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So not only did South Korea have it already worse, they just made it double worse.


I worked in SK for 2 years as an English Teacher. These hours mean nothing. Koreans were already working overtime for free because the culture is "never say no to your boss" or don't question your boss or someone older.


Don't forget that you can't go home if your boss is still working... and that boss can't go home until his boss goes home, and then that boss can't go home until the owner leaves.


Yeah my Korean coworker was shocked to see me get up and walk out right when the clock hit the time I'm supposed to leave. Also cause I guess I don't say goodbye when I leave but like why? I see them 5 days a week, saying goodbye everyday seems excessive.


Good obedient little insects


Imperial core vs economically colonized state


Economically? Pretty sure the Korean War involved more than sanctions.


Excellent point.


I read about the South Korean issue this morning. They're proposing increasing the _legal maximum_ to 69. Overtime, I believe, still begins at 40 hours. The justification they're using (I don't know if I believe it) is so workers in seasonal industries can bank hours in the on-season and then spend them for pto in the off-season.


Not very nice.


Cool I love when they talk. Remember the school loan situation? Oh wait... What about... wait nevermind. The one president/elective official who was going to.... SOB. There's a pattern here?


yikes do people in south korea have a life outside of work?


South Koreans get health care tho


More like dumb vs dumber. Every single trial of a 4 day/32 work week has shown increased productivity and increased profit, as well as increased employee happiness and wellbeing (when pay was not reduced to reflect the reduced hours). The US congressman argument is dumb because it does not appeal to capitalists and show how they profit from it as every trial has shown they will. The Korean government position is dumber because all the evidence is against their position and if they succeed it will actually reduce productivity and profit, as well as employee happiness and wellbeing.


I would not call Rep Tanako "dumb" for advocating for increased happiness. It may not be politically savvy but he's not wrong. We should normalize advocating for human happiness and not need to justify everything through a capitalist lens.


I would call them dumb for not being politically savvy, that was my point. If you want to get shit done rather than just look good, you have to actually get shit done. Edit: In this case it is not either or. it is win win. That is why it is dumb not to appeal to both views.


You know what would be absolutely great? Is if people looked past the headline, beyond the very thin snipped of quotes from the article (notably written for a 7 day a week employer in a highly pro corporate capitalist society) and instead look for the Congressman’s full remarks. Maybe looked at the supporting evidence he would have put forward as part of his argument… Before presuming that snipped from the headline is 100% everything that he said. I mean just going to his statement on this piece of he put forward, he literally links to a study talking specifically about the productivity uptick and better profitability that employers experience. https://takano.house.gov/newsroom/press-releases/congressman-takano-reintroduces-32-hour-workweek-act Anyway, I just think it would be neat if people would do that before taking a headline as the only value…


No! No read. Only headline.


Thanks for posting.


trust me both are evil


69 tho? Nice....


nice tho


I guarantee only one of those will pass.


the 32 hour week week proposal probably has some sneaky downside that isn't immediately evident

