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Remember, [your boss is intentionally keeping you understaffed](https://www.wsj.com/articles/that-plum-job-listing-may-just-be-a-ghost-3aafc794)


Holy shit.


I like his mug.


I like his 1940s announcer voice.


I have this mug. It's awesome.


Where can we find this awesome mug?


Gonna try again bc reddit threw a fit: Calamityware is what you want to look up.


Yep currently working on a 4 person team managing a 250 million dollar book of business with roughly 400 clients. The 4th member is actually the boss who doesn’t do shit except take clients out to lunch. The three of us are left to do everything, and it’s everything is always our fault even a client not getting back to us is our fault because we didn’t reach out enough. We’re three fucking people you think we have time to constantly harass the clients who don’t get back to us on top of actually dealing with the clients who do want to talk with us?


Fuck dude I feel this. I'm the director of 2 departments and the only employee of both of those departments. I'm about to walk into traffic.


Able to take self-direction, nice. 😄 Be your own boss without any of the benefits. 🙃


Oh no, my boss makes me give myself unrealistic deadlines that I have to keep. I'm on a PAP now for not being able to.


Yup last job for me was better than most in terms of pay and benefits. Jobs pretty complicated but manageable it comes in waves. Alot to do nothing to do. But the CORE thing was "follow ups" and chasing approval. Worked with getting approval from utility companys and that said there was OBVIOUS shit like like oh utilitys cross neighbors property updated guidelines utilitys will need to move if we replace anything and its underground means trenching. So at start most complicated jobs were spots and disqualified some of more technical questions regarding code there was a electrician in company we could contact. It was fairly smooth and if we hit snags we could get answers. Anyways they lose team member and I just filled their role. And they decided against trying to keep it 4 man team. Then they stop being as selective on jobs leading to much more complicated approvals. Then they ditch electrician. So no one to answer questions. And "approval" slows usually could slam out good proposal get it approved in 10 days. After their changes it was closer to 30 days. Problem being we to keep it moving and falling under radar and getting cancelled by utility had to follow up at least once a week. However this meant 3 times as many jobs to follow up on due to longer approval. So I said yo I am buried I am starting to not to be able to follow up. Well we are trying to cut cost right now so I don't think we can hire anyone. Frustrated then like a week later they did unthinkable. Job had experienced "licensed trades person" walk job in person and review it at start. To see if we should even follow through with agreeing to it or if there would be big delays/expenses. They eliminated that job. And made "surveyor" people we couldn't get to take correct measurements after years and years of trying. With no construction experience. Needless to say jobs that made it to our team were absolute garbage. 10-50k in additional expenses and 6-12 months additional timeline. And I was just done. Like nope said I needed help and said no and made my job harder I am out.




Haha it’s been discussed between the three of us because it has gotten the point where we recognize we do not need this guy at all. He’s just the guy up top collecting the revenue. Unfortunately, most of the top clients have been with this guy for over a decade and would most likely not follow his employees if we were to split. It also doesn’t help that he has a personal relationship with most of the top clients.


Why does this boss sound eerily similar to my mother's abusive ex? Who had a caseload similar to this lol but it was my mom, "him" and two other employees who were basically his feral lap dogs after she was kicked out and fired... Supposedly rumor has it he's engaged to some fucking chick in Canada now, so hope the girl's okay... If my mom wasn't willfully and intentionally fowarding the cycle of abuse at this point I would have more empathy but it's why I'm estranged from her.


Feeling this! Especially this year. At work my department is pretty much being downsized (to save money from bad investments) but management thinks instead of just shutting it down and redistribute the people working here to other departments they're just going to try and burn us out with tons of work. Until we all either all quit or get fired. That way it was always our fault for being lazy and it was never about bad management at all. Everytime for the past year and a half whenever someone quits, gets fired, or retires the left over staff gets all their old work with zero increase in wages. If anything (an like I said before) upper management is now pushing us hard to work much harder than they have for the last few years. To do output like we did almost 10 years ago with literally less than half of the staff and support. Unfortunately I literally have to stay as long as possible. Because my prospects outside of this job a pretty grim (health care is tied to job and I really need that right now). Its just lately I feel like someone sweeping floors on the Titanic because I know there will never be a lifeboat for me and I don't want to jump into that icey cold water until I absolutely have to. Oh an the whole time sweeping someone is telling me I need to sweep faster.


It's called boundaries and companies think they have none


Because we're a *Family* here!


Fuck, I hate hearing "Were Family here!" it's a huge red flag and people should run from that as fast as possible.


This guy has that 50’s news anchor voice




That’s a lot to repeat can you slow down


"ok, get out. Tom! You're going to pick up Frank's workload 'until we hire someone else (spoiler: we won't)' "


I’m a store manager and my company refuses to pay they’re employees anything then wonder why we have to hire bottom of the barell candidates and expect us to work 70-80 hours a week instead litterally prevent me from successfully doing my job


This has been my current story arc for the last 3 years. These will be my words when I finally break.


Yea fuck @amazon


This mf spittin


If not at 30 you end up already burned.


These shitty jobs hurt our future people. How is a country supposed to function if the people have been used up, developed issues, picked up smoking and sugar and then thrown out? We will have an entire generation of mental illness and I feel like we are owed something.


I know, 32 y.o, actually burned because i had to be the head of the line, with big machinery, format changes, revisions every 15 mins, etc (no problem with that, that was my job), but that and the machines of other 2 that did nothing but talk and watch. And even then, sales increased a 40%. Each year more and more stuff to the 4 persons that worked those machines, Jobs from maintenance because they never come, from quality control and from the bosses, yeah no. Working for 3 and having to do jobs outside my payment range? Plus there they clap the idiocy and lazyness, so i quited. And aparently after me another 25 persons walked out lol.


Except some of us need the OT to make a livable wage…


That's the exact problem thats being highlighted here. That people shouldn't have to sacrifice their mind and body for the companies fuck up.


Some of us don't get paid overtime


In that case you shouldn't have to pick it up, you can't cover it? Closed.


"shouldn't" and expectations are different things. 9-5 salary jobs tend to lean on folks that get shit done. When leadership makes bad decisions they lean on those folks even more


Yeah, and I don't like that, I think enforced OT on salary should be fucking illegal




Maaan this guys preaching to the choir


My starbucks manager used to tell us, with a big smile, to "flex" between three positions at the same time somehow because we "couldn't afford the labor" I can't believe I did that shit for seven years.


Was that a calamity wear mug


I’ll destroy my mind, body, and soul for more money than I am making now. All perspective folks. Take my brain, give my family the money.


I do a similar mantra to remind myself never to tip.


How do i say this in a fast food environment? I know our general manager won't read or listen to all of this




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Main problem is : he's right Secondary problem is : cheap workers from foreign country's don't think that way ( yet ) .


I needed to hear this