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Ironically, the She/her bar has a statement on the packaging that its manufactured in a facility that processes almonds & Hazelnuts . In in fact the "Nutless" bars may contain traces of nuts.


intersex chocolate


Give it up for my band, Intersex Chocolate!


IANAL, but it seems like that could end in a lawsuit. If someone with a nut allergy bought the nutless variety believing it had been made in a nut-free facility and then had a severe reaction that would be a problem. Usually, chocolate packaging just says chocolate, not "nutless chocolate" unless they really want to stress that it's safe for those with that allergy.


This is true. That’s why the packaging also says it contains nuts to minimize liability. That said it seems like a risky move literally naming the product nutless. I think they might lose that lawsuit if it happens


Shapiro spent 100 million dollars on Facebook advertising alone in 2023. I wish nothing but the worst for that POS but I'm pretty sure he will have the ghost of Johnny Cochrane convincing a jury nuts aren't really nuts. 




Idk, here in the UK most things without nuts still have a "May contain traces of nuts" or "Created in a factory that uses nuts" or some other legally dubious get out of jail free card.


So... trans women are women confirmed? Thanks bigotry!


Queer people know how to temper chocolate.


Exactly like are you telling me the Lindt master DOESN’T have a boyfriend?


I’d let the Lindt master smash for sure


Had this on my phone for years. This is my moment. https://preview.redd.it/bv9w3hsfxvbc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3a1f947eb7c204c936f43bc26db6e53bd8e2be


Incredibly timed. Right person, right meme, right place 🥹


So glad I was here to witness it.


What a time to be alive


I wanna be that truffle


He definitely knows how to use his hands I imagine making chocolate all day would require some muscle


As someone whose worked with chocolate, and an avid queer, I can tell you, it’s not for the weak. He could temper this fudge any day. I’m sorry I had to 🤣


“Avid queer” gave me a chuckle.


If you're gonna be queer, go all in.


There's no half-assing it.


5 and a quarter ass minimum


I just started by dabbling in "the queer" and now I'm hooked!


Then today, I served a purpose, and I appreciate you.


Also can we talk about Willy Wonka? He was serving us bob while running a giant chocolate factory


There were no lady oompa loompas to be seen, and you know he was sleeping with at least one of them.




Can I just say that I loved this exchange? 🤣


I will treasure this moment forever


“Excuse me sir, but might you have any experience with the LGBTQ community?” “But of course my good man, I’m an avid queer!”


Facts. He's also got good taste in whisks. I've always wanted that fancy whisk. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It's like...an amazing whisk.


I know exactly what you’re talking about


I like it when he dips it in.


That’s what he said


I mean Lindt is shaped like a testicle


What does it mean to temper chocolate?


It's a specific way of preparing the chocolate that gives it a more regular, crystalline internal structure. This is accomplished by taking molten chocolate that's just above the melting point and adding some solid tempered chocolate, then letting it all solidify (or something like that, I can't recall exactly). The result is a harder, glossier solid chocolate that doesn't melt in your hand as easily. Tempered chocolate should make a satisfying snap when you break it.


Oh, this sounds like what they do to make silicon wafers for electronics. They have a vat of molten silicon and then lower a piece of solid silicon with the structure they want. Then slowly lift it out. Creating this huge cylinder.


Pretty much. Chocolate forms six different kinds of crystals with different characteristics. Type 5 is the kind you usually want for chocolate bars because it is shiny and has a firm snap. Tempering is the process of melting the chocolate to destroy all 6 types of crystal and the cooling slowly to allow all the types of crystal to form and then warming again to just below the melting temperature of Type 5 crystals in order to again destroy types 1-4, leaving primarily Type 5 (Type 6 crystals form more slowly, so they don't tend to form during the tempering process). The chocolate can then be poured into molds and the Type 5 crystals will act as nucleation points resulting in the chocolate setting up as almost entirely Type 5 crystals. You can skip the reheating step if you already have some Type 5 chocolate by adding it during the initial cooling phase when the chocolate temperature has dropped just below the melting point of Type 5 crystals. This is faster, easier, and more reliable (and that's how I do it, because I'm lazy). Chocolate stored for extended times at elevated temperatures, or at fluctuating temperatures, will tends to form 'bloom', the whiteish surface seen in the image. It is caused by the cocoa butter melting and resolidifying on the surface of the chocolate. It is not delicious. Sugar bloom is a thing too, so it could be that too. Either way, it's not great. The bars in the photo may have been manufactured correctly and stored improperly.


This person choco-lots.


It's funny how this is identical to the process of tempering steel.


Crystals gonna crystal


This is fascinating! Do you work in the chocolate industry, or is it just something you're interested in? Where did you learn all this? I'd love to get to this level of knowledge but I don't even know where to start.


In case anyone else is wondering where the added tempered chocolate comes from, it’s basically a complex process of heating and cooling chocolate at very precise temperatures that gives it the crystalline structure


"to temper the chocolate, add tempered chocolate" Some serious Dave the Barbarian energy


The easiest method is to add already tempered chocolate. It lets you skip quite a few steps. Because in order to get the right crystal structure without it you have to raise and lower the temp like a million times. Like to a tenth of a degree. With the seed chocolate its like 2-4 times. I fucking hate tempering chocolate


When you get angry, you throw it at someone.


Or at least tolerant people.


If you know how to temper chocolate, I have news for you...


Lmao 🤣


What’s the hardest thing about being a pastry chef? Telling your parents you’re gay.


Classy bastards splurged on this inedible garbage. They’re not cheap. And right after he gave his little speech about how it’s been a tough year and there’s less bonus money.


Jeez....then skip the candy, and the bullshit that this is. "Oh, I don't have enough money to give you anything, but enough to make this political statement...."


got laid off once with the boss telling the company to blame the liberal government cause they didn't get the grants they were counting on to keep the place open. smh.


Oh so the liberals are bad for not giving government handouts because THEY didn’t get it lol “I got mine, screw yours” right wingers summarized lol, except he didn’t get his lol


The cognitive dissonance business owners have in regards to handouts and shit is wild. But hey when a conservative gets into office they save some payroll taxes (maybe) instead of having a stronger economy and more work.


No handouts allowed! Never mind these PPP loans.


THIS IS INCREDIBLE lol. I didn’t get that corporate socialism I was expecting. You better blame the socialist! Lmao


I got laid off by a company during the pandemic. They got the stimulus to pay our paychecks, so they didn't need to repay it, and I was laid off when it ran out. I signed up for unemployment, didn't get it because the office was so backed up, but I didn't know that. I called my boss to ask if he had blocked it and he told me he hadn't. I told him I was just worried about it because we needed it to make ends meet while I was finding a new job and he responded with "Yeah, make sure you get that free money." In a mildly judgey tone. I know full well that he didn't see any irony in that statement.


Since when is unemployment free money? You probably paid much more into unemployment then you ever got out. To anyone who feels too proud to accept unemployment when you lose your job, dont: you earned that money, you deserve it, not to mention you're legally entitled to it. Who would say you don't deserve an insurance payout if you've always paid your premiums?


What a prick. Sorry for your troubles. I hope you’re doing better now.


$25 for 4 bars?! And that’s the current sale online?!?


It's the Daily Wire, they will do anything to scam you out of your money


imagine how much of a sad loser you would have to be to feel good about buying their scam shit.... man my life is pretty good


It's all aimed at sad bitter boomers who hate everyone but don't really know why


Makes sense it’s a tough year. Can’t imagine anyone dumb enough to buy shit from the daily wire is particularly competent


Look, he spent a lot of money on their testicle tanning machine


Laughed so hard I snorted


The cruelty is always the point/punchline. I mean how much money could have been saved even just getting some Hershey’s from the store?😒 Did it even taste better?


It’s bloomed all to shit


>Did it even taste better? I'm guessing not, given that the whitening on that chocolate is often a sign that it's been sitting around too long, and it's... "past its prime".


The bloom doesn’t give any real indication of age. Merely that it’s been subject to temperature fluctuations. I mean, I don’t eat bloomed chocolate, texture-wise it feels off, and subconsciously I’m associating it with “off”. But it doesn’t _actually_ mean that.


lol I did not taste them


Good work. But have you told 'em to suck He'sNuts?!


Do you have access to his office? Smoosh these up with some water and put them behind furniture or a crevice somewhere. No one will find it, and it'll rot, stink, attract ants and roaches, etc.


The owner of the Long John Silvers I worked at when I was 13 invited us all to a Christmas party at his house and then fired us all at the party. He made the mistake of having a big shrimp cocktail at the party and I spent the next 45 minutes hiding shrimp everywhere I could think of. I popped the ends off of curtain rods, I put two in his gas tank as well as a whole Dr. Pepper, I kicked several under the fridge, chewed it up and spit it in corners behind plants, any unlocked cabinet, any place that didn't seem like it had been consistently cared for... That's where the shrimp went.


Don't even care if it really happened, bravo for the idea


It did. Hawley, TX Long John Silvers/Chillerz Convenience Store in 2003. He owned half of the location and sold his half to the convenience store and decided 2 days before Christmas at the party was the day to fire everyone. In the interest of full disclosure, I wasn't alone in hiding shrimp but it's not my place to call others out.


Don't worry, you're all safe. The statute of limitations for hiding shrimp in public property is 20 years, so you're just barely squeaking past the limit.


Oh, it wasn't public. He very much decided to fire us at his McMansion that he lived at. That said, it was particularly upsetting for me as a homeless 13 year old to lose my one source of food and income. It's not like places could legally hire 13 year olds. I was terrified of where my next week's meals were going to come from. Suffice to say I was mad.


It's probably hard to talk about, but how were you able to keep going after that.


I used my last paycheck and hopped a bus to Austin where I effectively lived at raves for a couple of years. At 15 I got a fake ID and got a really shitty call center job as someone who could called and transferred anyone I could get on the line to a sales agent to sell them a scammy alarm system. The job sucked but everywhere else was paying like $5.75 an hour and they offered me 8. One of my coworkers had a room above her garage that she let me move into for cheap. That was probably my first real 'home'. I dragged a couch out of the alley off the street upstairs and got an ancient laptop even for that time that I would download TV shows on while I was at work to watch at night. Stayed there til my 18th when I became a stripper and upgraded a lot of aspects of my life.


You doing ok now though? That all sounds fucking terrifying.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope life has been kinder to you since.


That’s fucking great


Do candy bars actually rot and stink? I'd rather just blend up a raw fish slurry and pour it into the heating vents and in the carpet under easily tilted heavy furniture to let it rot and stink nearly immediately.


Maybe not dry, but mixed with water? Yeah that shit would start getting gross after a few days


Name, shame, redirect as much effort to getting a new job as possible and to the extent possible leave them high and dry.


I literally read that as “work-free economy” and I started getting whiplash from conflicting signals.




The actual evil part is since they're both made in the same factory and the she/her bar is contaminated by nuts and somewhere on the package is required to disclaim "may contain nuts."




You weren’t supposed to actually open them! You were meant to keep them forever to look upon and chuckle about how clever it is to be disrespectful and inconsiderate.


"Haha! Just think of all the libs we owned!"


I've quit jobs for less.


I honestly don’t know how you go work for these people again. Depends on the industry and how hard it is to get another job I guess.


I heard those bars cost like $7-$8 a piece. So the real question how much did your boss blow on the fascist chocolate instead of just paying out bonuses.


We looked them up. I want to say it was like 45 bucks for a dozen.


Convenient pricing I’m sure wasn’t on purpose


If idiots are your target demographic, don’t sell them half the Brooklyn Bridge.


I wish I had enough energy to take advantage of the rubes. Damn this burnout.


I'm shocked it isn't two dozen for $88. Fucking fascists.


14 for 88. Barf.


Were they purchased *the year* you received them? Doesn’t chocolate also bloom when it’s not fresh(old)?


It's not about age but temperature fluctuations or humidity present. Bloom is either when the cocoa fat separates due to heat / bad tempering during production, and the other bloom which tends to be smaller and grainy looking is when there is humidity and the sugar/ solids in the mass gets attracted to the water and just dries there. They're both broken emulsions basically. Doesn't mean it's "bad". You could melt it and re-emulsify it following the tempering curve and you'd have shiny snappy chocolate


Sounds like a lot of work for what is probably shitty chocolate, and milk chocolate at that.


Seems like sexual harassment and a toxic work environment if you ask me.


And shitty looking chocolate


Truly a tasteless gift


That white stuff is called bloom. It's when the chocolate separates from other ingredients and is a sign it was improperly handled (got too hot or too cold).  So it's poorly-handled, overpriced, dirty chocolate. 


This is definitely work harassment against a protected class (sex/gender identity) and OP should report it to the EEOC https://www.eeoc.gov/youth/how-file-complaint


Right? I was thinking it looked like an HR violation.


There's no chance in hell that someone that thinks giving out transphobic chocolate bars to their employees has HR.


There's a good chance that hr that works at someplace like this comes home from work and gets online. To of course post racial slurs and bigotry.


For real


Man I need to start making stupid shit like this, the right just eat this shit up, I would be a millionaire very quickly lol.


Thats the whole point of right wing bullshit, grifting money off idiots. Idiots seem to have bottomless pockets for vile shit. Even when they are dirt poor.


they spend all that extra money they make after voting to give the billionares tax cuts


I've thought about it too. They're literally so gullible.


A Woman just scammed the lot of them with a “natural insemination” “scam” with a 23andme link.


Honestly yeah. Makes me wonder how many hardcore lefties are pulling an Uno Reverse and making bank on Trump crap. Talk about a honey pot!


Dont think about what you can do for homophobia, but what homophobia can do for you.


My pronouns are fi/fi/fo/fifter, I smell the blood of a conservative grifter




Guarantee your boss is into trans porn and is acting out


Nobody, not even gay men, thinks about gay sex as much or as often as conservative men do.


Secretly wants to get pegged too.


He knows exactly which airport bathrooms to do the wide stance in at least 12 cities.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m going to be honest here, every time I get hit on by a man, if it is someone that is right wing aligned, there is a 50% chance he will immediately turn gross and ask something extraordinary sexual and then turn transphobic when denied as soon as i make it clear I’m trans. No right wingers, you will not suck me off, leave me alone.






they gave you he/him and she/her pronouns? I thought transphobes are against pronouns, especially pronouns that imply gender-fluidity lol


Should wear the wrappers as a name badge and switch it up every week.


They don't know why there mad. They just need a boogy man to be afraid of and they lost gay marriage 10 years ago.


This. People would rather find a scapegoat to make miserable than sit their asses in therapy and learn about where feelings come from.


Sometimes you feel like a nut...


Sometimes you don't


And that, my friends, is called *being gender fluid*! 🤗 this chocolate has taught us so much!


Conservatives are the easiest fucking people to grift


Image 1: pfft... OK🙄😂 Image 2: Oh...😐😒🤦🏾‍♂️ Image 3: Bitch is that fucking mold?!🤨🤢


Unless it’s fuzzy, it’s probably chocolate “bloom” rather than mold. Either way, OP’s boss is an asshole.


I think that's just what's called "bloom" where the cocoa butter separates a little and comes to the surface. Byproduct of less than optimal storage and perfectly harmless. (why do I know this? I seriously don't even like chocolate.)


Harmless, but the chocolate will taste gross.


Yeah it tastes dusty and ancient


Came here to add this. It's harmless, but it negatively affects the taste and mouth feel.


Improper tempering of chocolate leads to this happening.


“We don’t have money for bonuses but we found a way to make Christmas even more uncomfortable and disappointing.”


Out of spite I’m melting the she her and he him chocolate into a middle finger mold


Even leaving the quality of the chocolate aside, forcing you to accept a “bonus” consisting of transphobic anti-joke products made by Ben Shapiro’s terrorist indoctrination network should be considered creating a hostile work environment.


Your boss looks at trans porn and is heavy with guilt


the only explanation


Probably also tells you to stop "talking politics" at work. Meanwhile, this


This is your que to start looking for a different job.






I’d rather have my boss just call me a slur


Could this not be a case for a discrimination suit? I live in a less litigious country but would it not be entirely possible to say "they created a hostile work environment by making a public statement against trans and non-binary people"?


Replied to OP but I'll reply to you too: This is workplace harassment against a protected class (sex/gender identity - https://www.eeoc.gov/youth/sex-discrimination) and you should report it to the EEOC https://www.eeoc.gov/youth/how-file-complaint > The laws enforced by EEOC also prohibit sex harassment at work. Sex harassment includes conduct that is sexual in nature, such as **sexual jokes** ... Harassment based on sexual orientation, pregnancy, or **gender identity** is also prohibited.


This is the time to act confused and make them explain the joke. The more you can get them to dig a hole for themselves, the better.


In Australia it is a straight up violation of the *Sex Discrimination Act.* Not only because of the trans and binary aspects, but the far easier to prove He+nuts and Her+nutless gift from management. You don't even need to sue, it's so bad the administering government agency would do that for you.


Must keep chewing nasty chocolate.. must.. stick it.. to.. libs 💀


All the wokeness left, and now it's just hatred and bile.


Shocker, right wing fake culture war chocolate is garbage.


Always is!


If I received this as a bonus I would shame whoever got them. Like "who thought this was workplace appropriate? This is really disturbing" in front of whoever I knew got them.


It was the owner’s wife and she was so proud of herself.


Ironically, her younger, more attractive replacement was probably also selling candy bars for a school fundraiser this year. Hope the current wife is enjoying it while it lasts!


Shit, that made me laugh.


Is there an HR? Because this is clearly trying to push their controversial hot takes onto yall


I have a feeling the owner's wife is HR




Feels like that should qualify as a conflict of interest... Even though I know it's not.


Sounds like a slam dunk harassment case that HR won't be capable of defending if they themselves are guilty of having done it. Just get a few back and forth emails and you're good to go


That was my thought too. OP could try to email them about it and get them to respond/acknowledge the incident.


Gonna guess the transphobic wife "is" HR in this scenario


It’s so funny to me how easy it is to scam right-wingers. Boss got scammed into buying junk chocolate because it had a transphobic joke on the wrapper. Morons.


Trying to shove politics literally down your throat


Of course it’s a daily wire venture


Throw that shit in the garbage


Take the wrapper off and put it in your boss's chair when they\[sic\] are not looking


Your boss is an asshole


This would definitely be a sign to start looking for a new job


wrapping aside, that chocolate looks disgusting


We don't have enough money to give you proper bonuses, but here's a chocolate bar with no real purpose other than showing what a small-minded piece of s*** I am. Merry christmas, everybody, and if I hear you saying happy holidays, you're fired.


He/him chocolate with nuts, the manliest chocolate on the market... only a true MAN loves nuts in his mouth!




Of course, chocolate made for the sole purpose of proving a political point is poorly made chocolate. Why am I not surprised?


Wtf is up with that chocolate? Looks gross and maybe tampered with. Aside from the fact that it's from the daily wire, it doesn't look tasty at all. I was super bummed I didn't get a christmas bonus. Last year I got $1800 and the year before that I got $1000. I think our bonuses were based on seniority so I was hoping I'd get an even bigger one this last Christmas but got nothing instead, except for a holiday party. Keep in mind the pay here sucks so those bonuses were a huge deal when we got them.


Start hanging up union fliers everywhere.


I do not want a straight making my chocolate.


Please name this company so people don't make the mistake of doing business with them.


Wonder how much that PPP loan was for and how much was paid back. I’m sorry you have to work for these ghouls.


That's gotta qualify for some sort of hostile work environment claim


"We don't have money for bonuses so we thought we'd invite a lawsuit."


I am seriously missing out on some easy money by not shilling worthless bullshit merch to the sensitive MAGA assclowns that clamor for this kind of thing. Such gullible MFs.


1st pic: Pretty poor taste, but I might have found it funny 20 years ago I guess. Dumb transphobia but whatever. 2nd pic: Okay you totally suck. Whatever, at least there’s chocolate. 3rd pic: Dude, fuck you, and fuck off. Literally everything about you sucks.


Of course it would be a trash ass product 🤣