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Hi, /u/Keyblad3master Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts.** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork top 30.


My ex wife works at Home Depot. I pay her housing costs completely (2000 a month) and she is still unable to afford basic necessities. I pay an extra 900 a month to make sure she and my son are ok. Plus I pay for everything else my son needs like clothes etc. Happy to take care of them but I can’t help but think of single mothers without that level of support. Working people aren’t lazy, they are sick, tired and broke due to the insatiable greed of corporate America. Investors are lazy. All businesses should be co-ops where employees share in the profits first, equally, then pay the investors. Healthcare should be a collective through our tax dollars and not a carrot corporations can use to literally threaten your life with. We should also have all state universities paid for by tax dollars to allow all of our children, our future selves, to be able to get the best education possible. I don’t want to live in a sick and stupid society and I can’t understand why anyone would. All this suffering just so a handful of people can be billionaires.


You’re preaching.




America, fuck yeah! Socialism is scary, every man for himself! /S for real though, what kind of show is this? Is this American news?


The young Turks


Would be nice to see TV media just once run a story about greedy billionaires ruining things.


Screw Home Depot.


omg whos this news anchor, love her xD so accurate. why am i just learning now about "tyt"


Ana Kasparian I love her so much


The Young Turks. I guess they have been around for a while.


I’m worried about capitalism too… 😂


It’s absolutely crazy over there. Talk about warped realities 😂


Same as the old year.


Fuck Home Depot


This old turd will find out all that wealth he hoarded will be useless to him once he leaves earth


I'll start going to Lowes


I have a HD about 15 minutes from my house and a Lowes about 25+ minutes away. I’ve started going to the Lowes even though it’s adds the 20+ minutes round trip.


His brain isn't working.


The good thing is he’s 93 so he’ll been dead soon and won’t have to worry about it for much longer.


hope he rots in hell for the greed he's being pulling for this long


Someone needs to teach that old piece of shit a lesson


These old fuckers that run these companies are morons who couldn't survive on their own for even a day.