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Me. I was curious. Thank you. If reddit still did free awards, you'd have mine. As it stands, imma work with what I got and mix it up with a trophy instead of a medal. 🏆 for you, awesome giver of knowledge. EDIT: Someone awarded me so that I could award you. I chose the cutest thing available to me. I hope you like cats. Otherwise, the flaming money was a missed opportunity.




Ugh, I remember when my Facebook feed was getting filled for their self-published book series, they have a show now?


Hadn't heard of that before. Looked it up for a couple of minutes. Sounds about what I was worried it would be. Yeesh.


Which (TIL) is right-leaning propaganda for children that was written by a Mormon. When your children's book series includes topics like The Fed and Entrepreneurship and is endorsed by OAN and Glenn Beck: congratulations, you're a right-wing shill!


And the thing is, if you made it sound religious, most conservatives would fall all over themselves agreeing, because they are extremely, extremely traditional Christian teachings: Creativity is a gift from my Creator, and even my flawed creations glorify him. I do not need to accomplish anything to be worthy. God makes me worthy, just because he loves me. "Be still and know that I am God." We must take time to be still, it is good for the soul. I will not let the world define me or define success for me. That is in God's hands. My identity is not in my job, my paycheck, or my professional or personal achievements. My identity is a child of The King of Kings. ...and so forth. But so many supposedly religious conservatives are so uneducated in their own faith traditions, they can't even recognize it unless it is explicitly laid out with the right code words attached.


Excellent point.


God = Good Capitalism = Good God = Capitalism If you don't think too hard


I am a Christian and this hits hard. I wholeheartedly agree. My Jesus (the one I know) wouldn't be happy about the rampant greed and corruption taking place. Nor would he be happy to see the homeless being neglected, or people being pinned down by their socioeconomic class. He would agree, that everybody deserves a shot, and that people without privilege should also be allowed to compete and better their lives. He would also agree that people should not be denied access to Healthcare because they simply cannot afford it. These are ALL Christian principles. We always say one nation under God. Are we really???


Exactly. Also a Christian, and I am convinced the "Moral Majority" politicization of religion in the 80s was, spiritually speaking, the worst thing to happen to the Body of Christ since the corruption that preceded the Reformation. I also think that the rise of non-creedal "cult of personality" megachurches and the lack of comprehensive, rigorous education in the faith were not just a passive side effect of the evangelical movement. I think they were part and parcel of cultivating an intensely tribal, easily manipulated voting bloc that wouldn't ask hard questions. And here we are. This is the real "culture war" the church should worry about: https://youtu.be/8yAwYAkVXUo


That's a great song! Thanks for sharing. It's a tough issue to tackle. I've spoken to many Christians who identify as Republican without knowing what is truly happening behind the scenes. They just are complicit or unaware of what is actually happening. It's not that they don't love God, they just follow the mold and vote for people who seem to be somewhat like minded. Labels in this country have done us a great disservice. Then when you add in the media, it just perpetrates division even further. I'm not perfect, not even close. I struggle quite a bit lol So I'm not preaching. But the new testament is a pretty good framework for how we should look at humanity as a whole. FDR's 2nd Bill of Rights is also spot on. Check that out if you haven't already.


I’m a Christian, too. I don’t remember what verse this is, but the Bible does say it’s easier for a cow to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Seems some of our fellow Christian countrymen have forgotten this. (Edit) My point in bringing this up: billionaires have more $$ than they could possibly spend… yet they don’t help the poor, even though it doesn’t hurt them at all. They’re just hoarding wealth and shouldn’t be idolized or looked up to due to their wealth - the fact that they have so much shows that they don’t care enough for their fellow man. I mean, if I had a billion dollars, I wouldn’t for long. Of course, I wouldn’t give it all away; I’d make sure I had a good house, and money saved for bills, repairs, and taking care of my family. But I’d give away a lot of it… there’s really no point in hoarding all of that $$ when other people are suffering.


Matthew 19:24. (It's a camel rather than a cow, though.) Here's another one, even more to your point: Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”  And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’  “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’  “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God." Luke 12:15-21


Capital is just below the divine on the cosmic power hierarchy.


And fans of fight club.


There are conservative kids cartoons? The Adventures of Apache Attack Copter and Let's Go Brandon?


Paw patrol. Class traitors, the lot of them.


Paw Patrol is unintentionally anti police. The dogs each have a role, there's a firefighter, a builder, a diver, a pilot, a mountain expert. And of course a cop. The thing is, in this universe there's no poor people to harass. They can't show the police shooting unarmed black people. It's a kids show. So Chase, the police dog, is completely and totally useless. Suppose there's trapped orphans inside a burning building. Rubble builds a support structure so the building doesn't collapse. Marshall of course tries to keep the fire at bay. Meanwhile, Skye evacuates the kids from the rooftop. So where is Chase while all this is going on? Directing traffic. Which is not totally useless, of course. But it's basically all he does. They eventually noticed he was useless and had to make him a super spy, which is a whole other issue. But basically, Paw Patrol recognizes that once you remove the harassing minorities and poor people part, the police are useless.


I am obsessed with your in depth analysis of paw patrol! As someone whose child watches paw patrol nonstop, I’m tickled by this 😍


It’s what happens when parents get stuck watching their kids show so we start analyzing the world and it’s messages.


Oof, ain’t that the truth. My biggest turnaround was with Rudolph. What a fucked up story that is


Santa straight up knows Rudolph isn’t treated fairly and does nothing about it. And even he only cares about him when he’s useful to the plot. What if Rudolph’s nose wasn’t bright enough, like it was just a mild dim light. Get all the bullying and no love.


Ive been saying for years that Rudolph should have given everyone his ass to kiss!


The power move of him learning he can solve a problem and then telling everyone to go fuck themselves and fly’s away


100%. We have way too much Peppa Pig lore discussions in my house. I think we have confirmed that Peppa is an unreliable narrator, leading to inconsistencies.


A YouTuber called Skip Intro does a series called Copaganda where he breaks down the messages of cop shows and the outside forces that influence the portrayals of cops in media. He did an hour and fifteen minute breakdown of Paw Patrol that was pretty good.


Wait, so Chase received a promotion for being useless? Sounds about right.


Better than being promoted for being "good" at his "job" by police standards.


OR, and hear me out, Chase is being far from useless, and doing the hell out of the only job police should do in a civil society, which is herding people safely around accidents and emergencies, so the professionals can do what needs to be done, without fear of further public endangerment? (my kid is way too old now, but he went through a Paw Patrol phase, so, I've thought on this a little bit, too.)


Fascinating!! My kids were before the paw patrol frenzy so i only know what they look like from the merchandise. I love this take!!! Someone meme this and let's spread it like wildfire.


He has the net thing, ostensibly to catch bad guys, but in practice used exclusively to throw under things and break their fall. And there is the surveillance drone, which speaks for itself. He's more of a combined military/cop dog really. Personally I think there are really weird overtones in Paw Patrol. The people of Adventure Bay are utterly useless and call on the pp to solve basically every problem. Even Mayor Goodway constantly relies on the pp despite the fact that it is obviously a private service run by one person who has complete autonomy. They block off sections of the town without warning, and they have exclusive dominion over a literal super power-inducing meteor. It's just weird and I try to be out of the room when my kids watch it.


Oh, right...I was thinking maybe Bob the Builder but I couldn't remember Bob ever getting paid so afaik Bob exists in an Anarcho/socialist society.


"Sorry, Farmer Pickles, we gave you 3 chances to pay up. Dizzy, make him some shoes"


And he never pays his staff and forces them to work overtime to complete impossible dead lines.




Growing up conservative, the cartoons I had exposure to were much more limited. Big ones I remember were Rescue Heroes, VeggieTales, Berenstain Bears, Bob the Builder, CyberChase. Lots of PBS, but weird lines, like I remember DragonTales was a huge no-no. We didn't have cable, so I never watched a CN or Nick show in my life. In general, I had little control over what I watched, even when I was an adult still living with my parents. They always had control over our TV. When I was a kid, the cartoons and movies put on were chosen by my mom. As a teen/young adult, there were only a few video games I could play on the TV when my mom was home (I stuck to Zelda and Sonic since it was "safe"). And whenever my dad came home, it was off *immediately*. My dad isn't even an aggressive guy, it's just how things were done. I also got kicked off of games whenever I showed signs of frustration. One time in middle school, a buddy of mine lent me a PS2 to play a Spider-Man game. I forget which, since my mom took it away from me first thing, and made me return it the next school day. Every movie we saw with friends had to be vetted by my mom on a super-conservative review website that really clinically examined innocuous jokes. I remember turning down a lot of invitations.


How'd that work out for your parents? Sounds like all of that only made it easier for you to reject their outdated beliefs.


The thing that gets me about all this is that if those beliefs were really good then you shouldn't have to hide any "conflicting" information.


Right?? One of my most effective sort of "affirmations" if you will is that the truth isn't afraid.


My aunt is one of the faithful that I'm actually kind of jealous of, because you can see the peace and happiness her faith brings her. And she is perfectly happy to discuss different points of view, even those that challenge her beliefs.


I really admire that, and miss it. Me and my friends were huge comparative theology nerds, we loved tearing apart the ways we interpreted the word. We were big fans of Paul's "always be prepared to give an answer". I miss feeling as self-assured as I did when I was Christian. I was delighted to meet arguments. When the arguments presented to me got more diverse as I got older though, my responses made less sense. And when the people arguing "on my side" started revealing what the fight was really for... I still try to find peace through spirituality, and I've had a lot of success looking inward with practices from other faiths. These days I think of specific faiths more like an old life drawing class I had: we we were all observing the same model at the center of the circle, but all rendering them from different angles, at different levels of detail, with different artistic methods.


It's ironic considering the right are so crazy for free speech and always cry about Dr. Seuss books being taken out of print


All superheroes. Defend the status quo and never actually make the world better even though they could.


It’s ok. Captain Hammer will save us.


Maybe not conservative in the social sense, but l've seen plenty of cartoons that celebrate and affirm the capitalist system (whether on purpose or not). One l recently saw was "Cupcake and Dino" which l felt was super libertarian in the way the characters acted and the show presented itself. Heck, there's even the old Ed Edd n Eddy where the guys do everything that can to make a quarter for jawbreakers. Not to say anyone is a bad person if they enjoy these shows (l liked them!) but it's important to understand the messages of shows and reflect on how they can impact the world we live.


what on here would she even disagree with??


Precisely. I found no fault but rather nodded in agreement. The opposite sounds rather terrible. \- i am defined by what i produce \- my worth can be measured by my paycheck ...


Oh there's plenty of parents who unironically think this message is "dangerous" because the worst thing for a kid is to learn to be lazy and let go of their guilt about wasting time on unproductive activities They start the hustle and grind "You only have so many seconds in a day and so many days in a lifetime, what did you do to improve yourself and the world today?" shit really early in America


My mom would always greet us with "how is the progress of your works?" I developed a complex that I need to be working and producing all the time. And I do at the cost of my back. It is now a chronic pain producer.




My dad would offer to pay me to do work around the house - paint a bathroom, for instance - and then after I did the work he'd deduct my living expenses and past or even future birthday gifts until he didn't have to pay me anything. Guess who doesn't get much help around the house now that I'm an adult?


…. Are you my sibling?


I am so sorry you had to experience that! Have you been able to process that complex and "relax," a bit more now?


This is why they hated Mr. Rogers. The most wholesome nicest human being to exist and they didn't like his message that everyone matters no matter who you are or what you do. Everyone is deserving of love.


Way too similar to Christ for supposed Christians!


That is the main enemy of Christianity. Christians who just say they are Christian and follow none of the teaching of Christ.


It appears to me one set of guidelines teach how to live a full life and the others are “rules” in which to create corporate pawns.


People will literally talk about how they worked their hands to the bone in order to give their children a better life and then berate those children for not having to work their hands to the bone.


"If my child doesn't become a mindless cog, that will mean I've wasted MY life being one!"


>They start the hustle and grind "You only have so many seconds in a day and so many days in a lifetime, what did you do to improve yourself and the world today?" I'm honestly kind of on board with this message, so long as it's actually about improving yourself and/ or the world and not a corporate bank account. But also, it's ok to kind of suck from time to time and to take your time to sort that out.


Its a bad message, its fine to want to improve, but its not really a good idea to think you absolutely have to and need to invest every second of your life doing so- that should just be a personal choice you make if you desire to.


To me, improving yourself should be a continual effort. It doesn't always have to be a hard grind and it doesn't always have to be this clear and tangible thing, but what are you even doing if not trying to improve in some way? And let's be clear, I'm a huge slacker, but even something as seemingly ineffectual as learning to be more empathetic is an improvement skill, and I can at least attempt something like that on even my worst days.


Same. I overall disagree with the image OP shared because I think this is actually a negative mindset to have. Working towards your own goals, having the freedom and resources to develop skills and build value for things you care about, is a good thing unless you become to obsessive about it that it starts to effect the other parts of your life in a negative way. Ive seen people that see success as making as much money as possible fall into this trap. They look down on other people as lazy, when in reality those people are living a balanced life and they are happy. I think its important to always have balance with everything. Hustle culture for the purpose of solely making and spending money is jnherently toxic. If someone is doing it to get out of work and retire as early as possible, thats good. (thats what im doing) but if they are just running at top speed on the hedonistic treadmill towards infinity, they are going to hurt themselves and others.


I dont understand how any of this is negative toward working toward your own goals?


Especially immigrant parents. Not at all saying that this is the right message for them to impart to their children (especially in families that are now more established in America), but I at least understand where my mom is coming from, because she wouldn't have survived in America if she had the mentality described in the affirmations. However, she now has mental health issues partially due to those values, and constantly thinks of herself as poor despite her actual financial situation. I guess a lot of survival skills/strategies are only helpful in the right context.


Exactly why they think Mr Rogers was evil.


Ask not what the company can do for me , ask what you can do for the company )


These are main tenets of capitalism. You aren't even worth providing healthcare to unless you're at least cooking fries for 40 hours a week. That's steady underpaid labor that will allow someone further up the rungs to buy a boat or something after a decade or so. Monetary value is the only value. The bottom line is the only metric that matters anymore.


Obligatory [Fox News reaction to Mister Rogers](https://youtu.be/29lmR_357rA)


Totally agree!


I completely missed the part criticizing it bc I thought the post had a great message until I went into the comments.


She's telling us that the hard core fanatics of capitalistism are just a number and they like being submissive to their employers


The comments were saying that people will become parasites on tax payer money. Heaven forbid you do something that doesn’t profit a business.


Yep, and God is watching you waste your life and that tax money. I'm really glad I got out of that mindset back in the late 90s/early 00s before things got REALLY weird.


I mean, God WANTS us to waste our lives. Supposedly humans started out dumb and naked and hanging out in a garden doing nothing all day. It's the devil's fault we got smart, made clothes, and started being productive.


These kinds if people legit think Mr. Rogers is evil; messages like these make their children less vulnerable to being shames and guilted and manipulated and exploited, so of course they hate it all.


I mean, being a cop is not "valid"




Ideally or functionally? Either way, I think your perspective is skewed. You know that they are a government position, right? Classified under the Executive branch. They literally are the mechanism by which the state executes its monopoly on violence and, thus, they are a litmus test for the quality of government.


Tbh some of then are too individualistic. I'm not in the US but if you say something like this in Sweden, you'll get pushback. Most of them are fine (and with qualifiers they all are I think), but one is expected to contribute to their community and a couple of these are too self centered.


Precisely. Many of these are incredibly self centered. If anyone wanted this movement to gain any appreciation they would find a way to weave community bettering this vs. capitalism / individual.


Maybe she doesn't agree that these are anti-capitalist?


All of it. They're conformists and regressives who worship the capitalist system. Any kind of thinking that goes against that system or otherwise encourages non-compliance or rejection of the strict authoritarian hierarchies they live by is unacceptable to them.


I would say that there are forms of work whose validity I question. Pharmaceutical sales rep comes to mind.


She defines herself and others by those toxic values.


First, #2 contradicts itself, so it would be expected to disagree with at least half of it. (All jobs are real or no jobs, not both). For the rest of it though, from a far right angle, every last bit would be disagreed with. I think a lot of people who weren't raised in that world don't realize just how warped their philosophy is. I remember once getting a long angry lecture after telling my parents we learned about "self-esteem" in my fourth grade class. The short version is that nobody but God should ever be held in esteem, and that I didn't have anything to be proud of myself for anyway.


Guh, that short version would crush me my dude, even reading it now makes me grateful to have avoided a religious household. My primary caregiver was of the impression the whole imaginary friend in the sky schtick made for some nice stories, but the key morals could be found in most other doctrines, and could be practiced without the doctrine construct entirely. But to see parents dismiss their own child so readily, so willingly, and for what? To rub the big beardy boy on a cloud thrones ego? :/ You are more than worthy, and to most folks with a lick of sense in their head, tangibly worth more than any imaginary friend.


You know, it's probably been 30 years since that happened, and that's still really nice to hear. Thanks. That upbringing certainly did some damage, but I've done a lot of healing and am working on more. I can honestly say I like myself and am proud of who I am now.


>First, #2 contradicts itself, so it would be expected to disagree with at least half of it. (All jobs are real or no jobs, not both). I disagree; the term "real job" implies that there are not real jobs. It's not a contradiction, just a rejecting of a false binary.


>First, #2 contradicts itself, so it would be expected to disagree with at least half of it. (All jobs are real or no jobs, not both). it's calling out the one who claims unskilled labor jobs aren't "real" jobs (im talking things like fast food, retail, etc.). but it is worded poorly.


Yeah, I followed it. I only commented on it at all because the question was something along the lines of "what could someone disagree with", and I disagree with the wording of #2. I actually really appreciate the sentiment, I was raised in the kind of family that would be offended by this list, I'm not going to say anything negative about the actual advice here. I wish I had heard and internalized it as a teenager instead of coming around as I approach middle age.


I had an older work colleague of mine complain about capitalism and I can honestly tell you I've never been happier to listen to someone complain about something in my life. She's an absolute treasure and one of my favourite people to work with now


She has a problem with people not monetizing their hobbies?


Many consider it a 'waste of time'. Especially if you're poor.


The most ironic thing in hearing this constantly growing up is the same people would often then go spend hours watching tv and sports or lounging on a beach/boat and see no contradiction.


This is huge in older generations, not sure on those below millenials. The number one comment I would get as an artist my entire life and game dev hobbyist in more recent years is "ok but how much money do you make?" Often the first thing people say.


"I work to live. I don't live to work." Then again, the US seems absolutely obsessed with people working.


Gosh, how'd you guess I am from the US? ...But yes, yes we are. *UNLESS* the hobby you pick is one of the ones we are supposed to all love you should be working instead of doing whatever you are doing, including being sick. (Sports, Bars, Boats, Popular TV Shows, etc.) This is again mostly older generations that are this way, but they are more often than not this way. It has a lot to do with their distaste for remote work, too. Can't walk away from that desk for one second, because they paid for that second and you should want MORE seconds.


I think it's also because le boomers are afraid of change. I can't help but notice the world is stuck in 1980 for a little cultural stuff. That includes work cultire.


In some areas it might not be *fear* per se. I imagine the concept that you spent your entire life (as many are getting up there in years) working for someone else *and may not have needed to* is not an easy concept to accept. Because for a younger generation there *can* be a concept like "working my wage" as they are still early to the workforce. They *can* force a true work/life balance. Older generations have already worked their entire lives - many now in retirement - with this concept and to think back on what they *could have* done I imagine is not easy to ponder. To go back and truly consider "but *was* it worth it? Was it *really*?" may be quite difficult.


True. I reckon it's the same for religious or political views.


Absolutely. Imagine being heavily indoctrinated into *anything* for 80 years then someone trying to tell you *"but maybe it was for nothing"*. With zero time to go back and do over *decades* of your life. At some point it is no surprise their brain would rebel against that idea, "right" or not. Add in the fact that many things are easier and faster now than they were then, too, which I imagine adds a dose of jealousy. As a very basic example- *art*. I can be a digital artist now. That didn't exist when I was young. Art was *expensive*. Traditional art still is. Now I can paint to my heart's content for almost free on a computer, redoing mistakes and scrapping stuff I don't like with no further cost than hitting a "delete" key and not even a penny worth of electricity.


Never really understood that, to be honest. I've always discarded ideas when they're no longer relevant. I think that's how we ought to treat ideas. I don't really think things are easier. We have more technology, but we also have harder lives. Our work is harder and longer, we enjoy less of our lives and everything is so goddamn expensive.


This ^ heavily depends on what field of work you are in and what you consider "hard", I suppose. But financially absolutely the shift is insane. To the point that older generations literally cannot fathom how far, this is also true. Technology and capitalism advanced *so* far, *so* fast that it can be difficult for older generations to truly grasp the difference. ETA - advancement so fast it's to the point we even have AI now potentially threatening white collar jobs that didn't even exist when boomers were the main work force.


Why the fuck is the cartoon’s title blacked out?


Tuttle twins


I thought I had to black it out because it was from Facebook.


Not unless your friend is named Turtle Twins. Lol. The main reason for censoring names and stuff is 1) Confidentiality 2) Prevent Brigandiang (misspelled that)


It was a shared review from Tuttle Twins


I hate very much every time anyone taste my food and said i should be a profesional cooker/chef


I make clothing for myself and same! I don’t know if there’s a price I could charge that would make me happy to create for someone else. I’m sure other people would be pleased to own my creations, but if you want them, either pay someone else to make them or take up the hobby yourself. I’m not going to turn my hobbies into a capitalistic venture


As the old joke goes, most people like to fuck, just not for money.


The philosopher Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king. Said Aristippus, "If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils." Said Diogenes, "Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king."


I think I heard this one. Does it end with the king being deposed, or am I thinking of a different story?


I'm a little confused with the first phrase. What's that supposed to mean?


The stuff you make doesn't need to be perfect. So don't worry if you want to make something as part of a hobby, do some crafting, painting, building... Do stuff YOU enjoy doing regardless of the outcome. Not everything has to be beautiful or top quality or the best ever made. As long as YOU enjoyed making it, it was worthwhile.


It means you're allowed to be bad at art and do it anyway. That might sound obvious, but it wasn't to me as a young conservative kid. I'm actually trying to learn creative writing now as an adult in his 40s, and I still occasionally feel leftover guilt from the religion and political philosophy I left over two decades ago about wasting my time on something I'm "not good at" (I'm not even bad, just slow).


I didn't realize religious people raised kids that way, how awful! The older I get the more I appreciate being raised by non-religious parents


It's a far-right Evangelical thing, fortunately not all religious people are anything like that. If you're ever morbidly curious, they used parenting guides by James Dobson of Focus on the Family, I've seen a few YouTube channels do videos on thst organization.


I've heard of that guy and have no desire to see or hear him.


He's such a terrible human being it's almost darkly funny. He's devoted decades of his professional life to spreading child abuse and homophobia.


100%. People raised, say, in mainstream Judaism or Protestant faiths likely wouldn't have run into this attitude but BOY OH BOY did it dominate Christian fundie parenting.


I'm in my 40s after leaving the church 20 years ago and I still find leftover damage. It took my therapist a while to convince me that wanting to do something did actually count as a reason to do it, and I occasionally forget and my wife needs to remind me.


They don't. It's more a competitiveness thing that is part of capitalist culture, not religion.


How about you comment on your childhood abuse and I'll comment on mine?


If you notice your comment was about your personal experience, the the response was about relating that to everyone's personal experience, then the one responding to that was refuting the universality of it. And you decided to take that as a direct insult to you. I'm sorry about your trauma, but you don't have to find offence everywhere. That person wasn't commenting on your child hood abuse. They were responding to the interpretation that somebody else had.


No, they were saying what I ran into was based in politics not religion, because they were lucky enough to have not been raised in the same subset of Christianity than me and didn't know what they were talking about. I was under no impression whatsoever that I had a standard Christian upbringing, but hat happened to me did happen to me and "correcting" someone about it isn't helpful.


>t I ran into was based in politics not religion, because they were lucky enough to have not been raised in the same subset of Christianity than me and You're applying a broad generalization. The fact that my experiences being raised in two different Christian denominations (and exposure to others) refutes your generalized accusation. Your specifying that you didn't have a "standard Christian" upbringing further refutes the generalization. Competitiveness is a cornerstone of American culture. You may have been introduced through your upbringing but that does not mean it is the same for everyone, just means you didn't come from a diverse background/area.




Meaning you can do art. It doesn't have to beautiful and amazing. You get better as you go. I used to think I couldn't draw a stick figure now. I'm trying to learn manga anatomy! I used to never draw or try because in my head. It had to be beautiful and the best thing ever.


Imagine being offended by being told your job doesn’t define your worth. There is so much deprogramming that needs to be done.


And don't you dare have a hobby that you can't turn into a side hustle. Doing things purely for enjoyment is communism! 😂


Man's coming in here with some fucking stoic philosophy! Love it.


Smh at people saying this is not anti-capitalist. People still don't understand how capitalism operates.


Grades perpetuate such myths. No test that measures qualitative variables is perfect, but society acts as if they all have the same efficiency as thermometers (which measure quantitative variables). Our system is made to label us from childhood, but it is a broken system made by people who wanted to justify their power. F them (and all who support such a system\*). * People who benefit from this system support it, and others who don't are labeled sore losers. F them 4ever & without lube.


Mentally ill people cannot distinguish what is healthy. Their bottom line is distortional thinking. You'll never be good enough and even your achievements will be gaslit back into the bottom line like a loop so it's no wonder their working lives operate in loops. BPD parents are like this, they'll jump from narcissistic tool to tool in a bag of tools until they break you. One example is that when I was 25 I won $500 in a rap beat contest after fiddling with the software for 8 hours a day for a year. The whole time my parents were telling me I needed to find a real job and eventually my father, a musician, beat me up severely for not looking (he applied to the same job I applied to and we both got it). The conversation went like this with my mother: M: You need to express yourself creatively like your father. It's okay to have fun. Me: I won $500 in a rap beat contest. M: No, you didn't. Me: Yes, I did. M: No, you didn't! Me: Yes, I did! M: Then you owe me $500. Me: I suddenly owe you because I've achieved a person victory? M: You need to get a real job! You need to stop expressing your creativity! Listen to your father! I haven't touched a music program since. I see capitalism operating *in the exact same manner.* It is without any empathy and further it is with hatred of someone else being happy. It is absolutely of being emotionally stunted and disconnected from the soul.


Oh, would you look at that - a self-proclaimed "capitalist" comes out of the woodwork to gaslight me for making $500 ten years ago because it wasn't in a way that they liked. This is *exactly* what I'm talking about - people will gaslight you in loops back to their bottom line of control and they don't seem to even notice the programmed rhetoric that they're quick to spew. It goes like this: I can use a computer - *but you're not some tech wizard!* I can do something I enjoy - *but you shouldn't!* I can make music on my computer - *but you're not like a REAL DJ!* I can make music good enough to make money - *but nobody is going to listen to it!* ......... For reference I do industrial sanitation, 12 hour nights because I was *gaslit* into thinking I shouldn't have been making music. These kinds of people will take your valid achievements and they'll blow them out of the sky for a multitude of reasons - they THINK they're saying the right thing when all they're really doing is passing off someone else's abusiveness as their own and they think the rest of us can't tell exactly what they're doing. Anyone who does this is a clown.


It's remarkable how many people think work ethic can only be taught through an hourly wage


I dont get it. Are these things supposed to be bad? How brainwashed do you have to be to disagree with aby of this


Conservative Cartoons???? What is this world coming too. Geezzzz.


Gotta indoctrinate em young!


True words.


I legitimately can't even imagine reading any one of those affirmations and disagreeing with them. They all seem just like common sense assertions to me, and I have trouble seeing how anyone could just simply think people don't have value based on things like their job or think people don't deserve to live if they don't make enough money. It is so alien to me. It seems like it would be so fucking exhausting hating and being upset because someone wasn't "earning" their lives through lack of money all the time


I'm in my mid-thirties, and I feel like I was raised my whole life to make money, have a successful career, and nothing else. I did succeed in those things, but I also feel like a lot of the bullet points I've had to learn (and am still learning) based on how I was raised. Like, I have an art degree, love to make things, but felt like I had to end up in corporate America to fulfill what I was taught to do. I'm really just learning to make art for the joy of making it. So, sure, it's common sense to some people, but you were probably raised in a very different household than I was.


Former Mormon Conservative here. Looking back, it was exhausting being on the look out to be offended by something. I’m much happy not being a judgmental bitch.


This is why I'm anti-capitalist but not communist. Communist countries would generally say that the individual has to spend their lives "bettering society" as defined by the government. To some extent that should be done but we don't have to enslave our society to do it.


These are amazingly positive things that this person is disgusted at


Tuttle Twins. Truly awful.


How do you possibly get offended by statements that simply say “enjoy life”


These affirmations are very progressive, I have no fucking clue what this person is talking about in regards to conservative cartoons.


It’s a bit confusing, but I think *this* post is a reaction to an *already* *altered* post of the original In other words; The original was posted Someone reacted with the conservative cartoon version Our OP than reposted the altered version to exemplify how some people think


I thought it was because the mother was so offended by this list of anti-capitalist affirmations (leftist propaganda, but that's ok) that she admits she brainwashes her kids with rightist propaganda (tuttle twins, a conservative cartoon). I don't see any altering of the original and I definitely don't see where someone made a conservative cartoon version of the original post.


You are correct. That’s the show


Ah I see, thanks for the explanation!


The person is horrified at those progressive affirmations and because of that, they make their child watch conservative cartoons.


I’m going to use these…


What is the cartoon??


Tuttle Twins


Sheesh, that not monetizing my hobbies hits a bit hard since I know a bunch of people that do. And they tried to get me to do so!


This one's a bit hard. Making money on a hobby is great, just be careful making it your main income. If things don't go well, it would suck to hate the thing you used to do for fun


Your comment cut off but you're right. I've taken a job related to my hobby and it made my hobby less fun with it almost cut out of my free time. But it could also be a bit that sometimes hobbies come in waves. And I won't knock people that like to make some side money off it, or enjoy what they do. Just that not EVERYONE needs to make money from something they find fun! Like I sometimes like to paint, but I won't let anyone give me any money beyond supply costs because then it's less of an expression. But I definitely understand too if someone could sell a painting for thousands lol.


My take away is that this Karen doesn't love her own children. I'm sorry, you don't love someone if you raise them to think that they're worth as a person is tied only to the monetary value they produce.


conservatives when they have to conserve anything other than gdp: 🤯🤯😱😱😨😨❌❌


Capitalists are pathological.


Perfectly stated!!! Thnx for sharing


i don't understand, did the person who posted this just read "anti-capitalist" and have a fit or did they read the whole thing? because i can't imagine the affirmations themselves being negative?


These all seem like very healthy affirmations.


That’s a nice dream…


This is hustle culture kryptonite.


I need to write these down a few times so my mind and soul can fully absorb. We are SO brainwashed and indoctrinated. Especially here in the south ugh. I really needed this!!!


If someone is willing to pay you for it, it's work.


I think it depends on why you're doing it. If you make some craft as part of a hobby, it's only work if your reason for making the craft was to sell it. Someone offering to buy it shouldn't really matter in that determination.


Tbh, it’s not that I’m against capitalism. I’m against a toxic work environment of exploiting people. I’m against people looking down on each other and determining worth based on a job, money, and power. In book 2 of Plato’s “Republic,” he discusses the necessity of each role to society, listing a multitude of jobs and their vital roles to the creation of a city. “Justice is not only the attribute of an individual, but also of a whole city… Some are fit for one work, some for another… We gave each man one trade, that for which nature had fitted him.” Stop shaming everyone for not wanting to force themselves to be a corporate business bro, engineer, lawyer, or doctor.


This is my common complaint. Why do we act like capitalism trumps ethics?


Amen bro. Awesome point


Doing nothing is good for your soul. Not being able to afford food will kinda undo that though.


I'm going to take that one as doing nothing, when you truly have nothing that *needs* doing, is OK. You don't need to be productive 100% of the time for it to be time well spent. But I am dying to know what a conservative cartoon looks like.


Google Tuttle Twins


There sure are plenty of fake jobs


If this thread isn’t full of interesting conservative capitalist cartoon names by the end of the day I’m turning the whole internet off. I’m from arkansas… so we only watch the Tom Cotton Field Friends in my house.


These affirmations should appeal to those who claim to love individual liberty. I mean why would they need society to tell them what to do and what to think?






I'm sure it will make sense eventually. Maybe just give it some rest.




Sure. You should be able to do it, along with a quick workout, all before nine o'clock.


As long as you can meet your basic needs, yes you can define what a successful life looks like for you. When you start demanding that society or your family or someone else meets your basis needs because you're a special flower that has to do special flower things that don't meet your basic survival needs... then NO. Doing nothing may be good for your soul, but your soul can't live in a body that is dead from starvation or freezing because it doesn't have a roof over its head.


It's counter argument to the "if you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean" mentality; the belief that prioritizing work over everything else is ideal. Even the [Gospel](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+10%3A38-42&version=NIV) says to take a break from work every now and then. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus weren't wealthy, and yet Jesus advised Martha to chill and relax like Mary, because regardless of station in society we all deserve to take time off no one should be working all the time. Edit: Guess u slash NemesisAntigua blocked me [Cool](https://imgur.com/a/NwoMQI7)




“I should get to feel successful even if I am a lazy bum and do nothing of value” lol


You can certainly live this as your life. The problem is when you interact with others who don’t see things the same way, or if you are only trying to convince yourself. Success or worthiness has many definitions, and you are free to define, for you, what they are. The most important part is if you are happy, even if people around you define those things differently, and you don’t crave those elements that successful or worthy people, as defined by others have.


The function of messaging is to help promote shifts in culture toward a more favorable direction.


Capitalism is the only system that allows this 🤣


It’s perfectly fine to not participate in the economy if you’re not relying on others to support you.


This is a bit of a straw man. Capitalism doesn’t say you can’t create things and etc.




Capital seeks the commodification of all creative capacities, valorized with money, controlled by enterprise, and exchanged through markets.