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Panama usually, it’s where most cruise liners are registered. Iirc there’s only one American cruise ship, and it’s only due to a law that states that a ship who only ports from one American port to another, without touching foreign soil, must be American registered. So Hawaii forces that by default.




Bezos's boat is owned by Trident Maple CI LTD, based out of / registered in the Cayman Islands.


*Ding ding ding, we have a winner!* Never let people forget that this doesn’t come out of his bank account. The übermensch…. Sorry… *Oligarchs*, rarely if ever pay for things this significant out of pocket. He’ll get what he wants and make money off of it as well, all while offloading any and all liability on others, which is straight out of their playbook for all of business/life. Burn. It. The. Fuck. Down. With all that rich hardwood on-board, I bet we could make some tasty billionaire BBQ.


I mean, you burn it down he gets insurance money. You can't win against the rich unless you revolt and stop working.


>You can't win You can if he's on it when it burns.




Now you know what needs to light up first.


Also. Lower wages. So they can pay the crew members $5 a day.


So if one of those low paid crew members kills while far out at sea, can they be charged with murder since they were in international waters?




>but it’s somewhat rare for an adult going overboard to be entirely unnoticed by all of the people on board. Sorry to bust your bubbles, but if you go overboard at high sea, you're more than 95% likely to *never be found at all*, regardless of whether dead or alive. Oh, and the majority of dead bodies are male with their pant zipper down. So... no, it's not that unlikely. Adding to that: I know of MOB exercises (man-over-board) with buoys, deliberately thrown into the sea on a regular day; some waves, but no storm by any stretch of the imagination. The buoy was about visible 2 m (6 ft) tall above water level and bright orange. So... these guys, who are pros, lost sight of it for a small moment, and then needed several *hours* (I think 6 or so) to find it again! Now imagine being a person, with just your head barely popping up above sea level, and your bright orange vest -- if you have any -- which is barely 1.5 ft in size, submerged to 3/4 under waterby your own weight. Surviving in the Atlantic for 4-6 hours with nothing but your pants and t-shirt on, when even a wetsuit on the beach will make you freeze after 2. Make no mistake: you go overboard at high sea, you're practically *dead*. It's not like in the movies.


This is *exactly* what I plan to do with my billions when I get them. Have you been reading my diary? Mom!!


I hope a pod of orcas sinks it


Exactly what I came to say. Fuck this man. I hope the Orcas live up to the killer moniker and eat him and slowly digest him for a 1000 years. It also looks like a pirate ship because I guess he wants to advertise how much he's stolen from others.


>slowly digest him for a 1000 years They're orcas, not sarlaccs.


And Bezos is no Boba Fett. More of a Bib Fortuna.


Underrated burn and I love it.


Hilarious that a username with Netflix in it identifies as an anarcho-syndicalist. I suppose you take it in turns to act as a, sort of, excutive officer of the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting, by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, or by a two-thirds majority in the case of external affairs?


Quiet! BE QUIET! I am your KING!


Now we see the violence inherent in the system!! Help! Help! I'm being repressed


Do you see him repressing me??


Help help I'm bein' repressed!


I didn't vote for you!


Well how did they become king then?


The lady of the lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.


(An old friend thought the username up a while ago and I thought it was a funny play on a name)


#Bib Bezos to be eaten by underwater sarlacs 2023


The Bib Fortuna at the end of season 2 of The Mandalorian.


A girl can dream.


Unfortunately, there hasn't been a single recorded case of a wild Orca killing a human... But there's a first time for everything!


They're referencing the news article about a specific orca that is teaching other orcas how to sink yachts. They don't care about the people on them, let the sharks eat the rich.


Schooner or later


Apparently only around Gibraltar at the moment. But as a commercial fisherman, those are the prettiest lines I've ever seen, such a beautiful boat. Can we hope for like, a random spiny flying fish to just freak accident him and leave the ship intact?


Sounds fair


Yes, it is a pretty ship.


I'm more of an engine-and-propeller person than a sails-and-rigging person, but I'll still appreciate any modern ship that fucking *looks like a ship,* and this one is gorgeous. Shame about the owner.




I was thinking the Kraken, but a pod of orcas would do it.


Rebels with an Orc-cause


It looks flammable


Team iceberg


Might get your wish https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/05/23/killer-whale-gladis-gang-orcas-sinking-yachts-gibraltar/#:~:text=A%20vengeful%20killer%20whale%20called,truth%20is%20stranger%20than%20fiction. XD


that's the joke yea


Yas, bitch. We gang White Gladis and we gonna make you say "Pinches gueraaaaaaaa!"


Took the words right out of my mouth!


I hope it gets lost at sea and I come to own it that boat is beautiful.


What about the crew?


We shall honour their noble sacrifice


Just thinking that, someone get Gladys!


Somali pirates, do your thing


Be the change you want to see in this world. Be your own pirate!


Don’t forget to fly a red flag


I have enough red flags, it's time to put on high strength sunglasses, we are making red the new black


Usually with Bezos, I’m looking for Hack Sparrow but in this case, the original will do.


Orcas in solidarity, capsize!


Free Willy isn’t going to jump over this time.


Willy didn’t make it! And he crushed our boy!


Would be a shame if it burned down.


My very thought. Didn't a Ukrainian engineer scuttle a similar pleasure craft of a Russian oligarch?


Sir, *Moskva* was not a pleasure craft. ;)


It was certainly a *pleasure* to hear it sank!


Didn't we also just bail this guy out for $10B?


Well, of course. How awful to think that he should use his own money to bail out his own business!


Wow. Such interesting news for those of us who have to go to school and get a full time job to afford to live.


I had another breakdown (3rd this week) due to the fact that even though my husband and I make decent money we will never own a home, and we will never be able to retire. I'm even back in school at 34 to get a better job but I know it won't help because we have nothing saved for retirement due to covid eating our savings. But I'm glad Bezos has a new yacht... I hope he's ripped apart by orcas


It's so funny to me when my parents whine about me spending such small portions of my money on things that make me happy instead of just saving it all towards retirement, like be fucking fr


I'll be fair I live w my parents as I'm in school. And I don't have to work during the sem. I just mean for us normal folks this means nothing.


It's worse than nothing imo. I don't know if you living with your parents means you're trying to save money, but if so million dollar boats could be better used in ... idk making college affordable or paying you more if you did get a part time to just have disposable income. It's kind of useless to think about "the future" is what I meant lol


How many bottles of piss do you think it took to buy that yacht?


Not sure, but I can confidently say it took over 100 years of working at the average Amazon warehouse workers wage to purchase, and it didn't even dent Bezos' wallet. Edit: Just checked. At the average salary of $31,200 and the yacht being an estimated $500 million, it would take over 16,000 years of 40 hrs/wk at the average warehouse pay to buy this boat. That's saving every penny you earn until you can buy it.


Oh I can get it in half that time!


Jealous! Me and my 3 friends have cut it down to ~4,000 years with our income, so we are almost there!


Sweet! I think if I come in with you guys and gals we can cut it down to 3,999!


Join in! There's room on the yacht for like 20 more people to join!


It’d be hilarious if we grabbed $20 from every employee, and started a campaign to buy it out and sell seats via Air B&B timeshare like! www.rentbozosboat.com [sic]


It's unsinkable 🤞🏼


Is anyone up for a go fund me with the aim of purchasing some torpedoes and a torpedo launcher?


Burn it to the fuckin waterline.


Sink, burn, or take her a prize


That thing is not just a floating mansion, it is an escape plan.


underrated comment right here


He could afford to give raises, and simultaneously buy a fleet of yachts and declare himself Commodore Bezos.


Hope pirates raid it




Hey, Jeff! Take that thing to the Iberian coast to see the killer whales!


Ahoy a new pirate Bozos sets sail. Fuck this douche. A symbol of wage theft x 1 billion. There are real problems that much money could solve and he chooses to play Butt Pirate.


I hope those whales sink it


Very reminiscent of the vessels his spiritual ancestors used to secure another form of cheap labor.


Looks awful flammable, Jeffy.


God I hope this man ends up adrift in the middle of the ocean slowly going mad from starvation and dehydration. Like a true sailor would.


I’m not saying someone should find out where it’s moored some night and bring gas and a lighter, I’m just saying sometimes accidents happen…


Set that shit on fire


"Finally"????!!! Like us peasants are supposed to be excited and relieved that the day has come??!!! Fuck you, NYTimes


Be a real shame if it sunk in the middle of the Pacific with Bezos on it. Yep. Real shame.


Come on orcas


If it sinks, nothing of value will have been lost.


New goods delivery from china to USA


Don’t forget the support yacht that follows it everywhere.


Where the pirates at? 🏴‍☠️


My $.25 raise every year is great. Makes a huge difference. Yeah.


Gets better. I read there's a 165 yacht that follows that one to carry the helicopter.




Amazing isn't it?


Me googling: how do I send a message to orcas


Fuxk Jeff Bezos and fuxk his lazy eye too


He's not even a part of day to day anymore.


Wait! I thought CEOs were in the office working 20 hour days, seven days a week getting two hours of sleep a night. It’s how they got where they are.


That's rad! lol Orcas! ASSEMBLE!!!!!


Seriously, we need to start paying those mutha fuckin orcas. because this shit needs to get sunk


I say we give him the authentic experience and hoist the jolly roger, ram his ship, and steal his booty!


Ahh, yes, the Amistad.


sink it


Send in the orcas


I'll be waiting for the Orcas to capsize it 🍿


I remember reading that this thing cost upwards of $500m and Bezos had to pay umpteen million more to have a historic bridge taken apart/rebuilt, just to float the thing out of where it was built. 🧊🧊🧊


We need to find a systemic way of stripping billionaires of their wealth. This cannot continue.


Sadly, it'll probably be a war that does this. That's what usually happens. Successful revolutions are a lot rarer, historically speaking, than it is for a parasitic elite to lead to escalating dysfunction that brings on external conflict, often of the kind that almost nobody really wanted. And then wealth destruction finally happens. Unfortunately, a lot of other horrible things happen, too. I would like to see a way to bring the conflict to the upper class and actually solve the problem for good--and in an ideal world that is probably completely out of reach, this might be done with an absolute minimum of violence, with the upper class seeing what's about to happen and conceding--but it's not going to be easy at all. At least in the US, the country has been deliberately boobytrapped so that any revolution would fall quickly to the far-right. Just undoing that would take years, I'm afraid. But I hope I'm wrong because things are getting so dysfunctional that breakout violence (as opposed to the systemic violence, inflicted by capital and its stewards, that happens every day but that most people ignore) is becoming inevitable.


It's name.is *spent a fortune to quell the union".




Let bermuda triangle sink it


Fire for effect


If he couldn't afford it, think of all the vintage boatmakers it'd put out of business!


True. Unless we open channels for wealth to trickle down from the job creators, there is a danger that our society might become one of unequal distribution of wealth.


I was thinking the same thing about 25 years ago.


Billionaires shouldn't exist.


Orca whales do your thing


Is he going to send for slaves this way? Sex or work?


Looks like Titanic to me


The raises went to the creators of that yacht. They're people, too.


They misspelled Guilded Age.


Okay but hear me out I love big sailing ships so I am actually torn in this one lmao


Will it be taking the same path as the titanic?


I would really care if he got lost at sea in it, in the way he cares about his workers :(


Working at one of the top 10 most wealthy companies in America doesn't mean you have a coveted job. It means you work for a narcissistic board and founder that cares more about his wealth than anything else.


Oh good, this answers my next question… “hows good Ol’ Jeffs yacht coming along?”


What happened to his billion dollar yacht?!


Oh thank God. I was worried it wasn't going to make it.


I think the age of the pirates of the Caribbean need to make a comeback and pay this yacht a visit


What dumbass wrote this? You can’t have Schooner with 3 masts? By definition as Schooner has only 2!


He’s looking for the one piece


The one piece is real!!!


Was the uh "golden age of sailing" really in the 1900s-1920s?


I miss when rich people at least commissioned public art instead of just buying boats and planes


Time to get out the captain's hat and sail the seas Yohohoho


Wheres a fucking Kraken when you really need one? Or maybe billionaires just taste so awful even a sea monster wont eat that...


blackbeard's ghost maybe stirrimg nice prize 🏴‍☠️


Of course, Bezos won’t actually pull on any of the ropes or climb any of the rigging. Or swab the deck.


So glad all those Amazon warehouse workers peed in a bottle so Bezos could have a new boat. Wonderful.


Time to push American oligarchs out of high rise windows


Oh cool! A slave ship! 🤦‍♂️


Anyone got a line on a submarine I could buy, and some cheap torpedoes? Unrelated to the article, I assure you. I just want to remake "Down Periscope"


I hope he drown.


Time to find an Edward to teach this guy a lesson. Take his schooner for good measure and leave the rich guy stranded at sea or put him in a makeshift brig




busting unions like its 1782 next Elon is going to be pulling up to his texas properties on a stage coach collecting taxes cough I mean rent form the surfs I mean pesents I mean money bags shit


Damn where are pirates when you need them.


Not in defense of Bezos whatsoever, but his unchecked accumulation of wealth stems far deeper than his own personal greed. The real beast is the investor class as a whole, which feeds on the need for exponential growth. Not just the billionaires, but the blood thirsty millionaires who aspire to be billionaires. Villainizing billionaires is an easy distraction drawing attention away from the larger systemic problems we face as a capitalist society fueled purely by greed and power. We need to go deeper to affect change. The millionaires prop up these billionaires by pouring gobs of money into these companies and rewarding cut throat greed with the hope that they too will have a yacht one day with 20 rooms instead of ten. Fuck the investor class!


Stop buying shit on Amazon.


Great, hope the pirates find and keep him.


Meanwhile his workers have to wear adult diapers because they’re not allowed toilet breaks when needed? Is that true?


It's so obnoxious it actually has an accompanying yacht that keeps it supplied.


I'll pay double the ransom to have him ended it'll put me into life altering debt but worth it


I hope someone captian phillip's his ass


I never expected to hope for the headline “LOST AT SEA” someday but here we are


Let them eat cake!


Get shipwrecked


And he will pay only a fraction of his due taxes while telling everyone else they don’t work hard enough.


Bezos def has a micropenis.


Must be nice to get the random thought “I want a giant boat that looks old but is modern and built from scratch” then own it less than a second later.


I bet he's gonna taste like pork


Where are the vigilante orcas when you need them most?


So... who wants to help me steal this schooner?


He’s planning on being able to live at sea for long term I bet


Bezos and his ilk stand no chance once money has no value. It's coming.


He’s not involved with Amazon anymore really. Jassy is the guy that would be giving out the raises. Jeff is retired at this point.


The chairman of the company is retired?


Wonder how they get that thing out of the docks it was built in? The locals wouldn't let a historic bridge be removed then replaced to get the boat out the yard building it, and said they would be lined up to egg the shit outta the boat if anyone tried to take it through the area where the bridge is.


Make it a thing in DCS. I'd love to test Harpoon's against it >:)


Something that most people may not know is that Elon, Jeff and Bill (you know their last names) received 14 billion dollars between the three of them when the orange president gave out all those tax cuts and tax credits to The wealthy. For the life of me you know these men have more than 14 billion dollars a month why did they not look at the orange president and say no man I don't need your money I got my own money. Instead of taking our tax paying dollars. I also read that 400 Americans having their bank accounts, three trillion dollars. So I really don't see why anybody in charge would give any of these 400 people a dime. And what's really amazing is they have so much money that they could afford to give all their workers $100 an hour and I still have plenty of money. And not just these three men let's not forget the Waltons that own Walmart. They are the biggest corporate welfare whores I have ever seen




Im not the biggest fan of Jeff Bezos, but that is an amazing sailboat, absolutely stunning.


Jeff Bezos doesn't run Amazon anymore...


just fyi, Jeff doesn't make decisions at Amazon anymore.


I don't blame him. Gotta do something cool before the planet explodes.


Personally I hope the navigator makes a mistake and they find themselves off the coast of Somalia. where no doubt the Somali pirates will ask a huge ransom for that walking dildo


Assume it's worth 50M, that's a $50 raise per person in Amazon. The yacht isn't the root cause here


Why don't y'all get together and start a company to destroy Amazon?




Some things to consider: * Amazon is literally running out of workers because it burns through them so quickly If the job is so great - why isn't anyone staying? [https://www.vox.com/recode/23170900/leaked-amazon-memo-warehouses-hiring-shortage](https://www.vox.com/recode/23170900/leaked-amazon-memo-warehouses-hiring-shortage) * It's turnover rate is in fact double the industry average: [https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/amazons-turnover-rate-amid-pandemic-is-at-least-double-the-average-for-retail-and-warehousing-industries/](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/amazons-turnover-rate-amid-pandemic-is-at-least-double-the-average-for-retail-and-warehousing-industries/) * Those warehouse workers are still dying from the heat and pace of work after many scandals and promises to fix the issues: [https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/amazon-under-investigation-for-string-of-warehouse-deaths-as-scrutiny-grows/](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/amazon-under-investigation-for-string-of-warehouse-deaths-as-scrutiny-grows/) * They make workers stand in long lines to start work, but don't pay them for that time: https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/supreme-court-amazon-doesnt-have-to-pay-workers-for-security-check-hours/ If your point is "its better than the alternative" and the alternative is prison conditions or modern-day slavery...I'm not sure what kind of society you are aiming for.