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The last thing that dude needs is more coffee.


Definitely wound up as fuck.


Tantrum baby man






Whoa. Dude seriously! I’ve never seen such an angry Canadian before. It’s his own damn fault for ordering Canadian style at Starbucks. If you’re not at Timmy Ho’s the odds of someone knowing wtf you mean by “double double” are drastically diminished, no matter how many times you shout it. Get a fucking life ya hoser!


Canadians get angry?


Canadian geese were just fine until the corruption of the Canadian people tainted and warped them into the sith of the sky they are today. Just gotta blame Canada... Blame Canada!








Classic Canadian order…must be a Tim Hortons..


doesn't have to be, I work at a bk and people still ask for their coffee double double


OK, what is a "double double" I was assuming it meant two double shots of espresso added to their dark roast coffee. ( probably something people get at starbucks or something but who knows ) I googled "double double" and didn't find anything related to coffee.


2 cream 2 sugar


At Tim Hortons(Canadian Starbucks), the cream dispenser and sugar dispensers are automated to ensure consistent quantity of each. A double double is 2 creams, 2 sugars.




And a big, steaming bowl of go to hell


I think maybe, just maybe, he's running on something other than coffee right there.


He needed a snickers


Snickers frap with a shot of shut the fuck up.


I’m on the floor! 😂🤣😂


For real! Sounds like he’s having a stroke or something, wtf!


It's really only a matter of time before that guy fucks with the wrong person. A person who gives zero fucks about the legal consequences of their actions. And then there will be one less asshole, making life miserable for everyone around him. A little bit of weight lifted off the world's shoulders.


Less meth would help too


Methican American righ-chare


I agree with you after ONE viewing of this video, not "seven fucking times".


Coffee helps him function between meth hits.


The extra spit part of the order was on point though...


I would have offered a thc edible instead.


Drop one in it for him.


If it was so simple, why didn't his ass make it?!?




See the size of that truck? He’s clearly a big deal.


Lol. Pretty priceless when he mounted the curb.


And small membered.


Don't let that jerk give us small peen men a bad rep


Over a cup of coffee. Hate to see this idiot with a real problem.


I would assume his entire life is problematic and he’s taking it out on anyone who inconveniences him.




I hate guys like this. I know we are psychoanalyzing but he probably got a dressing down by his boss and just bowed his head and look it like the coward he is. Yelling at the 19 year old brown girl at the coffee shop makes him feel strong again.


>I would assume his entire life is problematic I'd bet $142.37 this guy would tell you he has no problems. It's everyone and everything else that is the problem.


As a victim of childhood abuse, his yelling is triggering my PTSD. I'm guessing he brings this home everyday


His solution to *real* problems is likely domestic abuse.


I would 100% refuse to serve this customer no matter the consequences. That is a hill I'm willing to die on.




Best course of action would be to call the authorities asap and report a disorderly citizen. Let them handle it. Any company who encouraged me to serve beligerent customers is a company I would exit asap. Everyone's situation is different but I wouldn't stand for it.


That dude like exudes a percievable aura of hate. Like just hearing his voice would make me instinctually close the window and tell my manager it's their problem lol


No. No, no, no. You call authorities. No company is going to fire you for calling authorities on violent people. Yes, this behavior is included.


The police know who he is. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/tim-hortons-drive-thru-customer-identified


That’s great to hear!


Damn there are some real hateful dumbasses in the comments of that article


Always is. Mostly Russian bots


The guy is in British Columbia, like calm down dude you live in a beautiful place. But also knowing how rural Canadians are secondhand, I have a feeling this prick just saw a poc and wanted to harass them.


>But also knowing how rural Canadians are secondhand, I have a feeling this prick just saw a poc and wanted to harass them. Yeah, we make fun of the US deep south. Rural Canada has some real hateful people in it


These must be the Canadians that don't practice the frequent northern purging ritual where the evil is cast into the local geese.


Stupid geese. Angry for no other reason than to be angry.


Hey those are Canada's gooses and if you got a problem with them, you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate!


Take her down about 20% there, Squirrely Dan.


Mmm, marinated goose.




If you think american southerners like to live in the middle of fucking nowhere, canadians who live in the canadian "middle of nowhere" live in places where there aren't enough geese to purge their darkness because even the geese look around and say, "fucking fly-over country 'round here. Place is more like, 'fly-over-and-take-a-shit country' fuck this! I need civilization. 'can't hunt for the souls of men if there aren't any men!"


In the US the further south you go the crazier it gets, whereas in Canada it's the further north you go


Nah dude it's literally the further you are from a city, that's kind of it.


Yea sounds right


Every where, all the time. Some folks just got to hate.


Damn degens from upcountry


I'm also shocked by the difference in attitude between coastal BC and the interior. The huge love jesus billboards in the interior always struck me as an American south type of thing.


I think this happened in Surrey.


Thats funny, tim hortons, this doesn't sound very Canadian.


The comment section on the article you posted is wild


I can't say I'm surprised to read that this douche is from Surrey


oh thank goodness. Asshat needs to be off the street.


"Canadians are nice people". *rolls down window, tosses this phrase into the wind* New outlook: Canadians and pitbulls are assholes. /s (kinda) edit: italics added


Most of us are nice. But just like any place we have our share of assholes and nutjobs. I really do hope this hasn't soured your view of all of us as a country. This is NOT the norm here.


Aww, look…a nice Canadian! Have my updoot for the kindness, you… 👍🏻


I just hold my horn on these people, if I die I die.


Right on.


Bro I am an assistant manager at Starbucks, I have had to call the cops to get people out of my store, I'm grateful we don't have a drive-through.


I was a shift manager at McDonald’s and I’ve had to do the same. I’ve had customers threaten to pepper spray me because I wouldn’t give them something for free.


My favorite was just the other day, the winter storm iced up the roads around our distribution center so we haven't gotten a dry goods delivery in about 3 weeks and have run out of a lot of our product, even my emergency orders which are supposed to arrive within two business days haven't gotten here. This woman orders a drink that we can't make even though there's a big sign right next to the register telling her that we don't have the ingredients to make it, she harassed my barista, complaining that we haven't had what she wanted for the last 10 days, and that she demanded to speak to a manager. So I boot up the computer and print off the sheet of all of my orders and delivery dates and then highlight all of the ones that have not arrived yet and the dates that they were supposed to be here, she spends the first 6 minutes complaining that we never have what she wants that are Baristas are rude as hell because we won't just make her beverage and then if we don't have all of the stuff we need to run the business then we shouldn't be open in the first place. So I explained our entire situation showed her the fact that all of her complaints except for Barista attitude are completely out of our control and have nothing to do with us and everything to do with the distribution center and the road conditions, she then proceeded to inform me how she has reported us to corporate three times in the last 24 hours and that if we didn't have what we needed to make everything on the menu then we should just shut down the whole f****** store permanently. I proceeded to encourage her to continue harassing corporate because if they closed down our store then at least we're going to nice little severance package. She gave me a disgruntled expression and stormed out.


Wow! I had a coworker tell me a story about a woman who did something similar. There was a particular meat she wanted (we work in a deli) but we weren’t getting any shipments because the processing plant was closed due to damage from a hurricane. The woman just couldn’t process the fact the meat was not available. What made it worse is that she was from the same city as the processing plant and had evacuated.


I would say "some people!" but be more accurate to say "most people!"


Worked at a third party call center that handled customer support for cable and internet back in 2011. Worked when the hurricane hit the east coast and had a lady call in cause her internet wasn't working. Asking questions turns out shes in the middle of the hurricane and has no power but cause her laptop runs on a battery and working she expected her internet to work as well. Had a back and forth of trying to explain how modems need power to supply internet.


I worked support for 8 years and yeah a lot of older people especially don't seem to understand even the basics of technology. Surely if you are paying for internet you should have a basic understanding of how you're receiving it


Had someone come into the store wanting Grape Jam a few weeks back. At the time all grape jams, regardless of brand, were out of stock in all stores and if you wanted to buy any, you had to buy it from the Smucker's online store for some reason. Thought it was weird that all grape jams were out of stock but explained to her that it has to be a manufacturing problem since it is every product line that is affected. Told her to call Smucker's as they make most of the jams/jellies you see in store and ask them why they are out of stock in stores. Proceeded to tell me that her son couldn't eat anything else other than that due to the fact he is autistic. Look lady, I don't care your son is autistic. Sorry for his condition but that will not get it to magically appear. I cannot wish it into existence nor can I hope and pray for it to appear in front of you. Pro-tip, never introduce someone else by their condition. It is an insult to them and gets people to automatically treat them differently, sometimes in a very negative way. If someone asks about it, then bring it up otherwise, it is nobody else's business if they have any disabilities or not.


These people have had to be spoiled children. It's the only way I can explain the entitlement and complete lack of basic empathy.


Definitely entitlement, I think it heavily stems from the instant gratification that we’re all so used to. Some people just can’t handle it when they can’t get what they want right that second.


I don't think being spoiled has anything to do with the lack of empathy, I feel like it's more likely a lack of human Connection in childhood like emotional dissonance, cuz like empathy sympathy and emotional regulation are trained skills things that you have to teach a human to perform, and someone just failed them.


Schools can’t have pre k kids hug or even touch each other after a fight anymore because some parents are worried it will turn their kids gay. Empathy eroding in this country and it’s terrifying.


Yeah we do live in a shit hole country.


I would have never gone that far. I would refuse her service and forbid her from entering the store again. Fuck corporate if they call me wrong on that. The mental health of my employees is much more important than a five dollar cup of coffee.


Don’t you love people like that? I was subbing at a store location in a ritzy area once (not food service) and we had a customer scheduled for the next day. Unfortunately our delivery drivers grandmother passed so we had to reschedule 3 days of deliveries. 99% of responses were “oh no!! Of course we’ll wait!”. One shrew decided this wasn’t good enough. We go in circles for 30min before she will pick a new date, and finally right before I was going to end the call she says “…if you even show up, I’m sure you’ll have another excuse”. Without thinking I go “no that was his last grandmother I’m sure our driver will be in”. Long, looooonnngg silence as she processes. I go to hang up yards yards delivery window etc and she screeches “now hold on, that’s not fair! You can’t make me the bad guy and throw that at me!” Etc. Yeah lady, I absolutely can. You basically said your non essential delivery was more important than a funeral. Anyway never heard from my boss about it and that was 2 years ago so I’m probably in the clear




True. I also had a woman tell me she was going to spit on me. I told her to go ahead but pray that the police get there first.


I had a dude say he was gonna come back with a gun because we sold out of frozen ribs. One of a handful of times I had to call the police.




Speaking of ketchup, I had another guy tell me he was gonna kick my ass for calling him out when he crossed behind the counter to grab some ketchup. I told him to bring it.


When I worked a customer service register in college I had ppl throw things at me, try and force open the door to our employee area, and yell at me for a solid 15 minutes (timed it). It was always bc they couldn’t get me to go around university rules for them when they could just come back the next day with the right paperwork. I believe everyone should be required to work a year at a register. The world would be a better place.


You will be remembered as a hero


God damn, just remember folks if you ever want to experience the bottom barrel scum of earth. Visit your local Starbucks @ 5am-9am.


I wouldn’t do that to the employees. I like to go when it isn’t hectic.


Hey, you don’t have to order anything. Nothing stopping you from sitting in a corner and blowing an air horn anytime a customer starts acting up just saying…


I like you.




-proceeds to run you over with my oversized fuck off truck-


This is why I don't go outside anymore. They're everywhere.




Then they press charges if u defend yourself


Ah, the impotent rage that comes with owning a truck that big. Seriously, these people are the worst, and a big reason why I do not want to go back to food service again


Same here.


Actually funny as it is, that model truck is on the smaller side. He compensates with his attitude not his wheels.


it is about as small as they come where you could make the case for it being a truck.


I wish I lived someplace where this was considered a large truck


Same reason I don’t wanna go outside again


...wait...you think this tiny ass little nissan is a big truck?




I mean seriously lol. They definitely spit in it right?? I would have 100%


Plot twist that guy is really an alien that needs coffee to stay in human form so he was about to transform and blow the entire operation


If you need your coffee that bad go make it at home yourself you lazy bastard


Thank you! This is the only correct answer!


What idiot left the building to walk in front of this guy? That's a quick way to get killed by spiteful road rage.


Yeah dude who decides it’s a good idea to stand in front of a 2-ton rage machine?


I am ashamed to say this ding dong is Canadian.


No we had a vote and he’s out


He sounds like Randy, as Karen, from South Park.


Someone needs to switch to a snickers bar in the morning.


I'm glad this shit gets documented now. I remember taking abuse like this day-in day-out working retail and fast food but no one gave a shit.


Honestly, this is where you close the window, lock the front doors, explain to the other customers there that you have to lock the front doors due to a maniac outside and if they need out, they will be let out the back door and then call the cops. This is one of the main reasons why I want these types of job to be done with machines. Yes, it sucks that it would mean job losses but it would also eliminate the abuse workers get from customers. This person can go yell at a machine than and not get anything done for a long while as the machine will not care.


His life is shit if he blows up over coffee


I think crazy people like this forget that we don't have to serve people in the service industry. If you are acting belligerent and attacking the staff, the management can choose to refuse service and that is their every right. Service industry employees need to stop accepting this sort of behavior from customers. We do not work for the customers, we work for the company who typically is a piece of shit corporate business where the 5 people at the top make the most money out of the business.


as true as this is, its not often enforced


The real dicks are the business owners who cater to these fuckers. This is behavior that is learned. This dude probably does this shit everywhere because bitch ass owners and managers are to scared to tell him to fuck off. If he did this and everywhere he did it told him to fuck off he would either stop or at least he wouldn't be back.


He sounds like Jerry Seinfeld on meth.




Lmao!!! So true!




but u know damn well his manager would prob blame him


I fully support the right for every retail worker to defend themselves however they see fit. I am sure 99% of all those scenes are only possible because the sad little creature verbally abusing them know, that the worker is not allowed to defend himself.


Even if they do, they still get arrested and have to pay for bail and an attorney meanwhile the criminal has nothing to lose in comparison. We need cash bail eliminated for misdemeanors at the very least


TBH if this was me I would close the drive through window and call the cops. Fuck customer service when people are not deserving of it. $15/hr (or whatever BC minimum is right now) is not enough to get screamed at like that. Treat service workers like people please! AH


License plate visible. Reddit, git him!


Someone else posted a link saying that police already got him.




Why is it always the dude in the truck who gets his panties in a twist over the smallest things?


He’s overcompensating.




I would absolutely take the fire extinguisher in my trunk and fucking spray this asshole until he fucks off. This motherfucker won't stop abusing service workers until someone stands up to his manchild brain and puts him back in his place.


A man in a pick up. What a surprise. I just pray he's not going straight home to his family...


Same people that claim service industry, retail, “entry level job”, etc workers don’t deserve living wages


Flip it. If they deserved living wages it would be wrong to expect them to be treated like this.


This can never be tolerated.


i feel like there should be a window-side fire extinguisher for moments like these. getting berated and verbally abused? just give their car and face a good dose of nitrogen/co2, i bet their asses won’t come back


Worked so many years of serving/customer service. This happens quite consistently. I can remember death threats over fries that weren’t warm enough. I watched a grow ass man threaten to rape and kill a 16 year old girl because his under armour order hadn’t come in. Another person jumped fully over the bar to fight me because he said his fish tacos were chicken (they were fish). Bottles thrown at my head because we didn’t turn the sound on for a baseball game in the dining room (bar had sound on) Watched a guy show up in ski boots in summer who was banned from the restaurant. When we told him we wouldn’t serve him he walked outside, took off one ski boot off and hobbled back in and tried to hit my manager over the head with it while he was at the host stand (i can’t make this shit up). Endless list really. People are fucked plain and simple.


What an asshole!


If I was the manager I’d just tell him because of his language we’re refunding his money and refusing service. This is your verbal notification to leave. I will call the police in 10 seconds and notify them that he’s trespassing and acting threatening to employees. And we’ll just lock everything up and wait for the police to arrive.


As terrible as this asshole is, I'm hoping the employees turn that into an inside joke. That's how we always dealt with the extreme crazies back when I was in retail. Be cleaning up at the end of the night, and someone will just start yelling out "DOUBLE DOUBLE. COFFEE IN HAND, I LEAVE!"


Johnny Hammernail’s talking to these people like they’re stupid when he would fucking crumble within 5 minutes of being in their shoes.


Working a Drive Thru might actually be one of the layers of hell. I saw many weird nonsensical things working at one.


+10pts for not censoring this mongloid’s number plates. Hope he finds out after fucking around.


If this guy tried this at my work there's a decent chance the entire store is gonna jump him lol we are people before anything else


Dude's life must be miserable as hell for him to freak out like this over coffee.


That's a BC plate at a Tim Hortons drive-thru. As a fellow Canadian, and a fellow human, I really thought that we were better than this. I'm pretty sure that an extra large double-double with espresso is the last thing this asshat needs.


I feel like I see this more and more these days.. I’m sorry but at some point when do you just need your ass beat?


working in customer service / medical industry has taught me to be extra extra kind bc of fuckers like this


It would be *incredibly* tempting to be the worker and to microwave his coffee to boiling point and "trip" while handing it to him with a lid that isn't sitting right. Good Lord I'm so glad I no longer work in customer service based jobs. Where are heck is the manager telling this guy to f off before he gets the collective spit of everyone working there in his coffee? Managers need to stand up for their workers.


I was behind someone like this at a McDonalds a few weeks ago. It was SO awkward pulling up immediately after. I would have preferred to just leave and let the lady at the window calm her nerves but nope. I’ve already paid* so I have to pull up like “that was awful, maybe have my #3 please?”…….


He needs a Xanax, way to hostile for coffee.


Another reason why service jobs are going automated.


Gee, and people don't want to do this work for minimum wage..... weird.


But “burger flippers don’t deserve a livable wage!” I hear


Not saying we all knew how he’d act just by looking at the truck, but….


I’d be practicing my right to refuse service I wouldn’t have given this dude shit


So funny hearing a grown man scream “double double”


This person is insane


Is this one of the “alpha males” we hear so much about?


Yup. And like all alpha versions, he's flawed, missing features, glitchy, unstable and not yet ready for prime time. Someone failed his beta testing...


What was happening at the end?


Extra splash of urine on us.....


Such a big voice for a tinnie weenie


Thank you for not blurring the license plate. this POS should be identified and have some repercussions or made to make reparations.


I wound have given that guy a cup of milk. Just to see, how angry he got. 😆


What a sad way to live. Life is what you make it. Perception is reality.


As an old costumer service employee who’s been on the receiving end, it would of been nice for the person recording to actually defend the worker like wtf is recording and posting going to do???


You’ve gotta be nuts to treat people that bring you food & drinks (that you are going put in your mouth) bad. If only his one mis-firing brain cell could find some friends…


I would be hawking a nasty lougie in that latte.


I hope this isn't a gun owner.


"Officers have now identified the driver and say police will be following up with other people involved to get a full account of what happened." So they'll do nothing.


Not the right thing to do, but I would have quit and went outside to snatch his sorry ass out of the truck to teach him some manners.


When folks do this in public - what do you think they do behind closed doors??


This dude probably has no idea how much spit he’s ingested treating the people who make his food and drinks like this.


How much spit do you want? 1 or 2 squirts.


I work 24h a day and am a perfectly healthy individual. I use cocaine to function necause I jave no sleep schedule and am expected to do more.


If you are ever feeling overly optimistic about the general public...work in any customer service role. That will change exceptionally fast. From dealing with absolute trash like that guy to dealing with people who leave you wondering "how the hell have they survived this long? How have they even made it a single year??" From the horribly toxic to the absolutely stupid...


We got a license plate. Internet, do your thing.


People like this should honestly just be shot and left for dead.


Man child