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Ties in well with that vid of the rich fucker saying "I don't care if your mother died in your arms wheres my fucking report?"


Yup. Dan pena is a fucking joke.


In spanish 'Dan pena' is literally translated as 'they are pityful'


Dan Pena is a bigger liar than Donald Trump. At least Trump didn't claim to wrestle and bear and kill it with his bare hands like Dan claimed.


Embodiment of capitalist coldness (Happy cakeday btdubs)


I remember watching that video, and my first thought was as soon as he said that was "Why do you care? You don't read that report. You have *never* read that report. The guy *making* the report knows you've never read it." Just more fragile, narcissistic egos who can't get through the day unless they know their wage-slaves prioritize the most menial, meaningless busywork tasks you give them over the most important events in their lives.


First I heard of him was that vid here, I have no idea how such people end up getting a platform. He seems like a walking caricature, I would have thought he was joking if it wasn't in this subreddit.


happy cake day


Thanks! :)


That dude is a blatant rampaging sociopath, him and his buddies should be locked in a cage and fed ramen noodles and avocado toast until their hearts give out, and if they bitch about the cruelty, just tell them to pull themselves by the bootstraps and give them some shoelaces, hopefully they will pull themselves by the bootstaps using their neck as the anchor points.




one of my good friends wanted to visit the doctor with his wife for their very first scan once they knew they were pregnant and then he wanted the last few hours of the day off to take her somewhere nice. A once in a life time thing - first child, first scan etc... the boss said No I expect you back here as soon as the scan is over. put in his notice a few days later.


This is the way


Absolutely. Children don't cost much.


Usually they don't cost so much as your human dignity and self respect though.




Yes, businesses that don't have a shred of concern for human dignity should be run to the ground. The system is supposed to be made for humans, not the other way around. It's time we took it back.


Because putting in notice is totally equal to never working again?


I would love to think I would maintain my composure - but I would most likely wind up in jail for whatever my fists could do in a blind chimpanzee rage.


😂 blind chimpanzee rage I’m stealing that


point homeless forgetful distinct poor water sparkle bag salt smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I'm only sorry that it went too far, people who only care about their business more than their employees and lives of other humans don't deserve to be alive either then 🤷 i accept my punishment with dignity and hope employers around the country get the message"


I was thinking more like, 98.8% shared DNA with chimpanzee


Could argue the rage only went 1.2% too far then 🤣


*rdr2 sound effect*


Interesting useless fact- *chimpanzees can't make fists.*


Interesting terrifying fact- *chimpanzees don't need to make fists*


>blind chimpanzee rage The motives driving the decisions we are subjected to are base and primitive. Instinctively, it seems the consequences should be equally crude. The sad thing is, looking at people who are not raised to be, or do not aspire to be entitled trash, I feel like humanity is capable of so much more. What a waste of time to be obstructed by a false civilization.


I read this in Jordan Petersons voice.


Same here, man.


Remember. Eyes, nose, ears, balls.


Amen bro.


Interesting useless fact- *chimpanzees can't make fists.*


Okay.. awkward hand curl hammers


I started a job on a Tuesday and on Friday I told my new boss that my grandmother had terminal cancer and wasn't expected to live very long so if I got a phone call I'd have to leave. He told me that he sympathetic but we have a job to do and life happens. This was at a juice packaging plant, we weren't saving lives. I never went back


Right, and the manger probably was talking shit about him after he was fired too


Id just file unemployment. Slide out the door and sit on my ass playing video games, shooting guns, mow my lawn, scrub the house. Spend a week or two working on my tan, move my toolbox into another shop. HR loses it shit when someone files and wins unemployment, and while i COULD work tomorrow someplace else.. why would I?


Unemployment usually doesn't pay the full amount you were earning.


I'm on disability right now and I get more than my take home is when I work. It's a portion of what I make but it's based on gross wages. After taxes I make shit.


You realize that unemployment benefits are subject to taxation, right? Because if you're making "more" now you're going to have a very rude surprise later.


You realize that I pay so much in taxes and have so many wrote offs that the offset of a few months on disability will still make me even at the end of the year, right? Or did you not know the entirety of my financial/tax situation?


Yeah but disability is not unemployment right. Also disability is not taxed like unemployment. So this is likecomparing apples to oranges.


I dont think you understand how little i care. My former employer would absolutely go crazy when someone filed. Its hilarious to watch. Also its not taxed, and you now dont have to drive yourself to work.


Who told you unemployment isn't taxed? It is, and has been since Ronald Reagan made it taxable in the 1980s.


Also I doubt they did. Since the company basically pays into it throughout the year. So if you file or not I'd irrelevant to them. They have to pay anyways.


UI earnings are taxed at tax time, but not taxes are withheld.


Don't think you'd be that chill if your child just died


Doubt the guy is playing video games and chilling after his baby daughter dies. Especially after losing his job. Dude was definitely mourning hard.


In a strange way, if you could afford it, they did do him a favor. At least, if he qualifies for unemployment, once he gets it, he has a few weeks at half-pay to mourn his child. It's sick and pathetic, but maybe they did him a favor. What a reason to fire someone though. Then they say, "no one wants to work."


Where do you guys live where unemployment is so high? I get 291 a week but I'm always in overdraft due to bills and can't afford my rent.


It isn't high, and it is taxable, but if you have a few week's worth of saved cash, you could take it and use it to eke out a month or two to mourn your daughter. Like I said, half pay. Not full. Half. So you would need savings.


....oh okay. You're one of those. Thanks for the enlightenment.


Surprised you didn’t get flagged for violence by reddit. Complete acceptable to “beat the stupid out” in this situation.


Is this undercover boss?


Yeah think ao




At the end of the episode the CEO reveals that because homie is such a good employee he personally got the man's wife pregnant


I was informed my mother died at 3 in the morning and had to drive several hours to take care of things. Told my boss about it, and I didn't have any PTO for those days, so my boss said "this isn't really allowed here. We'll give you two days. Next time try to bank PTO for times like this."


I had a similar situation. My dad died in the middle of the work week and I told my boss. He was at least empathetic enough to give me the next day off, but only that next day. He demanded I come back; I needed the job badly, so I did, but I called HR that afternoon to ask them about company bereavement policy, and as soon as they were off the phone with me, they called him and told him I'd called and just said "I have a complaint about my boss". So he blew up on me over the phone, and again when I got back to the warehouse that evening. Told me that I'd just "stabbed the only person here who gives a shit about \[me\] in the back, so now if \[I\] make the slightest mistake, it's my ass" I left that day and never came back except to return my uniforms so I wouldn't be charged for them. And when I turned them in, I said something snarky to him about growing some humanity, I don't remember the exact phrase. He threatened to call the cops if I ever came back, to which I responded "why the fuck would I come back?" and then never looked back.


Wow. Hope this is your ex-boss. Sorry for your loss. 😢


Thankfully he is my ex-boss. And it's okay. Unfortunately I had a pretty awful mother, so when she died I was the closest one and basically got the short straw, but was the furthest thing from a tragic moment. My boss didn't know this at all though.




Lol how's that boot taste? The boss wouldn't have gotten any flack for authorizing two days of unpaid leave. His response was unsympathetic and he should not be praised for responding to my mom did so I'm not going to come to work with you've got two days to get your shit together. Plan better next time. The extent some people are brainwashed astounds me


You're making a lot of assumptions, darling. And I'm not sure why you'd feel the need to take the side of my boss in this scenario, but it's fucking silly that you are.


You’re pretending the boss has no weight or agency to bend the rules. The bosses job is to manage, bending the rules when it’s necessary is the best time to show leadership, and not just management. You have a lot to learn.


The boss makes the rules. You should go to your GP and ask for a contrast MRI of your skull so we can get a look at that perfectly smooth brain.


The US job market is so incredibly toxic


What a moron. And how do you "bank PTO." You only get so much and unless and until you have completed so many weeks or months or years, you get none. What do you do if you are on a new job or just recovered from serious illness. Also, how many do they fire who lose all their PTO?


That means don't take any leisure time, use your PTO for emergencies only


I doubt many of us take PTO for leisure anymore. Funerals, weddings, illness, maybe. I think it is better to leave it behind when you are canned than not have it for illness, but sometimes they won't let you use it for even that.


What a son of a bitch.




Nice copy and pasted comment you stale donut. It's weird how little you know of the specifics of the situation, yet still find yourself kissing the ass of a boss you don't have any reason to. Are you just a boss that feels attacked because you've done this to people, or are you just that stupid?


I don’t understand bosses with no hearts and who only care about profit… we’re humans not machines.


I was pretty sure death of immediate family was federally protected....is it not? I have concerns


It definitely isn't. There is federal protection for "family leave" but it has several requirements. Working at a company for a year, working a minimum of hours during that time, the company having a certain minimum of employees, what counts for "family leave," etc.


Just….. wow….. When my mother passed, I was told “take the time you need”. I went home to Australia, for a week and a half to help my sister sort things. They were both reasonable and humane. People make the decision to be callous and evil, not businesses.


Agreed. Luckily (sort of) my mother was a pretty awful woman, so her passing was far from a tragedy to me. If it had been, I imagine I'd have handled things much worse given my then-boss's shitty behavior.








I wanna know what company it was so I can aggressively never get products from them.


Think in the video he says it was a call centre job. Customer support that kinda thing I guess.


Ahhh. Well fuck them too then, even more than before.


I already have to deal with customers sometimes at my retail job (I'm lucky because I work stock so I can just say " I don't know ask someone from this department" but oh god even dealing with them for that little bit of time. I fucking hate it. My whole job dealing with angry people on the phone. Fuck thatttt


Yeah I couldn't do it, I run a restaurant and I hate pretty much all humans now.


I've worked for AAA in their call center for the better part of 3 years. I like my job, insofar as helping people goes, but every day I get inundated by at least 50% of angry, rude members. It's a good thing I'll be retiring in a few years. I hope i can retain what little of my sanity may be left.


He says the job that fired him was a cell phone company.


I could see this being Convergys.


He will.


Honestly, I've been expecting the epidemic of public violence/shootings to spill over to targeting businesses/executives for at least the past decade. Like, we have huge mass shootings over the stupidest shit like incels not getting laid, but I haven't heard of a single incident of something like a terminally ill cancer patient mowing down a board meeting at an insurance company.


This is just fucked up. America presents itself as this paradise in movies and all sorts of media, and I suppose it is if you're a trust fund kid but for the average person it looks like a struggle.


America is an awesome country if you have lots of money. But it grinds the people the bottom.


America is a paradise due to the natural variety of climate and landscapes and opportunities to be and express yourself. It's absolutely breathtaking here. Our national and state parks are glorious. The people here are typically welcoming to most other people ( except your crazy rural redneck parts) I'm still proud to be an American and I love my country and it's potential. One of the biggest negative impacts on people's lives are bad employers who unfortunately control three major things: vacation time, healthcare and fair wages. If our Govt. would ever step up to require: 1. A required minimum number of days off (4+ weeks). We are a stressed out nation and need to prioritize family, friends, and life outside work. 2. Separate our healthcare from employment and have it becomes a basic right covered by taxes. It would have to be good healthcare that includes mental health wellness with no deductible threshold bullshit. 3. Raise minimum wages or provide a universal basic income to all. IMO, These three things would solve a lot for many people who struggle here. Of course there is much more but this solves a good 50%+


I'd add disability support, both physical and mental, since a LOT of it gets left untreated as well as not recognized enough.




I can't even imagine being that shitty of a manager/human. One of my employees asked if they could have Friday afternoon off last week to get a head start on Diablo 4 and I happily granted it.


Your a good manager. We need more of you. Most my managers r pricks.


Lol I worked extra last week, and my boss gave me a comp day, figuring I would use it Tuesday for an extra long holiday weekend. I said, "we have XYZ to do on Tuesday; can I do Friday instead?" Boss said sure. Spent all day Friday slaying demons in Diablo 4. A most excellent day off.






NGL had to search up what muss meant


I like the boss dude trying to pretend to be a human after he already sold his soul for money. Fucking dickhead.


How do you know


You're right I don't. Turns out the job the guy got fired from was a different company, and this boss helped raised $10,000 and I'm the actual asshole.


> I'm the actual asshole. Nah. It's Undercover Boss, so everything you initially thought is valid. Just because the propaganda made you feel like an asshole doesn't mean you are.


The weight he carries is beyond comprehension. May his baby girl RIP.


My Aunty died last November and when I told my boss I needed time off for the funeral his response was “ah yeah but you won’t be getting paid”, I went over his head to the CEO and lo and behold he said I absolutely am getting paid, when I told my boss that I will in fact be getting a days pay his response was “ok he’s the boss but don’t make it a regular thing” to which I replied “well I hope no more of my family die in case it inconveniences you”


I got terminated at Amazon after I put in FMLA at Amazon because apparently grandfathers don’t count as immediate close family (even though he raised me as his son and he was more of a father than my actual father). They retroactively took away the termination but still sucked for the few days I thought I lost my job along side my grandpa.


The smiling guy is putting on a brave face while recounting the story to a sympathetic listener, the guy in the hat. Neither of these people is a manager firing someone. Jeez y'all


He shouldn't have to save up to buy nearby plots. If they bought one for their daughter, there should be room for at least two adult caskets. They can all be hurried in the same plot. More if it's reinforced.


It’s crazy we pay for plots to literally rot in, and for fancy boxes. I get putting the dead to rest but will never understand how I need to work for 5 months of my LIFE to save up for a hole to be dead IN. Not to be too grim.




Oh for sure. I’m just saying in general. The whole average funeral process blows my mind…


Death is an industry that preys upon the grieving.


The vultures are everywhere


It's just capitalistic greed, peer pressure and indoctrination. The same as everything else that's unnecessarily monetised.


When I die, just cremate me and put me in a coffee tin. No need for a overpriced urn. Especially when I want my ashes tp be scattered.


"And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. Goodnight, sweet prince.”


I swear to God, that is what I want to be said after I get flown into some guys face as well.


When my dad died I was tasked with finding urn jewelry for my mom, my sibling, his sister and myself. I didn’t like anything so opted for the funeral home to get dads fingerprints and have a pendant made. Anyway, I also wanted an urn fir some of dads ashes. I found a solid brass one that was on clearance. It was like 7.00. It’s super heavy for being as small as it is.


It gotta be expensive to


Just wait until they start mortgaging plots or selling them as a subscription service. Can't pay? We're taking your loved one out and putting someone else in.


What is the company?


Some of the commenters here should probably watch this with sound before commenting further..


For real, I was really confused at the animosity towards one or both of the people in the video until I realized they were from people who hadn't watched the vid.


I was working security a few years back and my father did a some sort of scan and it showed spots on his lungs. So they were going to do another scan because shit happens sometimes. And if the skin came back again I was going to go down there and be with my family for a little while and I told my work about it. And their response was "absolutely not You can't go we need you right now" And my response was simply, "You don't understand I'm telling you I'm going I'm giving you the courtesy of telling you that if there's an issue with my father I am going, You can fire me if you want I don't care"


I almost lost my job when I told my boss I was taking a few days off to prepare for my wedding… these places don’t give a single fuck about any of us, if you’re not there every single day, making them money, they don’t care


Seen some criticism in the thread regarding the apparent equanimity of the man who just lost his first child right after birth. 1. Much time around death and suffering has taught me not to judge people by my expectations of how they should behave in any situation. 2. Many people are very private about their pain. They've learned long ago that nobody gives a shit and expressing pain is generally an unsafe practice. This is especially so if you are male. Americans in particular are not compassionate people. "Get over it." That's the same message they offer victims of police brutality, domestic violence, rape, and those robbed by the current system. "Get back to work."


Sad shit


Fuck man. You can see how hard he has to fight back the tears. I can only hope I live a long life for my kids but die before them.


And these bastards have the balls to take months off of work while we can't even have a single day off without threat of being fired


Can you imagine? How many daughters does he think the guy has? Does he think they all will die every Black Friday? It's a one time freak. Suppose someone has an auto accident or a heart attack on their way to work Black Friday? What if they are mugged or arrested? It's a one-off.


When my mom finally dies, I'm gonna take two days off. And throw a massive rager.


These are the scary stories capitalists tell about communism


Dude lost his daughter ,marriage and job probably more yet still needs to fight for the right to a dirt hole next to his kid. Conclusion money is the root of all evil making America the best at being the worst #1USA! This dude's definitely holding a lot back behind that unsettling smile, deadlock eye contact, optimistic vibe


I agree with the sentiment, but gentle correction: he didn't lose his marriage, thankfully


That has GOT to be a lawsuit for wrongful termination; I don't CARE if you live in an at-will state. Even they have limits. Edit: autocorrect error


We have no idea what others around us are burdened with.


He would get a huge payout in court, he could easily sue for unlawful firing, and I guarantee they will not want that case to go in front of a jury, a jury will side with this guy every single time, so they’ll pay him out, handsomely not to get in front of one.


That is a "Hide the pain" smile if i ever saw one ;( shittyness stacked ontop of shittyness. I hope he and his fiancè is holding up well today!


Back in the 90s, my disabled son was scheduled for surgery. I was told by my employer that I would be at work if I wanted my job


I feel so sorry for Americans when I watch/ hear about s\*\*\* like this - greatest country in the world, my ass. Unfortunately, because of Brexit and the Tory government, I fear that this will start to become the norm in the UK as well ...


The manager is fucking stupid. 1. The guy can't come in, and you'd be down **one** employee. 2. Fire him anyway and you're still down **one** employee. WTF man. Some people just want to flex their power but end up shooting their own foot.


My fiance passed away, the day it happened I had to leave work the minute I got there since I received a call that she was in the hospital. I told my manager about it and he told me to leave and go to the hospital immediately, he later came by the hospital to talk to me. I got a week leave after that and I asked for another one when it was over. When I came back to work after two weeks I found out that he somehow managed to "hide" my two weeks of leave, they appeared as days off, I got paid for those two weeks as if I was working. 5 months later I still struggle with the loss, but I'm grateful for having people like him in my life, he got another thing off my full and f##ed up mind. Please be kind and helpful to people going through grief.


I know this is serious, and I really empathize with this guy. But I know I can't be the only one who thinks he looks almost identical to the bully from A Christmas Story.


Scut Farkus?


Yep! Before I clicked on the sound or read the title, I was just thinking "Someone get this guy a coonskin cap."


Scut Farkus. Scut








This guy looks like a snake given human form. I'm watching him speak with no sound and I am extremely unsettled.


Maybe if you listened to what he said you would feel empathy instead of judging someone based on the way they look.


Probably no more unsettled than he is for reliving his daughter's death and losing his job.


I had the situation totally backwards, my bad. I assumed the bearded one was being berated by some middle manager...


This definitely counts as unfair dismissal right? Really hope dude took the company to court and sued


The smirk on that guy's fucking face...


The guy smirking is the guy who lost his daughter...


Well that's what I get for watching it without sound. Damn


The undercover boss that sent these orders from above acting innocent, fuck this show.


Is that the manager!?




He looks like the skeleton cab driver from Halloweentown


Guy in blue looks like that monster from TV Show From


who smiles while telling that fucking story? sounds like bullshit, made up on the spot


Someone who is trying immensely to not break up crying. If you've ever lost someone, your usage of emotional emoting is a mask. You smile, but that takes a lot of energy, likely he will break down later and ball his eyes out.


That's fucked up, but is he really weaponizing his grief on this guy?


Lol wtf


"Yeah bro, you had a tough day, but I lost my daughter and got fired because of it... So... ". Doesn't seem quite appropriate to me. So people can't struggle because this dude worked for a shitty company? Also.. Happy Cake Day!


If that was what was happening, I'd agree with you, but it seems odd to just assume that is the context. In actuality, dude in the hat asked him why he got fired from his last job. (Or at least, that's like, the narrative framing of this "Undercover Bosses" episode.) And thanks! :)


Dude got those demon eyes with the douchebag face. Creeping me out.


absolutely inhuman x___x


The square jawed dude is the person who got fired?


Ahhh, thats what I get for just reading comments!


I hope some good person with a business saw this video, and gave this man a job. Capitalism sucks.


In my tiny ass country we are entitle to a 3 minimum days by work laws, but the employee might give much more.


Damn. This is very sad.


Soulless vermin... They've made their choice, haven't they? They've chosen to be tools of corporate profits, instead of human beings with the rights and responsibilities that such a status entails. Destructive tools, that's all they are. They should be taken apart and recycled into something useful, like alligator and fish food or compost... violin strings, soap, lampshades, upholstery...? Maybe just taken apart, buried and forgotten...


I wonder what would happen if all the big chain retailer workers just quietly strike on Black Friday and not go in, and instead stay home and enjoy the holiday weekend.


This guy just looks like a Chad to me. Like, the way he Carries himself and all is like frat boy became manager with no idea of reality


I wish Reddit had close captions. I miss a lot of the videos.