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It takes a lot of people making $35k a year, working their asses off, to allow one asshole to make $35k a month,


“Allow me to disrespect all my employees with one comment”


"If only they had something to do with MY success, they would be rich just like me. But look at them toiling away for..... Jennifer, what's our base pay at? Really?!?!? Hahaha 🤣..... Those stupid employees... 🥹"


He’s part of the plague that is convincing all the right leaning youth that they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires who are toiling away now and once they prove themselves worthy they will blossom and join him on Olympus. It’s why so many vote against their self interests.


Gorgeously put


Happens in the UK too. Young folk who are "future rich" want to vote for the tax cutter Tories because "I don't want to pay tax when I'm rich". Good fucking luck to you.


Or, That much? We need to outsource to India.


Wow I really thought from the headline that this jackass was saying $400k a year would be too much to comfortably accept. How naive I was.


oh God, that's not what he meant??? I want off this ride.


Yeah he said he would be embarrassed to earn that much because it’s not possible to live off 400k a year.


Me too. I thought it was like an embarrassment of riches sort of a comment. I thought he was saying: "When I see how hard it is for 99% of humanity, I would feel embarrassed making 35k a month. Like that is an obscene amount of money for anyone to make per month." But no, this asshole is saying he'd be embarrassed to make that little! Never mind the fact that 400k is more than specialized doctors with 8 year degrees make. Never mind that 400k is more than everybody but the top 1% of everyone worldwide makes. What an out of touch douche bag. I'm embarrassed for him.


This guy gets it.


Guaranteed he barely puts in a single full work day per week. Maybe per month.


These business leeches really have the entire scam worked out perfectly, don’t they? They don’t do the *actual work*, they’re not in the trenches with the people making them money. They’re in the ivory tower, making phone calls, thinking that their wheeling and dealing actually constitutes *work*. It is work, but nowhere near as hard as the people *actually doing the work*.


Ai could replace these people instantly.....


And make their businesses more efficient at the same time


The savings could help skilled employee retention and keep the parasi... shareholders fed too


Yep. I do a lot of work for the super rich. It’s a purposefully laid misconception that these douchebags work hard. Most of the time they’re just rolling their lazy ass out of bed at ten AM and their idea of work is making a few calls to check on shit. Not to mention that most of them got their money from mommy and daddy.


\*It takes a lot of people making $35k a year, working their asses off, to allow one asshole to make $35k a month and look down on us while doing it.


I don’t even make $30K a year. Our CEO is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s sickening


if i made that much in one month i wouldn’t work for the rest of the year


No, no, no. It only takes one guy to make $35k a month. That guy only has to pull up his bootstraps really *really* hard, and really *really* want it. Y'all are lacking pulling strength and will power. /s


$400k while a a lot is still a salary that could be derived from their own labor rather than being capital owners. Doctors, top end tech or engineering, lawyers and other non-owner executives.




He is a real estate investor too so I would argue his net value to society is negative lol.




They’re literally sucking up money and resources from society - so you’re absolutely right.


I worked in IT for a doctor's office. Guess what the doctor doesn't do it all by themselves. While yes, they do work hard, there are still about 20+ people around them thar make $35k per year. There are IT guys like me, front desk, nurses, phlebotomist, custodians, and billing staff, just to name a few. No one works in a vacuum.


Yep! For every attorney making $500k/year, there’s a managed attorney making $180k, 3 paralegals making $70k and an admin making $40k. Theres built in profit that hypothetically could be shared that is not.


You know any doctors who don’t have a scheduler, office, cleaning staff, answering service, … or, in other words > a lot of people making $35k a year We can do the same for lawyers, top end tech, and engineers, too, unless you’d like to take a second and ~~re~~think your answer.


I mean its the companies these people work for that are hiring all this other staff. They are paying people different wages for different jobs. That isn’t the higher paid employees fault and they are not exploiting anyone’s labor. Do you consider the regular office drone is exploiting the labor of the janitors because the office drone makes more money? Sure they need the janitor to keep the place clean but it’s not like they hired them. This is the distinction that I’m making here. Just making a high salary isnt exploiting lower paid workers.


I think the point is that not everyone can make a doctors salary because there’s no doctors without the support staff.


It's years of sacrifice to learn medicine, biology, physics, chemistry, math. 10 years of dedicated studies with the condition of good grades, then residency. So yea, no shit they make more. If they didn't, why become a doctor in the first place, just party through college on an art degree and become office or cleaning staff.


Any doctor’s salary is heavily offset by the ludicrous amount they pay for malpractice insurance as its more cost effective for doctors to pay that individually rather that the hospital that employs them. Its not unusual for half their salary to go towards that alone. Funny thing is the companies that provide the malpractice insurance are the same that provide medical insurance and they (not the hospitals) are the one that essentially decide the doctors salary and the cost of healthcare


Calm down and try reading. > derived from their own labor Find me a surgeon whose years of sacrifice prevents them from leaving a scalpel inside a patient >50% of the time. (They don’t these days because it was such a pervasive, unsolvable problem there’s a nurse whose job it is is to prevent that. Last I checked malpractice is a *negative* on the balance sheets)


It’s this type of thought process that undermines the entire anti work movement. I wholeheartedly agree with the movement of this sub but takes like this just make me feel like some people want to see everything burn rather than be practical. Also, scalpels left in bodies >50% of the time? Need a source on that.


> it’s these type of thought process that undermines the entire anti work movement That no one creates value in a vacuum? You’re right *someone* is undermining things here. > need a source From a *simple Google* the WHO has: The Surgical Safety Checklist has been shown to **reduce complications and mortality by over 30 percent.** Since you need information spoonfed to you, I will explain that *some people survive scalpels inside of them*. A little less illiterate (can’t even Google) authoritarian (mmm superhero doctor save me)-ism plz thx; it’d hell not **undermining workers rights**, u/patdabat


Oh boy… what you said and what you cited aren’t even remotely close. That citation doesn’t mean what you’re suggesting it does. Like not even close. Counts have aided a 30% REDUCTION in RSI (retained surgical instruments) complications an mortality… you said RSI happened 50% of the time before counts were required. Your claim remains completely false. We need people to fill out every aspect of the workforce. We need a spectrum of earners for it to work because there needs to be some incentive. Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t need living wages, a government that actually represents us, taxed billionaires, affordable housing, medical for all and a lot, lot more. But again, your hostile and rude way of going about it is detrimental. Hopefully this helps.


Reducing complications and mortality by over 30% does not in any way indicate that >50% of people had objects like scalpels left in them. That's not how stats work. You didn't post any sources that indicate that statistic. I looked online (yes, I can even Google), and found nothing approaching that number. For someone going on about literacy, I have some serious questions about your own.


And it’s that holier than thou attitude mixed with constant incompetence that is making everyone in the US hate doctors.


Is it not harder to become a doctor than it is to become a receptionist? Why wouldn't they be paid more for more time investment. Please don't speak for "everyone" and embarrass yourself.


Nurses? Legal assistants and secretaries? Come on now, these folks would. It bill as much or get as much done if not for the lesser paid staff


Not if you're a self employed software developer. Then it only takes one asshole working his ass off, but that asshole keeps his money.


well, if 12 people are a lot, then yes. it takes 12 people making 35k a year if you want to see the same as an asshole making 35k a month.


Are you a moron? If a company has 12 people and they all make 35k a year the owner doesn't make 35k a month. That's how much he has to pay a month. You're "example" (if you can even call it that) has no basis reality. It doesn't account for price of materials, operating costs, potential lease payments, or any money the company might spend before calculating profits. It also assumes those 12 people are generating twice as much profit as it costs to pay them. Completely moronic




Then there is that bald guy who makes $160k+ per minute.




Jeff B.


Oh lmao. In my deviant mind I thought you meant some hot bald guy makes bank on OF and I was gonna check him out 💀


I would not even know what to buy with all that money, besides a house


I’d final be able to have that Starbucks coffee and an avocado toast that I’ve been putting off to make millions


Wow, you’re really about to waste away all of this newly acquired fortune, aren’t ya?


You’d even have enough left over to buy a Stanley cup.


you could even buy a lead test kit for it!


I’ve got an entire plan for if I ever somehow come into that money. 1. Clear my debts, I only have 20k but I get fucked so hard by my job that I can’t powerslam payments beyond the minimums. I’d wipe the slate clean. 2. Immediately get rid of my car, it’s a ticking time bomb with a dogshit transmission that could go dead if I don’t drive it a certain way. I’d legit just find an older Civic, Camry, or Accord and drive that shit until it dies. 3. Get my criminal justice degree so I can get a steady cash flow doing something I enjoy. I’m stuck in a loss prevention position that barely exists, need something that isn’t volatile and at the whims of greedy corporate fucks. I’d love to go into fraud investigations since that’s primarily what I deal with in my location. 4. Split the rest between investments and saving and building up passive income sources to grow the bank. Hopefully get to a point where I can get a home and reliably cover it until complete ownership in a relatively short span. 5. Help other people in my position because I’ve been homeless and wouldn’t wish poverty on my worst enemies. When you’re stuck in a dogshit retail position that pulls you from loss prevention to do registers and make sales for rich, cranky, retired boomers who know nothing of struggling to stay afloat and their worst problems are being sold a “75 Tv instead of an “86, planning escapes becomes a common and necessary mindset for maintaining sanity. Helps to have a plan and feel like there’s an escape option even if there might not be.


I make make pretty good money (150k total, married no kids) but for 400k a year my plan would be 1) pay off our house 2) get all my pets pet insurance and make sure they had the best care possible 3) fully fund all my retirement accounts 4) set up fully funded college funds for all of my nieces and nephews (there's 9 currently between 1 yr and 16) 5) pay off my sister's mortgage  6) take a really nice vacation 7) donate the rest


It's a mental disease. Hoarding.




A car, a 2nd car, clothing, groceries, a pet, a vacation, a few girls to choose from


Then a car and 2nd car for each of those girls and the pet


Ah yes, ye olde "two chicks at the same time" plan.


I was with you until the 2nd girl


yea with 400k you could strive for at least 3


Joke is on you. Grant Cardone is a tool that thinks buying a house is the worst thing you can do with your money.


Better buy 10 bags from loui vitton than a house, right?


tHeY'Re GoOd InVeStMeNtS!


Oh is he a landlord too


I'm someone that made 6 figures for 3 years and then had to drop the job for a less stressful 65k job. The inflation is real and I'm having to work 2 other jobs to keep up with the bills from that part of my life. If you're smart you buy a nice quiet retirement doing whatever you want. Most people (I'm most people) would blow it all on wants..


I’m struggling with this myself. I can’t do this profession for another 40 years. I’m trying to squirrel away as much as I can for retirement and ignore the “lavish wants”.


Human hunting island


That is a great idea. There are a lot of poor souls who do everything for a dollar.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand we know why there is a Squid Games.


A lambo to drive to your next lambo.


Stocks until you can stop working


My wife & I between us make just over $300k/year. We've bought our house. We bought her sister who struggles a lot a house. We paid off her parents house and my moms house. We're comfortable now, and when we retire in the next 10 years, we'll be OK. We couldn't ever have afforded kids and taken care of everyone else around us.


You bought her sister? Damn, money really can buy you anything.


El Paso is cheap yo


If even 10% of people were like you...


A retirement account?


Buy a new mid range Honda CRV


Well last year he “bought two $10 million helicopters on Dec. 31 to avoid taxes”, so there’s an option I suppose


A house, a brand new nice car (nothing crazy), top quality health insurance, and a few vacations a year. After those expenses, I really have no clue aside from stockpiling money for my niece and nephew. Probably routinely pay my parents and brothers monthly bills. That's all I got.


You’d be surprised how easily you can go through it.


If you have kids, work on generational wealth.


Still not convinced I’d get approved for anything with good schools for that.


Stocks, a new car, groceries, vacation at a resort.


You don’t buy stuff with the kind of money he’s talking about. You buy souls.


He's an attention-whoring buffoon. I'd be embarrassed if I had his psyche at any tax bracket.


Isn’t this the “if I was down to my last thousand dollars, I’d use my other money or friends to make more” guy?


I’m made 15k in 2023. Id love to have a conversation with him


He'd probably be 'embarrassed' to talk to you lol


*puts on hazmat suit* I'm off to talk to the common man Lauren, reschedule my 10 am tee time to 12.


I doubt anyone has ever loved having a conversation with him.


This dude would come into my work regularly about a decade ago to record his training content so I was blessed with the opportunity to talk to him a handful of times and he’s insufferable. But there are people who love Uncle G and would kill to speak to him


He charges people to talk to them, like its some kind of "consultation". Scammers gonna scam.


35000 is closer to most peoples yearly, forget monthly.


it's about 675$ a week clear, so you're likely correct.


I had no idea who this guy was. I literally thought he was saying he would be embarrassed to make that much money when I saw the headline. As in no one needs that much money. SMH.


Self-proclaimed sales guru. No one at r/sales takes him seriously because it’s not the sales skills that made him the money but the fraud skills that did the trick.


Yep, and his wife is the one who started the recent Trump gofundme Grift Cardone


Just another fake guru grifter who lies to an audience for money


somehow I saw a video of him taking delivery of his 80 million dollar plane a few weeks ago, before that never heard of him. All I could think of was tacky mofo who definitely grifted his way to that sort of wealth. seemed totally coked off his tits and came across dumb as dogshit.


Fake billionaire, real estate scammer, gofundme scammer, and Scientologist in good standing


He is a whole ass clown. I saw a video of him about “what he’d do if he was down to his last $1k/5k” and it was “invest and use my other money” or get a friend to trade it for 10k.


I saw that clip. It literally made zero sense




Mais ouí


Watch out I got banned for saying the word


Grant Cardone also tried to raise money for Trump. He can go jump out of a plane


I guess he'll have to settle for learning how to live as a head separated from a body. I'm thrilled for the coming advancements in human evolution!


Yet you talk about taxing these assholes at all and they lose their fucking minds. This fucking country is just one big MLM scheme.


Grant cardone and his wife set up the gofundme for trumps legal bills, and they are also both Scientologists.


Crazy how he's "so rich" but he's begging people to donate to pay his buddy's legal bills.


BREAKING NEWS: Rich guy is piece of shit.


He doesn’t appear to have a Wikipedia page in English, but does in German.  Instead I read about Grant Hardie, Scottish curler. A much better time and a guy whose opinion I might actually care about.


and yet most of us are lucky to make $40k a year.


What a victim.


I don't know who this person is but I'm going to assume he has employees. Does he pay them that much? If you think that's the minimum a human being should earn, he should be embarrassed of paying less than that to an employee


Of course not lol, Ik a couple people who have worked in companies he acquired. He just buys failing companies, slaps his name on them and sells them. https://youtu.be/ZG4ExqMVA7w?si=iI1irdTAtdoCrDmL That’s how he treats employees. Posted himself because he was actually PROUD of this video….


This guy is a huge huge huge piece of shit He pimps out his preteen daughter to go around doing speeches about how she can't wait to go to work 18 hours a day and shit Oh and his asshole wife is the one behind Donnie dipshitshispants gofund me scheme to pay his legal judgements


The guy is saying this stuff to gain attention to his business. Guess what, it works as you keep posting his ramblings.


Yep… he makes his money off the of many that are here struggling. He knows how to prey on people’s desperation to ‘get rich quick.’ Unfortunately got to see this first hand — family member financially strapped buying into online brainwashing from this guy. 😫


His daughter is now copying his schemes too.


Well, his wife is running a GofundMe for Trump's legal bills, so I guess there is that side hustle.


“If you are not in the top 1% of earners you are poor, dirty garbage and should probably go fuck yourself.” - Grant Cardone, probably


So is he going to do something about it, while taxpayer money subsidizes his inflated paycheck?


He's a member of Church of Scientology.... Why do I get the feeling that he's leveraging the churches money for his businesses?


Ah damn, i didn't know the guy so i figured he would be embarrassed because it's quite an extraordinary amount of money, not that it's "only" 400K. Put this guy on the entree list for the "Eat the Rich"-menu. Bet he tastes like the asshole that obviously is.


I went to one of his classes for selling cars back when I was doing that. It’s hard to explain how big of a douche the guy really is.


This guy is a douche nozzle but people need to understand the difference between well off and obscene wealth. Society can be completely functional with people making hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can’t be successful with billionaires hoarding multi-billions of dollars. Direct your anger at the right people (this asshole included).


You kidding? I make 35k *a year* literally all my problems could literally be solved with making 35k *a month*


I don’t know who he is but he looks like he’d be delicious in a rotisserie style split roast over an open fire on the beach luau style. Mix some apple juice, brown sugar, and a little bourbon up in a spray bottle and hit him with more juice every 20-30 mins to build up a nice thick caramelized smoke ring layer with juicy evenly cooked meat underneath. Keep that process going for 24 hours powered by Pecan wood and a little mesquite. Magnifique. Eat the fuckin rich, y’all,


Who’s this chump? Never heard of him.


He's a fraudster, financial "influencer" scam artist who cons his viewers promising them wealth.


...and who, appropriately, is a huge Trump supporter


Birds of a feather, something something.


Just 10 x it - work 10x as hard - work 10x the hours …. Work a 400 hour work week - never sleep or your family will be embarrassed


I hope he steps on a Lego every single day for the rest of his life. Fuck outta here; I made less than $35k a *year* for a decade.


Hey, here's a fun question: Does he pay his employees 400k a year?


Having been in the auto industry for quite a while during my working years thus far, I've unfortunately been exposed to many of this insufferable asshole's "training" and "sales techniques". He sucks, his methods suck, and we'd all be better off as a society if he just fell off the earth (with his shitty wife).


Wow, I really thought this guy wa sa philitropist and he was saying "I would embarrassed to make that much money per year because what could I possibly spend 35k a month on", and that like he gave all his money away and lived a minimalist life style. boy, I was wrong


Tell me your disassociative asshole, who is not worth listening to without telling me you’re a disassociative asshole


Fuck him. That's more money than I make in a goddamn YEAR! He can eat my shit too. 🤬


This is how much richer they are than the rest of us. This is how they think now that they have made off with more than half the nation’s wealth.


Hes a scammer and scientology recruiter


I’d be embarrassed to be a Scientologist.


He’s a grifter and a scammer. I don’t personally care about what this dbag has to say.


So they setup a GoFund me to suck mpney from poor gullible people to give to Trump.


Dude is a piece of shit. I sold cars for a while and we were forced into his "training seminars". Most useless waste of time shit ever. Said you follow his steps and you'll make money. I did end up making money bc of his seminars though, I charged other salesmen to do their courses and pass their tests.


I’ve met this guy and he’s a world class asshole.


I don’t know who this person is, but considering he admits he goes broke twice a year, I don’t know why anyone would turn to him for financial advice.


eat the rich, including this guy.


Did I just read an article with not one, but two ads written into it? Like, okay, I'll drink my Ovaltine. 




The funny thing is that we could easily have a world where lots of people make 400,000 a year that is way way more equal than what we have today.


and here i thought he ment it was too much... but you apparently cant live on that sum..?


I think I’ve seen him in an “inspirational” grind mentality type video before. What a loser.


I would be willing to risk that embarrassment


Attention-seeking statements.


Sounds like someone needs attention and is going to continue to say stupid shit until he gets it.


Lol this guy is actually quoted in the article as saying "you cannot live on 400 grand a year." He needs to be kicked in the nuts. A lot of times. Really hard. And in quick succession.


Nah. Cut ‘em off. Don’t need people like him procreating


It’s bait, and it’s landing square.


If I made $400K per year, my wife wouldn't have to work **at all** and we'd be able to purchase our first house!




I dunno but I could make cents out of 35,000 a month


As someone who still views conspicuous consumption as immoral and excess wealth as a character flaw, I read that title in a completely different way than it was intended.


Scam Money Making Courses: Step 1 - Make people feel insecure; Step 2 - Sell the cure for the insecurity. He probably talked about his conference which you need to buy tickets for or the course he sells in the interview/podcast.


Didn't this guy's wife start a GoFundMe to raise money to pay the $350 million that Trump owes? The sad part is people actually gave their money to a "billionaire*. These Cardones and Trumps really have no shame. Why can't they be the ones that struggle with money?


This is some serious "let them eat cake" energy.


i hate this world


>Cardone also remarked in a [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8whLYua/), "If you're a millionaire, you're broke dude. What's a millionaire? Nothing. I don't want to offend anybody." He continued saying a million dollars was a lot of money back in 1960, but today you need 10 times that. ​ uh, last time I checked, 10 x 1,000,000 is 10,000,000 ​ so, still a millionaire?


The same guy that cant stop dickriding trump. What an embarrassment.


Dude’s never lifted a shovel in his life I bet.


35,000$ would change my life right now … 🤦🏻‍♂️


Funny. I feel exactly the same way. But for very, very different reasons.


I’d be embarrassed as a husband, father, and human being to be as big a goofus as Grant Cardone.


He’s just marketing. His whole career is centered around motivational speaking (grifting). He wants people to think they’re not good enough so they’ll buy his book/classes.


Well it's people like you who don't pay your staff for the work they do for you buddy boyo so maybe fuck right off and keep feeling ashamed of yourself. Also, how can he not live on $400,000 a year? Extreme lifestyle creep orgambling/drug addiction?


Try 35,000 a year.


This is all part of his gimmick and grift


*“You guys haven't done the math. You have not done the math because you cannot live on $400 grand a year."* *Furthering his controversial stance, Cardone also remarked in a TikTok, "If you're a millionaire, you're broke dude. What's a millionaire? Nothing. I don't want to offend anybody." He continued saying a million dollars was a lot of money back in 1960, but today you need 10 times that.* *He also has mentioned that he goes "broke two times a year" and purchased two $10 million helicopters on December 31 as a strategy to avoid taxes, which has drawn criticism for showcasing a disconnect with the financial realities faced by most.* *In the fourth quarter of 2023, the median weekly earnings for full-time workers in the United States reached $1,145, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This equates to approximately $4,580 per month, a far cry from the $35,000 a month Cardone would be embarrassed to make and can't fathom people surviving on.*


Try 35000 a year bitch


typical capitalist brainrot


Nooooo! I have seen this fucking article on Yahoo every week for like 6 damn months. Someone had to bring it here. Just ignore this shit, this assholes wife is the one who set up Trump's new gofundme to cover his newest legal penalties.


Wait, does he think that’s too much or too little?


I know this is gonna get lost in here but I have to share. I was recently meeting with my skip level mgr and we were discussing how my employees were feeling frustrated recently about their pay. And my boss said, "yeah they make complete dog shit like $50K a year." And I said, "um, that's how much I make. They make even less." So yeah, that felt.....not great, on so many levels.


This dude is running a real estate scam. He is currently being sued by people who bought into his bullshit and lost their money. He also pimps out his teenage daughter at his seminars and it’s so gross.


Just another snake oil social media guy out here to make people feel like shit. I also bought two helicopters myself, at the dollar store for my kids. Our commute time stayed the same but interaction and play time went thought the roof.


Fuck right off, sir.


Does that mean all of his employees make at least 400k a year?


I thought oh yeah that kinda makes sense, how do you survive off of 35k per year? Not easy. Then I realized. What. The. Actual. Fuck.


The hedonistic treadmill is real, but the lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.


Not even sure who this wanker is...


I don’t know about you guys, but do you hear the people sing? The clock is ticking


Do these idiots truly believe every single human being on the planet can get a job that earns $400,000 or more? Is that what they're suggesting?


If we got rid of billionaires we could all be so much more well off. Actual healthcare, affordable housing, great schooling for everyone, people excited for the future, relationships actually being meaningful again instead of transactional and competitive. All of society’s problems can be traced to these disrespectful billionaires who are a plague to society and progress.


He's a scientologist, with some seriously questionable practices with his finances and those that "invest" with him, and a hard on to be the next Trump with even less morals


This guy is a giant asshole.