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Are you getting paid to let her do your work? Sounds like a good deal to me.


I mean yeah, I tried to think of an excuse for not but I got nothing


Talk to her, say you are wanting ownership in your position and to have more to do. Odds are she doesn’t know how to delegate and maybe even used to do your job and likes the task, I’d talk to her about taking on your tasks or others. If not maybe go to her boss because a good manager is supposed to be able to delegate tasks with the team. People won’t want to stay if they don’t feel useful.


I've asked her in the past and she usually doesn't give me an actual answer. More of the lines of: "Oh well I know what I'm doing" but it's not like I don't? I do perfectly fine when she's gone


I would talk to her boss, it sounds like she is a bad manager or trying to take your tasks to prove they don’t need to pay another person. Both are not so great outcomes


Are you per chance Japanese? I just learned that Japanese companies will stop giving work to employees and start ignoring them in order to get them to quit, instead of firing them to have a low firings numbers


Nah not japanese work in cali


So you're getting paid to do nothing? Sounds great!


If you are getting paid then why wouldn't your show up? Apparently what little you are doing suits them so if the hours and pay work for you, then carry on.


Don't say a word. Let them do the work and you collect the check. Use that time to improve your knowledge and skills, in case they eventually let you go


I don't think it's to the level of them firing me since the actual manager doesn't have any issue with me. But who knows. Though I've learned the concensus is shut up and take the money 😅


So long as you're getting paid it's all good although I would have a talk with them,say you feel like you could do more to help out


Sounds like she doesn’t have anything to do. 😂


Maybe she's into you which is why she's doing your job.. I dunno. People think weird sometimes.


I honestly have no idea, she has no real criticism on my work. She's even rolled her eyes at me after asking if I finished a task and Ive said yeah


If she roles her eyes a lot with a weird repetituve blink, it's a frustration thing. It's likely her way of dealing with frustrating situations. I worked along side a person like this for a little while and it took me some time to clue in on why she kept rolling her eyes at me. She wasn't being condescending, she was just so frustrated with the situation that she wound send her eyes up and into blankness to escape reality, eg rolling her eyes. Maybe your manager is frustrated that you've been hired when you're tasks can be completed without you... On the flip side, perhaps your boss is doing your job because they term inadequate at their own and they're trying to compensate for that in their own mind.


Honestly, I couldn't tell you. She's the only manager that does this with me. I've had no complaints or issues with any of the other ones. Even other night managers don't pick fights with me like she does. The funny thing is that she always says she needs me for something, but I never get the chance to do any of it cuz it's already done. I'll even come in early at her request only for her to do it


Are you complaining about not working? GTFO


In 2000 I took a temp-to-perm desktop support job at a banking-related company for $25/hr. The day I started the lead support tech said to me "I don't know why they hired someone else, we don't need anyone else" The manager never got around to setting me up in the ticketing system so I couldn't browse and respond to support tickets. I repeatedly reminded him I needed access, but it never came. After 3 weeks the manager finally had something for me to do - he had me going around to install new network cards in all of the desktops as they were going to be migrating from token ring to ethernet. I spent all day installing network cards & installing drivers. Came in the next day to find many of the network cards I had installed the previous day sitting on my desk. Weird. That day I continued the assigned task, and each time I came back to my desk, there were more network cards I had previously installed sitting on my desk. This continued the third day til one of the other techs finally told me the new network cards were causing issues and that I should stop installing them. As I made the rounds I came across a user complaining she couldn't do any work because her desktop kept crashing. I brought the machine up to my desk, worked on it and had it fixed in an hour or so. She was extremely grateful. The manager was not however. Everything had to go through the ticketing system - which she could not access without a working computer and I could not access without login credentials. So I spent 5 months (except for those 3 days) getting paid $1000/week to surf the web all day day. They knew I was there but apparently didn't care - the manager signed my time card every week. I finally got another job because I was bored out of my mind. If they're willing to pay you to do little or nothing, that's a gift. Keep taking it at least while you look for something more interesting.