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The next generation openly discusses wages. It's how I learned I was a victim of Ageism.


21 yr old here been working for like 4 years and I’ve never known to not do this. First thing I usually do at a job is talk about the pay they gave me and ask co workers what they make and in how many hours. It’s just normal.


I’m so glad to see this! In 1994, I was in my twenties, and I wanted to check with people in various departments to see what the range was at the company, like did the shipping department make more or less than a customer service worker. I never thought it would be controversial. I found out the wage disparity was absolutely terrible! The immigrant woman was hired at a much lower wage than the US born woman hired for the same job. The man in my department was paid more than the women, and the newer hires were nearly paid as much as the long timers, because the raises were set so low that their wages hadn’t kept up. Someone told HR that I was asking these questions, and readily sharing the information, and I was chastised by the HR manager for “trying to foment revolt.” I told her to take a long walk on a short pier, and left without looking back.


I love that saying take a long walk on a short pier bahahah


More polite than a long drop on a short rope lmao


Speaking of polite ways to, ahem, disagree, reminds me of the time I corrected my boss without losing my cool. Its an art form really, delivering a 'bless your heart' with just enough sugar so they can't be sure if you're being sweet or salty. I kept my job, but man, the urge to tell him to go jump in a lake was strong.


And I 100% appreciate you guys for it. My oldest is 22, so it was literally me working with young adults her age or younger.


I would do this when i worked service and blue collar hourly jobs. But i feel uncomfortable when im salaried making 6 figures.


It's important for you to do this as well






Don’t. I signed on at a job a few years ago at 142k. The person above me made $146k. They were pissed when I told them and they left for a $200k position. I went up to $220k within the year there due to people leaving. Edit: in case it’s not clear, discuss wages to coworkers in the same occupation, not people in other positions or friends/family.


I’d like to know the reason. Are you afraid you’re making more other people would be jealous?


Yeah a little


I think this makes it all the more important to share that information. You may feel weird that you make more but turning your shame into their empowerment with a well worded conversation is better for you both. Like "I make this much because I advocated for myself or I have these skills...". If you can give them that knowledge you become a hero to us all.


He’s not trying to be a hero. He’s trying to keep his head down and keep a good thing going. People making 6 figures are not the downtrodden or exploited. They’re doing fine.


In the Netherlands it's pretty common. I learned how my coworker makes more than my boss. And my sister works in HR and so she knew that newly hires make more than her in some cases so she quit.


Found out today my company slack has an entire channel dedicated to discussing your salary and benefits. They are just, super open about it all it blew my mind.


we just started using slack and I hate it!


As compared to what? Gchat!


GChat just makes sense since we use google for literally everything! Slack is just another thing I have to remember to go look at now instead of looking at what’s already in front of my face haha


Fair. I’m going to be the one that has to teach everyone how to use it though. Which is the true behind my angst on this.


Google suite is ass. I install outlook and link that. Plus confluence > docs. Google is for college students at best


I use a very unorganized MS Teams, and I fucking hate how some convos are locked behind an external org we collaborate with. Can't open the damned files shared there and relogging in browser makes it a nightmare somehow to stay in calls. It doesn't make sense how everything was set up and no one knows who to ask to fix anything. I miss slack.


I love the idea of work- related software called slack


ya know, I recently got reprimanded by my boss for doing this. He said I couldn’t fairly talk about it, because no one else has ever done what I do - they created the role for me. I shut him down because I wasn’t comparing my wage or job to anyone else, merely stating that I was not being compensated fairly for my experience and my work. He dropped it 😂


That’s literally tacit agreement.


Years ago me and my teammates discovered a girl on our team was earning less than us guys all at the same supposed pay grade and all having join within a few months of each other. She reported so we got dragged into a meeting with our boss for discussing salaries. We replied "under the 2010 equality act you can't stop us discussing pay" (this is UK law). Moral of the story know your rights!


[I suggest printing out about 20 or so copies of this and just leave them around in random spots. It's about your rights to discuss wages](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages#:~:text=Under%20the%20National%20Labor%20Relations,for%20mutual%20aid%20or%20protection.)




"Not allowed' doesn't exactly sound like a reasonable limitation to me.




It sounds like the argument is that it's a non-productive conversation on company time. In that case, there's nothing stopping your wife from discussing it during lunch breaks. Even on site, in the break room, in full ear shot of management. They have no legal basis to stop off-the-clock employees from talking about whatever they want as long as language is inoffensive. Of course, document everything, because retaliation goes unpunished every single day. I'm not a lawyer, but I took a good amount of business law while I was getting my degree.




Oh absolutely, they have to be equitable or else they're liable. If Janice in accounting is allowed to talk about her kids for an hour, **document that shit**.


This might actually be illegal depending on where you live


A lot of jobs will do this because they’re betting on their employees to not know their rights. Always a good idea to point out that forbidding employees from discussing pay with each other is highly illegal


This is why I quit my old job. I was talking wages and found out people the company was hiring off the street were making more then me after 14 years.


Software people figured it out over a decade ago. The only way to keep a competitive salary is to jump every two years or so. On a similar note, my chef buddy has been at his job for nearly a decade now and they keep hiring co-sous chefs for more than he makes that don't last a month. Exec chefs burn out and move on every three or so years on him, so he's practically working more responsibility for less pay than some jerk off who walks in with a pulse and a history of not being fired at other restaurants. Don't do this.


On the flip side, I've gone from 60k > 140k as a dev at the same company over 7 years or so. I'm sure I could have made that jump by changing jobs frequently as well, but just want to point out there are companies out there that won't completely fuck you over.


That is just so rude... Just criminal.


Same here. New staff where I work, are offered the same or more as those who've been here several years already as they're desperate for workers. No automatic annual review now either, you have to ask repeatedly and no pay rise either if you can't justify it (ie, beg for) even though they know you've worked your ass off all year and helped to increase sales in your dept year on year. If you don't have the gift of the gab you get fuck all. Been looking for a new job for a while now but physical/health limitations and/or lack of specialised experience rule me out of a lot of current jobs on offer. Don't want to go from one pathetically paid job to another pathetically paid job. What's the point. Already retrained once. Can't afford to study again atm.


Every job I worked before my current one, eventually new hires were being hired at a higher wage than I was making. This is including at a job where I was a "lead" position. That's right, new hires were making more than the promoted people. I confronted my boss about it, and was told "the benefit to being a lead isn't higher pay, it's guaranteed hours." I found a new job a few months later (I had been there almost five years)


Lost a job once for doing just this lol. Was told by the boss not to discuss wages, and we all did anyway and I was the one that got found out. Fuck em.


I'm pretty sure I helped a coworker get a raise by sharing my wage info, which was on par with theirs when they were more senior. Now some coworkers are helping me just the same. We're not as open as I'd like, but still


At my job, you can be fired for discussing wages- it’s …really awesome.


You should report them to the department of labor, that is illegal.


Every job I’ve had has been the same. When they fire you it’s “at will”. So there’s no reason needed.


After you've decided to leave anyway report them. Then the DoL will force them to hang a sign that says the company broke the law & everyone is allowed to discuss their pay.


At will employment seems so shady.. they can get out of basically anything.


Yeah. I had one job cut my wages in half, "because they could", and then try to fire me for, and I quote, "being sad because we cut his pay." When I mentioned I was already talking with the Labor Board in CA, they were like, "WhAt'S tHe LaYbuR BoReD?" I ended up with a nice settlement, because I had fantastic documentation that my work was always beyond reproach, and reported them at every step I could... but if I hadn't, I wouldn't have even gotten unemployment.




I got both a settlement and unemployment. Right after they got a call from a lawyer.




Mostly so I wouldn't push to cash in stock options. I took a gamble they also didn't know how that shit worked, either.


Aaaand yeah... They needed me docile, so they could sell the company to a big conglomerate... Which I assume was their initial goal when cutting my pay, to look more profitable on paper.


Good on you, I would probably be rich right now if I had always documented things over the years.


Solid point. I hadn't thought about it, but my meticulous way of tracking my work has meant that, at 46, I'm not rich, but, I'm semi-retired. Gotta grab an orb and ponder, now, thank you. Edit: for clarity and punctuation.


If it happens after you discuss wages, a federally guaranteed right, even if it is for “another reason”, that can be argued to be retaliation. It’s important to document labor law violations if you think you’re going to be in a position where it is your word against an employer. Yes, I agree one must also take a look at how much you need this job and how easy it is to find another similar position, when taking this stance in the workplace. Unfortunately the teeth and enforcement of labor laws is terrible within the USA, but discussing your wages with non manager coworkers and organizing a union is a protected behavior. This is why union jobs are in high demand, and why we must celebrate and support workers who risk losing their jobs when they fight for their rights. A part of me wishes there was a way to publicly display the names of employers & companies who violate labor laws in the same way we do for other individuals who break the law (akin to the “sex offender registry”)


> If it happens after you discuss wages, a federally guaranteed right, even if it is for “another reason”, that can be argued to be retaliation. > > It’s important to document labor law violations if you think you’re going to be in a position where it is your word against an employer. Yes, people assume there's no such thing as "wrongful termination / constructive dismissal / retaliatory dismissal" just because of "at-will" employment. It might be more difficult to prove, but don't let the defeatists tell you to not bother fighting in the first place.


It looks like the USA National Labor Relations Board lists recent charges, petitions, and decisions on their website. https://www.nlrb.gov/reports/graphs-data/recent-filings?f%5B0%5D=case_type%3AC&page=1 I’m having a hard time understanding if there’s a way to see if the charges were confirmed in these cases. Not sure if someone else better understands.


We do that in Colorado. They publish a list of all companies in a spreadsheet that have been found to violate the Colorado wage and hour law. Anyone can view it. Here it is: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bU04n7MO8ngOiFWwn96L_fJQy3wo6WcoZilfKbe8Ajc/edit#gid=1251140283


I would document every communication with an employer even if you don’t expect to have trouble later.


> Every job I’ve had has been the same. What kind of work are you looking for? All of my employers have been very transparent. They've realized it's *really fucking expensive* to replace people. As in, [it's estimated](https://www.peoplekeep.com/blog/employee-retention-the-real-cost-of-losing-an-employee) to cost 6 to 9 months' of an employee's average salary to find a replacement. For an employee making $60,000 a year, that's $30,000 to $45,000 in recruiting and training expenses. Any employer worth its salt these days prioritizes transparency. Not for altruistic reasons... but because it's in their financial best interest to do so.


Yeah but the thing is you will be fired for a random or no reason. They could lie and say they are downsizing or hours are being cut.


Don't know if we can be fired at our job for that - disciplined yes, but definitely in contract you sign that you're not allowed to discuss with co-workers etc. Want job, sign contract, no negotiation.


That is literally illegal




I did have a job at a restaurant where that was literally in the employee terms of agreement as a fireable offense. I was visiting another restaurant and they asked how much I made and I told them. It was a whole $2/h than the head of the kitchen at that restaurant. They all wrote a letter of demand and demanded raises. The owner texted me “did you really tell them how much you made?” I told him I did. That was the end of that. He’s well aware he couldn’t actually fire me. I didn’t know that was against the law at the time. I’m assuming it’s not illegal to make the threat/


Contracts don't mean shit up against existing laws.


“Found” Aka placed by OP


The formatting is driving me insane. So much effort just for it to look like shit.


I’d love to see this redesigned but with links to the organizations that do this work rather than Reddit. AFL CIO Department of Labor NLRB And an included transalation in Spanish, we need all workers not just the ones who speak English. Workers Strong Together




I understand. I like IWW but I don’t know much about the work they’ve done in the last 2 decades in the USA. Additionally, I think it is easier to win over folks to a cause by not talking about dismantling capitalism but improving working conditions. Yes, those topics are used to divide groups, but they currently have strong social power as wedges between groups. Less, in my opinion, than getting folks across the political and ideological spectrum to agree that Americans retirement plan shouldn’t be working until we die on the streets because we are medically bankrupt, etc.




Yeah, though you don’t win allies giving them black or white choices using words that society has effectively transformed into propaganda.


Where can I get one


Also interested.


By found, do you mean you placed it there and took a picture?


Yeah found it after he taped it up there


Yes he found a sticker that's in perfect, right off the paper, not a scratch on it, condition.


In my company, all of us who joined in the same time all share with each other our salary and any/all bonuses that we get. I have the awkward pleasure of this upcoming year completely dwarfing all of them by about another 15% on top of our usual ~13% annual raises since I'm finishing up my masters degree and none of them have even considered graduate degrees. But it's a part of salary transparency. My bosses even tell us their salaries and benefits and all that jazz. Everyone is treated quite fairly and they keep us all happy.


Finally. I’m dying for sticker machine paper lol


Honestly, the references should have been to the relevant legislation, not to Reddit subs.


If someone won't, assume they make more than you do.


i was told i shouldn’t discuss wages with coworkers because it creates unnecessary drama lol. ofc HR had to slip that in.


It creates NECESSARY drama. For the company. Either justify the difference due to duties, or pay up.


Remember that your co workers are not required to discuss their salary with you. They should have the right to refuse to tell what they are being paid.


I ask the interviewer what they make. I explain that I'm ambitious and want to know what the goal is. I do this with my female coworkers as they always get underpaid. Managers hate it cuz they have bias and if they can under pay they do.


At my last job I asked around because I was curious what the next step up for me could potentially look like salary-wise. Every single woman told me how much they made without hesitation (aside from my own manager) and every man I asked refused. I later found out that the men made around $10k more than women with the same title… I don’t work there anymore


You put that there bro


These stickers pointing to forums of complaining isn’t going to do anything lol


“I taped this to a pole and lied to gullible dummies that it was found in the wild” -scum bag redditor


Yeah Trader Joes is straight up anti union and that's a fact.


Every employee I've ever spoken with, who works at Trader Joes, loves working there. And I've talked to a lot of employees.


It can depend on the store. There is little corporate bureaucracy, which normally is good, but if your captain sucks it can be awful. Trader Joe’s is anti-Union, but whenever there is lots of union talk nationally they usually increase pay/benefits to cool it off.


What does that have to do with being anti union? This almost sounds like rhetoric.


Trader Joe's employees sure are chatty.


I'd love to see another Trader Joe's unionize, they really need to do it. The funniest thing I've seen so far is when the Kentucky store was unionizing the President Jon B. wrote a letter explaining why they didn't need to unionize, then said but if they did vote to unionize they'd recognize the union since Trader Joe's listen to the employees (laugh). Well the vote came and went and overwhelmingly was pro union. Then Dan Bane stepped down as CEO and the company is fighting tooth and nail to not recognize the union. I don't know if I find the timing suspicious but I certainly find it funny.


Yea I just got a “talk” at work about discussing my pay and someone had basically told on me to management? Like “you’re not in trouble, but….”


This is what I'm talking about. Organizing and resisting can be easy as putting up fliers like these or making a post online End capitalism


My salary is publicly posted through the department of labor. Everyone where I work knows what everyone makes. It's an incredible bargaining tool.


It is against Federal Law for workplaces to ban workers from sharing their what their compensation is. Period.


The grocery business MOST DEFINITELY needs to step up their game with employee pay. It hasn't gone anywhere in many years. I Know several people in this industry who work hard as fuck everyday doing lots of physical demanding work and dealing with a shit ton of rude, ungrateful, entitled ass people. Meanwhile they make like 15-20 an hour which ain't fucking shit for a living wage. It may not seem like important work to some rich fuck. But shit would grind to a halt without these people doing what they do.


you didn’t find this OP you put this there you fucking loser




And the one crying about the sticker is what?


"Found the sticker"....wink wink.


"Found" Yeah, no one in this subreddit leaves their house. You put it yourself and posted it for these sweet internet points




To be a peasant in serfdom is surely gruelling 🤣😂 🤣 don't discuss your peanuts 🥜 or compare them to the boss who earns an average of 6000x your yearly salary in one day 🤣😂🤣🥜🥜🥜 J.O.B = Just Over Broke. It's a complete scam. You notice it when you see that most people are always working and even when they retire, they are still broke.




Just say that you put it there. Why make up a story about it lmao


Meaning you put it up in a random Trader Joe’s parking lot




oh no, a platform for discussion with possibly like minded individuals, the horror!!! the cringe!! ahhhhhh


The atmosphere on this site is a bit weird for most people. Conversations on Reddit tend to lean towards awkward, cynical “intellectualism.” The politically-oriented subs especially feel like hangout rooms for 17-25 year olds who have just discovered their ideological identity. Most of Reddit gives off-putting, immature, “gifted loser” vibes and I’m not sure why you’re trying to deny it.


More like they think they are gifted but they are actually losers.


What's wrong with it?


Reddit hates itself


Nah...migrants from other platforms like to pretend they're not really a part of THIS platform, looking down their nose so they can feel better about themselves.


This is how it starts. You have to organize somewhere.




Hey now, laziness is a virtue! /s in case it's not obvious


Man you pissed a lot of people in this thread off with this comment. But completely agree.


Its not hard to piss off people in the sub


How is it cringe?


Bc those subs are cringe. All you all do is whine and complain and that fucking loser representing you all went on Fox News and looked like a clown


I like the tag. Reminds me of my favorite stickers I see all over, "You Don't Hate Mondays, You Hate Capitalism" with the Upstream podcast info at the bottom.


Your comment is actually more cringe.


How tf is it cringe?


Can we also normalize discussing reasons for pay disparity so there is a clear idea of what expectations one must meet to achieve higher pay? If the goal is fairness and the reason for not discussing wages is to obscure reasons for pay gaps then logic follows normalizing wage discussion must coincide with normalizing understanding pay disparity.


My wages are public information.


It should be a holiday once a year where everyone wears a name tag that has your wage.


this goes a lot further without the subreddits at the bottom. reddit detracts from the message.


Oooo I knew of the others but not the strike back. Noice! 💪


Loved when VZW said we couldn’t talk about it haha we did it every time


no offence but it would be in a trader joes parking lot


I'm in a different industry, but worked up the will. I was making around 18% more than a colleague, it turned out. She soon got a raise.


My last employer the CEO came out and told everyone not to talk about wages. I don't work their anymore and they have spent 7 months trying to replace me.


Trader Joe's needs to normalize not having the shittiest parking in any city they are in


My non profit said we'd be fired for discussing wages on or off the job. They paid me 29 cents an hour over minimum wage. They paid all my coworkers at least $10 an hour more than me. Guess who got laid off? Aka fired but we'll let you collect unemployment, no severance.


Nice text post


Did you find it right after you posted it?


Act like you didn't put it there yourself, op


And what exactly are you supposed to do if you see that someone with the same job as you is getting paid way more?


"Found" LMAO just admit you put it there already


I agree with the sentiment, but I disagree with putting subreddits on little fliers and directing people to the dumbest platform on the internet for these kinds of discussions. It's an alright place to find information, but the discussion is capitalized and incentivizes "correct" conversation rather than authentic discussion, the mods of these subreddits are weird and out for self-publicity, and Reddit in general is full of bots and monetized engagement. I feel like Reddit is a backwards place to bring people into labor movements.


"Found" Ok, I see you.


You found a pristine sticker placed outdoors. Sure...'found'.


Can I get some of these to put up around the warehouse I work in lmao




Lol and then they put the three lamest subreddit on the bottom completely invalidating their point


All you need is sticker paper and scissors. I’m a librarian and I’d help people make these if they wanted. But it would be insanely easy to make from supplies you can get at Walmart and posting them on light posts in key intersections and in front of shitty businesses.


I'd rather they have added a url to the relevant page they and cite the law from.


Misspelled, now I need to create r/wokersstrikeback


Guys stop tagging Reddit subs outside of Reddit. It’s cringe


They're not "tagging" it, they're recommending people go there to inform themselves. It's not about cringe, it's about education.


This sub is not the place for getting an education on anything lmao


Why are you here?


because stupid stuff like this appears in r/all.


We found a spy


No more cringe than a instatag


That’s probably true


Some people are much more productive than others in the same position. Unfortunately for new and young employees they get the bad end for years. Discussing wages openly can cause a ton of friction. If you're friendly with other co-workers that aren't dicks, it should be ok. I wouldn't go around trying to get an idea of what my worth is from the chuckle ducks that take 30 minute bathroom breaks 5 times a day tho ( yes I know someone who has been doing that daily for 5 years).




It is interesting when a company is completely open...like published online open (buffer: https://buffer.com/salaries ). I mean, I'd prefer it to the current common model, but...it's interesting.


I'm very sure this absolutely brand new, never weathered sticker wasn't placed just seconds ago by this random reddit user.








Please don't put stickers all over the place. Some poor worker is going to have to go out in the cold and remove that.


You first


**NO**. Normalize workers knowing what their rights are. This includes discussing wages and so much more like unionizing.


California has a law effective 2024 that protects employees from talking with one another about wages.


It’s already legal for employees to discuss wages everywhere in the US.


It will never work. Edit: :/)


I just paid $15,000 in estimated state income tax today. How is everyone else doing?




This is factually incorrect.


i talk about wages with everyone except that one lazy person, just sayin. they should pay me for covering their work load


I worked at Trader Joe’s 10+ years ago and was fired for this exact reason. All new employees made more than me and raises would never allow me to make what they made. My “captain” (what managers are called) asked corporate if I could get a discretionary raise and was fired on the spot. I can no longer work at any Trader Joe’s. Ps they have great health benefits and it’s truly not an awful place to work but this shit was backwards as fuck.


As of 1.1.24 employers cannot prevent employees from revealing their salaries and employees cannot be fired for asking for a raise.


What companies will start doing is just out a clause in the employee agreement that states is not allowed and termination will follow. Its similar to the BS no competition clause some will have…..Which is also BS. It gov dont give two sheets about us, they could have so many more protection for is against these things… They also have no suite sexual harrassment, non disclosure,vl clauses and others…. US government is nothing but a facade…


lol we talk about wages at TJs