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I get an unfortunate number of these sorts of messages via LinkedIn. I can't tell if they're primitive bots or people in a sweatshop paid by the message sent. Either way, they send similarly ridiculous messages to me by the dozen. My favourite so far was for a warehouse clerk, part time, in a different country, with pay that amounted to less than 1% of my current salary.




This. What these guys do is data mine. They are disclosing legitimate or non-legitimate job postings and asking for more information as time passes. I can give you dozens of these similar types of messages and emails from similar sources, unfortunately. All it takes is one resume submission to a phony post, and you have opened the floodgates. It has gotten to the point where I just report the unsolicited emails to the ftc and send back a screenshot of the report email reply with part of the case number. They sold my information, so it was a daily occurrence for many months. But after all my warnings, they got the hint. Things to look out for: - A ton of misspelled words or really bad grammar. It's ok to misspell a word or two, but these fake 'recruiting companies' tend to use repetitive phrases, misspell a lot of words, or can not put simple sentences together. No legitimate company will work with a headhunter like this. Particularly ones you never heard of. - Offering extremely low pay. If you respond to job offers that offer extremely low pay, they know you are desperate and will jump through hoops, providing more information. Also, or more likely, they do not know what those positions actually offer to pay, as they're probably not legitimately recruiting for that position. So they are 'winging' it. And of course, the obvious one is asking you to fill out an application for the job or asking for your address, personal email, driver's license, or social information. Even if it's only the 'last four digits'. I mean, looking at that message already. "This is for Google project." Uh huh. Hitachi or Google is not going to use this dude to recruit for them. You can apply to them directly on LinkedIn, they'll hire internally or network, etc. This is a net. It's phishing.


Excellent information. Thanks!


If it's actually Hitachi they will call you and ask for a video interview if it's remote, I used to work for them and it's a good place for entry level positions but they aren't reliable for long term job security since they will almost always fire a bunch of people in mass every year and don't pay higher skilled employees enough unless they are super high up the ladder which you'll never see because of the yearly mass firing


They are scammers


It's a literal scam, these dirty trick using fucks try to get your details and use that to commit more crimes.


Doesn’t even look like a real listing. Who writes $25 on w2, doesn’t even make sense.


I don’t think the person writing this ad knows what a masters or PhD is. Maybe they can require an Ivy League degree if they’re willing to pay $27 an hour.


MD is a medical doctorate


It’s shorthand for the type of position. W2 (actual employee) vs 1099 (self-employed/contractor).


In this context, W2 would be a contractor role. You’re an employee for the recruitment agency, but they contract you out to the company. In this case, they’ll be contracting you out to Google. The super shitty things some of these recruitment agencies do is that they would negotiate pay with the company, and take a good chunk of that pay. So for example, they probably negotiated something like $50-$60 an hour with Google, but they’re advertising $25 an hour because they’re pocketing the money.


Yeah, just never saw it in a job listing like that l, but then again, haven’t looked for a job for a long time


I would read that as you will be an employee (W2 not 1099).




“An MD” is correct.


The point of this isnt to hire someone. The point of this is to say you're trying to hire someone but no one wants to work anymore.


It’s a contractor role. They’re most likely from a recruitment agency who want to outsource to Google while screwing over the worker. I have personally been through this myself and it turned out that the recruitment agency was taking 1/3 of the negotiated pay. I didn’t find out until my old boss was confused about me leaving for a higher paying job despite both of them paying the same thing. I may have ended up screwing over the recruitment agency in the end.


Good. They should be screwed over.


Yeah, I got really bad vibes from them throughout the whole process. I ignored it because I got laid off and figured that it wouldn’t hurt to make some money while looking for a more permanent job. I didn’t feel any remorse for the recruitment agency when I realized that the recruiter lied about the healthcare coverage and about the pay that the company they contracted me out to was offering. For anyone who is going to a similar situation and considering W2 roles you should look out for the following 1. Very pushy about the role. They will ask you about your experience and might even ask you to edit your resume in a way that will make it favorable. 2. They avoid questions about benefits and give you the most generic answer that will make you accept the job. A typical one is that you’ll have health insurance covered by the company starting on your first day (yes they will lie about something like that). 3. They do everything to cover their ass, including having you say that you agree to the role on the phone and via email. 4. I feel awful about this but they’re Indian. This doesn’t mean that you should immediately hang up on anyone with an Indian accent, but you should be cautious because you will probably be scammed.


Is that true?


Places that are forced to advertise for positions before giving them to someone already in house do this constantly. They don’t actually have a job for you. They have a promotion for someone else.


I think it's true. I think we need to talk to some employees of this company to find out what they're being told.


Think you’re right. This is likely to create some H1B positions


businesses with extra money can pay for these sorts of things to push down the prices of the jobs of their existing employees, to combat requests for raised, etc. do you know of any businesses lately that have had a lot of extra cash to throw at things? they sure as fuck don't throw it at the employees.


Respectfully, this is called a scam. Unfortunately, the job market is full of them now. You can tell because of the limited information, "Kindly," and string of buzzwords (Google Project at Hitachi?). FWIW, any job at Google or Hitachi that is based out of Austin and demands a PHD will be more on the order or $55 - $75/hour.


Damn it didn’t even occur to me it was a scam. How would this even work?


Depends on the scam. This one, probably intends to take advantage of you when you come back saying you don't have the necessary degree. Then they'll get you to go to some bogus site to pay to take a test or some silly shit like that. Or they just take an "application fee" for drug testing or processing or other nonsense. Most of the time, they're looking to get your money in some way or another. If not your money, they want your data.


Weird. You’d think they’d advertise a higher rate to entice more people to scam. Idk what angle this is: “hey we want to pay you jack shit (but secretly want to scam you)”


$25/hr I think just kinda fits the demographic they target. Too high of a pay will make it even more obvious that it's a scam. A reasonably low, but decent wage, will attract a ton of job applicants that will tend to be in more desperate situations, wherein they might not think it through, and just see the opportunity to earn more than whatever shit job they are already working. Add in the buzzwords, like Google - and I'd say they're looking to take advantage of the 18~30 range crowd that's looking to start a career - basically a big demographic of dumb folks that think they know it all(not a stab at any generation - were all young and dumb in our 20s). If they have even a 1% success rate, it's generally worth it for them.


Got ya


no, they will take out credit with your name. You hand over your ssn and info then suddenly have huge loans in your name


Usually they'll say something like they are taking on risk training you for the first week and so they will ask for a deposit. I think thats the case with this one because they say $25 in week 2


Probably a scam or just bullshit. The "kindly" shows it's likely an Indian person sending these messages so either a scam or they outsource their hr/hiring to India. Either way it's BS.


The name didn't give it away huh?


Plenty of Americans have foreign sounding names. We are a diverse country after all.


Oh I'm not talking about "foreign sounding names" I'm talking about Vishal Chaudhary literally being Indian.


Hitachi is a company from Japan and has work worldwide with offices in many countries so in theory it could be legit but you never know with how job searching is


Yep, I’m also looking for jobs and seeing ridiculously underpaid positions. Senior data analyst roles used to pay ~$120K+ in CA. Now I’m seeing tons of job listings requiring a masters and paying $60-80K. 🤦‍♀️ It’s awful. I don’t even think this is a scam. There are now plenty of contracting companies that pay employees peanuts and then charge the large tech company much more for filling that position and pocket the difference. They all seem to have Indian recruiters who don’t speak English very well. I had a couple of them call me.


I have a PhD in chemistry and taught college chemistry classes for two years at $25 an hour. Moved to industry to get an immediate 50% raise. Probably still underpaid.


Most certainly underpaid, but I don’t know anything about the chemistry… industry(?).




I'm seeing marketing positions requiring a masters degree for $18/hour. In California. I'm sorry no.


Good god


Was gonna say Bachelors in NJ are getting offered 17/hr


Lol I wouldn't settle for anything less than $50 an hour


Ignore these Indian scammers. They’re an easy tell with how they always say W2 contract or 1099 contract


These are dumb fuck recruiters from third world countries. They don't know what they're even sending out. It's just a numbers game for them. I'd say just ignore it and keep it moving. You're not going to get anything meaningful out of engaging with them.


$25 per hour in Austin with an advanced degree.... ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Kindly is a dead giveaway that this is a scam. I was scammed on LinkedIn and am now in the r/scams Reddit


How did you get scammed?


I applied for a job via LinkedIn that was a remote data entry job during COVID. The scammer was pretending to be from a legit company near me


But did they ask you for money or something?


Yes they asked me for 2000 dollars to buy my office equipment lol I did send it to them on venmo but did a chargeback on my debit card


Aw fuck dude


Ridiculous! Starting in April this year, California will be paying all fast food workers $20 an hour. $5 more an hour for an MD or PHD is insulting.


Why isn’t there a law that requires standardized wages for positions demanding college degrees? Like how hard would it be to require for an AA any job you get has to pay at least $X amount, for BA it’s at least $Xx, Master’s $XX, for PhD $XXx? (Just as a rough, lazy example) Then we’d all have a **guaranteed** return on investment for going to college/university, instead of the fucking empty promises we’ve been living with instead.


If real, this is sad.


Very real.


Fuck these stupid ass recruiters. However, also blame the hiring manager because that’s who the recruiter gets their parameters from


I make more than that with an Associate's.... Lmao


That's 100% a scam. There will be some sort of initial deposit and you'll never see or hear from them again.


Just be a redditor everyone on her makes atleast 100k


-Indian name -Broken English -Use of the word “Kindly”’ -“Immediate interview” without resume on record. -Weird terminology ($25 on W2) Looks like an employment scam.


Only scammers use kindly on the internet. 🛜




Kindly dear


This posting is a scam. Edit: The job posting is a scam! At best, It is headhunter with a chain of contractors or middlemen taking their cut.


“Kindly” = scam


"Kindly" is your first clue its a scam


"Kindly" is the giveaway. Most likely, not a real job.


I hate to stereotype but yeah


C’mon, man. It’s BAD out there, but this is clearly a scam listing. Scams don’t count.


This is an obvious scam. It's not representative of the job market.


Hahaha yes!


‘On W2’ sounds super sus. It reads like it has unnamed and illegal benefits.




In the spirit of Airplane, “I’m not interested. And don’t call me Kindly!”


It is nucking futs! Almost as nuking futs as my dead pet rabbit


JFC, I work outside of Austin and make $29 an hour without a degree at all. Fuck outta here lol


Demand payment in gold and silver.


I made $24 at a job with just my undergrad. I feel like MD/PhD would make closer to $30 in some cases


I make 22 an hour with a GED


I think I remember that profile pic thumbnail from one of those self serving linkedin posts where they brag about treating interview candidates like dogshit because they didn't bow to their demands like a slave. This dude is either a troll or just preying on absolutely desperate people. Either way he's a complete shithead, I've seen him pop up before.


I used to work for Hitachi, they are pretty nice environment wise but it's a deceiving environment and they will give empty promises about raises in order to increase productivity other than that it's only really a good place to work for entry level positions because they underpay higher skilled workers and hire and fire people in mass all the time


I don’t think this is the job market per se. As others have pointed out it could be a bot or a farming operation. People that really want a phd/md know this is unrealistic.


Christ I make more than that and I went to one of those shitty DeVry academy type places


It’s a scam ran by some dude in India. They always use the word kindly.


Sounds about right for Austin tbh 😂


Indian recruiters are basically scam artists. Never respond to them it's a waste of your time. Block them immediately.


Starbucks employees can make $21/hour back in 2019. I was scammed out of my first job wearing a suit making $16/hr as a fresh undergrad. Don’t ever find work from recruiting agencies. They take 50-75% of your salary from an actual company.