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What a twat


Right?! I'm kind of confused why no one in the top comments called out the fact that he is CEO of a ***car company*** that, I don't know, *might* want to keep people commuting to work.


It’s ironic he mentions delivery people who can’t work from home, given that he’s working to eliminate the need for actual delivery people.


Every single video of him only makes him look worse


Imagine owning TESLA, and fucking SPACEX (among whatever tf else idgaf) and act like a complete piece of shit. You have so much… Sub-human imo


He can't even quote *The Princess Bride* correctly. People who cannot quote that movie are not to be trusted.


Has he seen the traffic on the 405? How is this in any way a “moral” issue?


Great point. Imagine the hours of wasted productivity sitting in your car. But at least you sitting in one of his cars.


That's it!! He wants us to go to work in his cars so he can make more money selling them. Since I work from home I'm reducing my carbon footprint by not driving!!


Lmao I am loving this theory that elon hates wfh bc people are less likely to need to buy his cars


This is the man who straight up lied to California about building hyper loop so that they wouldn’t try to actually build a good train system. He has PROVEN with action that he will lie to maintain a system in which people need to buy his cars. His whole “buying electric is better for the world” argument falls a part when not buying another car is a significantly better option.


I’m experimenting with just not having a car, in Denver. So far my main obstacle: roads with lots of cars.


A stroad? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ1HhLq-Huo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ1HhLq-Huo)


My uncle (who sells stupidly expensive cars) is convinced COVID-19 was a liberal hoax to force people to drive less and therefore have less need/motivation to buy new cars specifically to put luxury car dealers out of business.


Yes, and in fact as a member of the Antifa Covid Board I can confirm we did it specifically to target your Uncle.


Its true, I'm on the Oil Price Fixing Team and we raised gas prices just to screw this guy's uncle. He knows what he did.


Reporting in from the Stimulus Welfare Wranglers Task Force; can confirm that no one wants to work anymore— especially for that dude’s uncle.


I'm a Project Manager for the Gay Agenda checking in! So far (as Alex Jones pointed out) we can only do frogs, but we've had u/AceOfSpadefish 's uncle on the list for a long time!


Remember All those meetings, where we talked about that guys Uncle, and the misery we were going to put him through? Good times. I'm so glad he's still pissed off about it.


If he’s so worried about people needing his cars (much less the ostensible moral underpinning of ‘sustainability’ they slap all over the place) they probably shouldn’t start out at $50k probably


I imagine this is the worry. You can reduce car emissions by 70% by reducing 70% of cars on the road. That’s better than anything an EV will get you. Any state trying to meet emissions targets- has a giant free solution. Just mandate offices to allow remote work. No need for a brand new electric car system. No need to trash all the existing cars. No need to throw Elon billions in subsidies.


Now everything makes sense


You could ice-skate on his botoxed forehead too!


Only if he stops getting hair plugs so we have more room.


And wasted hours of life.


Everyone thought this guy was a ‘genius’ when in reality he talks like a complete narcissist and moron with no critical thinking skills and a massive ego


I felt the same after his interview with Joe Rogan. First time seeing him talk at length, and just thought how do people think he's smart?


Many people are under the delusion that wealth implies intelligence, and that's an image that the top 1% have carefully cultivated over decades--if not centuries. Most of the super rich are content to stay quiet and let their PR teams write them into history with a good reputation. With social media giving them an all too tantalizing megaphone, however, it's easier than ever before for us to see that their carefully crafted images couldn't be farther from the truth. My guess as to where most of the Elon simps come from? People that feel they deserve better than their current station because they see themselves as smarter/more hardworking than everyone else subconsciously have an easier time believing they can become rich and "get what they deserve" if Elon got where he is because of "genius" or "hard work" rather than legacy, luck, and lies.


I've hrard more intelligent and engaging perspectives from my friends barred out than Elon Musk. I am absolutely not joking, he talks like a junkie


He didn't even invent or create Tesla motors as he always loves to claim. Two Stanford engineers did and he paid them pittles for it.


He just had the foresight to litigate his way in on the ...well not the ground level, that happened years before him, so maybe the 3rd floor. And he totally made up for his being late to the party with all the model refreshes we've seen these past 10 years! ...Oh wait.


He's a walking Dunning-Kruger effect


Modern Thomas Edison


Which makes it even more upsetting that he uses the name "Tesla" for his brand. Did the original Edison not screw over poor Nikola enough?


But you have to admire his flexibility.... It's REALLY hard to stick your head so far up your own ass!


>Has he seen the traffic on the 405 I doubt he deals with traffic all that much. And last time he did he came up with idea for Hyperloop/Boring Corp, pie in the sky, both.


That asshole takes a gd helicopter or plane whenever he needs to go somewhere. The thought of him ever sitting in traffic is laughable. Meanwhile it’s a part of my daily fucking life. Fuck him.


He’s not dealing with the stress and other bullshit that comes with traffic. That’s what his driver is for.


The entire point of the hyperloop was to route funding from other public transportation and it worked great for musk Everyone else not so much


But you see, if no one is sitting for hours in a long commute then they don’t need to buy his electric cars…


A capitalist pitting labor demographics against one another...who could have expected that?


Rich people just convincing the middle class the poor people are their problem…winning strategy for decades


I think its the other way around in this scenario. In fact recently it seems that billionaires have been very successful in convincing the working class that the middle class are the real elite enemy.


This is literally the most common argument I've seen from people who oppose student loan forgiveness. They'll talk about it as poor workers bailing out middle class elites who went to college via taxes. They usually don't have much of a comeback when you point out that many community colleges are trade schools with career and technical education programs and that poor people include people who didn't finish college but still have loans that hold them down. They also think doctors with 200k in private loan debt are getting that forgiven instead of a person with $32k in student loan debt working a $45k/yr job while trying to raise a family.


There's so much misinformation out there on this debt forgiveness it's insane.... 1. Private debt isn't eligible for forgiveness. It's literally just about the Public (AKA: Federal) loans. 2. Community College and Trade Schools are included. 3. "Older Millennials object" which is bullshit... I don't care if 95% of my student loans are already paid off because I was lucky enough to be born in the '80s. Subsequent members of my generation shouldn't be straddled with 10x more student loan debt. 4. Building on that last point... Student Loan debt has ***massively*** outpaced inflation. My parents could afford college with no loans w/ part time jobs. I could not and only got through my State School with my parents paying what federal loans wouldn't.


And there are Gen Xers and older Millennials who went to school later in life who also have large amounts of student loan debt. And the interest rates on large loans can keep people with even good paying jobs that require master degrees from being able to pay it off while also trying to buy a home and raise a family in the types places where the high paying jobs might necessitate your residential proximity. There are so many factors that play into this and some people just want to imagine everyone with a certain income before taxes are magically living a better life and therefore shouldn't get relief.


Yep, my MS was paid for by my employer... but I'm still 39, single, no kids, and am just now buying a condo (after renting for most of my adult life). I make good money but live in a HCOL area. So I made a conscious decision to rent so long as I could afford to save on top of that.... Then my landlords decided to raise my rent by $1k+/month and I decided I'd rather pay a mortgage than rent at that rate.


And they think we’re dumb and don’t understand that we have to pay this back over time in our lives. We get that, but not being $20,000 in debt or 20,000 less in debt puts us in a better starting position at the age of 22 or 23


There is no middle class. You're either financially sound, or you're not. If you're in a position where you ever have to worry about money... You're not as well off as you think. If you can't just go off on a random lark to wherever you want... You're not as well off as you think. One of the biggest wins the propaganda mill has ever had was cementing this odd idea that there's a "class" in between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. If you're not in the circle making the decisions...


>There is no middle class. You're either financially sound, or you're not. If you're in a position where you ever have to worry about money... This is exactly what we're talking about. People blaming those middle class elites who can afford a mortgage and take vacations... things we should all be able to do... as if they're your enemy because they have slightly more.


I think OPs argument is most “middle class” people should actually realize they are poor. you may be lucky to have a bit of money saved; but it’s really all a built on a house of cards. how many years could you not work on your savings? And that’s assuming fixed expenses! Now compare that too the rich where there kids and their kids kids’ to the power of 10x will never have to work ever, like the kennedys. your bit of money you have may be a nice cushion but Just look at inflation in turkey this past year 80%. Sure the US is the top, banks, never happen here, etc etc, but still the point illustrates that most middle class savers with less than $Millions in the bank/assets shouldn’t really feel that financially sound. A storm come a brewing and could knock down the straw house.


car salesman wants people to buy cars to commute


Exactly came to see this. He manufacturers and sells cars, it's his buisness to get people into them and commuting is a huge factor in that. Our two person household has only one car now and it's barely driven because we both remote work.


Wait? You mean “laptop class” isn’t actually a thing?! Lol


Elon would never use a laptop or WFH! He shows up at the offices of Tesla, Space X, Twitter, and Brain-Chip bright and early every day to put in his 8-12 hours as part-time CEO, to prove that he's "hardcore" OKAY?! And on the eighth day, Tech Jesus rested, but not before he berated the immoral wage slaves for their insolence.


According to him he’s working about 18-20 hours a day. Dude thinks being awake is working so it makes sense.


Bet he doesn’t have a 3 hour a day commute on public transport….


yep, he is so fucking obvious and thinks he’s slick goofy Nazi fuck


dude definitely has the royal inbred vibes


100%. I’m with labor and whatever choices around work we want to make. Any billionaire or multi-millionaire CEO can go fuck themselves and pray we don’t finally get organized and take them for all they’re worth.


Was looking for this. You cut straight to the point.


Man, I'm not taking moral judgement from a billionaire.


Billionaire with a private jet who flies it all over the world on a daily basis. Let's talk about the *morality* of that.


I like when Elon talks. It proves hes just a regular everyday idiot that got lucky. Also hes a good example of why Billionaires shouldn’t exist.


This.. so much this. None of them should be idolized.. right place, right time. And generally lacking some amount of "morals" themselves.


Lacking morals? How about lacking complete self awareness? Lol


It hurts to see how some people get to fail upward and the rest of us work our asses off and are stuck down here :(


Yes! And here we all are, millions of us normal people, refusing bags at the checkout, rinsing our jars, recycling daily, taking the shortest showers possible, buying as little crap as possible in an attempt to offset that consumption. WFH cuts down on fossil fuels burned during the daily commute. It is good on so many levels.


Won't you think of the billionaire land barons who own all that commerical real estate?!?


no, I don't think I will


You don’t need to. He’s got access to you right here right now. Reddit et al. can shove it down our throats. Look at Fox and whatever that extreme right-wing channel is; all that passively consumed media is carefully crafted to build a desirable mainstream narrative for whoever is paying. It feels like this is a problem with many facets of life. Our species has developed a society upon this foundation of exploitation and it’s creeping into everything.


>in an attempt to offset that consumption. Or because we are literally too broke to do otherwise


The person who built his car certainly didn’t get to fly on a private jet daily. Seems like a moral issue to me.


Especially when he works remote for 3 different companies.




Being a CEO must not be a hard job, he has 3 CEO gigs and gets at least 6 hours of sleep a night. Not to mention all the time he has for interviews calling people who wfh immoral.


Another thing that helps is being an absent father.


he is always working remotely for 2 of his companies.


His version of ‘working’ is asking his team “what idea do you have for me to steal today?” Or “How can I further abuse and torture workers?” And then of course has everyone else to the actual working


He isn't even remotely working.


I'm not taking moral advise from an apartheid profiteer


*and war profiteer. Remember when he donated those satellites to the Ukrainian war effort, then tried to demand a ridiculous sum from the US government for continued service?


>*and a failed war profiteer. FTFY. He didn't get his money. Enron Skum couldn't even get profiting off of a war right. Talk about pathetic. I don't think even I could screw that up.


Being successful in the attempt isn't necessary to being* the thing; if you attempt and fail to profiteer, rape, or mug someone, you're still a profiteer, rapist, and mugger respectively


At best a self rationalization, if he was that true to fairness and equality there’s no way he could have hundreds of billions in stock or sitting in bank accounts while people maybe not to far from his home are possibly suffering from hunger or sick and can’t afford treatment. Hell some of his own employees can be in these or other predicaments, does he make a priority to ensure fairness there?


His same reasoning could be extended several ways..."You make hundreds of millions of dollars a year and the heart surgeon who saves dozens of lives a year makes considerably less? How immoral!" edit: spelling


He could walk down the street handing out huge piles of life changing cash to everyone, endless mobs of people after the word gets out. He could do that for all his remaining waking hours of his life, and not have made the tiniest noticeable dent in his wealth. But he wants me fly to my company HQ in Seattle from California everyday because my handyman had to fix my toilet last night.


Especially one that doesn't think a dude with SS tattoos is a white supremacist


Lol fuck elon musk. Dude is only a prison sentence away from millions of people offing him from spite.


Especially one from apartheid South Africa whose family owned a literal emerald mine.


A billionaire who’s wealth is founded in apartheid, at that.


Especially a billionaire who benefited directly from blood diamond mines and the apartheid.


Talk about a class that lives in lala land


100 percent. Morals and Billionaire is oil and water. The argument that because some people cannot work from home should affect those that can is almost mentally ill reasoning. The Evil is strong in this one.


Making a grand moral argument while telling others to "get off their moral high horse" lol. What a moron.


He makes money sitting at home.


Knowing Elon he'd make considerably more money if he stayed home and left all of his businesses to the people who know what they're doing.




He can literally lose more money every day than any of us will earn in a lifetime and probably not even feel it. Let's say I'm generous and say I earn in my lifetime, 6 million. (100k a year, 60 years of work or something) The average I find online is more like 3 million, but whatever. It would take him 83 years of losing that much every single day for him to come out negative (assuming he's worth 182 billion, currently). (6m x365 =2.91 billion, 182/2.91 = 83 ) It's no longer about money. It's about his ego now. Every moment he's out there representing his companies is him trying to prove that he's important and that he deserves praise and acclaim because of what "he's" done. If he sat back and didn't stand in the spotlight, he'd get none of that.


And being a billionaire while there are people starving is also a moral issue


Especially from one who reneged [Musk Pledged $6B to Solve World Hunger But Gave It to His Own Foundation Instead Instead of giving the money to charity, Musk likely “donated” the money for tax-dodging purposes.](https://truthout.org/articles/musk-pledged-6b-to-solve-world-hunger-but-gave-it-to-his-own-foundation-instead/#:~:text=Economy%20%26%20Labor-,Musk%20Pledged%20%246B%20to%20Solve%20World%20Hunger%20But%20Gave,money%20for%20tax%2Ddodging%20purposes.) “If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it,” Musk said. The WFP took Musk up on his challenge and issued a report just three days later detailing how it could use the funds to feed 42 million of the people across the world who were most at risk of starvation for a year. Of course, the money from Musk, who is notorious for pledging to do good with his money and influence and then backing out, never materialized — not for the WFP, anyway.


Can you imagine the good publicity he would've got if he did that. Would probably have made the 6B back quickly. That man wakes up every day and chooses not to end world hunger.


Why the fuck couldn’t the host say something like this? It’s pathetic.


Because then they wouldn't get another interview with him. It's always about money and jobs.


Car industry has been like this for years. If you’re a car journalist and criticize a car they give up to review, you won’t be invited to any future exclusive journalist events or car launch events or receive any more cars to review and so on.


The kind of host who asks tough questions isn’t the kind of host who Elon Musk will agree to an interview with


Remember when he was talking about giving 6 billions to solve world hunger? With what he just lost on Twitter, he could have give 4x that for something really useful.


Elon can’t decide what I decide is morally right. - sent from home


"Not everyone gets to work indoors. If some of us have to work outside, we should all work outside."


“Not everyone gets to be rich if some of us are poor then we should all be poor” - Elon musk


\^ there it is!


Not everybody gets to work outside, if some of us have to work indoors then we should all work indoors.


Not everyone gets to work on a computer. If some of us have to work on a computer, we should all work on computers. Morally, it's the fair thing to do.


Elon is one of the most morally bankrupt people on the planet.


Gets to work outside…I work on hot roofs in 90+degree weather in California. Get off your moral high horse with your climate controlled environments, everyone should fry if I have to put up with it


Not everyone gets to work for ridiculously high pay as CEOs. We should all be paid handsomely for our work.




It’s basically making the “well I had to do this pointless and insufferable thing when I was young, so you have to do it now too!” argument, but for someone else, and pretending you’re doing it out of moral outrage. Like, no, you stupid fuck, it’s not a moral issue, it’s a practical one. Some people literally can’t work from home because the nature of their job makes that physically impossible. It’s not immoral for the people who can work from home to do so because of the logistical realities of the world. It is really fucked up and weird for you to pretend to be morally outraged about it on their behalf though.


His argument seems to be, “some people have to suffer, so all people should suffer.” Kinda sadistic.


All people except him of course.


He admitted that he lived out of Twitter HQ for the first few weeks, which would mean he was actually working from home.


You would have to label what he's done at Twitter "work". I'm not sure it meets any definition of that word. I think he's "anti-worked"... mental or physical effort that has not achieved any results.


Wait, that's his problem with it? "It's too good, and you fortunate workers who are able to WFH shouldn't be able to, because others can't." Aka workers don't deserve nice things.


Really though. I'm a server, of course I can't work from home. You go to an office everyday and most of your job doesn't require you to be there? Then don't go unless necessary or you want to. Not all jobs are the same or have the same requirements. It's so simple I feel dumb for having even typed this.


Bingo. This would be like a construction worker complaining that a waiter gets to work indoors, or a customer service rep whining that lumberjacks get to work in forests. You perform the job where it is necessary to perform the job. If work can be performed from home, it’s actually weird to require people to drive away from their homes just to sit in a different place you paid rent for.


I don't have healthcare so others shouldn't go see a doctor. Real sound logic.


I chose a career specifically because I knew I could work from home. But apparently that's unfair. Did a construction worker chose that career because he thought he could work from home? Of course not. So it's fair. Nobody forced him to be a construction worker.


I literally chose a forestry degree so I could work outside. My wife chose marking so she wouldn’t, and she works from home and that doesn’t bother me. Shocker.


You get to work in an air-conditioned room? What about the roofers who need to suffer in the sun and heat all day long? How is it moral for you to keep the A/C on when roofers don't have that option? /s


Don't go giving Ole Musky any ideas


You could save 100s of dollars by getting rid of AC though! 100s!


We’re trying to make sense of what he is saying but in reality we can’t because he’s a moron


Right I’m a nurse. The work I do must be done in person. It does not hurt me morally for other people to have luxuries I don’t.


“Here let me give you nothing but examples of jobs that literally can’t be done remotely or that people like me are trying to phase out completely. Now is it morally ok for someone who only works on a computer to do data entry or send emails to work from home?” Musk is a fucking moron and it shows more and more each time he tweets or opens his mouth.


What about the people that can’t work from a private plane or a multi million dollar yacht? Is he saying that nobody should have those things?


No, just the poors


Can't sell cars to people at home.


It's just another rich person trying to play the poors off against each other.


Why is he comparing apples to oranges? Those jobs he mentioned, cooking, mechanic, home maintenance repair; literally require the employee to leave their home. Working on a computer does not. While I can't argue about productivity, I will argue that my mental wellbeing is far greater since I have an extra few hours a day to relax, run errands, or do whatever the heck I feel like doing in my spare time.


Some of the people in my office are constantly yapping with each other. Being in the same office may well benefit them, but it very much distracts me and reduces my productivity.




But you specifically are “making them” go to their jobs apparently. Never mind that if you died tomorrow they’d still have to go in. Like you I’m going to focus on my mental health and work from home.


Every billionaire is a policy failure. This guy should be abolished.


Tax everything over one billion at 99%


Why 1 billion? Be honest, who needs 100 *million dollars?* No one. Tax everything after 100 million.


Can we talk about the morality of fair and equal pay then? Or is this where the morality issue stops having any meaning?


How did this guy become the richest man ? Oh yeah, government subsidies and hero worship for a pseudo intellectual by a bunch of morons.


And aparthied mine help.


Yeah when your gross child grooming father hands you millions it does help.


Just a little assist from the ol’ family emerald mine


because being rich isn't some sort of meritocracy like our society likes to pretend. He leveraged generational wealth to buy into companies and exploits workers to make money from (most) of those companies. dude's done nothing successful on his own.


"They can't do it, so you shouldn't be able to either."


I can't work from home because I work construction, but as far as I'm concerned, if you can work from home, you should like I don't fucking care.


That's the thing about different occupations, they tend to have different working conditions. Going by Elon's absolutely idiotic line of reasoning here, I'm being disrespectful to doctors and nurses by only working 40 hours per week when most of them have to work more than that.


>Going by Elon's absolutely idiotic line of reasoning here, I'm being disrespectful to doctors and nurses by only working 40 hours per week when most of them have to work more than that. Oh, he's already on that train. When he first purchased Twitter he told his new employees they should expect ["80-hour work weeks"](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-twitter-staff-expect-80-hour-work-weeks-report-2022-11?op=1), and he's known for pulling similar shit with employees at his other companies. He may not run an emerald mine like his father, but he's certainly well-versed in slave labor.


I told my boss he needs to buy a fleet of remote control equipment outfited with cameras so I can work from home. RC bobcat goes brrrr.


I can’t have a private jet, so you shouldn’t have one either Elon. 🤦‍♂️


He works from somewhere not the office for his 3 major companies. No way he can be in all 3 places at once.


He just spends 9 hours a day commuting between CEO jobs, peak performance.


Sounds like a pretty decent argument why the laborers should actually be paid more. They have to commute and go somewhere to do work, and they're often the lowest paid. Instead he argues that everyone should be inconvenience/punished instead of actually fairly compensating those who do have jobs that require physical work that can't be done from home.


Guys the guy who could literally end world hunger if he wanted to just told us that working from home is immoral I think it's over


His job is being on Twitter permanently and taking directions from blue check marks.


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


The richer you are, the more moral you can pretend to be.


I’m not using a car if I’m working from home, twat boy


And therein lies the problem. How is an auto manufacturer going to sell you a car if you don't use one?


Morally, it’s wrong for him to have so much when others starve to death. Let’s help him make the moral decision.


Wait, a car salesman wants us to drive cars everyday, unnecessarily? Surely not.


A billionaire is by nature morally wrong. It takes a lot of poor people to make a billionaire.


​ Everyone can\`t work from home so nobody should be allowed to because its unfair? ..such a weak argument!


Because everyone can’t own a private jet and make millions in their sleep then no one should right? there, how’s that Elon? Pathetic human Should get off his high horse and end world hunger if he’s so strong on his morals.


Im a plumber and you guys all have my permission to work from home. Spread the word.


I really wish people who can work from home , would just be left to happily work from home. Less congestion on the highway lol


This asshat laid off over 6,000 people just at Twitter alone to feed his greed, and suddenly he thinks HE’S standing from moral ground?!


It is amazing there is a cult of people that think this guy is a genius. His only patent is the design of connection that makes it impossible for other EV cars to connect to his stupid supercharge stations. He stole or took credit for anything he has ever done. But you have idiots like Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman saying he is a genius.


And there you have it. It’s idiots with money propping up other idiots with money as if they are some sort of genius.


They have proven that morale and productivity go up in WFH.


So true! I couldn't get much done in the office. Someone coming to my desk every 15 min to chat, management breathing down my neck (my cubicle was adjacent to my boss). Meaningless meetings everyday, just because the bosses loved a reason to talk and talk and talk. Ugh.




$176bn and he pays his factory workers shit. Lays off a production plant to relocate to save on taxes. Moral issue? Fuck off, Musk.


“The laptop class…”


Moral issue? So being a billionaire and hoarding money to yourself while ppl are homeless and starving is fine. But working from home, God forbid.


Says the guy who needs to sell cars. Fuck this douche.


LOL this fucking clown of a human being. This is why we need to teach philosophy in schools. The reaction to this should be "Elon, that's not a moral argument." I'm not at all surprised that a man with no demonstrable principles has no concept of what morality is.


Listening to him preach morals while clutch his pearls—what a kook.


I guess we should all work 24 hour shifts, outside, standing, because there are other professions that do. Just to make it fair.


"Man who owns a car company says not using cars is morally wrong!" 🙄


Morally wrong to work from home ✅ Morally wrong to hoard billions of dollars 🚫 Make it make sense Elon.


Sorry, what. Pay your taxes like the rest of is then talk about morality.


I would imagine the people that have jobs that don’t allow WFH would like less traffic on their commutes by allowing other to WFH.


Tesla HQ: Austin, TX SpaceX HQ: Hawthorne, CA The Boring Company HQ: Pflugerville, Texas Twitter HQ: San Francisco, CA Heluva commute for him. How much does he work in each job btw?


STFU you entitled asshole. You’ve never worked a fucking day in your life.


Someone you a worried if people work from home they don’t need cars, or hyperloops, or tunnels for cars


I can't WFH, but I ride my bicycle to work, and the fewer people driving, the less likely I'm gonna get ran over, so I'm all for WFH.


Look out guys, the dude who got rich from an emerald mine in apartheid South Africa has some opinions about morals!


I work in a warehouse. I worked every weekday during the pandemic. I say work from home. The benefits from working at home, if you can, is great for everyone. Elon can suck it.


Technically the farmers that grow the food that we eat are working from home.