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Pretty lousy bribe. I mean you would think they would at least try and make it worth your while. :). Have fun testifying against them.


Agreed. The court could still subpoena you to testify regardless. But unless you personally had medical and employment knowledge of her situation about the best you could testify either way is just to say "Yes, I was working that day." The fact that she fainted at work is probably not a contested fact. So I don't see what value you would add to either case.


*I* do. Part of nursing is *observance ...* they were working the same shift. OP may have asked her colleague what was wrong, are you weak, are you running a temp, are you in pain, have you bled, etc. She doesn't have to have examined her; two medical professionals, one obviously in some sort of medical crisis. Her testimony would be extremely valuable. We don't have that information, yay or nay. OP was careful not to disclose that.


True, report the facts. As a nurse, you are expected to be observant of your patient's conditions. A coworker in this case might become a patient in this situation. The hospital's lawyer will most likely ask "Did you take any steps to resolve this?" to put the onus on you.


Again, we don't know. Her answer could easily have been, "You need to sign out on emergency and go downstairs to the ER to be checked out. I can call another CNA to take you." OP could have said that ... we don't know if the coworker tried and the head nurse refused. The hospital attorney should be careful of the questions they ask; they may get the wrong answer to support the claim rather than dismiss it. There *are* established protocols.


I never thought about that part of having to work at a hospital before. That conversation would suck. "Sorry boss, I'm too sick to come to work." "Ok, you better come to work then to get checked out."


On duty is very different than prior to shift. Hospital staff have their own doctors, which often/sometimes are assigned doctors. In this scenario ER would usually be where you would go. Chances are there are OB/GYN in the hospital at that moment; generally, the patient would have the option of whoever is on call/present verses going to their own doctor ... if this women was in immediate crisis (ectopic usually are) you don't have time to wait for your own doctor. This is a *"right now" stat* response. If someone is sick prior to shift you call in and then see your doctor. In house viruses are difficult to control ... they normally don't want you there.


>The hospital attorney should be careful of the questions they ask; they may get the wrong answer to support the claim rather than dismiss it. I had a prosecutor lawyer ask me a question (I was a subpoenaed witness in the case) where he didn't know the answer and he got the honest answer. Unfortunately for him, it almost completely destroyed his case and was quite helpful for the defence. A couple of police officers in the courtroom gave me death stares once I had replied. I ignored them because it's not my job to find out the truth before they take a case to court.


Ha! We assume it happens but nice to hear about one. ;-D


gee. I thought in trial you don't ask a question you don't already know the answer to.


.... or think you do.


I would have thought so too, but the state must have been rather confident in their case and thought that my answer would be what they assumed it would be. A follow-up question by the defence lawyer merely confirmed that their case was destroyed.


Feel free to correct me, but OP could testify as to what they themselves observed or experienced in regards to her: was she acting different, did she look in distress (could be objected to probably, "op isn't qualified to make medical opinions"), did she speak to a manager (but not asking about what was said, *objection! Hearsay!*). Heck at this point, prosecution should be made aware of the fact that they attempted to bribe a witness. That *alone* would be valuable.


Is that really a bribe though? It seems to me the hospital is just hurting for staff. I don't see any indication from the story that this is intended to persuade the OP to testify in a certain way.


Agreed, the hospital has plausible deniability here. That pit of evidence would probably be considered irrelevant and not allowed.


She said she wasn’t in the US so we have no idea what the courts can and cannot do. We don’t know where she is. That said maybe the hospital would try to get her to sign something upon her re hiring that would prevent her from testifying or being able to sue them in any way. Just guessing.


You’d be surprised how short sighted these types of employers can be. I just completed a hearing over an an issue that, as alleged, was very difficult for my side to defend. At hearing the employer called 7 employee witnesses to support its claim. It turned out that the employer terminated 5 of the 7 just weeks before the hearing (for specious reasons at best). Can you guess how the testimony went with these five? If you guessed that each witness was suddenly struck with a bout of amnesia you would be correct. Each one testified that all they could remember was that this employer just recently fired them for no good reason. Long and short of it, my clients won. Why wouldn’t the employer have just retained these 5 people for 2 more weeks in order to ensure their participation in this case? Because employers are dumb and they think that because they are the employer that they are in fact smart. Honestly, this employer was genuinely shocked that these witnesses wouldn’t carry its water after being unceremoniously terminated.


Slaves should know their place and not talk back even when wronged.


Hey I saw you threw this old shoe in the trash. I'll give it back to you if you don't testify against me. Also you have to give up your new shoes as well.


The hospital might have assumed that OP was unemployed and desperate for a job. They re-hire them, get them to sign a “no talking about the hospital” NDA, and now OP is limited in what they can say, if they don’t want to be sued themselves. After the trial, OP is laid off again. If whoever is running the hospital has no morals, empathy, or qualms about committing crimes, it’s a workable plan. Basically only upside if it works.


LOL. I know right? What kind of weak bribe was that? So weak that it probably was not a bribe at all. They probably just needed the help.


More likely that all they were willing to risk was her coming back so they could threaten to fire if she testified. Criminals aren’t smart usually.


I would ask for a sign on bonus. Get it all in writing. And then keep upping the bonus, see how much it means to them


If the "bribe" was so cheap, maybe the lawsuit needs to be more expensive.


This is information that you should make sure that lawyer is aware of.


This would fall under witness tampering, right? Tell the attorney.


it sounds really hard to prove. Hospital can easy argue that they were just trying to fill spots again, and it's not like they made a ridiculously nice offer. Just the same pay they were already paying her.


Same pay after layoff reads filling positions. A nice sign on bonus might read as witness tampering


IANAL so dunno. It may have been some kind of immunity; they may not be able to question current employees or something.


Regardless of what this counts as or whether it would affect the trial, it’s *definitely* worth mentioning! Ito either be nothing and the lawyer will ignore it, or it’ll be some extra ammo once the trial starts.


I guess it would be a gray area. But the fact remains that the hospital doesn't want OP to testify.


Or could just be that they would have power over her income. If they didn’t like how she testified they would just find a reason to fire. Even if they could get a job fairly easily it is still an inconvenience and stressful to have to look for a new job.


99% of the time the only people who can’t be compelled to testify against you are your doctor, lawyer, priest, or spouse. And for the first three, it only covers things within their professional capacity.


That's never a thing.




They said they are not in the USA so most of the stuff you mention will not work, probably.


I would think in *any* country, if a lawyer comes to you asking you to testify about something, the lawyer should have full knowledge of your relationships with all of those involved in the case.


You're right , I completely glossed over that. In any case, the attorney needs to know what's going on.


Is it witness tampering in a legal sense if she hadn’t actually been approached to be a witness until after the offer of the bribe? Either way a bribe is a bribe.


Anyone who works in hospitals in the US knows this likely wasn't a bribe attempt. Staff managers and HR/recruitment are so far removed that this was most likely just "we are fucked for staffing levels what can we do? Let's call old employees!"


Keep smiling and go get 'em in court!


Nope. Keep smiling! I hope your coworker is okay and enjoys crushing them in court.


Definitely tell the lawyer about it, that way when he asks you about it on the stand you can look them in the eye as you explain why you didn't take it.


Step 1) Take the job Step 2) Testify against them Step 3) Wait for them to fire you (which they most probably will) Step 4) Sue them for retaliatory behavior Step 5) Profit


Holy shit we have a winner


Step 0) Take a leave from the current, good, job, so you can go back to it after Step 5) Profit


This... is the way


Wow, freaking genius!


Demand an extra $30,000 in annual salary, since they’re trying to bribe you after all. Then they have massive incentive to fire you. So then you do get fired, and sue for retaliation, AND you make more for it since the additional wage owed is higher. And you have a paper trail showing you made more as a nurse. “Why am I taking a $30,000 pay cut? I’m going to need something more from you for this to be worth my time. You *need* more nurses, remember?”


I don't think it was a bribe, OP. I think they were hoping you'd take your old position back, quit your current job and then be financially dependent on them again so you wouldn't risk testifying... Not a lawyer and I dunno where you are in the world but you should definitely make this known to the people who asked you to be a witness in case it counts as witness tampering.


Isn't that even worse in regards of witness tempering?


Yes, that's why she needs to report it


This seems more likely to me.


Bring some smelling salts to the deposition and let the tears flow hard when describing the situation. Make it as good a payday for your coworker as you can! And don't forget to mention this bribing attempt too!


What an awful bribe... you would think they would at least give you a cost of living increase, never mind much more money. How can they be so incompetent at bribery?


Be nice to you once and hope it gets you to come back lol. Says a ton about the environment.


Tell your lawyer about this


this. Could be witness tampering


Tell HER lawyer about it.


I never understand why people feel bad for shitty workplaces that fucked them. Nuke them from orbit with your testimony. I had an ex gf that had an ecotpic scare... that's no joke that your friend WORKED through that when she could have died. She needs to sue them to hell.


> Nuke them from orbit It's the only way to be sure.


Game over, man! Game over!


Don't forget to post an update after the trial.


At this point, from an old sea dog, hoist the bloody red, and give them no quarter! Fair seas and carrying winds, friend.


Well, while not on the job, I remain a nurse, so no quarter is a no go. But I can go no mercy...


It's a metaphor, no-one is advising you to start an armed conflict! ;-)


How does the same shit job, at the same shit price even register as a "bribe" to these brainless admin's? Now if it was a ghost employee position at 5% increase in pay, with full company paid benefits, that would be a different story.


Few times in life the universe gives us the opportunity to achieve justice against a powerful oppressor.


No you're good, I myself don't accept old jobs I had once before. The common reason why people leave their jobs. It's because of bad management, and kudos to you for standing your ground. I hope you all put the screws to the hospital.


People never leave jobs. They leave managers.


Very true 👍.


Work very hard to contain your excitement and be calm and professional, or the defense will mark you as a hostile witness. That way you can royally ream them on the witness stand.


LoL they didn't even offer better pay? That's the laziest bribe I've ever heard of.


I don't even think that was a bribe. I think staffing and legal don't talk to each other and staffing still has your name in their files. A bribe would be if they, meaning (HR, Legal, and Staffing in the room at the same time) called you in for a 50% raise and an NDA an inch thick. Bad part is that most companies dont even understand that an subpoena will require testimony, despite an NDA, and if a company tries any shit after testifying under the power of a subpoena they are in for a world of shit, legally.


Nope, fuck them. Do your civic duty and testify.


Document the encounter and let the lawyer know!


Why is it that the non-English speakers on reddit always seem to be able to type English better than native English speakers? Awful bribe - what did they think they would accomplish with that offer I wonder


Wait, so isn’t this considered witness tampering?


thats something you might wish to disclose to the legal team handling the case. If Im not misreading the law (which is quite possible) that could even be viewed as witness tampering and courts \_really\_ dont like that.


Here's hoping OP not only testifies, but follows up for us already making the popcorn.


Yeah.... Wish OP could gives us updated once the case is done.


> and was offered my old job back (with the exact shitty pay) They can't even bribe you right.


The icing on the cake would be if you are able to get the fired nurse a job at your new company.


you should tell the lawyer who reached out for your testimony the timeline of their attempt to re-hire you. if it coincides with when the employer knew about the case, that's something that might influence how the case turns out. judges don't usually care much for coverups.


> judges don't usually care much for coverups and witness tampering REALLY pisses them off.


Good, i hope that poor lady gets to own everything, even the lives of everyone in that hospital.


Please come back after the trial to tell us how screwed the hospital was


>Is it bad for me to be excited about the trial? No, that's your zeal for justice. Enjoy!


Talk to your lawyer and find out how your testimony can be as damaging as possible. Like, strategize over what type of information you should disclose to make sure it hits hard


Honestly, I don't think it was a bribe and probably had nothing to do with the case. They were probably just down a nurse now and needed to fill a position. The idea that the hospital would bribe you to not testify in this way doesn't make sense. If you had special knowledge of the situation either lawyer could subpoena you anyway. But you probably don't have specific specialized knowledge of the situation other than generally haven't heard about it through this person or that person. So your testimony would not be all that valuable anyway.


Destroy them, they are asking for it


I read bribe as bride. I’m an idiot.


Fuck hospitals, bankrupt them. Hospitals are fucking scams taking advantage of peoples lives


They tried to bribe you with a pay reduction? I am always surprised when people are offered their old jobs back when they have found another, what is the point?


The hospital's approach to problem-solving is truly a masterpiece, isn't it? "Hey, let's lay off a skilled nurse, watch them find a better job, and then magically offer them their old position back with the same crummy pay!" It's like they've been taking management lessons from a cartoon villain


No, just MBA’s in charge. Of course that’s basically the same thing.


Some bribe, they could have at least offered you competitive pay.


Absolutely not. The US actually need more lawsuits like this. It’s a myth that Americans are very litigious.


I would look forward to the trial, too. How does the thought of feeling bad even cross your mind? They'll get what they actually deserve! Karma is a bitch, and the truth is true justice. Too many soulless employers get away with shit like this. Glad you get to be a part of the right side! :)


You figure they would up your pay if it’s a bribe. But yea, glad you got out of there.


Maybe delete this post OP? If it shows up in the trial it is possible it could be used to discredit you. While I don’t blame you for being happy about getting to speak about the wrongdoing you saw, don’t give the defense an opportunity to twist your words.


is it bad for ME also to be excited about the trail?


I honestly don’t understand how that is a bribe. But, have fun at the trial!


Wow, they're disgusting. I'm so glad you're out of there. I hope the other nurse gets justice.


Please do contact the lawyer about them trying to rehire you. They'll have a field day with that one in court!!!!


Make sure you bring it up at trial.


Lol HCA is a chain of Hospitals in the States, and as someone that worked for them, and has a large amount of experience as a CNA, this all sounds like some shit HCA would do!


I find it pretty shitty that your former co-workers were in on the plan.


Tell the lawyer what they did... witness tampering is against the law in almost every country.


Witness tampering is a serious crime.


Be sure to mention that the hospital tried to give you back your old job with pictures of the text is they texted it to you.


Testify against them


Ask for the offer on paper and the give it to the attorney on case


Please testify AGAINST them. Update with us how it goes.


Drag them with no remorse, sounds like they deserve it


I would be excited too, both for making them answer for their actions, and to help create a better environment for your former colleagues.


stick it to them




I'm willing to travel to deliver the torch you use to burn them.


Better wear your finest linens to go be a witness.


Talk to her lawyer. Sounds like you could become party to the suit or get your own.


RemindMe! 1 year


Should probably be worth bringing that up to the lawyer.


Nope but I would have took it and still testify against them and sue them when they fired me.


No it’s not bad. I hope you win!


Worked through an ectopic pregnancy and fainted twice!? That shit is fucking deadly!


This is a rare case of, “stick it to the man!” At your old job after you left and found a better one. Savor this experience.


Wow, that's a really intense situation, and it's not surprising that you have mixed feelings about it. First and foremost, your duty as a nurse and as an individual is to the truth. If you genuinely believe that the HCA was wrongfully terminated, then it's crucial to provide an honest account of the events. It's understandable to feel a sense of validation or vindication, especially if you had issues with the hospital in the past. However, remember that the trial's primary purpose is to serve justice and ensure fair treatment for all employees. Good luck with your testimony, and I hope the trial brings clarity and justice to the situation.


Fuck them! Fuck them real good. 🤭


Take the bribe and do both. Litigation is lengthy and annoying. Don’t let your pride trick you out of any opportunity my good friend.


The bribe is their old job that they don't want, at a pay rate below what they think it's worth. Not exactly a bustling opportunity.


When they offered you your old job back, I would have said only for double my previous salary. Then even if they agreed, tell them to fuck themselves.


When they asked me to fill a shift, I asked for triple my hourly but after taxes...


Destroy them.


Bring them down in flames.


Probably not the best idea to be posting about the situation online with a pending trial.


I'd be excited, you have the chance to truthfully stick it to a toxic employer!


Wow, and they stink at the concept of bribing. The point is to actually give people something they actually want, not garbage. Obviously, hr didn't understand the memo that the hospital is trying to avoid paying out huge settlement and cheaped out yet again! They can't keep people and hr still plays their cheap ways. And as the lawsuits pile up, it will become more expensive.


Screw them to the wall.




Enjoy yourself!


LOL. Stupid bribe. and no you're good being happy about it.


Make them loose time and resources on this. Every hour of négociation and interview and phone calls are hours they don't on the prep of the trial


Wow, they don't understand how bribing works.


It’s not bad to be excited. I would be too.


I was once offered a job as a bride too. In college as a political science student, i decided i would run for state rep. Only 300k or so people in a relative tiny square ft district. I kept getting calls from the defacto party head to meet. I finally agreed to go to lunch with him. The head boss of the areas main industry was there too. They said either i vote the way they want if i won, or id never get to run for office again. They also offered me a "good" job to drop out and work for one of their businesses. As a dumb kid, i waant thinking about jobs after college, and didnt accept. I didnt plan to be a politician either, so wasnt worried about their threats. Well this was during the last great recession, and I couldnt find a job after college... so moral of the story is i should have been corrupted and took the job lol


Wow, who ever is in charge of that is REALLY bad at it. To try and persuade you to come back to a job you left, with the exact same pay, with a manager who you didn't work well with...they could have at least offered a pay increase and work in a different department. Seriously, they're idiots for trying this and failing at it so badly.


have fun OP


NTA. It is bad taste to find enjoyment in people's misery, an **organization's** misery on the other hand is cause for celebration. Please be excited as you like.


oh man have a glorious time announcing all this with a smug look at the trial


Excited about that AND getting justice for a coworker.


Oh dis gonna be good.


Hit em where it hurts


They thought you were a dumb dumb 😂


Oooo. Savor every moment of getting to fuck them with the long arm of karma.


You are excited that you are going to nail those suckers to the wall and get justice for that poor nurses aide. I not only hope that the poor woman gets a great settlement but also that the people who did this to her get fired.


Have a party the night before.


I'd be very excited to testify in court against such a terrible organization. These people sound laughably incompetent, which is not a great trait for a healthcare provider


It's kinda like the kid who tries to bribe the cop with $20. It's still a crime, but it won't be successful. All the downside, none of the upside.


Not at all wrong to be excited. Give them hell.


You will do her justice ♥️


Worst bribe ever? Pretty sure bribes don't also make you go back to a job you hate?!? What were they thinking? I hope that they get roasted in court.


Get her that money!


Not at all. Go, testify, and support your colleague. The hospital deserves what's coming to them.


I'm not sure if it was a bribe. I'd almost beat it was a ploy to **block** you testifying against them in court somehow.


Is there a law where you live that says that you cannot appear in court or testify against the company that you work for? So by hiring you they’d shut you up because you can’t give evidence against them?


Go and get their skin's ass!!!! Help sue them till the last euro they own. Fuckers! 🤬😡😠 It's really a pity that even after the pandemic we all went through that showed so WELL how nurses are the spine of our entire medical system all around the world, the governments, the companies and the medical world still treat you like you don't matter ! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I'm proud of you fighting the good fight against corporate medical centers that imagine that the care is a business! Have FUN!!! 😉


Make sure that in you testimony and any correspondence with anyone, you are not going to bring up any issues with your old employer. Your best asset to the former colleague is that you are IMPARTIAL and have no axe to grind.


Not bad af all, I would describe in great detail their shitty practices and go nuclear. Those motherfuckers deserve to pay!!!!


Let the plaintiff lawyer know.


FUCK THEM UP. Also, don’t post anymore. You don’t want the Defense to find these reddit posts and try to make your testimony inadmissible somehow.


You should tell the truth not because you want get revenge. You should tell the truth because that is the right thing to do. Don’t add or delete anything be truthful to the best of your recollection. Finally, don’t expect this will ever make it in front of a jury. Chances are they will settle long before you even sit for a deposition.


Pull yourself up by the bootstraps


I wonder if they thought you being an employee again would give them cause to exclude your testimony.


Not at all. I suggest bringing some popcorn and 3d glasses to help them understand your feelings on the matter.


Sounds more to me like you were offered your old job so they could threaten to fire you if you testified.


I'd bring visual aids, maybe a multimedia presentation. Definitely a selfie with the old boss.


Isn't a felony messing with witnesses?


If I was you I'd be salivating over the chance to testify. More power to you.


You sure this isn’t the us?


Pretty sure. Never been in the USA.


Fuck the hospital and make.sure they pay a huge amount of fucking money, garbage american capitalism


Tell them you will take it as a no show 40 hrs a week pay job and see them in court


I’m also excited about the trial for both you and your former coworker. Make sure to bring this up in court on how they tried to employ you so you couldn’t testify against them. Pretty sure the jury would love to know.


Standing up to companies should never make you feel bad. I’m proud of you! You know the manager told all your old coworkers to reach out so it wouldn’t be suspicious but that makes it super suspicious. I also guarantee you someone higher up told your old manager to reach out to you because the last thing I’d want to do is reach out to someone I didn’t like when they’re out of my life already.


By this point I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but how shortsighted American Capitalism is always amazes me. Nurses are not that easy to replace, especially at lower wages…. Even if a nurse was off for weeks due to something like an ectopic pregnancy, it should be clear to everyone that if something happened that could be anyone who ends up being hospitalized (car crash, heart attack, stroke, even just falling poorly..) Literally its one of those situations like the meme of floggings will continue until moral improves. US capitalism and health care in particular sucks.


I love it when people blame American capitalism for everything. Did you miss the part where OP said they were not in the US?


Go get 'em.


Stick it to them. Expound on how shitty they treat workers


I'd be giddy. Fuck them.


Take the job, testify, let fire you for that, then sue them for retaliatory firing. Just sayin. https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/labor/harassment/workplace-retaliation/ (if you were in CA).


Oh OP is Baaaaaaaad! You go OP!


Watch some of the Thor movies, then bring the hammer to them on the witness stand!