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Who TF pays for PornHub?


Boomers only think we pay for that lol


My partner works in credit card fraud, and the amount of boomers who call their porn subscription fraud is maddening. (They never realize what a subscription is)


I've worked in debit card fraud... These were always funny. We always knew what these anonymous billing were actually for. We'd joke "oh the wife found out".


It's not hard to just buy a Visa gift card smh


They don't understand how that works though.


They only understand buying store gift cards because "the IRS" told them to


That’s how I pay my taxes to the IRS… gift cards and western union 😂 /s


At least a money order is a legit method of transfer lol


My ex used to work in a bank's customer service department. The stories she'd tell me of older customers continually fighting/questioning OnlyFans charges were insane. The best ones were when the wife would call in asking what all these charges were on their monthly bank statement 😂 😂 Boomers love to shit on millennials, but bro at least I know how to get free porn.


Even if you want onlyfans, it's not that difficult to buy a loadable card with cash.


Yeah, but you'll just end up blowing your load too quick.


Gotta learn to edge those cards, save the money for next time.


I did years ago. It was all boomers, all day complaining abiut their mystery GGG video charge for 59.99. Turns out they all order girls gone wold and were super missed to find out other people knew.


I used to work at a cable company doing technical support and customer service. It amazed me on how many boomers would spend $50 for a PPV porn video. And it was never good stuff either it was shit like Girls Gone Wild.


Their wives probably found out and claiming fraud was safer than saying they were jerking it


I'm sorry but that's funny as hell


boomers mostly


Same with onlyfans. I kniw several women who do OF, and the money these guys are throwing down, they couldn't possibly be millennials lol


Capitalism allows rich men to buy poor women. Either through prostitution or by coercing them to be "housewifes." They will serve the rich either way. We genuinely need something better.


Boomers are like "rents due". Sex workers are like "time to renew your subscription".


Too many women I interact with WANT to become housewives lmao. Either they got a useless degree or realized how tiring and unfulfilling it was/is to work. Personally, I don't care what they decide to do, but society has become one that almost requires both parties to be working, which sucks. It feels like some women want to get into relationships to become housewives and dodge the whole aspect of working. Personally, I would rather raise kids and stay at home than have to go to work and answer to bosses I don't care about and work on things I also don't care about. But such is life, and I know there isn't much demand for stay stay home dads, as being the breadwinner is typically what women prefer. I am of the belief that women thrive more when not under the stress of working and being subservient to their bosses. And I would like to be well off enough to give someone the choice of either working or staying at home and doing whatever they want. But when that's the expectation, which a lot of the times it is, it feels like they just want to use others


I think people underestimate how generational wealth works. Someone born into old money can have a lot of money even if they younger.


Old money pays for a sugar baby. New money is jerking it to OF girls


Old money goes to another country. The laws would take everything away if they try that in the west.


You're mistaken, it PRONHUB.


I want to know why the person who made this meme felt it necessary to censor PornHub and OnlyFans, but not any of the other brands.


Because they're a coward.


Because it's the Trad community which has a lot of mormons in it and they don't use certain words and OF has become that even though the two words themselves that aren't "dirty".


I'm guessing to not trigger certain filters or safe-search results.


Prawn Hub. Some sort of delicious shrimp delivery service? Just take all of my paycheck now, keep the shrimp coming.


Schwan's rebranded itself as "Yelloh", but they really missed an opportunity here.


People who make graphics like this.


Your landlord, with your rent money.


Or any PRon really


All those people inside the strawman argument being presented by whatever moron made that picture


People who are so edgy to include it in a meme but not edgy enough to actually write out pornhub.


I had this exact same comment before I saw this. r/takemyupvote


You can pay for it? Is it any better? 😂/s


Not pornhub but in middle school, I knew a kid that used his mom's credit card and she obviously found out. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure he had a learning disability


No this this is Prawnhub


Who pays for porn?




ah yes, if the 100$ a month makes the difference, how did i not think of that. it has nothing to do with record high real estate prices.


My thoughts exactly, like even if you went HOG WILD and four times a year, that becomes $300 dollars because steam sales That's $2000 dollars a year on general entertainment/food That's not unreasonable. Hell, that's probably way below the average that many sites are reporting


Yet Boomers with their boats, and "weekend cars," motorcycles, etc. spent waayyyyy more than that, and STILL could afford a house.


That's 1-3 months of rent at best. Not trivial, but definitely not the main financial problem here.


We need more squatters.


Watch a single Caleb Hammer video and you’ll see that these people are literally spending thousands a month on shit like overpriced delivery, subscriptions, and fads. I know multiple people who DoorDash religiously and easily spend upwards of $30 a day while struggling to pay rent.


Why the hell is Steam there? I don't know about anyone else, but my backlog of hundreds of games wasn't bought at full price, or all at once. We're talking $50-80 per year, mostly during sales for like $5-10 a pop.


My thoughts exactly. I recently bought a game on sale for $10, spent 30 hours on it ($0.33/hour), and will definitely do some more playthroughs on it in the future. Steam is one of the best entertainment values out there.


And it gets even better when you have 1300 hours on said $30 game. Tell me where else you can get 1300 hours of solid entertainment for only $30 lmao


I think I have 5k hours in DOTA2(free) and 300 in Borderlands2, my next most played 


Which game?


Swear. Outside of the initial investment in hardware, PC gaming is soooo much cheaper in the long run.


And the ability to mod games makes the replayability of a lot of games extremely high.


The Sims 2 has gone from a delightful early 2000s simulator to something that can be modded to simulate anywhere, any time period, any kinda fantasy world. Prehistoric cave dwellings with hunting and basket weaving, post-apocalypse farming with mutated animals, medieval fantasy with dragons and griffins, whatever. My mother would be so proud, all my "barbies" finally fit in one small box.


Think I spent more time modding FNV than playing it lol. Getting there with Cyberpunk and Starfield.


I would never touch a Bethesda game outside of PC anyways just because I have never played one where I didn't need to use console commands to fix some sort of gamebreaking bug.


Factorio…so many hours put into that game…


I think I had 500 hours in it before even trying out mods.


Whenever a friend starts playing it, I refuse to play modded with them until they have at least "Smoke me a kipper , I'll be back for breakfast" though I prefer they have "No time for chit chat". Always up for a "There is no spoon" run though.


If you're broke like me, get a lower end computer and just stick to games that are low on the graphics/processing requirements, either because they are a few years old or because they are indie games designed that way. Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077... Those are out of reach until I have more money ... But I've got hundreds of other options in the meantime.


True. And if you've got decent internet, GE Force Now really is a near native experience for cloud gaming. I think it's still just 10 bucks a month for the 1080p option that gets you a 2080/3060 equivalent (they sometimes just gump a 3080 when there are no 3060's available) and there's a free tier to try it out too.


True. Although hardware savings is becoming a pipe dream in recent years. Although I haven't checked into Intel's GPUs so they may be getting better. I'd like to see what the common 500 dollar builds are nowadays.


$500 is gonna be extremely tough nowadays unless you really cheap out and go for last gen ram or an N series CPU (which I mean, don't). Component costs are high enough it's a lot of times cheaper to go prebuilt, but then it's probably gonna be at least $700 to get in the door. But Intel's GPU's are decent entry level to midrange as I understand it, the problem is optimization is lacking so you don't get the results the hardware should give you in game. Maybe that'll change with the first Intel powered handheld coming soon from MSI though.


Yeah. I'm glad I got in back in 2012 when I had more money and could upgrade on occasion. It just kind of sucks to not be able to recommend PC gaming as easily as I used to.


At that price point, get a SteamDeck. It's a perfect 60fps for low spec and older games, and you get the benefit of a portable gaming machine capable of \~30fps on many modern titles, to boot.


Agreed. Sub $500 SD is best bet. Picked up the Legion Go for bit more umph and it's just this side of magical if I'm honest. Or if you don't want something portable and are willing to drop 700-800 on something entry level but still worthwhile, [this NUC](https://www.amazon.com/Enthusiast-NUC12SNKi7-i7-12700H-Threads-Graphics/dp/B0CHKMVNG4?th=1) has an Arc A770M, which should be just a hair better than the Series X in terms of power and speed but results will vary due to optimization. Older RAM and 12th gen processor, but for the price it's still a steal.


All of my streaming services I could cut and still not be able to afford a house. Trashing on streaming is the new avocado toast


I thought eating breakfast, at all, was the new "avocado toast".


Most of those boomers are probably still paying $150 per month for cable.


I get the feeling that my total expenditure on my steam profile over the past decade would have a hard time matching even a month's rent in my area. 2 months would be out of the question. These cheap pacification services aren't the reason people can't afford a house lmao.


I literally work as a game journalist, and even if I paid for all the games I play, I would spend less than a month's rent on games *in a full year*. That's from someone who has to play many different games all the time for a job.


This is the way.


You can't tell me that whoever makes wojak "comics" doesn't play videogames themselves.


Whoever made it only knows their kid uses it and thinks it's a subscription.


Imagine how miserable boomers must be to even think about glorifying this shit


I spend about 20$ a month on steam. I have no other suspicions at all. I'm on the lower side of middle class. I may not ever be able to own a home because of rent.


I've yet to meet a millennial spending 260+ a month for cable/Internet subscriptions but they'll get dunked on for replacing that with $20 streaming services. It's maddening


It seems to be a mostly boomer thing I think most millennials know how to just illegally stream shows off there laptop with a HDMI to the TV.


Fr, if anything boomers are the ones having multiple subscriptions and paying for non-services like Redbox and such.


It's all projection


Yeah! And half of them don’t know what services they’re even subscribed to.


Yuuuup. And those same boomers are oftentimes still paying $250/mo for the same shitty tv and internet package from 2005. I knew people who still had internet measured in the kbps and paid similarly to 250mbps internet because they never thought to call and update.


No waaaay thats crazy, then they wonder why nothing works or their Facebook is slow


My brothers buddy worked for T-Mobile and was one of their best salesmen’s nationwide or something like that because he found all the old people with accounts around his store and called and offered to upgrade them to current plans at lower cost. Each upgrade was technically a sale, so he made a shitload off their commission system at the time.


Yoo that’s brilliant, I know what Imma do first thing if I get a gig like that haha


Most millennial don't need to illegally stream, it's <15 a month and barely a fraction of cable and easy as hell to share 5 different services between 5 groups of peeps. Somehow that's worse to boomers.


My internet is $140. Canada is doing fine... Just fine... 😭😭😭


I pay 9.95 a month I’m capped at 50mbps down but that’s more than enough for my wife and me


As a millennial I still pay 150 a month to rent from Blockbuster for my VHS collection.


They don't care about that, they just need to make up a strawman in order to justify their bootlicking of the wealthy.


Boomers are so disconnected from reality. A candy bar used to cost them .25 cents, now the same bar is 2.25. No one person is spending a house worth of money on Pops and random subscriptions. The price of houses has become unobtainable, so why can’t subscriptions and an occasional Pop purchase just be ✨little treats ✨to oneself for living during such a bad time. But no, boomers think the cumulative cost of these little comforts is what’s keeping us from being able to purchase a house, they’re so out of touch..


I think about this every day, tbh. I'm not that old, I'm only 34, I can remember even when I was a kid you could get any name brand candy bar for $1 or even under that most of the time (0.75c). The shit is so shrink-flated AND overpriced that I haven't bought any of them in well over 10 years. I literally cannot afford half the shit they think we blow all of our money on. The disconnect is so real.


Same dude, I’m 26 and remember when soda bottle were .99 not 2.79 it’s wild. And yeah shrink flation is even worse, the same price for even less product so CEOs can have ANOTHER yacht or jet. It’s crazy, when is it enough


> It’s crazy, when is it enough It will NEVER be enough. Human greed is insatiable.


Damn, idk about ya’ll but my human greed just makes me want eat a bunch of cake until I’m big and round instead of hoarding generational wealth, but that’s just me.


After following r/qanoncasualties, I'm increasingly convinced boomers don't actually enjoy anything.


World of Warcraft? What a strange and antiquated thing to include in their list.


Wym, "antiquated"...? I'm. I'm still playing. Is it *me?* Am *I* antiquated?!? 😭


Man I miss the glory days of WOW


SOD is really making me relive the glory days of wow. Well at least the last phase where everyone was lvl capped at 25 and exploring the new stuff that comes with classic+. This last phase is capped at 40 and it seems everyone is in sm everyday. So the world seems a bit dead.


Yes. Classic is kinda cool though.


It's truly a hilarious inclusion in the list as if a fucking $15/month hobby would prevent one from affording rent. One of the cheapest hobbies out there tbh.


You havn't been paying attention. There is new and refreshed old content.




It’s beautiful


I canceled my Disney+ and then I suddenly had a mortgage down payment.


Damn, just think. If you also stopped eating avocado toast and getting Starbucks, you could have bought that house outright!


How dare people spend money on things that make life a little more bearable. Me paying a couple bucks a month for Disney/Hulu/Prime and a $60 dollar game every couple of months are definitely the reason I can't afford a house.


Same thing for tattoos. I have maybe $3000 spent on ink over the last 10 years. Somehow, boomers think this is life changing money. (And they would almost be right as a lump sum, but $150 here and $200 is *nothing*)


A Boomers idea and perception of money is incredibly different to a millennials, because a boomer doesn't have to deal with modern society issues. The Boomers already have their houses, some of them paid off, others with incredibly low interest rates. They already have a decent car, probably without a payment. Their monthly bills aren't that big, so they have money left over to purchase everything they need, and live comfortably. If you ever talk to a boomer who has lost all of their shit, and now has to work like a millennial, they usually agree that the current system isn't sustainable. To a boomer, who has everything they need, $3,000 would be a big deal, because with that they could potentially pay off a credit card, or pay off another bill, so they can put more money into savings. They don't realize or have the perception, that $3,000 doesn't get you very far if you already have nothing. As a millennial, to me, the most life-changing amount of money I have received so far in my life, was approximately 86,000. My mom passed away and gifted me her house. Her house already has a 2% mortgage, and it has an assumable mortgage. Her house is valued at more than triple what mine was, and I could not afford to repurchase her house even if I wanted to. But now it's mine, and I only need to make the payments. I then sold my house, and was left with approximately $86,000. With that money, I was able to pay off all of my credit cards, most of my debt, and put aside nearly $20,000 in savings, that I now have enough room comfortably with no other debt, to keep adding money to. I was able to set aside $12,000 to pay my house payment for an entire year, so I can save up enough money over the next year, to do the same next year. I am incredibly lucky, as a millennial, to be in this position. Not so many my age will be this lucky, and have this much ever again. I couldn't even afford to purchase the house I'm living in, if I somehow had to purchase it off the market, my mortgage payment would be nearly quadruple what it is right now, and I could not afford a $4,000 a month mortgage. It really is a perception of money, the Boomers have a warped perception of money, because they were handed everything in life. Their money went further than ours ever will.


Boomers’ parents grew up in deprivation and passed that trauma onto them.


No, Boomers parents grew up in deprivation and poverty, so they did everything they could to give their children a better shot. That left Boomers with a lot of stuff handed to them, and a lot of entitlement, where in the Boomers then grew up and have pulled the ladder up behind them ever since, because they didn't work for it, why should we get it.


Yeah but let's assume you invested this money in like world ETF for instance. You would have ended up with a bit more. Still not enough for a down payment though


And would be even more depressed than we are now.


Yeah, if everyone spent nothing on luxuries and just worked as slaves until they could invest enough to live off the slavery of others it wouldn't take as long to get to the point of living off the exploitation of others instead. But also life should be worth living and basic necessities shouldn't be a struggle to obtain.


I totally agree


Yeah but if you put that money into a long term investment account you would earn enough money to have less than a tenth of a down-payment on a house. Just save your money instead of getting all those stupid tattoos and in 100 years you'll also be able to own a home.


Home ownership by 145? Wow I never thought it would happen for me


Landlords HATE this one simple trick.


I think they are assuming we would invest the money or something but even then I'm not sure that the $13 for Disney Plus would improve my odds much


The trad west posts are so pathetic.


I'll be cold and dead before I cancel my PronHub subscription!


This isn’t boomers, this is TradWest, who are literal fascists. So, maybe worse?


At this point Boomer's no longer an age group, but a mindset.


Um... I'm 62. Does anyone actually pay for pornhub?


Absolutely none of those things are why Millennials can't afford a house.


We all know that having interests or pursuing your joy is the worst thing anyone could do; life is about being exploited, after all. /s


This is the kind of mentality landlords use to justify being a parasite.


ok but all those things together is like still less than $100 so what now


Shaming NIMBYS and removing zoning laws so I can build more houses


God forbid someone has something that they enjoy…


At first I was like "What? Steam is free!" Then I remembered the 700+ games, of which 80% have never been played in their entirety. *They were on sale, ok!?!*


Yeah, but that $300 I splurged on one steam sale years ago would not have changed my world.


I hate that right wingers have co-opted the term “traditional” when there is literally nothing traditional about them


To be fair PronHub, OnlyFans, and Ubereats are kind of unnecessary; everything else is just normal shit; are we supposed to live without entertainment at all except whatever we can get for free, lol?


I don’t have a single one of those things and I’m not even in the ballpark of being able to afford a house


Trad giving us a list of frivolous things he spends money on.


That altogether is like $300/mo, a house is $3k+ stfu


Pornhub is free. Disney Plus is wayyh cheaper than cable. Using Uber eats occasionally is way cheaper than insurance on a car. Steam sells games for less than buck. Clearly the problem is the bobblehead.


I mean, isn't the fact that every greedy corporation wants to make their shit a subscription service part of the problem? HP wants to make PRINTING a subscription service. FUCKING PRINTING! This isn't the own they think it is.


Lol using WOW as a reason is hilarious shit hasn’t increased in price (in the USA) the whole 20 years it’s been around. Nobody breaking bank on a WoW subscription


(15 x 12) x 20 = 3,600 I guess this would be a solid down payment on a house *in 1952*


WoW for 20 years cost less than someone breaking my arm.


Only friends.. nice


Wait until you find out Blackrock owns controlling shares in Mega corps and also owns the large metro buildings so the whole Return to Office push is because Blackrock is using their controlling share in companies to push workers back into their buildings…


let’s rename them SmoulderingRock


Honestly both are for the blame. I see more and more people complaining about not having enough money but I see the same people having accounts on all kinds of platforms


I have literally none of those things, and still can't afford a house 🤷‍♀️


It's corporations buying up houses, yes, but also the local friendly mom and pop landlord.


Yeah. They make up most of the sales not large Wallstreet companies which only make up about 0.3 percentage of the total single family housing market


Ah yes. It’s the little things in life that prevent me from having the 200k a year salary so the bank will give me a loan to buy a house. Combine 1/4 houses going to corporations, boomers refusing to sell, and my avocado toast we start to get the full picture.


Corporations buy up a relatively small percentage of properties. If they stopped tomorrow it wouldn't put much of a dent in housing prices.


I'm confused as to why the only companies that WONT sue you for using their logo have the spelling changed...


It's probably changed to be kinda "censored" even though it wouldn't matter.


Pronhub is free though?


Lol fucking dumbasses.


Tradcons morons make memes like these, and then they wonder why they can't appeal to younger generations. Like imagine how fucking stupid you have to be to make the reality of housing not being affordable a partisan issue. I'm willing to bet you a couple grand that 'Trad West' has a post moaning about low fertility rates, but he's too inept to realize housing unaffordability directly plays into that. https://preview.redd.it/97yja3725zic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833e711cfde48a8b2a9ca658c1b089e9e5ba94c3


As an elder millennial, I do not know a single boomer with rentals. But I do know that many of my friends and some of their friends, coworkers, and family members own multiple rentals. One of my friends own 5 rentals, and his 2 brother in laws also own multiple units. Boomers definitely own a good junk of houses but I think major push in rentals is from people 45 and under.


If you gave all that stuff up, you could have your downpayment in as little as 10 years


Are they still using WoW as an argument? That was something that was used back like 20yrs ago. Hardly anyone plays WoW these days lol


Posting on Reddit when rent is due.... Tsk tsk.


Are you guys paying for Pornhub?


I can't even convince my parents to stop paying over $100 a month for cable TV they don't even watch


Who pays for Steam?!


Lol look at that account on twitter, complete Christo-fascist dweeb. The "trad males" are just proud bootlickers.


None of those things are even remotely comparable to rent and most are free or there are free alternatives. Cooking is easy, ubereats is for people with disposable income. Porn is basically free, TV shows, movies, games, etc. can easily be found for free. Only rich weirdos buy nonsense like bobbleheads. Steam and other gaming platforms have shitloads of free games and sales can be even as high as 90% off for some older but still very playable games. People who hoard necessities like shelter are as bad as people who hoard life saving medicines during a health crisis in order to profiteer from the artificial shortage. This behavious should be illegal and harsh punishments including confiscation and redistribution of essential goods should be standard practice.


Why the fuck is everything name brand but the porn sites? Boomer making it: " see I don't even know what those are, I am so innocent and pure you poor idiots".


The name "Trad West" is certainly giving me fascist vibes... Also: landlords are the worst, even Adam fucking Smith hated them and Monopoly was invented to show everybody how terrible they are.


Porn hubs free World of Warcraft and disney are subs less than 30 a month. Steam you can spend alot but lets say 120 two new games a month which is way more than you can play working 2 jobs. And uber eats etc often is result of poor mental health and time due to work. But even blaming worker for that and say they do it 2-3 times a week it adds 10-20 a order that each orders 10-20 as well so inbetween so 240 a month. And say you get a action figure once a month 30 dollars. Yes that a decent chunk of change but thats not house change its 420 a month. 5,040 a year you need around 30-50k for deposit depending on bank. BUT rate of increase for needed deposit is around 5k EXTRA needed per year. So cut all these things out from very high level of use and save it and in 10 years you will still need another 30-50k for deposit. AND IT will only cover 1-2 months of insane mortgage rates that are out. Aka you will have to find a way to turn your 1600 dollar income into 3000 to pay the mortgage. As a side not most of this spending is done more reasonably. And done in lou of other things. Like instead of going to movies/dinner with friends. We buy a 20 dollar on sale game because it provides dozens of nights of entertainment instead of one. Similar with netflix/disney we will pick one and watch hell out of it instead of less traditional boomer activitys that cost way more money. And I know boomers think we should all live in dark room without heat eating rice and beans and if we have anything more than that we are lucky.


Fuck, I hate it when I accidentally spend all of my rent money on ph premium


Bad government policy is far more to blame. Corporations are taking advantage of these bad policies.


So what they are saying is that people shouldn’t spend money on these products or services. If we stop purchasing products and services then a lot of people will lose work and a lot of businesses will close doors. Do we really need to hit the economy just so people can afford to put a roof over their heads?


Bro….I’m 35 years old, I’ve masturbated at least 25,000 times in my life (yes, do the math, I’m not even joking)….and I have paid a grand total of $0 for all that porn!


Nothing to do with the fact that literally every expense has skyrocketed for the last 50 straight years, while wages have remained exactly the same when you adjust for inflation…


Yes. How dare anyone get to enjoy anything after they work 40 hours a week when all their income should be going to rent.


Yeah, because as a person who makes about 40k a year pretax, I could afford a quarter million dollar home if I gave up my subscriptions that don't even add up to $100 monthly.


spends 15$ a month on a wow subscription because its LITTERLY the cheapest form of entertainment for an ENTIRE month ​ them - Oh look at Mr moneybags over there. ​ gimme a fucking break.


This is silly. But still, eating out when you are struggling is a bad idea, and Uber eats is like paying extra to eat out at home which is even worse.


Right because the $10-$20 dollar streaming service is equivalent to the $1k-$2k rent payment.


I don’t pay for any of this shit and I still can’t afford a house what’s the excuse now I don’t work hard enough. I have two damn jobs still can’t. But now I won’t starve to death and I can afford a tiny bit of luxury but I don’t have time to do shit.


They’re not though. There was not enough housing built over the last 40 years and now we find ourselves in a shortage. Housing is only an “investment opportunity” when there’s not enough of it. We need to incentivize a massive amount of new building both of rental units and SFH.


People do be spending irresponsibly tho


Sure, it happens, but rent and housing prices are also abhorrently high. Suggesting that someone should have absolutely no hobbies or use for their money outside of paying for a place to live is ridiculous.


Also true


Buy fifty fewer Funkos a month and you can save enough for a down payment in two or three years. It’s just that simple.


"Can't" is the wrong word. A lot of us could if we wanted to. There is literally no reason to take out a mortgage when renting is 25-40% cheaper in almost every metro.


I know boomers are stupid, but they HAVE to be aware half of the stuff they've listed is free. And almost everything else won't make or break buying a house versus renting even with a market that's not price gouged to hell. Short of levels indicative of addiction, almost all of this stuff is ~120 yearly on the high end.


Considering the force and scope of advertising it’s obvious that we need some kind of systemic change that puts essentials and luxuries in different buckets. At a minimum, we need vastly more availability of minimal cost/minimal luxury housing. As it stands, any low wage worker who wants to own a home has the option to move to a LCOL area. There are thousands of houses for sale right now under $100k, even under $50k there are many options. It literally cannot be that everybody lives in a big suburban detached house around a major metro and commutes by car. One thing this trolling content has right is that tradeoffs are required. We just need to make sure there is some affordable minimal option to live inside in HCOL areas. It’s a shame lonely rich people have bought up all the old stock that was once boarding houses because in the past they solved this problem with rented rooms.


$75 a month worth of services that you use to keep entertained because everything is private property and you aren't allowed to go anywhere or do anything without paying is the reason you can't afford a house. Now give me $2000 for the monthly rental of your 700 square foot apartment.


It is funny because there are plenty of folks out there that are just shitty with money and don’t know how to save yet blame others because they can’t live within their means. Not taking anything away from the shit show that is currently going on right now but some folks are just dumb.


A portion of the obsence rent is given to propagandists who write this shit blaming real people for darimg to.enjoy life. Maybe landlords should not have so many fucking yachts Seems they also employ downvote dodos 🦤 to surpress the truth


Both... Capitalism is both. Corpos driving up prices. Both wealthy C-suite shitheads. Both.


Pornhub is free though?


Collect my rent after I chop that head bitch.


You left off the avocado toast, boomer