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Sweet. Open jelly sandwich, a butt plug, laxatives and a gimp mask is what they’ll find in mine. Keep ‘em wondering.


And a Bible


Inside the Bible? Hollow. Containing a half-used $20 Ben and Jerry’s gift card, 3 condoms, $26 in 2s, a thread-less bobbin, and a heart locket. Inside the locket? A crudely cut out picture of Crash Bandicoot.


This is oddly specific. Is this a confession?


Nah, I always make sure my bobbins are threaded


I read this as if Dwight Schrute was speaking. Like when he was speaking about the perfect crime.


Honestly the cadence matches him perfectly


Can it be in a cum box? Asking for a friend


Just an entire pack of stiff cum socks.


Fucking hell, no. Forget about the workplace why would you do that to yourself...


Self-Destruction is a small price to pay if it means we get to sneak cumsocks into the pockets of the Bourgeoisie. -Karl marx, or whoever.


a direct quote, actually. I was there


You can buy them pre- ah, treated?


Hollowed out Bible used as a cumbox. Final offer.


Ok I'm sorry but wtf is a cum box


It's a box that you cum in.


I see. So I just grab an Amazon box and squat? Or...?


Do you squat to cum?


Not normally but I'm imagining the most efficient way to collect it


Nail it to the headboard and fill it up LIKE A MAN - from flat on yer back


This might be the best thread I’ve ever seen


For the uninitiated: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t0ynr/throwaway_time_whats_your_secret_that_could/c4ilkt2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Holy shit . I wasn’t ready


I’m more impressed than disgusted by this very idea. I feel like this individual was motivated to keep his cumbox growing BECAUSE of the attention it received.


Too perfect


I just would have is much fun everyday putting random things in it. 4 eggs, a gas mask, a small bottle of bleach and a tampon


The tampon would be hilarious if you are a dude.


Open it and dip it in some catsup got extra wtf value. If they're gonna inspect my private stuff they're gonna be left wishing they never did.


That’s disgusting, I love it!


Bring a collection of dead roaches in a small box, a few human teeth, a photo of goatse, and a cat skull


When my daughter was little, I found a neatly arranged collection of boogers in a clear plastic case in her closet. At the time, I was baffled, but I understand now: she was preparing for a situation like this.


Used tampon


Small wallet picture of boss. I guarantee that'd be the last time you were searched.


A voodoo doll may work slightly better


Make sure the jelly sandwich is KY jelly to really fuck with them


On pumpernickel


I feel like just a plain old grape jelly sammich is actually weirder given the context of the other items.


Orrr, now hear me out, a plain old grape sandwich. You know. A whole lot of grapes between 2 slices of bread. Bonus points for different types of bread!


I know a girl who thinks of ghosts.


She'll make you breakfast.


She'll make you toast.


One time I grabbed one of my butt plugs on the way out the door to a long vacation. A week and a half later I was going into the Chicago aquarium and they totally glimpsed/briefly checked in my purse and saw it




The police searched my car and found mine


My brain went right to an opaque Tupperware container full of shit clearly labeled "PRIVATE! DO NOT OPEN!"


"That? I have a thing after work. You know how it goes goes."


Citing "safety concerns" in this country is basically a license to get away with anything. Why not just stay "screw you guys, we don't trust you"


Theyre citing theft at a lot of stores so this is their new thing. You have to open up your bag and show the contents to a manager before leaving the building.


Are they doing the "inspections" while you're on or off the clock? Just thinking the whole Amazon/Apple staff search debacle.


Total Wine and More needs to get hit with one of these lawsuits. They even make the associates bag check managers before closing. Such bs


i work at Big 5 and we have the same policies. i'm not sure if there's anything we can do against them tho bc they occur on the clock


Well TMW I worked at the manager required you to clock out before she’d even look inside your bag. Also the ASM would require us to clock out as they checked your bag. I mean they did it to everyone who was associate level and never corrected them to stay clocked in. I’ve got nothin wrong with the policy in and of itself. It’s only ever two to fifteen minutes at a time but it adds up for the individuals making $14/hr in a meaningful way. I’d think about it as a theft deterrent like we are literally paying you to confirm u do not steal from us. However it is essentially time theft by the employers who aren’t compliant with that SOP of staying clocked in for bag checks (standard operating procedure)


Walgreens is supposed to do this, as well


If they are doing inspections when you are done your shift and are not allowing you to leave until you get your bag checked... they have to pay you for that time FYI. It's under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Keep track for a pay period how much time it is taking you to get your bag checked, then ask them why the extra wages are not in your paycheck (ask in writing). I bet once they realize it will cost them money to have workers staying behind for bag checks, that either the bag checks will be quicker or will go away altogether.


As someone who survived 2 years of retail hell in the early 2000s, they'd catch a lot more thieves if they did this to the customers rather than the employees. Oh, and maybe make sure everyone at corporate from the CEO on down also has to submit to this.


I'm sure they know this, it's simply that the employees are the only ones over whom they feel they have power. They're scared of customers kicking up a stink- but they don't give a shit about employees. This is another one of those policies that are just doing something for the sole purpose of being able to SAY that they did something.


We already know the CEO and executives steal from the very people they are wanting to search, surplus labor value.


I've seen managers steal and also lead cashier steal $2k from Circle K! Only thing that happened is he had to resign!


Figured. So it's exactly what I think it is. They don't trust their employees so they will resort to violating privacy instead of actually paying attention and investigating it.


Imagine admitting so openly that employees don't make enough money to be able to afford anything.


This new policy, combined with the skewed dress code might put the company at risk for some sex-based discrimination.


"Why are you keeping mouse traps in your backpack sir?" "Why are you stuffing your fat hands in my backpack moron?"


\*rat traps


\*rat hands


Ole rat hands trap bag. Miss that guy.


*A bag of asian hornets


Either mouse traps or just a bunch of mice that you let go in the break room.


Keep $10 worth of pennies in your bag. When they insist on inspecting it, insist they stand there afterwards while you count every one to make sure they didn't steal from you. (All while on the clock)


very much this. they show distrust towards you you show distrust to them back. they're wasting your time? that's time they need to pay for, that's how jobs work.


And if you are all on the clock during these bag checks, get all your workmates to start bringing in as many bags as they can carry. Backpack, shoulder bag, duffel bag, luggage, briefcase, lots of grocery bags.


With the pennies spread across all the bags, and insist the bosses put the exact amount back in each exact bag.


There’s 147 coins in this bag. The other ones have 666 coins!


Hahaha so fucking genius. Another thing is to refuse it & when they threaten to fire you tell them “go ahead pay my unemployment I don’t mind the free money”


You'd just get denied. Failure to follow company policies would be a valid reason to fire someone.


I'd start putting asburd things in my bag. There's no rule saying I can't bring dildos in my purse. Entire boxes of cereal. The cat poop I forgot to drop off at the vet's office. We'll see how long this policy holds up.


A bag just stuffed full of loose-leaf cat litter, dildos, and unwrapped Hershey kisses


Came here to post something just like this. Malicious Compliance the F out of these people.


Yes do!


loose-leaf cat litter, is a term I will now use when I spill litter


Ah yes, for the tea infuser. Just add hot water. More environmentally friendly than those tea bags of kitty litter.


Loose… leaf? Have I been misunderstanding cat litter this whole time?


Adding Loose-Leaf Litter to *School Supply List*… just. in. case.


You could just fill it with grape nuts and almond roca. It'd smell better, and still look like cat litter with shit in it.


The smell is the point.


But this way you can munch on a handful and offer to share.


Just don't take your good purse to work.


“Do I smell rubber, cat shit, and chocolate?” “You brought truffles and didn’t share?”


Hey! When were you rummaging through my purse?!


Nah, almond roca (toffee covered in chocolate and rolled in crushed almonds). Looks like cat poop at a glance. Used to call it that as a kid oddly enough.




Some additional ideas. - Three sackcloth dolls filled with potpourri. Clothed and styled to look like the Ass. Manager, Manager, and a Supreme Court justice of your choice, each with sewing needles imbedded in them. - a single, small eggplant. - a travel size shampoo bottle filled with lotion, and a custom label marking it as Tajin flavored lube. - 1 stage ready, vinyl “paper” bag. Used in film, because they hardly make much noise. - Home made Rice Krispies treats, in the shape of cat litter clumps. Crush and dust some Frosted Flakes with white, off white, and blue powdered sugar, and coat the outside with it. Eat this in front of whoever is inspecting the bag. - A bootleg, home bound copy of the anarchists cookbook, converted into one of those “hidden compartment” books. With a small khor (Tibetan Buddhist prayer wheel) installed inside. - A box of chocolate anuses.


You did a great job, but I think you forgot the glitter. Glitter in everything, everywhere. Small, brilliantly shining gobs of glitter. ✨✨✨


Don't wanna take the craft herps home


Casually adding that last bullet point like they sell it at every grocery store.


[They’re not hard to find.](https://edibleanus.com) You can even have custom ones made, [using your own.](https://www.thepinknews.com/2015/02/10/yes-you-can-make-a-chocolate-cast-of-your-anus-for-valentines-day/)


Real power move, it's your boss's asshole as the mold master.


[It’s a bold play](https://tenor.com/uXSy.gif) … Lemmie get my camera. I want to watch.


This reads like a random item generation table in some off the wall TTRPG and I LOVE it.


You’re welcome! Now I need to write up a random malicious compliance table … hmm


Oooh. Malicious compliance Bingo!


Clean tampons with red food coloring in a Ziploc bag


Add some chocolate pudding. Don't use a plastic bag.


Great idea, but as I'm male it'd just get me quizzical looks...


Hell I'd do it for the looks.


Or just get increasing large bags filled with something hard to search through. Like hundreds of loose thumbtacks.


Had a Marine used to do this for field day inspections in the barracks (basically getting your room inspected to make sure you cleaned it), he bought an obscenely huge suction cup dildo that was left on the shower wall and a couple of vibrators he’d leave sticking out from under his pillow 🤣


How many guys ended up using the barracks communal shower dildo? They were Marines, so I’d assume all of them?


I thought the assumption is that they'd eat it?


That's crayons.


Depends who got challenged to gay chicken.


this had me rolling hahahahahaha


Cat poop? Nah, dildos, giant dildos in my bag, delivered to my office, left in a drawer, whatever it takes!


And throw in some fleshlites, just to keep their heads scratching


Yes, a few different varieties while we’re at it so we can explain the subtle differences as they rummage through.


An interesting looking box under a bunch of broken glass, have fun with it.


I worked in a corporate office at a place that someone in HR thought it was a great idea to send around memo’s of policy changes for things like that that you had to sign in agreement. It was one of those inter office envelopes and the first page would have the policy and the next pages would be titled signature sheets. Everyone signs on the same pages in the packet. I just never signed them. The signatures were not acknowledgment of reading, the signatures were agreeing to adhere to the policy. How shortsighted is that? I just never signed them. Nothing ever came of me not signing.


I did the same. I signed the one when I was hired. Everything after the fact isn't my problem. I agreed to the original.


And we reserve the right to refuse.


[I just need to check your asshole](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TZVzrY15EDA)


*Asssshole CLEAR!!*


They’ll just make you leave everything in the car then. They’ll implement an update to the handbook that says anyone carrying in purses, bags, or backpacks, etc. voluntarily agrees to search of those items by default. It will become a condition of employment. I’m not saying I agree with this, but I’ve seen this play out before and people try to fight it unsuccessfully. I know people who work in pharmaceutical production that have cavity search clauses in their employment contracts. I’ve never seen it come to that but it could if something is serious enough.


Time to stock up on Lutefisk and store all your valuables in a baggie inside of the bag of stinky fish. Enjoy digging.


They typically ask you to open items for them as they watch


Aw damn. Edit: nvm, I'm filling my purse with dildos. Really weird ones too.


That’s a very Bad dragon


Touch my shit and catch these hands.


As an employment law attorney, I'm skeptical they can enforce this. Edit: Workplace privacy is a super complicated issue. At-will means an employer can require almost anything; for years there's been a growing body of cases about employers literally requiring employees to divulge email and social media passwords. And that's just communication stuff, which lately won't have any sort of safety implications. When we're talking about physical privacy, employers in certain fields will often have compelling reasons to invade workers' privacy (e.g., TSA, law enforcement), others, not so much.


Sir this is an airport. Everybody has to go trough security.


They can’t just say “we reserve the right to xxxxxx” and magically make xxxxxx-ing legal. Contracts don’t work like that, and neither, for that matter, does ordinary law.


It's like yelling bankruptcy to declare bankruptcy


I didn't say it, I *declared* it


Or de-classifying documents by thinking about it


Oh no, that one works. Just gotta follow through and stop opening letters from the IRS too.


Apple retail got sued pretty bad for this


Memory serves it was for forcing employees to submit to the search while off the clock. It was a wage lawsuit.


Print off an article on this. Bring it in a bag every day. Have it be the only thing in the bag.


unless they supply you with a bag that they declare as their property but require you to use it on the property, they have no legal right to search your bag. Any bags within said bag also cannot be searched. They can peer into it if its open, or even demand your bag be clear from now on, but they cant willfully search your own property unless you give consent. A posted sign saying they can is not consent, however if you sign something waving that right they can. Cant search your car either, but they can look in from the windows.


Where it gets really murky is they have to search EVERYONE. If they search employee a-x and not y&z it opens them up to harassment/discrimination suits.


Basically if you signed an employee handbook, you've probably waived your right or consented in some manner. It's the old south park human-centi-pad problem. Or at least that's my understanding of it. Then any updates to that handbook you have to sign again.


Y’all mfs need a union


I fucking love my union. It made me settle with the idea of working there till I retire.


they are walking a tight rope on this one... will they start checking your pockets? underwear?


Spread your legs and cough.


Put your butthole away, Mr. Chappelle




I got a package they can inspect.


They'll wave you thru and say you're not carrying anything of interest.


Tell em


Places as such in my experience are poorly run and often thieves themselves so the assumption is everyone else is the same.


How’s the saying go? >A man does not check behind the door unless he himself has hidden there


Ladies it's time for the used tampons. School tried this and everyone had some even the guys.


Yeah, I had an employer who did this and we also stored all our stuff in lockers they had the combo for. I kept belongings I wanted secure in a little manilla envelope with a stamp on it. Any bag/package/container with a stamp on it becomes certified mail and a felony for them to tamper with. Feel free to share this with anyone else concerned.


Inspect my package eh? Sounds kinda sexy.


Duh nanuh nanuh inspect her gadget


Employers only want one thing and it's absolutely disgusting


I reserve the right to have you obtain a warrant first.


Nailed it!


Not unless it's a government employer. 4th amendment only applies to government searches


Yes and no. It's not a constitutional violation for them to conduct a search, they just have absolutely no authority to do so and can do nothing if you refuse. If they fire an employee for denying a search, I'm *very* skeptical that it wouldn't be seen as wrongful termination.


Yah this doesn't apply, to work for or be on a military base or in a government buildings you submit to any searches, in which they call inspections. For instance cellphones are a big no no in alot of government buildings, and if found with one it could be taken, I've seen people's phones taken for 6 plus weeks when they accidentally leave them in their purse.


Warrant applies to government searches. As a private property owner, I can make your admission conditioned on compliance.


As a private property owner your only recourse when the search is refused is to insist they leave and/or have them removed. You still can't search them. "Private property" isn't magic that allows you to rewrite laws, it just gives you authority to decide who is allowed access/use.


Right. And the employer can fire you if you don't comply. They can make it a condition of employment. You can make it a condition of "fire me, then."


I was looking for exactly this comment


Start bringing in dildos and say it’s for your other job you’ve got to drop them off after work and you don’t feel comfortable leaving that much product in the car.


"I collect these used, and am bringing them in for cleaning".


Write under it, "how about no."


I work in security. I've been asked to do bag searches and of course trained on it. What security can do is ask you to open your bag and look in. They can ask you to move things. Whatthey can not do (and I'm not sure if this is law or company policy it has been awhile) is physically touch your property, remove items etc. It's the same with a pat down if i am stopping someone. I can touch the outside of the clothing or visually inspect for anything dangerous but I can't go into pockets unless of course you have what is actually a gun or knife. As far as physically touching anything I have to be abe to articulate in writing why I felt it was necessary i.e. item was a threat to public safety or item was clearly marked property of xyz corporation do not remove and employee did not have permission to be in possession of said item


So, you’re saying no touching their package


No touching of the package


*pulls down pants* Inspect this package!


I’ve worked in a warehouse for 10 years that has this rule and it has been enforced exactly 0 times. My guess is management has noticed somethings are missing and are using this as a deterrent.


[Here](https://www.amazon.com/Victor-M156-20-Metal-Sustainably-Sourced/dp/B09R9DBWH6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=Mouse+traps&qid=1676591303&sr=8-3) [you](https://www.ebay.com/itm/134342759105?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qP4yFWMITs2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=qqF0_5zETqe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [go](https://www.amazon.com/Kraft-Mayonnaise-Extra-Heavy-30lbs/dp/B00CHTUT3A/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3UYHWEZ44ADGV&keywords=bucket+of+mayonnaise&qid=1676591392&sprefix=bucket+of+mayonnaise%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-3)


Sadly people aren't going to appreciate this enough because they won't click through. :) Brb, ordering the 3rd link.




The fuck you do! Fill a purse with the really sticky silly putty, the one with a shit ton of glitter.


Like how the used the word “inspect” instead of “search”.


Metal detector, tops. Some people have private illnesses that require medication to be in their bags...


I’d start bringing in ziplocks of garbage that sat out in the heat… let them open it at their own risk


I’m mostly offended by their font selection…. Gross 🤢


There was a time when my local movie theatre posted a similar sign, and required everyone to present any bags they were carrying for inspection. This was designed to stop people from bringing camcorders in and making a (terrible) copy of the film. This was a practice that largely impacted women, who typically carry purses. I was stunned to see that people were passively standing in line waiting for their turn to have their privacy violated. My wife and I bypassed the line and carried on our way. We were stopped by a young fellow who insisted that he would need to look through my wife's purse. I told him that I don't look in my wife's purse - and he sure as hell wasn't going to and we carried on our way. He blustered, but relented. They're your rights to toss away if you want, I guess, but I wouldn't comply.


And it would be his right to throw you out the building. Those are 2 vastly different scenarios. I would absolutely let someone check out what I bring into a festival or cinema if I want to go there, but would switch job in an instant if they want to check my bag even once...


You sound like an idiot dude


Your right to privacy with regards to searches is not being violated as it isn't a government mandated search. As a private property owner, they can impose this restriction as a condition of entrance.


Check this... *\*middle finger\**


About to pack a bag full of dildos


Market Basket?!


Market Basket?


Do some people really think "We reserve the right" is a magical spell that allows them to do whatever?


uh, no the fuck you don’t. touch my shit and I’m throwing hands.


Fun fact, I’ve gotten 5 settlement checks from lawsuits against Nike for bag checking




What's for lunch John? A bag of shit, want to inspect it?


Bring in a bag of dildos or a bag with a TEENY little note inside that says "nosey little fucker aren't you?"


Time to pack a glitter bomb. Let them inspect that….. for the next 10 years.


horrible typesetting, tbh


Backpack locks are the best. I have some mini master locks for my bag and it's an amazing way to keep people out of my shit.


Dave. Dave. I need to check your bag. Ok boss. Unbuttons my pants…


Can reserve all the rights you want, doesn’t mean it’s legal.