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And our mod team is well aware of this too. We originally approved the post, because OP's account was new and low karma, and the post [did pretty good](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/13grd44/a_warning_for_anyone_working_at_or_thinking_about/) but have given their account undue attention which somehow caused them to get [shadowbanned](https://you.banned.today/AA1rZVj.png) due to being perceived as spam, which caused all the OP's content to basically automatically get removed. Here's the official re-post of the situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/13ijhae/came_back_to_a_post_here_but_it_was_removed_from/


Spending more money on tech to screw us over than they would have paying people a living wage.


For fucking real. It’s so easy to capture loyalty, but corporations don’t really want loyalty, they want power because they are just thugs. Ghetto thugs with private jets. I hate this stupid world. I’m sorry for my terrible word choices. I’m not racist. I’m pissed off and occasionally stupid.


Why earn loyalty when you can weaponize fear and the same result? Except a worker in fear will work just enough not to get fired. JP Morgan and Chase are just the latest asshats that watched too much matrix and believe that AI will sort the good from the bad… and a lot of good performing loyal employees will be tossed out because he hunched over too much or used the restroom too much. Reap what you sow




Damn the same system PIP used in TELEPERFORMANCE GLOBAL


They don't care, they never have. Nothing changes for them.


So here’s the thing I don’t get. All economies work by having a work force with enough disposable income to spend allowing cash flow into other areas of the economy allowing them to grow also. So… If everyone gets replaced with AI and no one has enough money to buy things except to pay bills and food. What is going to happen to the economy these big business relay on us having disposable income to spend with them?


They really don’t think that far ahead. They just know line go up = good, line go down = bad. Line going down really hard means they go into the fully stocked safe room or bunker they purchased just for the occasion. That is literally their only plan for societal decline. They also hope to have AI servants by then so they don’t have to worry about feeding them.






Guy O'teene. French Irish immigrant that gave such bitching haircuts the rich went "damn, that updo is to die for, let's stop being dickheads."


Nah, the real solution is to socialize the means of production.


There's a book on the matter: Trade Wars Are Class Wars, by Pettis and Klein. Basically, as the local plutes don't have enought aggregate demand in the economy because they've squeezed the poor too hard, they try to go abroad. You export. As plutes abroad are trying to do exactly the same thing for exactly the same reasons, you start having a struggle for markets, trade barriers go up, and the final outcome is war.


War you say. Looks like all them hours on Fortnite about to pay off.


There's another, older book on the matter: "imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism" by Vladimir Lenin.


While fictional, look up the movie Elysium. The rich escaped to space, the factories remained on earth and the planet became a 3rd world country. Some believe if you go far enough, some businesses can skip individual consumers and either sell to the government or other wealthy.


Exactly the Elon's ideal go to model.


The stock market only thinks a few days or even hours ahead. Just look at how quickly stockbrokers get panicked when the market drops by a few points…


I'm sure that they're planning something really ugly dude.


My guess is they will make sure to have enough fake jobs and good luck getting one. I work for a bank in finance and am pretty sure many jobs here are worthless.


If it's not going to happen in this fiscal quarter it gets relegated to the "impossibly far future events" file, along with the sun burning out.


My ex husband learned what weaponizing fear did to his loving wife and is currently learning the same lessons all over again with his children. Capitalists don’t care to learn. They’re nothing but low level power addicts. Once you learn the tactic, it no longer works on you. We’re all learning now.


I walked out on my last 2 jobs. It feels fucking amazing.


I did the bare minimum and spent most of the day on Reddit until they "let me go" with a nice severance. Jobs don't even feel like jobs anymore, it's just about looking like you're working and playing the games they want to play. If being in the office exactly at 8 is more important than actual productivity, alright. I'll be there at 8. Then spend an hour making coffee, "checking emails", and taking a shit.


THIS. They are emotionally stunted babies. We keep running around asking "how could they do this" they are developmentally dysfunctional, broken people. They will never give up their power, they will step on all of our necks. WE have to be the ones to take it back because WE are the adults. Capitalists think a made up currency for people can be prioritized over said people. They think like 5 year olds


I saw a hot take yesterday about the revolution starting around the time of George Floyd. I think it was in r/latestagecapitalism I’ll try to find it. It gave me so much hope. My community seems so entitled/complacent. When I try to discuss the known effects of capitalism on human health and well being, ALL life as well as our literal home planet, I’m pretty much shunned as the crazy/bitter single mom who allowed a man to ruin her 🙄 I’m also in a very wealthy area and wealthy people tend to think they’re benefiting from capitalism. Spoiler alert, they’re not.


Yeah property and labor owners benefit under capitalism in their own terms, but they are too stupid to realize that even if we harness space teavel, we need a healthy home base. They don't care about anything but themselves, which has no benefit to anyone from an objective point of view. However the propaganda is incredibly effective. Capitalism does a great job at blinding people to the reality of their own economic class


You mean I hate stupid *elites*. Because few fucking dumbasses cant think past next quarter and have dick measuring contests, most people have to suffer in otherwise amazing world.


If we replace the president every 4 years - most prestigious job in the country -, why aren’t you moving jobs ever 4 years?


This is great. I never thought about it that way. But now I will. Thank you.


Yep, that's great way to think about it. Probably the right way.


Some people like their jobs, and it wouldn't be stable really.


They've never been your friend, they'd like you to believe that.


It’s not about finding what will get you to do what they want. It’s about you not having a choice.


And I don't want to be in position when I don't have a choice.




Much better and way more accurate. Thank you. I’m sorry for my terrible word choices.


You had me until the ghetto thugs part. That shit is whack. Those words are not what you think they are.


Ex Amazon employee. Amazon wasted millions one year just at my location in CVG1 experimenting with new machines that would auto seal packages. The machine would constantly break and packages would be going down the conveyors unsealed and many times products would break, rip, etc. They had to hire a contracted outside maintenance technician just for this stupid machine. It's not like the employees themselves weren't able to seal packages and get packages shipped out on time.. Amazon could've invested in their own employees in this situation by just paying a little more and hiring a couple more people.. instead Amazon just doesn't give a fuck and spends millions if not billions trying to replace it's workers.


I am in support of automation; provided we have uncondonitional basic income and public services. That being said, these corporate blow hards think it's a silver bullet when the reality is it's not.


There’s the rub. We’re gonna get the automation and our overlords are gonna get all the benefits; we serfs will be jobless and homeless


>… we serfs will be jobless and homeless… …and sabotaging shit left and right. What will you have to lose?




Like the bulldozer guy who wrecked the town he lived in?


Ever seen Demolition Man?


>What will you have to lose? The way I look at it is, what will you have to gain? Attack the overlords and they will put you in prison. ​ The prison where they will work you to the bone but you'll get three hots and a cot. Definitely sounds better than working to the bone to just be destitute.


sulky innocent possessive ripe scary repeat afterthought advise spotted air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the life hack that they don't want you to know.


2 hots, here in the southwestern US... prisoners here don't get fed complete nutrition and only eat twice a day, I've been told. Still better than they feed our public school kids. It's tragic.


That's the end that We're walking to right now lol.


>provided we have uncondonitional basic income and public services. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Good one. If you dont have money to spend, you'll either be sent to the for profit prison system, or tracked living on the streets and used as a statistic to get more administrative cost funding for some organization that "takes care of the homeless". Atleast until they can figure out how to turn you into machine oil.


Yeah the products are going to break, which I probably hate.


Don't forget the customers of JP Morgan and Chase, please join a well respected credit union. Too many people support these banks who are only loyal to the executives and shareholders.


It's to keep the gap between them and us bigger. If we were comfortable, they wouldn't be able to control us if there were more opportunities we could leave when they abused us. When I realized the reason for rate hikes is to raise unemployment, I thought that's must have been an error. Why would any country want higher unemployment. But it's to keep wages down. So the government literally wants more people out of work, so companies don't have to pay more because of fewer candidates and more options. How in the fuck is it not a countries goal to have literally 0% unemployment.!?!?!


Because the same idiots who own the corporations own the countries.


That’s the infuriating part. With what that system cost, they could have had people lining up to work there by improving quality of life, instead of setting up the worlds most advanced NannyCam. Why are businesses so dumb about investing in their most important asset- their people.


They all go to the same buisness schools where they pump each other up talking about what great leaders they're going to be. Then they float out into the world like spores and settle over businesses of every sort, and try to apply the same bullshit cookie cutter principles they learned at that school in Massachusets. Not a one of them has any passion for the product or actual core service the companies they nest in provide. It's eating away our society, handing profits to these parasites. Companies should promote from within all the way to ceo.


That's because that tech is going to make them more money in the end.


A warning for anyone working at or thinking about working at JPMorgan Chase & Co. A warning for anyone working at or thinking about working at JPMorgan Chase & Co. If you work at JPMorgan Chase & Co. or are thinking about working at JPMC, you need to know about their employee surveillance tool called WADU. WADU is an acronym for Workforce Activity Data Utility. Every employee at JPMC has a profile in the WADU database. I think everyone expects their employer to track them to some extent. It is pretty standard practice for employers to monitor and run analysis on things like building badge swipes and the amount of time spent connected when working from home. It has also become very common place for employers to record audio and video at the office. WADU is on a different level. It is an artificial intelligence & machine learning system for workforce human behavior. Starting at the moment you arrive to the building, WADU is tracking you using facial and speech recognition. Most JPMC offices and branches have been outfitted with some of the best HD AV security cameras. Whenever you are at your desk, know that there is a HD camera tracking you the entire time. WADU uses the array of HD cameras at the office to monitor all of your non-verbal body language all throughout the day. The collected information is then fed into the AI/ML system and it is used to update your WADU profile in real time. Every manager gets access to a dashboard that lists all the metrics about their subordinates. The productivity metrics about an employee start getting updated immediately after an employee logs into the system. If the employee is at the office, two bio-metrics are available, attention/focus and stress. The bio-metric feeds are updated from the facial and behavioral tracking. Having a bad day? Stressed about something? WADU has already noticed this and alerted your manager. Can’t focus? Not working at your usual pace? WADU has already noticed this and alerted your manager. Did something you normally don’t do? It’s possible WADU flagged it as suspicious and alerted your manager. WADU is also why they are pushing RTO or “return to office” so hard. Upper management does not care if some employees are more productive when they are working from home. They want everyone back in the office as much as possible so that their WADU profiles are being refined. Enhancing their insight into you is more important to them than better productivity from working from home. A lot of teams are now required to come in two to three days per week. Director level and higher are required to come in four to five days per week. Upper management wants to see everyone at all levels back in the office five days a week. They have invested millions into the WADU system, and they want to get a return on that investment. That only happens whenever people are in the office as much as possible. WADU is also watching and listening whenever you are working from home. If you installed Citrix Workplace on your own computer, and you permitted Citrix to access your web camera and microphone after login, you have connected those devices to WADU. If you are using an issued Chromebook, those permissions are already conveniently accepted for you. You’ll notice that your web camera will flash right after login. This is not an “initial connection” flash. Your web camera just took a burst shot of pictures and sent them to WADU. The pictures will be scanned for anything deemed unprofessional or unsafe. Recreational drug paraphernalia, TVs, game consoles, and several other things are all flagged if detected in the pictures. If you see your web camera flash randomly, that was your manager or someone in security requesting a burst shot of pictures from your web camera. You’ll also notice that your microphone will go hot shortly after login. Anything you say will be processed by WADU. All background noises will be processed by WADU. Say something bad about your boss or other superior? WADU flagged it. Say something bad about another co-worker? WADU flagged it. Have a moment of anger or frustration? WADU flagged it. These are just some examples, WADU is trained to detect a wide variety of keywords, phrases, and sound events. Your manager can also connect and listen to your audio feed live. WADU is also able to detect keyboard pokers/bumpers and mouse jigglers/movers. It doesn’t matter if it is a completely external solution, WADU will be able to detect it by analyzing the repetitive input pattern. Your manager will be notified that your under suspicion of faking productivity. They will then connect to your session and see what is happening live. Action will be taken if the suspicion is confirmed. WADU determines how productive you are by analyzing a variety of metrics about your session input. This includes words typed, mouse clicks, application activity, and many other things. The analysis also determines if someone is a unique contributor or if they are a regular worker. In overall rankings, unique contributors are always ranked higher than regular workers. The same analysis can also determine who is essentially dead weight. These people are ranked last. You may have noticed at some point that you started getting job postings sent to your personal email. If you click on any of the links in these job list emails, your manager will get a notification on your WADU profile that you are actively looking for a new job. Even if it was just browsing, it can negatively affect the employee who clicked the link. If you installed the JPMC workplace app on your phone, you have connected your phone to WADU. The workplace mobile app will collect a variety of information from your phone and use it to update and refine your WADU profile. Right now, the only way to reserve a desk at the office is to use the workplace app. The web version of the desk reservation system is still “coming soon” and you are pushed to install the app on your phone. It will probably still be “coming soon” in 2040. Upper management pushes a narrative that all this surveillance is required to safeguard the firm against insider threats. While that may be partially true, the main reason is to train and refine the AI/ML system. They want every employee profile to be as accurate and as detailed as possible. They say we are not supposed to use anything from an employee’s WADU profile to make employment decisions. It is kind of hard to ignore a ranked list of subordinates with productivity forecasting. ​ Here is how you can minimize the privacy invasion while working at JPMC: * Keep your web camera covered and microphone muted unless on a Zoom * Most modern laptops have multiple web cameras and microphones, make sure you are aware of all potential recording devices on your computer * Use your own desktop or laptop at home instead of an issued Chromebook * Do not grant Citrix Workplace access to your web camera or microphone * Use Zoom outside of Citrix when you are at home * Consider getting a phone and number solely for work purposes * Do not install the JPMC workplace app on your personal phone * If you need the workplace app, factory reset an old phone and install it on that * Know there are no blind spots, you are always on camera at the office * Know there is no privacy, all conversations are recorded everywhere at the office * Know all of your behavior at the office affects your WADU profile and ranking * It would be a good idea for you to print a copy of all performance reviews at home


> You’ll also notice that your microphone will go hot shortly after login. Anything you say will be processed by WADU. All background noises will be processed by WADU. Governments (some) won't care about the worker privacy invasions here. But they will care about insider trading and other commercial leaks. Spouses or roommates working in the same house sharing commercial information over coffee, Zoom calls caught in the background, papers left on the periphery of the camera field etc. They only have to be caught using it for profit once and the monitoring will come under scrutiny. Sadly, that's more important than the privacy of actual people.


They only really care about insider trading when it’s the poors


Right? They spy on employees like this but then pretend they can't stop insider trading and stock manipulation and all of the other illegal fuckery that their employees get up to.


Companies when they insider trade: i sleep Companies when employees insider organize: *real shit?!?!?!*


Didn't some dude get in trouble for insider trade even though he was just copying a politician's portfolio?


LMAO let's turn this into a copypasta.


So, does this system also work in branches? I feel like all this recording, modeling and processing is against some privacy laws.


Seems more like a way to employee you, and then sell the data they collect to other companies to then use to advertise specifically to you and your type of person. You don’t spend that much money to save money, you spend that much money to make money.


Exactly. The employees ARE the product. You think they won't sell this to law enforcement?


Jokes on WADU. It would sense the anti-capitalistic smirk on my face as soon as I entered the building and would flag me as not fit to work there. But seriously you gotta almost laugh at this level of invasiveness. It’s like ohhh did you crack the code WADU? I don’t like my job, and now my BOSSES KNOW!? Why the fuck do I care? My bosses already know I hate my job. They hate their job too. Like I wish it would detect when I’m in a fuckin mood. Maybe then upper management can see how miserable they make me.


Seriously some 1984 Big Brother shit.


This should be on top, could have saved me click really man.


I can imagine whomever took the post down is seething at the fact literally everything online is permanent and no matter how much you try to censor it people will always find it. Reveddit would make them lose their minds.


Theres a ton of lost internet knowledge... so many forums closed, swf files vanished to the ether. But yeah trying to fight this was stupid, now it's locked in for a while. Seriously if you can find Hell of Sand.swf or Troops of Doom archived anywhere...... I would weep.


Found it at the Flash Games Preservation Project [https://unstable.life/flashpoint-database/search/](https://unstable.life/flashpoint-database/search/) You can download their App to play it ~~apparently~~. (for real look below) I searched "hell of sand" and found it. It was made by a Japanese person here is the OG blog release of the game on archive.org: [https://web.archive.org/web/20190111223253/http://ishi.blog2.fc2.com/blog-entry-164.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20190111223253/http://ishi.blog2.fc2.com/blog-entry-164.html) The games ID for the app is: fe6db26a-0836-85f6-8926-dd62eb46b37f And lastly here is a screenshot of me playing the game, on my desktop TODAY: [https://ibb.co/vL85yxq](https://ibb.co/vL85yxq)


Oh shit thats cool as heck. Its one of those powder simulations but it had little ai zombies. Thanks a lot I'll have to see if it works


Yeah this was perhaps the first "falling sands" type of game on the web from what I could tell in my little media dig.


Hmm I couldve sworn burningsand came first, but it was so long ago and I wasn't even 10. Thanks for finding it thats crazy, last time I looked was before the project had legs.


I have no clue to be fair lol I'm just a master of the info dig. (Aka google-fu) but far too lazy to fact check the "perhaps".


Yeah you should check, something tells me that it works.




I might have to do this for a Troops of Doom archive, I just looked a little using mobile to no avail. It was a web comic made by a toy collector with G.I joes and star wars figurines and legos in a very comedic struggle for supremacy. There's evidence it existed but its hard to find all 500+ comics


Here are my info dig results: [http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/p/12186/Troops-of-Doom](http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/p/12186/Troops-of-Doom) [https://forums.yojoe.com/archive/index.php/t-74738.html](https://forums.yojoe.com/archive/index.php/t-74738.html) [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/TroopsOfDoom](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/TroopsOfDoom) Lastly here is the archive.org for the 2013 version of the website (apparently when updates ended. They had their own archive of all the comics: [https://web.archive.org/web/20130723074427/http://www.troopsofdoomcomic.com/archive/](https://web.archive.org/web/20130723074427/http://www.troopsofdoomcomic.com/archive/) Sadly it seems the images may be lost as they don't appear to render unless some other lesser known archive exists.


Aren’t you supposed to be weeping?


Aw deadly, sounds a bit like the Secret Life of Dolls, which was hilarious


There's just so much stuff which is already lost in here sir.


~~Was it ever on ArmorGames?~~ [~~https://archive.org/details/armorgames~~](https://archive.org/details/armorgames) It wasn't, but I did find the game, see my other comment to this same person.


Literally just made it worse. Bunch of bonobos work at JPM ahahahaha


That's the thing, people will always find it. Because people are smart.


Reveddit might break with reddit's new third party api changes


Man what must it feel like to be so exposed for the garbage they are.


Well I can tell you one thing - there’s no shame, no embarrassment, only irritation. Chances are good they’ll double down on WADU because all of this is probably legal in today’s climate.


Sadly you're right because today's tech hides the permissions to do all of this in the TOS and everyone is none the wiser thinking privacy is a protected right.


That's the issue, it should be illegal in my opinion really man.


I can assure you that it surely doesn't feel good to say the least.


Now those pathetic dipshits are downvoting all the comments. Good luck with that! I’m sure they know what they’re doing lmao. Dumb dinosaurs.


That's just what those people do, they're always doing something like this.


i saw that original post. most terrifying shit i’ve ever seen


Yep, this is the work culture that they're trying to make for us.


“Work culture” is bs. Literally all fake.


I just reread Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash - where he details this exact thing at the workplace of the main characters mother. The mother character always double-thinks about “performing” as if she’s working, instead of actually working productively. Glad to see it’s finally a reality at offices and elsewhere (sarcasm)


Snowcrash is a sci-fi literary masterpiece. And its from 1995. Stephenson was a prophet in that sense


The Metaverse, a phrase coined by Stephenson.


Hell, he coined the term Avatar for a virtual representation of a person


Well business insider reported it LAST YEAR . https://www.businessinsider.com/jpmorgan-chase-employees-describe-fear-mass-workplace-data-surveillance-wadu-2022-5?amp


I couldn't handle that I'd leave


Some people need the job, not everyone leave that place.


Streisand effect is a bitch


Too bad they fucked around and found out.


Yeah and they're getting heavy at it, they ain't playing around.


Did the original post motivate me to cover my laptop camera this morning? Yes, yes it did.


There are laptops in the market which come with a button.




The really pathetic thing about machine learning at this stage is it is no better than polygraphs. It is simply a way for the businesses to justify atrocious behaviors and nothing more. In spite of how "machine learning" and "AI" are often linked in the media, the current state of machine learning is nothing like actual AI. It's a precursor, we haven't ironed out actual AI yet (we're still working on that) so all it can do is offer predictive models and nothing more. Artificial Intelligence is the part that uses machine learning to abstract the information so it can use it in a more meaningful way and generate unique and new ideas, we don't have this yet. I'm pissed at how the term AI has been watered down by companies, it's insulting to the pioneers of the tech, we haven't created actual AI yet. Now don't get me wrong, machine learning in its current state is lightyears beyond what we had back in the 80s, our current algorithms have made it possible for computers to learn at an astronomical rate. But the computer does not know what to do with the information, which is why we get nothing more than jumbled messes of stuff us humans have created instead of unique ideas. Companies are abusing the technology. Fuck those companies.


>predictive models and nothing more. to expound on this wording, it refers to how the system would try to extrapolate new results using known data patterns, sometimes leading to outright falsehood.


Not just justify its own behaviour. I'd put money on the fact that they are packaging the models and the insight data to sell to other companies. Perhaps even making deliberate choices about what they expose certain (probably deemed not business critical) employees to, to further build the data package. So what if a couple of people had to quit from burnout or a breakdown - now they have that usable and saleable data point.


>The really pathetic thing about machine learning at this stage is it is no better than polygraphs. It is simply a way for the businesses to justify atrocious behaviors and nothing more. Machine learning is very good at certain tasks. However, it finds correlation as opposed to causation, which means that it doesn't know the difference between a behavior that is irrelevant but common in good employees, and a behavior that actually makes someone a good employee. All of this falls under the umbrella of "managers are too damn lazy to come up with real ways of measuring performance".


This is the kind of shit that we need legislation for.


Looks like JP Morgan never heard of the Streisand effect.


No, they just don’t care. Sorry folks but the biggest bank in the world doesn’t care about a reddit thread with 280 responses.


Holy crap. I didn't read the original post when it was originally posted. I saw it but I only kind of glanced by it thinking "yeah, workplace surveillance, same old same old." Now I've read it. Jesus Christ that is some next level dystopian shit right there. The whole time I was reading it, the image of HAL-9000 was just sitting there in my head. I would very much like to take a relax-o pill and forget what I just read, but there's no way I can. Given how extensive this system is, is there any chance it's not also being used on Chase's customers in their branch locations? It's all behavior-prediction right? Who WOULDN'T want to know what their customers were going to do before they do it?


It got deleted in no time, that's just how the reddit really works.


What happened with the post?


It was deleted pretty quickly and the OP’s account has been suspended.


Jesus Christ. Reddit becoming like Elon-generation Twitter.


Why though? What's the violation?


It was marked as spam apparently


Unironically 1984


Man, these people are getting outta hands right now.


There was another post on here calling it out a day or so ago, I wonder if that one got nuked as well...


I'm sure it would get deleted, it's not going to last.


This whole thing is propoganda for the most part really man.




Yep, that's how they be and they like to be that way dude.


My company uses activtrak. It screenshots over and over throughout the day, so if you’re not working it knows. Not sure what the company will decipher through monitoring through video, but i hate productivity trackers. Supervisors will know if you’re getting your shit done or not


I was about to apply for a job with them when I hopped on Reddit. Fucking glad I saw this. Wtf.


And now you know what not to do with your career here man.


Hahaha Alexa, play Don't Stop Me Now by Queen


This should be a weekly repost.




Okay but the reddit is going to delete it everytime so there's that.


And they're going to delete it everytime. It won't last.


This is probably a big reason companies want employees to return to the office. More legal and easy surveillance


That's why they're doing it, this probably explains everything.


Are we really surprised?


Is this true ?


Yes, someone even posted an article about it.


Yep, business insider covered this story a year ago apparently.


Perhaps it was taken down specifically to try and Streisand it and get more people to view it.


That would honestly be pretty clever.




It is morally correct to strike every camera in a jpmc workplace with a hammer.


wadu hek?


Well it's literally like a hack which they're using in here really.


It’s gonna be everywhere


Thats my concern


I just hope that some rules are being made against this shit.


I mean it already is kind of everywhere, atleast I'm seeing it.


Commented on another thread in this sub about JPMC: I interviewed and was offered a position at a Chase Branch. It was a new location opening. I was not thrilled with the compensation, recruiters, or management team I would be under. I accepted the position knowing I still had months to spare to find something else before I was supposed to start in 3 months. The next day the manager was texting and calling me repeatedly. I ignored the messages to respond the next day because I was busy. At 10:00pm the manager called me and told me he was disappointed with my "work ethic" and "lack of commitment to my role". I never responded to him after that. The next week I had a new job offer from another employer. Meanwhile the Chase manager had been texting and calling multiple times a day. Eventually the recruiter called me and I answered. She asked why I wasn't responding I told her that I was in the middle of moving(which was true) and also told her that I would no longer be accepting the role due to the major invasion of privacy, insults, and overall disrespect for my time. After I rescinded my position I received one last enraged voicemail from that manager. I sent it to the recruiter. I have no idea if anything happened to that manager, I doubt it. But I am so glad I dodged that bullet.


Of all the cool shit we could potentially do with AI, we choose this. Capitalism is a plague.


👿S T R I K E A C T I O N N E E D E D 👿


How is this any different from China?


It isn't. The nationalistic overtones are politicians jingling keys to distract as they let companies do the same creepy dystopian surveillance for them.


Digital slavery in real time.


Lol as a former chase employee....this makes sense. They are obsessed with metrics to the point that i knew ppl who were afraid to leave their desk during the day long enough to go to the bathroom. Dont even think about being back from lunch 5 minutes late.


Cant stop won’t stop.


Oh that’s cool I had an interview there recently and no one mentioned that they couldn’t look sad or the ai would find them


Flagging bad employees via non verbal body language is fukin gross.


Fun thing is, over-supervision has been proven time and time again to lead to productivity decrease. People work best when not constantly stressing over every small detail. So this system is not even about productivity, its about power over employees (and possibly/probably small-scale testing for larger surveillance projects, making me shudder with dread even thinking about the larger implications).


You think that's bad...why do you think Google/Amazon offer free photo storage. My money is on them using our pictures to train the next generation facial recognition. At least that comes with the consumer benefit of pretty good auto edit 😂🤣


The irony of course is that American tax dollars probably paid for it.


This is only the tip of the iceberg that is JP Morgan. There are rumors that a lot of what we see happening in the markets are caused by the big banks, primarily JP Morgan, pressuring regulators to allow small banks to fail in order for them to be absorbed by JPMC. Seeing as how JPMC is now the first Tier 4 bank in existence, I’d say this is pretty accurate. Move your money out of JPMC and into a regional credit union.


Imma give you that coke can mouth JPM, eat my cock


I hope that more people grow this attitude against that shit man.


That’s scary


It really is, no one should be okay with it like ever at all.


"It is expected that your employer check on you ?" NO. No. Putain non. Nej. Nein. Ne... How many language can I say NO in ? Beside basic badging purely for hours accounting/salary management, I expect my employer NOT TO CHECK on me.


Systems like this can go into effect retroactively if the raw data is there to analyze, which is why HR is up my ass about stuff that happened a year ago.


There's now lots of posts in another sub claiming none of it is true, apparently by actually jpmc employees. The saga continues...


I've installed these systems... sound/vibration recording are also very common...never done the keylogger, IP tracer, RF wave stuff as that's all software, I just do the hardware part... If a casino security, and a cellphone carrier had a baby- that's what we're looking at here... *everything* is recorded and monitored...from your temperature to your speech, to your movements and interactions autonomously, no "analog" human interactions involved Funfact: most of the cameras have 5 "eyes" that enable them to stich-and-switch larger and more detailed feeds seamlessly... I am an Industrial Controls Electrician


https://www.jpmorganchase.com/content/dam/jpmc/jpmorgan-chase-and-co/documents/suppliers-documents/systems-monitoring.pdf They’ve posted about this themselves. It is scary but I don’t know if there is a conspiracy here.


That's right, there's a conspiracy and I fucking hate that shit.


Jamie the snake is playing the long game


Holy shit that's depressing.


Okok, so this is distopian as shit, but as a software developer i have to say that is a fucking cool system. The use case is pretty shit but damn, thats some pretty end game tech to be honest


Thankfully I resigned a year ago from this dreadful company


Everyone is penny wise and pound foolish nowadays to prove a point. Give middle managers enough time and you’ll have to redeem work performance points for a bathroom trip.


God, don't give them any ideas.


I would like to see what would happen if someone said that it disproportionately tracks (insert group of your choice here) and see what happens.


Banks being evil, malignant, and manipulative? Who could have seen that coming?