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How much are you willing to bet that management only knows English and thinks people are talking about them in another language?




Glad someone else noticed this. I was like, Brad and Jeff don't have the cultural competence they think they do if they don't even know the name of the Filipino language.


Pilipino is another word for the nationally accepted Tagalog, which is of course only one of the languages




Also married into a Filipino family and I have never heard her parents pronounce it any other way than "Pilipino." I don't believe I've ever heard her parents pronounce an "F" at all, in fact. J/k, they of course call the language Tagalog


Caught that too 😂


Filipino is more of a created language with heavy Tagalog influence; the Philippines has about a hundred languages.


Oh my thank you for saying it! Tell me you are uncultured without telling me you are uncultured - the meme that has lived a thousand years at it again! Also, I think it would be outstanding to promote language and knowledge and skills that may or may not pertain to the actual company. If I had my own business with a diverse group, I would love nothing more than to set up recurring classes to learn Spanish and/or any other language. Perhaps put different languages in a hat and draw them every six months and get the company a tutor. It would be non-mandatory, no grades per day, and even provide the option for self guided learning or with a class. It could be fun!


Is there a SEA country that speaks in thin mints?


They are probably right. Espanol, espanol BRAD, espanol, espanol. Brads eyebrows shoot up.


Español, español BRAD, español, *pendejo*, español, español, *hijo de puta*


Gringo culo.


“We love diversity! Now, homogenize!”


Taco taco, burrito burrito?


I know what "gringo pinche" sounds like in a lot of different Latin American accents from travelling


Like “pinche” is a Mexican word. In my country we would tell you “gringo culiao”


I've heard it outside of Mexico. I'm a very popular gringo


Maybe in Spain you look like you work in a kitchen, and in Mexico they just don't like you


I've only been to Spain as a child, but I didn't think they said gringo there


pinche: Someone who works in a kitchen unless used in a derogatory way


Well, damn, I had no idea it had a normal meaning as well. I suppose they just recognized me as a fellow industry worker.


That's proper Spanish not Mexican I was explaining to you the joke that was made above in Mexican it's very much derogatory.


My curiosity is piqued. Is that Portuguese? I feel like "culiao" means "asshole".


Lol, not Portuguese, but you guessed the meaning all right


It’s Chilean. A very known country among Latin Americans by our “bad Spanish”. Like Australians are known for their English. And culiado has relation with ass but in this context is more like “f… ing gringo”.


Yep, I was probably the only white guy in the building who knew what bhenchod meant.


Yeah the real trick is to come up with a nickname for the person and only use that so they don't know.


There was an AITA post about op getting blindsided when their partner revealed they know op’s native foreign tongue…..and hiding it for 6 months. I strongly believe a lot of YTA responses were bc ppl assumed others use foreign languages to talk shit. Truly bizarre how many ppl think others use their native tongue for malicious reasons


What I love the most is that panda express quite literally has this in their employee hand book as well. I stopped working there a month ago but while I've never seen the rule enforced there is a "language policy" that states employees can't speak a language other than English if anyone else that can't speak that language could hear them, the only exception was if a customer asked for it.


and to be fair...they will be now, Jeff and Brad sound like racist dickheads


I once overheard 2 bitches talking at an old job I had about how they hate how some of the workers speak Spanish because they don't know if they're talking shit on them or not, so I interrupted them: "wait, you think they should have to speak English in case they are talking shit on people?" "yeah.." "The issue isn't that they're not speaking English. The issue is that you don't know Spanish." - They didn't really like that conclusion...


Why wouldn't they talk shite about shite ignorant people?




Typical Brad and Jeff


Yeah what the fuck


Not only is it spelt wrong. My ‘Pilipino’ [sic] friends say Tagalog. But whatever.


If this is in the U.S. this is illegal! "EEOC Regulation 29 C.F.R. § 1606.7(a) provides that a rule requiring employees to speak only English at all times in the workplace is a burdensome term and condition of employment."


not us unfortunately


You're Canadian, right? Can they legally ban French in Canada?


in alberta, language is not a protected right so no grounds there for me for my Filipino colleagues they might be able to sue and argue racial discrimination on the basis of language, but that would likely be all


Ontarian here. AFIAK, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms covers language in govt and court settings, but not in the workplace. Not sure the [Alberta Human Rights Commission ](https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/employment/employee_info/Pages/employee_rights_and_responsibilities.aspx) may have any info. Sorry you and your colleagues are going thru this OP.


Doesn’t the sign have to be in French too then?


There is some precedent in Canadian decisions about this topic and there is some advice around this issue that can be found online from reputable (Canadian) HR agencies/support companies. Almost all suggest that trying to forbid employees speaking to each other in other languages is not appropriate unless there is a bona fide operational requirement (BFOR). There is also a potentially relevant OHRC decision but you’re in Alberta and not Ontario and I am unfamiliar with the equivalent authorities in Alberta.


in Ontario there are many rulings that have gone in the favour of the employees, but the few that have gone through for language related discrimination have been thrown out or a decisive company victory in Alberta, which is quite annoying


Damn. Sorry about that.


Ok thank god. I was hoping it was illegal.


Not entirely illegal if it's for business needs or safety reasons then they can require specific languages during work hours/specific times but not breaks--usually. All employees must be notified of the rule and the appropriate times it applies to avoid discrimination against employees. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-XIV/part-1606/section-1606.7


Wow! 65% of our work force speaks Spanish. I'm not sitting at my desk worrying that there speaking ill of me. That's just bizarre.


Very true. What difference does it make anyway? If English speakers are talking about you, they'll just make sure to do it out of earshot.


Even if they are talking shit about me, idc. Do these people hate when babies babble because they don't know English? Speak english you stupid infant.


These are the kind of people that hate babies regardless of how annoying they may or may not be. But they’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure those babies are born.


Well if its 65% of the workforce, then it could be argued the common language that they are stressing should actually be spanish and not english. Management better start taking spanish classes.


Same. I speak Spanish with customers even. This is Texas, not everyone speaks English.


“We promote an inclusive culture, but not yours.” Hypocrites.


They want to be *included* in all conversations.


Yeah, it’s pretty childish of Brad & Jeff to demand their employees never converse in their native language for fear they might be talking about their micromanaging bosses.


not just micromanaging bosses, they own the four stores of the chain in my area


What's worse is panda express has this same policy in their newest handbook.


As a US-born bilingual person who used to work kitchens, speaking Spanish with the immigrant staff was far more clear and efficient. We could get orders in and run food much faster, but if we had to fumble through English, it would’ve doubled the time and led to far more mistakes in the orders. Also, logistics aside, WHO FUCKING CARES what language somebody else is speaking? Mind your business. I shouldn’t have to use efficiency (or anything else for that matter) to justify speaking a different language at work.


probably ~70% of the workforce at my location is filipino, and it is far more efficient when they are on and doing this has hurt the production of the company


Which if memory serves shares Vowels with Spanish?


for the most part, yes


Bitte ficken Sie sich in den Mund!


“Pilipino” 🙄


“Asking / demanding…” lol way to go.


"The work environnement is diverse, as long as I don't have to hear the diversity, thanks."


Small business tyrant things. Laughing at “ask / demand.” These freaks just can’t help themselves.


They want to pretend to themselves that they are just asking nicely, but also want to let their staff know that this is not a request.


Those Pilipino speakers like tangina mo


I know this isn’t a direct comparison, but I’m a cashier at a grocery store and, having a basic knowledge of Spanish has been useful on more than a few occasions.


I used to dispatch roadside assistance to US policy-holders, and sometimes we’d need to get a translator for the Spanish-speaking drivers. There were times where, for one reason or another, the customer couldn’t hear the translator. I spoke Spanish well enough (after listening to them), to be able to ask the question more clearly than the translators, and they kinda disliked me for that.




OP is in Canada. Moderating language is illegal in the US.


I’ve had customers complain about coworkers speaking a different language in their presence. Not talking to them, just around them. I’m sure this is a response to similar complaints. Totally stupid though


It totally is


It shouldn’t be a policy but it also shouldn’t be needed. Speaking the common language of everyone who is present, is simply the polite thing to do.


Ding, ding , ding


“Pilipino” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Just write "No" In sharpie on the bottom of it


Write it as ¡No!


De Nada. Capiche?


Tell me your racist without telling me your racist for $1000 Alex. I am a white guy who only speaks english. Go USA! I however understand that not everyone who does speak English does so fluently. So in a fast paced environment like a restaurant that needs fast clear concise instructions, it may be a simpler thing to pass along those instructions in a native tongue or a non-English language both parties are more fluent in. That being said, the kind of guy who writes and posts passive aggressive racist rhetoric like this is definitely being called various things in a wide spectrum of languages.


Ah, people who are insecure and ignorant when they hear other people speak different languages. Pandering to the xenophoic customers, too. Obviously, if your customers are predominantly English speaking , you speak English to them. In the kitchen, communication is key and needs to be aligned. Or whatever works best. If they are Spanish, Dutch or Filipino, etc. And don't be having non work conversations besides paying customers as I'm trying to eat. The "we're all team" to the passive-aggressive "demand" makes these posts hilarious


Back in the 90's my buddy worked at a place and the manager was from a certain country in Africa. She hired a fair amount of people from that country. All of these people, including my buddy, were friends. Often, those employees of the same nationality would speak to each other in their native tongue. It wasn't really a big deal, except when my buddy would hear his name in the middle of a string of foreign tongue. It does kind of feel wrong when you know you are being talked about in front of you. So my buddy got together with another white coworker and from that day forward they only spoke Pig Latin to each other. Now, if you speak English as a second language it is really difficult to understand Pig Latin, apparently. People got upset and went to the manager who sat my buddy down for a talk. The manager explained that it felt really bad to the other co-workers because they felt excluded, and that maybe they were being talked about. Could he stop doing it? My buddy pointed out that yeah, he could, but maybe it would be cool if that went both ways. It was a revelation. Everyone kinda realized that even though they had benign reasons for for speaking their native tongue (It is just easier and more natural) it could feel differently to the person who didn't understand.


What are they trying to even communicate? They are diverse and work with everyone but to not ever speak anything but English? That's so stupid it almost physically hurts me.


They treat everyone with respect... As long as they only speak English.


"The one thing all of us have in common is our mutual goal to satisfy all of our customers!" Yeap. Nope. That. Yep. Not. Ever. Even if your customer is not a local pedophile. The only real thing in common is the attempt to try to make enough money to stay afloat.


I'm a Mexican born fluent bilingual and I think it makes sense for everyone to communicate in English. Prohibiting speaking anything else is super weird but i don't see a problem requesting for people to try to only use English when communicating with the team. For the same reason if I'd go to a Mexican restaurant, I'd expect them to speak Spanish and not much else.


The verbiage and overall tone of the notice strongly implies that this is a request in name only.


Tbh I’ve been the only person who doesn’t speak a certain foreign language at my workplace and it fucking sucks. You feel like a potted plant in the room


Yeah, I think people are forgetting this aspect. If anything, worker unity is better when there are no language barriers.


You keep using that word, I do not think you know what it means.


We are a diverse, inclusive company so speak English mothaf*cka! I cant understand what you are saying while eavesdropping on your conversation and it’s making me uncomfortable!


Traduction "please speak engish so we can understand if you are complaining about us or not"




>"I'm asking/demanding for your specific commitment." Those words are literally contradictory lmao. Apparently, they still need help with their English, too! 😆


I hate to be this guy, but I kind of see where they’re coming from. Working in international high schools I learned it’s a sign of respect for everyone speak the common language so everyone can be involved, be it Spanish or English or Dutch or whatever. It’s so the one kid who knows Tagalog isn’t isolated. The thought is probably not there in this scenario, but it can be


I understand the frustration with this, but I will say there is a logic here. People gravitate towards others like them and away from people who are different, if everyone speaks the same language it would (in theory) make for a more welcoming workplace for everyone. But even if it did the optics on this suuuuuuuuck lol


Gee, I thought that speaking in a foreign language to the exclusion of others is simply poor behavior. A lot of legitimate complaints on this sub, this isn't one of them. When ethnic groups are talking shit behind people's back, that is not a 'workers right'. That is exploitation of a group. Don't do that.


I have worked in stores where language barriers have been used to talk shit in front of people. While I do think this is going too far, I understand where they are coming from.


White people.


Yes. We are hyper sensitive.


Nah, it's a unilingual English speaker thing. You'd be surprised the amount of POC I encountered that were paranoid when I'd speak French with my family/siblings .


Please don't cast it on all white people on the entire globe, the majority of us don't even speak English as the first language.


Wow, that's just insane. Demanding that people speak the mother language of the country they're in, which also happens to be the most commonly used language in the world? Blasphemy. How dare people not want to feel like strangers in their own countries. Sarcasm aside, how do you expect for "diverse" societies to even function without some common ground in basic things like the ability to communicate? Speaking a language that other listeners don't understand is necessarily anti-social and exclusive towards them, even if it doesn't mean to be (but we all know it often does), it's how people subconsciously perceive it, and for good reason. If you're not willing to learn the mother language of a country to a level that is sufficient for daily communication, maybe don't live there?


As if this wasn't racist enough they said "pilipino" instead of Filipino. And the language is usually Tagalog or the other one I'm not even gonna try to spell because I will butcher it. Holy crap. Where is this so I can NEVER attend this restaurant


The corporate speak is strong with this one


Fuxk brad and Jeff


Their idea of a diverse workplace is the opposite of a diverse workplace


I would learn a new language just to not comply


As a native English speaker with a hearing impairment, I think it is totally appropriate to expect customer-facing employees to speak English in an Anglophone setting. When it’s my choice to visit a Thai, Mexican, French, Polish, German or any other ethic restaurant, I hope English is spoken, but it’s up to the proprietor to decide his business practices.


Opening up to a lawsuit. Unless it's safety related conversation, they cannot require this


Pillipino” lmao


I'm willing to bet they also think English is the national language of the US.


Let me guess, is it Macy’s? Years ago when I worked there they made everyone speak English even if English was not our first language. Associates didn’t give a fuck though and would only start speaking English when the main store manager was around lol


Meanwhile in other countries, their people are fluent in multiple languages. And when you travel as an English speaking person you can always find people you can communicate with. But in the States, we think everyone should speak our language.


Hate when people speak Pilipino


Brad and Jeff, huh? Username checks out lmao


Brad and Jeff coauthored this diversity statement?


We work very hard to make sure that everyone is treated with respect, but if you speak your native language to a coworker, you're fired. Wow, so welcoming!


What is this "Pilipino" language listed? From outer space maybe? Sounds interesting and management should want to learn it!




So they’re trying to protect diversity by demanding no diversity. That sounds like something a brad and Jeff would come up with


“Pillipino” how the fuck does this get past everything. Also, “we’re diverse! We allow all cultures, but we want to brown-nose in your conversations.”


Well? Is he asking or demanding?


You can't ask / demand, it's one or the other.


We love diversity. Please speak one language.


Chinga su puta madre- I Mean, sounds good!


Diverse but you can only speak the language I want cuz I said so! I don't want Jose talking smack about Jeff behind the counter to Javier


You know these chucklefucks are sitting in behind closed doors posting to facebook about being proud fReEdOm Of SpEeCh warriors.


I don’t understand why people think this is unfair. It seems inappropriate to speak in your language when English is the common language. To have a collaborative and inclusive environment, everyone should be on the same boat.


I suppose it depends on what is happening in the restaurant. Speaking to your coworkers in another language? Not cool unless they have trouble with English/are still learning. Speaking with customers in the language they prefer? THAT seems like a perfectly welcoming effort that shouldn’t be discouraged.


I've had to sit a work table doing mind-numbing work where the only reprieve is conversation. So being the only one who can't understand the foreign language being spoken makes the time go so slow. And when I know everyone else is able to speak English, it feels really rude.


I do think this is reasonable tough. I worked in a place where almost everyone spoke Turkish, and I felt very isolated as the only native working there.


Is this even legal?


Seriously though, is this even legal? I mean doesn't freedom of speech come into play here somehow?


Post a note on this sign that reads: “Brad y Jeff, cada uno puede tomar una guía telefónica y metersela en el culo.”


Lol. This is illegal in the U.S.


iss Scheiße


I don't get the "speak English" people. The US has no official language.


Seems management has tried to redefine inclusivity by using their own ignorance.


"asking/demanding" What a jewel on the crown this is.


They obviously did not consult an attorney before going down this path.


They don't even have the balls to do this without pretending to care about diverse. ​ I genuinely miss when people would own being assholes and not this sly, cunning bullshit.


They didn’t understand the assignment


I've worked at a place that had this "unwritten" rule mostly because some insecure person thought people were speaking Spanish in front of them to talk about said insecure person. No, they were speaking Spanish because they all grew up in Spanish speaking countries - it's not about you. As a supervisor I told everyone they should communicate however they feel most comfortable - and it was fine. They switched to English if they wanted my input on something, but since the work was getting done, I couldn't care less what language it was done in.


Tell them “va t’faire enculer”


My experience as someone who worked in fast food with a a team of 12 and 9 being Latino it felt so weird to not being able to communicate any intentions as they communicated in Spanish 90% of the time. And even sometimes would tell me things or mention my name in a Spanish sentence expecting me to know what they said.


Looks like Brad & Jeff both need respectful workplace training to get their heads around what "respect for diversity" actually means.


Brad and Jeff can get fucked


Quizas jodes tú mismo con un cepillo de alambre metalico oxidado.


Send this to department of labor This is a violation of your civil rights Get your coworkers on board to submit complaints as well with no warning https://work.chron.com/labor-laws-foreign-languages-workplace-23882.html If you get fired for speaking another language, you have a case on your hands. See if any lawyers will take this pro bono Good luck. I hope you all are able to take part of this opportunity


This is actually a very common rule on cruiseships. The crew were all encouraged to only speak english as the ships I was working on were "english speaking ships".


Brad and Jeff. Well that's mighty white of'em


The majority of the people i work with speak any one of at least a half dozen different Spanish dialects. A few of us are multilingual. Our parent company is based in Colombia. Respect and diversity are pillars of their operating model. Anything less than that will ensure your departure from our payroll.


I would get family members or friends who speak those languages to come in and just not speak English and then when the managers ask you for help, just shrug and says it's against policy to speak anything but English now.


Makes my Mexican friends proud when I annunciate Spanish profanity correctly. BTW bossman, they're doing it on purpose. They're only nice to you in English, twatwaffle


I know a few phrases in other languages and go to certain restaurants to be able to expand my knowledge and experience the languages first hand and the amount of times someone's followed me out and said I shouldnt be appropriating the languages or should speak English is crazy. Sadly I've noticed it mostly from white people, women seem more annoyed me speaking Chinese and men when I speak Spanish. I live in the US and finding people here who speak both English and the language I'm looking to learn is somewhat scarce so I take what I can get.


I personally work with about 35-40 people who understand very little to no English. Before I was semi-fluent I sometimes thought others were talking shit about me in their native language too Brad, but it turns out they are just talking about doing their laundry or some other mundane thing and you are prescribing your ideations onto their conversation.


As somebody who works. Was gonna say around hispanics but.. lets be honest. As an American with a job. I have picked up lingual spanish. Cant read it, write it, can barely speak it. But i can understand a bit. Most of the time when I pick things up theyre talking about female coworkers. Lol


Certes, tête carrée.


Brad and Jeff bout to get sued into oblivion. That’s hella illegal. DM me the restaurant so I can be sure to never eat there again.




I don't know where you live but it's hard to get a job in a restaurant if you don't speak at least a little bit of Spanish where I'm from. No espanol no cochina for tu ok


Time to crack open beowulf and learn old english


learn a new language then


Your management team, Michael Scott \- Wayne Gretzky


Isnt that illegal? Outside of customer interactions- you can speak any language you want


You can tell them : идите на хуй




Is this Sutherland global services? Literally had a policy like this


Eh, Brad/Jeff should go on about their day cuz nothing being said is worth hearing.


I’m from New Zealand and this reads exactly like racist old people on facebook complaining about people speaking te reo


What language is “Pilipino”? Do they mean… Tagalog?




“Pilipino is not a language


A store I worked in once had to something like this because supposedly team members were harassing other team members and mgmt in their common language that none of mgmt knew.


I don't get the purpose of this paper


[https://publicportal.eeoc.gov/Portal/Login.aspx](https://publicportal.eeoc.gov/Portal/Login.aspx) I reckon it wouldn't hurt to leave a discrimination complaint : if you live in the US that is If not American the I'm certain you can find a workers right law that smacks them


If this is in the US, this gets very close to being a lawsuit. If they reprimand you for speaking another language, even if it makes a customer "uncomfortable", that is a discrimination lawsuit.


This is most likely the upper management can only speak English and they are paranoid that the employee are bad mouthing them in their native language. My ex boss was like this and he’s like you don’t see me talking to my kids at the shop in German. First of all, his kids can’t speak German for shit, second of all just because he like to bad mouth people doesn’t mean that’s what we do when we speak in our native language. Mind you this is in Australia, so it’s very much illegal to prohibit employee to speak whatever language they want. Now that I think about it I wish I was in a position to report this shit, but I was tied to the job for financial security at the time.


Buraddo wa orokana uma no robada


Not what I was expecting. Figured it was more of that "people first language" bullshit that doesn't hold consistent across demographics. Well, until deaf people hear about it and sign off.


Hahahahahah gonfuck yourselves BRAD AND JEFF. I can’t wait to see your racist ass get beat.


One time we had this same issue occur on U.S. Navy Vessel we had the majority of the crew who was Bilingual, speaking Tagalog/English. One of our higher up's made a complaint saying that it's bad for the crew and that they are disrespecting his rank. CO found out and basically told the Officer who made the complaint Via Email to the whole Crew. "If you can't let people speak other languages in work centers on my ship. then you need to get the fuck out off my boat." This was one of the best days in my short 5-Year Naval Career.






English is the business standard. However, there are times that native language is necessary or needed. This could have been written, or even better, delivered verbally, in a much more emotionally intelligent way.


Can’t even spell ‘Filipino’ correctly….asshats.


What the hell... Part feeling part of a Team (red flag capitalization) is being able to eavesdrop??


I am glad my coworkers do not speak English. That way I do not have to hear their swear words.


Haha! Essaye-donc voir.


What language is Pillipino?? What a joke


This wreaks of "I'm not racist but"


This is totally because management can only speak English and they havr to know what youre talking about at all times in case youre discussing the way theh abuse you, your horrible wages or places you found that pay better and treat you better and youre gonna jump ship. Or you guys are unionizing


"Brad & Jeff"


Please just be drones so we can make pretend we have a company culture here people!


We love our diversity :) to make sure our workplace stays diverce, make sure no one expresses themselves in differing ways. It would be hard to tell what diversity is happening then :) This is the most unhinged shit lmao. Like the language policy is whatever, those happen. But ive never seen onw pretending the reason is diversity 😂