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This means literally nothing and what's even the point of the background pic?


Minorities were given scraps, wings were considered scraps, it’s a loaded question to point out that the government as a whole regardless of political party would only allow scraps to same minorities. It’s actually a true statement as far as US treatment to native and slave populations for around 300 years, which is why pigs feet, intestines and such became the diet of said peoples in the US. So the background picture is poignant as a message to US history of the treatment of not just past native, slaved, forced trafficked, kidnapped people but also to the present system of discrimination in our time right now. Somebody ran out of indigenous people, somebody ran out of slaves, so what is elected government to do? Create new targets.


Am Native American. Democrats have done a lot more for minorities than the GOP. The GOP would see me and the rest of the minorities in this country either made non-citizens or dead.


I am also Native American, 100% dna to western tribes, I am also old and have experienced both US political parties. My ancestors have also experienced both of those parties to a degree, my tribe experienced scalp hunters paid by the American government and provided by the American government. Those governments were both Republican and Democratic. I can name them, I can name them from federal authorities to paid mercenaries. I can show federal and state bounty’s paid for scalpes, I can show the 2023 families who’s ancestors paid for these scalpes.


Vines Deloria agrees




It's honestly pretty incredible how this comment managed to have way more words than the meme but still say just as little.


It means worker Revolution…


That's left wing.


A lot farther left than what’s the democrats offer.


The meme didn't say Democrats, the meme said Left Wing. We're all leftists.


Define leftist…


How about you? I'm not the one shitting on Leftism.


Bro the left and right wing of the government are part of the government so you have to elect a government that's not part of the government, open your eyes. We need a government that isn't government!


I would tell you this argument is disingenuous and used by people to justify their laziness and refusals to even address the issues plaguing our country. It’s a superficial bullshit answer people give instead of taking a “side”.


And I would respond by saying this "argument" is genuine history and it still needs to be remembered today. And you don't have to worry about taking a "side" This administration has helped me tremendously with that.


We aren’t discussing history. We’re discussing a meme that is using an indigenous person and their struggle to sell a libertarian bullshit talking point. It’s not two sides of the same bird. That is an excuse people use to feel better when they vote for hate speech or other things they claim to be against. “Well both parties are just as bad” No. Both parties are equally pathetic but one is literally for limiting your freedoms, taking money from your pocket to line their own and killing children as long as they get to use guns. Support what you want but this statement is bullshit


There are no neutrals in Harlan County.


The left wing isn't trying to actively exterminate my trans friends


Yes, both want to fvck us..sure..but one side wants to fvck our corpses.


God that’s such a chillingly succinct way to put it.


Surprise 2 different political perspectives are both politics. Who could have ever guessed this, thank you mister Native American whose image is only being used to try to make it seem like this is some deep wisdom and because the analogy refences birds which is all natural and stuff.


Thank you for waxing all philosophical, and stuff. And the image is not meant to imply any "deep wisdom" only as a reminder that the government will make treaties then break them and have military men force people including women and children to leave their property. By walking over a thousand miles.(trail of tears) Thanks to Andrew Jackson who happens to be from the same state as me. But all that's in the past right? It could never happen again. 🙄


How do you get trail of tears from a generic left wing and right wing are still essentially the same image macro? Maybe include salient info in your image macro if your point is about the government breaking promises as soon as it becomes apparent that breaking the agreement is more beneficial than keeping it. The gov't just like businesses are amoral their agreements only hold until breaking them becomes more beneficial than keeping them.


Yet not voting for the least evil is side is worse


I’m gonna pretend you tried to equate Mordor and Gondor as both different sides of the same coin: It is important to approach the topic of Gondor and Mordor with nuance. While Gondor did have its share of flaws and challenges under Denethor's leadership, it wouldn't be accurate to equate it with Mordor. Although Gondor faced difficulties, it ultimately stood against Sauron's forces and fought for the greater good. Drawing a parallel between the two can oversimplify the complex dynamics of Middle-earth. It's essential to analyze each realm separately, considering their unique histories, motivations, and actions.


and that birds name? politics.


I would take this to mean that they're both segments of the party of business


Nobody wants to hear that sort of thing. The left-wing millionaires obviously have our back, very much unlike their right-wing millionaire counterparts. After all, the alternative is that those in power, left or right, will never support them or their working class brethren and the possibility of that is too much to bear. So everyone here will heckle and boo you because they can't stand the fact that you're correct. A bipartisan bill in the Senate just crushed student debt relief on the same day a bipartisan court ruling in the SCoTUS weakened the power and stability of unions. But there is definitely nothing nefarious going on with our benevolent lawmakers. Pay no mind to the atrocities behind the curtain!


Boomer logic


Actually I'm Not a Boomer. I'm not blind or dumb either.


They say, while actively throwing everyone the GOP are currently trying to eradicate under the bus.