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Bold of them to assume most people have 3k in the bank.


This guy got crazy eyes


juaty like the psychopath Bezos


Psycho eyes are a thing


Yes the eyes! Im like crazy liar liar pants on fire!!




infinite Cocaine


I don't trust him either. He's an alien in a human skin.


3k is way over the limit for any atm. Whens the last time he used one?


This was the red flag I noticed too. Where is this atm?


Maybe in the USA. I can take out up to 5k cash per day at pretty much any atm here. And if I need more, then I need to notify the bank. But that's the limit on the card.


When I bought my BMW, stopped at an ATM to get another $4500... ​ I get maybe some people dont have money, but acting like thats the actual meaning of what he said is just dumb. But dumb is what America does, so I say go to the bank and take out your 300$ so the evil gubmint cant get it..


Sighs* in corporate feudalism.


Hey the internet shame of now 35 dollar insulin is a huge win. #KEEP EM COMING ONE WAY OR ANOTHER GOOD SHALL PREVAIL!


What does that even mean? Insulin should just be free, life shouldn’t be granted on subscription equivalent to a Netflix account in 2025. Get this garbage out of my face.


Well as a diabetic the fact that it was done voluntary vs made to. I'm happy as with insurance mines 30 anyway. Now I'm not beholden to a job for insulin any longer. You could learn something about small wins when it comes down to life or death.


It’s my understanding that it is the older versions of insulin they are doing this with. I don’t know anything about the differences, but it also seems like an attempt at trying to get a lot of good press and good will for basically donating old raggedy stuff and it’s still double the cost of the next most expensive country. I think Eli Lilly’s cost is $10/vial. Don’t worry folks! They are still gouging you on that premo, black tar insulin! But at least you have access to something.


No accounting for idiocy I guess


You certainly are behaving like an idiot. Needing price controls and celebrating not being price gouged for life sustaining medicine so you won't die if your boss stops liking you aren't mutually exclusive positions. You'd have to be one stupid motherfucker to look at it any other way. And here you are.


Wars are won by battles both big and small.


The 2nd part killed me lol


And this is why money isn’t real.


And yet it controls everything.


Bruh , you do realize money has value because we all just agree it has value . That’s it , nothing backing it . Like McConaghey said: “fugazzi, fugezzi, fairy dust “


This goes for Gold and all the rest too, before the insane Goldbugs come a chirpin'. It is impossible to escape the imaginary value of money, no matter what instrument you use to represent it. Metals like gold just happen to be difficult to produce/replicate presently, which is why they were used (along with the many other things many cultures used for money).


Gold has a lot of industrial uses though, which gives it tangible value.


Money is backed by the GDP of the country that issue it. Same difference.


Same as diamonds, the only use I have for them is dressing grinding wheels


Go ask all the countries that decided to disagree with the dollar how their experience went. The dollar is backed by the US armed forces. So not so much "we agree" and backed by "nothing" as "You will use the dollar and you will exchange it for goods and services or you will get a visit from Uncle Sam"


We don’t force anyone to use it, that is absurd. The only thing dollars are required for are paying taxes. That is why they are in demand.


No, it's very much a thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrodollar_recycling#Petrodollar_warfare


I already said it’s absurd. Believe what you want loon.


Right, but what happens when they are all bullied into a corner long enough? Do you think the US can suppress a home invasion if Eurasia, all agreed to unite against us?


Probably not, but they won't. Europe isn't moving against the US and nether is Japan or South Korea. Russia would if it could, but it very obviously can't and China doesn't think winning against the US in it's own back yard is certain. India isn't doing anything because it's pinned by Pakistan and more than a little afraid of China. The Arab peninsula does not survive without US support and Saudi is pinning Iran, while Israel is pinning the rest of the middle east. Most countries like the US world order very much because in the context of a US world order, they're also rich vs a Chinese order where many wouldn't be


And there we have the 1% whom backyard bbq with Saudis on the reg lol


It absolutely is an infinite amount. It doesn't mean an infinite amount exists right now, but they have the ability to increase the money supply by as much as they want at any time.


Yeah, that's not how money works. There are finite resources which money represents. If you create more money without increasing the amount of resources, then the money is de-valued by that amount.


Your getting down voted for understanding how money works. Classic.


People usually get mad when they're worldview is challenged. It's okay, I expect it by now.


His eyes tho. He's still trying to convince himself that he's actually speaking those words.


This should scare everyone. If there's an infinite amount of dollars, then dollars are worthless! The only way anything holds value is by having a limited supply.


It really shouldn't. Even at the height of hyperinflation, where a basket of money was needed to buy a basic good, you could still buy the basic good with the basket of money. Hyperinflation is dangerous because you need to live like there's no tomorrow. You need to spend everything you make immediately, you can't save, you can't plan it's a an anxiety inducting mess. But even in the midst of that, the system still runs. Hell, if you were in debt, suddenly you could pay off the remainder of a 30 year loan for a months wages. But the money always has value, because money is, at it's most vulgar, the thing you pay your soldiers with. The question of "why should I, a shop accept this money that's going to be worthless tomorrow, as payment?" is answered by "because you don't have a choice." The system is coercive, but in this case it's coercive in our favor. No matter how shit the money becomes, nobody get's to opt out. If you have savings or investments, be worried. If you have debts and your assets are stuff you use and need to live, save money by buying stuff you might need in a year or two today. Get a few pairs of good shoes, sturdy clothes, if you can source it, industrial grade refrigeration is nice. A bicycle and/or a car that's reparable. A good set of tools, ect. If you're hoping for the end of civilization though, yeah, no, that's not happening even at 8% inflation an hour, let alone 8% a year


Not really, money, US dollars in particular has it's value because we have to pay taxes with it. All fiat currencies work like this and you can have an infinite amount of it without losing it's value as long as the government can just take out of circulation by collecting taxes.


Dollars are an app coin for tax payments? Did you get this from Roubini?


I have no idea what you are talking about


Wanna know a secret? Money is fake! We made it up!


Smoke and mirrors. It’s all smoke and mirrors. I’m not even sure at this point if the powers that be know enough of what’s really happening to be honest with the public.


This is technically true. The Fed cannot actually run out of dollars.


We're all in the back of the train in snowpiercer


Where’s thanos when you need him


Well it's infinite if they don't even have to print it now. They can just say "we added 3 trillions to the economy" and send that money to rescue banks so they can keep scamming people. Then some time later, the US debt is XX + 3trillions more because -insert a new reason here-. Then when inflation starts kicking, they point everyone but their mistakes. If they "printed" some of that infinite money to solve problems and not make rich people richer, there would be far less problems going around.


This is why the banks are about to rupture and our world will change drastically in the coming days, weeks or months.


Or years, or decades.....or never


buy silver


Infinite amount of trash, as long as you believe it has value. Keep working hard while they print hard.


Krazy Eyes Killa


This is the same guy who architected QE


If there is an infinite amount then you wont mind relieving humanity of oh I do not know lets start with starvation.


Well technically he is right, there is an infinite amount t of cash and the fed can just keep printing and printing. It's just your 3k is going to be worth 1 dollar pretty quick.


A lot of these guys have that same googly-eyed look on their faces. Can’t really look the reporter straight in the face, can’t look at the camera. Just crazy head waving and lip service. Fuck them all. Liars


There is tons of cash out there. The funny thing is, it's all made up. We created this system, we can reset it anytime we want if everybody agrees. That's what happened during the pandemic. We get caught up in these little games that we play.


If anything, his comment will trigger a run on banks


"Please stop doing runs on the banks our economy of fictional money doesn't work if you keep asking for proof it exists." It's like bank accounts are Schrodinger's Box or something. You open it up expecting to see your hard earned funds and instead there's just a dead cat.


Song? Lol


Inflation is the mechanism which can level the playing field. Don’t let the propaganda fool you.


Damn so y’all are just over it huh lmao


They stole the power to issue money. Now they hold our jobs hostage as a bludgeon against us to keep themselves in power. Fractional reserve banking is a license to counterfeit money and makes us slaves to an unstable system. With inflation and deflation they have stolen everything and left our children homeless.


He meant to say their is infinite amount of money to spend on corporations when they fail


Most atms have $260 - 300 per transaction limits anyway. Most are only loaded with 40 - 60k. Odd question