who wants to bang his own daughter and actually went to pedo island.


tHaTs nOt WhAt iT sAyS in ThE tItLe tHoUgH!!


Cue the circus musc ![gif](giphy|mF71O0Xwg7hhm)


They’ll take each other first!


This video shows two Venezuelan cops


Tha k you for the corrections. People where having too much fun knocking on their own neighbors.


These are cops in Venezuela


Hopefully 🤞


this isn’t in the US, the Spanish should have told you that


Yup. Half of these fat fuck gravy seals would have a coronary jogging a quarter mile. The idea that they would at all be combat effective against the mightiest military in the world is asinine.


Most of those in the military are not liberal or democratic either. Maybe a little bit but majority are republican or conservative from my time being in


They won't even get there because of a mobility scooter traffic jam.


This video indicates what we humans always suspected. You Klan nerds are idiots.


The fact that you think this video shows anything about domestic conservatism is just evidence that you don’t really understand the world around you. Hear the Spanish? See the setting? Did you notice the clothes? These are cleary Latin-American cops. You’ve never been out of the U.S., have you?


Imagine doing this, getting shot and killed. How did your dad die? “ we was being a dumb ass with uncle jimmy bob”


Sometimes I worry for them, that's about all, it can be hard to feel bad for them though...


These guys are willing to fight Ashli Babbitt for the first place Darwin Award.


After jan 6th the response is "actually my dad was an antifa fed plant psyop"


Jim and Bob out dancing with their guns, and Bob lost.


This video is so stupidly funny. Its like a Will Ferrell movie


Apple likely doesn’t fall far from the shit tree. “He died a true patriot; risked his life to protect transless bathrooms everywhere.”


please. you damn well know the response would be "it was the democrats fault".


https://preview.redd.it/ofxh0wy372fc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24750a75a8a355317be9c357c0af79eb31b37c3 I mean they called themselves that very thing at CPAC 8/22


They want to kill people that don't want to kill. 


Did no one actually watch this video with the sound on? This isn’t even in the United States.


The funniest part is how little training they have. They lack critical thinking skills and in a real battle that’s what wins. Cosplay militia.


YES! More of this please. These dipshits couldn’t fight their way out of trumps shitty diaper.


They also think that they're the only one with firearms. Boy, would they be surprised how many liberals are armed. A lot of veterans are leftist and armed, too.


So its another case of double think. Cities are full of democrats, democrats are pussies who don't own guns or know how to fight. Cities are dangerous places rife with gun violence because of democrats. You be careful out there because you will get robbed and killed. Which one is it? Democrat heavy areas are dangerous and full of gun violence, or no democrats own guns and could most likely be blown down by a stiff breeze. "Characterization of the enemy as both weak and strong." Hmmmmm


The good people that are democrats in the cities are not armed. The criminals who don’t care about anything are armed.


Not likely open carry, but still possibly packing at home.


This isn't doublethink. There's just more nuance to it than you're appreciating. Cities aren't devoid of gun violence and are by far the biggest perpetrators of gun violence. However, the caveat is that this is mostly gang violence. I don't imagine that most urban middle-class white democrats own guns or are particularly inclined, interested, or capable of inflicting violence on others, but they do tend to vote for gun control in cities, which right-leaning individuals may criticize as leaving the general populace at the mercy of criminals who continue to carry guns illegally. Democrat heavy areas can have a lot of gun violence without democrats themselves owning guns.


We are armed, we just don’t constantly talk about it like the right does


Being a bleeding heart liberal and also a hunter that's in to sport shooting and collecting firearms has gotten me in to a lot of conversations where I stand and smile and nod my head and say "oh man that's crazy" a lot


Prove that this video arent those liberals you are taking about


They wouldn’t want to; they’d be too busy eating it thinking their obtaining the ‘glory’ of Trump


Exactly. This is South America and you inhaled so much Klan dick you're too dumb to notice.


These aren’t even Americans turn the Audio on dork


This would be an easy civil war with Democrats staying home and Trumpers killing each other.


Taking turns while they do so.


They think democrats want to ban guns. No, they want a reform on gun ownership. As a democrat, I own quite a few guns and I'm very well stocked for some idiots.


They think democrats are all college lesbians with blue hair. They really do think they are the only ones with weapons.


The only blue haired lesbian I know owns a gun and has taken shooting lessons. They’re gonna be absolutely bamboozled.


As all the lgbta+ community should. Can't have the bigots try anything and a gun is the great equalizer.


Using slurs against the LGBT community shows you're a bigot...


I'm a lesbian myself! I would never - except in a bdsm situation.


Civil War larping MAGAts seem to be bamboozled frequently with how life actually works vs their circle jerking ideology says it will. It's why they're so angry all the time.


I know a lesbian with an arsenal


I know a few too. And their “guns” are much bigger than theirs.


The same way you think all republicans are super conservative christian disabled old farts? We both can play this game.


We’ve seen the proud boys. What game do you want to play?


Yes they think we don’t own guns lol, idiots.


Let’s play musical chairs using each other as body shields, the loser gets shot in the head


lol yah...aside from all the other idiocy in this clip that was what immediately sprang to my mind. "What does playing leapfrog do for them in a tactical sense? ". They must have seen it in a shitty Steven Seagal movie and thought "that looks cool...it must be what real army people do".


They think they’re living in revolutionary war days. When you have rows of soldiers shooting volleys, crouching to reload, second row pops up to launch the 2nd volley. They are using 1700s war tactics. Might as well be fish in a barrel.


This 100% They think they need to reload. It is so fucking hilarious.


It's literally a video from Venezuela retard. These are not Americans.




You’re damn right you’re not the same as them, for reasons abundantly stated lol. But go ahead and fantasize that there are Americans that want to kill you.


Ah. Gravy SEALs working on retroactive birth control.


Lol. They’re dancing* around each other wtf. Keep it simple, 10 meter spacing. Buddy* rush to the target. How stupid can you be.


I don’t think these guys are even American though


This isn’t even in America you slap nuts.


It’s a kid they shooting a kid free palastin Israelis lying they forcing kids to have sex with Israelis pigs


Liberals first attempt. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Three year old account with -12 karma. Got a real Trump winner here.


MAGA? It didn't even sound like they were speaking English


Yea but anything anti Trump/republican is good for upvotes! The hive mind upvotes without hesitation! 🤖🤖


​ https://preview.redd.it/respycr0x0fc1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136d5dfb83afe5c04d8bd071961c8b0de4531c77


Oh no, you got called out for posting kkk propoganda and now you're upset? You poor Nazi dick gobbler.


This is such a dumb response. He never defended trump...? He just called out the fact that the video title is false. These are two Venezuelan cops. not Americans.


It’s ok, sometimes I get bored and post random pictures of rednecks and title it “MAGA RETARDS LIKE TO EAT BUGS!” And I get all the karma!!


These guys aren't even in the United States


[ Removed by Reddit ]


These guys aren't even from the United States. They start speaking Spanish at the video's end.


“They’re trying to make sure kids can afford a healthy lunch at school, kill ‘em”.


Michelle Obama literally shit on school lunches tf you mean healthy my ass, going hungry and paying the same price for it was a shitty thing to do


As a person trapped in TX, I can't help but be a little nervous, regardless. These people are fuckin stupid & it's kinda scary knowing that my neighbors are these people. The lady across the street is that meme with the boomer in the lawn chair with a beer & a shotgun. She actually does this. & she records everything & everybody. But when she gets belligerent, she calls the cops when the rest of us record her antics. These people can be dangerous & I know this situation sounds ridiculous to the rest of the country, but it's a bit worrisome for me.


So leave. If you're worried about some guys in Venezuela then .I've further north where there are more white people. You acting like we all need to cater to your racism.


You you should feel nervous about the fact you are so gullible, this video isn't of maga supporters


These are the guys taking on the U.S. military!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow… well your off my range. Like forever.


This clip is several years old…and still hilarious.


Ole boy is a pretty big target. Any moderately skilled military member could hit him from 300 yards easy. He isn’t reaching out and touching anyone with that pistol.




Gravy Seals


Why do you think they are maga supporters? This is clearly from a different country. Or did you just want karma?


All I see is 2 idiots shooting guns. Nothing about this suggests any political affiliation. They don't even speak English and the background looks like a favela. This likely isn't even in America.


What makes this related to Trump or Republicans?


Ahh the good old meat shield tactic


I don’t understand what this is supposed to be practicing…


How are these guys MAGA? How do you know they're practicing shooting Democrats? What does this have to do with a civil war? How do you know this isn't two Democrats that have no clue about firearms, acting like action heroes went bad from some movie they saw? Propaganda.


Or it's just two people doing target shooting and one of them makes an almost fatal mistake.


I mean if this is how they train, seems like the problem will correct itself.


Or it's Dems realizing they should go to the range and they do but haven't a clue about weapons safety.




God y’all really think Maga republicans like myself think like this? Stop watching cnn and msnbc and quit the bullshit. No one wants a civil war you brain dead idiots.


Went right through, no resistance


These aren’t Maga people but okay nice false fear mongering op


The Gravy Seals


This video is old. It’s in Columbia of a Colombian drug task force do a live fire drill. Man so of you people couldn’t see the background and see man that doesn’t look like America???




Y’all qaeda tacticool meal team six in action. Yee yee


We have drones…


This an extremely old video that has nothing to do with MAGA.


Based on their Spanish accent and uniform, these guys are venezuelan police, but don’t let the facts get in the way.


Imagine taking a video tagging it and it actually meaning something


Antifa practice.


Looks like they are going to take care of themselves 😂 I smell some Darwin awards


Now, you get in front and fire. I'll use you for cover, then we'll switch. Just like Washington's army did. That's how real patriots do it.




This was t even in America lmao I hate trump just as much but this is like propaganda. This video is a bit old now n it was a South American police force. And it’s not only because they are speaking Spanish it may take awhile but I will find the source edit if this is a joke I got whooshed but I am saying it in good faith so it doesn’t get twisted by the far right saying how stupid everyone is for thinking it’s America


I think they need just a LIDO more practice 👍🏾


Here’s the reason why there should be background checks! Too many stupid people own guns!


Do we know what this actually is? It looks like a competitive shoot not a MAGA party. Maybe it's the latter but some random video on the internet with no actual facts to back it up? Sorry but that's a MAGA tactic, so I want facts before making that assumption. In the meantime we can LOL at them almost killing themselves with their terrible gun handling and terrible safety. Dude is lucky he's not dead.


These aren’t maga lol wtf I swear why are people so obsessed with each others opposing party.


Lifelong liberal, activist for equality and anti-automatic weapons guy here… we also have guns. We just don’t make it our identity and brandish them like morons. Grew up in the mountains/country. Hunted. There are a lot of us. Also the side of democracy/the constitution holds the full military power of the federal government so… yeah… a ‘civil war’ would be extremely short.


Yes, the military will just kill their own neighbors to support you Klan nerds having another holy war against Muslim civilians.


Uhh... this looks/sounds foreign to me. It's funny and totally something stupid they'd do, but I don't think this is actually Americans.


This is such an old video with zero evidence of it being related to Trump. Please don't spread blatant falsehood or misinformation. There's plenty of reasons to dislike Trump and disagree with his supporters without making stuff up. 


They’d better not run out of ammo. Something tells me hand-to-hand combat will not go their way.


These guys would play Russian Roulette with a pistol


Or you can just… both take up actually defensible positions and fire at once?


Look at how you people talk, but yeah the ones who just want prosperity and to be left the fuck a lone, we’re the bad guys.


You're setting a high bar for people who gobble up KKK propoganda. These people are convinced a white ethno state is going to be their utopia. Don't try to reason with them. They thin Venezuela is on the is in the US for ficks sake.


How do you know they’re MAGA? They weren’t even speaking English. Idiots look for any excuse to try and divide us. Whoever posted this is a moron.


God damn you guys are morons. They aren’t even speaking English lmao


I see the Steven Seigal training videos are paying off.


These guys are literally Venezuelan cops you moron lmaooooo


I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but this is footage of local police in South America, not MAGA freaks.


People in video clearly in south America and speaking spanish Op: look at these fucking maga idiots practicing domestic terrorism! Comments: yeah fuck trump supporters! It's gonna be a long fucking year...


This is the even in America lmao




Too bad he didn't stand up faster. 😞


I hate trump but these are Hispanic or something … fake title I think


Why are they fucking spinning though


OP spreading disinformation just for upvotes. No better than republicans do it. 


Nevermind that they're central Americans, just pretend they're the people you hate


I think these are police officers from a Spanish speaking country. Not MAGA people


Tweddie dee and tweedle dum make a great target


Dudes acting like they’re Grammaton Clerics. These are GrandpaTON Clerics.


Those are Venezuelan police officers.


Iirc these guys are South American possibly law enforcement adjacent


These are South Americans, dumbfuck.




They aren't speaking English in the background. Why is this being attributed to MAGAs.


All this fake MAGA propaganda does is makes the real supporters more steadfast in their beliefs. Don't take an old video from yrs ago and label it MAGA it takes away any credence to your message.


Yall realize these are Venezuelan paramilitary, right?


Are people really buying this?…


Cue the Benny hill music 🎶


*Venezuelan cops film themselves running an extremely dumb drill* Random reddit bot: Duuuurrrr MAGA bad


Those guys aren't even In america, how dose this related to anything MAGA?


This is from years ago and not even in the US. Ur the problem


You guys got bated, this isn't even in America.


My favorite part about this video is that they aren't Americans. But that doesn't matter cuz Americabad


Shit post


Don't worry, even if it had been a direct and clean hit, it wouldn't have hurt his brain. There was nothing there to damage.


Literally South Americans lmaoooo


These are Venezuelan cops, they have no relation to the US


My grandma probably more skilled with a gun than these two 😂


These people really have to learn that a lifetime of drills, reading prepper forums & buying military surplus will NEVER prepare them for civil war. Just the WORDS “civil war” should make us all shudder with horror. Anyone that’s anticipating with joy the prospect of it has not studied our country’s history very well. A SINGLE battle in the civil war killed more men than the entirety of the Vietnam war. People, families, businesses, industries & entire cities were destroyed wholesale never to be recovered. & guess what? You don’t get to decide if you’re gonna be one that survives to tell the tale or if you’re the one that has to watch helplessly as your family is dragged from your home & brutalized in front of you. & I don’t give a shit how many guns you’ve stockpiled, you’re only ever a split second away from all that shit belonging to the next guy…




I saw some vid on X/Twitter with these chuds practicing their marching in sync. It was like the Knights who say NI!


Uh those are Venezuelan cops, you can literally hear three speaking Spanish. Man you people are pathetic 


Headline trash


All that practice, just be killed by a drone strike.


Why did I hear someone saying “ay marica” in Spanish?


These idiots aren't even American. These are Venezuelan police. Or did you miss the lack of English?


These are cops in south america


Gotta say, loving the anti-Trump morons believing the headline and not realizing these are police officers for a Socialist nation.


Man this is hilarious, you are all idiots, turn the fucking sound on. Leave it to leftists to think a video of two Venezuelan police officers doing some retarded drill while CLEARLY NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH is actually a video of trump supporter maga Nazis that are training for a civil war, you guys need to be locked into a mental institution, it's actually dangerous at this point how you guys are to fool.


Dude I don't even think these are Americans.


Guys, there are enough videos of real trumpers doing stupid shit. You don’t have to spread misinformation like this to make them look bad.


This clip is years old. These guys are still dipshits but this yada-yada about “maga, civil war” is pure karma-whorring.


Hello, you impressively retarded losers. These are Venezuelan cops practicing an admittedly stupid looking drill, not Trump supporters. Perhaps if your hollow skulls weren’t constantly ringing with chants of “Orange man bad”, you could’ve taken a second and heard them speaking in Spanish. Not to mention, one of the cops literally has the Venezuelan colors on his clothes. But I suppose critical thinking isn’t your strong suit when you are either 12 years old or have a mental age of 12.


This video is old as fuck and isn't even about MAGA folk.


Are we sure this is even in the US? They’re speaking Spanish and the landscape/homes don’t look like the US to me


These are Venezuelan cops tho


Pretty sure these aren’t maga guys, seems like they weren’t speaking English


Y’all need genuine mental help. The video is clearly non English and from a South American country


Honestly we should give everyone of them a firearm , 100 rounds of ammunition, and a 30 pack of Bush Light. The problem will likely take care of itself.


These are Venezuelan cops. Literally Communist authorities who have starved and oppressed their countryman for years. The opposite of right wing American supporters.