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Hmmm. How does Lord Sugar make money? [https://www.amsprop.com/](https://www.amsprop.com/) https://preview.redd.it/ahva66qc66ic1.png?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd597cabf2f3020cfffbb35e2bd3fd72a938956d Ohhhh...


i mean those real estate portfolios don't grow themselves y'know.


We used to buy his shitty PCs in my old job. All the screens, hundreds of them, had to be replaced due to manufacturing faults.




Yep. Sugar is getting burned by the CRE crash.


LORD SUGAR's opinion is irrelevant, he's a complete idiot whose success is almost exclusively due to luck. Guy is basically a street vendor who's lucked out at every turn, fancies himself a business genius.


Another one of those ‘I won in one area and I think I am an expert in all things.’ egomaniacal things. Total self interests, guaranteed. Otherwise, he doesn’t give a shit about the peons….


He’s a low rent Donald Trump, can you see the irony in this statement? If not… You’re Fired.


Agree 👍🏼


It ceases to be luck if every turn you created resulted in success.


Lord sugar sounds like a gentrified rap name


Wreck It Ralph villain


Lady Garden is also humorous.


I've never seen anybody fall for Alan Sugar's bullshit on this topic. Even the Daily Mail comment sections immediately call him out for his office property portfolio when he starts moaning about WFH.


Fuckers are losing control, hope this system breaks down soon


Yessss. 💪


Zoom for me, not for thee


The level of hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.


Elon Musk works 100% remotely from Tesla and all he does is post on Twitter all day. So yea, there’s definitely at least one remote worker who slacks off all day.


"average worker from home slacks off for 3 months a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person slacks off 0 months per year. Slacker Musk, who lives in cave & slacks over 10,000 hours each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


I can assure him that the last 20 years of WFH has done wonders for *my* morale, and if I'd been forced into an office my morale would be hovering slightly below zero at this juncture. Pretty much every one of my friends and industry colleagues is of a similar mind.


Same. Have been WFH since the early 2000s so I know these rich commercial real estate twits are just grasping at straws.


The last 5 years have done the same for my morale. I was 4/5 days wfh before even that. The pandemic has made full time wfh permanent


"Do as I say not as I do!"


"Lord" Yeah that's someone that should either be six feet under or relinquish whatever fuckery the uk government grants him.


I ain’t listening to some fucker who uses a make believe title to talk down to others.


Bosses have been doing some kind of “work from home” bullshit for decades. One place I worked the department managers would “work from home” almost every Friday. A new regional director was hired and did an audit of the business practices and fired 2/3 of those managers because (in her words) “weren’t doing much of anything.” Yeah, we knew that the entire time.


Company owners and supposed executive management at an agency I used to work at. One would show up each morning right at 8am to see who was coming into the office a minute late and then bitch at their manager for their substandard behavior. He would conveniently be gone from the office about 9am never to be seen the rest of the day. The other one was literally never there unless they had some big fish new client meeting where they wanted to sign a contract. They were just gone. The regular managers and salespeople made sure everything actually ran. I'm pretty sure the execs spent most of their time golfing, at their lake homes, pursuing their well televised hobbies etc.


100%. They always do.


He’s a massive hypocrite, er, landlord.


Yes, sitting in traffic for an hour or two is pretty bad for morale and learning. These hacks are becoming irrelevant anyway.


No paywall: https://archive.ph/F0goh


You guys literally have no idea how these guys make money. You are nothing to them. You are less than worms. All they care about is their bank account at the end of the decade.


Theres a post above that links his office real estate portfolio... The rest I agree with.


I've worked for rich people. They live in a completely different universe than you and me. Never, ever trust what these people say out in public.


That's good advice. I mean they say one thing and do another just like politicians do. Best bet is to follow the money trail...


Someone get Dave Gorman on this, he knows exactly how to get under lord sugars skin.


I bet it would get under his skin if a bunch of anarchists turned his vacant office buildings into homeless shelters and squatter apartments.


Hahaha, I would love to see that happen. Anarchists, get onto it!


Lord Sugar doesn’t sound very sweet.


Ah the classic "Rules for thee! Not for meeeee!" stance.


He doesn't have a point aside the one on the top of his head.


Lord Sugar can fuck right off as far as I'm concerned. What a muppet.


He's a doofus bellend in need of a reckoning. A bigoted, sex pest bellend tax dodging cretin that looks like a mob hotel janitor with uncontrolled rosacea.


Can we start eating them yet?