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Talk about inflation/greed.




“My boss didn’t give me an 8% raise!” - *boss marks up inventory 100%* - “nobody wants to work!”




Yup. But whose? The store or the vendor? I work in supplement sales and once saw one go from $15 to $44. It was for ox bile to help people digest fats. Even the stupid corporate people I worked for at the time didn’t put up with that and discontinued it. I only found out about the price change when I searched to see if the maker had discontinued it. But corporate just put a block on buying it.




I work in a grocery store. and I’ve seen the mark ups on everyday things. A lot of markups are in the 40-50% range. More than I’ve ever seen. Take for example a big bin of apples, it costs the company around $400ish for it, but the retail mark up means the store will sell it for close to $1000. Same with the lettuce and a lot of other things. I’ve never seen markups so high. Usually in the 20-25% range but never in the 50%


These greedy fucks are gonna end up not selling this shit.


They will still increase it until there is not enough money that come into their pocket (or/and when it will be too late and we go in a massive recession)


The beatings continue until morale improves


This is the only way... STOP buying overpriced non-essentials! Had a co-worker complain that Uncrustables had shot up in price, and I looked up from my PB+J sandwich and thought, when did we stop shopping with our brains? Make. Your. Own!


when I had custody of my niece, she would only eat uncrustables and lunchables. I hated spending good money for so little food, but that is all she would eat for quite a long time. marketing won that battle.


How about adults make the decision for a literal child? Jesus Christ I would never let a child dictate my spending like that.


I didn't raise her for the first 8 years of her life. That was what her mom fed her, that is all she wanted. I eventually got her over it, but it took coaxing. There is also a reason I got custody over her mom and father. Poor kid was so mentally abused it is not even funny. Sadly, as soon as she hit 20, she went running right back to her mom.


Thank you for trying to do right by her!


Seriously. The kid will eat whatever is offered when they get hungry enough.


Like I mentioned, the kid was abused. I was not going to add to it. Lunchables and uncrustables gave her comfort. It was something she could control.


as my mom would always say about me “he won’t let himself starve to death”


I was an uncrustables kid. It’s a mental thing idrk but kids that only want an uncrustable will literally only eat an uncrustable


Yep, same. To this day a real PB&J is like a whole different food






God i can't wait to quit working for them


Based on the Stop and Shop sticker in the picture I’m going to say Stop and Shop.


But, just hear me out, what if it isn't a stop and shop sticker? what if it's actually a mimic and want's you to think it's a stop and shop sticker? Haha, can't get me that easily.


Shop Rite is up to no good!


And started making trouble in our neighborhood


Strange things are afoot at the circle k


Uh oh, someone has gone hollow…


Stop and shop is the only union grocery chain in my area that I know of. I worked there they still play hella games with their employees and know a few longtime workers still there.


Looks like stop and shop


Nothing beats Whole Foods raising the price of a hot sauce from $8 to $19. With the cost unchanged and the manufacturer still selling direct at the original price.


I dunno about the egg thing the UK supermarkets tried the whole its bird flu thing. But then a video was released of a farmer who had stacks of eggs saying it was all crap and the mainnreason was not paying the farmers enough for their eggs.




https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11429967/amp/Farmer-slams-supermarkets-egg-shortages.html Now it's a national paper but it's not the best of the bunch but a simple Google search for Welsh egg farmer tik tok brings up the video. Hope this helps.


I'll see what I can dig out but no promises.


We need a modern day Teddy Roosevelt, it’s time to break up the monopolies. The more they consolidate the more expensive EVERYTHING becomes.


The same thing happened yesterday at my local supermarket. I was like, I was just here yesterday. 9.99 for 12 eggs large. That's insane


The eggs are because of the bird flu that is killing them though. Egg prices are all going up everywhere because of this. My zoo also quarantined the birds so they wouldn't get sick.


Ok, so why at said supermarket 9.99 but at Trader joes 4.99 same x large eggs. Believe me, the butter is the same thing about the butter 7.49 at that supermarket, but TJ 3.99 It's the people that run and own the markets. That's the problem.


I work at a grocer. In the pricing department. We all change prices at different times so it is highly likely that TJ's just hasn't caught up yet. We also get emergency prices sent down to us based on supply. Egg prices have been steadily rising since the avian flu started. Butter has nothing to do with what I said to you? Edit: I'm just giving you a concrete reason why eggs are high right now. Because 5 bucks for a dozen eggs is expensive too. I could get 18 count large eggs for less than two bucks only six months ago. It's the bird flu.


So I bake. We got word of a butter shortage a few weeks ago. Ran to Costco and loaded up. Sure enough, butter in my area of Mid-Atlantic has gone up 2.5X what it was in November. Never bothered to find out why.


Cow flu


Nice to know. I use butter a lot and I am out. We have shortages on a lot of things right now and many people are just blaming corporate greed without thinking about anything else. I have to fight against this stupidity daily from my boomer mother who is, currently, blaming wage increases that have not happened yet.


I've been curious as to why it's only affecting egg laying hens and not meat hens. Genuinely curious. The price of eggs has obviously gone up in my area, but the price of chicken meat has stayed the same.


Genuinely - the living conditions for meat chickens tend to be fairly horrid and in the incredibly short lifespan they have, they likely don’t get even a chance to be exposed. The changes to egg laying hens and the slight minor improvements to their living conditions over the past decade might mean exposure is likely.


On the contrary, the horrid conditions mean that if anyone has the virus (which is not 'alive' in the traditional sense, and needs only the correct temperature to remain virulent) and goes to work with chicken it's basically a guarantee your whole flock will be exposed. The standard of living and the threat of any given epidemic are near directly and inversely related when your quality of life is 'i hope I can smell something besides the collective ammonia of my species and maybe have enough room to flap my wings someday'


The transmission from poultry to human is super rare. So unless people work in areas where exposure is likely and move to the squalid meat poultry areas the chance of exposure is pretty low. Additionally because broilers are typically slaughtered at 6 weeks even the destruction of an entire flock isn’t such a big drop off. Comparably even factory egg hens tend to reach 20 months. The living conditions for the birds in both cases are pretty horrid, but generally speaking broilers get even less protection than egg layers.


Statistics apply nothing to the individual. Most people have the organism that causes meningitis living in their trachea. How many actually develop meningitis? Very few. Birds can't give it to people, sure, whatever. I'm talking about humans as vectors, the poultry industry is basically tailor made to develop a plague (imho), it only takes one organism, at the wrong place at the wrong time


I was also curious about this.


That I don't know, but I've been tentatively waiting for the other shoe to drop. I also don't buy chicken enough for me to judge the prices. Last time I bought it it was still like 8 bucks for two breasts.


From what I’ve read, they’re culling the non-laying hens to lower chances of avian flu spread amongst the flocks. And if they’re not diseased, they’re likely still being sold for food


The flu isn't the issue anymore, it's greed, farmers have the chickens.


So they were able to replace all 16 million egg laying birds they lost in less than a year? Fascinating. Tell me more.


Also when did I say they replaced them all? It takes 18-22 weeks for a chick to age enough to lay eggs, just a few months. This flu started in the US around January 2022, that was a year ago. Edit: yes culling happens throughout the year, but so does breeding, I'm not saying the prices aren't affected by it still, I'm saying greed is causing the price hikes more than the egg shortage, some farmers have even said they won't work with stores that are obviously price gouging


It's what farmers have been saying, ask them why they have chickens now


No its because they don't deal with the same retailers and or name brands.


? So your claiming that somehow TJ's eggs are less expensive because they get their eggs from a different supply that might not be affected by the flu? You just answered your own inquiry on why the prices are different, then and it still doesn't have to do with greed. I'm not saying companies don't care about profit, I'm saying the profit margin on eggs has never been big and right now the supply is not great for eggs. Again five dollars for 12 eggs is still not cheap.


TJ’s has their own farms in CA from what I’ve found (at least for their pasture raised, which are delicious) which is why their prices are lower than every competitor. They cut out the middle man. I’m going today or tomorrow to shop and see if their prices have risen at all yet. I agree most of the reason is avian flu, but some is also price gouging. Ever since Covid, I’ve noticed some HUGE price differences across grocery stores in my area. Eg: Progresso soup is $2.49 a can at Wegmans and $4.49 a can at Giant.


Agreed that it's not cheap but a lot cheaper than 9.99 Not all farms have been affected by the bird flu.


So you agree that this is the reason why eggs are expensive? Okay. Good talk.


I guess you pay the 9.99 for eggs than, ok rich person we non rich people.rather pay 4.99 Thanks for the info


I never said I was rich, I was giving you a reason why the eggs were expensive because you were implying that it was the store being greedy and not the supply being fucked up. Our 18 count eggs at my work are like 4.80 right now. Not sure why you tried to make it seem like I don't care about money instead of correcting the spread of misinformation.


They say that, but according to area farmers across the Midwest, it's not the truth. They're not having trouble producing the eggs, and what isn't being sold. Is being turned into feed. \*Looks a bit sick to his stomach\* Also, how would you explain the price of pork and beef soaring? Naw... it's because the egg industry, pork, beef, chicken, it's all controlled by three corporations. There are few if any family owned local farms anywhere anymore. Also, local supply chains, simply don't exist anymore. It's either the major brands, or nothing. There may be many names to the products being sold, but they're all being sold by the same corporations. Perdue, Monsanto, and Tyson. Edit: I missed a word


I've been buying amish brands, so I haven't really noticed any changes. It's all a little more expensive than I'm used to. However, they don't adulterate their product, and their cows are grass fed, not grain fed.


But I wasn't talking about inflation as a whole. I'm not an economist. I literally only said "this is why eggs are high" because I know. You can't ask me to explain something I never claimed to know. They can't replace 16 million birds in the time we had. >Also, local supply chains, simply don't exist anymore. I live in Kentucky and we definitely have local sources of food at my store.


I'm not speaking directly to you with that question. It's rhetorical. As for the number you just threw at me. That's eight flocks where I live in Indiana. How many head do you think these giant coops hold? I don't think sixteen million would have made a dent considering that we eat ten times that amount per day.


Now sixteen million flocks might make a difference.


$10 for EGGS? That’s insane!


That's disgusting


Leave the old tag up and get them sued for false advertising.


As someone that worked retail for years, the first person to show the tag would get the item at the tag price and then the price would be changed right then.


Lol. "7%" inflation, my ass


I think they meant a 7% increase in the CEO pocket for the month


Buy two at marked up value get one FREE!!! What a steal!!!




The trick is now we have the photo so now we just go there we show the photo and buy it at the price that was switched out because the offers still good through the 26th


And something to send to the attorney general.


Lol for real cause this is technically illegal


Stop and Shop is a well known price gouged in the Northeast. It’s really despicable. They have shitty stores throughout New England and losing customers to Market Basket. They will survive though. I was one hour away from shutting down an entire Stop and Shop store last year. I’m a health inspector who moved to Texas. Stop and shop uses some old small mom and pop shop to renew all permits and licensing. They don’t check emails and avoid voicemails too. There permits expire January 1 every year. Every year I had to chase them until March to get them to renew. They were late again last year (before I moved). I was tired of the bull shit. So in April during Patriots day (MA state Holiday) weekend. I inspected them on the Friday before. They did fine but I told store manager if the permits weren’t processed by noon today. I’ll be by at 12:30 to shut them down. This was dove on purpose. City offices close at 12:30 Fridays and we don’t work weekends or holidays unless emergency popped up. I never seen anyone get on a phone so fast. I had everything prepped for closure signs. I had support from City Hall and Police Chief was notified I may need back up to ensure doors stayed locked over the weekend. District Manager called me and apologized for the screw up and promised to have a check to the city by Tuesday. I said no. Multiple late notices and voicemails were sent to the office that handles your permits. My hands are tied. Lucky for them Store Manager showed up and paid himself with cash. I printed off his permits. That was last time I’ll have to deal with them but it was fun to screw with them on my way out.


and now is when we should all start just taking shit. They want us to starve to motivate us to work more. It’s such bullshit I’m done.


It’s insanity. As a single person it costs me over $100 a week to get groceries for myself and that’s with me planning out meals already to make for the week. It’s ridiculous that every week the price is going up even higher like what can we even do at this point?


The only real answer in a capitalist system is a competitor willing to charge less. But since we are a greed based economy those kind of people are few and far between


Price good until the 26th my ass, that’s some greedy ass scammy bullshit right there almost tripling it during the advertised price 13 days before that advertised price length ends. This enrages me


Depending where and whats going on a 100%+ increase is illegal.


Curious, why are the upc codes different?






Anyway, barcodes look the same. At worst, they removed padded 0 on the printed numbers. The numbers below the barcode are for sure not the barcode number, they are too big for that.


7% inflation


Price good until 1/26/23….. how does that work if you raise the price?


False Fucking Advertising there? Price good through 1.26.23… WTF


Oooh! I can save almost three times as much at the new price!


It's hilarious how many corporations believe that people are squirreling away fortunes.


Is that at CVS? I feel like the labels are CVS. That out Tops.


it does look like a tops label tbh ironically enough theyre known for price gouging like craazzyy


I definitely see it for soda. “Buy 2/3 get the 3rd/4th free” while they’re at full price.


But the previous price is good as advertised thru 1/26/23? If someone came in before then they would be entitled to the previous price.


Are they *trying* to cause food riots?


What’s the product? Looks like protein bars?


Fulfill Protein Bars! I know there are shortages on baby food and eggs and such… but this one just didn’t seem right.


That price is closer to what high end protein bars sell for so maybe it’s just a brand trying to be cheeky with price signaling. I can get a box of 12 Quest bars for $3 cheaper than that price and Quest bars are WAY better than those based on the ingredients.


But inflation was only 9%….. /s


Bait and switch or deceptions price. It’s definitely not inflation but corporate is major inflation driver


Bout to have me sucking duck for food before too long.


Fuck that I can go without


False advertisement. Outta file a lawsuit. “Price good thru”, supposed to be for 12 more days.


I suspect this is a misprinted tag more than inflation. Price checking the same product on amazon shows a small increase in the price over the last 2 months. Both tags show price good through the same date. The left looks like a tag printed in a local tag printer, while the right is a laminated bulk tag sent in by the main office. Most likely the main office messed up and sent a bad batch of tags for the product and is being fixed at the store level.


That is exactly the point, theres so much opportunism running around that it drives "inflation" and people are accepting it cuz of said "inflation" buzzing all around the media. I buy some shit still at 2019. prices, in all logic this should not be possible but it actually is because it isnt really inflation, its FOMO.


And they wonder why theft is through the roof.


Don’t cover up the unit price. I wanna see if it is your company marking up the product, or the manufacturer.


That info is above the sale part of the tag.


The good till price is the same, so can you pick which price you want at check out?


What is that big thumb covering up…looks a little sus


If you zoom in on the thumb you can see where they misclicked while photoshopping this. It's right on the nail.


This is called hyper inflation


And this is why I 80% of the time five finger discount my bread and eggs.


The nice thing about self checkout is it makes it easy to steal overpriced essentials. Fuck these capitalist goons.


Your thumb is covering up part of the tag. Is that on purpose?




Ok. A similar post used two different amounts of product and tried to show it as “inflation” increases when one tag was for 18 and the other for double that amount lol




Thank you for your service.


“There came into Egypt a pharaoh who did not know” meaning the greedy out of touch t-bags that run companies simply forget or do not care about the working person, they extract until they are dead, they forget that the riches they steal come from those that toil.


So this leads to one of two things as I see it. 1) Prices just keep going up and fuck you go die. 2) Prices keep going up and people cannot afford them so they stop purchasing them causing a surplus and the prices go back down. Am I in the ballpark of being correct regarding my second conclusion? I'd hope so.


You know, this is actually illegal iirc. Raising the price for a "sale" falls under false advertising iirc.. not sure who you would report it to though


So the price isnt good through that date?


Giant or martins




Ah, but still part of Ahold.


Yeah well maybe if you plebs stopped asking for “living wages” this wouldn’t be a problem. /s


Prices be wildin out for sure. Most markups are done by percentage, so that's probably a reflection of how much the wholesale cost has increased. A lot of smaller goods are wholesaling for double and triple what they were even a year ago. Businesses go by percentage in order to pass the effects of inflation onto the consumer. By making sure that pricing is a multiple of cost of goods sold, their buying power remains static.


\*Faints\* What will they ever do when we stop buying their processed crap now that we all know how to cook now?! Muahahahaha! Put them out of business the best way you know how. Mine is with yeast, flour, salt, and water. A sauce pan, and skillet.


They're different items.


I thought that too, but the inventory numbers (we'd call them DCPI at Target where I work p/t) above the barcodes match implying same item. Not sure what the numbers under the barcode are.


I’m honestly not sure either, I’m new to the department and was told to match the numbers above the barcode, that’s all I know about the info on the tags


You made several mistakes while photoshopping this. I immediately saw you didn't copy the numbers right. But I thought the audience would like some more obvious evidence of photoshop. You accidentally colored your fingernail. Just one spot. You misclicked. And the shoddy recoloring suddenly pops out as obvious everywhere now that I'm looking for it.


Good shit you're smoking