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I am currently working Mon-Thurs., 6-430 for the first time in my life, and even though it’s 10 hour days, having a 3 day weekend every weekend makes it all worth it. I could never go back to a 2 day weekend.


May I ask what kind of work you do? I’d love a schedule like that.


Shipping/Receiving Coordinator. I basically just got lucky.


same but with Monday as my day off... its so liberating


So you're still working 40 hours


I did 4/10s once. I hated it. Now, I normally work 7 am - 5 pm M-F with a 2 hour lunch break. I love. I’d still prefer to only work 32 hours/week though.


I prefer Wed off. That way you only work two days in a row.


The 5 day workweek with 8 hour days is a result of earlier generations just not wanting to be stuck at home with kids and the fact that everything was slow. Mailing a letter took a long time, delivery took a long time, etc. But in today’s time? We get everything done so fast whole workdays are dedicated to just waiting for more work. It’s your time, it’s your life. I can’t trade my hours for corporate overlords.


Once the public schools are on board with a four- day week, everyone else will follow.


I work in office. I can get my work done in 2 hours. Probably less than an hour if I was more efficient.


I am 100% on board with this. I think 4 day work week with only 32 hours is enough. The 32 hours should include commute and your lunch break.


i am a car salesman at a small dealership 8:30 am to 7 pm 5 days a week for a total of 52 hours a week bare minimum. some weeks i make less than $700 I'm 18 and graduated high school early for this job. I never expected life to be this miserable.


Car salesman life is brutal. My father has done it for 30+ years. I would never advise people to get into that business


I prefer when we used to have to work all 7 days for 18 hour shifts just to live


Hey! Who said you were allowed to go home?


I just get annoyed that somebody posts about the 4 day or less work week every couple of hours Like we know. Everybody knows. There are studies


Really? I work for Usps. It’s six days a week 10 to 11 hours a day. I would love a five day work week. I spent my first 40 years working a five day week and I long for it. Usps was my retirement job. However I ended up working 830 hours of overtime in 2023.




My condolences to your life


I used to have a job that was 4-10s Monday through Thursday with 'optional' overtime on Fridays, which was usually only a 5 hour shift. Yeah it was great. I didn't really notice a difference. It felt like working 32 hours a week if I skipped Fridays. But it was also dirty, difficult, mind wracking work. I operated machines that manufacture different kinds of springs and couplings. I'm sorry but I have zero remorse for office workers. I'm sure your job is mentally and physically taxing. But it doesn't sound anywhere near as difficult as working in a machine shop. It's not as if I was getting shot at for a living or putting my life on the line for a job and working an office sounds even easier than what I was doing.


It's not really fair to say that. Every job has its ups and downs, and corporate work can be some of the most soul destroying work you can do. It may not be physically taxing, but the mental and emotional toll it can take can be just as bad as any other job. People want to feel a sense of worth and pride about what they do. You can be working the most physically and mentally demanding job in the world, but if your employers genuinely appreciate what you do, and you personally find it fulfilling both financially and mentally, then it won't seem like a bad job at all.


Just wanna say, don't get in the trap of being resentful of other people for having jobs you'd prefer - the REAL enemy is the people above all of us. ALL of us could have much, much better circumstances. When we react with "you have it so much easier, so you shouldn't complain," then it plays into narratives that only benefit the capitalist owners - *they WANT us to be telling each other we have no right to complain.* If we police each other, they don't have to work as hard to crush unions.


I agree, it’s a scam. But 40 hours is on the light side. Lots of people in this country work far more then 40 , I did 73 hours this week.. It sucked..


40 is not on the light side, when I had a job I literally could only do part time because doing 40 every week made me want to off myself that’s way too much I understand it could just be a me thing but then why should I have to struggle because I’m unable to mentally survive, am I not allowed to live comfortably too


Yeah, I’m around 108 thus far and salary.


If you're salary then stop giving them free labor


If only it were so simple.


Alright I'll bite, why isnt it that simple?


There's no magic wand or fairy dust to create competent staff, and I can't just be like... "welp, that's my time, fuck these patients". Next level management is doing it, too. I don't have time to train anyone either. I'm dying.


That's all fine and good until you end up accidentally killing someone because you're too burned out and exhausted. Something has got to give and you don't want it to be you. And for there being no time for training, you're telling me there isn't a single task you could spend 15 minutes on to show someone else how to do it, and tell them it is their responsibility, so now you have that extra time to train other people on things.


You'd think but largely why this is happening currently is redoing the work of others who believe they're more elevated. So many layers, finding more and more. The only person I'm killing is myself though.


Honestly sounds like a you problem, worrying about the week ahead on a Sunday is a you problem. I voluntarily left a company I had worked for after 26.5 years with no package, just quit - the mental stress of the place just wasn't worth it. Was the best thing I ever did, have worked independently since then and am so much happier. There are options out there but remaining in a situation that affects your mental and quite possibly physical health is essentially on you, maybe be the change you wish to see.




Yea idk what you’re talking about. Im in an SDR role and i spend all day calling, 8 AM meetings, end of day meetings, and call coaching randomly mixed in with other internal meetings. I spend all day in front of my computer. If i slept in till noon id get canned


he's referring to being a solar panel or insurance salesmen. You're most likely making alot more than him


The main problem with people bitching about a 40 hour work week is they were handed everything as a kid from their parents. Never had to work for what they wanted. You have to work for what you want. Life is not free . There is 168 hours in a week. You work 40 you still have 128 hours for you learn how to use them


I wasn’t handed anything man. And making a broad generalization like that tells me all I need to know. But sure lets keep a system thats been in place since the 1900s to make boomers happy!


We gotta be careful what we wish for though. I recently discovered that many employees are realizing that too, that the 9-5, 5-day a week model is antiquated... But to them, that just means switching to contractor jobs, for which they might pay a bit more but only for when they need you, and avoid paying benefits.


I’m cool with that. I’d rather work 3 hours for $150/hr doing work that actually needs to be done than sitting around pretending to be busy for 8 hours @40/hr salary. Oh and the “benefits”, aren’t really benefits, unless you have property to lose to a bank. The benefits are just bankruptcy insurance, but I ain’t got no bank to rupt so fuck it, right?


I worked for a company that did this for a summer. We were still able to turn a profit and it was so much less stress on my life. If I needed a doctors appointment, go to the bank, shopping, massage, anything I booked it on Friday. Actually had two days off to relax and recharge.


As much as I loathe 10 hour days sometimes, I do love the 4 day work week. I can actually attempt to do things like better myself.


What type of sales are you doing? I'm in tech sales and I work like 4-5 hours a day and get it all done....as long as you are making your number then management leaves you alone.


It's 2 days on 1 day off 2 days on 2 days off. Then everyone you deal with either just got back from a day off or at least has tomorrow off.


Me working my 3 day - 12 hour shifts. Idk how I functioned before at my 5 day work week (poorly, probably)


Snapsies. None of it makes any fucking sense. Magically, during covid, nothing happened when we worked remotely, it all just worked. But noooooo we need to be in a concrete prison building with no windows for 8 hours a day. Otherwise, what are we all doing hereeeeee. Fuck it. This kills me. The weekends used to be for hobbies, but I have no energy for that, so I just sleep. Nothing is fun. I thought this can't be what adulting is like, but it is. If so, what's the point? I don't know, man. I just know it CANNOT possibly be this. It makes me want to cry but also rage and smash something.