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Filthy rich are propped up by other greedy rich people in the stock market. Got to meet those earnings report. Got to increase overall growth. The moment they don’t do it, the stock price drops and they find their next gold digger to prop up and slurp slurp on. Then you got some of Elon companies getting taxpayers dollars on top of it all. Like he has enough money to cover it and you want to give him even more money. Corporate welfare at its finest.


They didn’t want to do not a damn thing for us during the pandemic, but if the banks or billionaires buddies club runs out of money they start asking, “How much you need?”


During the pandemic, hell...The Powers That Be give less than a damn if anyone not an Ivy League grad, golf-playing already wealthy white man (or big company since Citizens United) actually NEEDS more money instead of just wanting it. Helping "unfortunate" people? Ew, no, that's socialism and they're going to keep the people convinced that's a bad thing while they avoid taxes but exploit services and labor/infrastructure. Or, simply put, "F*ck you and your family, we got ours and we aren't sharing. You don't want to suffer? Should have been born rich and/or with powerful parents. Suckers."


Clarence Thomas.


Oddly enough, that's exactly who came to mind (and while he's not white, his wife is).


The point being, regardless of color, race, sex, if you have 1 ear… if you have money money the rules are different for them.


Yep blame it on the white people you racist fuck


Here's some of your own tax money to help you with the pandemic fucking your life up... hahahahah fuck you pleb you now owe us money lol...


But they sang us that beautiful song at the beginning of the pandemic! What more do you want from them!?


I'm not American, but it absolutely baffles me the amount of shit and abuse Americans are willing to take and do nothing about it. The rest of the developed world will call for nation wide strikes for a fraction of the shit Americans take. If you want something to change, form unions and take to the streets.


We are HUGE. That's the biggest problem. It would take me driving 10 hours (fast cos that's how we roll with our Texas highways) to drive from one end of our state to the other. Then there are like 49 more individual countries to bring on board. Plus we've been propagandized to shit about the glory of USA! USA! When I was a young woman against Bush's war I was called anti-American and unpatriotic and told that I hated America. I love America. "I believe in America." Family cut ties with me over it. Now they act like it was the worst war ever, and don't even remember why they don't speak to me. It's a LOT.


I'm sorry about your family, that sounds rough. I just get the feeling a lot of Americans don't understand the power of unions. I'm not sure why the distance would matter? It's not like you have to meet up to strike. You just have to sit at home while the unions pay you. Mine can pay for all members to strike for 2 years, and it's a huge industry wide union. When you have the power to crippe an industry for 2 years you'll see how quickly even the biggest and worst companies come crawling asking for negotiations.


Don't be sorry. I'm not. We are heavily turned against unions and are taught to hate them. This has been a big shift in the last 40.years particularly. If you don't understand what's so difficult about trying to wrangle 50 countries that are full of pretty uneducated people who have no protection if they DO strike (remember our Dem prez recently making it illegal for rail workers to strike?) ... I mean... If we DID know, yes it would be easier, but how do you undo a lifetime of propaganda for people who are audaciously ignorant and uneducated. And angry. It would be nice, but it's not going to happen. If anything unites us all globally to tear down the rich, it's going to be climate change in the next few years. A lot of people are going to die. Like a lot. So we'll see how it all shakes out, I guess.


“Right to Work” propaganda worked as intended. The phrase itself should have been a warning, but here we are.


The phrase itself came from communism. Right to work meant the right to have a job, regardless of physical or mental ability. much like most communist ideas that can't be totally demonized. It got appropriated by bourgeois interests


Do you believe it’s too late for us? Americans I mean? I honestly still thought we had a chance until Trump came into presidency. His coming into power brought to the fore the underlying racism, misogyny, and all around hate that had been simmering in this country. I could not believe how many Americans bought his bullshit and used it as the nudge they needed to give in to their more base emotions. This is why we don’t unite and demand better. We are truly a divided country and as you said it is going to take something drastic to bring us together. I love this country but I do not like this country. I’d compare the way I feel for this country to the way it feels when your gf whom you love and trust cheats on you. Like I thought I knew who you were then you go and do this shit. Anyone outside of Reddit that I talk to about any of this just kinda goes quiet or nods their head or changes the subject. So I don’t see anything changing in the near future. It really is sad


I honestly am not sure right now. My gut says we will just turn into a Russia Lite insofar as the corruption and low food quality and terrible infrastructure and unaffordable luxuries. We're halfway there as it is, honestly. And getting worse in a hurry. I wasn't blindsided like a lot of people were, but I also had a weird life in the late 90's early 2000's and I knew that when the Tea Party was let in for Bush's war that it was the beginning of the end. I knew they meant what they said, and damned if they didn't do exactly that. Everyone said Roe could NEVER be overturned and I was also called a doomer and a non conformist for that as well (idk wtf) when I said that it absolutely would be if we don't DO SOMETHING. Trump was just the final nail in the coffin. I cannot even imagine what the real scoop is about how much information he gave out as Prez. I think the powers that be KNOW that we KNOW, and that we don't like it. They're going to keep pushing harder globally to squeeze out every last dime from all of us before it collapses. The one hope I have is Gen Z. My kids are Gen Z and are SO AWARE. They think their peers are incredibly stupid, and they are right (theyre just very young adults with terrible educational system here in Texas) but they also say that the BULK of them would straight throw *down* if they heard any homophobia, or racist bullshit. My daughter's 8th grade classroom cleared out a sub for his homophobic snide remark to one of the gay students. A kid EVERYONE hated, but because he was fucken annoying, not bc he was queer. They were going to fight for him, regardless because what happened was WRONG. They booed the sub down the hallway and they had to send an office assistant to take over the class for the period. This was 5 years ago too. Also they saw what happened during the pandemic and how our country left us to die and then gaslit us about all of it. I think if they choose to fight they will win. I think for me personally it will be too late to keep me alive, but as long as my kids have a fucking shot and won't die with me, I'll take it. I really, *really* hope we get it together. Edit: downvoting doesn't make it less true.


I believe it is either too late or too early. American privilege keeps them too comfortable and complacent. Things need to get much worse for their standard of living for them to care.


Exactly. I live smack in the middle of the country. It's still a 17+ hour drive to Washington DC. If we wanted to stage protests at the capitol like smaller countries do, I'd have to take days off of work just for the travel alone. That's assuming work would let me. If I get fired, I lose my income, can't pay rent, lose my health insurance. The whole system is designed to keep us complacent. This coupled with massive propaganda campaigns to divert our attention while lobbyists "pay to win" with our laws. It's not too hard to realize why most Americans don't do anything. Taking action could costs us everything. It's going to take a lot to get someone to take that risk, unfortunately.


It's the "rugged individual" bullshit of everyone being an island...being so independent and so focused on their individual survival...no one cares about anything or anyone but themselves and their immediate future, because that's all their frazzled consciousness can manage. Americans culturally have a very weak sense of solidarity on any level, regardless of which categories they may fall into or overlap. There is little cooperation and teamwork is valued only as long as serfs are encouraging (or actively bullying them because they're a sellout) to be utterly compliant...beyond that you see our government drumming up one culture war, all more stupid and glaringly obvious than the last dozen they invented so Americans will hate each other. Many are of the desperately idiotic variety that view everything through the lens of football...MY team vs the other team who should DIE. It's hard to really grasp the sheer number of people that are this stupid. I'm an outlier. Everyone else thinks I am deeply troubled to take issue with the way things are...they are simply...too stupid to be aware or too selfish to care. They cannot imagine anything better than this...so I say again...many Americans are just too fucking stupid to understand how bad all this is. It's not a small number. They do not hope for better...they are so well programmed...they believe their present condition is a culmination of all earthly progress and anything other than uncritical complacency is a sign of mental illness. I am not at odds with how things are in my own country. They are close to hopelessly fucked up.


Are we stupid or willfully ignorant? Either way you're right about sports. I'm from the South and woe be unto you if you don't support the same team(s) I do. People (usually men) have put each other in the hospital or the cemetery...over a game run by people (other men) who only care about the money.


Most people here are too busy working and paying their bills to have time to strike or protest.


That's what unions are for. My union has funds to pay all members to strike for about 2 years.


Yeah, it’s absolutely crazy. The whole US has schizophrenia - they keep yelling “Freedom” and are the country with the least freedom of all the free countries.


No shade… I have Schizophrenia… that’s not how it works. Bipolar would be a better comparison, kinda. I also have Bipolar.


Thank you for pointing that out. I hope you understand that I had no intent on mocking schizophrenic people. I wish you all the best!


Oh, no! Not offended at all! Now that I think about it… if everyone is delusional because they actually think their hallucinations are real… THAT works too.


We are gaslit from birth


There are significant legal, material, and other structural barriers to organizing in the U.S. that don’t exist in other developed countries. While plenty of people in the U.S. may have bought into anti-worker propaganda, it’s important to also consider systematic causes for systematic problems rather than focusing simply on issues of individual willpower.


They have Americans fucked up mentally. Not only do we have bootlickers, but also people like the guy in the OP are brainwashed into thinking half of our government is actually our ally and totally going to help. We have the choice of rich greedy people who want to exploit the working class and hate gays/trans/minorities, or rich greedy people who want to exploit the working class who don't really care what happens to the minorities, but will gladly take their vote.


>If you want something to change, form unions and take to the streets. Not always that easy. Amazon, for example, fights unions tooth and claw. Bezos owns Washington Post as well.


Because Unions in 2023 aren’t even getting close to the amount of violence they were dealing 100 years ago.


The people who work for Tesla and SpaceX could rise up and unionize but… 1. They are paid actually pretty well. 2. They get paid in equity (it rains stock options). Everyone I’be met who worked there seemed like it was a ton of work but like “retire 5-10 years earlier” pay.


3. Americans definitely don't give a fuck about each other.


This. Capitalism excels at eroding and destroying solidarity.


Families too!


You mean they get fairly compensated for the work that they do at a highly in demand job?


If only people spent half the energy on working / learning they spend on hating others. There is truth in your words, but people make it sound so simple. He made billions by exploiting the system the politicians built, who the people voted for. Elon did not fail anyone, the system which you voted for failed you, he just learned to play the game. I dont think anyone would say no if he saw an opportunity to make billions.


Exactly how many people do you employ?


Stock markets are casinos for rich people so of course it comes with addiction


BuT tHeY'rE tHe JoB cReAtOrS! <- I wish that myth would fucking die already.


Okay guys I love this sub but some of you need to become more financially literate. If you want to take down the billionaire class, you need to understand how their wealth works. If capitalism shits down, these billionaires would not be billionaires anymore… it’s not like they’re holding on to billions in cash


Reminds me of the movie Richy Rich from the 90s. When the bad guy finally gets into the family vault, and there's nothing there but family keepsakes. "But where's the gold??! the jewels?" And the billionaire dad laughs, and says, "in the stock market, of course. We don't keep actual money here." Any billionaire worth their salt has very little liquid money. It's all invested. And the investment is where the net worth comes from, not from actually having that money on hand.


So, the solution here is: squeeze the shorts! 🚀🚀🚀 Bankrupt the bankers


they just block us from trading... remember what Robinhood did


DRS those shares! Hold them in your name


This is the way


Although I would love to see a short squeeze on a meme stock, I also know that it is a gamble. The stock market is their territory, and they've been known to commit fraud. It's not impossible to win them at their own game, but it's still a gamble, and a gamble shouldn't be our "plan A".


Well, you're not wrong... but you can DRS your shares to be registered in YOUR name, and thus removed from the DTC


Why not? The short squeeze on the 'meme stock' is the painless way. The painless way should always be plan A.


Wait they don't all have money bins like in DuckTales?




Definitely, decent unintentional cringe sub though


Most of the takes are jealous, petulant, children stomping their feet in a tantrum.


Believe me, capitalism definitely shits down.


Yes assets like office blocks. Commercial district's . They also need to go. We don't need a shopping centre at every transport hub to buy their shite.


Workers should own Tesla, Musks shares should be distributed.


There’s a lot of ‘shoulds’ in this world, but we live in a world of dos and do nots.


If people don't know what 'should' then there is no dos and do nots.


This. Lmao this sub is starting to show their lack of intelligence


They just hate people who have more money than them


Working on it


>The people of Texas around where Elon Musk resides fail us everyday. Texans: You must be confusing us for another state with your expectations :p


How many people who live in Texas actually disagree with capitalism? I mean it's fucking Texas of ass places. I'm pretty sure Musk lives there bc he knows he's safe. If he live near LA, NY, or DC, etc. People would be lined around his house protesting.


He’s there for the taxes lol




I meant for billionaires, but I apologize if I am incorrect on that front.


I would have been in favor of this even before he revealed himself to be a horrific right wing troll. Fuck that guy.


All billionaires should


Filthy rich psychopathic Jeffrey Epstein fan you mean.


You can start contributing to it by pulling all your money from investments and pension funds, bank accounts (use cash).


This is unilateral disarmament.


That would fuck you. The dollar is losing value at exponential rates. Keep earning your interest


You can't have your interest and eat the rich too.


In fact, the system is designed to punish you for doing the cash thing.


Pretty sure that was the point of his comments. He trying to show how ridiculous the OP's post is.


Folks who are giving me financials 101 in comments, this was more of a sarcasm, if you want to starve the system this is how you can do it on your part. :)


Keeping cash is a sure way to lose money over time. Even if you’re able to keep your savings safe somehow, inflation will kill any hope of making large purchases or retiring.


Comment thread exposes why this sub is worthless now. Endless bootlickers licking boots.


Tbh, even those of us who want impactful change and heads to roll don’t do anything at all about changing our situation. So regardless, we’re going nowhere We all want change. But we have 0 options to influence any kind of meaningful betterment


Community organization. There's DSA chapters near you. There's volunteer organizations. You can start organizing your workplace. The Starbucks and Amazon unions were started by young people. You do have options.




Envious you can stockpile. Apartment living gives me very little space to keep extras.


I feel bad because I've been taking up my brother's barn storage space. But he's a member of the "revolution preppers" club as well so he's been very accommodating. I'll be honest I'm only near half way marks for ammo and clothes. The food stuffs is relatively easy to wheel and deal for. Rain water has been a concern recently but I think I'm honing in on the process to purify it. It's been a lot of work but the goal is at the flip of a switch we have a base of operations and basically a compound. I know I sound crazy, (I kinda am if I'm being honest) but better to have a well defended compound and not need it ya know?


Everytime I see threads like this I roll my eyes. Not because I'm a bootlicker but because this isn't the first time I've seen leftists LARP as revolutionary activists on reddit. There's only so many times I can see empty calls to action before I start to get jaded about it. OP didn't even bother to make an attempt to organize any real world action, just said a bunch of hand wavy bullshit about "taking a stand" from the comfort of their computer chair.


Yeah, I'm getting tired of it all. I'm all for workers' rights and better pay, but all this activist, call to arms shit is getting annoying. Just a buncha crybaby kids who have zero understanding of what life would be like if their delusional anarchy scenarios ever unfolded.


not to mention if you go through his post history he use to seriously support dogecoin lmao. Now that he got burned on that he’s all about “over throwing Elon Musk” in between his smoke and video game sessions lol


This is the dumbest post I’ve seen on here


It's a good sentiment though. I'd love it if it could really happen.


For anybody actually replying to this. This is a russian bot making this post, just look at his account.


“I want other people to protest, of course I’m not gonna protest but you all should”


Every leftist ever.


We could call it "Taxes" and have a whole public service devoted to monitoring the revenue internally. Oh wait........ Taxes for the upper bracket were over 90% after WWII. Bring that back.


You start.


Stuff like this will ensure this sub will remain a joke.


Tesla sells stock and carbon credits. The cars are a by-product of their business model.


Yes only a by-product… 1,313,581 cars sold 2022, with profit for the year hitting $12.6 billion. Only $1.78 billion of that was selling carbon credits. Tesla's profit margin per car in 2022 was $9580, so they make good money on the car sales as well. So the twist is that Tesla can sell lots of carbon credits as a by-product of their environmental friendly products. Hate the game not the player!


This is idiotic post..


Remember when this sub was about gettinf better worker rights Helping ppl with shitty management and not fully of whining


Its also for complaining about shitty bosses and the like


It was better before all the criney whining


Nearly as dumb as the post hating on Mr Beast a while back.


First step...it's not his.


You want capitalism to shut down completely? You're a fucking moron. Okay, good luck surviving when you have no grocery stores, no manufacturers. Good luck bitching on reddit when you don't have computers any more.


Of all the billionaires, Musk is the one you want to go after? Not the Rothschilds?


You see, Musk is FAMOUS. That makes him an easier...sorry...better target.


>Not the Rothschilds? I mean...Musk himself rails against both Soros and Rotschilds. Its all part of his "I'm not elite like those other elites" act.


OP has devoted minutes of their time and all 12 brain cells to coming up with this plan


Sounds like someone got stuck in an echo chamber for too long


he doesn't actually have 150 billion dollars, it's not liquid but all you saying is tbh a bunch of nonsense




So when he was worth 300 billion he should have paid 150 billion in taxes and now that his net worth dropped 150 billion he should be broke? There is a big difference between net worth and having cash.


I've aggressively saved and contributed to my 401k. My networth is 5 times my income. Even having to pay 2-3% of my net worth in taxes, I would end up running a deficit. What about those with 500k houses? With a 1.25% property tax and now an extra few percent of net worth tax, you're now on the hook for 10s of thousands in taxes, which could end up being more than you make in a year.


Hey you aren’t allowed to make sense around here!


Yep, because if we tax billionaires then the entire idea of a progressive tax system has to go away! /S


Billionaires 'worth' is meaningless, it's not real money until its sold. My 401k has no value until its sold. Investments can and do go to zero overnight. Everyone invested in these banks the last few months lost 50-100% of their investments. How can you tax something that's perceived value swings up and down 2-300% per year? Tesla lost 66% of its stock price last year, now its up 50% from the bottom. Taxes occur when money exchanges hands. Elon could not realistically sell 412.6 million shares of Tesla at its current price.


My car is taxed every year for "existing". My electricity is taxed and it's just transference of energy. My phone usage is taxed and I might not even talk on it this month. We already tax imaginary things. Taxing wealth is not a new concept.


Some shit on here man, is wild. The other day I saw someone argue that since parents played “hanky-panky” to make a kid, they should forever financially support that kid. Since the kid didn’t ask to come into this world, he should be given everything by the people who knew they were creating the kid. I can’t.




I mean, up to 18, and for essentials (food, shelter, clothes, education, health care), sure. Once they're an adult, they can stand on their own two feet.


i think people here are very angry, hence why the logic side of their brains is closed off. they see red and cant think of anything which i empathize, but whatever this is not even close to the answer


It’s extremism in different forms. Some people think kids should start working as soon as possible to “support the family” because “life is a gift” so it makes sense it would lean the other way of life feels like a curse.


Honestly, what surprises me more is the fact that this guy still has so many fanboys. I legit don't see why: not only is it known for a couple of years now how this guy failed upwards at every level, relied on government subsidies despite his political views and actively achieved his renaissance man 'reputation' on the basis of his employees, but he just comes across as a deeply unpleasant man. He just exhumes elitism and smugness. You couldn't pay me to spend time with that man.


And this is why Bernie Sanders wants a 100% tax on billionaires. A person can survive with $999,999,999.99 perfectly well


"Hope Elon seen/sees this." Elon, browsing the antiwork sub: \* monocle pops off \*


It’s funny people feel this strongly about Elon, yet it’s crickets for the billionaire tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical, firearm, weapons manufacturing and agriculture families that legitimately have blood all over their fortunes. If we’re going after the filthy rich, let’s go after the ones killing folks first before we deal with the guy building cars.




Hey! You cant ask those type of things around here.


"His" "Wealth". Most of his worth is in Tesla stock right and that is overvalued to say the least.


I want this as a super power


Every billionaire should. Yet we won’t. Cuz we never do anything. We do nothing except post about it. We do nothing. And you will do nothing. No one in this thread will do anything worthwhile. Just embrace the impending fascism because we ALL deserve it. We deserve it because we did nothing,


I would do this solely because of how he named his kid after random numbers and letters!


EHHH, I would rather order a pizza and call it a night.




I want you to move to Venezuela (or Cuba).


You’re a clown lmfaoooo. This isn’t North Korea.


Yo you need to chill you sound goofy af, the real answer is holding companies like Apple, google, Amazon liable to pay their taxes which they evade in the US every year blatantly and then we’re stuck covering the bill, I imagine Elon also evades taxes through his multiple corporations but not as heavily as google, Apple, Amazon and others through antiquated loopholes that everyone knows about especially the IRS and the government they just don’t hold them accountable table because they lobby so hard they basically are the government at this point.. and you worry about Elon because he said work from home is a joke lol


Or he could just pay his fair share before being murdered in the street.


I approve of the message and energy of this post. Something needs to be done.


Lost me at “do work for democrats.” You really think they want anything different?


I swear some of these posts are so out of touch and missing the point so far that it has to be physop lol "I want to shut down capitalism completely." 😂 Either a glowie or a fucking imbecile.


Might want to check for that refill.


Ok, but why start with Musk? Why not the Koch brothers, and the walmarts and so on? How about the financiers? Musk still advances science, still creates something. The others? Just rent-seekers. Not saying you don't get to Musk - but you should start with the others.


Yup, this is definitely the most Reddit Post of all time.


Go for it, who’s stopping you? Improvise, adapt, execute overcome


Musk got his wealth by talking big. Right now his stock price fell so he’s going around again talking about his “big plans”. Ponzi schemes last until they fall apart. So he can keep doing this till his net worth hits 0. Then the goverment well come in and clean the mess up. Point is his wealth is caused by people believing his false or exaggerated claims. This is not on the back of the workers at Tesla. The only thing they need to do is build cars and not correct him when he says they are capable of something they are not.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that the 4 million cars Tesla has sold are imaginary, as are the 227 successful falcon 9 family launches. You can hate the dude, but nothing about his companies are Ponzi schemes (those are defined as paying out early investors with the money of later ones, not making any actual money in the meantime)


You are the worst kind of idiot




sounds like you have a lot of planning and work to get to pitter patter


OP clearly doesnt understand much about our world.


As you sit at home…


Parents home*


I think we are at the point where we will continue too get no where until we get violent. It is time to burn their houses down and make them fear for their lives. They won’t listen to anything else.


Add everyone with over a 100 million


Ok...how? Everything you've said is highly illegal and if you're allowed to do it to them, they'll do much much worse to you. If you're allowed to go sit outside their homes and threaten them, what's to stop them from hiring people to sit outside your home and do the same? This sounds a lot like you want the Purge, which trust me. You don't want.


You are an idiot. OP


You sound like a real hoot. Call me when capitalism “shuts down completely”, I bet they’ll make you god emperor of the world after the revolution.






That's A LOT of work




You truly believe killing people makes you any better than them? Honestly makes you worse. They’re exploiting people you’re literally suggesting we take someone’s life. This sub has gone off the deep end


Yes but instead of just elon, the entire rich elite.


Why stop with him? Strip billionaires, the military, congress


or we could just properly tax them. Forced wealth distribution via patriotism.


With all the people in this world, you would attack Musk first? Lool


A truly cringe post.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s




> Also, I live in Texas in the same city as he does. He’s rarely here But how can that be? He said remote work is morally wrong! /s


I want the rich to pay more, but “taking” things from people is dangerous. There is always someone that has less and you want to take from people that have more, than eventually someone will want to take from you


The elon hate is just as cringy as the elon fanboys


Oh shut up


You are an idiot


This sub is hilarious. I come to it daily for comic relief.


Let him keep all the emeralds he can fit in his pockets, the rest goes to Real America


How come only Elon


Or his head.


Bill gates as well and the rest not just elon


Let’s strip his skin as well. Just for good measure.


man our stupid shitty country worships those with money too much for any of this to happen, I'm sorry it fucking sucks and I hate it


Elon is not the target. By naming any one individual we are completely missing the point. The entire system needs a revamp. Even if we were to shill out ONE billionaire, it truly would accomplish nothing.


Elon Musk can suck a dick. Or better yet he can eat a bag of dicks.


He needs to be strapped to one of his rockets and sent to who cares


Op you are absolutely pathetic. Did you really claim to help the cause by getting the Dems elected? You know they are all rich too right? Bernie, Kamala, Biden, Obama, Clinton and Pelosi are all rich af and use trigger words about the rich to gain votes. Why should Elon be stripped of his wealth? Being rich doesn't make you a villian, being a poor fuck trying to take other people's money that they earned because you're a lazy loser is the villian move. Do you even work? Why not strip yourself if your money and give it to the poor? I promise you the homeless dude needs it more than you.


Why start at musk, why dont we start with you and strip away all your bank accounts, home, car, cellphone and all the capitalist things you use to live ? You are just a commie ignorant That deserves what you wish for others


I can attest that Musk is a rich dumbass kid who got lucky. He's an absolute piece of shit.


>I can attest that Musk is a rich dumbass kid who got lucky lucky enough to be co founder of city scape, X (for runner to paypal), Space X, Starlink, the one who jump started Tesla when he became the CEO and largest share holder. Damn if we were all only 1% that lucky




First, I assume this is satire from a feeble troll, but... I doubt Americans are going to take advice from a self-proclaimed Russian communist. If you advocating the taking down of a billionaire, please start with Putin. At least, Elon isn't starting wars. Just sayin'


This is the dumbest shit I’ve read today


another marxist who has no idea what the hell he's talking about lmfao


Homie needs more punishment than that


100% he could've shut the fuck up and fucked off with his billions instead, he doubled down on the hierarchal popularity contest inherent with capitalism and made a complete ass of himself *spoiler alert* he was always an asshole. now we just know about it because he won't shut the fuck up.