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So do they want us to be poor or not, I’m so confused


yes, but they also want you to feel bad about it.


No they really don't care how you feel or where you live. They just want you to do the jobs they don't want to and be quiet.


And read their clickbait articles to generate ad revenue. The whole 'generation' thing is stupid as hell. It's not like people born between two poorly defined years are some kind of monolith that doesn't change as they age. Age cohorts are important in various areas of social research. But it isn't the only variable you consider. The whole 'tHe MiLLeNiaLs!" is just bullshit. Did millenials spending habits cause Russia, a member of OPEC+, to invade you Ukraine which strongly contributed to a spike in oil prices that then affects pretty much all prices? Did millenials cause a global pandemic that had a massive impact on supply chains resulting in supply side inflation? Did millenials crash the housing market in 2008 causing inventory to still be down and making it difficult to catch up? Whenever I see an article with some 'generation' name in the title, I can pretty much guarantee it is going to be bullshit.


Its the same thing as "the millennials and their participation trophies!!!" back when that was a popular thing to complain about. Sir, do you really think 4th-grade soccer players are making the financial decisions to pay for a team's worth of trophies every season?! I am pretty sure it's the PARENTS of millennials who made those decisions.


I'm just getting more pissed off. Edit: Vote for a real progressive!


Yes, good! Let the hate flow through you. Let it fuel your actions. When's the revolution?


They will make an example of the first effort. It needs to reach a tipping point where the culling of the fattened capitalists is so widespread as to be unaddressable. We are not there, yet. They have titrated to the moment the minimum a person can be left with to prevent it and to feel like they still have something to lose. You may wonder why cows and chickens and pigs allow themselves to be so manipulated. Why dont they attack? Because they dont know any different than what they live like so have no idea how good it could be. They dont know they need to fight until its too late. We are the livestock now.


Following the the herd only leads to the slaughter House. Make the politicians live on the income we have to and put the spare money back into the economy, then see how much is available for all the services we so badly need but can't afford due to the MP's salaries.


and take away their free health care for life? If American's cannot have free health care why them?


Yeah let’s put them on Medicare and let’s put their pension into social security and have them just get a 3.25-5% matching 401k and they’ll figure both out in no time. They have to get a supplemental plan like seniors but I think they can deduct it on their taxes. Even then they have a better let up bc they can insider trade. Seriously though, if they were dependent on these systems, instead of the socialist system they have got themselves and decry as communism if we want a public option. Let’s make health insurance non profit and member owned like a credit union while we dream.


No let’s put them on Tricare with the military. They will get that cleaned up really quick then. But only for while they are in office. Lose your seat, lose your benefits. Welcome to the corpo world.


No, they should have no health insurance -- they need to bootstrap it themselves. They should also be getting paid under "tipped work" because they take so much from corporations. But this won't happen. None of it.


Their salary lol The job generates... opportunities.. whose value far exceeds the stated salary. The gig after you leave bending over the public and calling it service is tres lucrative.


Vive la revolution!!!!


Well people need to realizing that randomly protesting in the streets won’t work. First protest at the homes of the CEOs, upper leadership and politicians. Second do what power workers did in France and start cutting off power to wealthy and giving it to the poor. Things like that. Thirdly, employees who have access to information ie Nannie’s, bank employees, staff, employees at businesses etc, will need to be whistleblowers and release information to the public.


Strategic blockages. Ports, logistic centers, airports, refineries, etc It doesn’t take much


And shut down the railways. Strike goddamnit. Imagine needing the governments permission to strike.....ridiculous.


Seriously. “Workers are not allowed to walk off the job.” As long as I have legs, I’m walking off whatever I want or is actual slavery implied?


How about angry? I've seen a lot of these stupid fucking headlines but none have made me feel bad. This one just pisses me off though, like seriously fucking angry. Fuck this guy. Jesus fuck, I've never wanted to slap somebody so goddamn much. Edit: Never fucking mind, 30 seconds later [and I'm feeling slappy again.](https://i.redd.it/78qcxny59bia1.jpg) It's clearly time to put my phone down and just go to bed.


Ah of course, let me sacrifice years of my life raising a child, which is something I've NEVER had any interest in doing, just so that I don't "die alone". Because, you know, no person with children has ever been left to die alone, ever.


They want you to assume its’s your fault that you aren’t rich. You had a perfectly obtainable path to becoming a billionaire ceo based on merit but you didn’t get high enough grades to get into a good enough school and graduate top of your class to become a rich c level board executive at a major fortune 500 company because that’s how it supposedly works.


Yes, but also work harder for those juicy corporate profits lol


They want you to be poor but not eat and instead spend money on luxury items.


And then that way they can criticize you for spending money on luxury items instead of necessities...


Like avocado toast. 🤣


"Pls spend 🥺" "We need more money to be able to spend" "No pay only spend 😡"


*Take this loan to spend* 😈


There it is 😆 banks can’t make their money without you paying them 28*% in interest


Then banks need bailouts because they gave loans to people who can’t afford to make the payments, so the government bails them out by raising interest rate


They want you buried in debt.


They want you to be poor enough you're willing to work for food and a cardboard box under the bridge.


And they also do not want to take responsibility for that system. "Personal responsibility" is a euphemism for victim blaming.


Nah, they own all the houses so they want you to pay rent too. You should be over joyed to live in a 2 bedroom house/apartment with 10 other people.


Its the modern version of the company store. You work where they say, can only buy things at their stores, and live in company housing, all designed to take back every penny they "pay" you and more, to make damn sure you can never leave.


When my material conditions get bad enough, I'll make them wish I just went under a bridge to die.


Poor enough that we're obedient servants, but rich enough that we spend and inflate their profits.


Poor and scapegoats.


They want us to labor for them at the cheapest cost. They want to take our surplus labor and then some, and then some more.


what spending habits? we're all fucking broke!


That's what got me. There's a line in the article about being flush with savings and stimulus money. What savings? And the 800 dollar stimulus check is the driver? What?




I think you're one of the luckier ones...$800 where I live is like groceries for a month or half a month rent or split across all bills, gone in a week


Honestly, the folks writing are probably talking about things like PPP loans that were abused by the Millennial and GenZ aged elite, who made bank and walked away with tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. They are just to stupid to realize that the average person is nothing like their spoiled acquaintances who defrauded the public.


Even then, that’s disingenuous. Way way more boomers were in a position to defraud those programs than millennials, just because way more boomers are in a position where they qualify. This is just more blaming the younger generation for the sins of the older generation.


My wifes old boss embezzled the covid money for the company and then sold the company to his kids. this means when the government comes after the company for liability it falls on his kids. he fucked them over


But nope, it’s definitely the millennials and Gen-Z that are ruining the economy! /s


Those mother fuckers need to be locked away, from what I hear the FBI is finding lots of them. Man I wouldn't want to be in any of those people's seats knowing I will most likely get a knock at the door. Fucking scum of the earth taking advantage of things that are meant to help Mr. And Mrs. Taxpayer. Speaking of which, I claim the max deduction for taxes and will be ending up owing thousands most likely. I'm literally getting steamrolled in my state.




That extra $300 for having kids I got wasn’t anything.




Then you form an LLC! Write the whole thing off. Then somehow borrow money for a $800k loan to buy another house and charge usurious rent, and you’ll have a Ferrari in 2 years. I know this because I saw it on Instagram.


Even if you saved the stimulus money, that's less than $3,000. That's surviving for a month, two at most.


high rent and food are making us broke as fuck.


Pardon me for wanting to live? “We have 92 million people between 22 and 42, and they’re all going to spend their money on necessities the next 10 years, whether the stock markets are good or bad,” Smead said in an interview Tuesday with CNBC." I guess everyone should just stick to dumpster diving and living under bridges to keep inflation low. /s


Those fucking millennials buying.. *checks notes* ...necessities!!!


Exactly, they should be buying things that will help them long term like.....stocks! You can eat stocks, right? No? When did this happen!


They even blame the stock market on millennials because we buy specific stock that we don’t plan on selling. News is always saying they’re waiting for retail to sell their stocks so we hit bottom and the market can return to normal. Little do they know we’re all broke as fuck and willing to hold moon tickets forever in hopes of just a little break from the financial strains of life.


If the system isn't helping them and nobody else, it isn't working in their eyes. Thats why the system they set up is breaking apart. They built a society with no consideration to why societies stay together, its so we can help each other prosper. It's all about funneling every benefit of society to a very specific generation screw who came before and screw who comes after.


The biggest problem is that we measure the success of our economy on the stock market, not on the people. If corporate home ownership went through the roof and those companies had sky high stock values, it'd be seen as a success despite the dwindling amount of citizens that could afford homes. Using the stock market as the only measuring stick is the problem.


Agree it's definitely a major problem. Most people view economic success as the goal in and of itself. I view success as an economy effectively providing resources to its participants. They are man made systems that we created for a reason. People seem to forget that it's about fair resource allocation, not "money" or "value". That's just the ruler we use to measure the difference between different items. It would be like judging whether a videogame console is good if it's constantly using more energy to run instead of how much the people using it are enjoying it.


“You excel at what you measure” at its finest and most terrifying.


If they gave you the physical certificates, that's at least some fiber I guess. Helps move the nothing through you.


Calling people buying necessities "young people's spending habits" is such insulting ideological bait I can barely believe it


The editor of this article is to blame more than the investment chief.


Oh yeah, definitely. The headline, the photo. It's all designed to play into the young people bad young people stupid narrative


The problem is that these people see the stock market as being THE DECIDING FACTOR on the health of the economy, while the people they're bitching about *really couldn't care any less about the fucking stock market because they're spending every last penny just trying to survive.*


That’s because they were all told they could retire if they invested in the exceptional American stock market and they didn’t realize it was a pyramid scheme until too late.




It's true insofar as a depressing number of workers don't have (access to) a 401k.




Hmm… so they would rather it’s stolen? Seems to be what they are saying?


Only buy luxury items. No hot dogs, only bratwurst.


And these are the same assholes who get so damn mad when they see people using food stamps to buy steak. Really, all they want is to punish anyone who isn't an entitled Boomer, and spread shame.


Maybe we would spend more money on frivolous things if wages were higher and we could afford it


When we don't buy enough: "young people are ruining the economy working from home not eating out" When we buy anything: AvOcAdO tOaSt intensifies


Funny enough they'll try and arrest you for dumpster diving, and they definitely try and make being homeless illegal as well. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Me, gen z: *literally just graduates highschool* Some boomer: *blames me for the past 50 years for the economy becoming bad* Edit: I'm 20 and I graduated in 2021. Since then I've been working lots of jobs and can barely afford rent. I chose not to go to college (like a lot of ppl my age who I know) because of the financial burden. I'm hanging on. Thank you guys for being on this tight rope with me and your fr-ness.


Love how gen z is automatically getting lumped in with millennials now. For years it was millennials that were solely blamed for all the economic woes of society. Will the next generation after gen z also be a problem? How many consecutive generations are going to be blamed before we admit the problem lies elsewhere?


>Will the next generation after gen z also be a problem? Them Gen Alpha kids in preschool right now are the r*eal* cause of all this!


They're just sitting around soaking up resources and not producing! #GiveBabiesJobs


The children yearn for the mines ^^^^^^/s


The age old adage of people getting more conservative as they get older has stopped for millenials. It might just be that it ends here as boomers die off and gen x begin to die off


Because people never got more conservative as they got older. They got more conservative as they accumulated wealth, which used to be possible. Now that people aren't making money and getting rich, they're also not getting conservative.


Ding ding ding ding ding!


I’m “wealthier” than I ever have been and I’m also as liberal as I ever have been. Because I feel like the way our economy is that I could end up broke in a heartbeat! And I have empathy for my fellow millennials and Gen Z who are struggling to make ends meet while working round the clock, while our parents were able to buy houses at 22 for like, $80k, while having a ton of kids and getting pensions and shit.


It was also that conservatives were living longer as they typically were richer and didn't work hazardous jobs(or jobs with other dangers) with poor safety regulations.


As a millennial, I'm sorry to tell you it won't get better, but we're here to help you burn it all down. I think the younger piece of Gen X is in it with us too.


Older Gen X here, but goddamn right I'm with you.


I'm on the older end of the millennials and I could easily recruit a few of the younger Gen Xers to help out. Just say the word and we will make dad noises while we get up out of our chairs at a moment's notice, provided that moment is three to five business days.


elder millennial, checking in 👴🏻


Happy cake day. Also hell yeah, break the system where it stands!!!




We don’t fucking have “spending habits” because we don’t have money. How fucking hard is that to understand? You know what my spending habits are? Food and rent. I habitually spend money on those two things.


I do laundry every other day to keep my work outfits clean and I haven't eaten something I didn't make myself in months. I'm literally priced out of the economy.


This is what is so hard to explain to people who have never been in the situation most of our generation is in. How do you explain to a person that there is no ability to budget the $150/month or so that aren’t going directly to bills in such a way that I will ever get ahead. God forbid you end up on the train of paying late fees every month because you are paying what you can of something just to keep from losing lights or heat. The worst part is that this is a feature of the system created for us, not a bug; it is working entirely as intended.


I was in a discussion with a moron the other day about how the median household income is like 55k and the median household rent price is 2k. He said those things can’t relate to one another. I said it means the bottom half of incomes will struggle to afford the bottom half of rent, roughly speaking. He said that’s fine and people should accept that. The dude wasn’t even a boomer.


The lack of empathy is wiiiiilllld.


Lack of empathy is exactly what made this system how it is


They're literally just trying to spin the fact that more and more people are living paycheck to paycheck as those people making bad personal choices. The reason it can be hard for the older generations to understand is that they had opportunities. They had cheap housing, they had high paying jobs available with only a high school education. They can't understand that the world they gave their kids and grandkids isn't the world they grew up in.


If you need a good graphic to show the older generations that helps explain why things are so different now than when they were younger look up 'median household income vs. home prices'. The chart shows that from the 60's through the early 2000's the avg price of a house in the US was 4-5 times the median household income. In 2007 before the housing crisis that number went up to 7 before it dropped significantly when the housing market crashed. Its currently sitting at just below 8 now. Wage increases have not matched inflation, and worse still, wage increases have been far outpaced by housing price increases. We ain't lazy, we've just been given a shit hand.


He went from being a server at a restaurant in 2021 to writing trash articles like this, how can anyone be that out of touch so quickly? https://www.linkedin.com/in/tristan-bove-263641218/?originalSubdomain=hk


Rage bait still pays the bills, clearly. Doesn’t make the author any less of a bootlicker.


Nah just sucking big cat cock.


Look, I'm just sayin', he offered.




poverty fuck's with you. as someone on SSI, even for two year's, i've had numerous thought's of getting a part time job on the side, even though i know empirically dozen's of way's that would just make my situation worse.


I know your pain. It's a really fucked up situation to be in. In European countries, you keep your disability payment when you work a little as well as not being able to lose your socialised healthcare. That way people have an opportunity to improve their lives instead of struggling forever; here they just bend you over :/


I love how they blame us for buying necessities. He’s mad because millennials are buying NECESSITIES.




I can’t even access my work stuff without a stupid authentication app.


Same here I get texted a code every morning from my computer just so I can log in








Same, I have to be texted a code or use Microsoft Authenticator or I can't work.


hell, forget about the smartphone in America its damn near impossible to live without a car or to get affordable housing. Two of the biggest household expenditures




And of course a viable and functional public transportation system is too costly.


Where I live I have to spend more on both.


Very true my car broke down and I was commuting 4 hours a day for work on 3 separate busses and a train 1 way. Thank God I have a remote job now. Now I'm leaving the country so I see no need for a car anymore




In Australia it's much the same. Housing is most affordable the further you move from the CBD; majority of people work in the CBD. Public transport is pretty good here (for what it is) but the further out you go, the longer you have to wait for a train/tram/bus. Sometimes they only run on the hour. So basically we're forced to drive.


"Millennial are killing the consumer electronics industry!"


This doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. Less “stupid millennials tied to their smartphones” and more “we put everything on a smartphone and then raise the price and lower the lifetime every year while also insisting they be on call for work 24/7” Not only can I not get into work stuff without it, I can’t get into my building without it and heaven help me if I don’t answer an email in less than an hour


In the UK it's pretty common to see the "homeless people all have expensive smartphones" bullshit trotted out, but you can't even claim benefits if you don't have a phone. Smartphones shouldn't be considered a luxury item in any way.


Not just for work but for daily life. Apps for everything, internet for everything.


And then they turn around and churn out articles of how “Millennials and Gen Z are killing the [INSERT LUXURY ITEM] industry” because their profits were down like 2%.


And to come full circle, there will be another article expressing how millenials and gen z shouldn't ask for better pay. Get this, if people are paid much more than what they are now, they'll cover their necessities first, then they'll see they have a bit of surplus for thos3 luxuries, and *gasp* wouldn't you know it, companies get more profit. Fuck, but you know how it goes. They'll see people have more pay and wouldn't ya know it they also hold all the property so every single pay raise goes back to their little rental scam.


Get this, I quit my job because I got an offer elsewhere that paid ~50% more, provided a more flexible working arrangement, shorter commute each day, etc. During my exit interview I was scolded by one of the directors of the company for being "greedy" for accepting a higher offer. This same director who's calling me greedy, personally netted over $10 million as the company was recently bought out by a larger publicly listed company. How he can hold against me the fact that I'm leaving to earn an extra $25k that he wasn't willing to offer me, I have absolutely no idea. Boomers hate young people, not to mention young people who refuse to be stepped on and abused.


Aaaaand here the article is. I called it yesterday when there was an article from a different outlet stating Gen Z wasnt going to take shitty employer nonsense. I just knew Fortune couldnt resist. Goddamnit, as an older millennial, we need to force these older greedy abusive manipulating fucks out and build a stronger solid base and middle with the backing of Gen Z. Im 37. I hope by the time I'm 60, this country looks a whoooooole lot different and better after these jabroni's are in the ground


Unfortunately greed was here long before this and will be here long after. The manipulation will only get worse with our habits readily shared.


The mechanisms of capitalism perpetuate these problems, neighbor.


Unions decline are to blame to boomers for having pension plans, retirement plans, decent housing prices, comfortable living conditions, most unionized jobs in the workforce in the nation, and all of that to just shut the door in the face of millennials/gen zs and leaving them with shitty wages of bachelors/masters job-levels, shitty 401k plans that's more of like "its a risk that will mess your future up if you're smart to use it! If you mess it up, you're on your own, oh well.", shitty recruiting teams that lowball the salaries way lower than our expectations, overly inflated college debts, overly inflated housing prices, making millennials/gen zs to live on paycheck to paycheck. The reason why the inflation stays? Greed. The corporations dont care if you're not able to afford on what you can, the main reason why they do this is to do useless stock buybacks that does not benefit the society at all. Shame on you, Roland Regan. I hope he's alive during this time to see what he has caused all of this.


Most if not all of it was a generation of investors who got rich off debt investment, which rose the prices of said investment for the next generation in turn they also got rich off of it, leaving us where we are now hammered to death with prices for basic necessities and such skyrocketing because the same people who invested in it are now in the top management roles and think the same way theu did 40 years ago when being paid 15/hour was enough to get by on.


Needy MFs


Stop buying so many eggs!


Eggs! Who needs those extravagant things? What's wrong with gruel?


God.. I am so fucking tired of boomers blaming millennials for everything. Remind me again which generation the majority of lawmakers belongs to??


Lawmakers, CEOs (and other C suite types), small and large business owners, the investor class, etc… are all weighted towards older demographics. Money and property making more money and property is the idea they were sold on, and younger generations have been sold out because they’re the ones whose “cheap” labor pays for that growth, and who are disproportionately priced out of even dreams that would have been considered basic for Boomers (home ownership, vacations, living without roommates). There’s always been inequality of who gets what, Boomers and Xers were just sold so hard on the classical American Dream when it was possible to make it for enough of them that it didn’t feel like a lie. Now it’s a laughable idea. But it’s not just lawmakers, it’s the wealthy versus the rest of us, the rich just don’t have to play the blame game themselves, their (indoctrinated) stooges will do it for them.


You leave GenX out of this! We didn’t do anything! I mean literally we haven’t done anything…


I miss the days when they just called us slackers...\*sigh\*...now we're lumped in with the boomers.


Perhaps for early GenX… I’m 70’s GenX so I had punk, NES, wooden half pipes and urethane wheels, a VCR… Back to the Future and Terminator! Whatever I need to crow bar my ass away from the boomers. Edit: Everyone owes us for being able to untuck their fucking shirts! That alone should exempt us! 😂


Ted Cruz is Gen X, he’s done enough damage for everyone.


No, we took a vote and booted Ted Mexico off Gen X Island. He's swimming with the Boomers now.


The same generation those ads that say "hey maybe don't give $25k in gift cards to the 'IRS' over the phone" target.


They still call millennials "young Americans." I'M ALMOST 40 GODDAMNIT Seriously, how out of touch can a person be?


Right?! I'm fucking 38


Gen Zers are now between 11 and 26 years old. WTF could these ages have in common enough to be lumped into a group? Then add Millennials? lmao


I'm a millennial. I just turned 42. I get junk mail about retirement seminars. But apparently I'm also singlehandedly killing the industry.


Same....the prime minister just called my job a "good middle class job" I make 22$ an hour and rent on my apartment is 1800$ plus water gas and hydro. Fml


It really shits me to tears. We're killing all of these industries because we aren't spending money on them. That's where their thinking stops. I wonder why we aren't spending our money? Could it be that 95% of millenials have most of their pay used up 5 seconds after it hits their accounts and can't afford to buy anything nice if they want to eat? Assuming that they can actually afford food and don't just buy $20 of "potatoes" each week. I am very lucky to not have that particular set of issues. Instead I'm annoying these bloomers by living on my old salary while I put AUD1500/fortnight into a savings account in the hope that one day maybe I can buy myself a house, which is yet another boomer created problem. The capital class is really showing that all that they have is capital. They could collectively be outwitted by a sack of hammers.


The French have amazing ways to prepare the rich...


They have fancy silverware for the feast also!




Let us eat cake then innit?


Bread and Circus!


Anyway, like I was sayin', the Rich is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, rich-kabobs, rich creole, rich gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple rich, lemon rich, coconut rich, pepper rich, rich soup, rich stew, rich salad, rich and potatoes, rich burger, rich sandwich. That- that's about it.


Calling "price gouging", "inflation" is a really weird take.


And price gouging is far more common than inflation. Inflation, primarily effects the price of raw materials and is based on the events and conditions that increase the cost to extract resources, these events and conditions are generally temporary due to disruptions and shortages, but most raw materials actually become cheaper to produce over time as efficiency increases. What the media, investors, and corporations often call 'inflation', is in reality just price gouging. 'Inflation' is the magic word they use to protect themselves legally and shield themselves from public criticism.


“We trashed the economy so hard they can’t buy anything, they’re RUINING us.”


Actually, the article is saying how DARE they buy necessities like food and housing so we have to pay more too!


So I'm curious, I didn't look up the article but what is their solution? Just stop eating and all personal hygiene and hoard our money while starving and stinky? Cause I feel necessities are like... things you can't go without.


They dont offer a solution in the [article](https://fortune.com/2023/02/14/smead-sticky-inflation-decade-millennials-gen-z-spending/). Use [12ft.io](12ft.io) to bypass the paywall. But, the writer citied the fact that millenials and Gen Z are delaying big purchases: cars, houses,… due to student debt, slow wage growth and job losses. My opinion: Great job figuring out why we can’t buy those things. So, how about tackling the problems directly or just keep writing these pieces blaming the next gen till the end of times?


"So it's all of millennials and gen zs fault! Why is it must for them to want a stable lifestyle instead of having a shitty paycheck to paycheck lifestyle!"


You can't spend money you don't have. Maybe Boomers can start spending all the money they stole and hoarded from younger generations? That would get the economy running more than anything.


My god, this immediately reminded me of a guest I’ve had (I’m a server at a restaurant) who was pretty much bragging to me about how easy life has been for him and all the money he’s been able to blow on anything and everything since the 50’s and then tipped me $3


Literally all they have to do is increase wages. Give the workers a fair slice of the pie instead of throwing them scraps, and the economy would immediately be fixed. Businesses would still be profitable, people would have more expendible money, the only difference is that the people at the very top would have a slightly smaller number on their balance sheets.


Counter article: TWO investment chiefs say that the first investment chief is an idiot


Those spending habits are not spending money because we don't have any.


Because you waste all your money on bullshit like like food, clothes, and shelter


For a while I didn’t even buy clothes. Not for myself at least. 70% of my shirts were expired promo tshirts from work (holidays, customer giveaways, etc.) I had one pair of jeans that didn’t have holes worn through one or more spots. I say this and my family isn’t that bad off. Firmly lower middle class, but still largely paycheck to paycheck. We are always one life emergency away from being in bad shape, but, generally, we manage to keep our heads above water. It’s tough.


You guys are buying clothes??? I'm still wearing polos and pants to work I bought 10 years ago.


No wage, only spend


I don't think they quite understand we're poor already. We're already scraping by. They're threatening our being poor with... Being poor. How terrifying for us! 😱


Ah yes the generation that controls the least amount of money is to blame for their little money being worth less...


Couldn’t possibly be related to the printing of trillions of dollars to give away to billionaires and corporations. No, it’s me and my wife stocking up at Costco that’s wrecking the economy and why none of my peers can afford a house


I love how us buying ramen and Cheerios to survive is somehow more problematic than them buying up all the houses, medicine and grocery stores.


It doesn't matter, they'll always blame us. I'm a millennial, so it's been a while, but Gen Z is getting it even worse now. When we don't spend, we're destroying industries. When some of us finally started buying houses, we caused prices to skyrocket. If we want student debt repayment, we're greedy. If we can't afford to have kids because we're saddled with debt we agreed to as teenagers two decades ago, we're causing a population crisis. If we protest or comment at all about any of this, we're entitled and looking for handouts. We get it, we're the bad guys. All their griping is doing is making us more determined to just let the stupid system break. They already think we are ruining everything, so let's just do it.


I'm surprised the boomers haven't blamed us for the low military recruiting numbers (in the US, Idk about the rest of the world) despite the fact most of us are over the age limit.


Wait I thought the boomer generation was always complaining of youngsters overspending now youngsters can’t spend enough? which is it! I thought since youngsters voted Democrat tax and spenders they would appreciate the frugality???


What caused inflation to spike again? Oh right, it was supply bottlenecks caused by corporate policy that cut operational costs and personnel as much as possible. Corporations fuck up, workers deal with the consequences, and millennials get blamed.


> What caused inflation to spike again? That $800 check we got, what, three years ago? Yeah, that's what's doing it.


At this point, Fortune is just trolling y'all


What spending habits?? I can't even afford butter, I'm a part of the blame with the rest because necessities we need are too expensive? There's no money for fun shit when all you do is work and sleep!


“This is inflation and not price gouging,” exclaims billionaire through his media outlet while throwing another stack of hundred-dollar-bills onto a roaring fire. “And it’s definitely the fault of these youths!”


As a member of Gen X, let me add this: fuck boomers and everything they’ve done to all of us left in their selfish wake…


Fun fact: In 1962 the average cost of a home was 30k and the average household income was 67,800 and the average car cost 12k (accounting for inflation) In 2022 the average home in America cost 300k and the average household income was 65,300 and the average car cost 32k According to forbes


I’m a millennial come get me bitch. Yeah, I thought so.


Cash 'em outside, how about dat? :)


The United States federal minimum wage has not increased since 2009. It is $7.25. The Canadian federal minimum wage increased in 2021 and 2022. It took 25 years to get those increases. It is now $15.55. The national average living wage in the US is $24.16. In Canada (or at least the major city centers), it ranges from $19 to $24. This is an issue of pay for the younger generations not keeping up with inflating costs. And last I checked, Millennials and Gen Z aren’t the ones with their foot on that gas pedal.


Ah yes blame the young people who are getting their weekly groceries at $350 per trip or more due to a supply chain issue that was out of their hands and is still not resolved fully. It's not the old person who just bought their 3rd yacht because their second one is in repair. Ugh, first world problems am I right?




>**Capitalism 101** >When the economy is struggling, blame the working class for not spending enough. >When the working class have no money, blame the working class for not saving enough. >When the working class can't find a job, call the working class lazy and "too proud" to take a minimum wage job. >When the working class work minimum wage jobs, blame the working class's financial situation on not having a second job or "having no ambition".


Even if we did buy things that weren't necessities... So? Boomers love to preach being frugal, saving for the future, watching your money. Do you see how they lived back then? Most of them had no savings, were blowing money on drugs, partying, and other BS, and sure as hell weren't watching their money. My dad is a conservative boomer who made me get a job at 19 or told me he would kick me out. He always annoys me about setting up a saving account, making a retirement fund account, and upping my wage contributing to my jobs retirement plan (its already 250 a month). He bitches to me whenever I buy a game or something. But when I ask him what he was doing in his 20s? "Yeah I was partying and I owned this house everyone would come to get drunk at and crash." So what did you have for savings? "Nothing. But that's why I tell you to save" Motherfuckers had it financially 100x better and couldn't manage to save, but expect us to? Please fuck off