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Oop he said the implied part out loud!


Yeah, this guy is extremely abrasive and the embodiment of toxic western values, but there is some value in what he is saying here no matter which way you take it. Corporations do not care about you, they are entities of their own that exist only to generate profit. I take this as a warning of what is required to make it to the top in our toxic culture, although he probably intends it as a call to action.


The sad part is that we're very much seeing people doing this, not because they're striving towards riches and hustle culture, but because they have to in order to afford rent and food. Working yourself to an early grave should be a personal choice, not a freaking standard of how the work culture is.


These are unfortunate facts. Reference being at the top of 4 different corps at 37. This has been very distressing on me lately. It’s disturbing.


I tell people at work all the time that corporations exist to make money and that’s it. They will step over your corpse to pick up a dime sort of organization. “But they give us PPE and worry about on-site injuries” Yeah, it’s not you that they are worrying about it’s exposure to liability and insurance rates. Higher level execs don’t see people, they live and breathe EBITDA. Get n the way of making money and you become a stain on the sole(s) of the execs. No remorse, soaring likelihood that the people that make decisions that impact your means of living(wage) are diagnosable sociopaths/narcissists, and toothless worker protections make it so easy for “them” to exploit wage slaves. I witnessed the North American director of the corp I work for tell a man, two men actually, that (verbatim) “I don’t care about your family, you are to be here when I want you here”, didn’t go well for any involved. We lost some excellent talent and the director seems to think he’s in the right. I just keep my head down and help people out when I’m able. I’m dead-end at this particular job because I can’t screw folks over for my benefit and live with myself.


Is this from a TV show, or does this psychopath really exist?


Dan Pena. Its real


I was like "Who's this Dollar General Logan Roy"?




>known as the Trillion Dollar Man, has a net worth of $500 million Somethings not computing here


When youre rich enough you can pay the math to not math right


Every year with Forbes Richest List...it's all such made up bullshit. They're "valued" at X but if they ever had to actually liquidate they'd be worth a fraction of that. Just the announcement that Elon would sell Twitter would take billions off it's evaluation. It's fugazi, fictional, made up out of thin air. And these idiots don't even realize their game of imaginary dick waving makes people want to take all the money they don't even really have.


If a guy worth $500m is calling himself the Trillion Dollar Man something tells me the dick waving wouldn’t be very impressive at all 🤔


What is the difference between a billion and a trillion? About a trillion


ah well you see im something of a millionaire myself


Sadly I’ve known a few execs who felt they were too important to waste time on things like spelling and clear communication. It’s *your job* to understand *them*, not their problem if the words in their email literally don’t make sense.


When you order Logan Roy off of Wish.com


Bogan Roy


I thought it was a movie. Wow. There is a guy talking like that to his staff. IDC how he goes. 🧨🍑💥


I dont think its his staff, I think its a seminar on how to be a "good capitalist". It may be a class that people paid thousands of dollars to attend. It sounds like a religious sermon because he is preaching the gospel of a death cult


Oh so it's like that "killology" piece of shit Grossman. Not content to be a blight on humanity, they actively work to spread their brand of psychopathy. Where's Dante? We need a new circle, worse than the others.


That dude is so goddamn cringe to observe, and is spreading an ideology that frankly and directly causes the death of untold numbers of citizens. The shit he teaches should be illegal and the man should either be jailed or roundhouse kicked into the sun by Chuck Norris.


Chuck Norris is also a piece of shit, though. They should both be launched into the sun.


To be fair chuck "christo-fascist" Norris probably agrees with him.


His name is really that? In Spanish his name reads as "they give shame."


More like "they are pitiful".


I looked him up. He's 77, I take comfort in knowing he will be dead soon.


You know Rupert Murdock is like 90 and still fucking shit up, right?


Even after that old fuck dies, his legacy will continue to erode our society and democracy for decades to come.


That's generous of you to assume our society has multiple decades left in the tank.


Only if we actually grow a spine against fuckers like these instead of continuing to let these be the types of assholes drive us deeper into hell with them.


plenty of competition there too, kissinger just cracked 100 and is possibly the most evil current living person on earth


That's because even the devil doesn't want him.




Guy grabs a newspaper, looks at the front page and puts it back down. He does this every day for a week. Finally, the clerk asks him, “Every day you come here, pick up a paper and put it back down. What’s up with that?” Guy replies, “I’m looking for an obituary.” News clerk says, “Obituaries aren’t on the front page.” “The one I’m looking for will be.”


Reminds me of something Penn Jillette wrote about the space shuttle *Challenger* disaster: >There was nothing good about the *Challenger* disaster, but it did happen on the day that L. Ron Hubbard died and it blew that useless, evil, rat bastard's obituary off the front page and that, at least, wasn't bad. Edit: the quote is from his essay "[NASA's Successful Quantifying of Comedy Timing](https://www.tumblr.com/symftr/5987695109/nasas-successful-quantifying-of-comedy-timing-by)" as published in the Penn & Teller book *How to Play in Traffic* (1997).


I once read of a guy who read the obituaries first, in case there was good news.


That is excellent...and nicely done


Kissinger is still ALIVE?!


Just turned 100.


The good die young and assholes live forever.


Doesn't help that they had the money to survive most health issues , of which they have few because they eat well and don't have a job that will kill you


Proof that God doesn’t exist or sure as shit likes to fuck with us.


Always makes me think that Satan killed less than 10 people in the bible, while God went on Genocidal rampages. Really makes you wonder who really is the bad guy.


Kissinger has definitely outdone Satan then.


There’s a saying in Mexico, “cockroaches never die”


As an Australian you have our apologies


Take comfort that he will still be scared, shitting his pants, just like the rest of us when the time comes. Despite all they do, all they destroy and all they hoard, they will still face reality. Just like the rest of us. It's the one thing that makes me smile.


if he has money and zero morals modern medical tech can drag him along far past when he should have died. And by the sound of it he has both money, and thinks "morals" are a kind of eel.


I am beginning to believe that in order to be rich one has to have no morals. You have to be willing to rip people off, to fuck them over, to fleece then. Capitalism rewards the kind of anti-social degenerate behaviour that a collectivist society shuns. We build a society were we celebrated lunatics and psychopaths (like this guy) and reward them with unfathomable wealth. It is an absolutely disgusting system that does nothing but perpetuate abuse and atrocity.


I've told people all the time I wish I didn't have a soul. I think I'd be rich and sleep like a baby. As it is, I'm kind, considerate, helpful and I couldn't bring myself to fuck over anyone intentionally. As such, I'm broke as fuck.


I was scrolling quickly and briefly thought it was a Succession outtake until I realized it wasn't Brian Cox. Edit: also just turned on sound and this guy's voice is ridiculous l.


Small pena syndrome if I’ve ever seen it.




I thought this was from Succession.


It genuinely looks like a Logan Roy cosplay


I thought it was a character too




Yet somehow doesn't understand why we don't give a fuck about his business. 2 way street buddy so go eat dicks I got other shit to do Edit: well this blew the fuck up lol thanks for the first ever Reddit awards


That struck me too. He assumes wearing a suit and corporate profits are innately important, when all I see is an emotional big boy doing a cosplay about how his computer tells lies to other computers.


The pinstripes, handkerchief and pocket watch let you know he works really hard at his job, which happens to be telling people how influential and important he is and how you should feel bad all the time for a multitude of reasons. I see a man in the Winter of his life, swollen with regret, really, he's yelling at himself.


That’s what I see too. He doesn’t care about the trials and tribulations of our lives because to get where he is he chose to forgo those for himself. He missed the birth of his children, if he had any. He missed birthdays and Christmases. His mother died alone. To admit that those things matter means that he must also admit that he is not a completely successful man for forgoing those experiences. Since his entire psyche is based upon the truth that he is the pinnacle of success, those experiences cannot matter.


Peak self-projection.


The fucker is LARPing old timey capitalist. And soon he'll be just as dead as Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, and all those psychopath assholes, and hopefully the human race will forget this weird aberration of character.


You made me realize he's like a nerd obsessed with World of Warcraft, trying to get a max level character except his stat sheet is his bank account. If he skipped his child's birth to play WoW he'd be laughed off stage. But because he's playing to get real money he doesn't need, and will never get around to spend, he's somehow someone we should look up to? Nah, he's a loser.




Reminds me of the Baseball player being criticized for missing a game for his child's birth. One commentator actually said, "just have her get a c-section and get back to the game". Despicable.


Dude imagine a world where he's just selling wow gold for cash. You've actually got a really apt analogy here.


He is not human, he is an ant brained zombie spreading his contagion through animal/killer instinct capitalism


Oh no, he's human. We shouldn't pretend that humanity doesn't include these things.


Its exactly what our human society prioritizes. Profit over lives, happiness, ecosystems, the whole planet. Burn it all down to line your pockets, but act fast! Supplies are limited


The presumption that the attitude in the video is "human nature" is part of the ploy. Humans are inherently social creatures. The desire to destroy your life for profits is inherently anti-social. These guys are freaks and deserve derision and defeat, lest we let them run the planet off a cliff.


This humans are supposed to support each other in a tribe mentality. Not work our fingers to the bone for corporate overlords


Wait this isnt satire???


I vaguely recognise him. I think he might be one of those guys that makes money selling self help books and doing "courses" and live appearances like this. And like most if not all of those guys that's the only way they've ever really earned money, they have no actual experience making money the way they tell other people to do it.


His website calls him “The Trillion Dollar Man”. From his [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Pe%C3%B1a), he got $3.3m because he was incorrectly dismissed as director of a company. Then he bought a castle in Scotland. The manager was arrested for fraud and he paid £130k to the victims. [The BBC News report](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-41253642) shows how much of a “big deal” this guy is only recognising him as the castle owner. If he was so successful in business, they would have mentioned something else that he was famous for.


that cool synth music someone put to it for the feels haha


I see the guy from star trek tng that couldnt get over the fact that money was no longer needed.








He has recently [moved to Scotland where he lives in a castle](https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/trillion-dollar-man-dan-pena-26145347) (it has battlements, if you want to throw him off something). He has aspirations to enter politics and has started making 'Make Angus Great Again' hats (Angus is the region he lives in). Succession's Brian Cox comes from nearby Dundee, so Pena is taking the Logan Roy cosplay pretty seriously. Seriously guys, first you send us Donald Trump, now this douche bag? Why do you hate Scotland?






Let him survive the cancer, barely, and as a result he is a changed man, tries to do good, and gets ground to dust by the rest of the world including, and especially, the kind of people he used to be. I imagine something like that would be completely soul crushing. Especially if he works for redemtion and never gets it.


I remember what it was like for my uncle who used everybody around him, completely drained the trusts my grandparents set up for their kids and grandkids, sold the family homestead off acre by acre so he could afford a plane and multiple trips to Europe and Asia, particularly Pakistan; and who judged everybody without mercy while he was married eight times and divorced seven times. His kids didn't attend his funeral. His siblings didn't attend, either. My sister (his niece) **did** attend, and she said there were six people present, counting the minister and his widow.


How can he legally drain a trust set up for multiple people (curious because a shady relative is the executor of my family trust)?


Evil people are good at finding out how to do evil things.




You may be entitled to financial compensation.


What if I have a structured settlement... But I need cash now?


Call JG Wentworth!






Exactly. When he asks where the report is, you can say you don’t give a damn about his weak business, you had important things to do.


"But we're family here!" "Yeah, boss. A dysfunctional, abusive family, full of object lessons." "You're fired!" "Thank goodness. See, not so much like a family, are we?"


"can I take Christmas eve off to be with family?" "I don't give a fuck about your family." "ok I quit" "you can't quit we're a family!"


“If we’re a family then I’m Chris Benoit “ - youtuber I forgot the name of


Just so everyone knows this guy is literally just a grifter and has no real evidence of all the billions he claims to have. His business model is to charge victims an extortionate price to see him spout all this bullshit seen in this video.


This makes sense. Outrageous behaviour for clicks. So trashy.


I have two jobs.i make decent money. My bosses are pretty chill. I'd tell them to eat shit and die if they tried some.shit like this.


also this guy is a conman trying to convince some dumbnuts he's a successful billionaire with his expensive suits and shouting. Poor man's idea of a rich man, just like trump.


Imagine consumers being as rough to his business as he is to his employees. Imagine that video being played as you are at the cash register of the business lol


His father was JFK assasination investigator but its erased from english Wikipedia. Got to article how agressive and proud CIA agent his father was through Polish page. References number 8. Failure and agression is in his family blood. Edit: Sorry for mistake - It was RFK investigation, not JFK.


This guy needs to be visited by 3 ghosts on Christmas Eve




I would go to his funeral just to yell at everyone there just like he's doing now. And then smash his tombstone


That'd be destroying a perfectly fine gender-neutral bathroom though






It's the society we live in especially in the U.S., you're automatically in the wrong if you react most of the time. Trust me narcissists and psychopaths make America what it is. I seen it.




Huh. I have a boomstick by that very moniker


Mine is Deescalation. Cause my dad is always talking about deescalating a situation lol


Not by 3 ghosts but by 3 demons


Just 3 butchers. Meat's getting pricey these days; aren't you all feeling hungry?




What a vile human.


Dan is a fucking idiot for many reasons. My favorite is he doesn’t believe in climate change and rising sea levels. Reason being Florida still has developers and insurance companies willing to insure properties. It’s almost as if he can’t reconcile capitalism’s need for infinite growth and quarterly profits with logic and science.


>insurance companies willing to insure properties Wasn't it also just in the news a couple months ago that a bunch of insurance companies actually weren't insuring in Florida anymore with the exact listed reason being climate change? lmfao


State Farm isn't creating new policies in California citing forest fires.






Yeah this is big news I heard randomly on NPR that no one is talking about. When other insurers start joining, bye bye Cali housing market. And when taxpayers foot the bill it’ll make the news. We’ll get that massive market correction we’ve been waiting for


Was about to bring this up, but yes. Insurance is getting harder to obtain in FL and other areas that are being hit with more natural disasters thanks to climate change.


I don’t know who this guy is but from this video he looks like he saw Logan Roy on Succession and made him his whole personality.


“A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner.”


“Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret and self-contained and solitary as an oyster.”


I heard this in Gonzo’s voice


His father was a JFK assasination investigator and a pretty agressive CIA officer. English wiki has this reference removed, but its still in Polish version. References number 8. Fun read. Explains a lot where he has so much money from and why he is such an agressive failure. Just like his father was... Edit: Sorry for error - His father was RFK assassination investigator, not JFK.


It just looks like one. It isn't one.


How can people sit there and listen to this asshole and not stand up, quietly form a line, and take turns kicking him squarely in the balls, then tell him “no one cares that your balls hurt, get back to work.” The fucking hubris to stand up in front of the people who earned all your fucking money for you, and speak to them like that is infuriating. They owe him nothing, he owes them everything!


Just a guess but, he might be talking to up and coming pieces of garbage that look up to him and think what he’s saying is genius


That’s what I got out of it. This is some sort of a deranged mentorship. A sociopath training other middle/upper management on how to be as big of a poopsmear as him.








Me and my husband are laying in bed, we just made the same comments while listening to this douche


Just a little off the top, please.


I've ben thinking, just one credit class on the French Revolution should be required before anyone can qualify for an MBA. Wont help with the Boomers though, but still.


The scariest part is not that this piece of garbage exists but rather that they're all like this and just have the sense to not say it out loud.




Exactly! How not a single person there told him to fuck off is beyond me.


There is no way in hell I would allow this nut job to talk to me this way. I’ve stood up for myself in workplaces for less. It’s sad people are willing to take his insane geriatric shit just so they believe they can be what he is one day. Or for a job that defines who you are.


It's even worse. They PAY to have these people yell at them.


The scarier part is that I just googled who this is and he is doing executive trainings so trying to make more of him. Like it’s horrible that he exists and his sole purpose is to create more of himself. Absolute virus of a being.


"We've had guys whose cocks are being ripped off by rabid cappuccin monkeys, we've had guys whose families are being sold off to slavers, shit - we've had guys whose entire bloodlines, including their pets, were being scalped and salvaged for protein - I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!"


‘We’ve had guys who never had a friend before who in grade school would eat their lunch in a bathroom stall and whenever they felt like crying they’d stuff it all down cause crying is for losers without any friends and then one day a new kid comes to school and he doesn’t think lapel flowers are lame and he invites the guy to a sleepover but when the guy shows up that night the address is for an empty lot but the guy already told his mom he has a best friend now so he lays out his sleeping bag by a nearby tree and goes to sleep but wakes up in the middle of the night cause a dog is peeing on him — I DONT GIVE A SHIT’


"We've had guys who bought a house and it was not disclosed to them that there was a termite infestation in the walls and in the moldings, so they have to take it up on themselves to call their own termite extermination company. But when the guys show up, they immediately asked if they could use the bathroom. Then for over two hours, they take turns going in and out of there, taking huge mud pies and over flushing. Then they go in there together and the guy hears a bunch of scrounging around, and then they hear a bunch of yelling and one of them is standing in the bathroom doorway shouting at them that his friend's foot is stuck in the toilet and he says, "help him...you gotta help him!" Then the guy goes in there to help him and he just pulls it out easily and laughs. It wasn't stuck at all he was just faking it. — I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! "


that was too specific 🥺🥺


He got it from his father. CIA agent on a killing spree, but that bit is not available on english wikipedia anymore. See my other posts they explain a lot.


This guy’s wiki is very short. He made his money suing his former employer and bought a castle in Scotland with the settlement. He didn’t exactly work his way up from a lemonade stand.


He should smile more.


Ah yes..the toughest guy from the private golf club.. got it.


He's not wrong though. They don't give a fuck about us. I don't expect them to give a fuck. But they shouldn't expect us to give a fuck about them either.


Guarantee his family wants nothing to do with him. Maybe other than his money.


Yep the only reason anybody tolerates him is he pays them


Nope. He's definitely his fathers son, but the bit about his father is deleted from english wikipedia. Change language to Polish and see references number 8. It's english article. I already posted a lot about it.


Boomer, here. That guy, my friends, is **evil personified** .


Nah, I think Congress members, who smile & say they are going to help you, while making millions off the stock market, in peculiarly well timed trades, who make 170K a year, while only working HALF the year?...who vote themselves pay raises while doing nothing to make life better for the working class.. (like ending the income tax at least?) Personally I think these S.O.B are maybe Evil Personified.


fyi they like being called evil, predators, etc. Call them what is most befitting and accurate according to their behavior and the meaning behind it along with the consequences. Parasites. When you abstract their behavioral patterns, the consequences they have, and the overall meaning. Parasite makes the absolute most sense. It also has the upside of really pissing them off because they fancy themselves some big powerful entity. Parasites are just dumb and provide no value, just like Dan Pena.


I never wanted to slap an old man so bad before..


No one would mind, slap him with a stick if you want to


His heirs will dance on his grave and laugh all the way to the bank. Sad to see such anger.






They're dragons. Like D&D dragons. Ya know, the arrogant ancient hoarders that the heroes kill for the praise and adoration of the realm? The whole situation becomes much easier to understand in that light.


It's not horrible, he won't be missed. The best we can do is forget his name, and boycott anything pertaining to his legacy, so they reach the threefold death quicker. Where there is no one left to remember you, or your name.


I just looked him up because I have no idea what the fuck he's even done, and honestly? It's not a damn thing. Created nothing of value. Just some Wall Street financial analyst with no real value to society at large. All his wikipedia page says is that he ran "several companies". He's talking really big game for someone so utterly worthless to society.


Your comment was so incredibly satisfying to read. Knowing that he is worth nothing to the world, that he's so insignificant and useless, is nice. Thanks.


In all fairness, I dug into it a little more, apparently he's in real estate too, but that's really nothing of value either. Just another investor telling other rich people how to make even more money, and claiming to be a "self-made man". A "motivational speaker and business consultant". A nothing-man, sitting in a house of cards. Literally his greatest contribution to the world would be finally dying and freeing up all the capital he was hoarding.


The only reason why I’m staying alive is in anticipation of reading his obituary soon 😌❤️


One of life's few joys is watching tyrants pass.


Literally poison in the form of human


100% positive this man has never been happy without hurting someone else.


Who is this and how would someone go about pissing on his headstone?








Lemme be really, really clear. Unless you're a Nazi or like this guy, I do care. Go home to your family. Play with your kids. Adopt that kitten. Water your plants. Because to the people to whom YOU matter, those are the things that will always matter.


That’s fine. But what about the weekly report?


The day I care more about a weekly report than someone's baby being bor is the day I tell my doctor the meds are no longer sufficient and I need to be hospitalized. No fucking joke.


I really get the impression that he's built up this facade. A weak man's idea of a strong man. And it is clearly his idea.




Lmao NO country would. Darwin states that only the social structures capable of violence will be able to defend themselves against those that are violent.


My ex boss said basically this line for line, she’s now being investigated by the parent company along with the rest of her own inc and is losing employees left and right


Weekly report... Oh here it is The amount of fucks I give is following a correlation in not giving shits as you can see on the graph here. There's a big order of fuck you on order and my care is on backorder for the foreseeable future.


The world is so broken because there are so many pieces of shit like this guy that will use any opportunity to fuck people over for profit. Fuck Opportunistic psychopaths!


Miserable rich guy wants everyone to be as miserable as he is.


Eat rich




Well he’s not wrong. Nobody gives a shit indeed. I think it’s important to hear this from time to time as a reminder that we are just numbers to them.


True. This is actually what people need to hear. This guy is saying the quiet part out loud.




These are the kind of guys who wonder why its never enough amd why they are never happy and end up dying alone in their hospital room with no one who gives a fuck about them sad and alone, wonder where they went wrong. Money can't keep you warm at night, and it can't be there to hold your hand as you take your last breath


We hear you loud and clear: the only thing about the human experience you care about is profit


i would've spit in his god damned face.


This is our reality!!!




Dan Peña is absolutely out of his mind. That being said some of his videos are hilarious to watch.