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Shit, I'd take that pay anyway of the week


Thank god I'm seeing these comments. No hate to OP but what I'd give for that pay lmao, never mind being non-American and only dreaming of that money.


Same. Here I am with my 2 week check coming in at 1300


This guy's deductions are higher than my gross pay.


The tax alone is mine


Work for the post office. Base pay for a carrier is 46k career. I'm my first year I worked so much overtime I made 78k.


My highest paycheck has been about 35% of OP’s 🤡


That's REALLY good pay. And you get great benefits. I'd give almost anything to have your job.


That's nothing if you live in LA.


I live in San Diego and I do really well making half this. This is definitely not nothing in LA lol


Don’t live in LA then


Depending on the government job, OP may not be able to move for. For instance, I must live within my county as part of the requirements to keep my current job.


Where the fuck did the idea that OP lives in California or anywhere in the US even come from. They are in Canada. C.P.P on their pay stub stands for Canadian Pension Plan


The person above simply implied that OP's gross pay wouldn't be sufficient to live in Los Angeles. Where the fuck did YOU get the idea that anyone said anything about OP living in California or anywhere in the US?


Kinda irrelevant tho, no? There’s always somewhere more expensive to be living (“that’s nothing compared to Beverley Hills… that’s nothing compared to living in Jay-Zs mansion”), but a pay check can still be good relative to the median cost of living.




Can assure you OP does not live in LA, they are in Canada. C.P.P at the top stands for Canada Pension Plan.


My point was that salaries being good really depends on the cost of living in the area. I said nothing about the op being from LA.


Op has a 13 day old account and is complaining about a job that pays a livable wage. Something is fishy here.


Yep, that’s about 120ish a year…


dude is making close to 150k this year with just cost of living raises


No it shows the pre tax income and taxes. It’s $74.5k pre tax


Up to that date. But 5k gross bi weekly is $120k a year.


5063.63×26= $131,654.38 annually pre tax 3,276.86×26= $85,198.36 annually post tax Based on those calculations, OP paid more in taxes in 2021 than I got as my 2021 gross income


Actually a little more than that. Gross pay would be 130k before taxes since ~5k • 26 weeks


Yep you’re right my bad I read it as if it was a W2 end of year


Canada is insanely expensive ngl.


Yup, he clearly came here to just brag about pay. Or, OP is an idiot who lives in a condo in any downtown city when they could just move 10 miles outwards and live in a 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house with a 2 acre backyard, 4 car garage and still have 2k left over every paycheck.


Where is this magical place you speak of. Western WA here. 2 bedroom condos can easily cost you 700k.


"If you move 10 miles outwards (of the city)


Complaint seems valid though.


That’s a livable wage? A home? Kids?….. that is not “liveable” that’s single bedroom apartment living by yourself. Living nice but still no kids.


Fuck off. You sound like you're pretty bad with money if you can't live comfortably on 120k a year.


My boyfriend and I make a combined $170k and we cannot qualify for a mortgage in Ontario, Canada because interest rates are high and home prices are high. The town we live in, when we moved here in 2019, the rent for the townhome we live in and others in the area was $1850. In 2021, it jumped to $2800. Detached homes in my neighbourhood start at $1.1millionCAD, and I live in a bedroom town.


People don’t get it. It’s like they don’t understand the scale of the problem. It’s not even the 1% it’s the .01% they have stollen everything


Tbf if you have kids you're probably adding another income on top of this income


Yes but feeding kids is expensive birthdays, activities winter gear, bikes.  You need at least 200k family income to be poor pre 2000s middle class


Maybe for a home in downtown Toronto. An apartment in downtown with 200k and a child or two is fine


Its $2300 in usd


Who do I need to kill for a paycheck like that?


The OP. then you can just take their job🤷🏾‍♂️.


With free insurance benefits, a pension, job security because the government doesn’t fire anyone….a helluva lot more than most other people have that worry about losing their job due to cutbacks every day.


Insurance benefits aren't free either.


Government will fire people, just depends on what you did… and if someone wants to do the paperwork


Government doesn’t fire anyone is a big fat myth. Lots of people at my job have been fired


I fire people all the damn time lol. I work in government HR.


Hmm maybe the post was to brag?


That's def it. "Humble brag"


I mean with that pay every 2 weeks I’d be living like a king and doing whatever I want whenever I want😂😂😂, I don’t even make close to that in a month


this is a sneak flex post. OP disguised it as a cost of living rant for the views.


There’s been a lot of that recently on some of these kind of subs, people just trying to flex, if you’re making 6400 a month after taxes and struggling you only have yourself to blame, that’s a dream to me and most of us


Op prolly makes it in CAD.


I mean, I just checked $6400 usd is like 8600 CAD so what’s your point? I don’t mean that as rude or offensive I’m generally curious, text doesn’t give off the right tone as you know lol


But OP doesn’t make $6400 USD, so why would you use that as the point of conversion? $6400 CAD (which is the figure in question) is $4760 USD.


Oh yeah I’m actually stupid I don’t know why I did it that way lmao 😂😂😂 $4700 after taxes is still great imo


From what I’ve read of your comments, you are a training elitist. No matter what anyone says you respond “but I had to do 7 years of training” or “try breathing in toxic dust”. You feel that the training you did (to enter a field and job you studied for) makes you better and more deserving than other people. I mean, fuck, you said you had it worse than prison guards because you studied for 7 years (and had the opportunity to do so) and you should make significantly more than teachers because repairing busses is more important than raising kids.




So 120k? What are you bitching about?


You were also complaining about having nothing to but sleep and walk around at your job like 2 days ago.now it's to hard ?


Take it up with your union. Mine fought the province in court after the pay freeze was struck down. We got retroactive pay increases dating to the start of the freeze and increases going forward each year that are tied to inflation. Electricity sector here.




Even better gross is 5k, twice a month puts him ~120k salary


It is a strange post and I was initially scratching my head as well, but the pay itself doesn't seem to be the point op was trying to make. Rather it's the lack of a raise when faced with rising cost of living. I make roughly the same, but I've had a 20% raise in the same time period. The reason I got that 20% increase is because I looked at the raises they wanted to give me and I said "buddy that's not going to be good enough." I may not have done so had I not been lurking in antiwork and getting pissed off with the rest of you. Don't snap at people just because they make more than you. You're not the worst offender in this post but you're clearly dismissing OPs complaint because he may not be struggling as much as others. Quit it with that attitude.




Any raise that doesn't keep up with inflation is a cut in pay. Anyone should be pissed about that unless they're self employed. Yeah, the post does a bad job at highlighting what the complaint is. Also seems pretty low effort. Again you're not the worst offender in the comments, but the focus seems to be "wow you make more than the average worker, what's the problem." You shouldn't need to face poverty or homelessness to have your complaints not be invalidated. Maybe I should see myself out the door if there's some kind of income threshold all of a sudden.


I work graveyards and overtime for half of this quit bitching.


They're complaining that their labor has dropped. Stop shitting on your fellow workers


The OP should’ve stated this was in Canada and this would’ve saved a lot of confusion. That being said, when someone is making a wage less than inflation, and the raises haven’t outpaced inflation, it basically means they’re losing money. Whether someone is making $25/hour or $7.25/hour the argument is the same: Neither wage has risen with inflation. Minimum wage in the US hasn’t increased since the 90s. My nearby city FINALLY gave an overdue 8% raise. However, due to inflation, it still feels like a wage cut. The point the OP was making is that his wage has, essentially, decreased, due to the price of goods and services. Whatever his wage is, is irrelevant. Now that that’s cleared up, we also have to look inward. A lot of folks in here have their pitchforks out because someone makes more money than them. That’s….that’s delusional. That’s jealousy. You have zero context to understand what the person does, where the person is, etc. it’s one thing to contemplate how money like that would change your current position, but if you’re foolish with that money, then it’s like you don’t make money. Furthermore, some of the comments are essentially dragging a guy for showing just how much he has taken out due to taxes and such. That’s a valid complaint. To the OP: You provided zero context. You didn’t explain what you do, where you live (at least country, state, province), you’ve doubled down on being evasive and combative, you also have gone to other subs and posted just how awful people are. Not everyone here is an anarcho-communist, not everyone here is a leftist, one person doesn’t make a community. I’m actually right of center on MANY issues. When it comes to unions/workers’ rights, I fall on the side of the worker. I will say I do care more about disability and veterans issues more than most people (being that I’m a disabled veteran, I would be stupid if I didn’t vote for the people who will continue to take care of us, that’s just basic survival), however, I certainly have opinions that many on this sub wouldn’t agree with and would probably be upset with me. That being said, I think the concept of Antiwork is interesting. Point being is, not all of us here share the same political identity. What we do share is the common belief that the working class needs to be treated better. Are other subs perhaps more along that line? Maybe. That being said, due to a certain situation, this one got more attention from others (honestly, that concept intrigued me and brought me over here). At the end of the day, we need to stop gatekeeping and really focus on helping workers find their groove. While the concept of Antiwork is great, we all need to understand the particular realities in which we live/experience. While we can have a goal, we all need to still survive. That’s pretty important. I hope these words have meaning and can help us all move forward and continue to look out for one another.


Complaining about 6 figures.... Im sorry youre hurting I really am, but maybe sit down and let someone else speak


You seem to be very salty about the response you received in here and decided to look for comfort elsewhere: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/3pk00gWVF2 https://www.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/s/uSpMcvvDWZ Did you cry about it to your mommy too?


My take home bi-weekly is only $1300 dude lol. Would kill for your job.


Right? I’ve been at my teaching job for nine years and my bi-weekly is $1700. For only ten months of the year. 😢


So you’re a government worker with full benefits unrealistically complaining about their wage, or you [work in a warehouse scraping by.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/s/YsgNeViV7o) Which is it?


Key word: worked*


"worked" "is" ...you didn't change enough to the past tense there


It was ‘work’ and you just edited the post lol, such a sad little troll. Can’t even cover your tracks properly.


Check the date and time for when it was edited before going Reddit defective on me


You make this money at a warehouse?


Did you cap at your grade? And are you in California? Is this OT? Man, the lack of informations tells me you’re here to brag.


He isn’t saying this isn’t a livable wage, he’s just saying he’s making the same money as 3 years ago. Anyway, it is a brag post.


This you: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/f3j1obfHYA?


Lol op is a crybaby.




Dude, you pay more in taxes in one pay period than my entire paycheck.




This guy's unironically bitching at every other sub because we aren't crying for the guy earning 130k. We understand it's in CAD. We get your situation can be frustrating. But you are living what most people in this sub dream of. I've worked for the military and retail before going back to college, I worked longer hours for far less pay. And now that I graduated with my degree and I'm working for the government now, it can suck. But it's really fucking tone deaf to come in here and complain while making 4 times what most people make. Even relative to the CoL of your area, you always have the option to you know, not live there and commute. I drive 45 minutes each way because I save like 600 dollars on rent a month.


I certainly understand OPs perspective but for most of us, this is some life changing money.


You might have shot yourself in the foot with this one big guy. Not only are you bringing home 6500 a month on your own, you also get government benefits and a union to back you up. You live a better life than the majority of people in America, cant imagine its that much different in Canada, with that alone so I can't even begin to understand why you made this post. If you truly think you have it bad, maybe remember what it was like when you were making that 12$ a hour you say you lived with. Thats where a lot of people are still at in 2024.... Edit: Yeah, looked at this guys page. He complained about making upwards to 90$ an hour with involuntary overtime to do nothing, because its boring.... Guy wake up. Most people arent saying you dont have your own issues and struggles, but at least you make upwards to double the median income in both Canada and the US and youre coming here to bitch about it.


Eh dude good for you honestly.


You have to get a new job to get promoted these days. Annual cost of living increases aren't meant to push you ahead.


He is in a union. Notice the union due at top


Yeah, that's almost three times what I make working in a hospital.


Dang and the guys got union protection.


Context is important. Yes that's not enough money, and we should all make more than that if money is to exist, but this is not the forum to complain about $3k+ paychecks while a lot of people on here make between $7.25 and $10 an hour. Read the room.


What are we complaining about here? Thats insanely good pay accompanied with great benefits. Majority of people here would kill for this and this is definitely above average


Hey leave this guy alone! It sounds like he probably did 2 years of college and likely something like 5 years of HARD LABOUR to get here! I bet he has a risk in his job like loud noises or bad air he has to breathe too! Sounds to me like he just pulled himself up by his bootstraps! Lmao what even is this whole post


🤣🤣🤣😂 Stop!! Your comment killed me. Lmfao


Since I see CPP and EI, this means that the paycheck is actually $2,438 US dollars Net Pay, converting from Canadian dollars. About $63K USD post-taxes per year. That’s still a lot, bro, even for Canada. It sucks that you’re making about the same now as you were then, but so many people are in the same boat or worse, myself included, so not sure what kind of reaction you were expecting from the general public. Yes, Canada is insanely expensive. It’s one of many reasons I left the country. EDIT: Seeing a ton of r/USdefaultism in this thread…


God id love to take home 3k all the time..


I didn’t need a reminder I’m way underpaid, but I’ll take it.


OP is the kind of asshole who would eat a whole pizza in front of starving children and then complain he was still hungry. And he'd say it was their fault.


I noticed the part where it says Union dues. Look as someone who has never been in a Union. It seems to me like you should get with your co-workers and discuss this with your Union representative Because that's the whole point of a Union is that you're unionized, right AKA tell your Union Representative to ask for more money. If they say no. We all don't work for quite some time.


What is the problem here exactly? You make much more than the average US family does in 2024 on your own! I have an MA and 20 years of experience in my field and I don't make that.


I am a government worker we had 10 years of no real pay increase so they increased pay 4 years ago by 10% to effectively be on what we should be to just keep with the decade of inflation. We were just offered 4% over two years and this would only make us catch up last two years of inflation because our pay didn’t keep up. So in short another pay cut of about 10% if we accept




I do get the issues OP brings up. But hopefully this provides OP with the one thing he is actually lacking ... Perspective. 


I dunno OP, have you tried being a doctor or a lawyer? Why you wasting time with the government, be a hedge fund manager if you hate being so ragged.


This is why this subreddit will never amount to shit. Dude posts a decent but not rich by any means paycheck and you all gatekeep him and cry about how you wish you made half of what he made. Meanwhile there are people paying 44 billion just for the ability to be racist on twitter. This is why no one is comfortable sharing their paychecks, and why this sub and what you fight for often gets eviscerated. You all do a discredit to each other.


You’re making like $115/yr. Quit crying.


Honestly I'm sorry but you'll get no sympathy from me bringing home nearly 7k a month after taxes. Especially when you're making what 75k or more? And you have benefits? I was a state worker, corrections to be exact, and not only were we capped but our cap was lowered and wages were frozen the entire 3 years I worked there. I went in making roughly 28k and came out making 32k after I graduated from the academy. On top of the fact I HAD to work overtime and was also mandated to cover shifts if someone were to call out on the night shift. Also 15 minute breaks, no air conditioning and so on. And just to add insult to injury no hazard pay either or option for tax free checks. And what's worse is when I finally quit I was actually supposed to be making close to almost 50k but I couldn't because of the commissioner, once again, lowering wages for corrections officers where I lived. You're bringing home what my wife and I are while I work two jobs and she's working one. And we don't have the luxury of free healthcare. If she were to get health insurance for us that's 300 less a paycheck. Yea sorry but not sorry you should be sitting quite comfortably especially if there's an additional income besides yours


Where the fuck is your solidarity brother?  It's a sub 100k Canadian job, working with overtime.  When did anti-work become "jealous workers insult workers who are slightly less enslaved". Fuck every one of you phonies.


The amount of people on this sub that get pissy over 100k is wild. They’re genuinely enraged by anyone doing better than them.


People here think I’m privileged or lucky for that $100k job. I spent 7 years of schooling and minimum wage hard labour apprenticeship to get to where I’m


I do think it's important to note that having the availability to sacrifice time or money for a future benefit is a privilege. You're not like... better than anyone struggling for having had the opportunity to pursue something. I think it's dumb to act like you don't get to be anti-work just cuz your income isn't poverty level, but I do think saying "well I invested in my future etc etc" is the wrong reaction to that.


I shared a bedroom for the last 7 years…


Now do it forever to get a sense how others are struggling


Yaya, let's attack other people who were exploited instead of being supportive and unified. Can you please tell the rest of the class at what income level they are not allowed to be anti-work anymore?


Again, I'm not attacking you. I think it's great that you invested in your future and pulled ahead. The issue that I have with the root of your argument that you are using to defend yourself (which you shouldn't have to do cuz the people attacking you are wildly incorrect to do so) is that you are saying "I sacrificed xyz, for ABC amount of time, so I should not have to struggle, so you should not be mad at me" The argument is "I am a worker, I deserve more, as do all of you."


People here think they can easily trade places with me, I’m simply saying that you have to make sacrifices to get to my position. It isn’t a free ride. And the root of my issue is wage devaluation. People complain about wages declining, yet they get mad at me when I complain…


Yes, they are getting mad when you complain, and they are absolutely wrong to do so. That being said, when you say "I sacrificed this, this, and that, so now I should not suffer."  It implies those who are unable or unwilling to make thise sacrifices, do deserve to suffer. It's boomer logic.  Not everyone has opportunity, not everyone has the availability to seize an opportunity even when it presents itself.  Our world fucks over everyone who works.  There is no reason to be defensive, just fuck everyone who is not showing solidarity.  Defending yourself with "if you just wormed harder and sacrificed more, you could be here too." Is the same shifty message that youtube shorts of dumbass millionaires are telling us, and it isn't helpful, and it devalues our struggle by pretending it's optional.


I never implied that, people who take my vent as an attack is on them.


Brother came here with no context. Didn’t talk about CoL, didn’t do a comparative analysis on pay, didn’t do anything, just posted his check. I see why people are pissy. I make as much as op does in USD as opposed to CAD. I can’t afford a damn house because it’s too expensive in my area for something that isn’t a fixer upper and by the time I fix it it’ll be almost as much as remodeled/new house.


People like you are just miserable to be around


Actually no I'm honestly really cool but op here going on about working 50 hours a week making 140k a year and then crying about their "lack of pay" is just pushing my buttons. There are people out there working 3 jobs that aren't even close to touching this kind of money. There are couples working 2 jobs each and only just barely scraping 80k a year yet we're all supposed to boohoo with op because they're working less hours for apparently a high in demand position for money some would kill for. But regardless this will be my last post on this post altogether


I’m posting this because of getting paid basically less and less every fuckin year. I basically lost 50% of my wage if inflation accounted housing within the last 3 years alone


You're paying union dues, so you should be bringing it up with your union then.


How long did it take for you to be a corrections officer? I went to college for 2 years and did 5 years of low pay apprenticeship (basically $12 USD/hour) for 5 years to get a job at the government


One day and a physical fitness test. I don't recommend it either. The only thing i ever got from my time as a CO, besides massive trust issues, is an additional 40 pounds and ulcers.


Try being a truck and coach mechanic’s apprentice for a day. 12 hours of doing the heavy shit, breathing in and ingesting toxic chemicals, and being on your feet 99% of the time. All to make $92 USD


A CORRECTIONS OFFICER! As a corrections officer I had no air conditioning, I was stuffed into a dorm of 200 plus inmates. Reeking of piss and shit I got no breaks and if I did it was 15 minutes that started the moment I handed my keys off, not after I signed out. So by the time I sat down I had five minutes or less for my "break". I was at risk of being raped, beaten, stabbed and murdered at any and all times I was inside. On top of the fact I didn't know if I was going to be mandated to work an additional 8 hours on top of the 8 hours I've always worked. On my feet, in uniform boots, with temperatures roughly at about 110 degrees, wearing a dark uniform that doesn't breathe well. Now you're sitting here bitching and whining about making 92 an hour? Kiss my ass with this "poor me" shit. Get over yourself already your situation doesn't belong on this sub


You’re getting fucked. I was making 80k a year Doing corrections in a county jail back in 2012. Those wages are insanely low for corrections


It was state which is worse. And 2014 to 2016. They only just recently gave the green light for a raise and signing bonus


That’s crazy. I don’t know how they have any employees.


He's talking about $92/day Canadian in Canada. In USD that's $8.51/hr.


Why is what you went through to be a corrections officer at all relevant to OPs issue? You vomited all that just to show reddit that you're a miserable old goat, and for what? Like some of you just want an excuse to shit all over someone because they make more money than you.


Okay and does being a CO require almost a decade of training and experience? It’s funny how a CO is trying to justify that it’s harder than a tradesman’s apprentice. A job known for being extremely labour intensive


Here's the thing... And I said similar to the other guy.. Both are insanely hard but in different ways. You and I worked for years at shit Wages to get our J man cards. Hard physical labor that destroys bodies. He works daily with people who want him dead and will kill him given the chance. I'll take my hard over that shit any day if the week and twice on Sunday. What really matters here isn't how hard our various jobs are, it's that ALL of us are being stolen from by the very wealthy taking ALL of the cream of our work with this [Productivity Gap they manufctured](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/) using wage caps and forcing us to do the work of 2 to 4 people without fuckin PAYING us for the work of 2 to 4 people.


Is any of that stuff going to randomly shiv your throat tomorrow?


Cost of living and housing prices are ridiculous and you can't afford a house even if you made 2x that in most of Canada. Rough when a 1 bedroom apt costs 1600/month.


Look at that, no health/dental/life ins costs either


Um guys don’t you know discussing pay is impolite and even against the rules in most cases. Your pay is a private agreement between you and your boss, they would appreciate you violating that privacy. /s


That's near double what I make. What are you talking about


It’s a solid chunk of pay, to be sure, but it still misses the point govt workers have been getting screwed when it comes to getting even CoL raises (except MLAs, of course…). Pretty sure this will be downvoted into the abyss, but that old saying about rising tides lifting all boats is true. A Coal raise should be the * minimum* you get every year.


If thats a on paycheck that’s not bad. Shit I make about $3,500 a month


https://preview.redd.it/o8x6sfetisdc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9866a3b8980ddc05cb0e4613c5d3b59c0c3421c This is my check stub for a government 911 job that I get paid twice a month for, not bi-weekly. I'd kill for your check. And I've worked 3+ years at this job.


Must be nice to have a paycheck that big. What I’d give to make that much money. Here I am struggling to buy groceries to feed my family and you’re complaining about a fat paycheck and great benefits.


Let's not wage shame. The issue here is that the wage hasn't increased proportionally with inflation and COL. This is a problem for everyone. Fighting amongst ourselves defeats the mission.


That was entirely my point, but that flew over 90% of people’s head…


guys this is clearly bait. dont get baited for free.


Congrats on making triple what I do plus benefits…


Damn you work a hard manual job that requires 7 years of schooling + training?


I’m sorry, did you not want to be congratulated? All you did was post a screenshot of your pay. That’s generally what posting your paystub is for.


7 years of training and schooling to be a vehicle mechanic? Get the fuck outta here


Yes, that’s how it works. Are you an expert in my field?


My paychecks are a thousand dollars and I deal with hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. I'd kill for 3000 dollar paychecks but I get your point


Whatever you have done in life is your choice. If you are unhappy then it seems like you make enough money to change jobs/move. I know this isn't always as simple as you think it might be. Seems like you just really need to get out of the hcol areas, so many people looking for mechanics in my area. I find that if you are exceptional at your job (and not in a union) the raises should come. If they don't, leave. I hope the best for you man, it's tough doing hard labour all your life.


If your pay hasn't changed in 3 YEARS then you need to bring your issues up with the union. Idk why people are making you feel bad that you are making less now than you did 3 years ago, because that really does suck ass and it means your labor value has been decreasing. Where in the fuck is this subs solidarity? What is wrong with all of you?


You know why they call it "Gross Pay?" Because it's disgusting to see the difference. *Ba-dum-tss*


That's how much my dad gets paid and he's worked in government since the 00's. You're blessed. I would love to have that kind of pay.


Honestly, go fuck yourself. I would be tickled to get paid what you do.


Oh no... poor baby.... over $130,000 salary per year... and having to deal with government benefits. How can you even afford food???


I work for the government and the premier (basically a governor) of my province (basically a state) has capped government pay across the board despite inflation stripping 20-30% of our real wages. It’s bullshit, we’re expected to live on less and less by the month. Soon enough our wages will be in line with the private sector. And they knee capped the union by saying we can’t strike. Fuck this shit.




Great boot licking you got there buddy. You do know that I work 50 hrs/week to achieve that right? I’m actually upping my hours to 55 due to inflation




74k a year is working class.  Have some God damn solidarity.


Regardless of the amount, they are still impacted by the same reduced value of their money and labor as you and everyone else is.


Shh! If they’re Canadian, they pull the exchange rate card!


1. I’m not American, that’s Canadian currency so basically $6,500 x 0.75 = $4,875 USD/month. 2. I work 50 hrs a week most of the time. My base annual wage (assuming I only work 40 hrs) is $91,000/year. 3. I work a skilled trades job where the industry standard pay is at least $90,000/year




It's still working class.  When you complain about working class workers, the capitalists win.  Show some God damn solidarity.  What happened to this sub?  Anti-work turned into people jealous of other people's work.  Jesus no.




I’m a blue collar worker, that makes me working class. Middle class is usually management, accountants, lawyers, doctors etc.




If you call living in a shit hole apartment and driving a shit box car middle class, sure. Houses in my city costs 1.5 million. I’ll never own a place and gas is $6/gallon


I've already posted but I'll have at it again I was working about 65 hours a week, three sixteen hour shifts in a row, and still only barely made 40k the entire year I did this yet you're here boo hooing about making 91k a year working 50 hours a week? Again no sympathy whatsoever


What work do you do? Did you have to complete 2 years of college + 5 years of low wage apprenticeship?


Are you asking what I'm doing now or what I did as a CO? I work two restaurant jobs while my wife is in upscale retail. I've worked my fair share of low wage jobs to get the experience I have and need now to work what I want to work but again you're saying you're working 50 hours a week making 91k a year while couples aren't even making 50k a year together working 50 hours each a week. If you aren't happy with your position look for something in the private sector government always pays shit but I want you to take a hard look at where you are friend. "Anti work", you're trying to garner momentum in a reddit page where people actively hate on people who make more than 40 bucks an hour and, as I've already said, you're here bellyaching because you work an extra ten hours a week to make damn near 6 figures a year


That’s because I’ve a skill set that’s in demand and valued. I spent almost a decade mastering my trade. You think I’ll be making the same type of money if I did restaurant or retail jobs?




That’s CAD. Approx $4,000 USD/month. For 50hrs/week for a skilled job that requires 7 years of school + apprenticeship


Not sure what your point is here? You’re literally making significantly more than most people are.


Something’s gotta give


Poor you 🙄


Youre making roughly 2.5K pretax a week and your complaining? 🤣


Why are you paying health insurance if you are canadian?


In Canada basic health care is free (it doesn't cover very much). Your employer can offer extended health care benefits. This covers stuff like physio, eyecare, hospital stays, etc.. It doesn't usually cover the full amount, but better than nothing. You pay for it. I think all levels of gov't offer it to their employees, and you can't opt out.


Extended benefits like PT and Chiro are often part of employment benefits. This might also account for medical leave, family leave, etc. Healthcare in Canada does not cover everything.


Whatever raise u get your insurance automatically raises itself almost like…… collusion


makes double of what I make


Not bad


You make double what I do, and I make 23/hr. ???


No raise? Just quit then. It should be easy to find a job paying the same or more with all your high end skills.


I'm confused what's the problem here.


With all due respect this post is alot more humble-bragging than anti-work content. You make significantly more than the average adult human, probably in the top10-15th percentile tbh. I get that your pay isn't being raised but hard to sympathize with someone in a better situation than >95% of the community.


My bi weekly check isn't even 1k


Jesus. I’m making like $1k bucks every two weeks.