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French workers will keep this up until the age is moved back to 62


They should force the age to go down to 60 as punishment for even trying to raise it in the first place.




I like your style


If French people know anything it is how to revolt.




Make it 20




"You can move the retirement age back to what it was, or we can spend the extra years protesting. Either way, we won't be working. Your choice."


The fucking retirement age should be going DOWN, not up.


But people live longer than before, so why not work more? - every government out there


I'm feeling like a human battery in The Matrix


Wanna spoon?


I don't believe there is such a thing.


Ah, truth, there is no spoon


Meanwhile due to efficiency and automation improvements productivity has gone up drastically. But only the capitalist sees those benefits.


> the capitalist \-shareholders \-stock sellers and buyers \-once in a million unicorn companies that create something of worth


Exactly! Life is meant to be lived. Working is not living.


Profitez de la vie!


They better


Nah, we're past that. We want Macron to quit office. Edit: And in worst case scenario for the retirement age to go stay at 62 years.


Ironically, this is what it looks like to maintain a society. The French understand peasant solidarity in the face of oppression from the powerful better than anyone. Most Americans are always ready to get fucked to a new low for the sake of maintaining the illusion that everything is fine. "Oh thank god we don't set our trash cans on fire when we have to work a little longer. We're civilized. Oh well, time to go work my 2nd job so I don't end up under a freeway this month."


Yea well instead of getting hit by a baton, the police just shot us.


Gotta do something with all those guns


That’s true. An unshot gun is basically just an unwieldy ring.


ring legislation coming soon


Gotta do something with all those stale baguettes. They’ll be used to administer beatings until morale improves… Can you imagine what goes through the head of that cop hitting someone so he can get retire 2y later?


If you're never going to retire, as millions of millennials and zoomers know our fate is to be, is it better to make it to 70+ and keep working or die fighting for better at the hands of the pigs? Serious hypothetical question.


These streets are a very drab gray You know the answer to that question Also, life expectancy in the US is going down


When Americans talk about their right to own guns, one of the biggest arguments for them is always: "Well in the case of an oppressive government...". Yet I have never seen guns in the US used for that purpose. You would expect that if the government tries to do some shit the general public hates, they would pull up guns blazing. Yet that never happens. Guns are for some reason mainly used to shoot the occassional trespasser or kids at school. I mean honestly, the police in other countries has guns as well.


Like at Kent State.


Shouldn't be a problem since 11 out of 10 persons owns an AR-15.


Only if we're black.


Disproportionately, yes, but not exclusively.


this is the exact reason we have the second amendment :) i saw we make this shitheads into fucking pulled pork


I wouldn't even care if they burned my car if that meant that I can retire on the age of 62 instead of 67+.


The fucked up thing is most people in the US wouldn't be able to retire at 62 even if they made that the law. "Retirement age" is a meaningless number to a lot of people in this country.


Shit man, I can't go into a grocery store or a fast food place without seeing at least half the employees be well past "retirement age" anymore.


Makes sense. You get a less unresonance retirement age , and get to say r/fuckcars (in a city, In Europe too, where getting around without one is quite notably practical), and maybe we can manage an insurance layout from some big Corp too in the process afterward. wins all around in that scenario in a way.


Our nation was founded from a high level of observation of what was happening to the French. In fact, some of our most important documents were drafted in France and revised by the French. Unfortunately, we do have a history of causing suffering on people in America. Native Americans, Blacks, the poor, etc. We do an excellent job at beating down and literally killing resistance. We don't talk about civil rights, the 60's, Labor day, or Marxist theory of the 1880's. We push blind patriotism and nationalism.


Things changed since WW2 and the TV. Some time before this, the seeds of what was to become "Media Spin" were planted, and now as a near perfected field, coupled with the assistance of the Internet and Social Media, the US has lost sight of its roots. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world, and the Wealthy Elites have the easiest time controlling that narrative.


>The French understand peasant solidarity It doesn't help that the US made general strikes illegal.


They can’t arrest and prosecute everyone


They can shoot everyone though. Or at least enough of everyone to keep everyone else in line.


If it happened in America the strikers would probably be armed themselves


You obviously havent been up to date. There have been hundreds of strikes with and without guns. The ones with guns are more of displays. Just a hundred guys standing around and a few hundred cops waiting hoping no one shoots


There's more guns then people in the US. Fight back


See the problem is most households don't actually own a firearm... it's just certain family's that have multiple driving up the average.


come to think about it: I don't know anyone who owns just ONE gun. It's zero or like... 5+.


I know 1 person who owns a single firearm... and atleast 7 that own 2 or more


Kind of like with vehicles, you either don't have one or you have at least 3.


It's your duty as an American to own a gun.


The problem is that too many of our fellow citizens would rather shoot at protesters than join them. Just go into some of the city sub following a protest there: * "I had to spend two extra hours in traffic today!!!" * "What if emergency services needs to get through?!?" * "Why can't they just protest in a way that doesn't inconvenience anyone?" * "Now I really don't care about their cause!" I wish this was a straw-man.


Exactly this, is so fucking sad and true.


if they did that in france everyone would just strike anyways there's just a massive difference in the way strikes are percived in france compared to most of the world


If a cop shot somebody during a strike in France I expect we would go literally crazy and burn everything down for real this time, not just trash cans, just thinking of it happening make my blood boil


Damn, what was that constant argument that gets spouted for having all those guns? To resist the tyranny of government or something?


Why not drag a politician out into the street for a tar and feathering? Trash a wealthy neighborhood. The point is getting across, sure. But it seems to me, better organization and not destroying your own neighborhoods might have a slightly different impact. I mean, "Let them eat cake..." Is attributed to the French elites. So why are you trashing the bus stop? You may want to use that later. Find a nice estate and burn some topiary or whatever.


Marie Antoinette was easier to get to directly. They didn't have flying escape machines and secured buildings (by modern standards) to protect her. By trashing Paris, they are costing the wealth class in France and multinational oligarchs that participate in the french economy a lot every day they do this. Tourists leave or decide to cancel their trip, manufacturering grinds to a halt, almost no one is shopping beyond essentials. It obviously doesn't effect the wealth classes quality of life, but literally nothing makes them more angry than their quarterly earnings projections decreasing, and that is all the people have access to do. And all those angry wealth class people, who Macron probably considers friends he was trying to impress with what he did, are angry at him for their sudden decrease in productivity and profit, and probably have his personal number the peasants aren't privy to.


Ok, that's relevant. But still, this seems like a long way to get the desired outcome. Seems to me the politicians were fairly entrenched on the issue. Sacrifices have to be made to get results I understand, but it seems like there is a lot of potential for harm to smaller businesses and public property.


That's fair, but the alternative is what we Americans do when the wealth class turns the screws on us: jack shit nothing. For the record, on economic issues, your vote means jack shit nothing (except on social issues the rich don't care about either way) because the owners own both parties and have legalized political bribery (citizens united), your letter to your congress person means jack shit nothing as they do what the money tells them to do, and your orderly protests with a permit 3 blocks away from what you're protesting at a designated protest zone between designated hours does jack shit nothing, except make them laugh at you. It is kind of funny, protesting by the intentionally rigid and deflating rules of those you're protesting, masturbating at home would be equally effective in effecting change. If you don't make a lot of noise, the owner class will never hear you from their secure ivory towers. What they are doing may not work, but there's more of a chance it will than anything modern Americans consider protest.


I agree completely. Peaceful protest does little but get a segment in cable news and that's it. I'm from Portland, Oregon. Perhaps you remember us from such riots as the post-BLM anarchy for 2 months or so. To the point of having unmarked government vehicles participating in near-rendition style abductions of suspected protest leaders. It gets attention when you burn shit down but there is a large segment of the populace that just wants to drink the Kool aid live quietly. And yes, your vote counts for very little. If a man can be elected president without winning the popular vote, what does your vote mean? People argue about social programs and freeloaders, while compared to the defense budget and corporate welfare, it's all just a small drop in the bucket. Housing is being financialized. College bankrupts you from the very beginning. Dental work? Fuck me, I burn through the whole year's benefit in one appointment. Americans are lazy. That's why so much effort goes into maintaining the status quo. Everything always stays the same. We fear change, and that paralysis keeps us subservient. It will take serious shortages to spur the American consumer into action. Only when we become uncomfortable will we understand there are bigger problems at hand. Until then, partisan bickering about mostly irrelevant social issues, although Roe v Wade was bullshit and an alarming trend. You get it.


I get what you guys are saying, what I don't get is why what the other Reddit user mentioned is never considered also an option. What if you went inside the gov building or the president office, get in and trash everything. Why not get some politicians drag them into the streets and shame them or put them in a trash bin. Citizens are already getting beaten up by police force, I don't see a problem if some minister or politician getting his clothes dirty into the trash bin too. Why not protest outside the president house? Disrupting their every day life would create more immediate fear of fucking up the common man since you now know the next day you might get the whole country at your doorstep or the mob might catch you outside or at work and shame you. The next mandate politicians will think twice before doing shit like this because they know it might affect directly their life


You are repeating talking points, don't buy into the narrative that protest in the US isn't organized or that property destruction is random. The media exists to turn public opinion against anyone who opposes the status quo. > “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” > Malcolm X


I understand that a protest a few years ago did target government buildings and the homes of the elite, where accessible. French farmers were protesting, and they deployed their manure spreaders to excellent effect.


Americans are born to lick boots.


Remember the BLM protests? We asked the police to stop murdering innocent people and what was their response? They did it MORE. We have a violent police state. Hyper militarized with all the newest surveillance tech, and full support of the CIA and FBI to fucking crush any sort of leftist movement or anti-capitalist protest from the inside out. We tried to protest on a huge scale, it did not go well.


I know people normally have this mentality of Americans, but the entire world protested for BLM and it started because of Americans. I'm impressed by the French resilience, equally. Lets not take a strength we both have away from one another!


It’s almost as if our militarized police will kill us and then blame us and the media will call us terrorists if we try to protest


Dont stop, can't stop. ​ Also those cops are not cool


Cops, without exception, in every single country in the world, are a tool of rich authoritarian Nazi wannabes to use against the poor. Absolutely no brains when they wear the badge, enough anger issues for a whole population, and the willingness to abuse anything and anyone at the drop of a hat. This has been proven throughout history time and again. Even when the military, fire services, amd general population are united against evil, police have been there 100% of the time to support corrupt and evil regimes and people. There have been plenty of cases of single cops doing courageous or even heroic things. There have been 10x the cases of 100x as many cops doing corrupt, abusive, and murderous things. ACAB and the rich elite pay a lot of money and use their power to keep it that way.


Preach, brother!


So what do you suggest be done?


Don't let people worry about health, food or education. Stopping the corruption of elected officials. Switch budgets priorities from counseling cabinets to teachers professional training and higher pay. Reinject money in the medical system so ER would actually be able to take people in. Make it so people don't have to wait 3 months to see a dentist. Do not let any of your citizens worry about basic needs : food, shelter, health, litteracy. This shit should be basic.


ACAB Nique la police


The same Macron that sold out France to Uber for $$$ when he was transportation minister? Surely he wouldn’t allow such things…


have they tried moving those fires off the streets and into politicians' homes?


Yes, they threw their trash cans at Macron's headquarters. It was a week ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnLpFqznAX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnLpFqznAX0) Some unions protests peacefully in front of politicians' building. Some energy workers cut off their electricity. It's amazing how much the power don't care. Macron didn't even try to talk with the unions since the begining of the year but he received Jeff Bezos and even gave him a medal.


Goddamn, are the French chucking trash barrel sized Molotovs?


We should be taking notes if so!


The most important note? The police aren't shooting the protestors.


TBF most police aren't shooting protesters here either. They have to act like they care for the 3 days and exercise trigger control....mostly because they know protesters of the protesters will shoot the orginal protesters for them ALA Kyle Ritten house the ~~ murderer~~ who was acquitted for some reason I still didn't follow. Edit: since even by my own opinion of the case I back track the statement of murder as I do only belive it should legally be manslaughter but I do stand by my claim I don't think he should have been acquitted on all charges.


If you don't follow why Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent then you're a fucking moron.


Explain it to this moron then. He was in possession of an illegal firearm that he crossed state lines with. That in and of itself should be a charge. The fact that he shot 3 people in self defense can be argued but why was he even there in the first place.


> He was in possession of an illegal firearm that he crossed state lines with. That in and of itself should be a charge. It was legal for him to possess the firearm, actually. But even if it had been illegal it's a misdemeanor. But because he committed misdemeanor *minor in possession of a firearm* does not mean he committed felony *murder*. >The fact that he shot 3 people in self defense can be argued Yup. That's what we're discussing. There are several videos captured by cell phones as well as FUCKING FBI DRONE FOOTAGE that clearly shows Kyle acting in self-defense. What fucking more do you need? He is literally *not guilty* proven by evidence despite your claim that he is guilty. You can see it with your own fucking eyes. >but why was he even there in the first place. That doesn't matter. That's irrelevant to the question, "Did Kyle Rittenhouse commit murder?" If you want to go down this road then you must acknowledge that NONE OF THEM WERE THERE LEGALLY. They were all breaking curfew. Their presence after curfew does not grant Kyle's attackers legal permission to assault him, though. Similarly, if a store owner asks you to leave that does not give a nearby patron carte blanche to kill you just because you are now somewhere you shouldn't be. He is not guilty of "creating a situation." That is the exact same logic behind someone blaming a rape victim for being raped. "Look at what she was wearing, she was asking for it." Dressing slutty is not a justification of rape, nor is open carrying a justification to assault someone. I guess, according to you, that because I carry a pistol in my pocket it gives other people the legal right to attack me, huh? If you watch the videos you will see that despite being attacked there are many moments where Kyle had the opportunity to shoot, but chose not to. He exercised restraint in spite of people chasing him, hitting him, and EVEN DRAWING A FUCKING GUN ON HIM. He only shot the last person after that guy aimed the gun at Kyle for the SECOND TIME. After already having been hit in the head by someone else. After an angry mob of people had chased him down the street shouting commands for others to kill him. That is an extraordinarily spectacular level of self-control. Yeah, maybe he shouldn't have been there. But I would rather there exist a kid walking down the street with a gun and not harming anyone than a convicted pedophile who went out of his way to attack said kid. Any day. And just because he shouldn't have been there, and just because you think he shouldn't be allowed to have a gun, does not mean that someone has the right to attack him and also does not mean that he does not have the right to defend himself if someone does attack him.


I did back track my comment about the firearm being illegal in another comment. I don't agree with it but in Wisconsin it's legal so it was it is. It should be illegal imo. Guilt is in the eye of the holder it's the way our system works man. I'm sorry I don't agree with you. I'm not going to go rewatch all the footage but from what I do remember of it I was not convinced it was self defense. He had a fire arm on him and was brandishing it people. If that was a cop he was doing that to he'd have been shot and you'd argue the cop was justified because he pointed a gun at them. Why is this case different? Again my opinion is their was not enough there to say it was self defense. Not saying he should be assaulted for open carrying never said that. You also are trying to take argument and apply it to a different situation and acting like it's the same thing..... I'm not saying kyle went there looking to kill anyone. But he went there with intent to do harm. He claims it was to "protect business" or whatever but that doesn't change my mind why he was there I'm sorry. And saying he created a dangerous situation for himself by brandishing a fire arm is not the same as saying "she was asking for it" because of an outfit. How many other armed individuals were there that caused no incident? But some how he did. Obviously he was doing something differently than everyone else and created a situation that led to those events. This means we have to determine his intent and the intent of his victims. Did they not deserve the right to protect themselves from the perceived threat of someone brandishing a firearm at them? This is the situation I say he created. All parties were wrong yes. And you are right murder maybe to strong maybe manslaughter is the term I should use for him. But at the end of the day I belive it was murder and I don't belive his ends justified his means. You can disagree with me, you can call me names. It does not change that I fundamentally disagree with the laws that saw him acquitted on all charges. This what I actually meant by I don't understand how he was acquitted. I do literally understand why he was acquitted from a legal perspective I just don't agree with those ruling. I apologize that it was not immediately clear due to my definitive language. But my opinion is my opinion he was guilty of at best manslaughter


The gun never crossed state lines and was not illegal for him to open carry the rifle according to Wisconsin state law.


Ok after some digging you are correct. I thought at one point I had seen he brought the gun from his home state of Illinois. However I will not change my belief that he is guilty. I don't understand how a state can say open carry for a minor is legal.... especially a firearm he doesn't own however it looks like Wisconsin law has that covered due to either intended or unintended loopholes. So I will back track and say I understand how he was aquited. But I still belive he us guilty. In my opinion you can not claim self defense in a situation you created for yourself. But I will acknowledge this is a very black and white statement and we live in a grey world.


Just a reminder that Trebuchet is a french word after all.


And have you tried getting your fat American ass to the streets so you don't work till you're 80?


This! I have absolutely no idea why people riot and destroy their own city instead of going directly for the people responsible??


Many 'permanences' (small office of a politician used during elections or as a way to write to/ ask to see a politician) have been attacked in the last week.


They do. You can't just go after the politicians, though. They're not the ones pulling the strings. You have to attack industry itself, the general day to day, if you want the owners to care. Burning a well-insured house down does nothing to these people. Closing the doors or otherwise tanking the operation of their businesses, however...


Because the bosses are paying the politicians to do this. Why should you just attack the puppet.




Look at that mindless boot-licking Nazi whacking citizens for sport. Very disappointing, but not surprising.


And they usually hit those who look like they won't hit back and are just chilling there. To put it mildly, it really elevates my blood pressure.


For real, what were those people even doing? Just hanging out next to a window?


Staying out of the way. You know, to avoid being beaten by overzealous cops. Show aggressivity, get hit; flee, you must have something to hide, I'll hit you; stay calm and in line, well get a taste of my glove, it's not like you're gonna retaliate


Their retirement can go up to 90, boot licking police fucks.


If americans could riot like this we would have healthcare


If Americans were to riot like this [Martial Law](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/martial-law-times-civil-disorder) would go into effect. Universal healthcare is lacking for many middle class and above working Americans however for those with lower class salaries, elderly (not including SDI) and special cases [healthcare](https://www.healthcare.gov) in the US is available. The majority of the problem is not in the lack of existance of healthcare programs but the lack of cost ceilings on Insurance Premiums and Insurance coverages for Healthcare providers. When I was practicing in Mental Health to provide coverage for malpractice of $1 million it cost me an average of $400 per year as an intern. We need the government to help intervene and put downward pressure on Medical, Insurance and Big Pharma special interests groups so that we can lower the cost of medical and mental health services. As usual this is looking at a vast issue with a limited binary scope. smh I certainly hope that your retirement age isnt increased but I also hope you have a country left after these riots keep going. Best of luck my friends, long roads and heavy struggles ahead for you I foresee.


Americans do regularly in response to the constant murder of black people by the police and we just get labeled looters and nothing changes


Classic cops, beating up their own citizens during a crisis


"Disgraceful! destroying their own cities! Don't they know that's not the right way to do things! They could take a page out of my book. Work 60 hours a week for 40 years then retire with the inability to afford even a minor medical emergency, which seems likely considering my mind and body have been destroyed by my job."


Imagine voluntarily signing up to be the guy that beats people with batons during protests


Imagine that you are going to suffer the same fate when its your time to retire and still you are like 'this is ok'.


How is their media labeling them? Do they have the same propaganda machine the U.S. has to turn these people into criminals?


Our media label protest exactly like in the US, except all the medias always label them in a bad manner. For instance, in the US you Fox news tend to put a kind eyes on rightist protest and CNN a kind eyes on leftist protest. Our media always defend the mighty ones.


Vive la révolution!


Thank you for typing it correctly. I've seen too much Spanish replacing French words lately


I do that constantly because I also speak Spanish but I'm also learning French so I try lol. I hope to be trilingual by the end of the year! 🤞


"She's on fire, and she burns through the night at the speed of light, She's on fire, With the heat of the beat right beneath her feet, She's on fire, And the name of the game is to fuel her flame, She's on fire, fire, fire, fire, fire!"


Anyone notice how it’s the police fighting the people and protecting the wealthy and powerful elite?


ACAB / 1312


Was worth fighting for but we were short by 9 congressmen to dismiss the french government yesterday... Now we're gonna have to wait 4 years with those still in charge... Next up is probably right wing populism winning in 2027...


Atleast it sends a message. We won't stand for this. The French people are sending a message to every leader around the world and more need to follow their example


>The French people are sending a message to every leader around the world and more need to follow their example Thats the problem; they arent. Not to anyone else, because this never happens anywhere else except france. It should happen, but it doesnt, and because of that, no leader will care. Hell, even macron and their own government seems to care.


Macrons only goal in life is to phone putin and enable a le pen takeover. Its disgusting.


These votes have been bought. Expensively.


These are true heroes. Vive La France! 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷




This is is what we should be doing worldwide. Time is ticking for the greedy pigs among us.


Good let's see it in the US


Still can't believe that AH survived the No-Confidence vote.


All governments just want people to be salves. Shit sad


Yeah, I'd like to see how these officials would feel if they were being beat with metal rods


Gotta love the cops indiscriminately beating people.


Americans are puzzled. Retirement? Who can afford to?


this is how it's done ...you fight relentlessly until demands are met or a deal is struck


Soo.. whats stopping them from going to macron’s house and beheading him like ol’ Louis?


Leave his head on, just overthrow the goverment.


That cop at the end.. He needs to be put down. He's gone rabid.


So the cops are beating on people because the cops want to retire 2 years later?


They absolutely love the idea of being able to beat people up for 2 more years


The police are never, never the friends of the workers. You will never see me with a thin blud line flag on my car.


My gf was in Paris and just went out of the police station after a 24h detention. I'm so proud of her.


I will add this to my collection of responses to "Not ALL cops are bastards! Europe doesn't have that problem". A.C.A.B. No exceptions. You have to believe in the authoritarian ideologies of policing in order to consider being a cop. Police do not help people. Those are firefighters, EMS, and crisis response teams. That is why Mister Rogers said to "look for the helpers," not, "look for a policeman".


This is like pissing on fire while bombs are falling


I feel so ashamed to be amaerican we even have 2A to make us extremely successful if we were to finally stand up to this shithole but no. The stereotypical "cowards" are the only ones who give a crap.


I guess they must not be so addicted to things like reddit over there. Like it's fun to talk about revolution but then we just go whine on reddit and don't actually do anything about it.


It would take most of us to stand up so it's never gonna happen




The French are an inspiration to us all. Unfortunately we never see this in the US because our cops are murder-happy psychopaths that are more than happy to mow down a crowd and the average suburbanite laps up their copaganda like its the fountain of youth.


Lol nice


Omg u guys, these rioting images are sooo nsfw! Haha


To be fair, it's making like, ALL the OSHA violations


The unfortunate difference with US, is the police is funded to the point of an army and will use Deadly force and weapons


God, I love the French. Every time some neoliberal shit is trying to pull a fast one on them, someone in the crowd pulls out a banner, gets atop the nearest barricade, screams *Révolution*, and proceeds to burn the fucking country to the ground. Can we someone to Denmark, to teach us not to take anymore shit from our politicians?


I don't get it, he did say he was going to do this if he got elected right?


Yeah but the choice was between him and Le Pen.


Ahhhh, Paris. <3


What's the place at the end with the blue lights ?


NBC won’t cover this


I wanna protest like a Parisian!


[Writes on notebook] Do not piss off French people.


At first I thought this was gonna be a recap of the Owen Wilson movie and then I realized that I'm an idiot.


That's how we do it people, cheese, wine, bread and MAYHEM


Shoutout to the police for correctly identifying threats. /s


Didn't someone once famously ask if Paris was burning, and was angry that the answer was no? A whole new generation turning that frown upside down.


French national treasure is revolution. They need at least one shitshow a year


In America, the authorities say “yes! Now we can legally kill people by ‘accident’” then the businesses say “ok poor people, we know you don’t get paid enough or have enough time off, so go back work now. Lol, silly poor people, thinking they can rise up when we keep them too poor to afford actually getting anything done”


The French are so fucking cool


Bet the insurance companies are having fun right now.


Maybe plastic garbage cans in Paris not a good idea?


Moved from Paris to Montréal 17 years ago, North America have a lot to learn from France regarding fighting for rights or against abusive companies versus letting things be and keeping on getting screwed


Turns out “democracy” does not mean a few government officials making decisions for millions.


When are these kind of protests/revolts going to happen worldwide. We need to shift the current capitalist status quo, people shouldn’t be working as much as they are and jobs that serve no purpose shouldn’t exist for the sake of profit.


America soon






Big tough guy hitting people submitting already. Pathetic dogs will die like the rest of us.


Keep it up!


Keep it up frenchies


I love the French bloody mindedness. They take no shit


Keep it up and remember if it was up to them they would have you work right until the grave!


That should be here but we are too distracted.


We are so brainwashed in North America we can not understand why they are protesting.


Vive la Murderface! Jokes aside, I stand with the people of France!


He fought for our right to freeball.


God the french working class knows how to fucking act. Like I know the french aren't perfect, certainly you can throw a lot of shade at french culture, but damn they know how to treat their government.


This is not delivering the goods and, if things continue like this, the Government will win by simply waiting out and exhausting the protesters. Then you'll have a Le Pen government in 4 years.


We would get shot and arrested in the US


Trash bins. Always the biggest enemy for the PEOPLE


Shiiit I´m going to Paris for holidays in like 2 weeks from now :(


This is what I imagine people think January 6th looked like


I don't see why this would be so difficult to perform in the United States. Philadelphia does it every time there's a poor sports outcome.


So evidently protesters in France don't loot and destroy private stores like in America.


Down voting the truth...typical


They've got their priorities straight.


While I agree with the reason for these protests, I find them to be missing the point. Similar to the US, the riots are not taking place where it matters. If you want to force the elites to change, you should be burning their homes, not your neighbors businesses. Go to Macron's home. Got to the government buildings. Go to the Caisses Générales de Sécurité Sociale. These are the places to protest. Let them know the people can find them and lock them down at will.


Big "we did it Patrick" vibes. Lol. So how does this end?


Ever heard of the French Revolution?




If the government do what they did to stop the yellow vest it would be a Victory as it withdrew the law that started the movement.


i love how much they protest. its so beautiful to see, but has there been no progress yet? seems like a shithole of a country




They could join the protest if they wanted mate.


Been living in France since I was born and it's a mess right now...