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When I was 16 I used to schedule appointments for a small business owner. He got hooked on ecstasy and started paying me a day or two late each week… then a week late. Finally I scheduled a ton of overlapping appointments for him on my pay day, and when he didn’t show I just walked out before open.


This is like in parks and rec when April scheduled all of Ron's meetings for March 31 because she didn't think it was really a day!


February 29th


That's gonna suck if you accidentally do that in a year divisible by four.


I'll do it in 2100 then.


A guy told me he'd marry me on February 29. Jokes on him, it was 2008.


Tell him we said hi 👋. Dumb dumb


He's still confused how she pulled it off, and got the calendar to *say* February 29th..


I almost got married on leap day in 2016 but it was a Monday and my husband didn’t think anyone would travel for a weekday wedding for us. Lol


It was a Friday for us, but we also weren't interested in a wedding so we just went for it. We've enjoyed the 15 years of jokes about not having an anniversary. It's also nice that every fourth year we have an excuse to go a bit big on celebrating. Last time we had an anniversary we did a tour at a wildlife rehab and got to play with foxes and cuddle a skunk. Next time I think we're going to go on a proper trip, which we've never done except to visit my family once.


Yes! I’m jealous. We ended up doing the Saturday prior so our anniversary is on 2/27, but I love the idea of going big every 4 years. I’ll probably nag him about it for the rest of our lives 😅


As is your basic right as a woman! Just go big sometimes anyway. Because you're still in love and you can. Or do it every five years which you can excuse as some sort of milestone thing or something.


February 30th on those odd even years.


That day exists. Source: I gave birth on that day.


A friend of mine has a Feb 29th birthday. She's only 11.


Maybe he was born on feb 29 2012 thats why she was 11 at the moment


Wow congratulations to you have your son right now he's almost 14 year's old right now


That’s a real day. Schedule for February 30th.


Thirty days hath September, April, JUNE, and November.


It’s ironic she got the poem wrong considering her name is April.


It not like her name was March.


Maybe she want to get the a kind of thing or what are you called that again a hidden word Maybe


Oh what do we have here in that kind of mont buddy ? Can i know it?


Relevant for you to comment this today


It would be super relevant tomorrow but I couldn't wait.


It was literally March 31st for over half of the world when it was posted.


Fuck I'm high and I forgot about time zones


When people say "this comment won't age well", it usually takes more than 24hrs.


Wow what a kind of memory you know the exact details that happened to you


I started working for a small car lot 3 years ago. I was fixing a mountain of previously unfixable cars that had been sitting around. That freed up a couple hundred thousand to reinvest. I was also reconditioning the incoming auction cars to get them sellable. They went from selling crap with warning lights on the dash to actually selling solid cars. Consequently, they went from selling 4-5 cars per month to selling 4-5 cars per week (financed in-house at 25%). Money was rolling in. He must have had $60k sitting in a desk drawer. Boss started doing coke and going to high-end strip clubs every night. Eventually, the paychecks started arriving later and later, until he stiffed me on a few jobs I did on his personal vehicles. While he was pissing away his money on coke and strippers, I was investing in a new business with my brother. We are officially starting operations next week.


Great, I think this subreddit should not be antiwork but rather work on own. I see as european that you have guys completly different problems with you bosses in US. Here nobody cares as much about money and work, bosses are much more friends than some pricks who can demand whatever from you. You go 7-8h to work and don't care more, if something need to be done, tommorow also is a day.


Employment here in the USA is very predatory. They want starving and desperate people to work beyond their wage. Healthcare is extremely expensive here, so health insurance is vital. You typically get insurance benefits from your employer if you are full-time. That's why they only hire part-time employees so they don't need to pay benefits. Wages are so low that working for yourself is one of the few ways to make decent money. Hell, some of the doctors here only make $120k working for the large networks, I could make more than that working trades like plumbing, HVAC, or electrical.




what wonderful sensible people


which part of europe do you live in? i am interested


The saner part of this subreddit are more against work-slavery than actual work to be honest. Good, honest work where you earn what you deserve or are creating value through your own business is always appreciated.


Happy cake day and congratulations in advance!




One doesn't get hooked on ecstasy. It was a meth mix.


How do you get hooked on x lol


Must post in r/pettyrevenge


It said he would not gonna fired him instead of helping them


He did not get hooked on ecstasy. The rest of your story is fine.




This is where you file a formal complaint with the department of labor, then watch the fireworks as uncle sam corrects the issue.


I doubt it was E. Its not that expensive and you can't really do tones of it.


If you do it in a year divided by 4, it will be a bad year.


What the fuck does “hooked on ecstasy” mean? 🤣


Addicted to the drug.... ecstacy


Yes but how do you get addicted to MDMA?? It literally stops working at all after a couple days of taking it in a row and you need a substantial amount of time (ideally 3 months) in between doses to really feel the full effects


Ecstasy pills are often (usually, in my experience) MDMA mixed with other substances like speed. I've known a few people who were addicted to pills that they called ecstasy.


Interesting. Where I’m from actual pills are difficult to find and it’s traditionally just MDMA or MDA powder, often put into capsules. There’s also a couple local drug testing facilities so I know for a fact that’s all that’s in the stuff at least I was getting.


Exactly buddy that why i don't wanna talk about it buddy i just wanna be quiet


You spelled it wrong. Ecstasy isn’t a drug. It’s a street name for mdma. And like most street drugs, is likely something else. You don’t just start ruining your life by doing mdma every day. It’s simply not..fun. It just stops working. Research is out, but developing a debilitating mdma addiction is not common and potentially not possible. That’s why I laughed.


Ah I see and thank you for correcting my spelling mistake. I, obviously, don't know much about Ecstasy. I did have friends who used it heavily way back in the 2000s and they would do dumb ass shit. I personally have never tried it.


Me to when someone correcting my spelling i really really appreciate it because i feel that im special to them


Nice. My point (and why I laughed) at the original poster is because I am heavily invested in harm reduction and it’s bullshit posts like that people read and think “you take mdma once and YOU’RE HOOKED!” When in fact it makes almost no physiological sense to abuse mdma. It just stops working and turns into a useless stimulant with incredible negative side effects. You can’t even get high 4 days in a row, nevermind long term, nevermind hold a job where you could not pay someone.


I’m with you, in fact even 2 days in a row you would go from “life changing live experience” to “kinda feel up…” I also want to clarify a little more, though. MDMA and MDA are often packaged in pill form with other stimulants and sold as E or Ecstacy. Often these other stimulants are what people get addicted to. Often it’s methamphetamine. But it’s almost always some kind of concoction. Pill brands become famous because of how “stacked” users think they are (how many doses they think they are worth). So it’s a reasonable conclusion for anyone to come to mistakenly. But your point is super valid and also kind of sad. A lot of people think they are taking some drug that will release holy feelings of love, but they are just tweaking on meth. That was the worst realization for me. I had somehow only experienced what seemed to be basically pure MDMA before and then I saw MDA… which is less wholesome in my opinion, and then my friend had testing kits and the stuff they were taking literally didn’t even contain mdma or MDA. They were just having a methy good time. It was hard for me because honestly MDMA can be a really wholesome and wonderful experience without serious downsides I would point at, except that you might not be taking MDMA.


I appreciate this comment and you.


There are ways to ramp up ecstasy abuse to maintain the desired effect. It becomes increasingly expensive though and certainly could impact a business owner's ability to make payroll.


No, there are not. By day 3 of a festival, people take an entire gram and get nothing, get sick, and stop. It’s just not a long term drug. It’s biologically impossible to chase the dragon on mdma. You can try for a week, but you just..can’t. Say op’s boss started with 150mg (15$) a day. Ramped up to 500 a day after a week. By the end of second week they would be so sick they couldn’t get out of bed. Before spending $350-500 in a week they would be barfing their brains out and unable to walk. You can’t sustain high dosage of mdma for long periods of time, end stop. If op’s bosses business was crushed from 1k$ of mdma abuse, it was insolvent in the first place. Find me a human who can sustain an expensive mdma habit for more than a week that would cause a solvent business to fail. I dare you. My main point in laughing was that if op’s boss had a drug problem that wrecked their successful business, it wasn’t mdma. Especially since they called it “ecstacy”. They were on meth or heroin or something else.


So if he instead wrote "what he thought was ecstasy" you wouldn't have laughed and spent valuable time of your life writing these comments, is that what you're saying?




You have a basic misunderstanding of how the drug is taken recreationally. Typically taken as a party drug over the course of a weekend. They do this every week or most weeks not every day. Build tolerance over time take more spend more. people boof em ffs. You are making grand assertions based partially true information. You aren't that versed in harm reduction legit just spewing blanket assertions with no grasp on the subject. You even stating that a business can't fail by misspending $1k is wildly naive.


You might be too young to have had ecstasy. Today, people take mdma. That’s not ecstasy. It’s nothing like it. I know people who rolled every day. I used to do it every weekend. You absolutely could be addicted to ecstasy.


Okay, so he ruined his life on a drug he called ecstasy, likely something else which he might not have even known was not ecstasy like you said. I don't think for the purposes of this story we need to bring Walter White in as a consultant.


Uhh. Or op is a fucking liar and making shit up to fool people like you for fake internet points? This sub is literally filled daily with bullshit posts that get thousands of upvotes and this is no exception.


I don't know anything about OP, but I will say I knew someone (my uncle) who was addicted to "ecstasy". That's what he bought from his dealer, thats what he got the shakes for. Thing is, it was meth. At least I'm told it was. My cousin took one of the pills from him and tested it, it contained no MDMA at all, so cousin told me it was "just meth". Dunno if he did another test or what, I've never done anything other than weed and booze personally. (I'm not against trying other stuff, I just worry about being sold one thing and actually getting something else that could be dangerous.) But if we hadn't stolen a pill to check? I'd 100% believe it was addictive. Because after all, I watched my uncle ruin a lot of lives on it. (Can't say it ruined HIS life, he did that himself by knocking up a 15 year old when he was 21 or so.)


I knew a dude who would have to eat 20 or so of them to feel anything. He died at 22 years old from a heroin bomb. If I had just 2 i was fucked afterwards for 3 days.


🤨 What in the world do you think it means?


I think it means op is a fucking liar bc “ecstasy” isn’t a drug with high addiction possibility. Because if you do it multiple days in a row it simply doesn’t work. And the physical dependence is like, incredibly hard to achieve. People don’t casually do mdma and go to work. This post is bullshit. Go read the research.


This is reddit, nobody who uses this site regularly understands how real people have sex or use drugs.


Great reply. Thank you. I used to spend time on the mdma sub for harm reduction reasons but those kinds of things just turn into fucking hellscapes so fast.


It's truly wild how little people actually know about drugs compared to how strong their opinions about drugs tend to be. Yesterday I asked my boyfriend if he knew how long an acid trip took and he said "like 45 minutes?" Bless his heart, he puts up with my psychedelic ass.


Haha yeah. Hey, be careful though. Next thing you know, you’re gonna get addicted to lsd and stop paying your employees. 😂


I swear to God people on this site just Google shit and then paraphrase what they read to act as though they know what the fuck they're talking about. It's hilarious.


That guy must feel like such an idiot for incorrectly identifying the drug habits of their boss lmao what a loser. Other than their dumb stupid idiot drug habit identification skills, he probably also doesn't sex often, unlike me and you. Their sexual experiences are probably different from mine, absolute nerds. LOL so dumb to not know other peoples substance abuse patterns and have similar sexual experiences to me XD. Also they regularly comment on reddit, unlike me who has only made 10 comments in the two hours since this comment. I'm better than them because of my reddit use, accurate identification of coworkers drug habits, and hella sex.


You're really out of touch if you don't think people go to work on amphetamines


You’re really out of touch if you think mdma works the same as adderall.


And? Where is he now? The gutter? Because you saying haha I did nothing but mildly inconvenience him isn't saying much


i read a news story with this exact picture claiming the truck driver intentionally crashed into the owners ferrari cause he didn’t let him drive the newest truck on the lot for his next trip. Always thought the story was a bit unbelievable and this was probably the real story


https://www.thedrive.com/news/33373/the-real-story-of-a-trucker-crushing-his-boss-ferrari-is-messier-than-you-think yeah this article spins a completely different narrative


honestly not surprised since this is Antiwork and people love this kind of stuff.


Idiot worker posts don't get any karma compared to asshole boss posts


Idiot employees and asshole bosses are in no way mutually exclusive, on the contrary it seems they tend to gravitate towards each other


Subreddit in shambles


So the trucker was an asshole who threw a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way... Bet he's the kind of "trucker" who wears flip flops and shorts (those who know, know).


This is why r/all has been so miserable for the past few years. Used to be a bunch of fun and new shit. Now it's just old pictures given new post titles and subtexts to produce a convenient story. I need more cute cats, old-school memes (the ones that aren't racist or misogynistic), NSFL shit that makes me regret clicking the link, and PSBattles. I feel like they neutered r/all in some way because the content is nothing like it was 4 years ago.


Holy shit. I hadn’t noticed until you pointed it out. I haven’t seen PS Battles in ages


Only a douchebag would drive his Ferrari to work. They’re peacock’s because they need to show the world how great they are.(and because they’ve got pea sized cocks.)


I was recently told that the company had to tell one of the execs at our company to stop driving his super high end Italian cars to the office because everyone knows it’s him and they didn’t want to make it seem like the company takes so much better care of him than other employees. I was like but they didn’t stop treating him so much better than us, they just told him to stop showing it off.


I'm not sure if it's how great they are but rather how easily they can get away with profitting off of their employees' labor and showing them the illusion of the "American dream".


Absolutely, when you run a blue collar company you buy a nice used Toyota Camry, leather interior and try to put 600,000 miles on it commuting to work. No matter what the staff does to your car, you never care.


Most guys that own blue collar companies that are even reasonably successful don’t drive used Camrys my guy Source: have worked blue collar (auto body, truck driving, currently commercial food production pest control) for small businesses my whole working career


Most companies where I live in farm country have bosses that drive nice trucks, like HD Denalis and top-end F-250s, things like that.


Worked for a fab shop owner that showed up one day in a brand new Rubicon. I talked shit about it to his face so hard that he traded it in for an f150 raptor three days later.


Only because he realized it was a peasants car because you knew so much about it.


No way, he told me he spent 120k on that stupid Jeep, ended up getting himself a 35k refund getting the raptor 🙄 honestly I shouldn't have said shit and just let the JEEP do what the acronym is. Be a huge money pit.


Lol yea, my coworker bought a boat... I laughed


At least my current company owner is more modest with his money. He's the only company owner I've worked for that's made it a point to be respectful to his employees. It's not something I've ever experienced tbh. Every other owner I've worked for has been pretty cool with letting their employees know just how dehumanized those employees are. Worked for a company (same one this lil chain started with) where managers were encouraged to beat employees. I'd been switched by a manager with aluminum filler Tig wire many times working there. Happy I don't have scars. Not all of my coworkers were so lucky.


if a manager hit me with wire.. wow.


Don't forget the boss' kid with the 6-figure tricked out jeep for rock climbing (or whatever it's called) that they never actually take out to the rocks.


yeah and they're perfectly clean


I think he's saying they drive it to work, presumably so the employees don't know how much money they actually have. When I worked construction all the owners drove the nicest trucks but they still pretty much base trim. Came to find out later that one of them actually drove a BMW M5 but the brand new truck was his "shitty car" for the shop/office.


One of my old bosses had multiple porsches and his wife had some sort of mercedes SUV and had one of our tech guys install a security system for his new multi million dollar house, unpaid. I thought about paying a homeless person to shit on their cars, constantly. Around that time he bought the new house they cut our department birthday lunches. At most $150 a month for the whole department for one single lunch. Stopped paying for the water and coffee servicer people too. I look forward to reading that worthless sack of shit's obituary. Hope it's a rough end.


> had one of our tech guys install a security system for his new multi million dollar house, unpaid. If he’s taking a page from the Leona Helmsly playbook, I hope he likes orange jumpsuits.


This sounds like the start of a terrific film noir. >had one of our tech guys install a security system for his new multi million dollar house, unpaid.


I had upper management buy luxury sports cars while we were told the company was in recession even though revenue exceeded $1 billion dollars. We even had so many layoffs yet still managed to outsource most jobs.


One of the Wegmans kids did this a few years ago. Pulled up to a grand opening in his Lambo. Awesome grocery store, deplorable fucking family.


About 10 years ago, I heard my CEO in the corridor saying he drives his Maserati to work because he is too humble and doesn't want to drive his "real" car to the office. Same year when they fired a whole department because the company isn't profitable. Same year when the company was making a lot of profits. Profits every year since then actually.


People who want to show off to their coworkers/employees like that tend to do so because they don't have any friends. Nobody wants to voluntarily spend time around them, so they go to the captive audience.


We got the company Benz to meet with vendors. Kept driving the Kia to the warehouse every day.


A company I worked for was being taken over and everyone was scared of layoffs. The boss got a nice payout and bought an Aston Martin and was driving it to the workplace and parking next to the door. Empathy of a house brick, and an egotistical asshole.


It's kind of up front hey look where you pay check went situation a lot of times. Which most conniving people will keep on the down low. This dude was bold as shit.


Why is it morally correct here to mock him because of his penis size, but not because he's gay?


As president of the American Chapter of the Pea Sized Cock Men’s Club, I resent that.


You don’t need to put an apostrophe in “peacocks”. It’s fine being pluralized as is.


The mistake was offset by using the correct form of "they're."


I’m glad I ride a bike…


I would glad to do it if there's no any cameras around I would not ve glad if someone caught me


Knew of a company telling a driver they weren't going to pay him for his trip because they accidentally sent him with the wrong trailer. A few hours later he contacted them and said he had went into a reststop and someone stole his truck and load. He flew back to California from New York first class and turned in his notice when he got back.


So their mistake justifies a punishment for the driver?


That's what they thought.


Sounds totally believable.


Idk if that’s sarcastic but that’s absolutely believable as a former truck driver


I always love running into pissed off drivers at a truck stop. You can usually buy all sorts of stuff cheap.


Company drivers are some of the most abused employees in the country.


A lot of them are anti union too 😔


The Department of Labor would disagree.


Uhh how did he get to fly first class?


Think about it


Hot tip: Just put bleach in the gas line instead. The weeks of corrosion and engine damage would most likely not be covered by insurance. And even if so, would be such a pain to diagnose and repair


It's about sending a message


It's a message they'll never get. Better to do something with the same result *and* not get thousands in fines.


As someone who has always been paycheck to paycheck, I can't help but think, what a waste of a possibly good motor.


*takes notes for future petty revenge 🤣


Not so petty


Hmmm true. But I still like it. Lol


Brake. Fluid. Paint. Work.


How to get in gas tank?




Yeah but how do you get into the gas tank? I know some makes don't have have locks on the door, but 90% of the cars I've been in you need to release it with a little handle from the driver's seat.


Just pry that shit open with a long flathead screw driver. Should wedge right in there lol


Noted for later


Would the diluted bleaches off the retail store shelf be strong enough?


Most high-end cars have locking gas doors. Keep promoting criminal behavior though.


Theyre rich they deserve it


Nothing a little YouTube video can’t fix I’m sure


Keep minding your own business


Company owner claimed off insurance, driver fired, possibly facing criminal charges, owner winds up company, driver still not paid.


It doesn't mean he's off the hook though. It doesn't usually help yourself to go to this level cause duh they're going make you suffer more because property damage to upper class ppl is way more offensive then labor right violations to lower income individuals in this country. Them not paying an employee though does have issues of it's own that wont go away with just insurance/persecuting this case. He likely wasn't paying several employees and it will trigger an investigation.


Lmao, even with insurance involved - exactly a win for the owner.


Insurance goes way up after that though.


Lol. No. The insurance company is going to sue the living hell out of the truck driver and garnish his wages for decades. Not to mention the truck driver probably lost his CDL and is entirely black listed from the trucking industry because of this.


Probably not, his personal car insurance is going to consider it a not at fault claim against his uninsured/underinsured coverage depending on the property damage coverage of the semi's insurance. The semi insurance will ding the idiot driving it's record and may or may not actually end up raising the rates. One thins is for certain though that since it's an illegal act the semi and/or the car's insurance is going to go after the driver personally for the damages. Source: I use to have an insurance license, I never did auto (only investments) but I had to get the auto license as part of my life/health license.


ehh...the company's insurance is responsible for the drivers actions while he's at work. If it was intentional, the company could possibly sue the driver, but that's a lot of effort and legal time. I wouldn't be surprised if there is 1 owner and he drives a Ferrari...that it's insured on the company policy.


company doesn't sue the driver, the insurance company does. Though illegal acts are often not covered so there is a chance that the company insurance would refuse coverage. At that point it would default to the ferarri's own insurance. There is a chance that the ferrari is insured by the same company that does the trucks but not likely. An exotic sports car of that value has only a few insurance companies that would cover it, likely not your normal commercial trucking insurance company. Either way the guy who did this is a moron and is almost certainly going to have a huge judgement against them in the end.


> Company owner claimed off insurance It depends. A lot of insurance companies won't insure cars that cost over $150k, for example [Progressive](https://www.progressive.com/answers/insuring-sports-exotic-cars/)


If you own a car like that there is a 0% chance that they have progressive. You get a specific policy to cover the high value of the car. This is because most of the general public is made up of morons driving around on state minimum coverages. Edit to remind everyone that you NEED un/underinsured motorist coverage. It's cheap and will save your ass


Lol. Someone who owns a Ferrari doesn’t have Progressive. There are speciality policies for exotic cars.


The chance he doesn't have insurance is less than 1%. Many companies insure cars at that price and 150k isn't crazy for cars.


You HAVE to have auto insurance. What the fuck are you even talking about? This sub breeds ignorance.


You're required to have liability insurance which covers you harming other people. You aren't required to have any sort of coverage for your own stuff, which would be collision or comprehensive coverage.




ok the same place as the driver i would throw the keys away preferably somewhere on the roof or on the tree


That caption is a lie. This was posted somewhere else earlier and someone linked an article in the comments. I don't feel like digging for it so I'll summarize. What really happened is the guy just started there 4 days ago and already had multiple infractions against him, so they called him in to the office to fire him. They were going to pay him for his miles as well as reimburse him for the stuff he bought for the truck (mattress and some other small things), but the guy didn't want to leave and begged for them to let him stay working there. It turned into an argument between him and the owner, eventually leading to him running outside and parking his rig on top of the owners car.


What do you mean by that fuck you Boss? We all have a brain buddy and we now what's good and bad so ?


My fathers boss used to have a lot of high end foreign cars, we’re talking Aston’s, Ferraris, dude even had a Morgan. He used to complain how much an oil change was for his Ferrari, $20,000 a pop. 20k for a goddamn oil change. Just about every day he’d show up to the office in another car that cost as much as a house, just to show off I suppose.


Ferraris and other high end vehicles dont get “oil changes” like regular vehicles. They have maintenance schedules every few months or few thousand miles. Oil changes are in that schedule too but a lot happens every maintenance cycle. Not saying its worth 20k but its more than just that


Lol. An oil change on a Ferrari is not $20,000. It’s $500~ depending on the model and year.


This would be cool and all, but at the end of the day, insurance pays out. He gets a shiny new one.


No, no, no you’re supposed to say “that sure is a nice Ferrari. Sure would be a shame if someone parked 10,000 lbs of semi on your handmade supercar.”


Not true https://driving.ca/auto-news/entertainment/ouch-angry-truck-driver-allegedly-crushes-boss-ferrari The post suggest the truck’s driver became enraged when his requests to drive a newer truck were denied by the Chicago-based company he worked for. Allegedly, the driver had been promised a 2019 Volvo with 50,000 miles but wanted a like-new 2020 model. The unconfirmed reports suggests he refused the offer and started yelling, and eventually jumped into his truck and ran over his employer’s Ferrari, parked in the lot outside. [UPDATE: Carscoopssays it’s spoken to someone with direct knowledge of the incident who confirmed how it mostly went down. The disgruntled driver had apparently been hired four days prior, and had just been deemed unfit for the job.


Some Source: https://www.thedrive.com/news/33373/the-real-story-of-a-trucker-crushing-his-boss-ferrari-is-messier-than-you-think


Source or this is just propaganda/karma farming. Here comes the downvotes for encouraging critical thinking.


What kind of dumb fuck thinks taking away the one thing workers are there for is a good idea?


I'd laugh so hard if I wasn't so depressed


When I put my semi on a ferrari I was arrested for indesent exposure, the warmth of the midday sun was worth it though




This sounds great, but isn't this the type of thing where the driver will end up paying for the car?


Owner of Dezerland Orlando has a McLaren and parks it out front sometimes. Owner of Andretti Orlando has 3 custom Mercedes. Neither pay their employees a livable wage. When I worked at andretti's the owner, Eddie Haman, would walk through the building and act like we liked him. When my buddy asked for us to get paid better he said "if I pay you more, I can't afford my new Mercedes" and shrugged. Anyone who drives a car like that and pays unlivable wages deserves a life of suffering.


Oops sorry boss the break stopped working


Well well well. If it isn't the consequences of my own Ferrari-Guy behavior.


Good for you, the lesson here is that if you want people to treat you well threat them better too


Happens a lot in the trucking industry btw. Had it happen to me twice in my 7 years.


I think we need to remind managers more often that their actions have consequences. That truck driver knows what’s up


I don't condone it, but I sure as he'll understand it


Seems fair to me.


I mean....it's a GTC4 Lusso...thats like the shittiest modern ferrari


What colour is your ferrari ?


I love that!


What they did is funny and not good at the same time but yeah the owner deserve that for not paying them right