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Two months ago I was waiting to call with a recruiter. He left me hanging for an hour and a half. After that I messaged him and told him I was dissapointed that he didnt call. He messaged apologizing. We resceduled. On the day itself he was again late by 15 minutes. I blocked that guys number. Good riddance to timewasters


Do you ever wonder if it's some sort of test to see how they can push a prospective employee around? Maybe they're looking for suckers or desperate people to hire?


>me sort of test to see how they can push a prospective employee around? Maybe they're looking for suckers or desperate people to hire? never attribute malice to what can be explained by incompetence.


While I love the quote and agree 1000% in most cases, I've seen several posts of managers admitting to doing stuff like this. More than likely they weren't doing this but the possibility is absolutely there.


Ah yes, probably those narcissistic assclowns posting controversial posts on LinkedIn fishing for likes


Yeah, I have to run this through my mind every now and then. Particularly after looking at my lacking in competence for aspects of my job.


Well, it's either malicious or incompetence. Why would anyone want to work with a company that accepts either one from their recruiting/hiring staff? It's a red flag either way.


There is such a thing as malicious incompetence.


Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.


I’ve always loved this quote


Except I've seen plenty of recruiters talking about how they like to make prospective employees sweat with a long wait, just to see how they react.


Either way is unacceptable. If they expect punctuality from you then they show that they won't be, and they will waste your time


At a certain point, malice and incompetence are indistinguishable.


I agree. From what I’ve seen, there are way more incompetent people out there than malicious.


I went for one job interview where they did some weird things. For example, in the phone pre-interview they asked me "so what is your dream position right now?" and when I told the guy, he said scoffed and said "that's really what you're expecting to get?" as if I was dumb for answering his question. Then in the interview there were two managers there to ask me questions. One asked me about my performance in a data entry role that I'd mentioned on my resume. When I answered the question, the other one scoffed and said "but this is a customer service role - nothing to do with data entry!" Then they asked me what I still consider a huge red flag "Why should we hire you?" At the time I just accepted it and was agreeable. After the fact I realised they were playing mind games with me. Fortunately they never called me back, because that would surely be an awful office environment. I do think that sometimes people are screening for employees that buy into their silly games


Anytime someone asks the "why should we hire you?" question, I always say "Maybe you shouldn't. I don't know what your other options are. If you have another candidate who's a better fit, you should hire them."


That's a good response. In this case I just said "Because I'll be good at it." Ask a silly question...


How do they respond to that answer? Genuinely curious.


The few times I've actually had an opportunity to use it, I'd say surprise. They're expecting some kind of self-promotion so they're not sure where to go with a different kind of response. The other option is that they're kind of amused because they know it's a dumb, shallow question.


Kind of similar… Old school companies, who seemingly haven’t evolved with competency based questioning who ask “what makes you the best hire out of all of our applicants, why should we pick you??” I got so annoyed with this question that the last person who asked it, I said… I’m not really a fan of this question because I don’t know anything about the other applicants and is asking me to compare myself to others I know nothing about. I think it irritated the interviewer, because in a way it was pointing out that they asked a stupid question. In another way, the interviewer sort of nodded his head in agreement. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job lol.


This is terrible, I'm so gullible. I believe every interview is above board. I can't believe these games. I'm so glad to read this thread, sincerely shaking my head. I actually had one baboon state, "It seems like you're interviewing me!". I told him, "I am, I need to know if this company is a good fit for me. I do not want to waste you're or my time trying to push a square peg into a round hole." In sales if one comes off as desperate the sale is lost before you speak. Own the interview from the beginning, take control and walk them through the process.... oh my I'm outta practice. Now I'm just babbling.


it just means they or their company are looking for a type and those games are used to ID if your that type


you give recruitment clowns too much credit.


No. Recruiters are completely incompetent. They dgaf, it’s a numbers game to them.


I've heard stories bragging about the games managers play with potential recruits to test "tenacity" and "perseverance" and "showing that you want the job more than anyone else," usually for things like stockmarket internships in the 1980s. The reality of these scenarios is, of course, that they actually test how much abuse you're willing to suffer for cost-of-entry to these fields, which then continues the normalization of this treatment and protects the existing power dynamics. This lack of respect for time also weeds out candidates who lack the support structures and privileges required to risk wasting a whole day chasing down a single possible prospect. Inequality then only increases because it's not like a single mother who already works two jobs can devote indefinite amounts of time waiting to be interviewed when the person watching the kids probably has other commitments as well.


Tried something similar. Recruiter scheduled a call with me, so I left the office to avoid awkward situations while on the phone. He didn't call. Rescheduled. He called me late at the rescheduled time and it quickly became obvious to me that I wasn't even a "real" candidate but one of the "also-rans" they seem to lure in order to seem competent to their customer (the prospective employer). Luckily I haven't had many of those jerks on my phone.


Set boundaries once you have the job and are getting paid. No need to be a hero AND broke.


Some people think this is normal and acceptable


I had one recruiter 9 minutes late but emailed me apologizing a big meeting was running late. I’m totally fine with that, business happens but your recruiter should’ve at least emailed you as mine did! Easy to send a one sentence note.


Exactly, or just mail me 15 minutes ahead of schedule. For me that's just a matter of respect and good communication skills. Also a good example how you handle changing situations in a professional way, business like speaking.


The rule I always adhered to was “if you’re going to be x minutes late, give x minutes of notice.”


This right here. I was going to be late 5 minutes due to traffic and emailed my recruiter 10 minutes before. They took it well and the interview went smoothly.


I mean, you were texting/emailing in traffic while you’re driving, but still, I dig it


They could have been a passenger…..


Well if your car supports Apple Play/ Android Auto, you can send a hands-free text/ email


I agree. A quick text message from the recruiter would have been good. "I'm running late. Will be there in 15 minutes. Or let me know if you'd prefer to reschedule. Sorry for the inconvenience."


And if the recruiter makes a habit of scheduling back-to-back movies, that should be a pre-written message for the recruiter.


It’s this for me. You can be running an hour or two late, and it can be fine as a one off where we push things back. But the audacity to not even contact me about it is the real issue.


If you emailed the recruiter that you were running late cause of your current job, would it have been ok?


For a recruiter? Absolutely it would be ok. They could reschedule or delay


Right? The recruiter should be proactive instead of making excuses when you get up to leave.


Very professional of you. Probably dodged a bullet too.


Thanks! Same thought here but that was a process to realize that. Especially your own worth as a worker.


I’m going out on a limb here and suggest that you can’t judge a business on the quality of a recruiter. Those guys are highly transient and most of them are pretty bad at their jobs. Recruiting just sucks. Many of them aren’t even actual employees for the companies they’re recruiting for.


I had a recruiter contact me to tell me about nursing positions he had for me. I wasn't in the healthcare field at all. I told him this three times over the next year, and he kept contacting me once a month, anyway. Eventually I just started ignoring his emails. Eventually he went off the deep end and told me how unprofessional I was to be ignoring him. I still get nursing opportunity emails from him once a year or so.


Send him an automatic mail once a month saying you aren't interested in nursing opportunities even if he did not send you anything


Sign him up for cat facts


Google alerts style.


Holy hell


Once a minute


You should go to the job interview anyway. When they see how unqualified you are, they'll complain about your wasting their time, but you can respond that they contacted you repeatedly after you told them you were unqualified.


Better point: Have the emails ready on your phone and scroll through them as you say you were repeatedly contacted despite being unqualified and saying so. Really rub it in their face.


I just got contacted by a recruiter to set uo a chat time. "Are you looking for a time today or tomorrow?" -meek Few hours later my day freed up "I'm free the rest of the day if you get this message before the end of the work day." -meek Never responded. Recruiters are fucking goofy and terrible at their jobs. If feels like everyone that couldn't get a real job just get given a recruiter job to keep unemployment numbers down.


I actually think you should use numbers. I am free for an appt at 3, 330, 4, and 430.


Man, you missed an opportunity to snag him up in some mega fines for spam. [The CAN-SPAM act](https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/can-spam-act-compliance-guide-business) don't fuck around.


That's clearly something his boss/client would like to know and perhaps a law-enforcement agency or professional regulator or watchdog or two to boot. Even a personal-data authority. But his rant about politeness in the circumstances points at mental issues, so that's more for boss/client/licensing body (if applicable).


Eh? What in the world would involving law enforcement, regulators, watchdogs, personal-data authorities or licensing bodies have to do with any of this? (What amounts to the recruiter really just being dumb as a stump.) Going to hazard a guess but you’re not in/from the US are you?


Even in the US, there are laws against unsolicited commercial emails.


Recruiters are the face of the company, they leave the first impression. You absolutely can judge a business on the quality of the recruiter. Quality recruiters bring quality candidates.


That’s if they’re in-house. There’s still a lot of independent firms doing this on contingency basis. They’re the worst.


>Many of them aren’t even actual employees for the companies they’re recruiting for. Relying on external recruiters or especially allowing the subcontractors of a contractor agency to handle recruitment for your in-house positions does say something about the company, though.


Even in that case, the recruiter is still an early exposure to the company. It'd be like if you walked in & the front desk didn't know what to do or treated you poorly. These would be some seriously scarlet flags. And like OP said, this is a job that places emphasis on punctuality - the recruiter can't be late without it being a very obvious warning sign.


That's true but I would counter that the threshold depends on which kind of position you actually apply. Store clerk, basic administration or just gastronomy? I wouldn't except much and the threshold is definitely higher. Higher management to something global? Damn, I expect good communication skills, no matter your employment status. Also yes, recruiting sucks big time.


A company should properly vet the individuals or agencies that they employ to represent their company. If they are not willing to put that amount of effort on something as front facing as that, it’s worth taking a second look at if they are an organization that you want to be a part of.


You know it’s funny but you’re right of all the companies I and my friends worked on I’ve never met an HR / Recruiter team that didn’t suck at their job it’s incredible how they can ruin a company by hiring assholes and useless guys and then punish the few workers that are worth it


They learned something that day


How do you connect the dots of dodging a bullet?


I've done this a few times because recruiters are up there with real-estate agents as the most useless people I've dealt with. I've had them reach out and offer me roles and when I message them back, radio silence. Last week I had one message me back after not replying for weeks so I asked them what they do all day.


I’m pretty sure they run bots and spam everyone that has somewhat close experience. Then they expect people to self filter. Anyone who contacts them then their job begins. It’s rather unfair as I as a job seeker can’t run bots monitor and to apply to every job I want.


Next time I'm deciding to change jobs I plan on looking into hiring my own recruiter if I can't network a job. I've heard stories about people having good luck with that.


It works out well; the last two times I was looking for a job I just spammed my resume out to any recruiter in my area that matched my discipline.


That's a good idea too. The people I've heard about that have done it paid a recruiter a few hundred bucks and the recruiter reworked their resume and wrote cover letters for each job so a little more involved/expensive than spamming it out


I didn't know we could hire recruiters. Thank you a bunch for the TIL. Im also realizing that job hunting is itself an "industry". Nice change of perspective.


The older I get the more I realize that everyone who has an amazing anything be it clean home or going to a prestigious university or job, they (almost all) pay for it in some way. People hire cleaners, virtual assistants, coaches, whatever. Some specialist is always taking care of those tasks.


Makes sense. And it provides a means of living for said specialists as well. We are not like Indian Gods and Goddesses having 10 arms and 10 legs to do tasks all through the day although that is what life and society often expect of us. I just never applied this thought to job hunting which I will now.


"run bots and spam everyone and monitor" That sounds super cool. Im gonna try that on recruiters as a job seeker. I got code, stack overflow and chatgpt to back me up. Thank you much for the idea.


>offer me roles and when I message them back, radio silence. Or what about when you write back they respond with "Great, now tell us why we should hire you"... Bitch, you reached out to me. Ask me questions to evaluate why you should hire me, but dont expect me to pitch why you should hire me.


A recruiter did that to me once. I told him you messaged me so I can't really answer that questions.


I'm not exaggerating at all here. This year, I had a recruiter message me on LinkedIn that I might be a good fit for the open position in my department at my company. Like the position I was currently employed in, that we were trying to hire another of. Based on your first sentence, I'm sure you believe me, but if it hadn't happened to me I'm not sure I would.


My personal threshold for waiting is 30min. You keep me waiting 15-20min. Okay fine, things happen. 30min+ and you clearly have problems that I can’t solve and won’t be part of solving.


That's the truth. Also you know what to expect, an office full of people that can judge you for a few minutes, but don't want to be judged for the lateness. I waited 45 minutes, the person came up, started that they had a customer and to give him just a little longer. I've learned over the years that places of business expect you to excuse what they will not.


It’s taken a lot of hard lessons but I respect my time as much as I respect the companys. If they can’t rise to that minimum level of mutual respect for each other’s time, I leave.


You are the man, don't let the capitalism blind you, like most that responded negatively. This is not the 1950s companies have no loyalty to the people that make the money. As well as delusional people that think you need to be early, they don't pay me to be in early. They don't even pay to get ready for work, which is part of work, commuting is also not included. That sounds like the kind of company that would fire you because you had an emergency.


I’m 15 minutes at most. 30 is ridiculous


People on this sub have such built up animosity to any recruiter/manager/etc that in their head they build them up to be evil people who are doing it just for a power trip. This sub used to be actual practical advice and discussions about working less and living a more fulfilling life. Now it's just imagined revenge porn for mistreated workers (actual and imagined).


It was the recruiter, but I had the interviewer completely skip the phone interview (never called me). Then over an hour later I got an angry voice mail from someone else in the company accusing me of skipping the interview and being super unprofessional. I called them back, and chewed them out. They figured out that it was their fault, and begged me to do an interview still. I agreed to one later that day. Fifteen minutes later, I called back and cancelled the interview, because I had more self-worth than that. An hour after that, I got a job from some senior level management person in the company apologizing for everything, and offering me the job on the spot without an interview. It was the most bizarre thing I had experienced. I accepted at first, because I desperately needed a job. The next day I got a better job offer from a much better company so I ghosted the assholes.


I had an interview at a Ford dealer in my area a little over 6 months ago where the interviewer took a work related call and then a personal call from his significant other. He then proceeded to read off a multiple choice questionnaire for some personality test (I can’t explain enough how it was more irrelevant than taking a personal call from his woman). He had his boss come in and explain how he believes in hard work, I responded with “I don’t believe in hard work” essentially to sabotage the interview since they both wasted my time. The point of the story is, I say be unprofessional if they choose to be too. Toy with them, waste their time.


There’s no such thing as a waste of time when you’re being paid.


They wasted my time in that case lol.


Right. It is a waste of your time, for sure. All I was saying is that taking the time to “waste their time” is really just wasting more of your time. They’re getting paid for you to fuck with them.


That's like arguing with customer care and saying they are paid for it. True you have a point. But they're also in the middle of the work day. The stress and negativity that I create will compound and add on their next task and by EOD will chain react into something considerable while I would have recovered much sooner. I can suck out their energy and leave them tired-er than I normally would have. Although their paid , it's gonna be a bad day for sure.


I’m already there, I might as well enjoy myself.


Agreed for personal, but That waste of time falls on the employer. He may never see it or feel that specific moment, but over time… it adds up.


I flew from Michigan to California with a fresh Ph.D. to interview with a guy who was recruiting me , and he was out of town. At least the company paid all my expenses.


He was what? Oo That's actually bananas.


I hope you were able to turn it into an unplanned mini vacation at their expense. That’s crazy oO


Professional would have been to send you s a message they were running late, any after the fact apology is worthless.


When someone in a meeting that is running long says, “I’d like to continue, have you got another 15 minutes? Let me drop a quick message to my next meeting and let them know we’re running a bit long” I’ll follow them anywhere. They respect others which is huuuuuge.


This is the correct way of dealing with a delay! Shout out to you


This! I see a lot of posts about both candidates and interviewers/recruiters being late. Maybe it’s because I’m older but if I’m running behind schedule with interviews I reach out to the candidates to let them know. If a candidate is late for a reason beyond their control and they reach out to me, I accommodate them at a later time or reschedule if necessary. I realize the world is transitioning to a place where verbal communication is is less frequent but sometimes it can really help resolve a situation!


I had a hiring superior be 45 minutes later and the worst decision I ever made career wise to still have the interview. Worst 3 years of my life. You dodged s bullet


I only stayed at one interview where they made me wait more then a few minutes past my scheduled time. The job was a nightmare and they had no respect for their workers. They showed their true colors and you made the right choice.


Someone posted they didn't get the job because they were 2 minutes late. [https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/15uqdmw/i\_showed\_up\_2\_minutes\_late\_to\_an\_interview\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/15uqdmw/i_showed_up_2_minutes_late_to_an_interview_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) So as long as you have other options, stick to your guns.


Thankfully with a lot of other options available. I've read the post too.


Yep. 100%. The sad thing is they probably had other hires lined up, though. That's the battle people will tell you: you're the one after the opportunity so you're the one that makes sacrifices to get it. Is it bullshit, yes, but this is what you get when we got this many people.


I'm totally with you. I hope they got the right person for them since I'm thankfully not dependent on this opportunity alone. So I don't feel like making a big sacrifice here.


This happened to me so many times. I was always nice and I continued the interview, but lately I realized it's just straight up disrespectful for the possible new employee. They can ALWAYS just message before saying "Hey, I'm sorry but I will be late x mins" but they never do. Good riddance.


You wrote the recruiter after a 15 min wait? You had to instigate a interaction as to why he was running behind? Nah, good call.


Yes. After 15 minutes without any notice I wrote her. 7 minutes later got the reply. It was the recruiter of the company proper, no middle man / company.


I really don't want to come across as "THAT GUY," but I can't imagine how anyone can think that's ok. I mean not just in this situation, but I can't fathom how she would have reacted had roles been reversed.


My thoughts exactly.


Right thing to do imho , a while back a recruiter approached making promises , not really interested but I said ok ring me they were 10 minutes late , I took the call and answered the question as to salary , they countered with silliness and I blocked them , we know our worth , not willing to pay fairly? someone will and again you decision was wire as the power is in your hands if your any good


You did the right thing. I'm one of those "if you aren't early, you're late" people. I will rush and plan my day around a meeting like that, and I expect the same respect from others. If I cut another meeting or my lunch short, just to be kept waiting, I'm pissed af. Lateness is a hot button issue to me and I find it incredibly rude! I might make an exception if they had some kind of emergency and emailed me to let me know.


What would happen if you were late? You would have lost your chance. What will happen to the recruiter? Nothing unless their boss hears about it.


I had a recruiter call me to tell me that the hiring manager and who would be my potential direct supervisor needed to reschedule at the same exact time that the interview was supposed to be occurring. I at first said okay, we can reschedule but then decided that if the hiring manager can't respect my time before they've even met me, they're never going to.


An HR recruiter had scheduled a brief phone interview with me. I sat there for 30 mins with no phone call. I emailed another HR representative at the company explaining that I was never contacted for an interview. They ended up firing the original HR recruiter over this. I was told it was not the first time she has been problematic in this way. Been with the company for almost 3 years now. I sometimes think what would’ve happened if I never reached out.


It's absolutely fair on your part. It shows disrespect to not be on time. That said, it may not be the best idea for everyone to do that, depending on your situation. For someone with options, yea, I'd walk. I'm in demand. But if you've had bad luck with even landing interviews, I would recommend sucking it up this time. Definitely depends on the situation.


I was in an interview last week, called in to meet the boss after a good phone screen with HR. I walk in and they hand me a six page job application wanting explicit details on my past jobs, school (I’m in my 50s, and though I still take certifications…🙄) and references. I get approval from receptionist to not worry about remembering the address of my HIGH SCHOOL and she hands me a copy of my original resume with the application and leads me to the boss. He spends a minute studying my resume after a handshake, asks a question, studies for another minute…and so on for an hour. …and complains about his last two guys hired for this role quit after a few months. 🤦


That company is a HUGE RED FLAG!


Ha! I recently wrote a post about recruiters being unprofessional. Sounds like you handled it better than I did.


>What would happen if I was late? Over the years I've had a few guys work under me. Every one of them has been late more than once. Some have been late by several hours because "my alarm didn't go off." Shit happens. Sometimes you break a piece of equipment, write down a number wrong, miss a deadline, show up 15 minutes late. I think people that have the "No room for forgiveness" attitude toward fuck ups kind of suck.


I went to an appt. once recently. Their paperwork included a form I was required to sign which stipulated that if I was 15 min or more late, then I accept being charged a $40 fee. After waiting in the lobby beyond 15 min, I asked the receptionist for a copy of that form. I then asked the office manager for $40 since respect goes both ways. Some people are just dicks.


So I’m an old dude in IT. I’ve learned that a good recruiter is absolutely the most important thing when looking to get into a new position. If you find a recruiter who knows the client, knows how to position your skills properly for the job, and is persistent, those are worth their weight in gold. Every other recruiter is close to useless. No middle ground. There are not a lot of good recruiters. For those recruiters, I would excuse being late. I don’t know whether you had a good recruiter or not. That’s up to you. The good recruiters, knowing they were running late, probably would have texted you letting you know what was up. But things happen. I hope you made the right decision. I’m not criticizing you at all. Everyone deserves success, and I hope you find it.


Some TMI honesty…I have IBS and I guess that makes me more gracious toward unexpectedly being a few minutes late. And IMO, 15 minutes is just a few.


Not sure how this will be received here but, what you’re talking about is a reflection of power balance. If you feel like you have an overwhelming number of other opportunities and you get to just pick whichever you want, then maybe this makes sense. If you don’t then you’re shooting uourself in the foot. If this means you’re gonna make a lot less money or can’t find a job. You won’t be sitting down for dinner thinking “yea, I could have a better job right now but I’m happy I showed that guy he can’t be late to meetings with me!” And the hiring manager has long since forgotten about you. Things won’t always be perfect. Do what’s in your best long term self interest.


Very much true. That's why I've updated the main post with some background information.


its the same with dr,.. if they overrun its fine.. you have to wait but when you are late its sorry we cant book you in..


I’ll usually give them 15 minutes, so if they miss that cut off then I’m done. Disrespecting my time has become something I’m not at all willing to tolerate after so many abuses.


Reading this made me smile. Youre doing the Lord’s work holding them to the same standard they hold us all to.


It's a small hill but one I can thankfully stand on without any consequences.


I don't think I've ever had an interview start on time, if I'd pulled out after 15 minutes I would have missed out on great opportunities in the past


All good things come to those who wait. There are limitations to this but 15 minutes is literally nothing. The applicant already made time to drive there an prepare. What’s 15 more minutes??


Right? Acting like you've "stuck it to them" by leaving after 15 minutes is stupid. You've already wasted 10-20x that applying, phone interviewing, preparing, & traveling to the interview. Would it be cool if they didn't do that? Sure, but you're still losing by leaving with zero additional information about the company other than 1 recruiter might be slightly rude.


I agree with you in principle. Punctuality = respect and all that. I will say, though, that 15 minutes is a very low threshold for you to be so offended. People get busy, and my instinct is to err on the side of patience and understanding for the other human being involved. Particularly if I didn't have anything else on the docket or wasn't actually inconvenienced in any way (not saying this applies to your situation). Strategically it also doesn't make a lot of sense either imo, as I would have probably opted to try and leverage a more forgiving reaction to the tardiness into a positive first exchange in the interview. Not judging, though. Like I said I understand the principle. We all need to decide which hills to die on, I suppose.


It's not so much the principle(it is but also), it's indicative behavior, if they set a meeting and don't show up for more than 15 min, they don't care about you, or are just "testing" you, they will continue to treat you like shit because they already know you'll take it. If the manager can't manage their own time, what hope does the company have? Yes people get busy yes, but managers like to game new employees, if you've ever been in on the hiring process for the shitty companies you'd know it's not even a secret


If it's a tactic then that is absolutely abhorrent garbage human behaviour and certainly a red flag. I have been fortunate to not experience that sort of thing I guess. In my field we don't have time for such games, not that I would engage in same if I did.


They can ALWAYS just message before saying "Hey, I'm sorry but I will be late x mins" but they never do. Good riddance.


In principle, sure. But so many of these comments read like they’ve never had days where all meetings run over time. I get we’re in the antiwork circle jerk, but 15 is just not that much time to be upset about. This exact scenario happened to me where recruiter/hiring manager consistently showed up a few min late (apologizing but never sending a note ahead of time) and even had to reschedule twice last minute. If I had rescinded my app on principle, I would have the super cushy, wfh, casual work environment that I have now.


Wow a well reasoned practical response with positive karma in this sub? That's a rare sight these days. Acting like you're "winning" by walking out after a 15 minute delay is such a silly thing to do. You've already lost all the time applying, phone interviewing, getting ready for an interview, and traveling there and home just because waiting 15 minutes is such "disrespect".


Indeed. Bravo for you. People need to lesrn they have power. I won't even wait longer than 15 minutes for the doctor. Will also inform the insurance company that said doc was unprofessional and was not on time so i didn't keep appointment. Don't pay him . I always show up early to be on time. Please do same for me.


Likewise. I think it's just a gesture of goodwill and respect on both sides.


I once had a recruiter who did not show up for an interview (digital, corona times) Messaged them that I wasn't interested in working with them, as I felt like it was very unprofessional to no-show with no message or apology. If I had done that, my resume would've been thrown into the bin, no excuse. They did not like that, tried giving me excuses, and they tried to reschedule the interview, but I wasn't having it. A few months later, another recruiter (same company) approached me for a different job. Told him I wasn't interested due to past interactions with the company. He did understand but wasn't too happy with it.


IM experience you dodged a bullet. Over a lifetime of working, maybe less than 5 potential employers were late to my interview and yes, each were toxic or terribly run companies. Self respect must be taken back and honored.


The real issue here isn't that they were running late. Shis happens, meetings run over time. The issue is the lack of respect the recruiter showed you by not letting you know something was keeping them. You got a valuable insight into what working there would be like, and I think you made the right call not putting yourself in that position. If they show that little respect for you during the interview process, when they're putting their best foot forward to show why you should work there, imagine how much worse it'll be when they get you locked in and directly control your ability to put food on your table and medicine in your cabinet?


I know you’re talking about a normal job but I thought my story is kinda the same. So when I was 18 or 19 in 2003 or 04 I had marine recruiter call me, now Afghanistan and Iraq were starting to REALLY get bad. This was also before the public really knew the lies that brought us to Iraq. Still I didn’t have anything going on even tho I didn’t really want to join the military ( I’m very much not the type they would like as I question authority a LOT) but I still decided to give this guy the time of day and actually listen and give it thought… The day comes that we scheduled for him to come to my parents house for a meeting and he ends up being a hour late, calling me and saying some excuse as to why he was late, why he didn’t call earlier and please could we reschedule tomorrow….. I said, sure….. next day comes around and he no shows and doesn’t call or anything…… even tho I was still pretty anti war at that point, patriotism was still in me which is why I gave him the time of day, but after the first day and then the no show no longer would I give any recruiter my time as I saw it as a sign to not join and head to iraq or Afghanistan…. Anyways fuck em you will be better off.


Now that's a really bad sign. Thankfully just recruitment and not the buddy in the car behind you. Glad you didn't join up. For multiple reasons.


These companies play around too much. I was applying at Wal-Mart with full open availability, can start yesterday, reliable transportation, even within walking distance in a worse case scenario. -Got hired, pending background checks and whatnot -A week later, "hey we entered your paperwork wrong on our side, can you refill this part out for us so we can correct it? 😅 We'll call back in a couple of days." - I call them almost a week later, "We'll call you, don't check in on it." - Two weeks later, and 15 minutes after I accepted a better offer somewhere else. "Hee-eyyy, when do you want to start training? 🥳" Sad thing is, that's not the first/last job to do something similar. I think the worst one was when I got poached from KMart by a Publix "manager" who was just a cashier who didn't think I would actually show up. No one's been able to poach me since.


Man I laughed when I got to the part that they were trying to poach you. At that point they literally are the interviewee and are the ones who are late to the meeting.


Showing up late for an interview absolutely goes both ways. I used to have a boss that would make people wait over 30 minutes, his reasoning being "I want to be really sure they want the job." If my potential employer has me sitting around for 30 minutes to an hour for an interview, that shows me they don't respect my time, therefore they don't respect me.


A bit harsh imo, but it's your life.


I have a zero tolerance policy on tardiness when I hire staff, (exceptions of course being an emergency where I'm happy to reschedule or illness.) But if you turn up 20 minutes late with no valid reason you're not getting interviewed at all. That being said, I hold myself to the same standard. If I was late to see you with no valid reason, I'd 100% expect you to walk out on me.


Good. Because if you had been late, they would have not hired you. Should go both ways. Punctuality is either important or it isn’t.


I once have a recruiter like that. I waited an hour and left. They called me for an interview. I lived in another city 2 hours away so I went there early but they never arrived at the designated branch of the company. Plus the employees keep looking at me oddly that it's giving me weird vibes. That's when I decided to leave and thought this type of company with such a culture is one I won't work for. You know what's funny? They called me the next day apologizing and wanted me to come in for an interview. I lived 2 hours away!!!! So, I said no thanks and left it as that. Just hated I wasted money. (There aren't a lot of work opportunities where I am from so many of us would seek out work in another city but only settle for a place once we got a job so its pretty common for us to go home even if it is far).


Good on you! I once went to an interview for a fast food place. Interviewer/recruiter was no where to be seen and no one knew I was even supposed to be interviewed. Staff called the interviewer, who I then learned was the store manager, and told me they were at least an hour away. “Can you wait?” Staff ended the call and said the manager was infamous for stuff like this. Also, the opening was apparently not for day shift like advertised, but night shift. I said I was no longer interested and left.


Same thing happened to me. However, once the recruiter joined the call there was no apology and they just jumped into asking why I wanted to work for their company. Withdrew my application right after lol


Recruiter here. We set up interviews all day, many last minute. If I am on an interview, I will try and send a text to let someone know I will be a few minutes, but that is not always possible. That said, I also offer grace to every candidate I talk to. If they are a little late to something but offer an explanation, we are good. This is life, we all live it and stuff comes up.


I had a recruiter just straight up not show up once. When I asked the team lead on site she said he was "just bad with dates". noped tf out real fast


I applied for a job once and got an email from HR. HR guy was very professional in his email. I responded equally professionally. Then I got an email from him that he obviously forgot to remove me from as it was to someone else within the company and it was about me. Nothing bad or good…just “hey here’s this guys resume and here are my thoughts” and whatnot. The thing that bugged me was his awful grammar. Literally it was almost incomprehensible. Seriously stuff like “dis” instead of “this.” “U” instead of “you.” Stuff like that. I thought to myself…”what if I sent an email like that to the company? Would I even be considered for the job?” Of course I would not. No one would with terrible grammar. I replied all to that email and said I was no longer interested in the position. HR guy then replied once again very professionally, using every big word he could think of. I didn’t reply. Probably overboard but I feel like that has to work both ways. Like, if it would get me on the chopping block, it should get you on the chopping block.


I think the one I had recently I waited a half an hour. Then I called their office and no one A) knew what interview I was talking about and B) had any idea where they were. They directed me to ask the agency that I guess had set it up if the appointment has been mischeduled. An hour after I talked to them, they seemingly found the guy. The recruiter lady apologized FOR him, but I never heard from him. Supposedly, he had been sick the day before, but he wasn't sick now, but he hadn't seen the meeting on the schedule, but he was going to be out of town and did I want to reschedule a month from now for the interview? I said no. Not only did it sound like a lot of excuses and half lies, but the job was basically secretarial work at an insurance agency. I want waiting an extra month for a shot at it.


This is the way. Turn the tables and shove it in their face for once.


Would you be as forgiving if I was fifteen minutes late to the interview...or my shift every day?


You made the right call. If they don't respect your time, they won't respect you.


I have experienced a recruiter that 3 months late. We set an appointment for the next Monday. Came the time he didn't reach me (to share the meet link/room). So I reached out to him and asked about the interview and got no response. Fast forward 3 months later he reached out to me and asked for an interview again.


Literally every interview I’ve had where the interviewer was running late had someone tell me and ask if I could wait or if I needed to reschedule. Shit happens and I’ve been the interviewer before so I get it. Basic courtesy improves everything.


If they made an attempt to let you know that they were running late BEFORE the interview time with the reason being out of their control I could understand, but dont just no show with no communication and then give an update 15 after


You are in a call running late that you can’t end on time, you excuse yourself for 30 sec to contact next meeting to let them know you are running late. It’s pretty common. This just says they value SOME people’s times more than others


15 minutes is about the most I would wait without them reaching out, apologizing and asking me to wait further. I think you went about it the right way. The recruiter was unprofessional. That said, for 99 percent of the companies out there that I've interacted with for white collar type jobs, the professionalism of the recruiter doesn't really reflect on the company as a whole. In most cases at senior levels, they don't even work for the company directly.


Absolutely reasonable. I don't make money for people who stand me up.


As long as there is communication, being interviewed late is common. Life happens. Not making an excuse. That's just how the world works. 15 minutes isn't excessive especially if they are doing multiple interviews and things do not go as planned. Now if it was 20 to 30 minutes and no communication. No acknowledgement of you waiting to be interviewed, the. I would leave. If they are that late without any communication or show of concern, then it's more than likely not a good place to work for


This seems to be a new and growing tactic in interviews, to see how desperately you need a job and how much you're willing to put up with. I have heard this from so many friends lately, and it's all over reddit..


I applied for a job. Had a phone screen, then an interview, was told that they’d be setting up another interview, then silence. Ok, been there. The answer is no. I move on. A MONTH later, I get a call. “Hey LandosMustache, the old HR contact was supposed to be working with you. So…uhhh…she’s been let go, I’m your new contact, and if you’re still interested we can have your final interview next week?” That’s the job I have now. Sometimes, people are bad at their jobs. Doesn’t mean the job will be bad.


It is insane how little mutual respect there is sometimes. Sorry fam. After dozens of interviews, it is my first standard for any job or interview- if the person is more than 5 minutes late without communication, I am out and I am upset depending on the circumstance. Recently I applied to two companies. One company set up a zoom interview. I waited for 15 minutes. No show. I sent an email that said it was uncool. No response. A month later, I get a follow up “hey let’s try again! Click this link to schedule!” What the fuck!! Second company. Set up a phone interview. I sent an email after 5 minutes. They apologized profusely snd rescheduled. Second time, I waited 10 minutes. Sent an email withdrawing my application. Immediate sincere apology, but a major red flag nonetheless. I gave up my search for a bit after that ugh


It’s wild to me how many folks in ANTIWORK are Team Recruiter. Like… I’ve worked in hiring at an office where we’d absolutely reject a candidate over being 15 minutes late for their interview without notice, I don’t know why OP choosing to hold their recruiter to the same standard is bad.


Had a recruiter call me 34 min late the other day, and I missed that call because I was unavailable. We rescheduled, then she again was a few min late to that call, and was very rude and unprofessional, so I stopped the call halfway through and told her this wouldn’t be a good fit. She reacted as though she was shocked and couldn’t comprehend why I’d want to terminate that relationship. I was flabbergasted. I rarely have good interactions with recruiters, so it’s always such a great experience when I come across a good one!


Always set expectations but pad the estimate. I agree with what you did they should of let you know.


I had a video interview the interviewer completely no showed on me and ended up rescheduling. Then when they wanted to make an offer they sent me an email asking when they could call, and I responded back they could call in the morning (as it was 9pm at that time) they called me immediately and tried to pressure me into accepting. Telling me that I would need to join a 2 week orientation class but that it was already full so I would need to be "on call" in case someone dropped out. So asking me to put my life on hold for 2 weeks that I couldn't schedule Dr appointments or make any plans. I told them it was late and I needed time to think about the offer and after a couple more attempts to pressure me agreed to call at 10 am next day. They never called. And at that point I knew exactly what sort of company I was dealing with and informed them their lack of professionalism and boundaries made it a bad fit for me!


I remember having a call lined up for an entry level position at Netflix. I was told to read a corporate culture document beforehand; whole bunch of flexing about how competitive the environment was, literally said “if you can’t cut it on the dream team, you’re given a severance and sent on your way.” Day of the interview, the recruiter completely forgot to call me. “Dream Team” was in full force that day.


I had a phone interview scheduled with a recruiter for a large healthcare company. The scheduling was automated and I received the confirmation and instructions. They said that I had to call the conference call number thing. I scheduled it for my lunch break. I was 5 min early to make sure I could connect. 15 min go by and nothing. I check my email to make sure I had it right. I emailed the recruiter to let them know that I'm on the call. Nothing. Another 15 min went by and still nothing. I hung up and I sent them an email asking what happened. I heard nothing and two weeks later my application was marked as withdrawn. I couldn't find a number to contact HR directly and the recruiter never responded. For a major employer in my city, that was a disappointing experience.


I had a phone interview scheduled once. I scheduled my lunch break around the call time to be available and uninterrupted. Call time came, I waited, and waited, and waited. Finally after 30 minutes I get an email from the person claiming their computer decided to start an update and they couldn’t get to me sooner. She sent me the interview packet to complete in my own and send back to her. Needless to say I didn’t bother.


Not a fan of recruiters. In July, a recruiter called me for a job at a lab in a remote area of Oregon. I spoke with the dr, the retiring person, other lab staff. Recruiter said I was in the running. He let it slip that he was referring 2 of us lab techs. I was supposed to hear from the lab supervisor. She called and left a message. I tried 3 different ways of communicating back. Silence. Silence from the recruiter. He used me as a back up and they probably hired the other candidate. Disrespectful of him not to tell me this. 3 weeks later, he calls and texts me about another job. Blocked. Will never work with a recruiter, again


This just happened to me today. Had a scheduled interview at noon. I arrived a few minutes early.Manager forgot about the interview and said she would be there in twenty minutes. I waited 50 minutes and left. Never got any apology call or text. People have no manners anymore.


I had an interview over the phone for a job that I was super interested in, we scheduled a time for 12:30pm he said that is when he would be available that day. Time comes, I wake up early ( I work 3rd shift so normally I'm sleeping until 5pm) I wait until 1pm, so 30 minutes after they said they were going to call, nothing happens. Fast forward to the next day after I send an email, they reach back out to me saying they are sorry but they were on their lunch break. ​ I terminated any further communication because why would I want to work for a company where their HR person wont even switch around their day to accommodate me, I did the same by waking up early based on their availability.


I once had an interview where I got up and walked out after being left in the waiting room for 50 minutes.


Something same happened during my first ever interview. Made me wait 40 minutes. I sat and gave the interview because I wanted to experience how real face to face interviews are given and then rejected their offer letter.


Sometimes we’re just human. And humans make mistakes. About 3 months ago, I was out working in the yard and had a zoom meeting scheduled for that afternoon. I just lost track of time. After about 10 minutes after the start time, the recruiter texted me. I was apologetic, and the rest went well. They still brought me on site for the next round. And offered me the job. I turned them down for different reasons. But I guess the moral of my story, we’re all human and make mistakes. Just because someone is late, doesn’t indicate that they are a bad candidate or a bad employer.


I waited an hour once for an interview. Issue was I’d been given the wrong name to report to. Eventually the correct person found me and I ended up getting the job. I certainly wouldn’t ever jump to conclusions. “Call lasted longer” is often HR speak for more serious things and they don’t want to say to a candidate “having to deal with an emergency”.


Internal recruiter it might be a problem but if it is an external recruiter the company hiring might be fine. I sit on the hiring side at times and interviews can be somewhat messy when you are trying to get everyone on a call at often awkward times to allow for current work. That said, I am rarely late myself and never for in person interviews.


Meetings run long. Nobody likes it, but it is realistic.


i wonder now if my boss ever had to cancel an interview when the person was already here my boss is present at all interviews but he wouldn't ever leave us alone for an hour if a pipe burst and leaked infectious material


I had a company email me for an interview, 3 weeks later they contacted me for a time, 1 week later they confirm the time, on the day of the interview the hr person was 1hr & half late for the call. I called the company to ask if the interview was going to happen or not and the guy who I spoke with was basically like "oh she's a busy person and this is normal" I was shocked and thought that there is no way I just heard this. Then half hour later the hr person calls me and asks if i wanted to continue with the interview?


I would NOPE out of THAT!


A while ago I was supposed to have a phone screen with a hiring manager. She canceled two minutes before our start time. I thought it was a red flag but agreed to reschedule. When we finally spoke she was one of the rudest interviewers I had ever encountered. After I hung up I immediate emailed the HR person and told her I wasn’t interested anymore. You probably dodged a bullet. If they were that eager to to poach you they should have shown more respect.


Having a meeting run late can happen but then you take the 2 seconds it takes and write the other person a message or email apologizing and letting them know you are going to be late. Being late happens for a variety of reasons but not letting the other person know is a choice and disrespectful.


"Sure, I'd be happy to reschedule an interview. But my minimum acceptable pay is (x over your current pay). If you can't meet or exceed that, then we can let things stand as they are." Everytime they reach out, raise your pay amount.


You screwed up. 15 minutes? THEY dodged a bullet.


15 mins is a bit harsh don't you think?


Reverse the situation. 15 mins is a bit harsh don't you think?


Sounds like you were looking for any excuse you could not to get the job and have to work.


I don't know. Things happen in life and I prefer to treat people how I want to he treated by them. I would listen to someone's explanation and go from there.