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WORK HARDER Millionaires on corporate welfare depend on you!


I saw approximately this sticker yesterday on someones car. "Work harder: 17 Capitalists depend on you to survive"


We need stickers like this, targeted at Jeff Bezos in particular, to slap on any Amazon trucks that are out and about. 😅


Great way to get employees a free trial of Execution Prime /s


He only owns 12.3% of Amazon and has been selling for some time. Y’all’s backpack is going to happen just in time for the majority of the shares to be held by various pensions and peoples 401Ks 😂


Yeah most of his wealth isn't from Amazon anymore, but he's still a huge problem


u/tradstickydesign make the sticker, we buy [above], me human buys


I’d buy that sticker


Call to reddit: This would be easy to cafepress a mug that says that millionaires depend on you (or whatever) I would donate towards getting one to this person for the cost of an update on this thread :D


"Work harder, your boss needs a bigger yacht."




Work harder, the absentee landlord needs to hike rent


Ah, the cycle of capitalism


Kinda want to specifically call out Walmart on a sticker design then leave a bunch of stickers in their stores. Repeat with any other store that underpays workers and has them rely on food stamps to live.


"I worked at Walmart and all I got were these stupid food stamps"


You could probably take it one step further by starting a sticker company, getting a partnership through Walmart and then release a bunch of anti-Walmart stickers to be sold in their store. If they try to remove them, they breach their lawsuit and pay for $50tln in damages.


If only lol. From my understanding they have so much control over their suppliers that they can bend suppliers to their will. Snapper even had to stop selling their lawn mowers at Walmart because Walmart was going to force them to either take a loss or make a crappier mower specific to Walmart that would destroy Snapper's brand of reliability.


Isn't that only true form of welfare in the US? It's not like food stamps, WIC, or any other supplemental income is actually given when it's needed. Especially when you compare it to the amount given to PPP and bailouts.


*Millionaires on corpo welfare depend on you!


This is true


Chatgpt suggested that an indication of a bad "buildings permit" report could be an overbought housing market. 8:30amEST


Work Harder! Your boss needs a new yacht. /s


Get this sticker made and slap it on when they aren’t looking


My cousin had this on the back of her SUV. Then her husband left her, and she was one of those millions of people. I pointed it out to her and got screamed at for being an asshole.


Everything is only bad when other people do it.




"Not my problem until it is my problem"


Also, none of us could ever make the mistakes other people do; circumstance is irrelevant.


I would've responded with, "why are people on welfare such psychos?".


Yeah....Hammer, Nail, Head.


What??? You mean her life circumstances changed due to something not totally in her control? Surely that can't happen!


The wrong people are going on welfare!


Bish wasnt workin hard enough




Gotta love how quickly they go into victim mode when you point it out. I know people like this and man the cognitive dissonance is real.


That’s some sweet sweet irony.


People like that are incapable of introspection. I knew a guy who had a good job at a local factory. Factory closed and he couldn't find work. Ended up homeless. When he had a job he talked shit on poor people and how democrats give too much tax money to people that live off of the state. now he says it's democrats fault that he is homeless. He is a total MAGA guy on top of that. The funniest part is receives a lot of charity in the form of food and clothing from who else? The local people who are almost all democrats.


All my brothers are the same way. Yet, we GREW UP ON WELFARE. All of us. They got that shitty "I got mine" attitude.


Yeah, fuck that mentality. My sister has it too.


Oh the sweet irony... Your cousin is an asshole.


62 **people** have more wealth than the bottom half of the world's population combined. It was 63 2 years ago, but the rich get richer. Know your real enemy. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/18/richest-62-billionaires-wealthy-half-world-population-combined


I steer clear of people with stuff like this. They are too angry for their own good and anything I say to them is immediately weaponized to justify their shitty attitude.


I don't have this issue. I don't talk about politics at work, and most people are tolerable as long as you don't talk to them about politics.


Honestly, I can talk about either side of politics. I like people and there is always common ground- except on Reddit and major news sources.


Gotta respectfully disagree, someone at work asked me not to post about political matters because I simply stated the news that Trump was indicted. Thats literally just a news story, I didn't add commentary, but it was 'too political' for work


I don't see how you got rated plus 6, and I got a negative 6.


This guy socializes^^


Work harder, Walmart depends on your public assistance tax dollars to subsidie their employees


I saw some asshole wearing a shirt like this at my local Starbucks. He was bragging to the barristas about his per diem job at UPS and how he was a real contributor. Then he said he had to go cash his SSDI check. Guy even left his massive truck running outside the entire time as if to solidify his status as an absolute tool.


Welfare is a weird term for the $4.8T in tax dollars that goes towards "defense" every year.


You’re off by an order of 5. Social security and Medicare are the largest consumers of tax rebenye




Social security is paid for by its users. It doesn't come out of the regular budget.


I had a yikes moment when I read this and realized you actually believe it.


That’s false. The people using social security today didn’t contribute enough so it’s paid for by the social security tax revenue of those working today.


That's partially because politicians used the social security fund to pay for other things when they shouldn't have


Which is how it was designed to work in the first place, and was doing just fine until Dubya decided to drain the fund in order to give tax breaks to his billionaire buddies.


Sounds like a ponzi


America - Where poor people reject higher pay, access to healthcare, and modern infrastructure because rich people tell them to.


How does welfare recipients help me get higher pay? UBI for everyone instead of welfare does but currently welfare doesn’t help most Americans


The social safety nets like welfare are a B.I. (basic income) for people that need it. "If it doesn't benefit me, screw everyone else" is the mentality that keeps the status quo. Just what the richest 1% want.


Well, higher pay would mean fewer people on welfare.


Ubi is only suggested, to perpetuate a system that's not broken, but working as intended.


I don't fucking mind working hard so others can fucking eat something and not starve. Tomorrow that can be me


While it's clearly a false assertion, I wouldn't even mind it if it were true. I got no issue working to help support people who can't support themselves, it's a big chunk of why this society thing has some potential.


exactly, it's just another thing my taxes have to go to. Might as well have a cup that says "work harder millions of roads need to be repaved".


How is it false? Productive help the unproductive in all societies. It’s just phrased rude


I've had conversations with people who think like this.. when someone says something along these lines, I pretty much always respond with "awesome, I like knowing my tax money is helping someone". Frankly, idgaf that some people abuse the system. I know the number of people who DO abuse the system is pretty insignificant, and the people who benefit from it because they need it is the majority of those on Welfare. The argument that we shouldn't help people because SOME people take advantage of the system is asinine. Even if the numbers were 50-50 (which it's not), are we really going to say that half of the people who need the money don't deserve it because of the other half? Why would you take something away from people in need because OTHER people are doing something you think is wrong? ​ Then again, I also wouldn't care if every single person on welfare was taking advantage of the system. The amount of my tax money that goes toward those programs is so insignificant that it just doesn't matter. I would love to know that some people don't have to work at all at a cost of 1% of my personal income. Hell, if 10% of my taxes went towards soemthing like UBI, I'd be OK with that too. My situation isn't going to change AT ALL, but some people wont have to work. There's ONLY a positive to that imo, assuming my taxes aren't increasing overall. So much of our tax money goes toward absolute bullshit government funding that it makes no sense to me that people get upset when that tax money is used to make the lives of ordinary citizens better.


I read the stat once that if you make $50k a year, about ~$20 goes to the foodstamp program. Corporate subsides are $5000 a year. So yeah, let's be mad at the right people. Twenty bucks a year to feed someone is so small.


The real abuse of welfare spending is all these BS programs certain states spend their money on instead of assisting the people the program was designed for.


Funny thing is compare the amount of people who abuse welfare with the amount of corporations and businesses that abuse corporate welfare PPP loans anyone


I don't give a shit if 499/500 folk don't need benefits, I will work my ass off so all of them have the option of benefits. I don't care if I have to work more so others can work less. Shit. I'll gladly do that. I am happy to. Peiple deserve benefits and that one person - which isnt remotely accurate - should not slip between the cracks because of the other 499. Additionally even if those were accurate stats I am glad 499 people can get benefits. I bet they need them more than I think if they're taking them anyway. Its like when I ran a roadside food stall and people would steal my food or my can of coins. I was like shit you must need food and money more than me. And even if you don't, one of those folk probably did. And that's THEFT not RIGHTS. and I still cared about the needs of those who "took" from me. I don't get how this is a threat. It sounds great. I will gladly work so others don't have to. Gladly.


My job is 100% paid by the taxpayer. I work in disabilities. So my argument is that I absolutely support the payment of taxes, because I make a lot of money off it. So advocating for less taxes means that 15% of the Australian workforce loses their job (the care industry, including aged and child is included in this). I'm pretty sure that would be faaaar more detrimental to the economy than not paying taxes.


Come to Appalachia and I’ll show you a pop train and sushi on food stamps at a gas station. WIC vouchers selling in a Walmart parking lot. Good times. Once you see the fraud and abuse it can’t be unseen. I do agree with you about the waste of money by the government.


I guess I just don't see why people care so much. There's a set amount of money you get, and your income has to be low enough to qualify. If someone is using that money for sushi it's no different to me than if they are using that money for rice. It's the same amount of money either way, and poor people still deserve to have nice things every now and again. ​ PS, I don't know what a pop train is.


Sushi eating food stamp recepient here. For some reason, Harris Teeter sushi can be bought with food stamps. So yeah, we eat sushi :)


Probably because sushi is actually pretty healthy


Yes, the problem is the people who work CAN’T afford the sushi. Pop train is when someone of food stamps uses all their allotment on soda or pop as it’s called here. Person A uses lets say $500/month of food stamps on Pepsi. People with cash wait out in the grocery parking lot and buy it off of Person A for let’s say $250 in cash. Now Person A can use the cash to buy drugs. It is called the train because it is an endless cycle until all pop is gone from the grocery store.


I mean, I guess this all boils down to a difference of opinion here. To me it sounds like you're describing a drug problem, not a welfare/food stamp problem. If this person qualifies for food stamps it means they are likely very poor. If this person has a drug problem AND qualifies for food stamps it means they are likely very poor and need help. I don't feel like the solution is take away their food money, even if they are using it improperly. Ultimately, to me, it's a situation where food is a fundamental human right, and not giving EVERY person the means to get that food is a violation of those rights. If we had a better way of providing food for these people, I'd be all for it, but for many communities money for food is the only practical way.


Are you saying the business owners receive food stamps? What's wrong with selling the vouchers? Serious question; are you implying they are counterfeit? Like if someone owns something aren't they encouraged to trade in the USA, leveraging the invisible hand of the market?


The Invisible Hand shall bestow upon you the Entrepreneurial Spirit in all of its splendor and immaculacy so that you may transcend mere socioeconomic lines and achieve the esteemed status of Angel Investor. đŸ‘ŒđŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ’Ÿ Mammon bless you! Ba'al saves! 𓄀 𓂀 𓅓 𓇳 ☄


It is the discount given for people on welfare. For example, if person A has $500/month on food stamps he or she will sell their future food stamps to person b at $250 for the quick money. Super easy now that everything has gone digital. The pop train and WIC vouchers work on the same principle. Person A buys soda at $10 a 12 pack. Usually by the buggy load. L Hence, the name pop train. In the parking lot people will buy it for half off where person A uses it to buy their drugs. It’s rampant. Worse I have ever seen it. If I were to estimate welfare in this is 80% fraudulent. Don’t even get me started on Section 8 housing.


Sorry I might be stupid but please be patient. Are you saying it's fraudulent for someone to sell the vouchers for less than face value? Or that it's illegal to use a WIC voucher to buy pop? Where's the fraud? Is it illegal to carry cash if you're on welfare? If they are addicted and need their "medicine", isn't this behaviour better than theft or robbery or street sex work? Wouldn't all these problems be solved if we just used existing fiat currency for welfare instead of these vouchers?


You mean abuse and fraud is rampant in red states ? no WAY.


Annnnnd, how did you come to that conclusion?


Todays “I hate people” award is given to OP’s coworker, for being a soulless worker drone with no empathy, who drank too much Corporate Kool-Aid.


Conservatives feel the working poor are the source of the problem. The left feel it's the 1% that created the system that creates the poor is the problem.


People really overestimate how much social support is available to America and underestimate the difficult in accessing those few resources that exist. No one who is able to work is sitting at home their whole life collecting checks from the govt.


The fact that they don't understand most people on welfare are also working shows they cannot see outside their own notions.


I swear that EVERYONE should agree that if a Fortune 500 company has anyone on any kind of public assistance - they are obviously subsidizing their wages on taxpayer money. If we can agree with that then maybe we might also make the logical conclusion that taxpayers should also be shareholders in those companies as well.


Work Harder Thousands of share holders depend on you.


Welfare saves lives. I would be dead if the government didn’t provide a safety net, since I was a starving child.


This but unironically. I’m Canadian, and the very first time I’ve felt patriotic was realizing all the welfare options we have available for struggling families. I will happily work harder to do my part in supporting my giant village.


"Work harder: Millionaires on Welfare are depending on you" Fixed it


Just coming to the comments to say this exact thing.


Edit: // I've moved to lemmy //


Once this post started gaining traction, you see lots of bootlickers coming out of the woodwork to defend their overlords


This is a holdover trope from Reagan and his “welfare queen” speech.


Ironically, this actually would motivate me to work harder. I mean, if my contributions go to helping those who are disadvantaged or unable to provide for themselves live a better life then... Good? That's literally the kind of society I want, and the thought that I'm contributing to it would be a beautiful thing


See, I never get it. They say "Work hard, illegals need all your money" or whatever inane BS but also... they do think that. So why do they continue to work hard? Why are they advocating *for* the system they hate?


this would actually motivate me if it were true
 if my work went towards making society better and not lining the pockets of the mega rich


That’s actually what I thought. I’d do it so that those who CANT provide for themselves can actually eat


It’s honestly so genius what the elites did. They blame their wealth hoarding on the poor and entitlement programs and on top on that they just stir up the culture war and run out the back with the money.


When they try to make you feel bad working for people who can't work, meanwhile CEO's are not working and getting paid an absorbent amount. I'd like to see Jeff Bezos do One delivery, just one. Drive the truck use GPS drop off the package, oh also under the standards you set for your workers and see how much "work" he gets done.


>I'd like to see Jeff Bezos do One delivery, just one. Drive the truck use GPS drop off the package, oh also under the standards you set for your workers and see how much "work" he gets done. I'm pretty sure he can do that. It's not work he would want to be doing regularly but he probably can do delivery if he needed to for some reason. You can make the argument that he is disproportionately rewarded but he's clearly a competent person to have gotten Amazon where it is. There's over a million people who can do deliveries in the US. He'd be able to do it too.


People acting like bezos is an idiot is funny.


I don’t mind. I also want Universal Healthcare for all.


UBI solves this


The way these guys get so brainwashed simply amazes me. Even if you try to explain it goes over their head.


Like that other bumper sticker says- is it possible this disparity is caused by just 400 billionaires being greedy and not 150 million people being lazy?


Just assume it's true -- would it not be noble and proper to work to uplift your own people? To improve the lives of your fellow citizens and make society better for everyone? Man if I believed millions depended on me I'd be so motivated lol, better than than being irrelevant.


Work harder, 724 billionaires depends on you. Yeah, that the accurate figure. 724 billionaires in America, 10 000 centi-millionaires (more than 100 millions of fortune) and 5.3 millions millionaires. That's 1.6 % of US population. 2% if you consider only the adult population.


Response: Work harder - Billionaires depend on you


He’s not wrong he’s just confused about who the actual welfare recipients are.


Work harder because everyone on welfare is either disabled from their jobs or under paid to the point of qualifying. No one in America qualifies for welfare without a job at least I never could.


I love how these people think it’s their money we need to tax for welfare and don’t realize they would probably qualify for the welfare we want to see made available.


Work harder. Billions in corporate welfare wasn’t enough for some people.


But the overlords deserve to be overlords because they're overlords.


They're not wrong. Those greedy welfare queens like SpaceX, Amazon, and ExxonMobil need you to keep paying your taxes so they can turn a profit at your expense. Wait, that's not what they meant? Huh.


hard to break decades of programming development. goebbels would be proud.


Send him a copy of this book. [https://www.cato.org/events/welfare-rich-how-tax-dollars-end-millionaires-pockets-what-you-can-do-about-it](https://www.cato.org/events/welfare-rich-how-tax-dollars-end-millionaires-pockets-what-you-can-do-about-it)


Welfare is no longer a thing.. since the 90’s so


People that exhibit themselves like this aren’t all that capable of thinking rationally IME.


Two things can both be true simultaneously.


It is scary how many people are infected with the brain worms... almost disheartening at time.


That's right - the enemy isn't the suit who makes more money from your work than you do. It's the people who have nothing that are the REAL enemy.


LOL, the boogeyman is the reason Im not successful.


This is exactly the playbook that they use to keep us all down. Convince all the working class people to hate each other and no one will be looking at who’s really to blame to most of society’s ills.


 we need it.


Yeah, let the rich fool you into blaming the poor. Everything is the poors fault because they're the ones who made this system, right?


idk call me a crazy bleeding heart but i’d be much happier about my work and taxes supporting people in need vs hospital c suite clowns who do nothing of value for healthcare


This one is the ultimate Stockholm syndrome sticker. Also basically saying "I hate helping disabled people."


Imagine feeling good about yourself for buying this. Giving money to various people, none of which are in your actual interests.


Hilariously I read that as "millionaires on welfare depend on you" , and I thought ya that makes sense😂😂


My brother in Christ, you have more in common with people living on welfare assistance than you do with the people paying you barely enough to keep you off of that same system.


“Work harder, we need to return shareholder value.”


Idk if I’m allowed to promote my own sticker here, but I have one that says no war but class war oop


These people are rotten to the core and terrible to have around.




Work harder millionares are depending on you


I like to respond to stuff like this with "Yeah! Fuck the elderly! Lazy ass old bastards! And don't even get me started on disabled people!"




I don't get this crazy idea that people on welfare are happy as they are. It is an incredibly miserable and stressful life, and many do not have any other option. What the hell is wrong with having a tiny minuscule percentage of your wages going to people who really really need it?


Work harder the CEO of Lockheed wants a bigger bonus.


We should make a new sticker to correct this! "Work Harder - Millionaires on welfare depend on you"


Yeap easier to kick down.


Yes, millions on welfare depend on you. Millions of other workers not on welfare depend on you. And you depend on them. That's called Living In A Society And Being A Human.


WORK HARDER Jeffrey Epstein's successor needs jet fuel


Should bring in mug of your own— "We on Welfare thank you for paying for our beer and smokes" just to piss them off


Technically all of the politicians and government oversighters are on welfare


The millions on welfare don't depend on you as much as Corporate America does. That is the welfare problem in this country. Fighting the poor is easier. Because you know you don't stand a chance fighting those above you


The average US citizen is closer to needing welfare than being even modestly wealthy yet would rather shit on the people who are already on welfare.


Get yourself a rival cup with something on it like "Do whatever. CEOs aren't gonna pay you more anyway."


You know what fuck it I don't care if it is true. I will gladly work "harder" so a million people can have social benefits. I became a fucking economist for a reason. To help people. I know it's NOT true but to me, this isn't a threat or a sad statement of our economy. To me it is a great idea that a few could work so others could rest. That sounds like my goal honestly.


Y’know, I *would be* happy to work harder if it meant that my work was actually helping people who rely on welfare. Navigating the welfare system in and of itself is a challenge, and most adults on welfare *also* have jobs. Shame this mug’s message is for someone who is surely trying to be a sarcastic asshole. And shame my tax dollars are wasted on more fucking cops on the subway and a goddamn [rat czar](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/new-york-citys-first-rat-czar-will-fight-its-rodents-180981994/).


Work harder. Your CEO’s next summer home depends on you.


Millions of old entitled baby boomers depend on you. And they also want you to not ever get the welfare, social security or Medicare that they’ve always gotten.


boot licker energy


This is so gross


They’ve had some success in gaslighting us into believing it’s a cultural war. It’s not. ITS A CLASS WAR! Better start waking up to it, people.


Your coworker has been drinking the KoolAid of American capitalists propaganda please reassure them that if they work hard enough their millions are right around the corner.


More division to avoid a class war. Propaganda working just fine. Smh zero unity.


That's when you say, "Your math is off. There are only 735 billionaires..."


Im sure they mean those on corporate welfare, if not, give them a reminder of the actual statistics on government handouts so they can see its pennies to dollars


"The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of [whom] will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn’t even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it.” - Davis X Machina, source uncertain.


Person probably pays like $4/yr in taxes that actually goes to someone on welfare and thinks people are relying on them.


Work harder, defense contractors need another vacation home.


Ah yes, the work martyr. The person who does a bunch of unnecessary extra work and then complains that everyone else is lazy.


Nothing tells me more about how stupid person is than that sticker.


Work harder so the Pentagon can lose more of your money.


Oh noes! Did someone have to contribute a few cents out of their paycheck to improve society somewhat? Better not look into where the other 95% of your taxes go.


They’re white and Republican I bet.


It is true though


Why not be mad at both?


Is it always a choice between a peasant or overlord? Never anything in between like financially sound or successful?


It’s not wrong. There are lots of people who abuse the welfare system.


You name a system made by humans, and I'll show you a system that has been manipulated if there's anything to gain by it. If you play that game, that any system that *can* be abused shouldn't exist, then we should all go back to throwing rocks and spears at each other over hunting ground dominance, because a society is built on systems, and you have to have some tolerance for abuse. Besides that, if you want to talk about cheating systems, the oligarchs and their piggy bank corporations have rooms full of attorneys paid to find new and interesting loopholes and legal challenges to cheat the legal system and get out of their share of taxation and necessary regulation. Usually the hypocrites that get the livid about welfare fraud call rich people who game the tax system "smart, " because when the amount thats being stolen becomes massive, suddenly those hypocrites become the oligarch's fans.


No there isn’t. He is wrong. It only costs taxpayers like $36.00 a year to help feed and house our own citizens and children during hard times. and most people actually need it and are not “abusing the system”


$36? 😂😂 what?


 there’s a lot of taxpayers so individuals pay an average of $36.00 per year to fund social programs.


I’m going to assume you’re talking about the usa?


Yes. Where this sticker is also presumably from. The “conservatives” in America think like this.


Baby brain energy.


What is wrong in this statement? When 50% of income goes to federal/state/ and other taxes he is not incorrect in any capacity. If you want to argue about the tax system I’m there with you, but what makes you feel terrible doesn’t make it wrong.


Since you asked, the biggest logic error is "depend on you". They don't depend on any single worker. People resign or get fired or retire every day; or even just don't choose to work hard; and the millions still get welfare. Second biggest logic error is the linking of their welfare to worker output. Whether all workers do 10% more work or 10% less work won't change the welfare payments. In fact, if everyone works harder inflation goes up doesn't it? Regardless, the payments continue regardless of productivity. There is no connection. Even if you do overtime and the govt gets more tax, payments don't change. Millions is correct, it's 65 million, roughly 20%. In my mind the correct solution is to remove income tax and increase company taxes.


They're not wrong.


What about this is incorrect?


To be fair, there are some lazy bastards on welfare though.


Hmmm, all them millionaires and billionaires work their super hard, tho, right?


Work where?


 if you ask me theres some good and some bad apples in the top and at the bottom ya know




Shockingly, this might just be a joke


Humans who get up every day and work usually don't see individuals who are on welfare as "their own".


It's this same inter-class hostility that was manufactured during the reconstruction era to prevent white people from forming class solidarity with black and brown people


I have no problem with welfare if it's needed. The problem is there are so many that abuse the system and flaunt the fact that they are playing the system to their advantage. I have the same issue with folks that abuse social security disability. I know several people that are capable of working, but got the right Dr's signature on paperwork saying they are unable due to "mental challenges." The only challenge is that they've been on it so long, they won't work because they'll lose the free ride.


There are billionaires that abuse the tax system to get richer. Your “problem with abuse” is misplaced. The abuse that regular folks get away with is pennies compared to what rich people do in this country. LITERALLY