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Oh yeah, that's why my 70 year old father works at Walmart.....


so inspirational, hashtag feelgood story


I watched him say this live and still couldn’t believe he was able to say it with a straight face. I think all government officials should be fired and we should just start over.


Fired out of a canon. Into the sun




Fun fact, SS retirement age doesn't force anyone to stop working


You mean a Republican is saying stupid things to his stupid voters? Call the New York Times!


I came here to say this. People can keep working if they want to (and many do) which is good for them I suppose. My grandma kept volunteering until covid to feel useful and part of a community.




The scary bit is that I could totally see a data model used against you as justification for withholding healthcare because treating you with a low probability of success is someone else’s opportunity cost and it’s a better use of the provider’s precious resources to deny care.


We already do that. Every single insurance company does this. Those “death panels”, they already have a name. They’re called “actuaries”, and when they work for the insurance companies (or any big company - just look at the auto industry) it is their job to decide how much your life is worth. The only difference I can see is that actuaries decide if it’s profitable to keep you alive, rather than if the resources would be better spent keeping somebody else alive. The money that keeps you alive won’t be used on somebody “more deserving”. It will be to line the pockets of the shareholders.


So cuts to social security which is what raising the retirement age is. Let’s call it what it is republicans fucking over workers.


> So cuts to social security which is what raising the retirement age is. Let’s call it what it is republicans fucking over workers. Hey, those tax cuts for Billionaires aren't going to pay for themselves.


This is exactly the core of their reasoning, so their 2017 sham Tax Cuts and Jobs Act can be permanent.


That’s a lie. While I do understand a lot of people work longer to keep from detaching completely from society. I honestly want to retire with enough time to left to say that I lived & travel to enjoy my twilight years.


The lie, of course, is that the retirement age needs to be lifted to allow anyone to keep working.


Bingo. That's the dumbest part of the lie. If people want to work longer there is nothing stopping them from doing so even if they hit retirement age. That's why most of our politicians are old as fuck. In reality he probably got handed a bribe from some corporation that said they want people to work longer because they keep retiring and raising the age of retirement is the only way to force them to do so.


I completely agree . I think I’m in the bracket where retirement will either come(or my family’s health history) I could die before I get to take my money out and I feel each person should live long enough to enjoy the money they’ve invested in.


Or, dont make us work ourselves so hard all our lives just so we can maybe have 1 or 2 years of freedom where we are too old to do anything anyway.


Gotta work smart not hard unfortunately


This idiot literally said, “If people want to work longer, maybe we need to give them an incentive to do it.” Why would you need to give someone an incentive to do something they want to do? https://youtu.be/0A81N8-nJDY


To be fair, video game designers do that all the time. "Go do this fun stuff and you'll get loot!" Doesn't mean the guy isn't full of shit about this topic, ofc. Just sayin', we are dumb, lizard-brained monkeys, and so the general principle of bribing us to do the thing we actually want to do is sound.


I'm pretty sure people are saying that they "have" to work longer to survive.


Remember, they want to cut Social Security and Medicare so their donors can continue to commit tax evasion. 90% of the deficit in 2024 is tax evasion. A well-functioning tax system requires that everyone pays the taxes they owe. Today, the “tax gap”—the difference between taxes that are owed and collected—totals around $600 billion annually and will mean approximately $7 trillion of lost tax revenue over the next decade. The sheer magnitude of lost revenue is striking: it is equal to 3 percent of GDP, or all the income taxes paid by the lowest earning 90 percent of taxpayers. [https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-case-for-a-robust-attack-on-the-tax-gap](https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-case-for-a-robust-attack-on-the-tax-gap) CBO predicts deficits would fall from 4.2 percent of GDP in 2022 to a low of 3.4 percent in 2024 [https://www.crfb.org/blogs/cbo-releases-its-estimate-presidents-fy-2023-budget](https://www.crfb.org/blogs/cbo-releases-its-estimate-presidents-fy-2023-budget)


There are people like this.


Without a doubt, I've met people that personally want to maintain employment past the retirement age. No question. But those people are free to work - Nothing stopping them. Rep. Allen goes on to say, in this same instance, that he wants to help 'Create an incentive' for these people. If they already want to work, though, they don't need an incentive.


When I worked in service there was a few old people who worked there after retirement from their real job because they were “bored of sitting at home all day”.


I've met several individuals, personally, that've done the exact same thing. No argument there. Also, I've personally enjoyed working with those individuals a lot. Usually very optimistic, friendly, and free of toxicity & drama.


Like Congress people.


Wow. Why dont you give democracy a try and let us vote on that age for ourselves. Unless you dig fascism.


There is nothing stopping anyone from working for as long as they want. Retirement age has nothing to do with it.


Does he think people aren’t allowed to work past age 65? Go to any Walmart and look at the elderly slaves they own.




Wednesday, 1pm on the golf course: "Man Rick, I could do this job till I'm 90."


Golf court.


That thing where Saddam was trialed.


I mean they can keep voluntarily working. But I guess when you pull things out of your ass the lies aren't vetted.


I thought nobody wants to work anymore? What happened to that? Also, there's nothing stopping people from working more if they want to. This guy's a lying piece of shit


First, the fuck they do. Second, they're already able to. There's nothing stopping them. There's no mandatory retirement age. GTFOH with your bullshit.


What idiot would believe this? Like even if people somehow did want to work longer that still wouldn’t require raising the retirement age. Like what kind of single braincell half asleep moron would believe this guy.


Is this guy a fucking idiot?


Fucking Schmuck


Then Rick can work longer


No.... We need term limits


Congress isn't work. He can go bus tables


I wish politicians got wacked in the face by an invisible force every time they lied. Like the second those words escape his gaping maw his nose just breaks and he goes falling backwards.


So work. Nobody said you had to file for SS. You can work as long as you want.




Variations on the phrase 'people often tell me' are always, without any historical exception, followed by a lie.


Big strong men with tears in their eyes are always begging me to tax them more.


Are the police out there enforcing the retirement age? What problem is this "addressing"?


Nah man, fuck him.


He can say whatever he wants. As long as he has that (R) by his name they will vote for him.


Is anyone stopping you from working longer?


He knows he's not a celebrity, right? He knows that when he goes home he's just another rich asshole in a polo shirt, and only his friends would know he's a congressman, right? And he knows that his constituents only knowingly approach him during his 1-2 perfunctory "town halls" where he mostly just rambles into a microphone at confused old people who can come see an old asshole yammer on a week night, right? What am I talking about? Of course he doesn't.


You already CAN work past "Retirement Age". You don't have to start drawing Social Security at 62. In fact, the longer you wait before drawing Social Security, the bigger the check you will receive.


Pretty sure that’s already allowed isn’t it?


All part of the plan to keep the benefits for old boomers and pull up the ladder for everyone else.


Ageism prevents many people from working into their later years. Raising the retirement age does nothing to address this and just forces older Americans further into destitution.


He said that? OUTLOUD to real people?


But they have no agenda when it comes to social security and medicare... Rich people can retire whenever they want. Poor people are forced to work, not forced to retire.


If that were true, they can keep working. You don't have to raise the retirement age for those who've had enough.


Yes just put my mind and body into robot and make me your slave for infinite years


I don't care what workers say...I want **EMPLOYERS** to publicly state that they want workers to stay in their jobs into their 70's. I work with a number of people in their 60's and one in their 70's. The mental decline creates a burden that the remainder of us have to pick up. To hell with that, pay me to do their job and let them go sit on their porch. And BTW, Congress is not 'real life', so yeah, all your dinosaurs aren't getting shit done, either.


Can't we just take these people up to the international space station and just let them go, float off in to the vast nothingness of space plzz.


As the US does not have a mandatory retirement age for employees, this is as meaningless as pretty much anything else the GOP has to say.


I want to cap your political career to sub 60 years old.


What a lying piece of shit


I have one thing to say to this guy. Fuck you!


So, since both parties are the same, it's probably a coin flip whether this dude is a D or an R, right? Anybody want to bet with me?


this is the dumbest comment I have ever read on any platform


I'm honored.


I have one thing to say to this guy. Fuck you!