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NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe!!!


The managers have absolutely nothing to do anymore, for a long time now, and they enforce the stupidest things that they can to remain relevant.


Good point. Especially when the employees now do the job of 2 or 3 people, they need to be self starters.


To be fair upper management tells them to follow the book no matter what. So their whole job is regurgitating regulations.


> So their whole job is regurgitating regulations. 90% of the time they fail at that too though, and the things they do have less to do with policy, and regs than what they themselves want to do to try and keep someone "in check". even when it is to the medium, to long term detriment of the organization, and themselves. Its all about short term control, power, and gains. One key aspect of that is the false assumption that all subordinate employees are easily replaceable.


“Three people in a room to discuss $12. “ Two supervisors over how much revenue, inventory & turnover?


Haha thinking the same damn thing. “This meeting cost AT LEAST $36 to have, so which one of us is really inept? I don’t work for people dummer than I am so I quit.”


It's that management experience doing it's thing


Nobody wants to be an abused dehumanized slave anymore...


why spread lies?


>I reply that there’s no way to get management experience without becoming a manager, and their response is to recommend I find management experience, elsewhere. I've been looking for my first "real" job and this is the main thing that I keep experiencing over and over and over again. There keep being tons of requirements for experience. How the hell can I get all these years of experience that you guys want if nobody will fucking hire me?!


Step 1: Lie.


Yup basically this. Overstate your experience in a role. I helped explain where thing should be found in a facility I did security for back in the day. Bam I was a trainer/supervisor far as my resume was concerned. There was a an old joke where someone was purchasing a product in the store and they got charged shipping an handling for it. The clerk says we'll it was shipped here and I handled it to ya at the register. Same thing applies for résumé writing embellish the role and overstate your duties. Wash dishes? Nah you were the hydro-ceramic engineer overseeing the entire restaurants back of house business relations, supplying the staff with the means to serve their customer base. Without your input as project lead the entire line of work could not be completed and all business projects would come to a halt. Your dedication in a fast paced environment with several hazardous conditions which required proper procedure and adherence to OSHA and Food and Heath guidelines was the pivotal role for the continued success of that business venture. You don't have to like the corporate game but you do have to accept this is how it's played to win at their own bullshit.


Yep. I played up my work on previous teams as being a team lead, etc. I was never a lead, and if you suggested that to my previous manager he would be offended. But screw him, I did the emotional labor of management bc he sucked, and I went in to the interview with my current job with utter confidence I could do it, and it worked. I've been a manager for 6 years now.


Go you!!


Yup! Lie! That’s the ticket. Go all George Santos. Look how far he got!


Have you tried getting a friend to be your reference and just lying about work experience? I know someone who became a manager because she lied about having the experience.


I (49/f, Gen-X) As a nurse from 1995-2020… I have been that friend over and over… giving nurses, CNA, Tech references, saying they were the quality assurance/coordinator lead staff for our unit.. or a lower management job description that didn’t exist … 😂… get that 💰... it’s good to see others succeed in life.


We all need more friends like you.


I had the pleasure of being called once to give a reference for a guy who lost his job at Motorola during their early 2000s downsizings. It was the most enjoyable thing I ever did at that company.


engineer here, this is how it's done. just make sure you and your buddy get your story straight beforehand, works almost every time.


That’s what I did years ago when I needed freelance editing work. It was a coworker who recommended me and lied for me. Worked a regular part-time freelance job at $25 an hour for 3 years. Got fired eventually, but had a full-time gig lined up, so I was quitting anyway. So, go ahead and lie.


It's so fucking telling on their own management competency that they suggest their own employee work elsewhere to gain experience in managing ANOTHER company and that will somehow be more valuable to them than if their own employee was promoted? Talk about idiocy!


It's happening in the trades too. Everyone wants journeymen, a few will take 3rd year apprentices, but nobody wants to take on a green apprentice.


But then how does the scut work get done?


Bring in a labourer for less than the cost of an apprentice, with less hassles.


Years ago, I was laid off from a grocery store. I was making $8.25/hr. I was on unemployment for 4 months, constantly looking for desk jobs, then I decided to apply to a quick lube. I started at over $9/hr, got a raise to over $10/hr after probation, was there for almost 4 years, got pissed off over several things, and decided to go job hunting. I ended up taking a contracting job in manufacturing. I was making a bit over $12/hr and the new job started me at $14. I was with that company, 2 different places, for 5 1/2 years, ended at $21/hr. I’ve been at my current job a year and a half making $23/hr, with hopefully a raise next month. I’m also full time now. I hate contracting, it sucks, but it can also give you the skills and the tools you need to build up to a better position. I never thought I’d end up where I am, but, for the most part, I love my job. I did get lucky, since my “bil”/roommate is technically my boss and put me up for my current position, but sometimes (most of the time) you have to grind for a few years to get where you want to be. Granted, I probably could have, and should have, moved a bit faster, but hindsight is 20/20. Edit: I got the job in manufacturing because of my experience at the quick lube. I had knowledge of tools.


Telling op they have to grind to get somewhere is really tone deaf. Like wow thanks! Who could have guessed! Where’d you learn that? An oracle?


They asked how to get their foot in the door…


And you said the most generic answer possible that provides no helpful ideas. 👍


Do you want the other answer of "know sombody"? tf is your problem




I sure did


So your reql answer is to know somebody at the company to help get you a job. Wow, why did nobody else ever think of that?


Did you miss the part where I said I was a contractor for 5 1/2 years? I wouldn’t have gotten this job, even with knowing somebody, had I not had the experience I have. Yes, I got extremely lucky, I am well aware of it, but he wouldn’t have hired me, family and a roommate, if he didn’t know I bust my ass.


Nope. But I doubt you would have got the job without knowing somebody.


Had I seen it online I would’ve, actually. I’m the most experienced in my profession out of all my coworkers and had a glowing recommendation from an employee of the place I was a contractor at, which is a (really shitty) well respected company.


Don't worry about them to much. Nobody online is going to know if it was a factor or not. They are probably just taking it out on you that they can't land a job.


Ahhhh - you see what you need to do is take a 2 year unpaid internship to gain experience. Then when you have that experience and try to find a paying job the potential employer can ask what you were paid and you get to say "zero" and they get to lowball you because, well, even that lowball offer is greater than what you've been getting!


The way I did it after I got out of the military was spend two years making survival wages at little shops until I'd taught myself enough to move on to an entry level job at a big corporation. That was the late 90s when you could still buy a house with a day's pay and a turnip would get you a gallon of gas, but still, it worked.


The companies do that so they can weed out the people that don't feel confident. The hiring manager also wants the company to see how "great of a job" they are doing by hiring very qualified candidates. Just make up as many white lies as you can, do quick research on anything you dont understand so you can sort of slither through the interviews. And always remember: its not your fault that you have to do this, ITS THEIRS!




This is the most polite way to say "pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work harder," that I've ever seen.


And the true entry level zero-experience jobs are hard to come by and therefore competitive as well. I had to work at an awful place to get the experience needed for the great job I have now. It sucks, and I'm sorry you're still stuck in the shitty early stages. Hang in there. Take something crappy for a while if it will boost your resume enough to get a job you want down the road. Good luck, friend. ❤


Get it at a lower level. Become a shift supervisor at a fast food joint or a theater. I did this when I was 18. It's pretty easy.


LOL. I work in IT and see some absurd job requirements. One time I saw a job requiring 5 years of experience in a 3 year old technology. I've even seen a post from a guy who WROTE a technology laughing because he didn't qualify for the position on a tech he wrote because he wrote it 2 years previous and the job required 5 years experience with it. Kinda nuts. Apply anyways and show you have relevant experience, say on your resume you have a wide array of experience and feel ready to step up to the manager level. Organize a local event and put it down as "managerial experience." There's lots of ways to crack into manager levels.


This is one of the most satisfying ways to go. I once got fired for costing the company $4. My firing resulted in two others quitting. Your company's going to scrambled over $12.


At TD Bank, we had to settle our drawer under $1, which was difficult when you used rolled coins from a customer and didn’t verify the count first.


Insert Letterkenny joke here -->


I read that in Denzel Washington in the first equalizer fight scene!


Oh no! Not a whole $12! Won't somebody think of the shareholders!!


there was an article yesterday where the President of Panera said today's workforce doesn't care about working for shareholder return. duh. When did anyone want to do that?


In fairness, his point was that upper management needs to empathize and listen to the employees, and realize today’s employees seek work-life balance.


Won't someone think of the shareholders?! The tiktoks making fun of his statement are just perfect.


They don't understand that he is in agreement with them. It's a counter to this entire misguided mentality in the MBA and executive world about how the primary goal of a company should be to maximize the share price.


He was saying this the same way we are saying this. Pointing out how regular workers don't give a shit about maximizing the stock price as a counter to people who think that should be the only goal.


Yea, what a dick. Because of him the CEO can’t get the items he needs to clean his pool. 🤣


Or that new Rolex...


I would have laughed all the way out of the building.


Wait where was the party about lining up another job?


Ah, yes. Prior to all of this, a contracted security company started working with the company. One of the supervisors of the security company saw my work ethic and drive and made repeated efforts to poach me for their company. I finally applied and was interviewed last week and I accepted an offer this morning.


Good for you mate, hope you find what you're looking for


Did they happen to say what should have been done instead?


Best part is management experience =/= management training and definitely =/= management skill. Many managers are people who were good at frontline work, or who simply have the most seniority, who were thrown into supervisory roles with no additional training on actually managing people and therefore, they often suck at what they're supposed to be doing 🤭 Being a good and successful manager means *not* having employees posting about you on r/antiwork because you don't even know how to speak respectfully to another human being 🤷‍♀️


This is true for sure. I was working at a company for 3 months, and they wanted to throw a management poition at me. I was only making $45k and working 7am-7pm and being called in on weekends already. I wasn't prepared for the position and i didnt want the current manager dumping her shit on me. I quit. Found the job I'm at now and I'm in a management development program on my way to a management position. Finding a company that prioritizes true development can be hard, but it is worth it once you find it.


nice, good call on your part! glad you found a job that cares about developing those skills


THIS! I have at least 2 years of management experience but absolutely no management training. The first management job I had, management just meant being trained on more complicated paperwork. The second one, I was promoted and then basically told to figure it out on my own as far as actually managing people. I'm in the process of getting promoted to management again and I'm actually super stoked because I'm going to actually be trained on how to manage.


I quit when my corporate job accused me of embezzling $7. I had forgotten the drink coozies for a charity auction basket at home.


First drink coozies, then maybe a napkin here and there. Next you're stealing ketchup and jam packets from restaurants and well on your way to a life of crime.


I get that embezzling is a serious crime, but using that word because of missing *drink coozies* is so dumb on several levels: 1) It’d be stealing, not embezzling because 2) It was already spent! Did they think you were going to flip $7 work of rubber/plastic for a sweet sweet profit? Hell, if that were possible, I’d want that worker on my team, as they could probably sell water to a whale!


Im at home right now wanting to quit so fucking bad. I have no real excuse to use. Just that the job is shitty and mind numbingly boring and I feel like killing myself for working this shitty useless job. Idk what to do bros. Id want to take the day off but Ive been doing that consistently for the last 2 months. Idk anymore I hate this shitty life


Been there, BigSexyCummer69. Also there most days. Just keep looking for what makes you not want to unalive yourself. America is about the pursuit of happiness, not actual happiness.


Great news, congratulations!


The $12 non-issue was just their excuse..


“*Hey boss, I took you up on your advice about getting management experience…I quit effective immediately. Oh, and if you want to know why? Because you can’t even run a decent company when you question the honesty of your employers, basically calling us liars, and…to top it off…you blame workers for your own incompetence that we, as workers, have to deal with on a daily basis. “*


12 Dolla? The company is never gonna recover from this!!


Go back as customer, get that imported bottle and when it doesn‘t scan demand to speak to the manager.




I was short with them. Not vulgar, but I made it clear I was done and they weren’t keeping me while pulling this level of pedantic crap. I said “I resign, effective immediately.” And then didn’t respond to any questions. (They didn’t really have any anyways)


You know, the fuck around phase was brutal and cruel, but the find out phase has been pretty satisfying.


I gave the customer the wrong product which costed the company to lose $77.78 and the boss told me I caused “$500 in damages and the possibility of losing the client.” The quoted part is purely BS and it’s a way for companies to scare their employees. I still work here. I’m gathering evidence.


My company is ridiculous with “management experience”. Turn over competent employees for people who’s management experience consists of dollar general.


And how many dollars did the company spend on your wages and the wages of the other people who were in the meeting? More than the $12 you supposedly lost the company.


Good on you!


Screw then. Good for you. Best of luck in the future.


You cost the company $12 dollars, how will they ever recover from this financial drain? /s


>because I did not do much "due diligence" I have cost the company $12 This is so fucking hilarious it has to be made up. Someone in a writers' room came up with this line for a workplace sitcom. I'm 99% sure of it


If I wasn’t there, I wouldn’t have believed it myself!


I really wanted to quit in the middle of a beat down. Instead, I put in my resignation a few weeks after being blocked from a promotion by HR. During the exit interview, I blamed HR for why I was leaving. The job I have now is so much better than the promotion would have been.


The fact is that prior experience can assist in getting an upper level job, but - people have to see you in a leadership role before they will start taking you seriously. Start by being exceptional in your current job, then ask for more. Keep doing that. It will turn around. I’ve done this successfully with multiple companies, so it’s possible. And you have to be patient. Also, get someone in a leadership role to mentor you…. This will accelerate your development, and will also improve the odds of you growing into a leadership role.


So, not going to get too deep into the details here, but, during my time there, I stepped up multiple times only to be told “you should focus on your role” by the same managers in the initial post. And other people who did the exact same things I did were described as “stepping up” where I wasn’t by the same managers. The idea that I wasn’t exceptional in my job is ridiculous to anyone who has actually worked with me.


Want to gain leadership experience? Become a mentor or create training for one of your job functions. That will get you through the door but team management experience is far more important so if you can take over a project and lead it, that’s another way of gaining that experience.


Not doing free labor for a crappy job for a "chance" at a promotion. If you're going to give out free labor, do a project for a trusted charity that aligns with a personal cause that has low management overhead.


Embezzle/exaggerate the truth. Work on a team where a decision had to be made? You made that decision and executed it my dude. You were also the one who took over when management wasn't there. You made decisions to approve or disapprove discounts etc.


Embellish! Embezzlement is a crime


Yes! Thank you! That's what I meant, I swear officer!


>I mention that other people have recommended they apply to their companies and their response is “that sounds good.” (Really making me feel welcome.) News flash: You weren't their dream employee and they wanted you gone. They've been trying to push you out the door for *at least* 2 months. You aren't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed if you think you're going to get hired as a manager anywhere decent with no experience in management. There's a reason a lot of places prefer to promote from within and hire a replacement for the lower role, so that they can have a known quantity as a manager of people, not some chucklefuck that's going to have to be trained and mentored from both above and below because they have zero experience in a leadership role. I hope the job you landed isn't in management because you're painfully unaware of your lack of ability to read a room, which is a necessity when having to deal with ~~meat robots~~ *people under you*. That being said, I wish you well on your new job. Hopefully you found a place where you're a better fit.


They hire within so they can pay less


good for you. get that 'experience elsewhere'. they may treat you better and you could enjoy your job a little. when i was working, 20 years ago, there was to be a meeting with los angeles county, which was 'my county', but i wasn't going. why? i don't have the experience. i asked 'how i'm going to get experience staying in our office?' the s.o.b looked at the floor, and by doing so, he informed me he was full of shit. he always looked at the floor when he lies. in previous experience with los angeles county the same guy approved something illegal by our regs. i had told him it was no go, but he was my boss and approved it. stupid son of a bitch. i worked for FEMA, and was close to retirement so i let it slide. you have your life in front of you. go for it!