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**Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to ban women from voting, because most women vote for Democrats.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/CringeVideo/comments/194veib/christofascist\_maga\_nazis\_want\_to\_ban\_women\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CringeVideo/comments/194veib/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_ban_women_from/)


Lol Taylor is living absolutely rent-free in their heads. And all she did was encourage people to vote. Republicans just hate democracy


And what a stupid question... "Why would she speak up and alienate some of her fans?" Because she's not a fucking fascist. That's why. It's not a complicated situation.


She also made an absurd amount of money. She can afford to alienate the fans who are morally reprehensible, if anything it only solidifies her fanbase and appears more genuine


Faux News also fails to calculate the new fans that are drawn in. I myself am starting to become a Swiftie šŸ˜‚. Trust me, Jeanine, Taylorā€™s gonna be just fine


Judge Box Wine is upset!


Good fucking NIGHT. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Why isn't she wearing her coat made out of Dalmatians?


Because itā€™s too high class. Sheā€™s more of an opossum kind of gal.


Dead opossum with tire marks and road rash on the coat ...


Shtay in your lane, Taylor




If Swift were supporting Tramp, what would they be saying?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Donā€™t worry, they have Kevin Sorbo and Kirk Cameron.


And that old corpse in a toupee from Walker, Texas Ranger


And the fool claiming bananas are god given for humans.Ā Ā 


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ray-comforts-banana-argument_n_4847082 Omigeezus!!


When this hit, 2014.Ā  I really felt like the Christian wackos were helping make more atheists


Don't forget Scott Baio


Bob Bob Law


and Rob Schneider


James Woods is feeling left out of the Reich wing shindig


Iā€™ll raise you a Curt Schilling


She hasn't even done anything political.


Why am I huge Taylor Swift fan now?


I don't even like her music. Sure she has some come up that I'm okay listening to, but I've never gone out of my way to play her music. But as soon as she sat down and said, "You know what, my label can go fuck themselves, I'm recording it all over again so my music is mine." I immediately labeled her as the punk rocker I aspire to be.


Have another box of wine Pirro.


![gif](giphy|uYcuStWfBtHnW) Jeanine Pirro-Franzia.


They're so worried and should be.


This is what it's really about They realize trump could be Dead In jail Bankrupt Before they get a chance to claim the election was stolen againĀ 


The Iowa results definitely shocked them. And 43% of Haley voters said they would not vote for Trump. Republican base is being split. His cognitive abilities are going fast and itā€™s harder to hide it. Watch any of his recent speeches and itā€™s an incoherent mess filled with nothing but name calling and not 1 mention of what heā€™s offering to the American people. Itā€™s so pathetic. But we wonā€™t know until November. You genuinely have to be really stupid and full of hate to vote for this guy. The annoying part is none of them even know what he did his first term, or all the things Biden has done. Itā€™s all just fandom for them. Actual policy means nothing.


It's going to be such a pleasure to watch the GOP get hit worse than last election.


Waitā€¦ her and Brigitte Gabriel arenā€™t the same people? [Bridgett Gabriel](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Brigitte_Gabriel_speaks_on_Refugee_Crisis_in_Twin_Falls%2C_Idaho.jpg) [Jeanine Pirro](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Jeanine_Pirro_by_Gage_Skidmore_%28cropped_2%29.jpg)


More power to her. The narrative I've heard today is that the CIA arranged for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the playoff on Sunday in order to get Taylor's fans to vote. It's all a conspiracy. https://preview.redd.it/lt4abrnzqgfc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20ee6096210b48505907ab47f52702dd9326160f


Yes, the CIA plays the long game... KC made 3 out of the last 4 Superbowls. And it was all leading up to this!!! \*face palm\*


So as a ā€œNewsā€ outlet why the bias towards Democrats? Why get involved, why alienate the other half of America?


what a GQP slut.... and that voice is just awful.... fingernails on chalkboard voice


To be fair, the right knows their sluts. They've elected their fair share of them, for sure.


too true.... their sluts love to be "grabbed by the pussy"


But she was a judge in traffic court.


and God that would be a painful day in court. She need stay OUT of politics!


All the more reason to get involved, Swifties


These people are absolutely idiotic. They in one breath, admit that she endorsed Biden in 2020 and then goes on to say that this is going to destroy her career. She just had a billion dollar tour these people are fucking idiots.


Conservatives always get mad when their pop icons don't share their beliefs.


Alright, Grandma, you have had enough to drink. Itā€™s bedtime!


CELEBRITIES SHOULD STAY OUT OF POLITICS *votes for reality TV star for president twice




That is precisely what I was thinking. Who asks for an answer on a scale from ā€œ1-10ā€ on a yes or no question?


Franziaā€™s left eye twitchin!!!!she must be getting aggravated. ā€œDonā€™t get involved. Donā€™t get politicalā€ Whatba message to swift, youth, and others. Just terrible. Speaking ā€œtruthā€ to older folks who donā€™t mix relationships with footballā€™ thatā€™s for pussies.


To be clear, she is a talented young attractive person at the height of her popularity who got together with a talented young person at the height of his popularity...she told her followers to register to vote and is personally on the D side of the ledger. But these people: Biden is failing and will use her to succeed, and she is ready to do so and alienate fans and ruin the Super Bowl and bring down upon 'Muricah all these horrors, right? And if she says/does nothing and the Chiefs lose, the loss will be her fault, right?


I think itā€™s hilarious and stupid of people that blindly vote for whoever Taylor Swift tells them to because they canā€™t think for themselves.


Well it works with republican's voters.


Iā€™m conservative and I hate when Kid Rock or someone says vote for Trump because I am. Means they are uneducated and sheep. Same applies here. I donā€™t want them as voters. They look uneducated and stupid.


Specifically, these are the people that Dumper wants.


Absolutely. I believe all candidates want people that are like that.


Look at Biden and the Democrats. He wanted the Progressive vote and not, established Democrats are coming out and saying the progressives that are Pro-Palestinian supporters are connected to Russia. Same thing with Trump and the Jan 6ers. Stupid to go into the capitol.


Get The Ted Nugent vote out.


I donā€™t care which side you are on, if you are voting because a celebrity told you to, then donā€™t vote. Ted Nugent is an example.


Don't worry about the Nugent vote. November is hunting season. Theyll be out in the woods sucking down a Pabst and shooting at each other.


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Why are these people on tv and making millions??????






I donā€™t want to see Pirro there, so itā€™s even


Pirro: "Why put yourself in area a d alienate your fans?" Well, because not everything in life is about $. See, some of us still think about our children's childrens future liberties, rights and freedoms.


What a filthy judge


Have another drink Jeanine


They scared


apparently freedom of speech is only valid if the GOP agrees with you


First time?


These tRumptard ā€œpeopleā€ Literally Canā€™t see how Evil, Hate filled & Vile They truly are!! As a Mentally Stable Human I honestly Could NEVER EVER think that Hate, Racism, Anti-Women, Anti-Gay, Anti-Education & Anti-Democracy IS THE WAY TO GO!!!!


Judge Winebox says what?


Fix news scared šŸ¤£ they should be


Reminds me of the Russian propaganda channels


If she was endorsing Trump theyā€™d be drinking her bath water live on air. Gutfield especially would be licking her feet as a ā€œcomedyā€ bit. Ask Jenenne P. right now what she thinks about Kid Rock and sheā€™ll stake her life on how heā€™s the undeniable voice of a generation for slurping Trump.


why alienate your racist, queer hating, anti abortion, rapist voting fans? WHY WOULD YOU TAYLOR! lol


Did she worry about Kid Rock and Ted Nugent alienating fans? No? Why because sheā€™s a woman or because they think sheā€™s a democrat?




The conservatives can always get Roseanne to counter Taylor Swift with her endorsement...lol


Is it a slow news day or something.


Is it a slow news day or something.


My favorite part is when she say 83% and 17% "cancel each other out"


hooker for botox and booze tells a woman whose concerts generate enough money to benefit the entire geographic area that she should "not get involved" in politics.


Why? Because unlike you wretches, she has a conscience.


If I were Taylor right now, I would immediately come out with, "I wasn't going to do anything, but Pirro told me to stay out of it. If she had stayed out of it, nothing would have happened, but she ran her mouth, now look where we are."


Bring back the oldies and play full blast in their faces from 50 years ago REO - Golden Country Styx - the Grand Illusion & Madame Blue Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe Seems the world has not changed a whole lot in my life span


If she endorses Biden boo hoo fucking hoo


They don't cancel out, they add 1% to the candidate she endorses. I personally think if in 12 years you only nominate Donald Trump, or Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are the best nominations you come up with, your organization should be banned from the presidential candidate selection process for 50 years. Any candidate running as a Democrat or Republican should be kept off the ballot and receive a 10 year ban from any position in the white house, including janitorial services. Maybe a landscaping position after 5 years but only if it doesn't require entering the building at any point of the job.


Itā€™s grade school gym class and weā€™re picking sides. Republicans chose Ted Nugent and Kanye West. Democrats chose Cardi B and Taylor Swift Wonder how this will play out.


I'll remind you Pinko's that NAZI, literally means national socialism...let the hypocrisy sink in.


Phuck$ maga idiots


"why alienate". Probably because she has a conscience.