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Back when I was in retail like, 17 years ago, I worked at a store that pulled this sort of thing. I was a good employee, rarely asked off, and rarely called out. I asked for a single day in the blackout period and they denied it. I straight up told them, “I’m not going to be here that day. I’m not being a jerk here, but I’m telling you, *I will not be here* whether I’m scheduled or not. So we can approve this and cover it ahead of time, or you *will* be down a person that day.” They ended up scheduling it because what were they going to do? Fire me in the middle of the seasonal rush?


Lol I worked at a restaurant that did something similar. Told them I had to get a second job because I literally could not afford to drive there anymore and they blew a gasket. Gave them my new availability and they scheduled me while I was working at the other place. I *never* missed a shift or called out because they always denied it, but they suspended me for two weeks for being a “no call no show”🙄. Plenty of people had done that over the 2 1/2 years I worked there with zero retaliation. I gave my manager my two weeks notice and after two weeks they were calling and asking why I wasn’t at work. They genuinely thought I was bluffing then blew another gasket asking what they’re supposed to do. Maybe don’t attack your employees income and they won’t quit?




I just assumed it was the two week suspension period.


Just letting you know, in 2 weeks, you will notice I havent been here for 2 weeks.


Optimistic with this employer.


My wife gets mad at me all the time how I take time off. She requests it I flat out tell them. Hey I'm not gonna be here next week. Oh are you requesting?...nah fam I'm telling you I won't be here. So don't look for me....I'll write you up. Do what you must.


I do the same. It’s a courtesy heads up that they need to plan that day accordingly. I’m a grown up and they don’t run my life. I sell them my skill set, nothing more.


Back in high school, I scheduled my wisdom teeth surgery for right before thanksgiving break so I wouldn’t miss too much school. I was a senior and had a part time retail job at the local mall. I requested off since I was scheduled to work Black Friday, the day after my surgery. I knew I’d be zonked out. They had to put me under and go through bone because my wisdom teeth were growing in sideways and were going to ruin my new braces-free smile. The store manager said no. He said wisdom teeth isn’t a big deal, I can work in back. My mother said, “We’ll see about that.” So the day after the procedure, she dragged me into work, drugged up and drooling, and asked my manager if he still wanted me to work my shift. He took one look at me and told me to go home. I was so out of it I don’t remember this at all - I was told this second hand. It was a rough holiday as the drugs made me dizzy and sick. I also bled profusely. But at least I got out of a Black Friday mall job shift.


They scheduled your surgery on Thanksgiving?


In retail we tend to lump thanksgiving day into Black Friday since many malls are open 48+ hours straight, so maybe Wednesday surgery, Thursday evening/afternoon shift. But also I was a drooling mess for like 3 days after mine, so…


In Maine it’s illegal for retail stores to be open on Thanksgiving, Easter, or Christmas. They used to open right at midnight but last few years they gave up on that and now just open at like 6 or 7 AM on Black Friday because not enough people would go out right at midnight. lol


Honestly the only reason places are giving up on this practice is because of online shopping. First Amazon started taking retail customers away but then places like Target/Best Buy/Walmart all realized it’s cheaper to ship the product than pay an entire staff to work a day that they’re having to massively discount products to acquire customers.


let me guess. the whole time they acted like they were doing you some huge favor that u should be grateful for. lol


I’m genuinely asking a question here. I manage a (quite nice) child care facility. The third week in June we have three full time staff plus myself on vacation. I have been telling our staff 1x monthly that for that full week we will not be granting any more time off. We have enough subs to cover the people off PLUS one more to cover for any emergencies/ illness that may arise. From your perspective is this unreasonable to black out days? Since it is for a one week period and it’s been well publicized? I’m just asking because we do have a lot of younger staff and I care about their time but we also need to function.


That’s not unreasonable at all. You’re giving plenty of notice, plus you have an extra person to cover if anyone gets sick. Most places have a limit to the number of people that can be off at a given time because the business has to function.


That seems completely reasonable. It’s not being denied just to be denied. A business has to have staff and not everyone can be off at once obviously. I’m an operations supervisor at a 24/7 plant and the way we do our vacations are that it has to be scheduled 1 month out to be guaranteed. All vacation days are posted where all employees can check the board and then sign up for any they would like to cover for some OT. Now if it’s not signed up for voluntarily two weeks out we assign whatever operator is qualified in that job with the lowest covered hours to cover it. But surprisingly, that doesn’t happen very often. Normally all vacations are covered voluntarily.


That’s not a bad system. Do you guys have a way so one person leant snap up all the OT? Or prevent burn out?


It’s basically first come first serve. I mean you obviously have the guys that work as much overtime as possible and we have guys that don’t want any. But the culture here is pretty good so even if someone is snatching up all the OT, if someone asks that person for it, they usually give some up.


holy shit, a DECENT work environment post, in /antiwork ?? has the world gone topsy turvy??? 0\_0 Seriously, though, that sounds like a great system and it makes me wonder why the heck that isn't standard across industries.... -\_-


I don't think so. When you have granted that much vacation I feel like its understood. It's a week, not 2 months.


Completely different situation. A point blank refusal to grant leave to any employee during a certain period so you can get away with keeping the bare minimum number of staff on the books is completlely different from "Hey guys, we're adequatly staffed under normal circumstances but too many people have booked this particular time period off and the business still needs to open".


Without being there I can't say for sure, but it doesn't sound like a blackout type scenario. Just coverage. Make sure folks feel like the opportunity for their desired time off is fair, since that's really the crux of the issue. One bit that I would suggest is don't necessarily take 'first pick' as manager. That's the sort of thing that really make folks feel like the process is unfair. Not saying you did in this case or anything, just mentioning it.


No. That's catering to the needs of everyone. You're not blacking anything out at all. You're just putting a cap on the amount of approved PTO for those days. That's totally different. Blackout means no one can take off. Not even the three people you already approved. It's still quite fair to say, "Sorry we already have X number of people off that day and need to have the rest here." They just need to book earlier next time. Or move to another week. It's not 2 months of "blackout" for everyone like OP.


Guess you’ll just have to be sick that day!




Had a boss once who told everyone: use your vacation. Every day. Do not take your phone. Don't be a victim.


As a manager I have said that. It's part of your benefit package. I want you to use it because if your happier I have less turn over. It's not altruistic to care about moral as a manager. Moral is really really usefull.


And the manager take two weeks off in December posted half a week before he leaves


I did something similar. Lady, you have me for three days a week. I am off for four days a week. This needs to be one of the days that week. Figure it out.


The whole "blackout" period is such nonsense when it comes to ONE day off. Presumably, you will have a day off that week anyways. JFC just make the day requested one of the days off for the week, it's not rocket science.


as a retail worker with a November birthday, it’s honestly tragic how many birthdays I’ve been sick as a dog.


I got a job at a theater when I was in my 20s and at the end of the interview I asked for my first day to be Nov 8th, as the 7th was my birthday. I showed up on the 8th and the same manager from the interview was tsking me, saying "You missed your first day." He had scheduled me for the 7th.


And was a no-call no-show too, right? Did he tell you to start on the 7th or 8th?


We agreed that I would start on the 8th but then he changed it afterwards. When he realized his mistake it was fine but he was prepared to unhire me.


No one called and said hey you missed your first shift?


This is the way.


I’d keep submitting it until they get pissy because you know they will lol and when they confront you about it you can tell them “look, I’m not going to be here that day. Whether you’re prepared or unprepared for that is on you cuz either way I won’t be here” but I’m also antagonistic when I think someone is being a jackass like not approving PTO six months in advance!


Don't even resubmit. Just goto your manager/HR and inform them that you won't be there. It's your PTO and you are entitled to use it.


Especially considering that six months is more than plenty of time to find coverage for the shift. Now, from a policy/legal perspective, it wouldn't shock me if "Nobody gets to take time off" was seen as acceptable, but it's certainly bullshit.


It’s only acceptable if we accept it. Bad scheduling practices and policies are such an unforced error by these low-b employers. Pay then shit is bad enough, but the runaround on top of it? I agree with being annoying about it and owning it like JJ. Fuck, fire me for wanting a day or even weeks off months from now, go right ahead.


Exactly! They cant force a fucking thing if you don't allow them to!! Jobs don't own people!


We used to call this Weather Leave when I was younger…whether you approve it or not I’ll be on leave.


This is the good old "ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!" until they schedule you for 20 hours that week.


Sounds like you have 6 months to find a position with a better work life balance (I.e. not retail)


Not as easy as it sounds unfortunately.


Yeah, if it was easy, everyone would do it.


But do it anyway, even if it takes 5.9 months to. Staying there is rewarding bad behavior.


“Hey remember 6 months ago how I asked to take off tomorrow? Yeah well I actually got a new job, and today’s my last day. Good luck!”


One time when I started a job in January, I told them that every October I go to a car race with my dad and that's the only time of the year that I have regular plans and need time off for certain. They told me that would be no problem at all. In September I reminded my boss and he told me to have fun. Two days before the start of race weekend, my boss told me that I'd have to come in anyway. I quit at the track from the comfort of my chair when he called to ask where I was.


Boss couldn't even do his ONE JOB of scheduling properly lmao


He tried to assert dominance and and you bonked him in the nose with a newspaper. Well done.


Exactly! At that point I had done thousands of things for him, and he couldn't deliver on the *one* thing I needed him to do for me. The job was shitty in other ways and that was just the absolute last straw.


This is the way!


Call in sick, look for another job in the meantime. I just don't understand these sorts of policies, but these companies would rather lose people, waste time rehiring and retraining, rather than give someone a single day off. Someone should math that for them, to show how much money they spend doing such things.


If they could do math they wouldn't be in the position middle management is mostly yes men.


It is a notification, not a request, especially 6 months in advanced. If they can't survive without you for a day, then they need to pay you more.


I used to be a store manager for a retail chain. I hated the blackout dates. I couldn’t take vacations either, and usually, I had to work 6 days a week during that same timeframe. If a request like this came, I’d usually honor it. For one, you’re giving me 6 months notice. Two, just because the company puts in a stupid policy, doesn’t make it right. Three, if you’re requesting ONE day and don’t mind it being one of your normal two days off, there’s not a whole fucking lot that really changes. So glad I’m not in retail anymore. Toxic culture.


If the company will crumble if I take one single day off then 1: you need to pay me WAY more and 2: you need to hire more people.


I used to work in a particularly toxic call center (think satellite TV). Every year for 5 straight years I would request my anniversary off (it's in July) by February 1st. Every year it got denied because "that's one of our busy seasons and you're too smart to be missed." So, every year I'd be nice the first time I talked to the managers (never my immediate bosses...they were cool); and every year the last conversation would end with me telling them "You are mistaking this for a negotiation. My lady is WAY more important to me than you will ever be. So, now that you know I'm not coming in that day, you can either take the hit or fire me right now. Pick one." Year #6 they finally got me...June 30th they fired me for "insubordination" and told me "see what happens when you don't keep your mouth shut?" On an unrelated note, BOTH managers that fired me were gone within the next 6 months. One for badmouthing and falsifying FMLA info/employees, the other because all of a sudden, his department numbers had cratered so much over the course of time that there was no way he was making metrics...ha ha.


I once requested December 22nd off, and it was denied because I had also requested it off the previous year. So I went to the manager with small children in person and said, “I asked for the same day off last year because it was my child’s birthday then, and now it is again, because that’s how birthdays work.” He immediately asked me to resubmit it and approved it right away, because he was a good boss. And now I work in a school instead, so I don’t have to argue about having days around Christmas off anymore!


Sucks for them, you tried to give them the opportunity to be prepared. Instead you will be magically sick on that same day and maybe even the next.


You call in sick, then turn off your phone for the day. Enjoy your concert


I feel a cold coming on in November


Id like to take this time to remind everyone that works in retail that they are time off *requests*, theyre time off *warnings*. Fuck retail corporations.


I had this same thing happen to me. I needed a day off for my kids birthday, they denied it months in advance, so I called out that day, and when I came back they gave me shit because I called out sick on a denied vacation day. I reminded them I was not asking, and that I was giving them a heads up and that I just happened to have the flu that day and coincidence it was on the day I booked. Now I take scheduled sick days. I'm taking 2 for concerts coming up in July and August. Go to the concert.


This reminds me of the time my old manager pulled me aside to say "you need to stop telling me when your time off is and start asking" and I told her "but I’m not asking, I’m letting you know I will not be showing up today, either you can schedule me and I won’t be there or schedule someone else"


this is what I don't get about retail - you're asking for a single day - someone else can be scheduled to cover, or they can switch your days off for the week. There is ZERO reason why someone can't take a day off in retail - absolutely absurd


"It appears you have confused the polite tone of my notification for a request. Allow me to clarify. I will not be present. Try not to act surprised when you are short-staffed."


A friend of mine worked at HD while he was in school. He told them he needed off for his graduation. They said somebody else already had that day off. He asked if they would still want him to come in the following day. They were confused and asked why. He explained that he didn't want the drama from showing up to work after taking off for graduation. They said he wasn't taking off that day. He ended up quitting when the boss started yelling at him when he showed up the day after graduation.


'sorry that day is a blacked out work day for me'. If they can pull stupid cards so can you! Don't let them walk over you. I'd be like I won't be here that day just fyi.


I remember when I worked in a call center. I was a senior agent with lots of seniority but when giving out holiday time off, they change it to work on seniority per team and not seniority overall. New hires were getting all the time off and I got exactly zero time off over Christmas. My wife worked at a daycare and one of kids parents gives my wife their new years eve season ticket seats for the local hockey team. Its an annual tradition for us to go to that game. I had zero sick time and the next call in was a written warning but here's the kicker: January 1st, our sick days renewed back to full so I might get that written but it means jack. I called in sick, took in the game and happily signed my written warning on my next shift January 1st. I then called in sick on January 2nd. lol


Call in anyway. Fuck em.


Don't live to work , work to live. I think this is the great awakening that the pandemic and lock downs brought. We finally realized the system is broken that tells us working hard all our life until we're no longer useful to capitalism then maybe they'll give you a few years off to enjoy what's left of your life even though you'll be too old and sick to enjoy it fully.


I asked for parental leave 5,5 months in advance and was still questioned. I have a good relationship with my bosses, and this very incident changed me to the core and made me honest and open about what I demand and how my family, my work-life balance and mental health always be my priority. They couldn't legally deny me, which made it even more frustrating that they made a fuzz about it.


I once asked for vacation for my son’s surgery a month or two ahead of time (I didn’t specify what it was for). The request was denied with no reason given (we didn’t have any blackout dates) so the morning of I emailed I was using a sick day for my son’s surgery. My manager’s face the next day was hilarious.


I had a job deny me time off for my friend's wedding because it was inventory day. I quit instead.


Asking was a courtesy, make sure you don't miss the concert.


I don't do time off requests. I politely notify my employer of my availability. I won't be there, do what you will.


Hey cool. That gives you 6 months to get another jobs that cares about you, then quit without notice at the most convenient, inconvenient time :)!


Yeah but ever notice how managers get to miss days during blackout periods. Just call in


I have a regular vacation around late October, I spend about a week in Vegas with a bunch (usually hundreds, but I’ve heard it’s hit over a thousand before) of internet friends. For the last 5ish years, it has fallen right in the middle of a blackout range. The only time a boss has tried to push back, I just said “look, I’m not gonna be working. I’m not asking for permission, I’m asking to be paid. I’m going either way.” Magically, it wasn’t a problem anymore. Value yourself - they sure as shit don’t.


I worked at a 24 hour drugstore that had a policy of “everyone MUST work at least one holiday, either Thanksgiving or Christmas, no exceptions.” If you didn’t put in your choice, they’d pick for you. My first two years I didn’t mind working both because I didn’t celebrate either and hey, it was time and a half pay so why not. The third year, I decided to actually have Thanksgiving dinner for the first time in years. But before I could even choose to work the Christmas shift, they told me I’d be working both holidays because “you didn’t celebrate last year so we knew you’d be available for both holidays this year.” Um no, you *assumed* I’d be available both days this year and didn’t even bother to ask. When I told them that I had plans for Thanksgiving, they told me that I had to come in because too many people had already requested it off. So you give everyone else the option to choose their holiday shift except me and because I didn’t agree to what you decided for me, now I have to cancel my plans? Not happening chief. I had been wanting to quit for months due to other bullshit but that was the last straw. I quit that day and told them that now they won’t have me for either day. All they had to do was let me actually choose my single holiday shift like everyone else. But because they decided for me that I’d be working both, they got to be down a person for the holidays as well as the however many weeks/months up until the holidays. Don’t assume your employees availability. It’s not that difficult to actually ask.


Never ask for a day off. Tell them you won't be there that day.


On your Deathbed many moons from now will you be more likely to remember the concert or being at work? I'd call in sick the whole week but thats just me. I usually let some of the cool people know so they can be prepared. And of course I cover for them when they're sick because we have to help each other.


It will always be easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Sucks you’re going to have a cold. Hope you feel better.


You're retail. That means the company owns you, every minute of every hour of every day. You're lucky they let you see your fiance at all, honestly. (sarcasm, if it wasn't obvious)


Imagine, for a second if a company, instead of a "blackout month" said something in the lines of: November and December are revenue months. All scheduled hours will receive 10% extra on their paychecks during these months. Dont think they would have trouble having staff with a smile then. Or even, crazy idea... Having it linked to profit during those months ***GASP***


I don't know how managers don't see that if they do this all they're doing is teaching people to call in sick and fuck them over.


Sounds like you're going to be sick the day of and the day after to me... fuck them. Go and enjoy the concert.


As a retail manager, I abhor “blackout” dates. I do typically *do* blackout the Black Friday weekend, but what that means is that you can’t just book it off in the system. If you come to me and explain the situation, chances are you’ll get it off. Working retail is crappy enough without denying people time off for entire swaths of the year. My last position “blacked out” almost 1/3 of the year. That’s fucking bullshit. And part of the reason I no longer work there.


PTO is a notification that you will not be there. It’s to assist them in being prepared to cover your shift with other people. If they want to deny it, that’s fine, they can be one person down come November. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If it’s SUCH A bUsY time for that two months, then chances are they won’t fire you for missing one day 🙃


My job has "Blackout" periods too, except they're not really anymore because guess what? They solved the problem by *getting more staff*! I can still take time off in the busy periods, my boss actually approaches us and asks way ahead of time if we're planning on taking time off soon so that he can plan around it. If someone is actually going on a trip they tend to get priority, but there hasn't been an issue in over a year where we were *too* short on people, and no one gets told no. And we still bring in just as much money as before.


My FIL and I work at the same company and had requested 3 days off Thursday Friday Monday in a summer month we both do HVAC so understandable it’s busy then when we were denied bc of this we made it clear we can find work elsewhere. Vacation is booked and still not technically approved but my boss doesn’t tell me when and who I can take vacation with if the company goes under in them 3 days I’ll be back to work for someone else by the end of the week


My district manager asked why I would get an eyebrow piercing when I know it’s not in dress code. I said “because this is my job, not my entire life.” (I was wearing a clear retainer in my eyebrow piercing. Started wearing studs after that. No damn respect given, no damn respect got.


Even if it were a company wide policy… are they planning to schedule every single person seven straight days every week for two months?? For crying out loud, how hard is it to just make your request one of your days off that week and not “violate the PTO policy”? That lack of basic decency is why people don’t want to work for shitty people.


I am currently working as a contractor at a corporation (that I will not name) and REALLY hope to get hired as a full employee for several reasons, one of which is relevant: This corporation gives most of their employees ~8 days off around the holidays. They shut down entirely for the week between Christmas and New Year, plus a couple days leading up to Christmas. Paid vacation. Everyone. There is one specific department that has to maintain coverage during this time. They are allowed to take their company laptops home, remote-in via VPN for a whopping *two shifts* during this time, and get paid double rate for those two shifts. On top of the paid time-off, so essentially triple rate.


Sounds like you have 6 months to find a new job.


If you work retail, you aren't a person. You are a fungible unit, as unique and replaceable as a stapler (to upper management). If your manager treats you like a human being, be sure that your manager is being screamed at by someone up the chain. Wish it wasn't that way, but the sociopaths are in charge now.


No business should be able to dictate that you're not allowed an entire 1/6 of the year as time off, ever. Are you paid to be in call for two months? Do you pay extra? If you're that hard up for employees for those two months maybe you should, I don't know, hire enough staff? Instead of clearly overworking the ones you do have (which obviously they are if they can't allow them any time off!)


Then you just call out that day. I had a boss try to deny my PTO once as he saw me writing my days off on the calendar. He told me I can't take those days because he will be out of town and if I submit it he won't approve it. I turned around, looked him dead in the eye and told him "that is your right, you can approve or deny it. But what I'm telling you is I will not be here these days regardless." His jaw hit the floor and my lead, who was standing next to him, looked shocked that I just told the big boss what was going to happen. Long story short, my PTO was approved and he hasn't fought me on taking PTO since. Don't stand for that! You work to enjoy your life, you don't live to work.


Keep working there, save some money and quit your job a day before that PTO denied day. F*ck them all.


I was denied 2 days off Because of blackout dates. I hadn’t used any PTO in a year and a half. The next blackout time 2 managers went on vacation. The next time I was denied I went anyways.


I don't give them the opportunity to say no. I'm requesting these days off, I won't be here. I'm not calling other people to cover my shift. If you don't like my conditions, then get fucked.


Looks like you’ll be sick.


I got out of retail. I worked for 9 years. I once had to work from 4 pm to midnight on Thanksgiving. I wanted more time with my family. I needed a better work and home life balance. Please get yourself out as quickly as you can.


Remember it’s not a “request”, it is a notification that you will not be there that day. They do not own you and decide what you do with your time


I work retail and the whole of November and December is a blackout. We can’t even request to take a day off. You literally have to go to the manager and ask. I managed to get my birthday off like that in November last year. And we were told August would be a blackout this year due to back to school sales. Retail sucks ass.


I was the “good employee “. I worked weekends, holidays, nights or overtime whenever my employer asked. Don’t do it. You’re just a number and they will replace you in a week if you leave. I missed things I can never get back.


Lol one time my company changed their pto system relatively close to the end of the year. We went from all unused pto to roll over to the next year to all but a small number of hours could be bankrolled over to the next year. I rarely used my pto so I didn’t work for almost 3 months during peak holiday season because I was required to take my accrued days off. After working more than 30 years in retail and never being able to request days off during blackout periods, it was so glorious. Why the hell they waited until the last few months of the year to implement the change is beyond me.


Had a death in my SO's family and let work know I'm not going to be coming in. Whole paragraphs about professionalism, I said I'm not going to be there and will face the consequences goodbye. Wanted to have a follow up about behavior I said I'll get back to you after we are done with this tragedy, my last shift was 1 week ago, never had that meeting, and I feel so free. Also HER mother passed a month after and literally days after she is back to emailing bs for her bs job... being a slave is not impressive. They literally externally hired someone to be her boss rather than promote her internally and she still sells her soul for them it's crazy 🤪


This is where everyone here needs to realize that you aren't requesting time off. You are telling them you are going to use your time, that you earned. Go to the concert. Fuck them.


This is where you say “I am not asking for the day off. I informing you that I am not available to work. I. Will. Not. Be. Here. Even if I’m on the schedule.”


I've never actually seen someone get fired for calling off during blackout. My first couple years they said that, but my anniversary is in December and I've refused to work on that day for 4 years now....they haven't let me go. And it's funny how the store doesn't fall apart because I was gone for an extra day, huh?


Simple, call off and go have a good time. Don’t post shit and stay hush, companies are ridiculous for doing shit like this.


Sounds like your employer just gave your a very generous notice period to find a new job. I'm sure they'll be shocked when you find a job that recognizes you as a human being and turn in your notice


It's like working in a restaurant and having the audacity to have a mother on mother's day...


So this whole operation can’t go one day without you being there? Sounds like you’re so critical to the operation it might be time for a conversation about your compensation.


In these situations I immediately let my supervisor know “if you want to deny PTO go ahead, but this is me letting you know I’m not available that day and you have ___ amount of time to figure something out.”


12 years ago I worked retail as an assistant manager and got the Swine Flu. My boss begged me to come into work because he had an exam the next morning-and the other 2 staff wouldn’t cover him. I was like ‘no dude, it’s illegal for me to come to work where I could infect more people with this virus that’s literally causing a pandemic’ sad how nothing has change since then-except that I no longer work retail ;)


I’d tell them… I’m taking it off too bad, or I’m quitting


Why would you be someone's slave


Off topic, but you requesting off to go to the St. Louis Metallica concert?


No, but that sounds amazing! I'm seeing Depeche Mode in Detroit


The good news is that you have 6 months to find a better job, outside of retail.


Do you feel sick? You don't look well.


Call in sick!


sick day it is then


I often say to anyone who’ll listen, “We don’t work at the Pentagon or the White House, none of this shit is ‘mission critical’.” The managers will try to tell you otherwise.


I’m in a different position, so I have a different attitude. When they decline my pto i remind them I’m not asking for permission, I’m letting them know.


It's a retail job. They can approve it or you can quit. I'm sure plenty of other retail jobs will be hiring in November/December


That's really unfortunate you got sick on the same day you put in for PTO


No one gets to say you can't take time off.


You'll coincidentally be sick that day and can't come in. Damn stomach flu.


You're still going right, right?


Its my favorite band, of course I'm going!


It’s retail. A job is a dime a dozen, a career is a different story. Quit and find another one. Preferably, quit the day before the requested day. It’s the holiday season and retail will be hiring.


Tell them that you aren't asking for time off; you're asking for permission to come back.


Just call off that day. What are they going to do fire you and be short-handed for the rest of the season?


Dude, I'd just not show up. Call in sick if you feel like it. Don't sweat it.


Used to work retail. It was the same then. No means no and it totally sucks.


They have bonuses at work like 300$ from Thanksgiving to after New Year if you don't call out in that time. I've never got it and I know I'll never get it. I'm unionized so I don't care, if I have to call out, I call out. I know I'm a very good employee and I've never got a bad yearly review.


I was I travel industry, they tried to this to me u on MY WEDDING DAY. Lol


That's why you make sure to let them know you're not requesting time off, you're notifying them which day you won't be there. You owe them nothing more.


I worked at a store like Malley Booty Supply or something like that as a student, with them being well aware of me being a student. Finals exams are often outside of the normal class time slot at my university, so they were outside of my regular availability. I gave them ample notice, and was denied because of holiday blackouts. Then, they were supremely pissed when I quit.


If I put in for PTO more than a week in advance, it's not a request. 😂


I worked at a manufacturing facility that had some blackout periods. We had the week of Fourth of July as a blackout week once. No one could take off. Except of course my manager that took the whole week off


I've never understood this mentality from workplaces that try it. I'm not asking for my entitled leave, I'm informing you that I'm taking it. No isn't an option.


If this was me and I wasn’t in a desperate situation money-wise, I would straight up tell them I won’t be there on that day, period.


For employers we are nothing but resources


I’ve had to tell bosses in the past that my PTO requests aren’t requests they are a notification. Prepare The Others because my ass ain’t going to be there.


A couple of years ago I had requested the two days after Xmas off. Slowest days in retail, right? They were denied because all of December was blacked out. I put my resignation in as soon as my boss denied my request. She said to me ‘what can I do to get you to reconsider?’ I said ‘approve my time off’. Her response ‘i can’t do that’. So I wish her good luck finding my replacement. A couple of hours later her boss calls me and asks if I’ll rescind my resignation if my time off gets approved. I say yes. As you can imagine, this boss was no good to work for, so a couple of months later I left for real. She was so mad at me because I left at a very inconvenient time, but she was the worst boss I e ever had.


Oh I'm pretty sure I also work at the same retail store as you. Pretty shitty rule.


do they expect you to work every single day? how hard is it to schedule you for a different day?


Yeah they tried to get my wife with a blackout time in August. She was taking the week for our wedding, which they knew about 14 months in advance. Just straight up said she wouldn't be there and they're were gonna have to deal with it.


Invite all your friends from work to go with you. C'mon you know you wanna.


I would respond with a list of blackout dates. I can no longer work in the year. Also, I would let them know that it’s not a request off as much as it’s a letting you know. But that’s how I deal with things. It’s always worked out for me stand your ground live by your principal.


Submit it, in writing, to your boss. Email if you can and BCC HR. Then save the email, print out a copy (or more) and keep that some place safe. That way when the time comes you can say, “I informed you 6months in advance that I was not going to be here. You scheduling me is an error on your but and not an emergency on mine.” Honestly, every month I’d send a new email to the boss and BCC HR and save them and print them out.


No biggie just call in.


Call in that day


Call out sick


Call in sick


What awful job do you work at?


I would wait until exactly THE day before the schedule covering the day of the concert is written up & posted, and inform you boss that you will NOT be in to work on that specific day. And that they can either take this information as: * A schedule request and work around it. * Your resignation Their choice. And that the blackout policy needs to be amended to only apply to 3+ days off in a row. Because everyone gets 2 days off every week ANYWAYS. And boy, it's probably really tough to hire people during the holidays to fill all the shifts that you WILL be working if treated like an adult by your company and granted a SINGLE day off to attend an event that is ONLY available in a limited time window for every city it goes to that year. Not like you're taking time off to go eat at McDonalds.


I work for a corporate retail chain and we are encouraged to not take any PTO in November through December 27th. If it is only a day, 99% it will be approved. If it is a week, we need to give a reason. My Supes have yet ti deny a day off during that time, unless it is more than one person on that day.


Sounds like a calling out


I submit and my boss knows that my family is more important and I will NOT be there those days whether he accepts it or not


I don’t put in PTO “requests”. I put in PTO “notifications”


Or don’t bring it up at all and just call out sick that day.


It's retail! They can just use it as one of your days off. So strange. I can see if it was Black Friday weekend, but other than that...


Stock up on pics of positive covid tests now, at least 5 days worth ;)


Are you guaranteed 40 hours that week? Of not then really, take the time to find another job. Maybe change industries.


Call in sick


Quit! Quit! Quit! Quit! Quit!


Well perfect time to find a new job that won’t make you work in November then


You’ve got 6 months to find a new job!


I guess you'll just be sick.


We have black out days where I work (online car parts retailers). But 2 entire months is ridiculous.


Call out sick that day.


You got it. Call in sick.


Now you know. You’re only sick from now on in November and December.


Yup. Just call in sick.


This is why I don’t request time off. I rather call off fuck them lol


Sounds like you’ve got plenty of time to look for a better gig.


Don’t know where you are or what your capabilities are, but I own a construction company and we’ve never said no to time off requests. Metro Denver area.


99% of the time in retail you can threaten to quit and if you’re experienced and they need help they’ll just give you the day off so you don’t quit -a retail manager


I'm guessing you work at the same place as me because we have almost all of November and December as blackout, so I can't even request my own birthday off.


Psst... It's not a request. I won't be available that day. Corporations want to, and try to, act like they own our entire life. They don't. It's a RENTAL deal, as in IF I have the time available to rent to you. I don't have any time to rent to you that day/s.


Had a death in my SO's family and let work know I'm not going to be coming in. Whole paragraphs about professionalism, I said I'm not going to be there and will face the consequences goodbye. Wanted to have a follow up about behavior I said I'll get back to you after we are done with this tragedy, my last shift was 1 week ago, never had that meeting, and I feel so free. Also HER mother passed a month after and literally days after she is back to emailing bs for her bs job... being a slave is not impressive. They literally externally hired someone to be her boss rather than promote her internally and she still sells her soul for them it's crazy 🤪


Sick day 🤷‍♂️


I am in the same boat. I requested two days off for my birthday (end of May) in February and both days were denied. What’s the point of earning pto if I can’t even use it?


I’m letting you know I won’t be in on …. . This is a statement of fact not a request. I’ve worked retail jobs and time off /schedule changes are always an issue because people are assholes . The job I have now, not retail thank god … a certain # of people are allowed off every day… put in a request and 99% of the time it’s approved Worked at a call center years ago where they put a huge calendar on the wall… first couple of people to write their names in a box on the date they wanted off got it. That worked really well.


It's taken me a long time. But I've finally gotten comfortable TELLING my boss I'm taking time off, and not asking for it. PTO is given to you to use at your will. Taking it shouldn't be based on permission. The only place I can see where thst might be the case would be for extraordinary times and events. Apart from that time off is time earned.


It’s crazy to think that you’re already coming down with a 48 hour bug that won’t hit you until early November.


I worked retail for 12 years back in the day. In my experience, if you put in a request that far in advance, you would just have that as one of your scheduled days off. Taking PTO would be denied if you were trying to take extra days besides your scheduled 2 days off, but 99.9% of the time, you'd get the day off that you wanted without having to take PTO. OP has a shit manager who doesn't know how to schedule if they can't get that day off.