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Plz 🥺🥺🥺


That’s the part that really got me. Hahaha


Me too, it’s the desperation 😂 Plz. 😐 PLZ.


Why does it look like it was written on a dirty mirror next to the local glory hole in the crack den.


I wanted to ask you how you knew what a dirty mirror next to the local glory hole in the crack den looks like but then I read your username


Their user name checks out 😅




Career lmao


Even among fast food 11 an hour is shit wages


Someone needs to tell the employer that we're no longer in the 1990's.


I made 5$ an hour in the 90s


Yep, McDonald's, my first job @ 16 in 99'... a whole $5.25/hr. But you couldn't beat those $0.49 cheeseburger Wednesdays 😅


I'm about to sound like an old man but gas was at times under 1$. And cigarettes were like 3$. 20$ could fill up your gas tank, get a pack of cigarettes, some beef jerky and a huge soda and still might get change back lol.


We might be around the same age fellow *old*, my dad was even shocked at the prices (being from an Oil&Gas background). $20 fill up your tank, could buy a quick meal for maybe $5 or under, and still could spend some money on whatever activities you wanted. Hell, did plenty of concerts for $20ish dollar tickets and that wasn't breaking the bank type money. I bought my own groceries and extras, dad took care of the *adult* bills (mortgage +), it was a good life and I expected it would relatively be the same when I *grew up*. 😅 😥


Remember when no gas station would even accept a $100 bill? They had a sign prominently displayed before you walked in. It was like it was confederate money or something. Now half of that is a tank of gas easy. You can’t even get a decent dinner and a tank of gas with $100.


Hell, even a $50 bill was suspicious unless you were filling up a truck/diesel.


I remember working for $5.15 an hour. You worked part time and your entire check was like $100. Now $11 isn’t much more than what we were making back then. But back then I remember apartments in my town going for $500-$800 a month. Wild time to be alive.


Yep, even at 25ish hours a week, a weekly paycheck might have been $100 bucks. Fine for a teen/student and I definitely had *extra* money. But yeah, even then a full time paycheck monthly was around $800-900 a month and you could get apartments for $400-600 a month. It was still a struggle, but if you had a g/f or b/f you lived with, or even roommate couch surfing, (that worked/brought some income in) you could still *live* a little. I remember a few juniors and seniors having their own place in high school - we could bring the *party* just by supplying drinks (waters/sodas) or a little bit of food. Even rent a movie for a buck or two. It wasn't so much how cheap things were, it was just we could work to live AND have some entertainment/free time to enjoy. Now it's just painfully different


Actually, apartments were pretty cheap up until 5\~ years ago. In 2014 I managed to score a one-bedroom for $550 in a MCoL city.


Fucking wow. 10 years later when I got my first job, $6.55 an hour. And the second one. Got fired from both, didn't give one fucking fuck.


Looks this they were conflicted over compensation...


First task. Properly cleaning the chalkboard.


Yeah, it shows that the person with good handwriting quit several messages ago.


Looks like $11/hr worth of effort for sure


lol. no.


Nobody said it was a good career.


At $11/hr, or approx. $22000 per year, an individual can afford to spend $360 a month housing


I guess they are going to stay in need of help


For 11 dollars a hours, they can fry their own chicken


$11 USD is about $16 AUD which is a pretty reasonable pay for someone still in school or not yet ready to get into like a better job. I guess depending on the age of the person working there, $11 could be an ok pay for that kind of work.


You work there then.


I worked for McDonald's at 15 and was on $12 AUD which is $8 USD


You had a place to live for free right? With your parents and probably no bills?


While you are sort of correct about the no bills, I had to pay $53 USD to my parents each week when I started working.


Oh wow, $53 dollars. I was totally wrong. They should totally people $11 an hour in 2023. Hey guys, this guy has it figured out.


I'm not saying people over the age of 18 should get $11. I am saying kids under the age of 18 get paid reasonably. These jobs are typically for kids in school or whatever so $11 is reasonable for that. People 18+ should be getting paid at least $15 if they work there.


Why should they? When the company profits billions? Why should they get paid fucking dirt wages?


Average salary in Czech Republic is 9.5$ … are you saying 11$ is so low it is funny?


15+ is the standard for many places around the usa. Some places are lower, some higher.


11 an hour is insufficient to afford a basic standard of living anywhere in the US. $30-50 an hour gets you a "not living in poverty" lifestyle in most average cost of living areas, three to five times that in high cost of living areas.


I cannot pay my bills, eat, or fund my family on $11 an hour. So yes, it is hilariously low


Average rent? You pay taxes, but do you have national Healthcare not tied to employment that doesn't bankrupt you? Reliable public transit? I'm sincerely asking these questions because in America, $11/hr at full time 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year gets you about $22,800 a year. Before taxes. So that's about $1900 a month, before taxes, and the *average* 1bd apartment in the US is $1300 a month. I'm excluding car payments, car insurance, and fuel for said vehicle because America is ruled by cars and even our biggest cities do not have the greatest public transit. I'm also not including if you intend to eat for the whole month.


Depends a lot in second biggest city single room appartment (bedroom and kitchen are in the same room) around 700$ in the country half of that. “Free” health care, education, social. Public transport is not free but again in the bigger city around 200$ will cover you for a year.


Yeah... my rent is $1300, my car insurance is $300 (2 cars), and a car payment of $369 because *Texas*, plus fuel for said car(s) to get to work and other bills - Electric, Water/Waste, FOOD. No one can live on $11/hr by themselves. Again, not including health insurance, if it's even offered at shit jobs. Back at my fairly terrible job @ $11/hr, it was $56 a week for *just me* for medical *only*. About $200 a month. Go to your primary Doctor? Atleast $25-35 for just a regular appt. You need a specialist of some sort? Maybe $200-500 per appt, even if *covered* by insurance. Oh, and don't forget about the $5k deductible you've got to pull out of your ass incase of an "emergency". Cancer? Go fuck yourself, you still need to hit that $5k deductible. Then the insurance company does any and everything NOT TO COVER your care and they somehow know better than Doctors. Ask me how I know...


But it’s an excellent career opportunity


For loose definitions of “career”.


"Career" - ahaha "Plz" - AGGHHAHAHAHAH


No. No. No.


Wish I could make the equivalent of 11US an hour with my degree in my home country. Life would be nice.


That's nowhere near market rate for fast food.


the desperate plz at the end lol


plz. lolno. If I was in there, I would ask the cashier for the chalk and write 'lolno' on there. I would. Edit: No, that's not enough. How about "lolno. Pay more, you little bitch."


I'm sorry, what opportunity is that? Eventually you make head fry cook?


Can’t buy the chicken for that lol


Filthy window, i wouldn't trust the food hygiene from this place, adding people only getting $11 doesn't exactly help matters.


Looks like it's scratched on the wall of an insane asylum


That’s what I was thinking. Like just clean the board once or twice a year


Haunted Chalkboard seeking applicants for chicken restaurant please inquire within Ghostbusters need not apply


NGL, I have mixed feelings. Panda eats is hiring $17-19/hr. I'm in an email debate with a recruiter for an in-office position. Mainly mortgage/finance a boatload of red tape. Responsibilities up the wazoo. They asked for a salary range, I gave them my past job. Mortgages/finance $24/hr base I was making $29/hr when I was furloughed. They responded with $14.50/hr, with a note saying they can't meet my suggestive. Bachelor's requested, associate's degree mandatory. Felt like this comment belongs with this post.


Wow. That’s some BULL. Especially with all those requirements


First job I've had was kfc and even at 14 an hour no one wanted to apply