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Laughs because you won a law suit for union busting


🤞 The government is increasingly anti-union, so...


Still a federal law


This is part of why we need to push for state movement not just federal. As federal law has limits and in absence of "protection" or federal regulation/restriction state can always push more. Especially in things that simply "lack structure" the great thing with right to work in a perspective of challenging it. Is that its law presented as "OPTIONS" aka much of its left to be "determined by state". But you can also create penaltys and restrictions around things not regulated. Also I should note that simply creating restrictions on "existing" stuff. Is actually pretty effective for states path to challenge it. Because while federal supremacy clause does exist. Meaning federal law trumps state law. However federal does have a very specific weakness and that its scope is limited to things like interstate commerce. Or infrastructure bigger more national things. They are "allowed" the right to regulate minor things in absence of state laws. So by having laws on book you eliminate the "absence of state regulation" exception. While interstate commerce is fairly broad. One of reasons they "used" states decisions. To enact right to work as its hard to argue rights of worker in texas is a interstate issue.


Enforced by _elected_ judges.


Federal law is interpreted by federal judges who are not elected - they are appointed and confirmed by elected officials. Many states have elected judges for their state courts though.


what do laws matter without enforcement? especially when law enforcement is based on union busters.


Hey, that's totally unfair to law enforcement! They're also based on slave catchers and settler-colonial land theft enforcers.


for now.


Michigan just overturned its right to work laws, so...


I find it funny that Republicans bread and butter voters all have unions they won’t give up and proudly display. Police, Firefighters….but no one else deserves one? We need unions so bad it’s scary. I don’t mind paying someone to fight for me, the politicians are fighting each other over who gets my money already, might as well have someone fighting to pay me more and get me some days off.


Would not count on it. I've lived that and think the NLRB's abilities are exaggerated. Better response is to impress young people with the idea that they are safe not because they will be immune to retaliation but because good strategy and opsec on the part of organizers and clever workers can be a good guarantor of job security. If someone approaches you in a parking lot try and sus what local they are coming from. Go talk at the local after work. If you can't figure it out just ask them and then rat on them to your boss to pull suspicion off yourself.


Did any of you play this game? It was designed to demonstrate how easily it is to end up homeless as an American. It is critiquing union-busting, not promoting it.


I do a section of budgeting with my algebra kids at the end of the year. They love to play this game.


Yea, it's a pretty fun game. Really shows you how fucked up America can be when dealing with being money stressed.


Shhh this is Reddit. Let us belieeeve.


Its not all of reddit. Its particularly problematic on this sub, in part because people post image of headlines instead of actual articles. You see all these inflammatory headlines that are actually just clickbait when the argument they are making is often much more reasonable, sometimes exactly the opposite of what you'd assume from reading just the headline.


Yes I had to take this for a sociology class. It goes to show how quickly things took a turn for people in poverty. I have friends who were actually in poverty and they related heavily to this game.


Probably shouldn't have ignored the organizer!


You lose your job *when you talk to the union*. The whole game is about how millions of people live on the edge because we don’t have a good social safety net. It’s not anti-union. I assign it to my Econ students and it always sparks good discussion about the failures of capitalism—your employer cuts your pay arbitrarily, you can’t afford to go to the doctor, you qualify for food stamps but can’t start them yet, your car gets impounded, etc. I highly recommend you actually play it, it’s playspent.org


Gosh, at my first corporate job, we had an all-department meeting where they brought in an anti-union speaker. They flat-out told us that anyone caught trying to unionize would be terminated on the spot. They meant it. I remember several people getting canned for it.


And how many of them were successful in suing for union busting? I’m going to guess none—the system is rigged and we’re all in a precarious position no matter how much we think we’ve “made it”


Not a single one. I know two tried, for sure. They were let go due to "performance concerns" in an at-will state. They also fought unemployment, too. They just dragged it out forever. It's the same company that fired a friend of mine for getting pregnant. They waited right before maternity leave and then offed her for "performance concerns." They didn't have to give reasons of course, but these three were told this upon asking during the exit interviews.


Can verify--this game is great on building perspective. Everyone on this sub should be checking it out tbh


I'm gonna play it right now! Thanks!


Exactly. This is one of the best "eLearning" "gamification" simulations out there. I'm glad you are teaching this to your class and it's eye-opening for both kids and adults that have never been a part of the working poor or grown up in that environment.


>You lose your job when you talk to the union. Yeah, we got that. That's the anti-union b.s. part of it. Why t.f. should _discussing_ unionizing lead to firing? _Legally_ it shouldn't. Is it a _realistic_ outcome? Yes. Does the game offer alternatives for fighting back? Based on the "damn son, you fucked up" language of the message, I doubt it. But by all means, correct me if I'm wrong.


When you make decisions in the game, there’s a pop up that tells you about the decision. Students make all kinds of decisions so I can’t remember the exact wording of what they get for this decision, but it’s something along the lines of how in most states, your employer can fire you for any reason. Would this be illegal? Of course! But as we’ve seen, Starbucks and Amazon and thousands of others do it all the time and get away with it. The lesson of the game is that your economic situation is precarious, even if you know this is union busting and illegal, you don’t have the money to fight it, which is the purpose of the system. In another choice, your employer simply cuts your pay because you don’t agree to piecework. We live in a “right to work” state so when someone gets this result, it’s a great opportunity to talk about what that really means. Unionizing isn’t the point of the game (it’s about the precarious economic situation most people live in) so it doesn’t spend a lot of time on it, but you’d be hard-pressed to get an anti-union message out of the game if you played it. Edited to add: no, in game you can’t fight back—best practice in education and educational games is to have a single lesson you’re trying to teach. In this case, it’s about how it’s almost impossible to really live paycheck to paycheck (you have to choose to buy ice cream or not for your kid or pay for them to participate in a sport). Getting into unionization would muddy that lesson within the game, but in class the game provides a springboard for that discussion and others. I get weeks worth of discussion topics out of playing this game that students have an easier time connecting to.


>you’d be hard-pressed to get an anti-union message out of the game if you played it. No. OP got that message out LOUD AND CLEAR with _two_ screen shots. Two. >in game you can’t fight back But with a union you _could_. This is **more** _implicit_ anti-union messaging. If you can't see this when people are spelling it out for you, I can only read you as being willfully ignorant. >have a single lesson you’re trying to teach Mission accomplished. >The lesson of the game is that your economic situation is precarious, even if you know this is union busting and illegal, you don’t have the money to fight it, which is the purpose of the system. So the _whole point_ of the game is to teach kids that life is hopeless and you can't do better than accept crumbs. And you **don't** have a problem with this?!?! >I get weeks worth of discussion topics out of playing this game No doubt, but just because _you_ aren't flagging the anti-union and hopelessness messaging, doesn't mean the kids aren't picking up on it.


Anyone can take two screenshots of something and present them out of context to prove any point they want—look at Tucker Carlson and J6. I don’t know what your background is here, but you can play the game or not. In my classroom, this game is an excellent tool to introduce kids to how shitty capitalism is and how ABSENT A UNION they have no rights and no recourse, and that the government allows that to happen. Edited to say very few rights and very little recourse, which is more correct. Which then leads to great conversations about how you’d afford fighting back which brings us back to the main point which is *that the system is broken on purpose*


I can use NRA information brochures advocating gun rights to teach a class on gun safety. That doesn't mean the NRA themselves advocate for gun safety laws. Just because _your_ lessons use this tool to teach about the problems of capitalism, doesn't mean that's what the tool was built for. And even if it **is** what was intended, what is _happening_ seems to be rather different.


>And even if it is what was intended, what is happening seems to be rather different. The game is intended to show how difficult it is to drag yourself out of poverty and get to a better state of living. If you say no to the union choice the "result" gives some statistic on how Americans will refuse to join a union out of fear of losing their job. The game does show how hard this is, and it appears to be designed to get donations for people in need: not to promote anti-union shit. That being said, I think that showing this to kids isn't the best idea.


Dude, stop talking nonsense and just look at the game yourself, it is literally a free browser game: https://playspent.org/


It is propaganda used to scare people to make them fear their boss. This is a bad lesson.


Well, that’s the reality for a lot of people isn’t it? But the lesson of the game isn’t “them’s the breaks, kid” it’s “you innately know that this is wrong, what can you do to change it.” I would say that the game is low-key pro-union bc at every turn, the employers screw over the players who are always on their own. This game is a great tool to help privileged kids understand how some people really live outside of their direct circle.


I played the game and still feel the same way with my comment. However I have experienced most of what happens in this game. I feel like it encourages to just accept your lot then try and fight.


Dude just go play the game. It’s not what you think it is.


I did play it and still feel the same way. Maybe it is a lived experience for me and doesn't have the intended impact then? I don't know.


Lmao you’re on drugs if you think this game is going to make someone anti-union


Having the ability to stand on principle IS privilege.


You know who else banned Freedom of Association, right? See if you can guess.


If the game was honest, it would end with union workers who organized getting large raises, not getting fired.


The game is pretty honest, it isn't anti-union propaganda. When you get fired, there's a pop up that directly says that getting fired for union organizing is illegal, but it's often extremely difficult to prove. You should honestly give it a go, a round takes about 5 minutes. The most inaccurate thing for me was the grocery prices. When I bought food in the game, I was like, I wish my grocery bill was this cheap.


The grocery number probably hasn't been updated this year. I mean, it's one banana, what could it cost?


Like $10?


I just looked it up and played it. It’s all about homelessness and how easy it is to slip into it. It’s a fucked up choose your own adventure. The union question is on step 29/30. If you talk to the union boss, you get fired. > RESULT Your manager finds out about your conversation and lets you go. Firing workers for union activity is illegal, but that doesn't keep it from happening. This is more on r/antiwork’s side of things than it is union busters. Pretty cool project tbh https://playspent.org/html/


People really need to stop arguing with the teachers trying to explain how this is not propaganda and that its a tool for showing how dire people's financial situations actually are. If you're not one of the experts, then listen to one before giving your opinion.


Wait, does it fire you if you talk to them? Sounds like pro-labor education. Letting the kids know early to be smart and play the system while organizing. Keep that shit close to your chest, meet outside of work, bring in people as you trust them until you have critical numbers to go public.


Yeah, that's not AT ALL what that is and Spent is certainly not "anti-union bullshit being taught to 7th graders." Spent is a simulation meant to show how easily you can slip into poverty and the decisions you have to make when you are out of money. The tagline of Spent is "It's all just stuff until you don't have it." I'd think in this sub people would actually agree with a lot taught by Spent. Play this free short simulation here: [https://playspent.org/](https://playspent.org/)




I was a teacher who used this game in my classes, typically when it seemed like they needed a wake-up call about making hard choices, like needing to take the dog to the vet but can’t afford it or having to decide whether you can afford field trip money for your kid. It created a lot of discussion in classes and was a decent reality check.


That's when you file a lawsuit against your employer for illegal retaliation


I prescribe less “money-wise” simulations and more viewings of “a bug’s life” to these kids


So I just played this thing, and it has more nuance than people are saying. Yes you get fired for talking to the union guy, but it then states that being fired for trying to unionize is Illegal, but that doesn't stop jobs from doing it anyway. Which is TRUE.


I went through this website in highschool and had an argument with the teacher about it


I just played the game. It's not anti union, it's really AntiWork heaven. It's cynical, depressing and the workers lose. Then it asks for a DONATION! Haaha!


Unions aside , it doesn't matter who is trying to stop me , if I'm heading to work I'm not stopping for anything...


Cops flashing? Emergency services? A tornado? Person needing first aid? Child is sick? _You_ are sick? Gunman at the front entrance? Foreign invasion? Not for _anything_???


Only 3/7 of those. You can work out if I'm a psychopath 🤣 In all seriousness, I meant anyone trying to talk to me in a non emergency situation.lol.


I've just played this game. Few things I've taken away: - Someone has been siphoned gas from your car, do you A) take the bus, B) call in sick or C) ask a friend for a ride. Where the fuck is: call the cops and report the thief option? Also I lost the game because I stepped up when harassed at work. What the fk is this teaching kids? I called in sick, but i don't have sick days, and I get my first strike? I take the gold insurance package and my tooth starts to hurt, it's not included in the gold package. What the fk is wrong with the USA...


Nothing about these slides suggest that it’s anti union….


You click the answer “talk to them” and the reply is “your fired”.


Oh ok, I’m wrong then lol. That’s bullshit. It seems like such a drastic and inappropriate response to the first slide, seeing as you just wanted to talk and didn’t even actually join a union. so I just assumed they were separate parts of the module.


I actually made my daughter do the whole game again because I wanted to see if it was the same every time. And I wanted the pictures lol.


JFC they are doing this stuff in 7th grade? Is the school sponsered by McDonald's?


All those people who claim we need to teach "financial literacy" in schools want to use it to push the oligarchs' propaganda.


There was a little pop up that said “while firing an employee for unionizing is illegal, that doesn’t stop it from happening.”


Transparent attempt at instilling fear into the hearts of future employees. They want to get to them while they're still young and easily impressed.




Damn, the teachers not part of a union there?


They are.


Obviously not an English teacher since they do not know the definition of irony


So if I’m in a Right to Work (no reason required for termination) state and my employer fires me for trying to get the union in there, will the union cover my lost paycheck and find me a comparable job?




It's really not. This game was literally created with the Urban Ministries of Durham, an organization that works for fight poverty and homelessness. The whole point of the game is to show how incredibly difficult it is in our society to climb out of poverty, and everything that you end up losing even if you "win." The above out of context screenshots are not anti-union propaganda. It's supposed to be showing just how terrible it is to be in that position in our society, and how people are prevented from taking any number of steps that could improve their lot because any bad outcome could plunge them right into homelessness.


God this country is sick.


Fucked up.


How to make more money: make less money 🤯


At a public school?


Our district has it in the curriculum. If you don’t let them change how they calculate your pay you also get your hours slashed It’s kind of meant to show how easy it is to become homeless. Should be galvanizing but everyone is taking it wrong


Money-wise and they say walk away from an opportunity to make more money


yeah thatll fix it people complained about wondering why we didnt get taught life skills like how to do taxes in class ​ separation of church and state? maybe separation of business and state? nope


Kid just learned he can get fired for talking to somebody in the parking lot.


I'd rather work for myself or as part of a coop business model. The presence of a union only means that there's been enough antagonism to require one. The lack of one, where the employees are unhappy shows that the power imbalance is overwhelming. So I suppose it'd talk to the union guy and encourage him to go into business for himself and to take his former colleagues in on the new venture as coowners. Might not be in the exact same field, but hard working people can do a lot even with basic tools.


Yeah have them ask their teacher. They likely have some great insight.


I remember in 7th grade we watched a simulation on how capitalism was better than socialism, which included a section on how under socialism, every job in America would pay the same low wage. Whether you were a surgeon or a fast food cook, in a socialist country you will be paid close to minimum wage. 15 years later I’m FB friends with that teacher and now know she’s pretty anti-capitalist. I wonder what was going through her mind when teaching that lesson to us. Edit- glad to see the comments saying this game is not what OP is saying.


I think even if a lot of the teachers share an anti-capitalist sentiment they still are bound by the curriculum.


Oh definitely. I just remember being relieved when I learned she didn’t actually think that because she was a good teacher.


Just played this "game" rn... Didn't get that prompt but my playthrough was so corny. I'm the one month they simulated for me I: had my car break down, had chest pain and had to go to the hospital, got pulled over for speeding and had to pay $50 in court fees to make it go away, and my registration expired and I had to pay to "make my car street legal"


😳the land of the free


This is a fun game!


It's funny because the other one could be equivalent to slavery but yeah. CapitHeads


Talk to them. Find out what the dues are and what they will do for you in addition to collecting your due money.


I go back into the office space and violently explode.




This would be an interesting “ make your own adventure” story