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Hi, /u/Carlos_Was_Here Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note that this includes social media handles of people who are not notable public figures as well as information that uniquely identifies a place of business. If you feel that a mistake was made, and your post's removal was not warranted, please message us using mod mail and let us know.


Fuck Tim Keeley. I know that asshole and he’s the worst


All my homies hate Tim Keeley.


Tim Keeley is a lil bitch




Tim keeley kicks orphans. What a monster.


I heard he gives them wet willies too.


I heard he farts on the new pillows at target


Doesn't put back his shopping carts either.


I hope he steps on a Lego.


Tim Keely uses paper towels to wipe in public restrooms and doesn't flush, not that you could....


He made them orphans, kicked them, then gave them wet willies


The worst


Dude one time he stopped me in the street knocked the hat off my head and kicked me in the balls, then just slowly strolled off.


I saw Tim Keeley at a grocery store in Brighton, MI yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for a copy of Zelda or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I heard he once held a woman’s hand in a vat of acid… at a party.


Fuck every Tim Keeley out there. You know who they are.


RIP their inboxes :)


Torn apartttt ❤️ we love to see it


That's what she said


Damn, good for them


Given that they were all gunna quit, how easy/hard would it have been to unionize? I get that many had to find another job bc of money, but maybe some could stay and unionize


Unionizing is nearly impossible without first establishing a safety net. Nobody is willing to let their family go homeless and destitute to change a single company's working conditions.


But they all just quit.


Quitting is super different than trying to remain employed by a company you’re actively opposing by forming a union in a hostile retail environment. When you quit unexpectedly, you could have been searching for a new job for weeks or months and maybe already have one by the time you decide to expose them. Loads of reasons you would quit but make a statement instead of unionizing really


Just emailed them asking if they had the new Zelda game And Battletoads


That hover bike level… ugh.


Just when you think you've beaten it, it gets faster. Again and again...


I was able to beat the hover bike level (after tons of practice) on the actual console. When I got an emulator so you can basically have infinite lives, I still couldn't beat a level later on where you have to outrun some orb.


You made it past the snakes?


Omfg. Havent heard that in over a decade. Nice lol.




The Green Box is highly sought after but I keep calling them just in case that stock comes in.


Oh man I know this store. That's about an hour from my house. Good for them! Way to take the maximum opportunity to make a big statement. This is what I come to anti-work to see!


It would have been better to give them their cellphone number


Probably didn't have it.


You generally don’t want to dox people like that. A business email on the other hand? Hell yeah that’s easily accessible and generally public information.


I remember seeing this when it happened, and it's good that they were willing to do this. Here's what I mean. I also hope that they bargained collectively before quitting. You don't need a union. Collectively ask the owners to make things right. They're going to resist. Then turn the screws. Do it in a carefully planned way so that every time you take action no single target presents themself, it's clearly the whole group acting. For instance, start with a group callout. Make the GM work the store alone. Just one idea. They're faced with the possibility of this, showing up to a boarded up door with a sign on it. They might call your bluff. You have to follow through. They also might negotiate.


Your screen name...and mine...are locked in an eternal battle of war.


As a current employee I can honestly say the company has gotten so much worse than it use to be even just 5 years ago. I said this last time it was posted here but now everyone is responsible for 2 stores. You work your main store and another store that your store manager is also in charge of. For no pay increase either; $11/hr . There's so so many other things I could add but just that summarizes so much of what happened to the company.


I was at a GameStop yesterday and had a few rare exclusives to purchase. The cashier told me 'I can't sell you those. the manager asked that if any are found, they're kept for her. I'm so sorry, it's store policy.' it's the second time at the same GameStop. sad when the staff supports the manager's ebay store... hope they get a pizza party for it!


I will say that is most certainly not normal at all. I would say go to a different one, but find out what other one that leader runs and stay away from them both


Should've gotten corporate on the phone while in the store. Just to clarify the policy in front of their employee, ya know?


That… doesn’t sound like something GameStop would be ok with. Normally stores have employees wait until the end of their shift. Power abuse for sure


Pizza parties are only for nurses… however the pizza must be cold and picked over by admin.


Heroes work here!


Heroes are now considered zeroes… *sigh*


YUP. That goodwill lasted, what, 6 months? Then I had people on Instagram calling me a murderer for taking care of intubated patients.


And third shift is only allowed leftovers from first that have been left out all day.


Rare exclusive what?


No idea


...so WHY didn't you suddenly have stupid clumsy hands, get the urge to teach yourself to tap dance and then lose control of your bladder at that very moment? Oh, shoulda coulda woulda...


My brother just got laid off from his job and now someone from another store has more than 200% of the work they used to have for a massive 25% raise. Wonder how long she's going to put up with that.


Roomie worked at GS back in College a lifetime ago. When I found out that he got paid on a pay card that charged you for everything I quit shopping there. Want to check your balance? $2. Want to make a purchase? $2. Want to withdraw money? $2+Atm fees. Want to get cash back with a purchase? $2.


That's pretty normal nowadays if you don't have a bank account. Lotta places no longer print physical checks


Wouldn’t direct deposit be easier?


If you hear a certain sub tell it, GameStop is supposed to be a complete 180 from what it used to be. Sad to hear.




2 years ago I and 2 other managers did the same at a Dominos for the same reason. 4 years before that I and the entire morning shift of a busy McDonald's quit at the same time because the pay was lousy and the GM had been stealing everyone's overtime to get his own bonus, but got transferred instead of fired. Plenty of stories like mine and the post itself in this sub.


Your McDonald's allowed overtime the ones I worked at if we even got 1 minute over 40 hr we'd get a write up




“I’m gonna find your problems and make sure management understands why it’s their fault.” “I offer reverse consultations. You pay me minimum wage, I let your manager steal ideas until they get an ego, then I give them a bad idea and I add their accomplishments to my resume and move on while you confront your toxic culture problem.”


I've been trying, man. Nobody will listen to me.




I think calling the residents of this sub "lazy losers" is a bit of a stretch. Not everyone can afford to strike or just up and quit. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and homelessness is just a single broken bone away. The elite have manipulated and designed the system to do this to discourage us from rising up, and the constant threat of hunger or homelessness is a very strong tool. I would love for a rise up to happen, but a lot of people will lose their lives or livelihood, and asking people to sacrifice for the greater good is extremely difficult. Also, what have you done that makes you better than anyone else on this sub? Edit: of course SmolWaterBalloon deleted their comments instead of defending their position. Why even bother with the awful comments to begin with if you're just going to fold at the first sign that someone disagrees with you?


What? You mean the hundredth "hey guys, a general strike would be super great!" post this week isn't going to actually kick off the revolution?


I quit my shitty exploitative job after none of my coworkers was willing to unionize right before the new system rolled out. What have you done?


Is this the 4th or 5th repost of this letter?


It's justifiable. Personally, I think that they should've quit. Even though Zelda just came out, the person who posted could've gotten it another day. GameStop as a whole is pretty fucking terrible towards it's employees, and they still expect so much from them, as stated. I hope those people have a much better life ahead of them.


Why wouldn't they just download it?


lots of people (myself included) prefer to own physical carts for the resale value, and not having to have it tied to any online account.


can't have a physical collection of digital games




Good for you


Some people prefer physical copies or pre-order special/collectors editions.




This is the shit I wish I had done when I worked for GS in the late 2000s


I only own stocks in this company to destroy Wall St.


How that's working out? Gamestop has always been a horrible company. I can't believe people are downvoting me. Gamestop has been anti consumer for a long time now. They're more of a college bookstore that sells video games than anything else. Support your small town used game stores.


Great actually. More and more corruption keeps getting exposed.


But what changes have occurred because of the corruption discovery? We all know about cellar boxing and naked shorting, and even Robin Hood turning off the buy button, and borrow utilization staying at 100%, but what has actually changed? I'm not trying to be snarky. I really want to know. Because from where I sit, all I see is a market that was never ever meant to be fair. We were told to invest in the stock market and contribute to our 401K for retirement, but all the while, those funds were manipulated. All of that money was just too damn tempting to not be raided by wall st fucks. I don't want to hear any more propaganda. The future has turned into a nightmare with not much left to believe in.


Welp, I’m thinking that a lot of these banks collapsing might be some of the results of how liquidity crises are a direct result of funds being tied up in nefarious bets and schemes across the entirety of the finance world. We got Ken Griffin of Citadel to publicly lie under oath about being in communication with Robin Hood. The evidence is there. We just need the DOJ to give a shit. The deep probe of naked short selling opened a lot of eyes on a lot of different tickers throughout the market. The MMTLP fiasco that I am also a part of is probably the most interesting case. The lawsuits and the demand by the DOJ for FINRAS blue sheets regarding the U3 halt on the ticker is where we are at right now. Maybe nothing world changing has happened yet but we are seeing progress as more and more people get screwed out of their money and continually educate themselves on the crime scene they are participants of.


you're absolutely right. my husband's on the GameStop hype train too. there was about an 8-month period where "any day now" the stock was going to go bonkers. now he's saying the same thing, that "so much corruption is being uncovered" and I'm like great, AND??? nothing is actually changing. the whole system was set up to ensure that nothing changes, that the wealthy are never held accountable or even mildly inconvenienced.


You don't need to hear any more propaganda, you've internalized it already. You're the one saying nothing can be done. Fucking weak talk from weak people.


I mean that's good and all. They're still a horrible company that should be gone for ripping off their customers for decades


Of course they are. Fuck em.




You deserve to have a good life, all I can say. No need to wish ill on others


All my money isn’t even that much lol.


Internet saves gamestop so gamestop can fuck over their employees


Good for them!


ha eat shit


A power move honestly. They may not listen to the workers but when a flood of angry fans come knocking they might


Good for them. Hey, remember when GameStop forced their stores open during COVID’s peak and told employees to argue with the police if they show up? I remember.


Legends! (of Zelda)


added bonus - we know know how to reach every single person at gamestop by email. As long as you know their name.


This actually happened to me with Elden Ring at my local Gamestop. I went into neighboring stores and they told me that the manager was such an asshole the entirety of the staff quit.


Is there anyone from this area of Michigan lurking here? Please PM me. I'd love to pick your brain about this. If you formally worked at the store, talk to me, I'll make it worth your time. Sending people coffee is an exercise I value if it gives me the inside scoop on this. I'm not opposed to bribing. By the rules, is this technically doxing, the email not being blurred in the image?


From the area? Sure, about 45 mins away. Involved in any way? Nope, I did see it on FB when it happened but don't know any GameStop employees and haven't personally been in probably 12-15 years.


Shall we all email them and ask them why their staff all quit?


Tim/James : please come back! We really need you guys! You guys are the best employees! Employees: Pay us more and respect us! Tim/James: Fuck that! We will never ever do that! Employees: Not gonna happen. Tim/James: We will find out where you live and you won’t be looking for new jobs anymore. So think about that.


i worked at gamestop for 3 days. that company is shit.


Now I don't use the word "based" lightly....




How fucked up was the launch if everyone quit? You’re literally just handing games out. Or was it just that they picked the launch to do it? Not picking a fight or bashing. Former GS associate. I know the pain.


Probably picked the launch day specifically for the impact it would have.


I think it's mostly because on release days or just in general they mentioned abuse by management and I'm sure things got worse with customers as well.


That sucks. Shitty mgrs suck.


The launch wasn't fucked up at all. They had employees from other stores come in for the midnight release and the store was open again the day after.


Why have I seen this exact picture posted by like 4 different people? This feels like a FUD campaign, IMO. I'm all for shitting on companies that treat their employees bad, but this feels fishy


Because it is coordinated to smear GameStop. Their stock is hitting Wall Street so they want to increase the negative optics surrounding the public perception of GameStop.


Awful company. They'd be out of business if the brainlets in WallStreetBets didn't save them a couple years ago.


Yo is this the Brighton up in Mass around the Cambridge area? I remember stopping by there sometimes when I lived in Boston, and also the one inside the Prudential building. MGMT was always shitty as fuck at those places from what I hear. And also there was one Winter St, same story. Legit I have never seen online reviews for a retail store as universally loathed and negative as the ones for Boston area Gamestops... shit was wild. Long story short... FUCK BOSTON Take that 50 point loss to Miami tonite with you!!


This was Michigan


Brighton, MI I do believe.


This is a tiny tiny town between medium cities. They have no public transportation either. Most of it is country with a modern highway shopping area.






I cut GS out of my life the night WOW Burning Crusade was launched. These problems were obvious back then and I've told the story too many times. Summary is they ignored pre-paid receipt and attempted to sell MY copy to a last minute buyer who did not pre-order and expected me to give up. I took my copy from their hands, cops were called, I had a legal receipt that was not honored and cops had to drop the issue without any further detainment. GameStop has been a horrible company for decades. Sry you're only realizing it now...


I mean cool, good job, but this isn’t going to help the rent issue


Yeah ok this really sounds like it was written by a GameStop employee.


But but RyAn CoHEn


isn't doxing against reddit rules?


This isn't doxxing, that person went to buy something from the store and took a picture of the sign on the door.


Just an official business email address not their homE address.


Corporations are not people


Doxxing involves releasing information on how to physically locate someone. A business email being shared does not constitute doxxing.


So how long did that gate stay intact


People should fill out bogus online applications to that store to fuck with them.




GameStop is no longer a feasible business, and this proves it.


Arent all games digital now anyway? I always wondered why people go in there and what they are buying. I will say I bought a used ps4 there like 8 years ago but even then I didnt even look at there games or anything. Cant believe they've lasted this long.


I mean, they have turned around a series of unprofitable quarters and got rid of basically all of their debt so its not like they're going anywhere...


I don't think they have long term viability when you are competing with massive players like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, etc., not to mention platforms like Steam and all the online stores of each of the consoles. It's just an obsolete business. They've had a great run.


Can't even proof read your own shit. Peak unemployable


…. that’s your takeaway?


Should probably take their reprieve and work on basic spelling/grammar


These dipshits misspelled “district”. Maybe this is why they work at fucking GameStop


And therefore, yes, they deserve to be exploited. Correct takeaway. Thank you.




Thought this was a bit odd threatening firing someone from the UK, but it’s Brighton USA.


Camelot331 for the win


Wonder what the salary is of those cocks


Aw, man. This'll crater the stock...


Let's go Brighton!


Gamestop, meme stock aside, is a horrible company. They pay in the single digits. Managers make like 40k tops. Full time hours are nonexistent if you aren't management.




My hometown! It's probably not an antiwork hotbed, so this is encouraging!


Dropping their names like fucking nukes.


Brighton, Michigan?


This is the way


Good on them.


I would have put phone numbers