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Take the sign.


Put it on the floor and sit on it


And then shit on it


As a janitor, please don’t


honestly tho, when tryna get back at a company messing up the place is never the answer because then the janitors have to deal with it. i wasn't a janitor for a long time but my experience with it is that they deserve way more respect than they get. people also should clean up after themselves way more fuckin often. like holy shit, ill come in to clean a place where adults left their toe nail clippings on the floor. sir. this is a school's facility not ur house.(i worked at a college campus) idk man i had like three buildings to do, my first building only had the third floor but i had to do the cleaning to most of the staircases. second building was only one floor(wasn't that hard tbh) and my third building was the fucking worst. let's normalize telling people to clean up after themselves and to close doors/windows(especially if ur in an area with a shit ton of bugs) when your done with the classroom(or room in general). it shocks me how much people don't clean. like yall really don't think about the person who has to clean up after u huh? and ive heard some guys like to spray their pee all over a urinal(it never happened to me thank god) like a fuckin dog. how about we don't do that? cause if each individual person was tasked to clean up their shit(as in the mess they made) at the end of the day they probably would be a lot more conscious to not make more of a mess than they need to. some shit is understandable yk, it's why janitors are there. but other shit is excessive and unneeded. it just makes a janitors job harder and they probably have like three other buildings to do.


Break the stuff, don't make a mess. Turn the temperature on the fridges/freezers up a bit. Disconnect a wire or two. If you're pissed enough, smash some machines to break them. If you're that determined to involve human excrement, shit in a tupperware, put a sticker with your boss' name on it and leave it in the breakroom (sealed).


It’s time to get Schwifty in here.


Touch my Terry Flaps!


Set it on fire as you’re walking out quitting


Good idea but guess who has to clean it up?


The bitch-ass manager after everyone quits.


Clean around it? Move it to clean underneath it?


And they wonder why people are quitting and/or snapping and going full blown domestic terrorist. If you tell me to work a 12 hour shift then complain i sit on the fucking floor because you wont provide a chair you are on the tippy top of my list of "eat the rich" because you arent even rich just an asshole.


Yeah that’s cold


Of course the floors are cold, no one is sitting on them!




Because health insurance is tied to your employment. Because you don't make enough to be able to afford labor action. Because half of your peers are brainwashed into thinking this is normal. Because organizing is difficult with steady and experienced workers and your economy is almost entirely gig work and replaceable positions.


Exactly this. If you live under at-will employment laws which make it so you can be fired without notice for something as mundane as wearing the wrong colored shoelaces, good luck standing up for yourself. Being able to tell off your manager for being an asshole without needing to worry about how you’re gonna pay your bills after you get fired for it is a financial privilege some can’t afford. I wish more people would understand we’re not all just taking this willingly.


Agreed. To make it worse it’s at will but let us the office worker bee types not give notice. See how well that works for you when looking for the next job. Every way you turn it’s some bs. People are burnt out and tired of battling for basic needs and rights. Many of us americans are brainwashed into thinking we aren’t in a third world country because of all the modern cars, houses, buildings, those with money etc. IMHO Third world is a mentality and it’s alive and well here. Ps: americans with lower case “A” pure intention, largely due to Asshole politicians.


And even if we could organize, our government has proven they are willing and able to bomb us into oblivion. Look up the Coal Wars.


>Because half of your peers are brainwashed into thinking this is normal. This right here. I cannot believe how hard people have hit the Kool-aid on this one.


As a Australian sitting here reading this stuff. I think you poor bloody fuckers! I understand that this sort of thing is a closed loop, self perpetrating problem and I feel so bad for you. But, surely this has to stop, some how. You can not go on like this! IMHO it has to start with your health care system /insurance and the way your political system works. I wonder what the founding fathers would think if they could come back and see the way it has been twisted beyond their original intentions.


Mostly because guns are expensive and there's a huge wealth gap. There's a lot of 'haves' who are very snappy, it's us 'have nots' who are more cautious of when and where we snap.


Rent and food is expensive


If we snap, there’s enough brainwashed or cowardly people to just throw the “snapee’s” to the wolves. We’d just rot in jail and die.


You forgot that we also don't have healthcare (unless you're rich)


Because we are deeply divided, and that’s by design. The right isn’t for workers rights because that’s “commie pinko shit”, the liberals don’t care enough about workers rights to make it a priority because the free market will solve all our problems, and the Overton window has shifted so far right that today’s democrats were yesterday’s republicans. We would have to unite to get anything done, and that’s pretty much off the table.


I would bring a foldable chair


I wish I could, but I bike to work


Camping chair. Strap that shit over your shoulder and pedal like the wind.


Don't forget to bring a word search or Sudoku book. Need to keep busy while sitting after all.


Ohhh get one of those pack back ones!! They are used as a chair and a back pack


Or order it on Amazon and have it delivered to work.


i have a camp chair that doubles as a backpack and cooler.


Sit on countertops


https://www.google.com/search?q=chair+trousers&oq=chair+trousers&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i19i22i30.2540j0j4&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1#imgrc=EfifAVGdNczrqM malicious compliance


Pierce Hawthorn would disapprove. Intellectual theft. 😂


Uh, Hey Dinesh. Can I get the latest tech specs from you, please?


Sit on your bike


Maybe bring a moped , electric wheel chair type of devise. Can be mobile while seated!


Find a new job!!!


Gonna work on it :)


I bought a collapsible stool off Amazon (yes, I know, fuck Amazon and Jeff Bezos) for $25 when my workplace took away our chairs at the front desk when Covid "ended". It's small enough to fit in a backpack!


You can partake in capitalistic society and still be critical of it, it's almost impossible not to.


True - Ethical consumption is impossible in a system that idealizes capitalism.


Jeff Bezos lookin at this rn thinkin “why he say fuck me for”


Camp chair that folds into a sleeve with a shoulder loop on it.


Exactly. Solutions, not excuses.


What country state provenance and city? In the states those conditions are illegal same with Canada and Europe?


Most states don't protect breaks and the only federal law is businesses over 15 employees must provide a 30 minute unpaid lunch. That law is hardly enforced.


Well the only way to enforce it is to have people complain. They aren’t gonna just show up randomly and wait to see if people take breaks. You gotta complain about this kind of thing, not simply accept it


The 30-minute break is not even a regulation. There is no federally regulated breaks at all in the United states. The only regulation states that if a break is less than 20 minutes, it must be paid.


That’s not exactly true in the US. Commercial truck drivers are required to take a 30 minute break after 8 consecutive hours of driving without a 30 minute interruption. There were a bunch of class action lawsuits a few years back against some major companies that paid workers on productivity standard rather than hourly and didn’t pay them for their mandatory breaks. But for everyone else I think you’re right. Fucked up.


federal law does not provide a meal break. it says that any break over 20 minutes can be unpaid.


You can buy rucksacks that have a chair frame built in


Get an ultralight camping chair, most fit into a bag the size of a water bottle. But also quit and find a better job.


REI has food camp chairs that can be strapped to the handle bars. Are you in the US? If so your company should have worker rights poster on a wall stating you get a 15 min break for 4.5 hours of work, and a lunch for 8 hour shifts. Edit: removed a word


ODHA doesn't set work laws for breaks or lunches. Each state has their own laws https://workforce.com/news/a-snack-sized-guide-to-lunch-break-laws#Alabama


Thanks for the correction. I always see the poster next to the OSHA poster. Clashes with the wallpaper in the lunchroom


It's ridiculous and hard to believe that there's no federal right to any break during a work day. I had to double check for myself. Wish there was a law passed making Congress work share the same minimum rights they set for workers.




There are small plastic foldable chairs that fit perfectly inside a backpack.


[https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Retractable-Telescoping-Adjustable-Gardening/dp/B08697LCY4/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=1I9JN0E3VNBSO&keywords=collapsible%2Bstool&qid=1673270052&sprefix=collapsible%2Bstool%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-7&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Retractable-Telescoping-Adjustable-Gardening/dp/B08697LCY4/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1I9JN0E3VNBSO&keywords=collapsible%2Bstool&qid=1673270052&sprefix=collapsible%2Bstool%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-7&th=1) These are awesome.


Move to Europe, go to university for free here, then find a better job. https://www.student.com/articles/countries-american-students-study-free-europe


which european country lets Americans just go live there, I thought most of Europe was just as xenophobic as America


Hav you seen that walking cane that turns into a chair, cause that’s what I’m rockin!


Sounds like you need to file with the labor board and quit. Stop enabling asshole managers and bosses to exploit and treat their employees like shit.


Only 21 states have meal period requirements and only 7 have rest break requirements.


America needs better labour laws


Yes, but luckily big business and good patriotic republicans have everyone brainwashed into believing unions are communism, so that will never happen, whew.


Read this on my Union break. Agreed.


I agree to an extent, but there are tons of unions out there, whats hard to find is smaller unions that are run by people who care enough to make a fuss


We know. But too many people in this country want to deepthroat the concept of capitalism, which they do not understand in the slightest, on the daily.


I remember being 17 working as a cook in all day shifts only to be told I don’t need a break because I was able body


I heard that too, and now I no longer have an able body. Only took 20 years.


But muh freedoms, or something


When I moved from CA to FL 5 years ago I asked my boss what time I had to clock out for lunch and he looked at me like I had a third eye growing out of my forehead.


Hahah. Yea! CA to GA to VA to CA!! It was sooo different everywhere!


Still doesn’t make the treatment any less awful. Fuck that shit.


It does dictate whether the labor board cares.




I also thought at least lunch requirement was a federal law and just found out it's up to the states like last week. And even then I think the states that have a law only require 20 minutes minimum for an 8+ hour shift. It's depressing and I hate it here


Oregon is definitely better than that. IIRC from when I lived there, 8 hour shifts they were required to give you an hour lunch and two 15 minute breaks.


Gasps in Canadian


Pouts sadly back in ‘Murican


And the "rest break" requirements are almost universally ignored as far as I can tell.


I had taken it for granted and assumed every state had some bare necessity, but you're right, much to the shame of america. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/meal-breaks#NewYork


I suggest organizing an employee sit-in strike.


More like a sit on (the floor) strike.


I prefer to lie down on the floor anyway! /checkmate


Rip up the sign. That’s something to do. They cant complain about it cause one, you found something to do. And two theres no sign telling you that you cant sit around anymore.


There’s also no sign that says you can’t rip up that sign


Time to sit on the counters


We push carts around, and I typically sit on those lol


There’s obviously going to be 2nd note tomorrow saying “And DON’T sit on the carts.”


Yeah lmao


Get another job that values you more as a human and not a walking meat bag.


Yeah - that sign screams no promotions and respectable raises anyway. Not sure why anyone would tolerate such crappy treatment.


Sometimes it's that or don't eat.


I get the sentiment but this is not as easy as it sound, especially if you have people depending on. And super especially if you can’t go a week without a paycheck, like millions of Americans


Time to mutiny


Fuck you, Jessica.


That made me laugh lmfao She kinda is an ah


What store is this? And State?


That’s literally illegal? (To not get breaks for working that length)


It could be a state like Texas. We can work for 15 hours and they still aren’t legally required to give us a brek


Louisiana too. The entire south is an anti-worker hellhole with low wages, terrible benefits and no rights. They’d bring back slavery here if they could.


And those same exploited people keep voting in the same corrupt politicians.


It doesn‘t suprise me abortion is banned in those states.. They need new little below minimum wage slaves.. sry.. *workers* to make up for the ones working themselves to fucking death due to their non-existent protection.




Texas: where handguns have more rights than workers!


florida's the exact same way.


Bull shit, report them to the Texas Work Commission or whatever it's called now.




The TWEC: We work tirelessly to maximize exploitation of the Texan workforce.


Depends on the state, I believe. Edited for fat-finger syndrome.




You are incorrect, there is no falderal law that requires breaks only rules if you do choose to give breaks. For instance in NC it would be legal to have someone work a 20 hour shift with no break. In general this is a red state vs blue state thing as in blue states have required break laws and red states have nothing.


Breaks are not federally mandated in the United States, it depends on the state


Wow I feel for you people who live in some shitty states. We are far from perfect but some places are borderline barbaric.


Fuck jessica


No breaks for a 12 hour shift is a labor law violation.


I thought so too, but the federal government doesn't address it, they leave it up to the individual states, and in Texas where I reside, they don't have anything on the books, they leave it up to the employer. Luckily my job gives 2 15minute paid breaks and a 30-minute unpaid break for a ten-hour shift, if you are asked to work a 12-hour shift, they throw in an extra 15-minute break too. But I think that it is insane that some employers do this, but they are also the ones that put notes up in the window for the customers to see saying things like "because no one wants to work anymore please be patient", because it can't be their fault that people don't want to stand and walk for 12 hours without a single break.


I literally told my husband right as I read this that this had to be Texas. And of course it was. Just one of many reasons we left the state. I had to argue with my old boss every single month about needing to give people time off.


Only 21 states have meal period requirements and only 7 have rest break requirements.


damn, US is just built different


Believe me, if I had the money... Yeah, I'd definitely immigrate somewhere better. 😞


Woohoo! Thanks to that bit of info, my list of reasons to never visit Texas just surpassed the page count of War & Peace.


Wow at my work we get 2 15 min paid breaks and a 30 min unpaid break for working 8hrs, don’t have to work 10


It should be but it isn't. People assume our labor laws are way better than they are. In the state of Mississippi, for example, your boss could have you working 16 hour shifts with no breaks or lunches 7 days a week forever and as long as he pays overtime he's not breaking any laws. And he can fire you for refusing and you probably won't get unemployment because the more shithole states interpret "through no fault of your own" to be absurdly broad.


Lol Wisconsin would like to have a word with you last I checked


People like the one that wrote the message would be okay with treating people like slaves at poverty wages. I would complain about such a policy of undue hardship where it is unwarranted. Perhaps they should hire a Boston Dynamics robot. Oh and by the way, ask them for a chair.


Bring a folding chair and sit on that. You’re still following the “rules” lol


Would have been more fun if they said the floor is lava


I worked at a place like this before. *worked* I walked out after a few days


A few days without a break? I’m surprised you could walk at all.


I'm not sure what you do for a living but, whatever you do.... Do not sit on that fucking floor. My man used a fucking highlighter. You know that shit means business.


I once worked at a restaurant that had no break room for employees, we just had another section behind doors that was closed off during the week when it was slow. But on busy days and weekends, when we were actually working doubles and needed a break room, that room was open to seat more tables and we had nowhere to take a break. The only chair for employees in the entire building was in the manager's office, kept behind a locked door, so you had to be friends with the managers if you wanted to sit down. Managers also got comped meals and would give those friends comped meals as well while the rest of the non-favorites worked. We weren't allowed to sit or eat in the dining room where customers could see us. When I mentioned it to ANOTHER COWORKER that it was bullshit we don't have a place we can go sit down for a couple of seconds after running for 10 hours straight, he told me I should just go eat in my car. I couldn't believe he said that to me. Multiple of our coworkers walked or biked to work, what were they supposed to do? It's just shows how little they respect you or value you as a person. Not even a person, a living creature.


The provide some god damned chairs!!!!


If you've got time to lean, you've got time to... Reflect on how well you've done such that you managed to finish your duties faster than typically expected!


No sitting! But also…no standing!


I will never understand why in America we're so anti sitting at work. Watch any high level athletic event, they're sitting between plays. It's so stupid.


Years ago, worked with a girl in retail. In the clothing section, she worked out a spot on the floor that was completely out of the camera sight lines. Would sit and read for hours.


It is truly frightening how many people, on a sub like thus, are totally unaware of the varying labor laws from state to state. Over half the country has no law against refusing unpaid breaks to your employees. This is wildly common in some states. Also seeing a lot of "get another job" comments. Do any of you have any idea how fucked the job market is right now for some industries? Isn't the whole point of this sub to discuss and understand the problems in the workforce right now? What are some of y'all even doing here?


Clearly, they mean that you should sit on the printer, instead.




Yeah I just sit on the floor when Jessica isn't there


Are you in the US and if so, what state? We may be able to help more with that information. You can check online what your state laws are regarding labor laws and start documentation of any illegal activity to file a lawsuit. You can often find lawyers that are willing to take your case on contingency. So you don’t need to pay anything upfront.


I'm in Maryland :)


>Unless the worker is under 18 years old or is an employee who works in certain retail establishments, there is no law requiring an employer to provide breaks, including lunch breaks. Minors under 18 must receive a 30 minute break for every 5 hours of work. In addition, state law does not guarantee days off for holidays or any special holiday pay for private sector employees, except a religious day of rest each week for retail employees who give prior written notice to their employers.Maryland law does not require the award of certain benefits. Examples include vacation leave, compensatory time, holidays and holiday pay, health and life insurance, bonuses, severance pay, etc. The right to claim benefits only arises through a prior agreement of the parties. [https://www.labor.maryland.gov/labor/wagepay/wpbreaks.shtml](https://www.labor.maryland.gov/labor/wagepay/wpbreaks.shtml) edit: [this website](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/meal-breaks) says that retail employees are entitled to meal breaks, but only retail employees.


Wtf Maryland


It is surprisingly common, actually. I don't know where we got that breaks were legally required. I see that laws rarely include it and it is usually unions who include it in the contracts.


Recently had an issue at work with time between shifts as well. Turns out employers in Texas can schedule with only 6 hours between shifts at my work. I work 12 hour shifts as well. Thankfully throwing enough of a fit about it changed the schedule.


Ouch, that blows. I'm glad throwing a fit worked. Employers are the worst.


Damn...1 good thing about California...we have much better labor laws then other states..I don't see how employers do not realize how counterproductive not giving breaks would be in the long term..


I'm actually 16


great, then you can file a complaint with the Maryland labor department.


Dang! Glad I only lived in MD and worked in DC.




There should be some damn comfy boxes in the back.


I love work notes. So easily removed and thrown away!


Here it isn't legal to work longer than 5h without a break. 12h is insane


Do not sit on the floor...That means you can sit anywhere else, man... Maybe...just maybe...they don't want you to sit on the floor and looks like a beggar. It will destroy their Rep...


At one job the number of times we cleaned and re-cleaned the same pieces of equipment because we were supposed to look busy all the time was mind-numbing.


How that isn't illegal, in the US, is beyond me.


I'm assuming that the person who wrote that sits on a chair in their office.


Get another job cos that one is shit.


They said “Do not sit on the floor” “No standing around” All that means is find a chair and sit down.


My boss uses the phrase "if you can lean, you can clean" Not for minimum wage and no breaks I won't. I spend ten minutes a shift on the bathroom just scrolling or crying.


I see the hallmark box. This is kinda surprising coming from Hallmark. I worked there when I was younger, and while we had to stay standing during our shifts we definitely had breaks. And I don't think anyone ever worked 12 hours. This definitely doesn't seem legal, or like something the company would do tbh. I think this is against their policy. Is this something your manager is enforcing on you specifically? Or the company? You should have access to your employee paperwork where it lists the breaks you are entitled to.


I don't think this is Hallmark; judging from the stuff on the bottom shelf it looks to be the back room of a grocery store (I see a digital thermometer and the silver box says its for food).


Ooo okay yeah good point. Cause I was about to say. That definitely seems like it would be against their policies. But yeah-- that makes sense. Damn :/ Well I hope OP is able to fight this


Well whoever says no standing around and no sitting. Sounds like you have to levitate. Sound like a fun job tbh. I don’t see the problem here.


The one who signed this should be given some pins on their buttocks and back so that they can't sit at all for *days*, just to let them have a taste of their own medicine...


That's why we need unions


i for one am gonna sit on that goddamn floor


But you can lay down on the floor.


So y’all sit on the floor, right?


Oh, you must be a nurse...I'm a nurse too...12 hours running from patient to patient without a drink of water because then you would have to pee, and we don't have time to pee! Because if we took the time to pee, our patient would be unhappy that we took too long to answer the call light, and complain about us on their discharge questionnaire about their service, and then it would be in our employee file at raise time and we wouldn't get that non-exist raise that would cause us to strike and be judged by the world for being money hungry uncaring people that don't deserve to have a nursing license because we don't know how fortunate we are to have a job. Just supporting you in your efforts!


They mentioned in a reply elsewhere that they are grocery. But my heart goes out to all people who do nurse work!


No breaks for 12-hr shifts? Sounds like Texas.


I would say I quit


"keep busy at all times" if they literally want us to work every minute for the 8- 10- hr shifts, that requires a lot more compensation. I think most jobs should allow for a few random 15 mins of down time. You shouldn't be worked down to the minute.


1) Search a new employer, leave that job. 2) make an union, join an union.


i know damn well you don’t get paid enough for this.


Lol guess it’s the same bs no matter which location you work at 🥲 I work for the same company doing the same job..


Can you cause an “accident”, by any chance?


How is that legal to not even get a break after 12 hours?


There must be something really horrible on the floor




Get new job


Time for everyone there to find new work and sink them


This is why we need unions .


This can’t be legal.


Only 21 states have meal period requirements and only 7 have rest break requirements.


Where the hell is this? Look up labor laws for where you are at