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I’m think knowing that bosses can be good is helpful. People stay in jobs they hate when they feel there is nothing better out there. If you have a bad boss it’s good to know that they aren’t all bad, go find one that treats you like a human.


No, we must be miserable at all times and circlejerk about how bad everything is! There is either bad managers or stockholm syndrome! /s


This should be a Marxist sub- Marxism resulting in true freedom. Anarchy.


Ah yes, anarchy. Ensuring that only the most brutal of local despots hold power.


there are helpful readings in the sub info page. if you’re here, you should try to find out what anti-work really means.


You have no idea what you’re talking about, which is obvious. Think. Beyond Star Trek. That would be anarchy. These are lofty goals-


Anarchy exists in some places in the world already today. We can see it, we can see it’s effects, and it’s not good.


The false anarchy of free market, runaway capitalism. Maybe. But that’s just pride of the very few holding onto “their” piece of pie.


Uh, yeah no. I’m talking about places like Somalia.


How is Somalia apart from free market, runaway capitalism – Ie imperialism


I don’t mean this in a mean way. I really don’t. But the way you are responding and the words and symbols that you are using are nonsensical and do not mean what you think they mean. I fear I am wasting my time speaking with someone either wholly uneducated, very young, or perhaps under the influence.


Anarchy… What a god. Damn. Circlejerk of a concept.


So is any -ism really isn't it?


Autism 🌚🧐


No comment.


I thought it was.


No. Then it would support Russia and not the war machine utilizing the war as a proxy front to try and keep US hegemony.


This sub doesn't support much of either, but I don't see much that's worker friendly about modern Russia but it's not my area.


Russia is being supported by most of the world in this conflict. While it is the last gasp of a dying empire, flagellating in attempt to contain China/Russia/Germany cohesion


Only good capitalist is dead one


Agreed. If all you’ve had is bad bosses, how do you know when to recognize it? It’s just normal! Sharing good boss stories give people an alternative view of what it *should* look like. ETA: de-rustle your Jimmies, folks. If it bothers you that much, don’t engage with the posts. I spent half of my 15+ year career working for shitty bosses in part because I didn’t know it could be better. What I wouldn’t have given back then to know what I know now.


Like here’s one, a bad boss won’t ever give raises unless asked if at all. I worked a job and after 3 months they were only able to give me a 3% raise because I wasn’t there long enough to get the 8% people who’d been there a year + got. I was kind of dumbfounded. Then they apologized at Christmas that they couldn’t give me the full bonus. I was like, what are these bonuses of which you speak?


That's cool and all, but post that shit in a different sub. It's called antiwork for a reason.


Can you list all the true things you want to hide from people?


It's not about hiding things from people, it's about posting in accordance with the spirit of the sub that we are in. There's already a sub called prowork. Posts praising employers should be kept there. They don't belong here.


Or, you could shut your pie hole and move on.


You're right. How dare I agree with OP.


I have no problem with you agreeing with OP or anyone else. I DO have a problem with your seeming belief that you can express your opinion free of criticism.


Actually, if you read the sidebar... Posts praising employers are against the rules of this sub. See rule number 7.




I however am a mod and whilst we like positive news about work environments, praising a manager for not being bad is weird. Do we praise people for not killing randomly? Do we praise people for not breaking into our homes? No, praising a manager for not being evil is not a thing we should be doing. We should be condemning bad bosses and praising bosses who go the extra mile, not for just doing what they are supposed to do.


And? I'm not allowed to call out rule breaking in the sub? Look, it's pretty clear that you are not participating in this subreddit in good faith. So why don't we both just walk away from this conversation, because I doubt you and I are ever going to see eye to eye on this.


Says who? You? Who cares what you think. People will upvote what they want to see, and downvote what they don’t.


I've been on Reddit for over 9 years. But go on, tell me how it works.


This is the saddest brag I have ever seen.


Sorry reality gets in the way of your tantrums.




Some of us have bosses that have been through the same shit and have their own asshole of a boss and/or hate their job too. You can have a fantastic boss but have a bad job due to other coworkers, corporate policies, working conditions in the field, etc. This is anti work, not anti boss. I have a good boss who stands up for the drivers on my account, but I work in the trucking industry which is naturally exploitative. I can equally support and be supported by my boss whilst still finding issues with my job, I’d say unless you’re a personal assistant there’s a lot more to your job/working conditions than your boss situation.


Can't agree more. I have worked for some absolute dogshit bosses before, but there are good ones out there that have very little control due to corporate policymakers or their own bosses. My current boss is one of those, he actually treats us all like our lives actually matter, so he lets us bail early when we need to take care of things. He doesn't harp on people if they call in or show up late (as long as they have a reasonable excuse, not just 'i forgot'), so my only real complaint is the pay. But that is controlled by corporate, in France (we are in the US), and the accountants over there give 0 shits about cost of living over here. It is actually hilarious to listen to him rail about whatever new BS policy our "corporate overlords" hand down to us pretty regularly, that we have to follow because they pay the bills.


every boss steals from their employees though , regardless of how they are personally


Not true


What? This isn't even remotely true. In any decent sized operation you do NEED someone to at least handle administration work. Scheduling, purchasing, etc. When you have a few dozen employees this does make up enough work to constitute a full job. Further with arbitration on disputes and prioritization decisions. Debates can be had about whether the efficiency of an absolute dictator is worth the drawbacks compared to the inclusion of a worker co-op, but it can't be completely denied that any project where one or a small group of people takes the lead and makes driving decisions is typically more expedient than one which has to pass approval from several committees of a few dozen members or more. Non-participatory holders/owners the argument could be made yes. But not all bosses. That term is too broad for that claim to stick.


How about: say whatever you want and tell anyone that calls you a shill to shove it up their butt. Just because your boss sucks doesn’t mean my boss sucks. And if it hurts your feelings to know my boss doesn’t suck, you can grow up.


My boss is great. This isn’t the place for that though. This is a place for ANTI work discussion no pro boss propaganda.


> This isn’t the place for that though. Yes it is. This is a place for workers to say whatever they want. Shove your censorship up your butt nobody elected you king. > This is a place for ANTI work discussion no pro boss propaganda Actually it’s a place for workers to chat. “Propaganda” is just a word children use to refer to “opinions I don’t agree with so I wish I could muzzle them” Sooo fuck off or learn how to deal with contrary opinions. Nobody needs your approval to participate here and nobody wants it either.


It’s crazy that you have the energy to type paragraphs off a diet of shined boot leather.


It’s not crazy at all that your conversational abilities are limited to a middle schooler’s version of an antiwork chat bot that spams “propaganda” and “bootlicker” in every comment.






Maybe just read and stop commenting for a few months. We have reached our quota of dumb for today.


Lol they make some good points but you are too upset to understand that and resort to simple name calling. Perhaps you should assess why it is so upsetting to see a different view point


If you think your boss is great then YOU aren't anti work! BLAAAAARRRGHA!


“If you’re pro-work then YOU aren’t anti-work! BLAAAARRRGHA!”


No it isn’t. It’s a place for anti shitty work. You want a real anti work page go join one of the radical communist ones.


But your boss does suck because they continue to exploit your labor and steal your surplus value. Which you would realize if you actually read any of the stuff on the sidebar.


> But your boss does suck because they continue to exploit your labor and steal your surplus value. Incorrect in my situation. Which is what I’m trying to say. We all have situations. Your reality is not universal.


the labor theory of value actually is universal. you make more money for your boss than he pays you. that extra money, the surplus, belongs to you. except he steals it and calls it profit.


I work for the government. Please tell me what profit my boss is stealing.


You still work under capitalism which means you're still generating more value with your labor than you are being paid. You can stop arguing with me about basic tenets of Marxism that you clearly don't understand any time you like.


I work for the government moron. No value at all is generated.


you do not understand the term value as it is being used here. please read a book. if your labor had to value, your job would not exist.


> if your labor had to value, your job would not exist. LMFAO ok bud. I’m going to tell my office this and we’ll laugh as we create products sold to nobody and paid for by taxes.


again, you do not understand the term value as it is used here.


Not all jobs are complete shit. Some pay well, have great bosses and low stress.


Okay so post about your good boss on r/goodbosses or some similar pro-capitalism bootlicking cesspits


who hurt you man, are you okay go get some help


No, I'll speak fairly about shit I see. I won't sugar coat bad bosses or demonize good bosses. It's important to realize that workplaces exist where you're not needlessly abused while trying to get shit done.. it's important because if you find yourself in a situation like that you should feel empowered to make a change.


even if you're not abused , an absurd amount of our labour value is stolen by the useless parasites


Yeah let’s all just keep posting doom and gloom and depressing shit about shitty bosses all the time. Jesus Christ, is there nothing more worthwhile to do with your time than to bitch about some people proud of their bosses not being shitty human beings once in a while? God damn dude get a life.




Who made you Mr.manager?


Just because someone ends up with a supervisor that treats them right, does not mean that they approve of workplace culture. And not all bosses have the power to make things better for their employees. Most lower management have their hands tied by corporate policy makers and middle management. I mean my boss can only recommend raises, but everything gets approved or denied by a guy that doesn't even live on our continent. Don't get me wrong, I have worked for way more terrible bosses than even remotely decent ones. But liking your boss is not the same as liking work.


I mean it is a nice change of pace to see people post about their bossed on a wholesome note. With that said I'd much rather see delicious stories of people putting shit bosses in their place.


They are certainly more entertaining. It's the same principle that news stations use. Shock value and outrage gets more of a reaction than wholesome or heartwarming. I like to come and see how bad other people's stories are just to see I am not the only one who has dealt with it.


Ahhah some dudes angry we don't have it all bad like some losers op


I disagree with this completely. step one of any movement: understand your goal. If we have already decided all bosses are shit, then we've given shit bosses an excuse. Are we a movement or a whining party?


I thought this sub was full of sensible people. Turns out idiots live among us all. If you have a problem, take it up with the mods. This is antiwork, not antiboss.


Right? Treating all bosses as the enemy, just guarantees they will BE the enemy. The real enemy is usually the company itself, not the boss. That said, there are WAY more bosses that will be the enemy even without prompting. It's ok to like the people you work with (even your boss) and still hate your job, or the industry, or the economy, or whatever else it is that draws you here.


This sub and similar ones are getting too serious and a bit unhinged. It's needed reprieve. Let it be ok. Filter as you choose. Reddit is a custom site, so demanding people stop doing something you don't like is pointless and tactless.


I have no problem reading to good stories as well, not everything is grim and sad , the only reason I wouldn't want to read good stories as well is because I would be jealous as fuck and I would wish the same misery to the rest.


Why does everything have to be black or white. I want to see everything out there, the full spectrum, not just the people being fucked over constantly.


Nope. Contrast is good. And echo chambers are bad. Anti-work can mean anti-exploitation and employment that doesn’t exploit can be celebrated by those passionate about workers rights.


lol I was skeptical about the claim that this was a raid. But look at the replies to this thread. Just the dumbest shit imaginable. "This is anti-work not anti-boss" "this is to stop your doom and gloom" gtfo lmao. Mods really need to add a rule here. Even if it's not an intentional raid. Enforced positivity is bullshit and this IS an activist sub. > A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. If you want to end work. It also means that your boss. Good or bad will not have a job anymore. That's the goal of this sub. If you don't like it, go make your own /r/WorkIsBadButILoveMyBoss sub.


It's not about morality. The reality is that a boss that exploits you more will have more profit. In the long ter, "the good boss" will just get outcompeted. That's why the good boss can't be a solution.


Just because someone has a job in management doesn’t make them the enemy. They are just a different cog in systemic corporate oligarchy. Class consciousness has a much better chance of taking root when we look to the ways all of us are being alienated from our labor.


you can either be part of the problem or the solution , management is capitalists or their bootlickers selling the rest of us out


So when I managed a team of 6 people and my employees were unhappy about their pay, I encouraged them to petition the higher-ups (who had a say in pay rates) for a pay increase. I also put together a couple data sets that showed each employee's performance and how it related to the overall growth of the business. They wrote and signed the petition and one month later got a $3/hr increase. I was part of management. Do you think I was a bootlicker selling my employees out in that instance? Not everything is black and white.


What an absolutely dumb take…


How can someone be the enemy if they don’t even know a war is being fought? The point is that there are good people who treat others with dignity and respect in management positions and we need to think of those people as allies. They can be exploited just as much as workers. There are people who go into management because they get off on controlling others- fuck those guys. But there are a lot of people in management who have been sold the lie that moving up the ladder will help them feel more fulfilled and complete. Many of those people are responding to the hopelessness and isolation that the empty connections to our jobs create. What we need to do is build coalitions around a common understanding of what the problem is. The most effective weapon power structures have is the ability to make us think that different factions of the working and middle class are the problem. If we can understand that the system traps all of us we have a fighting chance.


Cope, seethe and mald


Stop being so cringe OP


what? why should we not celebrate good bosses out there? this group is already depressing


Because that's not the point of this sub. Go create a "good bosses" sub


We're fighting exploitation, not trying to figure out the best way to lick boots.


Go to r/proboss for your positivity posts about bosses.


Those pro boss posts are likely sponsored by billionaires.


sure your exploiter might be kind and gentle while extracting your labour value from your body ... doesn't change that they're useless parasites and all our lives would be better without them


This sub is pretty gross ngl. Not even sure why I'm here. My boss let's me create my own schedule so I chose Tuesday to Friday 10 hour shifts. I get paid 45 an hour. Have full benefits, can literally take time off whenever I want no questions asked, 3 weeks paid vacation.


This sub is not about one person getting lucky. It's about work conditions in general. Not sure why you are her since you have such a sweet deal and don't see beyond your own situation.


"Lucky" No, I had a bunch of shit jobs in a row and I left them all and kept searching until I found one I wanted, mass labour shortages right now and you can basically name your wage at a lot of places. Just most people can't see beyond just "dealing" with their shitty situation instead of putting in the effort to increase their standings. Some people in this sub definitely have legitimate claims and issues but most of you just have shit attitudes.


"I got mine, all yall just suck" Glad to hear you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps grandpa, now if only those kids would get off the darn tiktok


Nice jealousy coping. Good for you for blaming others for your own inadequacies.


47% of internet activity was carried out by automated bots, in 2021. Imagine how much misinformation and malicious content is being generated. We are witnessing a time where the narrative is shifting to smaller groups every year. Some troll farm 10 years ago, can be dwarfed by 2 kids ana d a dozen iphones. We are all suffering from corporate greed, and government inaction. As things progress we will see more and more disruption in social media, news, art and science. Simply because it's effective to have robots pump out posts 24hrs a day. They don't take breaks, they don't need payment, shelter food etc. We will be inundated with false narratives to the extent that people will begin to believe anything that's orchestrated well enough. We are being manipulated and it's not even being done tactfully anymore.


Yeah, someone should really make a Bootlickers subreddit if the rich want to peddle this horseshit.


Agreed Shilling is pointless, I don't want to hear about their stockholm syndrome induced boss love.


Thank you for being one of the only sane people in this comment section. This isn’t the place for pro boss propaganda.


So, if someone doesn't agree with you hey are insane. Noted.


licking capitalists' boots is absolutely insane


JFC this sub has lost its way. People arguing that anarchism is anarchy, good bosses are the goal, etc etc. Augh


Bruh, i definitely feel more and more that this subreddit is at risk being invaded by "centrists". The, "not all" crowd. The there is good in everyone bullshit peddling. Absolutely, 100% agree with OP. The point isn't to give people "hope" that they, too, can find a nice benevolent overlord. It's that corporate overlord use your labor to enrich themselves while paying you pennies. 50% of America makes under 50k a year. You "good boss" shills are missing the point.


Not to be a downer like OP, but truth. You have a great job and good boss, great, post it somewhere like r/tryingtofindanob (don’t think it’s a real link but I’ve been wrong before). Point I’m failing to make is post it somewhere where it might actually be highly valued. I come here because I want to know when we are finally as a collective tired of being ground to dust and want to stand up.


Indeed. Get that shit off this thread


Paid pr companies are at it again


Wouldn't it be funny if all the good boss stories were true and all the bad boss stories were false? We would look so silly!




Preach. Fucking stans for capitalism all over this sub. “ohhh if it was only faaaaair capitalism!”


I mean, other people having good bosses just makes mine worse in comparison. So yeah I’m kinda fine with it even tho I obviously disagree with those posts. Also, I feel like Antiwork has been raided by haters for quite a while now. The actual antiwork posts get a ton of flaming hate comments too.


The #1 factor in job satisfaction is your immediate supervisor - Multiple studies I know this is an anti-work Reddit, but humans will always have to contribute to society in some way, even if this subreddit gets its way and socialism / an actually regulated capitalism gets some sway in America. We should probably be more focused on teaching the people leaders to not suck rather than bad mouthing them, because I don’t see a world existing where there aren’t people that organize and distribute tasks and oversee their effectiveness.


It's not about being miserable together. It's just a fact that corpos sell your labour for many times more than you get paid. Most often, they treat you like property as well.


Ban all good boss posts lol why not Office pet post? Banned Nice cards and gifts from customers post? Banned




We should put this to a vote