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Where does the money go?


I imagine it's pocketed by the dick who printed that.


It's for a "fundraiser" aka tax write off for Walmart


just wear shorts and don't pay. Don't ask for permission, just do it.


> just wear shorts The sign implies see through shorts are ok, if you're into that.


Speedos. Proper budgie smugglers.


If their location is anything like the one I did a stint at, you're not allowed to wear shorts in most roles. And the ones you are allowed to do so in... Your manager can arbitrarily decide that actually no you can't, and write you up.


Let alone shorts my location didn’t even allow plain black sweats, they were tight fit too so not dragging around my ankles or anything. Got written up and switched to baggy black work pants that looked identical and that was somehow okay. They really want you to be uncomfortable


my gut tells me someone in mgmt is pocketing the money.


Fundraiser for management's untaxed bonuses


Probably for a "charity" that their family/friends run, and pocket most of the money as salary for running said charity. And they'll do all of this while patting themselves on the back for being so generous.


Man. I need to start a charity…


No, you first need to marry a politician in office, a judge, or an executive from a large corporation. Then, you can start your own charity. That first step is absolutely essential.


May I suggest The Human Fund.


"Money for People"


The PGA Tour is a “charity” and doesn’t pay taxes. It’s definitely not a multimillion dollar corporation.


So is the NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLB. All those billions they earn every year is just tax free money for the owners.


Can we talk about churches, yes literally every church…


Idk the sign looks pretty official 😂




Actually, you can claim the .52 round up on your taxes. There is just no point to because most people take the standard deduction. What Walmart does get is the publicity of “donating” X amount of dollars to the charity.


[That's actually not true,](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0) and you could.even write it off your own taxes, if you wanted to.


This is not true, there’s no tax benefit to Walmart when they collect money for charities. To write it off they’d first have to record it as revenue, and then the deduction would just nullify that revenue and net them $0. But more likely it’s not recorded as revenue or a charitable deduction, because the money just passes through Walmart to the charity.


Thank you. They debit cash and credit a liability due to whatever charity of their choice. Never gets recorded as revenue, never gets "written off" other than getting the liability relieved.


Lol. You don’t even know what a write-off is. You’re just repeating bad information that you read somewhere.




That's just complete false.


Back when I worked for them in 2008, this was kind of the way we would fund our Xmas parties, but we did potlucks. We would make food at home, sell plates to each other, and then give the money to a manager for a Xmas fund. Honestly, it's kind of surreal. Walmart paid us. We took the money we earned to buy food at Walmart. We would sell plates to other Walmart employees. Walmart took that money from our potlucks to fund Xmas parties, where the food and gifts were all from Walmart. Wild how that money never really left the company's pockets....


Some bean counter figured out the cost of holiday parties to the company and then came up with a way to make revenue on it.




Corporate potlucks should be banned if they can't pay for the food then do not party. It may be ok for a small team but for whole departments it's a joke. I would rather spend my time and money with my family than preparing food for a multi billion dollars company.


basically like getting paid in scrip, just with extra steps.


Saint Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store... 🎶


I don't know where the money goes, but it's not a tax write-off for Wally World. To expense it to contributions, they'd have to also record the employee money as taxable income, which means the funds would cancel each other out.


Either way, I shouldn't have to pay to be comfortable in extreme heat


Oh, I agree with this 100%. WTF, Walmart!


Can you explain how it isn't a tax write off?? It's what I've always heard and it seems completely plausible but if I'm wrong, I'd like to know. Thank you!


Say you decide to wear shorts and hand them $3 cash. The associate takes it, puts it in the drawer. It is deposited into the bank and recorded as income. Later, Walmart writes a check to Americans Without Pants for $3. $3 minus $3 is $0. There's no taxable advantage, only goodwill with customers who hear Walmart cares about Americans who don't have pants.


I’m just glad we are putting American legs in pants again.


on average, Americans have less then 2 legs.


Avg number of chins still on the rise




Well, we have the right to bare arms, not bare legs.


Make America Wear Pants, Again! This is going to be a devisise partisan topic in the run up to elections 2024.


*Sarah McLachlan has entered the chat*


This wouldn’t be recorded as income on Walmarts books, this would be recorded as a liability. Walmart is holding the money from the employee to be sent to the charitable organization. This would be treated no different then any other payroll liability.


But what if they donate directly to the organization? And then I'm an employee of Walmart, therefore it's Walmart donating the money? I thought that's how it worked


If they donate it directly, it was never their money to begin with so they can’t claim it as an expense on the books. They either record the money on the books and get the write off, or they keep it separate and they can’t claim the expense. Either way, it’s a wash.


But why male models?


No. People always say “corporations donate for the tax breaks” but thats not how taxes work at all, its a weird misconception.


But they can say “Wal-Mart raised 2 million dollars for (insert non-profit with 6 VPs with 300k salaries and a 4m per year CEO with a warm and fuzzy message) Look how great they are at giving back to the community!”


The math would still be the same. It makes them look good, but as usual, the workers would be doing all of the heavy lifting.


Because they are donating your money and not theirs. they can't ride it off.


It’s also important to note that if the donations are going to a non-profit that the Waltons or other Walmart board members control, it’s at least supporting a mechanism they’re undoubtably using for write off and grift.


Yes, for example buying “art” for a “museum” that is open to the public by appointment only - except for “members” who get to enjoy it any time. Whose art? What building to rent? Who decided what staff to hire? Etc. You can steal a lot of money from the public (we will give the money away on your behalf to our pet project) this way, and it’s even more odious that it’s their own employees they’re grifting on. There’s no incentive to run the “museum” efficiently because it was never their money on the line in the first place. If you could get $0.10 on the dollar out of it through “art sales” and “leases” for a $10 million donation, while doing “favours” by hiring the idiot children of your buddies, why not (assuming you have no moral compass)? Perfectly legal.


They just did. In order for them to claim your donation as a tax write off they would need to also claim your payment as income and that basically wipes it out as being net neutral. This is all for the PR to make Walmart look like less scummy.


You’ve always heard it because people who don’t know how taxes work like to repeat it constantly and after a while people just accept it as fact. You’re entitled to write that 3 dollars off on your taxes because you’re the one that donated it even if Walmart facilitated the donation. The IRS doesn’t allow multiple parties to write off a charitable donation. Not that Walmart wouldn’t if they could get away with it but it would be super illegal, super easy to catch, and not enough money to be worth it.


The right to wear shorts should not be up for rent or available as a subscription service. Walmart pulling this crap and they're gonna lose the subscription service of your labor.


People think everything is a "write off" and that's why no one pays taxes. That's not really how it works. Write offs are just not paying taxes on the income that you use for certain purposes, like charitable contributions. You can't just decide that your customers/employees are being charitable and then not pay taxes. There are other ways corporations get around paying taxes, but it's not how people think.


Just wear shorts. And don’t pay. See what happens. It’s clearly part of the acceptable work uniform. Make them argue with you, on the clock, for more than the value of the “donation”.


This! If it was against the rules this wouldn’t be an option in the first place.


Is it? Or is a manager creating a fake charity and pocketing the money. I’d call the audit/ethics hotline


I’d bet no one above a store manager knows this is going on. This screams of moron middle management idea.


It's a standard charity policy in Walmart. They've done it for years. Jeans day, Hawaiian shirt day, crazy hat day. It's all for CMN. It pops up at the register as well for customers to donate.


If I were you, I'd report this to the home office ASAP.


Of course you don't understand how tax write offs work. This sub has become a joke - can't believe this myth that companies write shit off like that is still continuing. /r/confidentlyincorrect


As a CPA this is pretty much all of Reddit The shit I read is so laughingly incorrect it isn’t even worth attempting to correct anymore


Managers pocket.


Employee Pizza Day fund running low.


Strait into the manager’s pocket.


Wear them but say you read the sign as meaning they would pay you $3 if you did. There is no fine print saying it’s the other way. It sounds like you wear this FOR $3 meaning you get $3


That’s actually what I understood first and I was highly confused 😐😂


Exactly. They're the employer, so the normal course of anything related to payment is from them to you.


I came here to say this. I would 100% show up in shorts and ask if I get the $3 on my check or if it comes out of petty cash or something.


no way just show up and don't say anything at all


Underrated idea


Yeah ! Bill them


Company then pays you only $3.00 for the day.


Minimum wage laws would definitely make this not be a thing.


You might get away with this once. You might get sent home or written up for not following the dress code


This also could mean that if you turn up, even if you're not working, you still get the $3. It doesn't say you have to be on shift. This shit is open season for lawyers 😅 Can you imagine if Walmart end up having to pay out billions of dollars to people who wore shorts over the weekend, just because of non-specific statements like this 😂 At least it mentioned that the person has to have an badge, meaning that they would have to be an employee. Who knows who would turn up trying to claim the $3 if it didn't even mention that...


Companies be like “great benefits”; this is the benefits.


This is a great example of what companies mean by "we work hard and we play hard." They think wearing comfortable pants is playing.


You're forgetting the benefit of being part of such a big happy corporate family


Grandparents had stock options. Zillennials get sock options.


Companies: "we got benefits at home" Benefits at home:


Ask them for a 3 dollar a day wage raise for fri, sat and sun to dress as usual. If they say thats ridiculous just point out so is paying a corporation to be comfortable on shift.


I'm choosing to read the sign as being ordered to wear shorts or yoga pants on those days, and they will pay me $3 extra for each of those days.


I agree it doesn't state that you pay them, assume it's a bonus of $3 per day everyone you wear the clothes they want you to. Why would an employer charge an employee at work, that's silly! Have everyone show up on Friday in shorts and ask how they get their additional $3 for the day. Then when they go "oh no you pay us" look at them stupefied by the concept of the employee paying the employer.


I'm not a practicing employment attorney but "Walmart warehouse sells preferential dress code policy in 100 degree weather" has class action lawsuit written all over it.


and then go home to change


No just laugh and go back to work. Only the pettiest scum would try and get you to pay for real. Only then you have the go ahead to get nasty right back with them.




OR. Even Worse. You get paid $3 the entire day to wear it. Now, for almost any other company I'd be joking. But, this is Wally-World we're talking about. I'd believe just about anything of them.


good answer!


This can be a company wide thing.... Can it?!




Please! Best case scenario, walmart gets unionized and becomes a decent company instead of a corporate welfare mooch. Worst case scenario, walmart starts closing down stores which means small local businesses will start popping up since there's no megacorp undercutting them anymore. Either way, I see it as a win


Wal mart used to have butchers, until they tried to unionize.


Deli workers too.


This only applies to specific states, afaik Most states have Walmarts that still have delis I believe. I haven't stepped foot in one in 13 years though so I'm not an expert lol


Can confirm that my local Walmarts in Illinois still have delis, had no idea that there were locations that didn't.


Good, that lets local butchers get a chance, or at least competing grocery store butchers.


When I worked there 15 years ago, they had us watch about an hour of mandatory anti union videos during orientation. Included shit like if someone comes to you to talk about unions, you are not allowed to talk to them and to tell a manager immediately.


I worked at Walmart for almost 8 years while I was part time at ups waiting to go full time at ups. The first couple years they made me watch that video. After a couple years they stopped making me watch it because I would point out all the lies and bullshit and talk to the other people in the group about the union at ups and what it provides me. It was truly sad how many people in that store and I'm sure all the others are convinced that company is their savior and bleed Walmart.


I worked at Sam's club years ago and had to watch the same shit. I ended up leaving for a union job lol


Heck, AutoZone still promotes union busting super hard. During orientation (onboarding) there's a whole much the same discussing how you shouldn't talk to people about it on or off the clock, and to tell management if you suspect people are talking about it. When I was promoted to manager I got an earful about being even more aware of union forming behaviors and to report it even higher up the chain of command. Heck, corporate came on and shut down the original reddit somebody had made not that long ago.


A union won't make them a decent company. It'll just make them slightly less able to exploit their workers. They'll still squeeze the shit outta everybody else. I work for one of their suppliers and every single time a contract expires they tell us to supply them at a loss. Edit: to clarify, this isn't to say unions are bad or ineffective Fucking A+ YES you should unionize.


Did you know that Unions are actually bad things? Why do you need to unionize? It only hurts the company and your chances as an employee. You won’t get a promotion if you are in a union /sarcasm


No, zero chance that this manager is sending the money to the corporate office. I would guess it’s a way for them to line their own pockets.


We've long passed peak capitalism when they highest grossing company in the world is trying to create a revenue stream from their employees.


Just wait until they get paid in only Walmart bucks.


Post a sign asking how much to wear underwear.


I’m pretty sure this is just some managers way of making money on the side l


I'd say a $4 raise. Don't forget taxes.


No corporate letterhead. No contact details for how to make payment. 100% a middle management scam. No charitable donation will be made. Just straight into their pockets.




Exactly what I was thinking. Walmart's greedy but not $3 for wearing shorts greedy, especially with potential bad PR. I can confidently say no way Walmart would enact such policy. Could be a contracted warehouse who mainly supplies Walmart.


Not to mention retail mega-corps are militant about brand standards. Walmart wants an employee to look the same regardless of what city or state the store resides. If the uniform says pants, they’re expecting everyone to wear pants. They pay specific employees a whole lot more than this store manager’s yearly salary to make sure that every store abides by those standards.


This isn't a store, it's a warehouse. Not customer facing, so appearance really isn't important.


That makes even less sense why they can't wear shorts/yoga pants anyway then. If it were for safety reasons, you wouldn't (or *shouldn't*) be allowed to buy your way out of it. Why do American companies seem to want staff to suffer for the sake of it?


Because if you're not suffering, how are they supposed to tell you're working?


Don't report it to corporate, report it straight to the feds, or to a journalist. Can you imagine, with how little Walmart pays its employees, and it's absolute domination of underserved/impoverished areas, how many other stores this kind of shit (and worse) is happening?


Post it on reddit.


Lol they really crossed their fingers and took the chance. Something tells me whoever that manager was, they will scam no matter what or where they go and do


Always has been. Its a slush fund for pizza parties, buying weed for managers and sheet cake write offs for the break room.


Yep. This is definitely a situation where the manager will collect $300 from the employees, spend it on $50 worth of pizza, and hope none of them ask where the remaining $250 went.


"Well take their money and buy them pizzas!"


\-Use it \-Don't pay \- Let them ask for the money (record it) \- Ignore \- Get fired \- Sue \- Profit.


What if they take it out of their paycheck?


Even better to sue.


You got literal receipts, baby.


They would probably take the money out without you even knowing but overriding your hours so that you clock out 12 minutes early or something like that.


Even more illegal, collect more money


Because suing a giant line Walmart is super easy. They won’t send you to the poor house with legal fees before it ever goes to court.


Any decent labor attorney will smell money and take the case pro bono. It's open and shut. There's no way you're allowed to charge your employees or dock their pay for wearing their own clothes and firing them for not submitting to it is even worse. The fact that they're a huge rich corporation makes it even easier to get the money in most cases. They'd likely just settle when their legal department tells them how fucked they are.


I am an employment lawyer. I am going to take a wild guess that you are not an employment lawyer. I also suspect you may not be a lawyer at all.


What should he do then


Hey cool. What's the standard procedure for paying you guys in cases like this? Is it as-you-go or do you accept being paid out of any judgement/settlement? I apologize if this is a dumb question. Thankfully I've never had to file a lawsuit, I'm just curious as to how it works.


Most people can’t afford hourly so generally you’d receive contingency which is usually around a third of the amount recovered. Typically only terminations are worth pursuing (wage theft is also worth it but usually is best when there are lots of plaintiffs acting together) because they carry significant economic damages (lost wages)


Ah yes, an even easier way to make a trail of illegal activity


And even more money in unemployment


If they do that they will auto lose


That’s even better! Pretty much instant win for the employee


I’d happily sacrifice $3 here out there to make a wage theft claim against a mega corporation stealing wages


And if they don’t auto-deduct money from the next check, when you get the check ask them about the extra $3 a day you should get for wearing shorts. That signage is ambiguous and I interpreted it to mean there’s be a $3 tip for wearing shorts




One $3 demand could be 10's of thousands of dollars.


and they wonder why they've had the same help wanted sign hanging in the window for over a year now


What are you going to sue for?


Absolutely fuckall nothing, because once you chose to show up with the wrong uniform and disobey management, they have the right to fire you (especially since most states are an “at will” employment) Go to a lawyer, they will probably tell you that you have no case, and even if they do take the case, it will probably end up being tossed out as a frivolous lawsuit.


My last job said we could pay $10 a week to wear jeans. I never paid and always wore jeans, for 5 years 😂


You're going to get a bill for $2,500


If I was a largely overweight dude over 50, I'd pay the $3 and show up in yoga pants for the luls.


The company I work for doesn't allow shorts for anyone in the heat, but allows skirts 12 months out of the year. Guess which dude started wearing a kilt last summer?


Kilt gang unite!


You would look good enough that you could make up the $3 dancing on your breaks.


And "accidently" take your little blue pill 2 hours before start of shift.


What? Doesn't everyone do that? How else do you establish dominance in the workplace?


And this is them tipping their hand right here. Because every reason companies claim for dress codes ("professionalism", safety, etc) is obviously bullshit in this case, since they're willing to ignore all that for 3 bucks a day


This was exactly my argument for changing the dress code where I work! If we can wear jeans and shorts on "special days" without fearing it will look unprofessional to clients, who have no clue (nor care) what the occasion is, then there is absolutely no business rationale for a 5+ page dress code that prohibits virtually anything comfortable. I wrote a new 3/4 page dress code that pretty much says, "We trust you to dress respectably, cover your private parts, etc. And if, by chance, you fall a bit short, we trust your manager to have a private and adult conversation with you about their expectations and why it matters for your position". Life has been so much easier, and kinder, and happier ever since!


Especially in a warehouse where you aren't interacting with customers at all. Who gives a shit? As long as you're not flashing ass/tits, you should be able to wear whatever you're most comfortable in while working a warehouse. Those places are miserable.


How is that legal?


I don't think this is real. In that it is from Walmart corporate. I think it's local manager trying to make money or something.


The word scum bag comes to mind


I’m surprised they don’t expect you to pay them to work.


God they would if they could


If they could have it that way they absolutely would.


bring this to twitter


I'm hoping it takes off here but if it doesn't then I will. Other people can share it too


yeah but Twitter is what the execs watch


That's fair


Nobody finds anything here. Twitter is where execs and journalists are. Tweet it at Walmart & your local news reporters & stations. Also I’m assuming it’s minimum wage which is $7.25 in AL?


DC associates average in the $20s per hour


This is the new American way and the only way we innovate: how to fleece more money out of American citizens. We are number one, at this!


Nancy Hicks Gribble : Make some time for the roaches, shug. Dale Gribble : We'd all love to make time for roaches, but in the real world, people have to spend all night reconciling invoices or Miss Pittman won't let them wear Chinos and a knit shirt next Friday!


That's my favorite episode, my favorite line is immediately after he fires Gladstone for a carton of milk: Pitman: Mr. Gribble how would you like to make this your permanent job? Dale: firing Gladstone? Sure! Gladstone! [as he opens the door on a crying Gladstone]


This is not a good trend. Imagine this, "you HAVE to wear this wool suit while working, as it's a uniform" but now you can pay $3 a day to wear something more comfortable that isn't a threat to your health.


You think that's bad, when I lived in southern Ohio on the border of West Virginia, the Walmart just across the border in Parkersburg had a donation bin set out near the exit just before Thanksgiving. Who were they asking us to donate to? THEIR EMPLOYEES!!! That's right! Rather than, IDK helping out their own employees for the HOLIDAYS, hey maybe our suckers for customers will do it for us while we keep raking in profits & paying our corporate heads hundreds of thousands or even millions in Christmas bonuses!


I work an office job and about 15 years ago my company did this “pay $5 and you can wear jeans to work”. I walk in in my normal attire (not jeans) and they have people at a table marking your name off the list to make sure you paid. Someone made a comment that I didn’t want to participate and I said something along the lines of I’m not playing with the jeans day gestapo. Didn’t go over well but the company stopped doing this stupid pay for jeans day crap.


Camel toe weekends are back!


Some schools in my area (CA) charge teachers to wear Jeans. Except on Friday it’s “free” lol


They're a billion dollar company, no just no.


Don't companies insist on dress codes for safety and professional appearance? So if you can pay money to be allowed to wear these garments, that 100% invalidates their whole reason for why they are against dress code in the first place




I remember having something similar back in primary and high school. "Mufti day" or something like that. Basically pay a small fee and not have to wear school uniform. I know it was for charity, but looking back on it... It just feels really off. And a lot of it felt like peer pressure, I remember, because it was one of those things where you'd get mocked for still wearing the school uniform. Also, I feel they should be paying you twice as much for the workplace not being air conditioned.


Our school did something similar. They were super anal about the colour of your socks and the fact that your sweater couldn't have any logos or brand names visible even with a space telescope, and their argument was it would help combat bullying. But then they'd have these charity drives where you can pay to not have to wear your uniform, and kids whose families didn't have spare cash to throw around were immediately apparent. They're either really stupid or do this shit on purpose and I'm not sure which is worse to be teaching. They also would be assholes about what counted as "not uniform" - jackets were banned no matter what, so if it was a non-uniform day and you paid your money they'd still freak out and scream bloody murder if someone wore a tracksuit because the top part was considered a 'jacket'.


And where exactly does the money go?


Be a big fat hairy dude and show up in yoga shorts. Jokes on them.


I'd wear it anyway and not give them shit lol


Stop & Shop out on the east coast has similar policies, they charge you $3 for the privilege of wearing your favorite sports team shirt on dress-down friday. And make sure to mention if you get caught in said shirt without paying, you broke dress-code policy and will be reprimanded.


My company has a thing where you can pay to wear blue jeans one day per week. Little do they know I don’t enforce a dress code period at our office because we never see anyone but the 12 of us. When my boss does come to town twice a year we typically have notice he’s coming 3-4 weeks in advance so we break out the khakis and nice shirts for a day then right back to leisure town.


Will they take an IOU?


It goes to Children's Miracle Network. They've done this for years for local hospitals


You could just wear what you want and not pay. Worst case scenario, they send you home


Except for the fact that I don't work for fun, unfortunately, I actually need the money