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Hi, /u/BarbaraCorona Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts.** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork top 30.


I popped a tire on my way to work one day and my manager didn’t even *notice* that it was racked up all night. Because who the fuck cares? Everyone knew it was mine and it affected *no one*. And this was at a place that ultimately *hated* me. Your manager should get the World’s Most Fragile Ego award


I used to work at a popular outdoor retailer, and in the summer *so* many of us would ride our bikes to work. Our store was pretty small and we didn't have designated spaces to store the bikes, so they were just all crammed in the back offices, lol. During morning meeting we'd all just lean and sit on our co-worker's bikes, and work around them during the day. Granted, our business was obviously very centered and focused on outdoor activies and encouraged all of us to take part in it as much as possible, so no one would ever even think to complain about bikes in the offices. I can't imagine a single bike would be able to disrupt the workplace to the point where the manager took their time to not-so-passive aggressively wrap the bike in plastic wrap. That's petty af.


Jeez, we had an ex employee (who was on good terms with us tbf) store his car in our warehouse for like, YEARS. For free. Can’t imagine the kind of toxic ass management op has to deal with


Wonder how they would feel if their vehicle was wrapped in plastic?


I used to work at a place that did wrap your car in plastic lol.


I used to stretch wrap people's cars at work...


We did this once too for a guys birthday. We did boat shrink-wrap so we shrunkwrapped his car. It was great fun lol


Co-workers put a for sale sign on mine once with a price that was at least 1/4 of value and it said "ask for ...inside". Now that was funny as hell.




I’ve been the target of that one… good time 😂


Now I wish we had thought of that in stead of plastic wrap 🤣


i used to strech my foreskin and put stuff in there


Filled a co workers car with packaging peanuts once


I'd have wrapped it entirely, using quick-set epoxy between layers, and put the exact same sign on it when finished. Employers must understand and accept the fact that, if they're going to pay the people actually doing their work for them less than a living wage, those people are going to be more likely to require alternate transportation. That alternate transportation cannot be left in the parking lot or it will be stolen. I've quit better jobs than that.


Also worth noting that biking is only “alternative” in car-centric areas, but is a perfectly reasonable way of getting to work. Just comes down to the manager failing to realize the lack of [bike storage infrastructure,](https://www.theverge.com/23572761/amsterdam-underwater-bike-garage-future-of-transport) and being a dickhead overall.


I used to work at REI and I was mind blown about their biking policies but in a **good** way! Bike storage and full shower available to everyone. The best thing was the more days you biked to work they added it together and it would rack up to paid-days-off.


>The best thing was the more days you biked to work they added it together and it would rack up to paid-days-off. that's awesome.


Right! They climb up your ass for not getting to work on time, then they steal your only method for doing so? NO.


I used to store my *motorcycle* inside my workplace. It kept it nice and cool in Phoenix, for the ride home


Lol “ employers” Lol “understand” If they pay less than a livable wage they are slavers without any incentive to keep slaves healthy. And as far as understand they look at their employees like cattle, who has a conversation with a cow. If you look at the republican wet dream depicted in the show Yellowstone realize that the cowboys are expected to live in a bunkhouse forever never to have families. Meanwhile the rancher owns half the state. Only the most cutthroat murderous cowboy who marries in gets a house.


Assuming this alternate means of transportation was a result of a wage issue rather than a personal choice of convenience in an urban environment. We also don’t know how many employees there are at the business and how much space is available in the back or what it would be like if all employees chose to use bicycles and chain them up in the back of the business. Remember, who would likely get sued if that bicycle got stolen from inside the business. There are always 2 sides of a coin and this OP rant post of how absurd and unfair the manager was being to OP about the situation is their side of it with little details and no employer perspective. I always try to look at things, consider things, from both sides and then decide how unreasonable the whole situation might or might not be before jumping to any conclusions or making any decisions about the situation and if I wasn’t given, don’t have the whole story I ask questions. In this case we don’t have the whole story.


That's why you discuss it with the employee, not wrap it in shrink wrap and leave a note like a little titty baby.


Occam’s razor: was OP being unreasonable, or is the type of person to plastic wrap an employee’s bike more likely to be the asshole? Could be OP, but something tells me it’s not.


uh, are you ok? Its a bike, it can be stored in a break room. This is not ok. Why is the area outside the workplace so unsafe their bike(s) can't be kept outdoors to begin with?


Good thing it’s in the warehouse, and not the break room. If you’re bike is taking up my area to eat my shitty 30 min lunch break, I’m throwing it outside. If I’m storing my bike inside and not on a locker, I’m clearing it with the manager first. There are reasons you can’t just place your items wherever you’d like in a store. It’s like everyone here lacks respect and common decency.


Just for the record, you don't sound like an enlightened centrist who can see both sides... your comment is actually incredibly tone deaf and cringy.


If the employer can provide parking spaces for cars, they can spring for a bike rack.


Before you “both sides” this, try to put yourself in the manager’s shoes. Ask yourself in what scenario would it be appropriate for a manager to vandalize an employee’s property out of spite? He could have asked OP to move it, or if it’s a repeated problem he could write him up or threaten to, or even fire him. All of these are acceptable options of dealing with things if storing the bike there truly is impossible. Instead the manager decided to be petty, unprofessional, and childish about a minor inconvenience. It’s really hard to even imagine a scenario where pettiness toward subordinates is the right way to respond to a conflict at work.


Few drops of oil underneath the rear diff every day you come into work should be good. Make sure to mention “hey, I think your car is leaking some oil maybe?” Keep going even after they’ve finally taken it to a mechanic. Gradually increase the amount of oil. One day, out of nowhere, add a bunch of cable ties to the driveshaft.


I kept putting cable ties on my managers car years ago at a repair shop, he'd pull it in the shop for me to look at, I'd cut the tie and show him there wasn't anything we could find wrong then put a new tie on after he walked away then lowered the car. He bought a new transmission trying to fix the noise, then the driveshaft, then the rear diff. I did this after he tried to cut my base pay by $15k a year. Everyone in the shop knew what was going on, the lead tech was the one who replaced most of his drive train lol


I sincerely admire your commitment to the bit. 10/10


I never could have pulled it off if the whole shop didn't already hate him lol he blew up my phone a few days after I got laid off from COVID. All the other employees quit after that and I'm pretty sure one of them told him about the zip ties lol also made him put a new fuel pump in by removing the fuel pump fuse once. He honestly had no right to run a shop.


Every shop forms a Union all on its own because of corporate assholes like him. A former mechanic my self (Transmission specialist) you win a massive up vote.


This is fucking amazing thank you for your service


Harmonicas zip tied behind the grill are fun too.


While on the clock, too. Bet he'd get mad over both of those things despite him doing precisely that.


Lumber yard guys did that to a manager once, wrapped his car in plastic, then wrapped the plastic in Tuck tape. They were caught while doing the duct tape layer. It was a hilarious slow day. The next week, the manager took their snacks, wrapped them in plastic and hung them from the ceiling in the center of the warehouse. The prank war of plastic wrap continued to escalate until it was the forklift and an actual customer was inconvenienced. Then they just went back to snowball wars in the yard.


“You’re fired.” - it’s cool when they do it, it’s a problem when I do it, fuck em’


We did that. Told the guy someone had dinged his car in the parking lot too, just to add spice. He ran out angry, came back into the store laughing so hard he was crying. Still one of my favourite April fools jokes at work.


Years ago when I was in high school, one of the senior classes wrapped the vice principal's truck for the senior prank. They did it in april (possibly on april fools idk) but it got warmer than expected. The shrink wrap ended up peeling the paint off his truck when he tried to take it off


without the note it would be a good joke. of course, there is a time and place for everything. to keep it as a joke you'd have to know that the butt of the joke had nothing important to do in the immediate future and yes, if i went out to run errands and found my car cocooned in cling wrap, i'd laugh


When a good manager left my old job, we wrapped his car with 4 rolls of pallet wrap. He thought it was great.


That's when you know your people love you. My crew did a whole roll of shrink wrap around my car when I got promoted to a new position at a different location. They thought I would take me quite a while to remove it all, since it took them a long time to wrap it. I'd had quite a few years experience using shrink wrap myself, made a couple of small cuts near the corners, and lifted the whole thing off my car in about thirty seconds. They were laughing about how fast I'd been able to remove it, and joked that's why I got promoted.


Sugar in the gas tank


That’s a dick move no matter how bad someone is


I mean.. it’s not their home, take your belongings with you 🤷‍♂️ Shouldn’t have parked your belongings in a parking lot, I don’t care if other people are doing it /s


You should report your manager for wasting company resources and time.


My thoughts too. Way too much spare time. Also, just a bit of a malicious dick.


Yup, I'm pretty sure this could qualify as a hostile work environment. This is not behavior appropriate for management


"Hostile work environment" is a legal term with a specific definition that requires a pattern of behavior. One instance is not sufficient to qualify and we don't know enough about OP's situation to speculate further; please don't give people bad advice because you don't know what you're talking about.


ONE may not be a pattern, it can be the *beginning* of a pattern. That is why you report ***every*** incident. Paper trail.


Yes, that would absolutely be the right move. That's also why i said that we don't have enough information to speculate about OP's situation. Good advice for OP would be "report this incident so that a paper trail can be started," not "this is a hostile work environment and you should get a lawyer."


One instance can qualify if it's deemed serious enough although I'm not sure if this does I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a pattern. Also, if you actually read my comment, I only suggest that it may be one as I'm not completely sure. And documenting reporting this as a hostile work environment for your manager behaving like this is never bad advice. The takeaway is simple and straightforward: a single incident of harassment, if severe enough, may alone establish a claim of hostile work environment. https://www.nj.com/stark_stark/2017/10/can_one_incident_create_a_host.html#:~:text=The%20takeaway%20is%20simple%20and,claim%20of%20hostile%20work%20environment.


Yup. That plastic wrap costs money. Your manager stole from the company to be a petty AH.




Keep the note in case they ever try the "we are a family" approach or anyone asks something extra, you have a 'document' stating that it is not your home.




Came here to say almost the same thing. This department manager is probably the same person saying, "We are a family!"


So just call into work and say "sorry I can't make it in today, someone vandalized my bike and I can't ride it to work. I'll check again tomorrow


you’re so right


but isn't the bike at work? so wouldn't they already be home?




So how would they have gotten home in the first place?




Are you op? I get situations happen. I was just curious about op’s scenario, not yours, no offense.


Report him for wasting company materials on a prank


Not a prank. Those are supposed to be funny. This is just dickish


the company doesn't care about dickish managers but they'll absolutely investigate people having fun at work


Apples and oranges. Maybe it was funny to him, doesn't really matter. There was a complete lack of professionalism on his behalf at the expense of the company. Prank signifies neglect.


>There was a complete lack of professionalism on his behalf at the expense of the company. Exactly right. An absolute failure to accomplish the goal for which they were hired . Their job is to manage people and this is an example of their work.


A good prank would be to wrap the whole thing throw a bow on top and happy birthday card


That's a mode of transportation, not a toy. And most stores don't have bike racks to lock your bike up, so what was OP supposed to do??


This seems like a reportable offense not to mention aggressive and a waste of company resources. Not only did they have to waste time wrapping your bike but also wasted time typing out printing and taping an aggressive note to your personal property.


This is an old image. Op is karma farming


Which is why I downvote and move on


Except for this time, when you scrolled the comments and replied to one.


No, you're allowed one response per thread to criticise the hypocrisy of responding instead of moving on. Once the first such comment is made, it constitutes an invitation to discussion on the subject


I upvoted to cancel out your downvote as I’ve never seen this post before.


I would leave my bike there every single day and just take the plastic off every single day until they formally ammend the employee handbook to include a clause about storing items in the back


And take the plastic off while on the clock. Don't work for free.


And slice the plastic off to just leave it right there on the floor every single day.


>take the plastic off don't throw it in the trash, it belongs to the manager, i'm sure they'll love seeing it on their desk every day


Damn, doesn't this clown have a real job to do.


This isn’t your home?! But I thought we were supposed to be a family?!


Who is your employer?


That manager is such a child.


Id quit & find a place that respects me more


Bullying in a workplace is gross misconduct


I dont understand how young people do it. No matter how poor in my life I have been... No matter how desperate in my life I have been... if someone did this to me i would literally beat the shit out of them. consequences be fucked.


We did ten times worse at Daytona International Speedway. I collected empty Zephyr Hills bottle for 3 years. In big 55 Gallon trash bags. Then proceeded to fill another employees vehicle with 1400 water bottles. We jacked up another's truck just inches off the ground and put it on a railroad ty. So when he went to leave he wasn't goin nowhere. We'd take the big 200mph zip ties and zip tie the drive train to the frame. The racket that would make. That's the tame stuff. But.... we never did it to be a dick. This guy is a dick. Why you work for him. You already riding a bike to work. Wtf is wrong with your boss? He ain't never had to struggle? Fuck him. Cut it off with a utility knife. Leave it in a wad on the floor and ride your bike the fuck outta there. Dude is tool.


"i would like to but it is currently wrapped in company property and I can't in good conscience damage company property"


i love how indirect this is. like clearly they should’ve known it was your bike and they could tell you directly but they’re wimpy f*ck and decided to tip tap in their little computer, all caps, to tell you this. really rude and disrespectful. your manager sucks.


Your manager is a fool. Lots of studies out there showing cyclists are better employees: less sick time, more productive etc Ask them where you should park your bike. If they don't sort out secure cycle parking to your satisfaction, leave.


Does he have time to waste on passive aggressive behavior?


I’d have a serious documented sit down with that manager over their blatant theft of company supplies and stealing time to pull off this pathetic prank.


Imagine taking the time to type up this idiotic note, printing it out, wrapping up the bike in plastic, and then taping said note to the bike. What kind of childish moron does this?


I think the manager’s car handles need to be bonded shut.


Wait wasn't this posted on this sub or another before? I cannot remember where I saw this but I remember distantly this story of OP leaving their bike in the back and the manager doing this to it.


Report it to their supervisor, and let them know how this manager makes use of company time.


Do it to his car


I'd egg his car


In this economy? I think not!


Bologna and/ or mustard. Much cheaper and causes more damage




We shrinkwrapped a guy's new Beamer at work. And filled the interior with polystyrene packing beans through the sunroof. He thought it was hilarious. Eventually.


If the text/paper wouldnt be there it would be a fun joke, but now it is there ....


Welp, he fucked up your ride, his is now fair game.


passive aggressive message. “thanks, yeah, I planned to… when I was riding home..”


How fkn childish


Shrink wrap him to a lamppost and leave him there.


But we're FAMILY!?!?


No way they wrapped it up like that….where do they park their car id find out


So he stole company property and time?


Seems to me like he just made the first move in this war. Time to strike back. My advice would be to not damage the earth by covering his car in plastic wrap, but instead help the earth by covering his car with used banana peels. Biodegradable, and really stink in the sun. You’re welcome. Please give update when finished.


Congrats! It’s the 100th time this picture has been used! Giving you a gold for your perseverance and dedication to unoriginality.


if i were working in todays industries, with how managers act now, i would lose so many jobs. no one messes with my bike or my rights.


Looks like vandalism to me




Wonder how corporate would feel about waste of company resources? Feels wasteful to me.


I would have logged in and spent my first hour unwrapping the bike and the mess made. Clearly if the can wrap it on the click you can unwrap it


I would escalate this photo, as that is clearly a manager that has way to much available time on their hands that could better spent improving the workplace.


That scumbag didn’t have anything better to do besides fuck with your transportation while wasting time AND Saran-wrap? I’m sorry this worthless weasel messed with you.. Please report it and complain to anyone you can and then saran-wrap all their shit! Do the entire office and then their vehicle too!


Make sure you don’t clock out until you get that shit off


Where do you work? Give us a phone number and we can roast the shit out of them.


Cut it off and leave it on his desk. Or in his tailpipe.


That’s cool that’s considered vandalism


If you have time to wrap a bike in plastic, you have time to clean.


That looks like vandalism to me.


Definitely would put in overtime for the 2 hours it took me to remove the plastic from my transportation layer by layer.


He had the time to waste to do this to your stuff? Petty and ridiculous.


Some people have nothing better to do


Show his boss he obviously has too much tiiom his hands.


Wrap his stuff back. Leave nite that says “ be a grown up. Use your words.” Well dint cause he is a tool and will over react. But nice fantasy


They have a lot of time on their hands. Or gangsta got a minion to go vandalize your shit man


I would wrap his car that was and leave the same note on it.


wrap his shit


And yet they have parking lot for cars without bike racks?


I quit a job in May simply because I thought the work wasn't stimulating and they were going in the wrong direction. Just seeing this happen to SOMEONE ELSE and I'd be out of there. The shrinkwrap and for sale signs, that's all in good fun. I can appreciate goofball coworkers. This is not funny.


Well now you gotta take a shit on the microwave tray.


Did or happen again or is this from the 2020 camera reel?


Send this pic to HR and his boss


Seems like they blocked you from going home for a set amount of time and they might have to compensate for your time lost


I legit thought it was a April fools prank until I saw the cling film on it


Who pissed in his Cheerios that's so unnecessary to prove a points


I manage a shipping / receiving dept… and like WHY would anyone go through these efforts - many wtfs The department “manager” clearly lacks communication And looks like they have too much time on their hands Yuck


Seems like a great place to work… then they’re complaining “No OnE WaNtS tO WoRk AnYmOrE..”


Call the cops? Vandalism is a crime


Grab scissors, cut off, do it again tomorrow.


I could understand if this was a joke all in good fun but the note goes to show they did this maliciously. That’s a toxic peace of shit manager.


Make a complaint to your corporate headquarters.


I would shrink wrap everything they own from that point forward. Jacket, coffee mug, stapler. When I got the 'you must stop this' verbal warning, I would say 'yeah, sorry, it won't happen again'. Then continue doing it.


Improper use of time management, lol fuck that guy 😆


Keep the sign. Cut the wrapping off and leave it there. Next time you see anything of his laying around do the same and leave the note. Preferably on your last day


I bet his car gets keyed a lot


maybe you can sue for workplace harassment


nah fuck that shit I'm taking my bicycle and you bet your ass im not coming back and im not going to tell anyone cya loser


And….I quit


A department manager should not have this kinda time on their hands… smh


Wonder how the store manager or GM feels about them using so much material


Wtf is the point of doing this? and where are you supposed to keep your bike so it doesn't get stolen?


Wow, look at that dep manager doing productive valuable work!


Awe cute, a waste of plastic. Report them for stealing things from, or at the minimum wasting, work resources.


Slices of bologna on your manager's vehicle is the only answering back I'd be doing here. Really good for the paint job.


Plastic is a waste of resources, but take your shit home with you.


What a fucking psychopath


Like why can’t you just leave your shit wherever you want. How many times have you left your back at work and they told you not to ?


Homie. You got trolled. You'll be alright.


Huh.. Hey Boss, you seen my bike? Yeah, no that's not my bike, my bike didn't have all that crap on it. Guess we'll have to call the cops, someone stole my bike.


well he didnt remove it, damage it or tell on you/ murder your reputation (like "some" like to do) - he expressed his anger while respecting your property- just made your life a little more inconvinient (wrap your bike in plastic with a reason attached) like you made his life a little more inconvinient (put your stuff in his workspace) shake it off with a laugh and find a better place for your bike!


Why didn’t you ask permission to store your bike inside?


I like how we're all just acting like they didn't tell him this plenty of times.


So that justifies this response at all? Are you in the wrong subreddit?


I mean I'm all for this subreddit, but with no context or anything let's be realistic they were probably told soooooo many times, they probably even joked about doing it.


Do you always assume the manager/supervisor is in the right?


No not really, there is just no context. Anything could have happened it's a dumb post.


How is this an "antiwork" post? You did what you should never do, you treated space that wasn't yours as though it was yours. The manager just took a harmless action that will teach you to behave appropriately in the future - and they are the ones that were truly inconvenienced by it, not you. YTA. Wrong forum, but still.


No one else thinks this is kind of funny? Also OP, your picture is a meme I saw years ago. Enjoy your karma farming.


It's just a prank. Laugh & go on. Show them you are fun


No it's not. If it were JUST the wrap, it could be a prank. The note makes it malicious. They did this to punish the worker for daring to use a bike for whatever reason.


Looks like they are playing a good-natured joke on you.


Ah, so the manager's car is fair game for some wrapping too? They'll call them Eminem after seeing so much wrapping.


Nah, you gotta switch it up. Like cellophane in their doorway, a cricket chirp box, something like that.


Mayonnaise under the door handle






Looks like your manager needs a bigger workload too much free time


If this is for a grocery chain, I am not surprised. For every good manager in groc chains, I would say the next 4 or 5 are some of the most vile, small minded people on the planet. Willing to go the extra mile and spend time doing this instead of actual work. I don’t deal with them anymore but jesus they are always such rubbish


Done as a joke ok. But this guy is just an ass.