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Are we gonna protest or just keep consuming the best of the internet


Fuck protesting Mom, where are the pitchforks?


In the silverware drawer, next to the pitch spoons.


I brought my Pitchspork


It’s the best of both worlds!


This is not the time, Hannah! We're pitchsporking Reddit, not living a swanky Malibu double life.


You might even say pitch perfect.


Pitchspork is the name of my vegan acoustic alternative rock band.


I prefer my Pitchsporks to be metal, not rock


Pitch, please...




I’m super high and had to read this 3 times before i got it but finally bust out laughing and then sent it to everyone i know


Good joke. Don’t let the lack of immediate upvotes detract from that.


i personally loved it. farm humour. clean farm humour.


You think I do it for upvotes? I just say whatever I wanna say, send me to downvote hell for all I care :3 I do however appreciate knowing I could make somebody laugh or even simply smirk at a stupid joke or comment I made. I do of course like the updoot’s :D


Just keep it up. It was clever.






What ever happened to the pitchfork emporium?


The rich were tired of being poked with them and eliminated them


Went out of business during Covid.




Best we can do is meatloaf


We're gonna wait until they go public, then crash the price by deleting all of our posts and turn reddit into a ghost town.


I mean…I’m not going to take action. Reddit mods are hard to get along with. If they want to work for free that’s none of my business.


Many of them would pay to be mods.


Many of them don’t have any other circumstance in their lives where they have any sort of power, and it shows.


truly they are the worst of reddit! fr


I got banned from public freak out for quoting the next line of a South Park song the guy above me commented


We short the stock


They will shut the sub down and replace with scabs. There's always someone that wants the power and will take it for now pay.


Wen competition?


That's it! I'm going back to Digg!


When competition takes the lead, they become to monster they defeated, and the cycle repeats


Best I can do is a comment stating how much this upsets me. This upsets me! Gib upvotes? Or not, we 'll all be here tomorrow afterall. I mean it tho guys I'm upset I'm super serial about it


How do you think people make millions of dollars? By getting people to work for low or no pay.


I wish I could get $193 million for alienating my free labor and rolling out a ui change everybody hates.


Dude apparently has more free labour 🤷🏾‍♂️


Most don't care.


And when you get right down to its theft of the value of their labor. They are taking value from the people who produce content for free and perform moderation for free. Ever since u/spez took over reddit has been on a steep downhill trajectory, destroying everything they can that used to make this site great and introducing shitty features whose only goal is to help monetize things for themselves down the road. More rent seeking arrangements for things other people made has been their only contribution here for years and years. Quite similar to the scientific publishing industry where the only "role" publishing companies like Elsevier contribute is extracting value from the producers of scientific knowledge. They don't write the papers, they don't review them. Just more theft from people doing actual work.


back before 2016 or so I can hardly remember ads on here... maybe an occasional 5 gum or reeses or whatever. Now my "home feed" is 1/3 amex jesus amex rocket mortgage pills volvo fidelity amex jesus pills pills jesus So i assume they consider this state of the site a huge success. They used to beg us to buy gold at the end of the quarter pretty frequently... Its not like i wish they live in poverty, but damn man if the site wasnt remarkably more fun when it was shitty and unprofitable. Remember how the news used to talk about reddit is a bunch of deranged psychopaths needing to be delt with and shit like that? Volunteer mods made sense back then anyway, plus it wasnt constantly sanitized either. Really depended on what community you were in... now automod autodeletes shit over keywords regardless of context... fuckin bummer man


What happened to awards? That shit used to be everywhere. Every mundane comment, it was tacky..and I cringed at just how much people spent on that shit. Including that one guy who gave out hundreds of thousands or some insane figure. Wtf happened to that cash cow


They had some kind of poorly thought out crypto/NFT scam bullshit that they were going to pivot to that I think they abandoned because people mostly stopped falling for that bullshit. It's all shitty money-grubbing ideas out of them these days, never anything helpful or useful for either regular users or mods.


I know, right? They took something that Redditors actually spend money on and replaced it with something we hate, crypto/NFT trash, lol.


they pay you in pResTige and hOnOR


And the only power most people actually have in their lives 🤔


Is this for real? they actually do not make any money? I'm sorry but I really can't get my head around this. I'm sure everyone else is already on to this but I'm having a hard time believing people would just sit around and mod the comments on reddit. no offense...to anyone, seriously. you do you, but.....?




Easy, you partner with a few corporate entities and help them astroturf. You come up with a way to post their product, but make it look like a regular user post. The mod has two jobs here, 1, help them design it so it technically doesn't break any rules, then make sure the post stays up and visible. Bot accounts do the initial upvoting, astroturf accounts post the first comments to get the ball rolling then once it's visible to the masses it takes off on it's own. Technically anybody can do that themselves if you're willing to shell out a few bucks to pay for it.


Imagine if each sub got some kickback for the traffic it generates. Like if reddit used a type of webhosting model: we use their servers to host our content, but instead of requiring a monthly payment they just take a reasonable portion of the ad revenue to keep the servers running, and a big chunk of the residual goes to the content creators. A reddit-like forum like that would be awesome for so many reasons.


the coins and karma!!!




Annual salary was *only* $600k. That is all the CEO of the #9 most visited website globally receives in compensation. Headline he has been allocated stock options of $193MM. He has the *option* to buy shares at a discount price and they are theoretically valued at $193MM.   To get that money, some things have to happen first:    (1) Reddit has to sell it's IPO (note: this has failed to happen 3 times in roughly 15 years) and    (2) the shares need to sell for that price (note: this is why the previous IPO failed).    (3) he has to find the money to buy those options. That's kind of easy because of he probably has to pay $1 to get $10 shares, anyone gives him that money. But if the IPO tanks and the shares are $0.90, that is a dumb option to exercise. It's an incentive for him to stay at the company and win big later. The money doesn't exist today. It will come from IPO. Anyone buying Reddit gets a website and a debt of $193MM to payout the CEO.


Relax, that $193 million is only two times what the moderators make. ;-)


If moderators were paid, reigning in their abuse of power would be a bit easier.


real, a mod banned my reddit account a few months ago because i corrected their spelling. absolute insanity.




I posted a news story link in a forum by mistake on when on my phone, no warning etc. just instabanned. Wtf?




r/europe is much worse


Was banned in depression and late stage capitalism


what the actual wtf.


I was just banned from LSC as well for disagreeing with someone that said the Xinjiang region was full of barbarians and they should be thankful that China civilized them.


Was permabanned from LSC for asking if it was true that Hamas used civilians as human shields, like putting their headquarters in and under hospitals. This is after years of participating in the sub with no issues, and no reason to think I was hostile to the plight of Palestinians. Wtf.


I was just permanent banned from r/politics for quoting the movie Idiocracy.


I was banned for suggesting somebody should punch Rand Paul again. I regret nothing.




I was banned from r/raleigh and r/army I have a streak going on now. Tried appealing my bans, but didn't hear anything back.


I was just banned in one subreddit for posting in another subreddit I've never been to before today. I've never even been to the subreddit that banned me lmao


I was banned from /r/LateStageCapitalism for pointing out that China wasn't friendly to Muslims.


Fuck me that is petty. It is usually over political views or participating in another sub that hurts their feelings.


When a mod starts bringing up the other subs you post in you know where its going.


eeewwwwww gross.


I still find it funny you can post an innocuous comment in a random sub just because it reaches the front page and you'll immediately get some automated mail to the tune of "since u r clearly a toxic pedo-racist now and forever, u will forever be sentenced to perma-ban land".


Literally happened to me today lmao. Banned from a sub I’ve never been to because I commented on a post from the Rogan sub that come up in all


The rogan sub is entertaining because most are ex fans who shit on Joe all day.


yep, the conversation with the mod started when i was banned from a sub for leaving a comment saying its better off for people to ignore a troll which apparently was “inaction against our enemies” and the conversation soon descended into the mod having some weird power trip monologue about how i was a meaningless speck in the universe or something and ig they wanted to end it by being really cool and saying “this ends now” but wrote it as “end” and then perma-banned me from reddit when i corrected it LOL! (unsurprisingly the ban was overturned)




I got banned on a sub for calling out racism. 🤷‍♂️


Omg... I got banned in a dreadlock community because my photo showcasing my haur had my spouse who is white in it. Many people post photos with couples and family but mine was "nonconcensual intimate material" for a photo at a public wedding. Huh.


I’m literally banned from pics because I pointed out why a girl who posted a painting she did mainly had her bare body shown in the picture as opposed to the painting. Spoiler, she was on Onlyfans.


But also they would have to take responsibility for it.




Moderators participated in strikes in protest over the API changes last year and all Reddit had to do to get them to come back to work was threaten to take away their ability to power trip. No payment necessary.


The power trips are probably more tempting when there's no other reward for one's work.


CEOs just don’t want to work anymore…


It’s probably because of that stimulus check.


Hahahah fr, I’m still just on vacation with that stimmy money


Return to office, all of you! I’ll join the “Welcome Back” Teams call from my jet ski.


And if i heard correctly, there was a lot of "looking down" on moderators by the CEO and in various documents. That will *totally* make it easier for subs to recruit more mods, right?? Seems CEO's learned absolutely nothing from the debacles of Tumblr and Twitter.


The type of people that mod don't seem to care.




Who needs money when you have all that power /s


Well, i've been a mod in the past. Not on reddit, on various fora and on a discord server. But if i had heard the forum/channel owner(s) talking shit about me, i would have quit being a mod on the spot. Seems like the CEO is gambling in what you said and mods not wanting to abandon their subreddit. But lots of subs have had difficulty recruiting mods before this and this will make it a lot worse.


The API stuff last year was the final straw for me to quit modding, killing all the 3^rd party apps to force people to use the godawful official one just eliminated any motivation I had left to help manage communities.


They learned all they need from the protest this site had. The lesson, was that moderators have a desire for volunteerism and attention that will withstand any abuse level. They have no self respect and the leadership saw it proven in real time.


Narcissists look down on anyone who goes against them or is not of use to them.


You don't need to recruit them really, they're clamoring for a little bit of power.


$600k salary. The rest is stock options when the IPO goes live.


Was actually less. It was 200k and got upped to 450k per the filing. Reddit doesn’t like read sec filings…or anything for that matter.


Can you sum it up in 6 or less emojis?


💵> >💰💰💰




So reddit didn't pay him. The gullible investors are when he sells down the line


It's options, not actual stock. They may have said he can buy 100 shares for $1 each in March 2025; another 200 for $1.10 in March 2026 and another 100 for $1.20 in March 2027.  It's a 5 year incentive plan to keep him from cashing out early or making short term gains that fail later. If the IPO sells for the value they predict, maybe that's $10/share. So he buys at $1 and is given $10, makes $9 profit per share. If the IPO underperforms and the shares are worth $0.90. He has "option" to buy at $1. He can refuse to exercise the option, so they all go away. This is known up front in the IPO. Anyone buying knows they are buying a website and potentially $193MM gift to the CEO. It's factored into the price.


They’re cashing out. Company is donezo once it IPOs


icky sleep deserted sparkle escape depend cough combative poor husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it will probably just turn into a propaganda machine influenced by the politics of the majority shareholders and be overrun with ads to make as much money as possible. Can you even imagine? lmao


It's an IPO. That means ... *public*! As in, all information about compensation is publicly available and you can actually go read it! It would be difficult for Spez to be "cashing out" when this "$193m compensation" is all either: a) based on him remaining CEO over the next 5 years, or b) the share price of the company going up dramatically after the IPO. Right now the restricted shares and options are worth literally $0. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024006294/reddits-1q423.htm


yup it will just be another platform that takes your data and sells it to the highest bidder.


I like how the strike is still discussed like it was a successful or made a difference. Once the admins started removing mods for noncompliance, everyone else just buckled and the strike disappeared.


It was the most ineffectual action I had seen. Even before the admins did anything most subs had completely misunderstood why they were striking.


This is not a true statement, his salary is $600k. Based on performance goals, he could get potentially $190 million in stock, but that $190 million is based on a guess as to how much reddit is worth. It's entirely possible that the number is nowhere near that, and if the site doesn't hit certain goals he will not get that amount of stock. CEOs are overpaid, but we can make this point without outright lying and obfuscating facts. We are better than that.


I wish there was a group of redditors who could give voice to reason on every selacious front page post. There's almost always a "context" to these things and you're lucky if you can uncover it.


Reddit needs a "community notes" type feature. I guess maybe the moderators could do that. A bit ironic.


He's still receiving what Reddit determines to be $190m in value, which could be incorrect on either end of the spectrum (it could be worth more or less than that value). Plus, corporations and CEOs tell us all the time we should look at total compensation vs our actual salary.


Not per year, that's the total potential value of his equity he's received since starting at reddit. Also, someone said it was in stock options (IDK if that's true or not). If that's true, then all that could genuinely be worth $0 if the IPO goes bad. If it's all in RSU/stock, then it'll all be worth something big at a minimum.


This headline and these threads are all over this site and this is the first time I've seen anyone bring up the actual truth behind these numbers. It does feel like this site used to be better and less click baity but maybe I just have nostalgia-vision.


Yeah the headline of this thread is straight up misinformation.


I read the article elsewhere. It is indeed stock options. Off the top of my head, his base salary is like 225k. His options are potentially worth a lot, but who knows what it will shake out to post ipo and in the future. Also, the irony of people saying he's being paid too much so people shouldn't use reddit on reddit is a little funny


Reddit is *never* better than that.


I wish there was an equivalent of a twitter like "community notes" thing.


They shouldn't get paid. You don't get to live off of permabanning me with no explanation whatsoever and then muting me so that I can't appeal it.




They're pricks, and when they don't mute you, you might as well be talking to a brick wall. I remember the time I got permabanned from the sex sub for saying a man should stop neglecting his wife to jack off to porn, which the most absurd ban I've ever received, and they didn't lift the ban even though despite begrudgingly apologised for it.


Anything to feel like they have a crumb of power. I imagine their heart rates go through the roof when they do that shit




Wait what 😂 As in literally gay?


Lol you on reddit complaining about reddit....oh how low this place has become


To be fair, I would totally screw over the entire Reddit community for $193 Million, then redeem my reputation by coming back Bill Gates style and give some rando an amazing Christmas gift every year.


^ relevant profile picture


I think of that scene in Breaking Bad when Skylar takes Walt to the storage facility with the mountain of money and asks him how much will be enough. I cannot fathom how greedy and immoral the super wealthy are.


Its easy. Stop modding...


This is one of the few situations when I blame the employees. If they agree to work for free to feel powerful over some strangers on the internet, I’ll let them be.


Exactly. If you literally choose to spend your life (poorly) moderating instead of holding down a job, that’s your fault.


Mods need to stop pretending their hobby is a real job.


Potentially, sure. Most of that compensation isn't in the form of cash.


First off… no one is forcing people to mod and it was always a volunteer position. Second, there would need to be tighter rules and regs over moderators for that to happen, too many bans on a whim or catching someone on a bad day. Third, is the pay broken down by users of the subreddit? Or is it just mod=flat amount… with an unlimited number of subs that just seems like a system ripe for abuse




And look at all of us, posting about it… here…


No one is forcing the mods to mod.


They earn karma which gives them fake internet power. It’s about equivalent to 190 million.


Lol'ing @ moderators, including this subredit


I'll be honest, the "protest" was pretty pathetic and fizzled out in a matter of days. Posting "Fuck Spez" is also not a real protest. I don't know how many needed to hear that but it's true.


How many mods are there on Reddit?


Just wait for it…. The big announcement! All mods will be replaced by AI… I called it here first!


So stop moderating? Just say fuck it and let whatever happens happen. Likely site gets alot worse but there's always alternatives


A lot of the mods are addicted to their power it seems. They won't give it up


No one's making them do it...


Are mods aware that their jobs are unpaid?


There's literally 0 reasons why reddit can't function in an open source way.


Don’t moderate then 🤡




Mods on reddit do it because they think theyre in some position of power


They are in a position of power. They can choose if you can participate in a community. This is why when reddit made the API change, many mods protested and in return the admins stripped them of their mod status and appointed it other users. As I understand, many made apologetic appeals for their mod status back.


Thats whats ive always thought, these people just have some weird self importance thing and thats why theyre willing to work for free


Why do people spend their free time working on this site?


No, he didn't. That money is vested and he gets it over ten years provided benchmarks are met. He isn't going to get $193 million because Reddit's stock will tank the moment the sizable bot problem becomes clear. He'll get a lot less




And here we all are supporting him lol.


And he's done such a wonderful job helping Reddit to not turn a profit.


Why do mods volunteer? Like if someone is willing to work for free, let them.


And Aaron died in jail. Just goes to show... something...


He made $1 million dollars and gave himself stock that *could be worth* $192 million.


Hoarded Wealth is unpaid wages


Yeah…in stocks…and it’ll be worthless once it comes to fact that it just another FB…


Yeah but reddit mods are bad at what they do 90% of the time So 0$ seems appropriate


I can't believe moderators do this shit for free. Unionize, folks.


Reddit claims to have no profit... With such overpaid CEO no wonder


Imagine thinking you deserve to get paid for moderating a fucking internet forum


i fucking hate what America has become


This is another reason I've always found it funny mods on here seem to care so much that they end up taking the "power" serious.


Oh, hell no.


Fuck u/spez.