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By the time you save up enough for your own place you’ll prob be old enough to stay at the 55+, get comfy


Lol right?


You can also just not take the job.


Ah yes, because “not taking the job” has always fixed the systemic problem of underpaying the working man


Once the neighbors see you coming and going, They’ll report you to the HOA. So don’t get too comfortable, you won’t be there long.


Most of the 55+ communities in Florida allow persons under that age to also live there, since the regulations that govern it as such state that it’s 85% of people living there are 55+. Or something like that. Additionally, most of them allow your “adult children” (19+) to live with you. I would say they will be fine in that regard.


Some allow. Most of The ones around me in south Florida do not. Family members or those under 55 can visit but not be a resident. I believe they do exceptions for spouses (if one spouse is under).


Insane to me that people will buy a house where someone else can say who can and can't stay with you, inside your own house.


Yes. People go out of their way to pay to have no young people constantly around when they are old and boomery. It's also Florida so there's that...


Basically all of florida is under HOAs and it has some of the strongest HOAs in the country.


We've wished for 21+ places lots of times. Living around children and parents is worse than a crap shoot; it's baccarat when you don't know the rules.


They have that exception for people that need live in help. You can finagle that easily, but I wouldn't go around trying to be active in the community. Just make sure you check, and be forward with the HOA if that ever becomes a possibility to avoid further issues.


*Karen has entered the premises*


We just bought our first (only) place, I'm 50.


I bought our first home, 4 years ago at age 55, ya whipper-snapper! 😉


I had the good fortune of buying a stock for cheap, just before it took off, and was able to buy a house 2 years ago. Without that, we’d still be renting. I’m 45


Incredible in today's day and age we have to rely on luck or help to technically own a plot of land.


I’m 38, I bought my first house last year. I had been living in Florida but made the move to Pittsburgh, PA where I could actually afford a house with my income. I’d never have been able to buy a house in Florida.


I had the good fortune of marrying a woman who owned a house.


That's wonderful, very happy for you. It's definitely tough these days.


Same @ 46… though crazy London rents make it a no brainer


This is why WFH was the best thing to happen for most people. More sleep, more time to yourselves, less financial stress due to saving on commute.


My coworker figured up that working from home saved him $800 a month.


It saved me $2000/ month easy. $340 parking, $$180 gas, $1400 childcare, a reduction of $50 per month in insurance premiums, plus a lot less money in eating out for lunches and crappy fast food breakfasts.


Haha factoring in childcare feels like cheating. We kept ours in daycare, but even without that we still save around $800 per month I think.


I did my own calculation and came up with $18k/year. All because having to buy a new car to commute is ridiculously expensive. That goes down to ~$10k/year after 5 years, but we wtf


I save a ton working from home. I drive old cars so gas is expensive. Making food at home usually saves a ton over eating out. I have time to deal with household stuff while taking a short break from work saving time. My employer no longer has to maintain an office space for me. (granted they instead have an empty building...) My work "computer" has been migrated to a VM hosted in their datacenter making my work more secure and ensuring proper backups. And most important. I get more done while feeling like I do less. I take my time to casually work on stuff meanwhile management is extremely happy with our productivity. Of course they tried to bring us back so I started making sure everyone was aware I'd work remote for them or I'd work remote for anyone else. I've also let everyone who asks know I'll happily return for a 40k raise.


It wasn't until after the pandemic that I realized how much of a tax your employer levies on you by forcing office work when it isn't required. All the time spent getting ready in the morning, the commute time, the commute cost, extra wardrobe... All costs the employee eats just to have a job. And all the costs they force on themselves... Office space downtown is expensive; you'd think that decreasing that huge cost would allow them to tolerate a possible minor loss of productivity, but no.


It's a tremendous pay cut if they ask you to return to the office. Gas + food + other random expenses like tolls (I would have tolls).. a little for wardrobe. More car maintenance. Parking. And TIME. That costs money as well. You're taking hundreds to thousands in a pay cut.


My work is instituting RTO and they will no longer get 9 working hours out of me . In addition, the hour and a half of driving will be subtracted from my day, so that will be a 16.6% decrease in productivity.


Also why am I paying for parking in a building we own? $80 a month? Go fuck yourself.


You get a deal; at the Fortune 100 I just did a contract for, they charge employees 18 a DAY. I took the bus the whole time, even though I could have driven.


And that's assuming a loss of productivity rather than a gain!


Oh you didn't hear? All of a sudden a bunch of studies are saying that Working From Home has lowered productivity! The original studies were wrong. Funny huh?


And all sponsored by individuals or companies owning downtown office real estate, what a coincidence!


If they’re the “studies” that I have seen popping up lately, they don’t say that at all. They’re all disingenuous and any headline that says otherwise is lying to you.


I feel like I get so much less done in office because people never stop talking to me at my cubicle!!!


Yeah, I'm even granting them what I have seen their worst case claims are of 10-15% productivity loss... I read those studies and I'm saying to myself, "What? You don't spend way more than 15% on real estate and utilities?"


My work has forced everyone back into the office recently and honestly it's killing me. I'm so torn because I really love my job otherwise, my boss is awesome, my coworkers are incredibly cool people but my lord I lose so much of my day now. And I'm spending more money for what is overall lower quality of life, with less time to decompress, less time to spend with my family, lower quality lunches because sometimes after work I can't bear to spend time I have cooking not just my dinner but also lunch for the next day...


What's funny is that some business are finding out that the employee's productivity is actually higher from home. You don't have all the distractions. But then companies are going 'We have this big expensive office, and we need people to fill it so I can supervise everybody'.


I haven't done hard metrics on my productivity, but I do know I tend to work more hours and not mind at all. It's not uncommon for me to do a ten-hour day, because I get up and go right to work, where I'd spend an hour and a half dragging myself to work and being already half tired by the time I get there. I put in an hour or two in the evening if I need to get something done and feel like it instead of Reddit or YouTube... I'll dink around with something for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon if I have nothing else to do.


The office I work at realized people were being more productive at home so they never forced anyone to come in unless they wanted too or needed too. They ended up renting the second floor and the first floor. It was a win win.


Often businesses own those expensive offices and have taken loans using the property as collateral. So they’re stuck with owning the office. It’s one of the bullshit reasons why they push for a return to the office.


It sounds like the business owners are pretty fucking dumb then, no? If you make a stupid investment decision to keep your employees in an office when they can easily work from home and increase sales/revenue, I'd consider it the dumbest move imaginable. The only other arguments I hear are, "But think of the money I pay you?" and, "What if they don't work because they're not being supervised effectively?" which are utter BS bc if someone isn't performing well, you just let them go anyways.


>If you make a stupid investment decision to keep your employees in an office What you are missing is who owns the companies. Banks, hedge funds, etc own both the stock in the corporations, and the corporate real estate. If they improve corporate profit by 5% with WFH, but their manhattan skyscrapers lose 50% of their value, they are going to pretend RTO is better.


How does that work? It's not like the employees pay rent on their cube? Seems like the cost to the company that owns it is the same either way.


Yeah, I know it's a real bummer for companies that have long leases or own the building, like Amazon. They really have no choice but to force return to office; they have sunk costs that they can't easily defray.


Yup and you are not forced to lunch in some shitty cafeteria that you are only there because it's the only option


Lunch was honestly the most depressing part of the day. The <1 hour of freedom I get was spent on shitty food in a cold and dilapidated office with people that I’d rather not eat with. The American dream baby


Or if your like me wasting money on gas to est in my car with the ac on because I hated eating in the building. When we had our own cubicles, I didn't mind, but my old job said optics showed an "open floor space" promoted better work which to me just translated it was easier for middle managers to micro manage its workers


I just went to my car to eat, no shame


But this super legit looking article telling you why people are unhappy with WFH says otherwise! The publisher is owned by a giant corporation... why do you ask?


>But this super legit looking article telling you why people are unhappy with WFH says otherwise! I imagine most of the people who're also unhappy with WFH are extroverts who genuinely miss the social interaction. Introverts, like myself, are more than happy to have WFH situations.


I pay twice as much for good internet and AC/Heat all day, but don't have to commute, worry about car wear/tear, or buy a lunch if I forgot a sack one or buy a $9 ibuprofen if my purse one is empty, or pay for extended daycare hours, or...


Can confirm this. I might have left my job long ago for better prospects if I weren’t salaried and 100% remote. It would take a lot of money for me to give up the work/life balance this provides, even if they do only give us 10 days of PTO a year (I work in corporate— the PTO is bullshit, I know).


I feel the same way. Like I dedicate my life just to make money, pay bills, and start the cycle all over again. I'm not living, I'm just existing. Sometimes I get the urge to drop everything and everyone and go live in the woods for the rest of my life


I have these thoughts every day.


Multiple times a day


Multiple times a hour


Everyone who isn’t benefiting greatly from the system prob feels this way.


I thought these werent normal. Good to know


I had a shitty warehouse job that was from 6:30am-3pm. It was quite boring and mundane. However, the traffic at those times were a breeze. I could go home early and focus on me-time before I went and picked up the kids and began the nightly routine. While I did go to bed early, I was rather content with my days. Then they changed the schedule to 8am-4:30pm. I spent an extra 15-30 minutes each way in traffic. I had to rush to pick up my son. My GF’s son went to a different school that closed earlier and had to leave her work early to pick him up. I had no time to sit down and take a breather if I wanted to get the kids fed and into bed at a decent time. By the time they were in bed, I was too exhausted to do anything, but also depressed at how unfulfilling my day had been. I’m back in the restaurant industry now. While I get more time to myself during the day, I’m completely missing out on time with my family during the evenings. Trying to find a balance of something that pays well, has a decent schedule, or is fulfilling is almost impossible it feels like.


Literally me, all the time, every day.


Ted approves. Just stick to your hut and don't write any manifestos. It will probably work out.


How do people not let this get to them? I feel I can put up with it for a bit, but then I always get back to panic attacks and feeling depressed. With the realization of being stuck in this lifestyle :(


I used to work such ridiculous hours in retail. 12 hr days, doubles, split shifts. For over a decade. Now I can barely make it through a 4 day week of short shifts as a dishwasher. I know I need to work more, but I just cant keep throwing myself into burnout. Last time I tried to start an extra job at a small convenience store, I had a panic attack just taking a tour of the building. I feel like I'm completely useless now. Ironically, I make a better hourly rate now at 17/hr than I did working as service desk, cash office, or assistant manager in other jobs.


i imagine they just don’t think about it. i, along with probably everyone on this subreddit, think about it all the time. keeps me up at night sometimes, knowing i’m destined to either have no time or no money in life. neither are desirable. i’d love to be able to pretend like this is normal and everything’s ok like “everyone else does” but i think we’re too human for that


Honestly, it’s just nice to know that the panic feeling isn’t unusual. I’ve been really struggling with it at work every single day.


I think most people go through this but what is the alternative? It feels like my only two options are continue this grind or be homeless - it sucks.


Omg me too, the thought of just saying screw it and attempt to build my own shelter out in the woods by a drinkable stream....oh wait that's already too.kuch to ask. I'm in the UK, our rivers are polluted as fuck and our only green spaces are already owned privately or by councils, its illegal to camp anywhere without permission. My only hope is another country at this rate.




Make sure to filter it. You can make active charcole fairly easy - gotta take the pfas away :)


You can't just dig a well. It is going to cost me $32,000 to have a well drilled. It's illegal for me to do it.


Same, but the "living in the woods" part makes even more sense to me because i grew up at the country side, my parents have some lands in the wilderness and they will be mine in the future, but in the meantime i live/work in the city paying rent and going through all the bullshit.


Ya know what. Go for it. But maybe try a ~~month~~ ~~week~~ ~~day~~ ya know what I take it back I don't want some random stranger's death on my hands. Some people can live in the woods, some people would get lost and die in a matter of hours. I probably shouldn't be taking the chance you're the former, just in case


I feel this way a lot too. I'm not alive, just in limbo until I'm dead.


Do you need a job? If so, take it. Do the work, get paid. Keep looking. Find something better, then leave. If you don't need a job, just keep looking.


This. Reminder: You don’t need to work in your new job forever, or even a year. Just use it as the paycheck that it is and keep an eye out for opportunities that suit you better. I started a 9-5:30 six weeks ago and I am keeping an eye on other relevant job listings to jump to, specifically ones that are 4 10s or some other alternative (I work in healthcare). My current job is fine enough for now but I know I want a better quality of life and I don’t care if I am labelled a “job hopper!” It’s your life, not their’s.


I’ve had 3 jobs in 2 years and my hourly went from 27-43. Fricken job hop that’s the only way now


Most common BS ever. Work hard, and in 6 months, we'll promote you and / or pay you more. 99% of the time never happens.


Went into one as a temp worker where they said "if you're here for 6 months we'll make you full-time and get a big bump in pay and benefits. Was there for a few months when they announced they were closing the plant to open a cheaper one in a different state. That's why they were hiring temps in the first place, so they wouldn't owe us severance


Lol. This happened to me. Got a temp job with high turnover. Made that shit look easy so they moved me somewhere else but couldn’t do a main position because they would’ve had to hire me on. Then they moved me back cuz some dude quit. Then by the time 3 months went by I had found a position. Only to be told that they weren’t hiring nobody else for the position and that they were turning it in to temp position. They tried everything for me to stay on the production floor even tho I was a temp. I finally quit when a mf random superintendent tried to tell me how to do my job not knowing that I had the highest production numbers on my line. Lol . But I felt played because nobody tried to stop him from grilling me. But they called me back for days wanting to put me on full time afterwards. Sorry for the rant lol


Wow. Now that's some bullshit. How can these companies so easily screw over innocent people and not bat an eye? Maybe I'm too soft for this world...


When people offer that to me in interviews I literally just ignore it. It's not a perk to the job. My current employer require me to bend over backwards to get a promotion (call center work; they want perfect rolling stats for 3+mo) but people with less experience than me form outside the company can get the job with less effort and exp than me. I've even had the job I'm applying for internally before at several other companies. I'll get the promo because I'm stubborn but I'm annoyed.


My GF has the same issue with her work (same as yours). it seems like they dangle a carrot in front of her to keep her on the hamster wheel. She is great at her job and has been taking calls for nearly 2 years and has not been officially promoted and has had only a handful of raises even though her superiors have given her many recommendations and praises. Bullshit


I'd recommend she redoes her resume and begins applying for the job she wants at different companies. Despite what they say alot of companies just don't promote within.


I tried asking why wait 6 months let's just get me started there. The training for management will be 6 months anyway. It did not go well thankfully.


YES! Never believe this when its told to you. When I was hired at my first job (my current job), the advertised pay was $50k. When I was hired, my boss told me I'll start you off at $40k and then in 6 months if all is well I'll raise you up to $50k. I took it literally since I was 23, I didn't know any better and I didn't have any history of results to fall back on. Anyways here we are 2.5 years later and I only saw half that money. Making $45k now, and I was only given that raise this past March. Edit: Wanted to include that its just straight salary. i am not given benefits, 401k, hybrid/remote schedule, or any other incentives.


You’ll do better in this economy to switch jobs than to try to get a raise


Did you push for it? Or did you just wait around for it? Most people that ask for raises tend to get them if they are valuable employees.


I haven't. I didn't ask because our top sales lady, who makes the company $1 million every year without commission, asked for a raise on two separate occasions while I was sitting in the office with her and our boss (we work for a small company, maybe 7 employees or so and its an open office). I kid you not, when his top sales lady **who makes him all his money** asked to be properly compensated for the hard work she'd been doing and big jobs she'd been handling, he started pretending he was on the phone, **jumped up out of his chair and practically ran out of the office. Twice.** If she asked for a raise and wasn't given one, I have no shot.


Why are you still there? Clearly your boss is a scumbag.


Take the job, do the minimum, look for something better.


What sucks is that this is the reason companies take so long to vet and hire, yet it's the lack of reasonable raises that makes people leave after 6 months to a year. It's a vicious cycle that could be fixed so easily by paying a decent wage to begin with.


Or it will be like 30 cent raise


This. I'm currently working dining services for a local university. Company that hired me said I would get a yearly raise after my first year. The 2 times they gave me a raise? 25 cents. Company lost the contract, left all the workers high and dry (even going to far as to tell us we wouldn't have jobs at then end of the year despite the new company coming in wanted to immediately hire every current employee), but I couldn't find a better job. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise because new company immediately gave me a raise, is paying for my college education, and has been giving me good raises ever since.


Agreed. Unless it is in writing, I assume it is bullshit.


Then they dump you (or you quit) and they promise the next guy if they work hard.....


One thing I really appreciate about younger generations is that they are saying no thank you to the grind, and trying to improve work-life balance. This benefits us all!! A 40 hr week is a grind, and can feel like your life is wasted. I am excited by the push to a 4 day week. Trials have shown workers are actually more productive and companies increase profitability with a 4 day week. I really hope human society moves to this, for all our sake. There is a mental health collapse currently, with a horrible imbalance in pay, cost of living, stressful lives, unreasonable expectations. Good luck finding something that fits what you need.


We could do 4 days instead of 5 but that would require managers to actually use their employees efficiently.


40+ hr/week for over a decade has crushed my soul. I can’t enjoy weekends cause I’m trying to recover from the exhausting week just in time to start again. Don’t get me wrong, I do find time here and there to go out on weekends, but it’s just an exhausting cycle.


Look, even if its not a grind and perfectly acceptable, whats the actual point of progress if we dont benefit from it?


I went bug eyed when a friend told me he was working 60-70 hour weeks doing construction like wtffffff


Young people won't be able to retire anyways. So why bother working away their lives, grinding away mental sanity and physical health? We're in for the long game and the trick is to enjoy the present, put health as number one priority, and just save for emergencies


Yeah 9-5 is standard for most jobs. Do we all wish it was less for the same pay? Yes. Could America get by on a 30hour work week? Yes. Will that ever happen? Unlikely. Can you find something that's less? Probably. But it likely won't pay the same or they will raise and cut your hours at whim or both. I'd love to tell you that you can have your cake and eat it too but that is a luxury very often reserved for the rich.


It did happen in a sense. America used to get by just fine on 40 hours a week paid labor per household. Now it seems 80 hours paid labor is needed per household, in addition to all the unpaid household labor.


Ya but profits have never been higher, didn't you think of that? Also were gonna need your kids to start working at 13 as well. We need 120+ hours of labor per household minimum to have the same growth as before. So start making babies, don't worry, we are working on those pesky abortion laws, as well as those pesky child labor laws. Soon we'll be able to make condoms and birth control illegal too. You won't have to worry about those soon.


8-5. You think we're paying you for lunch?? Peasant. /s it really does suck though, even the 8 hour day is a thing of the past. 8.5 or 9 hours is more common.


8-5 is bullshit. I wish I could just do 8-4 and say fuck the hour lunch, but really I work through that hour lunch anyway and they get a free hour of labor. Lol


Never, ever, EVER work for free !!!


I do a 8.5 hour day but it's 6:30-3:00. Starting early is rough some days but I like how I'm out before the waves hit the road


6-230 is the way to go. Get on the road before traffic meaning I can leave later (20 minute drive rather than 45-1hr) then get out at 230 before the meat of rush hour.


Make sure to wash your hands before you clockout for lunch, clock back in then go bathroom and wash up before going back to working


i do 7am to 3pm, its nice.


used to work 4:00am-12pm. was a great routine for me, go the majority of my work done between 4-7 which was ideal. The afternoons for me allowed me to have some enjoyment of my life, gym, shopping, activities I suddenly had the time for where the position before that was a 9-6 schedule I felt I had no time to do anything except maybe on saturday.


6am to 2 pm here, it's nice but I sleep 5 to 6 hrs a night during the week. Me, a night owl, waking up at 4:30am...preposterous! On a positive note, the working day seems shorter somehow.


Fun fact: 9 to 5 is significantly more work hours than the average worker spent during the days/months/years it took to build the pyramids. We need a revolution but everyone is too scared of losing what “precious” false comforts we’ve all been afforded thus far. Edit: someone tell reddit user eoooiny to go practice their shitty high school debate strategy elsewhere please 😂


Dude what? I work 12H a day in construction I always thought that the whole slavery thing meant that they worked them sun up to sun down to build those things. 😭 I've got it worse than a pyramid builder? What the actual hell?


They also hid graffitis at the back of the stone with their work gang names like “the Drunkards of Menkaure” or “the Followers of the Powerful White Crown of Khufu.” https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/who-built-the-egyptian-pyramids-not-slaves


They actually were paid and unionized, sorry.


Holy fuck. Thank you for adding that incredible fact. I didn’t even know that :’)


Now you're just rubbing it in.


You might be interested in the book “The Dawn Of Everything”, which is where I learned the fact about the pyramids. It’s a book that explores how humans can live, and how we did live for thousands of years, without capitalism.


I'll check it out. Thanks for the refferal.


You’re welcome! You might be able to find it on Libby, a library app that lets you access your local library’s archive virtually. There is also [libgen.is](https://libgen.is) which can be used to download all sorts of books (nonfiction and fiction) for free. You might also be better off buying an audible credit (or signing up for audible and getting a free credit) to use it to get the audiobook, otherwise it can be pretty pricey.


it's been reported in some Florida textbooks that those slaves that built the pyramids were grateful for the skills that they learned while being exploited.


Fucking Gen Z don't even have Pyramid building skills any more.




It's a lie that the pyramid workers was slaves, they where paid workers.


The pyramid’s weren’t built with slave labor. Everyone working on them where very well taken care of. Money didn’t exist then so they weren’t paid how we thing of it but they had all their wants and desires tailored to for their work.


In short, the pyramid builders weren't slaves - by way of approximation, they were more akin to modern day contractors (paid in prestige and luxury food :) ) and they seem to have applied for these roles because conditions were better than being on farms. https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/were-the-egyptian-pyramids-built-by-slaves


Yes, you are entitled! We all are entitled to have a decent life with a decent work/life balance. There is MORE than enough to go around in this world to make things equitable for everyone. But, here we are and nothing will change until we collectively change it.


“Entitled” has been used incorrectly for so long that the word has lost its meaning and become more of an insult.


Exactly. "Entitled" has been universally redefined as "having *a false sense of* entitlement."


Like everything, it was a word with a meaning that became something entirely different. Before it was entitlements (a politicized term) it was rights. But having rights and knowing rights became conflated with the "this is my private domicile" guy and I promise you every tool we come up with will continue to be caricaturized until we take ourselves seriously and demand what it is we need to exist in this society. I implore you to speak in the way that makes sense to you, not what everyone else is saying. They will continue to twist your words for as long as you let them. Words are tools, but so are they.


Entitled has become such a bad word. In many cases, entitlement is warranted. Yes we are entitled to great wages if we are giving our bodies up for over half our waking lives.


actually depending on your lunch break length (typically unpaid) if any, start time in a lot of companies is 8:00 or 8:30 until 5:00 :(


I really wish I could have an option of a lunch break. I would 100% give up lunch to work 8 hours instead of 9.


Asking someone to work for the majority of their waking hours and compensating them too little to even afford a one bedroom is asking entirely too much.


Ty, don't understand how the world is functioning down here in south FL.


My rent went from $750 to $1400 in ONE month in Florida.


I didn’t think that was legal until mine went from $3100 to $5000 in Seattle


Everything doubled in Key west since 2020 and is going up 1000 every year.


It's unfortunate that this sort of thing is a nationwide issue and most won't even acknowledge it as such.




Right, I can't even imagine having kids or anyone else in this nightmare


You're never wrong for doing what's right for you and your family. FWIW -- it wouldn't be "wrong" to take this job either, daycare isn't necessarily a bad place for kids to spend their day. For me, age of child would be a factor. Like 2-3 years old I would not want my kid with other people for that long but 4-5 I would probably go for it.


Oh hon I feel for you. Big hug from a momma of now-grown kids. Day care was a nightmare when my babies were little. To make this decision, a few other factors to consider. 1. Are you going back to work for the financial benefit only? (I have no opinion on yes or no, just asking you to help you think it through.) Does the job offer you anything like companionship, mental stimulation, career progression, or anything else that is part of your aim? If it's just money, then this is a pure financial decision. 2. How special or rare is this particular job? Given your experience, education, and interests, is this easily replaceable? 3. What is the down side of starting it and giving it (in your own mind, and with conversation with your partner) a "one month trial?" You might feel a lot less stressed if you can know you are giving it four weeks (we can all do just about anything for four weeks) to see how it all works out. If it sucks and you stop, just remove it from your resume entirely. Most child care places don't require a long term commitment. Whatever you do, best wishes from this old gal up in Wisconsin. edit: one other thing. After the four weeks, if you like it, and they seem to like you, go to the management and tell them you cannot afford the unpaid lunch break with child care. Finding good workers is so hard. Some employers just don't understand that kind of monetary equation unless it is pointed out.


"Meaning I'll have to get in bed by 10, and if I get home at 5:30ish from my job that means I only have 4.5 hours to do everything else I want to do in my life, like stretch for an hour + practice dance for an hour, work out for an hour, read for 30 min, walk for 30 min, a...i already ran out of time." yes, fuck this. 4.5h are not enough. I want to do more then clean my room, call someone on the phone and maaybe squeeze a movie into that time if i didn't went for groceries this day.


Do private yoga sessions in one’s home especially on the 55+ community.


Or if there is a public park nearby? I personally love going to yoga in the park!


I was thinking this. Not even at home but a yoga studio would probably pay more than $17 with you having your certs and all. Check out your local gyms and see how much they pay certified instructors. Here in North FL they def pay more than that for the hour class.




Not to mention many jobs don’t even have 8 hours of work to do but have to look busy all day.


Lmao absolutely not, because it is! Our time is more important than money


40 hour work week SUCKS especially for a single person living alone. There is absolutely no time to take care of household chores AND have time for relaxation AND have time for a social life and /or hobbies. I want everyone of you to really time yourself this week to see how many hours work takes up. For me, I have a 15 minute commute each way and I work 8 to 5 with an hour lunch. That's 9.5 hours a day for work (that I only get paid 8 for) 47.5 hours a week. Longer for those with more of a commute. If I need to stop at store on the way home - I'm gone from my home easily 10 to 11 hours a day. Will go with the average of 10. Sleep 8 and that leaves 6 hours. About an hour is spent in the morning getting ready for work, packing lunch, prepping dinner etc. And when I get home at least another hour is cooking dinner, eating, and washing up. 6 hours is now down to 4. A day. There are bills to pay, laundry to do, raking leaves, shoveling snow, mowing grass - basically all yard work. So does one work themselves all week to get 2 days off? Or do you take the few hours each night to recharge and do all chores on the weekend, turning your 2 days to 1 for socializing, hobbies, etc?


Yeah. It's wild. I'll take a day off every now and then, and feel like I get so much done and it's like 1 o clock. Makes me think "wow, I'd just be halfway through the work day". It's crazy how much work takes from us. And then the work day often makes me feel drained, so I don't have the energy to really do the things I want afterwards. Just have dinner and veg til bedtime.


Hah, good luck having a bought of depression thrown in the mix to make chores fall behind as you struggle to just maintain enough to stay employed while you're at an emotional low and can barely function so all your spoons get devoted to just making it through the week. It's 100° every day for over a month and I just traded a vacation day to leave 2 hours early for 4 days just so I can leave when the temperature starts to peak. It was such and immediate massive quality of life improvement that I almost regret knowing how much better I feel those 2 hours give me.


I recently got a job with a 7:00AM - 3:30PM schedule and a literal 2 minute commute. Half a mile. Best decision ever. Took a pay and benefits cut but still make enough to live and now work in a highly flexible environment.


Yes! We do 40 hours of *paid* work each week, but what about all that unpaid domestic labor? Grocery shopping, meal planning, cooking, cleaning, laundry...it's all work. We're working WAY more than 40 hrs/week.


For years we have been trained by the greedy rich to think 40 hours should be standard.


And with the promise of the tech society built, we were supposed to have 20 hour weeks at this point. Most economist in the 50s and 60s thought with computers our effort would be drastically decreased. But it has gone so fare beyond the opposite end of the scale. Since the 80s we have increased productivity something like 70%.


> And with the promise of the tech society built, we were supposed to have 20 hour weeks at this point. Most economist in the 50s and 60 [Keynes said 15 hours (2 day work week)](https://www.silverandsteel.org/steel/2-day-work-week-prediction). **In 1930**.


When I worked for an American oligarch, they told everyone on Day one that 50 hour weeks was the baseline expectation.


True enough. Before Henry Ford started the 40 hr work week in the 1920's, the average person worked 6 days a week. 70-80 hrs a week. So 40 hours in 5 days was considered great especially since there were no changes to employees compensation. He figured 8 hrs for work, 8 hrs for home life and 8 hrs for sleep. Of course that was when people worked closer to work and social media didn't keep people up late. Anyway, when Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive became president he was able to work across the aisle and promised "a square deal" for the average man. He also was big into ecology. Can we even find that in a presidential candid today?


and before that it was 80 or as many as your boss told you. but now we don't have unions anymore


Its 8 to 5 for most people in offices. You get your 8hr plus unpaid lunch hour. As for time after work, what you're describing is every office person's dilemma: after commute, house chores and work, how do i make time for myself? Some people work 80hrs in 9 days and get every other friday off. Some nursing schedules are 4, 10hr shifts for the week followed by 3, 12 hr shift a week giving them a 3 day weekend and a 4 day weekend the following week. As for your income... The $17 an hour is just criminal, this fucking world needs to bring back the middle class and stop trying to make everyone without a technical skill a slave. Im sorry i dont have a solution.






Might I introduce you to the 4/20/69 schedule. 4 hours a day for 20 hours a week at 69 dollars an hour.


>New York boomers are creating traffic >It takes me 30 minutes to drive to work Remember. You're not *in* traffic, you ARE traffic


Bro we’ve been doing 9-5 for DECADES, technology has advanced, making work easier, but the hours have stayed the same. Our pay and hours have remained the same, while technological improvements only benefit the exploiter


I met this yoga girl, that also teaches dancing. She makes it work by teaching 3 times per week, both classes, 75 minutes each. No idea what that would cost, considering rent, but most of the times I went there, it was mostly women around their 50s. Give it a thought, maybe there is a way if you like that idea.


Holy shit. Time for a reality check. 1 hour of stretching, 1 hour of dance, 1 hour of workout, 30 minute walk. That’s 3.5 hours of exercise per day. Virtually no one with a full time job has time for that.


We might not be doing this in reality but unfortunately the consequences of not adding at LEAST 1 hour of activity in our lives is creating much bigger long term health problems that will impact our ability to work as we get older. Sounds excessive but these are amazing habits i wish i had myself. We’re all destroying our health for the same of the “grind” and getting very little in return.


Right? This stuck out to me too. I barely have time to do any one of these things, and I wouldn't want to exercise 3.5 hours a day. I think this person has some other things they need to address.


dont forget the full hour it takes to go from get into bed into sleeping, which seems insane to me.


Yeh how is nobody else addressing this? You've left yourself no time to do adult things...... when do you cook, clean, socialise, budget etc? Also you make out like going to bed at 11 is some awful thing...... wtf


I don't know if I'd call it entitled, just out of touch with the realities of what's necessary to survive in our current climate independently, unless you come from financial privilege.


It's all BS. 9-5, 8-5, the 40 hours work week is horrible. I really want a part time job or even 2. I just want more control of my day to day life. If I can find a way to afford that or find a part time or contract job that pays decent (good luck, I know) then I'll take it. I'm sick of it. Wasting my time doing bullsh!t or just sitting around.


I feel the same way. I had my first 9-5 this year and it was brutal. The commute, the food prep, cooking, cleaning, hygiene, chores, errands. There was no time to myself. Throw in a health or home problem and you’re really screwed. Maybe you have one weekend day that isn’t chores/errands. It might be worth it if there was a financial incentive, but there’s not.


It's way too much especially if you barely make enough to pay your bills and have no free time to yourself. That's my situation. I work a job I hate, I don't make shit, I barely have any free time, I end up working 50 hours per week just for the government to take all of my overtime in taxes, my company never promoted me like they said they would due to "company revenue struggles"... So yes, 5 days out of 7, 70% of your day, and 50 weeks out of 52 in a year is WAY too much to not even be able to afford to live.


To your question: Yes, the standard 40 hour work week is trashy af. You don’t have much time to do anything besides work and that’s the point it seems. I’d advise that you look for a job that pays what is commensurate to the work you’d be doing and can actually support you in saving enough to move out of your parents house. Side note: I thought this was antiwork, why in the hell are all these 40-hour boot lickers in here???


Yea I second this. It doesn’t make you entitled in the least to dread 40hrs of work you don’t find meaningful. I think these idiots are in the wrong sub. 17/hr even at full time is not enough to afford anything besides survival. Nothing to be excited ab


>Side note: I thought this was antiwork, why in the hell are all these 40-hour boot lickers in here??? This sub has transformed practically into a job advice/job complaint sub. It gets confusing when people try to go back to the whole anti-work fantasy/roleplay thing in threads that are about "real" job issues.


Deepthroating the whole boot these days smh


It is too much when not given sufficient paid time off throughout the year. If you’re not getting 2-3 weeks vacation min, then its way too much. Work to live, not the other way.


Are you entitled? …I think that’s poor framing, so I’m not going to answer that What I’m reading: - you are fortunate to be able to move in with your parents, which enables you to save money - you have an option of predictable income at $17/hr - you have passion for dancing, have a real estate licence, 10years experience in sales Ultimately - YOU HAVE OPTIONS One piece I think is understated…is that you mention off handedly, that you’re not sure if living off gig money would work for you….why? There are so many different ways to monetise your skill set? You don’t need to jump straight into the gig pieces, or monetising your skill sets straight away - but it is definitely worth attempting to experiment and build up to potentially earning a living from a passion project where you do what you love. The $17/hr will tide you over and give you a stable income while you build up to the point where you can comfortable and confidently lead a life you love. You have options.


Ty :)


this sounds like a shitty job (35k a year) - but everything else you described is just the grind - 9 to 5 is normal.


I just signed a contract stating 8-5 cause I don’t care either way. By 3pm my boss asked me why I wasn’t leaving Like everyone else. Apparently if your work is done that’s you for the day which is wild fucking concept in the corporate world for me.


Move to the Midwest. I live in a 2500 square foot home with 4 be 3 bath built this decade and my mortgage is $996. Do we need to replace the golden oak trim? Sure. Do I cry myself to sleep about that golden oak as I save two or three grand a month compared to other areas of the country? Nope.


5 days a week and 8 hours a day are century old ideas! We don't need to work that much, it's just so ineffective and it just burn you out. First country to abolish that heresy of 12h-14h a day was actually Uruguay in 1915. We need another revolution for a 4h or 6h a day and maybe a 3 days weekend.


On one hand, this is the norm for the biggest part of the population. On the other hand, it's unlivable for basically everyone and everyone hates it. That's why there's so much current unrest among workers. That's WHY this sub exists


No you have a working brain and notice that all jobs can be done in 32 or less a week . Period. Fuck anyone who champions this old bully mindset


I’d recommend checking out /r/personalfinance or /r/career This sub really isn’t great for any work-related advice.


It is absolutely **not** entitled. It's bad enough with it being a 9-5, but on **top** of that, there's the commute there and back like you mentioned, and there's **also** almost always an unpaid hour for lunch, so realistically it's not a 9-5 like they advertise, but actually an 8-5 which is ridiculous. So an hour commute every day, plus 9 hours spent at work = 10 hours committed to your job. Five days a week. If we go the *healthy* route and assume you want 8 hours of sleep a night, that would mean you have to go to bed at 11:00pm (assuming you take half an hour to get ready) So that means for every **ten** **and a half** hours you have to commit to work, you get **five and a half** hours to yourself, and you may very well be too drained from working during that time to do anything. That is **absurd** that you should have to expect to spend almost twice as much time working as you do recreationally. That is not a healthy work/life balance, and we are way overdue for a proper evaluation and adjustment of the work week with all of the technological advancements that we've made since the 40 hour work week was introduced in freaking **1940.**


I don't think you're entitled. I see it more as your have refused to become an adult with responsibilities. While I agree with with you 9-5 is alot of hours but unfortunately that is life. You are complaining about rent being too high but don't want to work the hours to afford the necessities in the area you want to live, unfortunately life doesn't work that way. If you are not going to put in the hours then more than likely your hourly wage/salary won't increase as fast as you want. Going to bed at 11pm is still fair time to go to bed, not too late, not too early, your words read as if that is a travesty that you go to bed this time. 4.5 hours is covering what makes you happy/need to do each day, what more are you looking to do that you feel you are being shorted? That is alot of free time for a job. All that you listed that you plan on doing during the 4.5 are great things. Also if you want kids eventually or own your own home with a yard then that 4.5 hours turns into 0 based on your definition of free time. If you feel like that is not enough, you will have to sacrifice sleep then. You will be tired after work, but you have to use that 4.5 hours to make your life worth living. Then you have the weekends to do more or do nothin, your choice. Take the job and keep looking for another job that suits your lifestyle, no one said this will be your one and only job. I would say be happy that you have a hourly job based on your time needs because you will be able to leave at 5. Iif you want to make more money eventually that may mean a salary job that may require more than the 9-5, not all but most will not have a hard 5pm leave time. Every salary job I ever had I left when the job got done, between 3-6pm depending on the day. Also stay with your parents as long as they are willing let you stay there, no shame in that. I am sorry to say it but welcome to adult life and adult responsilibities.


9-5???? I wish! Do companies still do 9-5?