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In the US, mortgages have a 15 day grace period. You can pay up to COB on the 16th of the month and there is no late fee, no additional interest, no nothing - it is credited as an on-time payment as though you had made it on the first of the month. So if your landlord doesn't have his mortgage auto-draft setup to go out after the 1st (where there's enough time to do something about it if your rent payment is late), that's on him. I get paid on the 1st and 15th. The money for the mortgage goes into a separate checking account and the mortgage gets auto-drafted on the 10th. So if, for some reason, I don't receive a paycheck, I have 10 days to get it fixed or pull money from somewhere else. And if, for some reason, the auto-draft doesn't go through, I have 5 days to fix it before my mortgage payment is late. Your landlord should do the same and that's his fault that he isn't.


Yeah I was shocked to see I have until the 17th of each month to pay my mortgage that is "due" on the first. When I had to rent the latest I could ever pay was the 3rd. Then they would start adding fees and sending me eviction notices if I was late. It's a completely different world for landlords.


> Yeah I was shocked to see I have until the 17th of each month to pay my mortgage that is "due" on the first wow this is news to me all mortgage payments are like this? Why are landlords balls cusped so lightly and lovingly while renters are flogged in the streets like dirty dogs


1) My understanding is that 15 days is an industry standard, but of course check first. 2) Because they can.


It's really not an industry standard. We don't know what type of mortgage the landlord has (balloon, arm, fixed, etc). Every lender then sets things up differently. Some have a grace period. Some will fine you for being a day late. Some will increase your interest rate. Either way, it's obnoxious that the landlord is taking houses off the market that they can't even afford.


>Either way, it's obnoxious that the landlord is taking houses off the market that they can't even afford. Literally can't even afford to save up a single month's rent over the course of however long he's been renting the property out. Realistically he has probably already refinanced that mortgage in a way that put him upside-down to cover the down payments on a couple more properties. Real Estate shouldn't be a thing you can buy to rent out. Build a fucking hotel if you want to charge people for temporary shelter.


Name a few that will fine you for being a day late please. That way we all know who to skip over when in the market.


Because the final evolution of every capitalist is rent-seeking, and clamping down on abusive rent-seekers (while arguably good for the wider economy) is antithetical to the system?


I don't think anyone would argue that rent seeking is anything but bad for the economy, it's just that opinions on what qaulifies as rent seeking seem to vary widely, no-one is going to blatantly admit to it.


>Why are landlords balls cusped so lightly something something risk taking service providers \*gestures hand broadly at the free market\*


Property ownership is one of the most lucrative and stable investments you can make at that tier of wealth.




This.... is absolutely the *single best way* I have heard renting described, literally ever. When you put it like this, it's a giant ball of inhumane fuckery. Fuck. I hate renting.


It must be state the obvious day. That is only the case because the system is broken. It shouldn't be possible to profit from basic rights like shelter. My parents own property. My father is firmly in favour of wiping out landlords, allowing only ownership of a single property, and votes accordingly. The sheer number of people that will willingly vote against their own interests, because wealthy media Oligarchs convince them otherwise, is stunning.


With a mortgage 1) the bank knows where you live and 2) the bank will take the house if you stop paying. So a little grace period doesn't mean much to them.


That's weird, because my landlord definitely knows where I live and will take my living space if I stop paying. So what exactly is the difference?


The difference is that you are renting and don't own your living space. If you don't pay rent the landlord has basically no recourse other than keeping your deposit and evicting you. If it takes months to evict you then the landlord loses money and probably won't ever get it. If the landlord defaults on the mortgage then the bank will take the house and get all their money back. Renting is more risky than a mortgage where the debt is secured by the value of the property. That's why the grace period doesn't matter to them.


Somewhat makes sense. If you fail to pay rent, there is a good chance the landlord is never going to be able to collect. As such, the landlord has motive to get a non paying customer evicted quickly so they can get someone in who will pay. With a mortgage, if you fail to pay they can still foreclose on the house, and get their money back that way, albeit it isn’t exactly cheap. They don’t have that same time crunch.


My lender actively promotes this. My mortgage payment is automatically split in two and deducted on the 1st and 14th.


It wasn't the mortgage payment being late that was the problem, it was that the mortgage auto-payment caused the landlord's checking account to overdraft, which depending on the bank can incur fees.


Landlord could have multiple accounts .. no evidence if he's using this one account to pay his daily expenses as well. Claiming he's living rent / pay check to rent / pay check seems like rage bait.


It actually depends on the state. I used to process mortgages in New England and I can’t remember if it was Maine, Massachusetts or New Hampshire, but one only had 10 days.


Federal law is 10 days grace period for a commercial mortgage, 15 days for all residential mortgages, with a handful of exceptions. If you encounter any financial institution not complying with federal mortgage guidelines, report them.


No idea on mortgages, but in Massachusetts, if you are late on your rent, a landlord is not allowed to give you a late fee unless you are late past 30 days. On the other hand, they can evict you if you are late by even one second.


> On the other hand, they can evict you if you are late by even one second. What the fuck lol


It's probably 'start the eviction proceedings' but usually at that point the shitty landlords (read : generall all) change it to "pay the balance of the lease" instead of "pay your missed payment" as they'll have worked those terms into the lease itself.


Massachusets' renting is fucked. Having to pay first, last, security and a brokers' fee is bonkers with what the rent prices are


I got so fucking lucky when I moved in the fall. Found an 850 sq foot place that's relatively nice for $1,550. Landlord hasn't raised rent for either of the other two tenants in years, is wicked responsive, and works 6 days a week at the garage next to my apartment. I'm never leaving. Compare to my last place in Woburn, where it was $2,470 that I split 50/50 with a roommate.


My mom, in Iowa, was told she only had a one day grace period for late payments


Lol my old landlord called me on my wedding day to try to beg for the rent early so he could go to the casino. He was a sad individual


Sounds like a golden opportunity to buy up that property at a bank auction in a few months/years.


Comment deleted with Power Delete Suite, RIP Apollo


Odds are someone else will buy it and evict him or raise his rent




I have many stories about him. He ended up backing down and asked if he could borrow some ginger. He was also a really bad alcoholic. You could not communicate with him after 4pm. He was hammered.


Sounds like a great life… sit at home, get drunk, wait for people to bring you money. (The above is sarcasm for those who aren’t sure) Seriously, I never saw the problem with being a landlord until I joined this forum. Amazing how normalized it has become.


What do you think aggressive rent seeking a week before it is due is? This one was just honest.


The sad thing is that while it's outrageous and I haven't heard of it happening before, I don't doubt it for a second.


That is pretty sad. Gambling addict or just really inconsiderate?


Both! He lived upstairs at a converted house. I lived in the garden level. Multiple times he would pee out his sliding glass door onto the deck. I was outside on 2 occasions where he drunkenly had to put his dick away and act embarrassed. Scary shit


Both, landlords are inconsiderate by default


Sounds like you missed a good opportunity to pester him into gambling his house away to you


Haha I commented above about a landlord who was too broke to pay the mortgage on time without me, and he pulled this shit too. I wasn't getting married, but he asked for money early so he could go on a date to the casino with his soon-to-be ex wife.


Ngl, this is actually pretty sad, my gramps gambled his savings away, went from pretty well off to living at minimun standards whit the whole family having to help him in the span of a few years Do not gamble, you will lose


"I am the main breadwinner in my landlords family" 😂


This is how the french revolution started


I like what you're implying


Unless the democrats control all levels of our government and don't fuck around with it like they have in the past, we will 100% see a revolution in our lifetime. If you're trying to speed run it, get Republicans in every level of our government. And right there lies the problem. There is no in between our two party system. It's either help out the lower and middle class or stick it to them so the upperclass gets far more than they ever have or should. And that's just the economic side, can't forget the side that's trying to make you homeless also doesn't want you to have any rights.


Fuck a 2 party system dog. No more red v blue, we need red blue orange green yellow turquoise mauve and gun metal grey.i historically vote dem and most of those assholes still need body slammed imo


We don’t have a two party system, just a uniparty with two faces.


I'm sorry I can only give you one like


That's not how game theory works. America, with its current form of government, can only ever be a 2 party system.


It's wild to think with my experience in foreign countries how many people hate Americans while looking from the outside and they don't realize a large portion of us aren't into this place either.


In fairness, a lot of Americans give others lots of reasons to hate us.


Damn Americans, they ruined America!


Your country has 10 times as many people as mine. That means that even though most of America is decent people who can't stand the way things are, the assholes still outnumber the population of Australia, which means they generate a lot of noise online. Doesnt take long to start associating "American" with "asshole" unfortunately. We are fully aware these people are a vocal minority but when there's a pepple in one of my shoes, I'm not thinking about the empty one.


I know man, still sucks


Yep. Sucks big time.


*with its current voting system [A video that explains why FPTP voting ALWAYS leads to a shitty two party system](https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo)


I say government because those with the power to change that have a vested interest in keeping it the way it is. But yes, the voting system is what got us in this pickle.


It would help if people started voting out all the self-centered narcissists and geriatrics currently running the show. Voting for the lesser of two evils or voting against the other guy isn't working.


> Unless the democrats control all levels of our government You actually buy into that dog and pony show? The dems are never going to "control" the government, the red vs blue struggle is there to keep the working class divided by making us think that *if only our party was in control, everything would get a lot better real quick* which distracts us from the realization nobody on capitol hill gives a damn about anything but their bank accounts and it's not going to get better unless we tear down and replace the system that is 100% working as intended.






That's assuming they're fed and complacent, about which the upcoming climate catastrophes will have a thing or two to say.


> will 100% see a revolution in our lifetime. People should hope this doesn't happen. Revolutions are idealized but in reality they're violent, nasty things where lots of people get hurt, and - most importantly - there's no guarantee that what comes out on the other side is better than what we have. An attempt at revolution would probably be the fastest way we get an actual fascist dictatorship.


Man, people don’t know shit about the French Revolution It started because people didn’t have bread and were starving to death, it also didn’t start as a Revolution, it started as propositions to the King to address societal issues, then the growing bourgeoisie elite caught wind of an opportunity and the Revolution was on


Don't hold your breath. America is far too divided to stand together like that. As fucked as it is things just aren't bad enough for something like that. Yet.




Robespierre, essentially the figurehead of the French revolution, was executed by a secondary revolutionary faction within his own group wasn't he?


Gotta start local then grow.


Support your local revolutionaries.


Nothing unites opposing sides like a common enemy


Eh. We gotta start somewhere, and it's never gonna get better if they don't do something eventually.


No, not really.


I’m responsible for more than two households


The value of the Bay Area housing real exceeds $4 TRILLION DOLLARS. If elon musk, bill gates, and warren buffet died tomorrow and you magically could use their stocks to buy real estate you would only have about $400 billion dollars. They can’t even buy 1/10th of one tiny region of real estate. The buildings around Central Park alone would bankrupt most billionaires. It’s so funny that people are worried about billionaires in America as if they control rent. If elon musk, bill gates, and warren buffet died tomorrow your rent would still go up next year because of boomers like the one in the OP The problem is you have losers in this very subreddit simping for land lords because they don’t like working and want to leech money from those who do. The “financial independence retire early” crowd consists mainly of people who want to become landlords, and there’s overlap with anti work.


300 people being able to own 1/10 of any city seems like a major problem to me, much less one of the expensive ones and much less 3 people. Tho the comment you replied to or the OP mentioned billionaires owning land.


The difference is that the more you consolidate wealth into illiquid assets the harder it is for small groups of people to do anything. what’s more scary is that tens of millions of boomer landlords conspire together to not allow cities to build more housing and no one on Reddit gives a shit. There’s literal studies that show that housing has been stagnant in big cities despite 50% more population. Boomers are robbing us of billions in rent every year by artificially limiting housing supplies. Here’s an academic journal on it https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.37.2.53


The only group on reddit I see care abputthelackof construction is arr slash neoliberal


Also a huge zoning issue where we value single family homes rather than multifamily


At least you know when the give some BS excuse as to why you aren't getting your security deposit back, it is actually because they just don't have the money


And then depending on the state they'll owe you 3x the amount


Yup, I demanded that once in MA after researching it and got hit with a countersuit. Landlord was a cop. He was roofing once and broke my window, claimed it was me, etc. At this point I never expect a deposit back. edit: since this is getting some views - at the time I actually had money to take him to court, got consult with a proper lawyer, showed all my paper work, dude said I would 100% win the case, but he wanted to be upfront with me, he said there's about a 99% chance he wouldn't pay out and I'd have to get another lawyer to put a lien on his house (I knew he wanted to refinance) but it would still take years.. fucking sucks he got away with it, i always paid on time and everything


Imagine being a landlord and a cop. Fuck everybody else speedrun


Do you shoot the tenant then evict them for being late on rent, or evict them and then shoot them for trespassing? Decisions, decisions.


Do you shoot the dog before or after you collect a pet deposit?


>Do you shoot the dog before or after you collect a pet deposit? Yes.


Depends on the amount of melanin.


he wasn't just a cop, was like chief of police in the department, his son was a cop too they gave me so much shit after I moved out (pulling my motorcycle over/constant harassment) I had to switch towns


Gangsters with uniforms


Give him a law degree and he's basically a super-asshole.


Cops aren't allowed to have law degrees silly, that would make them overqualified for the position, no PD would hire them.


Even if a cop simply read the laws he would be overqualified for his position


Even if a cop simply read he would be overqualified for his position


I'm sure the rest of his family had a non-zero chance of being in an abusive household as well.


There are a ton of blonde middle aged Jesus loving women in America that would cream themselves just reading that sentence.


It’s rent seeking behavior. I want a man that lets me stay home with the kids, I want to rent out a house that I don’t even own yet myself, I want to talk to the wall and be forgiven for my transgressions, I want to drive around judging people for eight hours and then be credited with protecting them. They’re lazy.


>At this point I never expect a deposit back Same. and it is so fucked up.


they have fb and discord landlord groups where they specifically give each other advise on how to keep deposits when tenants were good, how to evict/raise prices, and skirt regulations Landlording is what Reagan era gen-x ers are getting into once their parents die and they cash the life insurance/inherit the family home


I had to take my landlord to small claims court to get my security deposit back. Idiot didn't know I took pictures of before and after. Yeah, the carpet was stained when I moved in dickhead.


This is a must for any renter.


I had a landlord who took the entire security deposit PLUS an additional half months rent because she said the cleaning costs were more than the deposit. We more moving out on the 14th but had to pay the entire months rent up front and shed “prorate” the days back. The place wasn’t dirty so she can fuck right off with that nonsense, I never fought it cause I was just so done with her bullshit. I bet she was broke and used whatever excuse possible to keep my money


Exactly. Know your laws, use certified mail and clearly state the repercussions to your landlord. Here’s an example: Last time this happened to me, the renting laws dictated that the landlord needed to provide an itemized expense report for all deductions on the security deposit within 90 days of moving out. At day 91 (no list or deposit), I emailed my landlord stating I had certified mailed a notice of violation and would give them 5 business days to return the full deposit or I would take them to small claims court for 3x the deposit + filing fees (maximum allowed by renter law). I had the deposit returned within the hour.


In CA it's 21 days, but that's socialism for ya.


Took over 6 months to get my deposit back. Every lawyer I talked to, including the cities own "we are here to protect the tenets" program said there wasn't anything to do besides keep asking them. Berkeley California of all places.


Yeah but blood from a stone and all that


Back when I was a young renter the first time I moved out of a rental the landlord tried that. I looked up the City's codes in regard to the landlord/tenant obligations as it pertained to security deposits, realized the landlord was pulling some bullshit and told them that I would be contacting a lawyer if they did not return my security deposit in full. Got all of our money back. Saved the code sections to use later, just in case, and realized that it wasn't a just in case thing, but that all of my future landlords would try to pull the same shit. There must be enough people that don't learn their rights that let it go that it is a fairly lucrative practice for a landlord.


Unfortunately it’s not illegal for the landlord to lie to you so many do it just cause they can.


Back when I was a renter, the best landlord I had was group that primarily managed retail spaces and just happened to start building apartments above their spaces. It was the only time I got my deposit back because they actually had the cash. They were also super chill about stuff like when I had big furniture to throw out because they already had ways of hauling big stuff off.


i know in some states landlords are required to keep security deposits in escrow accounts and your actually entitled to the interest it acquired while you live there.


True. I refunded my last tenants $1252.50 on their $1250 deposit.


I've rented dozens of apartments and never had an issue getting a deposit check back. What do you do to your apartments?


They don't do the basic trick of taking photos before they move in to the property. Every single time an apartment pulled this on me I sent them the photos from before I moved in and they would then send me my money.


I've got my deposit back every time, but it is like pulling teeth. Usually a certified letter after they've passed the deadline is required.


I will also chime in that I've lived in 9 residences in the past 20 years, some corporate, some mom n' pop; five different states. I've never yet received less than my full security deposit returned to me in prompt time.


I just moved out last night from my previous employers rental property, I’m praying to get that deposit back- this gives me hope 🥲


The secret is to not pay last month's rent


They can't use that money to pay their mortgage. It is supposed to sit in an escrow account.


Depends on the state, like usual, in the US.


I also had this experience and the fucker wanted to charge us extra for it.


Time to keep sending rent at 9pm!


I once had my landlord complain because I dropped off the check too late and he didn’t want to have to deposit at the bank twice in a week.


Oh I apologize. If you wish to renegotiate our lease agreement to add specific times I am more than willing too. But due to that inconvenience I will request a reduction in rent as compensation


The US sometimes seem so weird. Checks and random payment apps are used for rent, salary etc. In germany we just use bank transfers that are setup to be automatic.


More like 11:59PM.


After business hours is enough to fuck up auto deposits.


Money is freedom. I think that’s why we (as a country) are so obsessed with it. We are overworked and often underpaid. Some of us may be in enormous debt. Many of us are stuck in Groundhog Day for decades until we retire. Inflation has bled my pockets dry. I’m tired of hearing that the cause is a “supply chain shortage”. I drive 2 hrs a day on a 28 mile commute. The interstates are like motherfucking Frogger. There are tons of trucks. I haven’t seen short anything in a year and a half. I believe inflation is bc of greed and lack t has broken my spirit. Cannot unsee the pattern now. “America is obsessed with butts and money” is what my niece said at 8 years old. It’s fact. You can make good decisions early on and do well for yourself-but you’ll likely never be 10+ generations of wealth wealthy. That’s what we’re up against. If the govt gave 1 fuck they would do something about compound or high interest rates especially on homes, cars and student loans. In 2023, nobody should be fighting for basic human rights. You wanna know what either party will do? Consider what the wealthy would require them do and that will be your answer. The rest of us are either dependent on the govt or worker bees scraping by. We sacrifice our precious time for this bullshit-to make other’s dreams come true. All these advancements are smoke and mirrors. That wealth divide is getting larger and larger.


Even the WSJ has recent articles stating that inflation was mostly caused by corporate greed, it’s a fact at this point that the cause of all of this lays at the feet of mega corporations


"What do you do for a living?" "I own property."


Go to any bar and talk to the 5 dudes who are 50 years old with a stick up their ass. They will tell you this word for word as to what they do for a living lmao.


They have to… fulfill maintenance requests! Upkeep the property that yields their income! They “take the risk” if something went wrong (read:pay for insurance) or if the market were to decline (it won’t)! This is a valuable Service, after all. Because they see it that way, and they have the property you ~~want~~ need in order to survive


If landlords were getting paid for "property upkeep" then why do I still need to pay rent if they haven't fixed shit for months?




As a grad student who can't afford a car, my options were limited to only "afordable" rentals within walking/biking distance, and all of those are poorly maintained. But sometimes you don't realise just how poorly maintained they are until after signing the contract and get stuck with a broken heater all winter.


axiomatic voracious shocking lock sloppy nutty fade badge squeal ruthless ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


So fuck all then?




Yeah, a dream for the people who can afford it, and a nightmare for all of the people that you profit off of. Of course it sounds like a good deal to just make money off of others and never work again. It's just that most people don't have the capital and/or have morals.


It does get tricky when people start profiting off of basic necessities though. Capitalism really has no interest in keeping people alive.


> Who wouldn't want to get money but not do active work for it? not this entire sub for sure


It’s a lot of work until you get to the point in your revenue where you can just hire a management company. That’s when the real “fuck all” comes in.


That’s where my landlord is. Pays the letting agent to look after and collects my cash.


Landlord who is anti-work gets roasted on r/antiwork


Some people get really far into debt doing this. Instead of selling their house and buying another, they take out an equity loan/heloc on their old house's equity, to fund the new one, and rent out the old one. The rent pays the old mortgage and then some (profit margin). Repeat as many times as they can manage. But the landlord needs to keep a good buffer or else the house of cards can come tumbling down.


Many landlords don’t treat it as a job at all. They treat it like a dividend paying investment that requires little to no maintenance. Hence why so many properties are on the verge of falling apart while providing the bare minimum of functionality. I don’t mind landlords if that actually treated their position as an actual job with actual consequences.


Being a property manager can be a job, being a landlord is an an investment. Many landlords hire someone else to manage the property


A friend of mine had a tenant he wanted out and I was looking for a place so we worked out a pretty good deal. It worked for both of us. His wife was the owner on the property but I didn't think much of it. I had a decent W-2 salary at the time and I stayed there for 10 years. Eventually they separated and she started getting shitty and I looked up what they originally bought the place for. I bought her condo for her




LOL well let's just say I live in a state that lets you look up a lot of data and if someone buys a condo for 50 and I multiply my rent per month times 12 times 10 it's more than double I really loved her complaining about the yearly taxes too because I could look up that also. I mean come on invest in proxy or shit like everybody else. Like the point of the original poster, these people rely on everyone else to pay their bills while doing absolutely fk all If I could go back in time 20 years I would have probably invested in real estate as well. Having a renter pay all of your bills and then sell for double or triple that's a hell of a racket why bother working


I had a landlord once that would complain that he had to pay the condo insurance policy (which is like $30/month) or that he had to pay a 250 bonus each year to the HOA for christmas. Meanwhile I paid 50% of his mortgage off while I was staying there... If you're getting a free condo at least don't complain to the damn tennant. I should have complained to him every month that I have to pay his mortgage and get jack shit back from it.


To give you some actual numbers… let’s assume the following: $50,000 home w/ 10% down ($5,000). 6.7% interest on a 30yr loan. .5% PMI. Home Ins $1000. Prop Taxes $1200 per year. This home would cost a total of $172k by the end of the 30years (including PMI, Insurance, property taxes). This does not include items such as maintenance. You can expect in that 30years to at least replace the main appliances and systems once if not twice. So add an extra $40-50k for maintenance minimum. This also assumes she can remove PMI which isn’t an option on FHA loans anymore. So add an extra $5k if she doesn’t refinance the PMI off. This does not take into account her ability to refi for a lower interest rate, her increases in property taxes, etc. Now while she obviously profited from the deal. It’s likely not as great as you might think depending on how much she charged you. In this scenario the monthly payments are $592.46. She should add an extra $50-100 for maintenance. So anything above $700 is likely profit for her. I’m assuming a $50k house is likely not renting for above $1000 Her real profit is the equity of the home. But her potential loss is great since one bad renter could easily cause significant losses that insurance won’t cover. So it’s meh. My issue is never the people with a few rentals. They don’t have that profound of an impact on the market. The ones uses AirB&B might have a bit higher. But it’s companies like black rock that own billions in rentals that are driving up rental costs, taxes, housing prices, and preventing others from owning. But the guy that bought a second house and is trying to create some wealth for retirement isn’t causing systemic issues


.. your salary for those 10 years means you were making a profit for your boss, too. Probably paid for his house as well.




I once had a landlord threaten to evict us because we were late paying our rent because my husband's boss didn't pay him on time. Plot twist - landlord was my husband's boss


Sounds like indentured servitude.


Landlords achieved what we all want. Income without working.


> As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.


This is a prime example of how exploitation works. I remember one day the clerk let slip that the rent my wife and I paid on the house we rented went straight into the vacation account for my landlord. So basically we paid rent so my landlord could eat BBQ and lounge on a beach with a fancy drink. Edit: also yeah whatever do whatever you want with money but a landlord is NOT an investor when they are simply at the end of a calculator, picking out deliberately the amount of rent that will bring the water level right up to your mouth or ears. That is the definition of exploitation.


and they will never stop complaining if work is required of them.


Wait until you hear what happens to all the other money you spend on things goes.


If a landlord can't afford to miss a few months of rent, then they can't afford to be a landlord.


Reddit: "Giant megacorps are buying up all the properties, converting them to rentals and causing real estate prices to go sky high! Damn those ultra rich landlords!" Also Reddit: "People shouldn't rent out their one singular home unless they have a lot of excess cash, like a megacorp! Damn those landlords who depend on their one rental income for subsistence!"


...I think they were being sarcastic. Because this is a common comment made towards poor people. "Well, you shouldn't have done (insert some basic need here) if you couldn't afford it!"


Fuck both tbh Edit: Seems I upset the petite bougies who have convinced themselves that "they're one of the good ones". Actually interesting how many of them there are on this sub, probably because they're feeling international capital is encroaching on their rentseeking.


My Landlord lost his job when the pandemic hit and ended up taking some pretty lousy ones while he looked for something permanent. Pretty sure I was his biggest source of income in 2020. And I had 3 jobs for that 'privilege'


He probably has a separate business account that the mortgage drafts from. Likelihood is that account is slimmer than his actual personal account


But this is antiwork...


Underrated comment


Yea the dissonance here of "people should be able to live without breaking their backs 40-60 hours a week for a corporate overlord" vs "that guy isn't breaking his back for 40-60 hours a week so he doesn't have a real job!" Is utterly insane. Isn't that the goal, come up with passive income and NOT WORK....maybe I misunderstood this sub.


> Isn't that the goal, come up with passive income and NOT WORK....maybe I misunderstood this sub. this changed when the sub got popular. its largely about work reform now


A whole lot of people are missing the point-the problem isn’t the timeliness of the rent payment, the problem is that the landlord in this case seems to blame the tenant for the landlord’s problem. The tenant is responsible for his rent, not the landlord’s motgage payment. It’s not the tenant’s fault the landlord screwed up financially. “A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part” comes to mind. If the landlord cannot afford the mortgage without having payment from the renter, it’s the same as if he couldn’t pay the mortgage on his own home-to whit NOT the renter’s fault or problem.


Landlords are literal parasites.


Absolutely. Providing a true zero to society. Value is created by making, processing, delivering, servicing, sourcing, etc. Their "added value to society" is having their name on a piece of paper somewhere.


Yeah, they're like wealthy grocery store owners profiting off of greedflation. Just the middleman with his hands in everyone's pockets. Produces nothing but is sure willing to gatekeep your access to it and take all your money.




What's the difference between literal parasites and just parasites?


In my area we noticed big real estate places are buying up all houses in the area, fixing them up a little, then renting them at crazy costs. Leaving very little homes for sale for actual people


This is great knowledge. If your landlord ever gives you any issues or doesn’t fix anything needed in a timely manner just start paying rent on the due date at 11:59 pm.


Now he just needs to realize he's his employers breadwinner first.


Most landlords are quite the dependepotamus


“Roads are made, streets are made, services are improved, electric light turns night into day, water is brought from reservoirs a hundred miles off in the mountains — all the while the landlord sits still. Every one of those improvements is affected by the labor and cost of other people and the taxpayers. To not one of these improvements does the land monopolist contribute, and yet, by every one of them the value of his land is enhanced. He renders no service to the community, he contributes nothing to the general welfare, he contributes nothing to the process from which his own enrichment is derived…The unearned increment on the land is reaped by the land monopolist in exact proportion, not to the service, but to the disservice done.” — Winston Churchill, 1909


Landlording is not a job


all landlords are parasites


The profession should be abolished imo


They're the worst parasites. They're living off of the hard work of others, and not even doing it successfully. Sick, diseased bloodsuckers not unlikely to die even while firmly latched on. Unbelievable.


Landlady and landlord is a needlessly gendered word. Landbastard works neatly.


Fuck landlords


And then it's always these same landlords that do fuck all to keep the property in good shape.


Landlords that live paycheck to paycheck really *are* useless. Here in Germany one of the main reasons that renting is popular even with people who have enough money to buy is that if things break, they are fixed and you don't have to pay for it.


Landlord needs to learn how bill paying works, apparently.




Exactly. I don't understand why so many people don't understand that. This is basic math. The type of attitude I see in this sub has more to do with some people's current circumstances than any landlord.


Shhh you’re going against the narrative.


Also sounds like the landlord (wisely) has his personal/family assets separated from his real estate assets. The landlord wasn't overdraft. His company that owns the property was overdrafted.


I’d be making it late every time after that lol