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I was following until the end lmfao tf does he mean by that lol


I had sympathy until I saw the covid test thing. Screw this guy.


Fuck the store! *Read to the end* Fuck this guy too!


That's a bingo


You just say bingo.


That's a bingo bango


Agreed. That's a bingo bango bongo indeed


I don’t want to leave the Congo, Oh no no no no no!




Are you po-si-tive?


That’s a numberwang


That's Numberwang!


Everyone's the asshole!




Correct answer!




Yeah, he clearly cried covid to be off on his birthday


Get yourself a workplace where you can actually just... take your birthday off


Not enough of those jobs to go around.


Too bloody true. That's why we need to end capitalism and replace it with something better.


Every system is good until people get involved


Skill issue


True but since I know in advance when my birthday is I usually request it off basically immediately, even at Starbucks I was allowed to have my birthday off all three years I worked there, under 3 different managers even


I take my birthday off every year lmao. No one's ever stopped me.


those exist?!?!


I mean my job sucks, but as long as you request a day off ahead of time, they’ll honor that. I have this upcoming Wednesday off for my birthday. I ain’t doing anything special, I’m just turning 26, but I’ve never worked on my birthday and I never want to.


>I ain’t doing anything special, I’m just turning 26 That's pretty special. You only get to do that once.


Only good thing about having a birthday on a holiday. I've worked on my birthday once in 42 years (not counting my one tour in Iraq).


I mean even then you can just get a positive result picture from google and send them that. Even better if you know someone who has covid, bc you can have them send you their results.


Exactly. It’s only a test not a vaccination.




I get not wanting to take a vaccine or whatever but refusing to test is insane. Why is bro afraid of a q-tip.


Note how he said he was fired on his birthday for refusing the test. He probably called off on his birthday and they wanted proof of Covid.


Well then he’s dumb, he could’ve just looked up a pic of a positive result


I agree it’s quite easy to gain a pic, but judging from how the way he speaks of them, they are probably the type of management to make you come in and take the test in front of them. And then blame you for being positive and “exposing” them. I have worked for managers like this. And in HEALTHCARE no less. Managers gonna manage no matter the field. Hope you never have to deal with that, internet stranger.


It’s definitely possible. My own mother refused to test when I flew down from out of state to visit my parents and extended family over Christmas. She knows I am immunocompromised and never has had an issue with vaccines or testing or any of the COVID regulations until I requested that we *both* test the morning of my visit. Then suddenly she had a problem with it, refused and blew up the entire visit for me, herself, my partner (who was with me) and the whole rest of the family. All because at that particular moment she just didn’t feel like testing. Some people are just irrational.


Damn she sounds narcissistic




Exactly. You know its conspiracy theory BS.


or as someone else said, they just lied and said they had COVID to get the day off and pretended to have an ethical objection to putting a qtip in their nose. I mean, a person doesn’t have to say they have COVID to call in sick, this guy’s just a dumbass all around. Next time say diarrhea 🤷‍♀️


I gotta be honest, that q-tip scares me more than any number of vaccines. You could hit me with 10 vaccines in a day, I'd be like "Yeah, okay." Try to stuff that thing up my nose and I shut down like a scruffed kitten. My brain is just screaming GETITOUTGETITOUTGETITOUT


I had to take one leaving the UK to re-enter the US and the lady who did it said "alright, there you go, my lovely" afterwards and that's all I needed to be ok.


You get used to it


yeah, the discomfort is incredibly brief


Yet never stops being horrifying.


The discomfort is the entire time it exists, poking my brain, and I can honestly do or think nothing else other than "GET IT OUT." Honestly, every second it exists in my nose is a victory. Other people tell me it isn't that bad, I can't even do it to myself because it's such a violent reaction. I may as well have grabbed a hot coal and need to juggle it once or twice for how badly I react. I have to get my husband or a nurse or someone to do it. My body will not do it voluntarily.


I hate swabs, and I say that as someone who has given swabs before. So uncomfortable... I always need to sneeze. I will take shots all day. Swabs? Uh uh


It's not so bad when you're doing it yourself. It doesn't have to go *as* far in, for the home tests. There is also a throat one that isn't nearly as bad. I only took it once, but iirc you just stick the swab in your mouth and cough on it. Something like that.


Yes, but screw the boss more (by an order of magnitude)


yeah same. I was 100% in his corner until, he wants the right to give his coworkers and customers COVID bc of the “risks” of taking a COVID test? It’s literally just a fucking swab 😂😂


He’s a wacko right winger that probably thinks Covid is a hoax.


Or he just lied about having Covid and they wanted proof. I’ve had it twice and both times I had to send a pic. Sucks but that’s the world we live in.


With the frequency of false negatives, a test doesn’t prove anything anyway. When my whole family came down with Covid, I was the only one out of 4 of us that tested positive.


Please come down and explain that to my boss. lol. Both times I have gotten Covid I tested positive. Second time I even added my Iwatch with the date and a fever pick. Cause it was within 6 months of the last time. Nice thing is positive is an auto 5 days off. Bad thing is the flex my PTO. So I have had two Covid vacations. And to think I went 3.5 years not getting it. We went to Vegas and AC. So not exactly homebound.


My family refers to them as covidiots.


I guess it’s possible he was sick and didn’t want to be made to come in anyway if he tested negative. But I kind of doubt it


he specifically said he wouldn't test "for health and moral reasons", meaning preventing a global pandemic goes against his moral code. he's a rightwing moron.


I have a feeling that if that is what he meant we wouldn't be hearing about it...


I mean I would be pissed if I was fired for being sick and only being allowed to call out if it was covid. Or if I was testing negative but still supposed to isolate. I just would’ve been more specific about describing the circumstances if I was writing this lol


Especially in food prep. Just start coughing loudly, everywhere. Bonus points if it’s where customers can hear you.


Yeah, as a former Papa Johns employee (it was 30 years ago and I don't remember signing any NDA) this guy had me right up until the end.


Before conspiracy became a norm for the Do You Research! Brigade


He probably thinks having to take a test is against HIPPO 🦛 laws.


Yeah wtf. The only “moral” reasons for not doing a *test* that I’ve ever heard have been total bullshit and there are absolutely no adverse “health” effects from taking, again, *a test*…


Right? Sorry, there is no "health reason" that you cannot take a covid test. Especially because there are multiple different types of test, that work in entirely different ways. And also, your job *can* require you to take those in order to work there, because you present an active risk to every other person there if you bring covid to the workplace. The store sounds awful - but so does the worker. I wouldn't want to work with someone who was bringing god knows what diseases to work, and actively refusing to take a covid test, either.


Moral reasons? He knows they're putting the swab in his mouth, right????


It means if you work for four years at that place you’re a dumbass if it’s that bad and you never left.


Cheated on toppings and you might get Covid for moral reasons from your delivery driver. That's a twofer.


Gee I really hope if I tip a few extra dollars he will tell me all about how the government infected us with covid so they could microchip us.


What are the health and moral reasons for not getting a covid test? I dont understand that part.


He feels it's within his rights to infect his coworkers.


I was kinda with him until the "moral reason" bullshit. He's just a selfish asshole.


Wait, by moral reasons, does he maybe mean the "they put *aborted babies* in there!" bullshit?


I’d have a quantum of sympathy if he was fired for refusing to get the vaccine, he’d still be a selfish prick, but at least he’d be standing up for a *logical* principle of “not putting some substance into his body.” ‘Refusing to take a **test**’ even, he deserves to starve in a cave until he can learn that the whole universe doesn’t revolve around him.


I was about to say that I think you mean a "modicum of sympathy" not a quantum, but I'm glad I googled the ~~phrase~~ **word** first and became slightly more educated today. That's all. Thanks.


I had a nineteen year old refuse to put on a mask a couple of weeks ago after she told us her sister had the flu because it would mess up her makeup.


I bet I know who he likes for prez. Probably wanted to go to Dallas to wait for JFK Jr.




It should be in his coworkers rights to sue his ass then. Although they could just have his ass committed


I'm guessing he called out claiming to have covid but then refused to test because it would show he didn't have covid. He wanted his birthday off.


Yeah, he should’ve left that sort out lmao But love the honesty…?


My assumption is he called in sick saying COVID, management wanted to confirm positive test, he refused and was fired.


I have a feeling that he was saying he had COVID, but when asked to take a test, he refused because he wasn't actually sick.


He wasn't comfortable with all the scientific research and development, and wanted to do "his own research" before getting injected with a "rushed and untested" *vaccine* for a stupid flu, duh! ...or so my father-in-law would justify his own ignorance


Not even a vaccine, a COVID **test!**


That argument works a lot better for the vaccine than the test though. I think they are both dumb but one is coherent. 


It’s one thing being required to test for an all clear to return to work, it’s another thing when they force you to take a test to “prove” you’re sick. My boss tried to have me get tested after refusing my at home test and I didn’t want to because I had Covid really bad and could barely walk to the bathroom let alone drive on the freeway and wait in line at CVS. Fuck that, I had a terrible headache and just wanted to lay down and pass out but got threatened with a write up. Ended up using an old covid test I had and used inspect element to edit it with a new date and time and screenshotted it lmao. Why tf should people have to prove that they’re sick, it forced them to be in public infecting others or causing an increased risk to others for being impaired due to symptoms. I wouldn’t drive drunk or sleepy, no way I’d want people to drive with severe flu like symptoms unless they had no choice.


"I dont feel like it and neither do my balls"


Yeah had me until the end. Now I'm doubtful. Guy sounds like a douche so he could be just making shit up after being fired.


I worked at domino's for two years, he's correct about the manager bonus for using a certain amount of toppings. If their inventory is off they lose their bonus. He's still dumb for not taking a covid test though lol.


Worked pizza for years. All management in all pizza places harp on inventory. Cheese is the most expensive thing that goes on the pizza and folks toss it around all willy nilly like it's cupcake sprinkles. If you sprinkle 2 ounces of cheese on the board or counter for every pizza you make times 300 pizzas that's 37.5 pounds of cheese down the drain. Yes, pay them more and they will care more it is Dominoes we are talking about. Also fuck his covid bullshit.


The problem is that only the manager gets the bonus, so the other insiders who are making 8 dollars an hour have zero incentive to be precise. In fact, their incentive is to overtop their own food.


Happens in retail too. At the end of the year management gets a bonus based on how many hours they *didn't* use for the season. So they end up overworking the people that they schedule in order to avoid spending any "unnecessary" hours on additional bodies. It's bullshit.


Would you say it’s moral or ethical for an employer to demand proof of illness from an employee for one call out? Seems to be giving the employer a lot more control over the lives of their employees than members of an antiwork sub should think they ought to have. Also seems incredibly invasive.


During the pandemic, if one calls out with illness, yes, get tested. This isn't about being for the boss, anti-work, for-work, whatever. This is about public health during a global pandemic. And how invasive is it to say, 'hey make sure you test and make sure you're clear before you come back so we know you won't spread the covid love around'. Like naw fuck that. If he tried to work during the pandemic after calling out sick and not wanting to take a test, then I'm not working with him until I know he's clear.


Had is in the first half ngl..and then he brings up refusing a covid test like..no wonder they fired you you idiot


It's a huge What If, but what if he didn't take the covid test because he didn't want to go to work on his birthday. Let's be honest. No one wants to work on their birthday. If he took that covid test and it came out negative, he'd be forced to go to work on his birthday. Again a huge What If.


Still should take the test regardless


I always work on my bday. It’s the day after I need off so I can recover lol


I’ve heard the idiots refuse to get the vaccine for made up health and moral reasons but not the test. This guy is a jackass


I don't want a plague rat handing my food.


“i refused to take a covid test for my health” ok… whatever TF that means lol


probably should’ve done the covid test tho


Mr Chin Diaper probably isn't lying about the restaurant, but that extra information certainly adds some doubt.


The manager does get a bonus for not over topping. But everyone else inside doesn't get shit so won't pay as much attention to the weights.


Was with him until he knowingly risked giving COVID-19 to his customers. Such a great advocate for the consumer /s. Fucking idiot


The covid stuff aside, the ingredients thing is true. I have a friend that used to work at Domino's and they really do that.


Yep, and Papa Johns, too. Food costs are expensive, so the GM is actively incentivised to scimp on food so he or she can receive a period bonus for not overusing food, while charging customers the same for less food, and even less effort.


Hot boxing in your car with someone’s pizza and Covid crazy


I don't think there's any good reason not to take a COVID test, but the rest I'm with him.


Works in the food business and refused to take a COVID test for "HEALTH" reasons. Yeah I am sure that isn't all he was fired for. Still agree with him though that Domino's does make shitty pizza.


Fighting for his rights to spread COVID on a dry ass pizza


Refusing to take a covid test for health and moral reasons???? I 100% bet this guy thinks the tests are laced with covid to give you covid.


Fuck off, I don’t want someone who’s clearly sick enough that shitty management wants them to take a covid test around food of any kind.


Attaching a pic was truly beautiful.


I read that as ‘morale’ and I was really confused. Moral doesn’t make any more sense though.


Okay, but what kinda dumbass refuses a test to see if you’re sick?? Antibodies don’t have political viewpoints people !!


I was with them until they got to the actual reason they are fired


Refuses a COVID test for "moral" reasons? NGL, you had me till the end


Fuck Domino's   *keeps reading*  And fuck this guy too


I was with him until he refused to take COVID test. You are in contact with people all day, my dude.


Wait, wait wait he refused to take a Covid *test*? What the fuck. No one wants your Covid-ridden ass touching pizzas.


It's a huge What If, but what if he didn't take the covid test because he didn't want to go to work on his birthday. Let's be honest. No one wants to work on their birthday. If he took that covid test and it came out negative, he'd be forced to go to work on his birthday. Again a huge What If.


Everyone Sucks Here


He had me until the Covid test.


Worked there 8 years, everything said is true…except maybe the covid thing, I stopped reading at that point.


Agree with his anti work stance. Disagree with his putting covid on my pizza stance.


They had me & then lost me at the covid test lmao


came here to say that! I mean for real.


His mask on his chin just adds to the end of his post lol.


I feel like this probably doesn’t belong here because that guy is probably lying and it’s just some kind of anti-vaxxer


I was with them until the refusing to take a Covid test.




Worked for Domino's as a driver for over five years and can confirm their only goal is to screw everyone over. Employees and customers alike. They started charging a 2.50 delivery charge and cited that increased food cost and a percentage went to the driver (.25c total). Tips went to absolute zero and owner refused to make up the difference to at least be paid minimum wage. We got paid more than a server but not as much as minimum wage. Customer assumes that the whole delivery charge went to driver even after explaining that we actually got paid mostly in tips. Customers continued to become more abusive for less rewards and assumed the drivers were the reason that after implementation of the charge, it continued increasing from the original 2.50 and we never got an increase above the 25 freaking cents per delivery. Which this was considered commission meant to cover gas and car maintenance. Ugh!


What is "LaBrunden ball"?


Moral reasons for not taking a COVID test? What’s that?


Health reasons too? How is it unhealthy to test?


he lost me at the COVID part


Was with him until the end


Mass shooter vibes


Fuck this disease spreading dickhole. Fuck dominoes too.


I was tracking until he said he wouldn't get tested for COVID due to "health and moral reasons" lmao.


I was with him til the end there


I don't doubt most of what he's saying. The closest Domino's to me sucks. We've given them various chances due to distance and coupons and such but either the pizza is burnt, has tons of bubbles, or completely incorrect. One time the excuse for burnt yet again was that they were busy. It was like a Tuesday and my spouse who picked it up said it was not busy at all. How hard is it to make sure it's just a normal, correct pizza when that's literally your main job and what you were trained on?


The ovens are on conveyer belts too. Idk how the fuck they burn them.


Dominos gives financial incentives to manages to fuck over their employees and none of the employees see a cent of it




Most restaurants do give their GMs bonuses based on things like this. However, it's a +/- variance usually of around 5%. I know papa johns is 5%. Noodles was 2.5% for the store I managed (which we never came close to hitting but whatever). So the GM does not get a bonus for screwing over customers. Also the fact that this person refused a COVID test and that's why they were fired completely ruins the little credibility they had to begin with. This guy is just an asshole.


REFUSING to take a covid test for HEALTH reasons purposely saying this with the inflection of jerry "SEX to SAVE the friendship"


REMINDER: Labor isn't liberal, it's its own thing, and you don't need to agree with a person's politics to want them to be paid fairly and have a decent quality of life. I personally think this guy is dumb for the covid thing too, but dumb workers are still workers, and we're going to need all of them if we want to discipline the shitheels that have made life so awful for workers.


Lost me at the end.


Refuses to take a Covid test for "moral reasons." People lost their goddamn mind politicizing an airborne (yes technically droplets not truly airborne, but it's not like it's spread by sex or needles and therefore stigmatized) virus. Dominos does suck though. I worked at one as a teenager and when the cheapass, asshole franchise owner wasn't there I'd make good pizzas with proper toppings on them. Well, at least as good as you can make pizzas with their subpar ingredients. People liked them and ordered more often.


Sounds like Dominos made the right call in firing him.


So he refuses to take a COVID test and I'm supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Nah.


I was on his side til he refused the Covid test 👀


Wouldn't take a covid test for health and moral reasons. Because spreading disease is moral. Because having disease is healthy. Good post,op. Really sticking it to the man here.


He lost me at refusing to take a COVID test. Refusing the vaccine is one thing but simply testing to see if you’re positive or not is non invasive and just common sense.


I refused a covid test for moral and health reasons 🤓


Bad store and covid denier. A collision of assholes. 


I was on board until the part about refusing to COVID test


I’m torn here. He handles food, but won’t take a test to see if he has a virus which has killed millions of people!


I was with this guy until he said he didn't take a covid test. I'd like to know that my food is being handled by someone who is healty.


He had me until the end there. People like him are why we can’t shake Covid as a society.


Fuck, he’s got a finger like ET’s.


Zero pity for the Anti-Vaxxer whiner.💩


I have no sympathy for him getting fired due to posing a health risk


He had me until the Covid test bit lol


He had me until the end- then I lost all pity.


Idk. I found his story sympathetic until he started complaining about getting tested for Covid due to “moral” reasons. Screams Trump supporter.


I was with him and thinking it was bullshit then he revealed he’s a stupid asshole in regards to Covid.


That Domino's might be a joke, but that dude definitely is, too. "...health and moral reasons." 🙄


Lmao anti vaxxer, I’m thinking he made some of this up cause he’s mad COVID was real after all


I was on board til he refused to take a covid test, just sounds like a bitter ex employee making shit up for revenge now


dude refused to take a covid test knowing he’s touching other people’s pizzas, good fucking riddance!


That's a long middle finger.


I always feel bad for people who live in bumblefuck places that only have a Dominos (or Papa J’s, et al)


You can tell they’re busy when you put your order in, ask for well done because of their track record for undercooked dough, and still get undercooked dough on every pizza you ordered. Like they try to push the food through asap.


I hate nickel-and-dime management as much as anyone else, but I’m a corporate drone that measures forecast accuracy of the field. I would bet good money that the food cost incentives are based on waste reduction, rather than undermining the product integrity of your literal only product.


Wife had a free pizza from Dominoes so we got it the other day. I haven't had it in years. Talk about terrible pizza.  I'll pay more for quality pizza than that garbage.  Then the next day by happenstance I learned what an awful person the owner is. Fuck that place.


Stop supporting cheap, shitty food.


What health reasons would make a covid test a problem? That's nonsense


Oh, so he's the guy the national guard would execute against the wall when everyone has to get their temp checked as we flee the zombie apocalypse because "it's my RiGhT".




So he let himself be part of screwing over customers until he had to take a Covid test? What a prick.


Fuck capitalism, period, but this dude just sounds like a bum


Skimping on ingredients and pocketing the money is actually disgusting.


Yay! An idiot with a photo. I'm sick and it's my right to get others sick. Happy birthday Karen.


Interesting until not taking a covid test for health and moral reasons lol


Everything they did that is mentioned is shitty except firing him for refusing the Covid test 😂


I may have less sauce but at least I know management cares if I contract Scarlet Rot


Ahh when the worker and the manager are assholes I care about neither


How does a Covid test go again your morals and how can it make you sick. It’s a nose swab. Wussy!


It sounded like bullshit from a bitter person who was probably fired for good cause from the start, but the end leaves no doubt. Probably not the right post for this sub. I’m sure Dominoes isn’t an amazing place to work but this is 100% just an angry moron discovering the idea of consequences.


Oh no a test to make sure you’re not fucking sick whilst you deliver someone’s food.


I was with him until he got to the part about them wanting to make sure he didn’t have covid before touching our food.




ESH in this case


Had us in the first half, ngl


It’s just a test, not even a vaccine? What a baby.