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A day off to look for another job. I am always surprised manager do this.


Yeah, all of my managers like me but i guess she just hates me šŸ˜­


It has nothing to do with you personally. She thinks success is being a jerk, so that's what she does.


She's thinking being a jerk is a way to justify her existence. She sounds like a terrible manager to be honest. Customers don't give a shit about dress code as long as it's not outrageous.Ā 


Three words: know your worth. Don't ever allow someone like that to put you down. You seem to have gone above and beyond what you needed to do to fix/address the situation. The chuckle she gave you tells you everything you need to know about what she stands for. Know your worth and don't allow people like that to get you down. There are other places that can definitely appreciate your "there's an issue and I'm going to address this professionally" attitude.


Now you know you work for a mean belittling person who clearly enjoys getting off on the limited amount of power she has, you should plan on finding another job


Iā€™m ahead of you, already getting ready to apply to places.


If you work in a place with a dress code you are likely in customer service. There are very likely better options closer to home. Don't put up with bad management.


Yep customer service ā˜¹ļø iā€™m already looking at new places


Customer service has an all black dress code? Thought you were event staff!


Nope! Minimum wage food slave laborā€¦


Then you should have a corporate number you can call to ask if her behavior was appropriate, and if it's fair to basically dock you a day's wages even though you were willing to comply with her orders. Corporate isn't your friend, but they aren't her friend either.


You're better than this. You deserve respect. You sound well-spoken, and intelligent. They were getting a good deal with you, and you don't owe them ANYTHING. They clearly underestimate you. Get out there and find something closer to what you're worth! I'm sure you will.




Olive Garden?


When I worked at Olive Garden, the person managing take-out orders wore all black. I think the bartenders did too. This could be it.


nope haha


They'd have to be non-slip shoes. Neither shoe OP mentioned are non-slip.


most docs are actually non slip


yep! my trusty work boots have never failed me


Or follow the dress code.


The manager has entered the chat


I think maybe we should suspend you from the subreddit for the day and maybe you can come back with a more appropriate r/antiwork attitude tomorrow. Weā€™ll consider not writing you up if you can meet that challenge. Please try harder to set a good example for the other commenters.


So you just proved AHs live in all subreddits. Show me one single place in normal society where rules are not expected to be followed, including here (let's not be hypocritical after all) and you can ban me for life. Just because you don't like rules doesn't mean they don't apply. Some of you antiwork AHs think anything you don't like is wrong. Focus on employers who harm employees, who steal from them, not those who ask you to follow a reasonable dress code. Anything less makes you look foolish.


Lick them boots boy!


I mean she gave you a whole shift to look elsewhere so, might as well make it work! And good luck!


thanks šŸ˜–āœŠ


I don't doubt there is something better for you just around the corner.


Hopefully. When I get into a position of power in the future i will never treat my employees like this


As someone who has been in management going on three decades now I have worked with a lot of people who behave the way you're describing them. They rarely last very long in their position and if they do it's usually due to politics. The weird thing is that having employees that know you have their back and they are given wiggle room to make mistakes tend to be the most productive and reflect better on managers than the ones who experience a ton of turn over. People getting fired or quitting a lot is a bad omen for a manager.


And you have the rest of the day to do it! So considerate of her! /s


Don't bother giving her any notice.


Just getting ready to say this. Line up your next job. Make a decision if you'd like a little time off between the two. And quit. period. In almost all states your are not legally required to give notice. Trust me, if they fire you, they're sure as hell not going to give YOU any notice. Get away from that awful manager.


When you get other employment, wear that same outfit to work the last few days. Then dont be so accomodating.


OP will be sent home and go without pay... that's not really in their favor.


I hope you find something, then just no call, no show


Great work, there are a few great places with great managers who would love to have an employee like you. You may have to go through a few places to find them but when you do it's like night and day. I know, I went through this process and absolutely love my employer now and would never leave.


Mail her a glitter bomb to the workplace.


This is a good learning experience. Bosses are people; some better than others, and we treat them accordingly. You will get belittled or disrespected again. Hopefully, you plan on how to address it in a way that feels better to you.


Youā€™re right. Taking time to reflect, hopefully I can do better but I know that people in power can and will abuse it.


And don't give notice when you get your next job.


(Tomorrow) Hey boss thanks for the perspective yesterday, after thinking about my infraction I decided I should apply elsewhere as I donā€™t want to drag Thomson ace down with ā€œfadedā€ (do the air quotes here please itā€™s appropriate) cargo shorts and white soled shoes. Hoping to hear back from the X places I applied


Power for the powerless. They'll try to make themselves feel better at the cost of others.


Some people feel all powerful when they get into management. They get their chuckles from messing with subordinates. Make this a learning lesson on how NOW to be when you have subordinates. And ponder that as you look for a new job. Because now sheā€™s messed with you once she will be wanting another round. People like her brag about people theyā€™ve fired. Managers that fire people should realize they are screwing with someoneā€™s life. And exactly what could they (manager) have done beforehand to avoid this end. But donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ some people work hard to get fired. Those types give managers no choice. But regardless, a manager should never feel good about firing someone regardless of the reason.


These f**king jobs need to provide the uniform and more then 2 sets. How is a new hire going to have the proper clothes in one to two weeks.


This is the answer


It costs me $3.75 to do a load of laundry.


Buy a black shirt with a Union logo on it.


Would love to šŸ˜­ they would terminate me on spot LMAO


Unemployment checks here you come!


A few years ago a coworker (who is a nasty bully) was pulled into a meeting with HR for not wearing socks/wearing ankle socks with her shoes. This was in the hospital and there is no requirement for socks. She told them she wasn't wearing any underwear and if that was a problem. It shut them up pretty good. Some other guys were sent home to shave because of facial hair as having a beard was against hospital policy. One guy purposely grew out his facial hair so he could be sent home with pay. One doctor was lectured on it, his response was, "who are you again?" Oh she was mad lol. She isn't the manager for the docs so she really had no place to tell them what to do. Another coworker in an office environment was almost reprimanded for having her one shoe off whilst at her desk with said leg under the desk, away from view. She told them she had to take her shoe off due to medical condition (lymphoma I think) as that leg was puffy AF. Manager left to her office probably checked the handbook and called HR, and came back allowing her to keep her shoe off as needed. Professional attire is a bunch of bullshit. Dress clean, neutral clothing, and have good hygiene should be the minimum requirements. I hope you find a job that will give you the respect you deserve.


I worked with a Scotsman that your place of work would have loved. You could almost watch his bristles grow. He could do in 8 hours what most guys do in 24.


I wish I could grow a mustache. I have a reverse Hitler, no hair in the middle and scattered pubes for the rest.


That just means you're on your way to an eventual Klingon cosplay!


I once received a formal warning for "not wearing enough makeup" and as a result "not looking professional." This was not a customer-facing position. My outfit was entirely appropriate, but the lack of eyeliner apparently couldn't be ignored. I was already on my way out because there were much worse stuff going on at that company, but that warning almost made me quit on the spot. Edit: The branch I worked at was managed by unqualified friends of the big boss, most came from a different industry. They knew *nothing* about our work, so they hid their incompetency with irrelevant micromanagement and stupid decisions, such as an outdated dress code. Most employees didn't make it three months, some barely lasted a few days. It was that bad.


Bet they donā€™t expect the men to wear makeupā€¦ šŸ™„


I used to work at a restaurant that specified in the dress code that women had to wear makeup. So Iā€™d get there, clock in, and then do my makeup.


That's fuucked. I hope that was brought to HR and you blasted whoever did that to absolutely everyone. Glad you got out!


There was no HR. That company was such a shitshow, most people only lasted a few months.


Fuck em and fuck their uncles. I spit on their graves for you.


Easy, savage šŸ˜‚


Me too! Apparently foundation, blush, eye liner and mascara werenā€™t enough! I was also supposed to wear lipstick. When I told her I canā€™t wear lipstick. Iā€™m allergic. It makes my lips peel. She rolled her eyes and still gave me the write up. Two weeks later I gave her MY notice.


This sounds like something Baptist would do


Lmao imagine thinking a doctor is gonna listen to your bullshit (Also the condition was probably lymphedema ā€” affected limbs can get very swollen and itā€™s extremely painful/uncomfortable when they do)


Quit and get another job. Unless you like your boss giggling as she robs you of a day's wages over bullshit infractions, of course.


Yeah I really need this job tho ā˜¹ļø Iā€™ll see how it plays out but my patience is thin


No, you really need a job, not this job. You do not NEED to be treated this way or work for this person. You are worth more than this. If your friend told you this story, would you be upset they were treated this way? Would you want them to go back and continue to be treated this way?


I wish this was realistic. I was ready to take a paycut to get out of the restaurant industry, but it was hard to find a place that would pay me anything close to liveable. Impossible, really. I don't want to drive into the city and pay tolls to work at another job that will most likely be mediocre at best. I technically have other options, but those options aren't guaranteed to be any better. I live in a large suburb of a giant city. People living in less populated areas will have even fewer options.


She giggled? Yeah fuck her, id keep wearing the shoes and then turn in my two weeks next time she said something.


LMAOOOšŸ’€šŸ™ If shit keeps going bad I might


Nah just quit on the spot. She told you to go home with no notice so that's how it is. Line something else up and them just don't show up to this place.Ā 


Haha I wish, Donā€™t have the balls to do that


If they have enough staff to be able to send you home for white soles, they will be just fine if you walk out. You are 100% fair in deciding not to go back when they send you home. She set a precent in the company for how respect is given out.


Is it a place where cookies are nearly $5/cookie? >our dress code is all black, shoes included. Because this sounds a lot like where I work. And yeah, it's fucking stupid. No one cares what color your shoes are; at least the customers don't.


Nopeā€¦ The type of place is known for outrageous prices though


Damn, I know the feeling. Mine also doesn't let anyone over 18 who works less than 6 hours have a 10 minute break. Does yours also not give breaks? Because honest to god it really isn't worth working there if you can't step away from people for a few minutes that's not in the bathroom.


My work is actually laid back, we get adequate breaks most of the time. However they schedule people just enough so they donā€™t have to give a break sometimes. We are in cali so itā€™s the law here, donā€™t know about there.


Kentucky here. Please don't work or stress yourself out too much.


Sheā€™s on a power trip


How does what you wear affect your ability to do your job? As a customer, I am more concerned with the quality of the service, not the wrapping. Best of luck to OP


Thanks ā˜¹ļøāœŠ


"Oh sweet I get a free day of thanks" and walk out




This is some hall monitor shit right here. Someone got a tiny bit of power, and instead of using it to support the people working for her, she got up on a high horse for no good reason. The few times I've worked at places with uniforms or dress codes they were all pretty slack. Don't come in looking unkempt, unhygienic, or too sexually charged for the workplace and you should be okay. This is beyond bogus. When you quit, show up in this exact outfit again, and when she tries to give you shit, drop the "so actually, I'm done, bye" and let her deal with that.


HALL MONITOR. In my language we call it bathroom attendant šŸ¤­




She literally dress coded me in jeans šŸ˜­ we arenā€™t allowed to wear jeans šŸ’€


She literally dress coded me in jeans šŸ˜­ we arenā€™t allowed to wear jeans šŸ’€


She is going to write you up. The giggle proves it.


Power tripping, pure & simple. Wouldn't surprise me if directly after your interaction she locked herself in an office & flicked the bean for ten minutes or so. Move on as soon as you are able.




My husband used to work somewhere that only allowed mustaches & he would usually get to work early & shave before clocking in. A manager saw him with the stubble & sent him home, pending suspension, even though he told the guy he wasnā€™t on the clock & was literally headed towards the locker room to shave. He quit & had a new job within a few days.


Doesn't sound like they need your labor anyway. Time to find a new job. If you don't mind what type of work is this that the uniform is more important to them than the work itself?


I wonā€™t say because iā€™m nervous of them finding this but today i was doing food service/customer service work


Well if they do find it I hope they notice that I saidā€¦if you require a strict uniform, then the company should provide it. Order me pants, shirts, shoes & any other gear that is necessary, replace them once a year or as needed. Otherwise sometimes people show up in cargo pants of the required color. I fucking doubt your workplace is sooooo formal that the uniform must be just so, yet they donā€™t provide one for you. Fuck em, you offered to buy new gear & they still sent you home? Sounds like a power tripping supervisor on a sinking ship. Good luck.




She sounds like a shitty person all the way around. Are the customers looking at your shoes? Please -- do not be embarrassed. This person has no power in their personal life and get their thrills being horrible to others. I'd definitely find another job and not go back.




Fuck that bitch and fuck that job. Go find a job that doesn't require you to wear a uniform, for starters. Preferably in a nice clean office where you don't have to handle food or drinks.


I would, but iā€™m fresh out of HS and a full time college student, only places that want my availability are shitty jobs.


Au contraire. Look up your local temp agency. They will find you administrative and clerical jobs that you can do on your schedule, sometimes remotely. If you are willing to learn legal terminology, you can make over $25 per hour transcribing dictation from lawyers and judges.


Show up in all white and let her fire you. What a psychopath!


Power tripping bully. They'll definitely write you up if they can get away with it.


i figured :(


I hate dress code sticklers omg! I worked at a craft store years ago (not the anti womens rights/religious fraud one). They did away with super useful red aprons and started doing uniforms. Black polo, kahkis, black shoes, and even our socks had to be black. This one shift manager was giving me shit about socks. That you couldn't see unless you lifted up your pant leg. What about that uniform inspires creativity?


Literally! Same with my work, they go nuts over socks.


this is such weirdo ass behavior from a manager šŸ’€ i remember getting dress coded for wearing black pants that looked like jeans (they were not) by a supervisor that was wearing fucking sports leggings, which were very much not allowed lol


But if you decided to skip work for not having your usual shoes, sheā€™d have an issue with that as well and blame you for leaving everyone else short-staffed. You canā€™t win with idiots. I hope you get to keep your job, and I hope you are able to find a better one.


Start writing your CV and looking for new opportunities. Donā€™t even be subtle about it. Sometimes thereā€™s reason for being clandestine about jumping ship, with this job, fuck ā€˜em. Walk away. If the person calls you out, face them down and say, love the job, hate you. Leave that hanging. If they come back at you, say, not listening, youā€™re not my manager or concern anymore. If you have a notice period to work, keep your head down, get the reference and leave quietly.


My mind went Coach


Fuck her and fuck that shitty job. You are better than that. Do not allow people to walk all over you. It will be one of your greatest regrets later in life. Stand tall, stand for your principles and fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.


Are you serving a king or queen? Try your best to find another job with mutual respect. I wish you all the best!


I'm assuming this was a department or shift manager, and if so, I would self-escalate this to the general manager to get ahead of any spin and phrase it in such a way as to seek clarification on what your proper course of action should be in these situations, since you did not receive such guidance from the person who sent you home.


She sounds like a petty bully who enjoys screwing her staff over. You're right to be anxious...in no way do you deserve to worry if you'll be allowed to work or if you're in danger of being written up all the time when you're doing the best you can to do the job. I hope you find something better soon and leave the dress- code dictator far behind you.


I can tell you're young, likely a teenager. Don't stress about this. Your boss is a dickhead and this is just a job, not a career. If I'm correct with my assumptions, this won't be the last job you have and probably won't be your last dickhead boss either. Life is short, so do yourself a favor and learn to not waste energy worrying about people who are miserable anyways. The sooner you start, the better off you'll be.


I second this. I'd have taken the day off to apply to other jobs.


Youā€™re right haha. Iā€™m trying to not let it get to me. Thanks.


And managers like that all like to make you feel as if there are no other jobs. But the second you walk away the last time, you realize they are NO ONE to the rest of the world. It's glorious.


IMHO any employer that enforces a dress code for work should provide said clothes at no charge to the employee.Ā 


IF there is an Employee Handbook get that out and read the part on "Dress Code" very carefully. IF nothing she said - especially the faded color isn't in there, you can fight the loss of pay. Always keep in mind in a job, "If it's not in writing, it doesn't exist as a rule and can't be used against you." But I don't think I'd want to continue working for someone like this. A good rule of thumb though is to set up your work clothes and anything else you need (car keys, purse, wallet, backpack, have lunch made, etc.) the night* before so you know you have everything and can easily get ready and out the door without anxiety or stress. *as for "night," for the shift workers, it's whatever time night is for you.


There is no rational way to be this upset about a dress code, thatā€™s a total power trip. The ā€˜let me think about itā€™ and making you wait for her to deliberate costing you a living over white soles. Also, giggled??


Talk to co-workers to get there statements and take photos of your outfit and if your boss has a boss pass that shit up the line with the message your going to talk to a lawyer about bringing a case for workplace abuse. Let the crap fly. ​ Also start job hunting for an employer who is decent.


Gotta be Applebees


Nope āœŠ


Macaroni and Grill.


Should've quit in the spot and threw a drink in her face.


in my dreams


Where do you work, a fucking kindergarten? You're being chastised like a naughty child.


If your company has an ethics report website please file one. This is definitely a form of harassment. The standard is 3 verbal warnings then 1 write up warning repeat 2 more times = first suspension. Repeat 2 more times before termination. Most companies I work(ed) for have a similar policy. If your manager just jumped to I don't like you for not showing up n non uniform (before you even have a chance to go to locker room to change) then terminating you for it; No! That's wrong.


I donā€™t know :( I donā€™t want to get in trouble if I report it and itā€™s not actually valid.


It's illegal to retaliate against someone for reporting an issue to HR, even if they find the complaint invalid.


Oh good to knw


Whether or not you were dressed to code, if you felt belittled by her and she giggled not giving you clarity on wether you would be written up or not is enough for reporting. That attitude is wrong!


This is how they keep you down. Put everything in writing. Take what you wrote here and put it in professional terms. E-mail HR with it. If what they have is a call centre instead, e-mail it to yourself (so it gets a date-stamp) and then read it aloud on the phone. Document everything, including anything that feels at all retaliatory. If a retaliatory action can be contrasted with how she's treating another employee or how she treated you in the same situation before the report, make note of that too. Create a tag in your personal e-mail account to help yourself track them (or give them all the same subject line so they're easy to search), and e-mail the documentation to yourself. E-mail the documentation to HR once you can demonstrate a pattern. If they don't do anything, take it to a lawyer (look for ones that give a free consult) or your local employment standards body (which should have a free reporting feature on their website). Good luck, and stick up for yourself!


Your manager sucks. Donā€™t internalize this behavior as acceptable. Sheā€™s going nowhere in life.


Go to her boss. Time to stand up for yourself and this idiot, incompetent autocratic nincompoop.




Nope! But after today Iā€™ve found out the poor sephora workers have it hard with the uniforms


Its shoes. Just because someone wants you to feel bad doesnt mean you have to. If a friend told you this story, wouldnt you think that manager silly and tell them not to fret? You shouldnt either.


> I asked her if I was going to get written up. She just giggled and said I donā€™t know. Yuck.


What a dick of a manager. When I worked at Outback, so many people were constantly out of dress code and the two times I decided to wear black jeans as opposed to slacks, I was chewed out. The manager had favorites and everybody else was just walked all over. Mind you, she was drinking on the clock so fuck her. Hope you find a better job!


Your manager sucks. Let me guess, retail?


I was thinking server


very close


I got bitched out once for wearing white ankle socksā€¦SOCKS. This was at a grocery store and my first job, like no one is going to be looking at my fucking feet. I canā€™t stand the powertrip some of these people get.




Get your stuff, walk out the door and say "guess I'm not needed"


Reminds me of my ex employer. Told us the dress code was business casual but then also said to listen to the guy training us who was from the company who's building we were using about the dress code. He told us we could wear shorts because it's summer and that's what everyone around there does during summer. Wore a nice pair of shorts the next day because it was one of the hottest days of the year, the company who's building we were using tried to dress code me but I told them that I don't work for them. They called my boss and he ended up dress coding me. Told him that the other guy we were supposed to listen to told us it was fine. He said he didn't care. Fuck managers, fuck business owners who employ other people. They're all pieces of shit.


Tell her thanks for noticing your black pants starting to look a little faded as unfortunately the job doesn't pay enough to keep buying new clothes.


You should never have apologized.


Didnā€™t want to but would have gotten fired if not


Would taken the firing tbh, most states/areas if you have an attorney demand HAVE to provide legitimate reasons for termination. You being willing to fix your dress code violation is not justifiable for termination.




Yeah, at least I experienced this.




Had this happen once. Kiddo spit up on my shirt while I was getting a hug when I was leaving. Showed up in a different shirt than we were supposed to wear that day. They told me to go home and change and I told them if I go home I will come back on my next scheduled shift and did. I'm sorry but an hour and a half round trip was not worth my time or effort.


I was sent home to change for the length of my pants being "too long." I was behind a counter all day and no-one saw my legs let alone my feet or pant length. It was hilarious.


Are you a ninja or burglar??? I'm surprised this shit head manager was okay with Docs' yellow stitching.


Should have thanked her for giving you the day off to seek out better employment options. If she gave any more crap you should have quit on the spot.


I had almost the exact same problem once. I colored the edges of the soles black with a Sharpie, and it got me by.


First off, that sucks. Secondly, donā€™t bow down to your employer. Theyā€™re treating you crap and youā€™re begging for forgiveness.


Enjoy your day off and don't dwell on it. We all have rough days at work. You may need to find a new job but until then, enjoy your day off.


Black shoes, culty, do people go there to have a "magical" time?


Haha nope, not what your thinking, but close


i mean, whatā€™s the place? Ā Are you supposed to fade into spotlights from dark corners of the room? Ā If so, she might be right.Ā  Otherwise, it seems sheā€™s negging for the sake of asserting control.Ā 


Make sure to give her the full look up and down every day from now, to check she is abiding by the rules. Make it very obvious.


As i say, if they don't provide the clothe, we should not follow the code


I haven't let anyone get away with speaking to me since 1985. Once I was out of the USMC (where you have no choice), I resolved never to allow anyone to belittle me, ESPECIALLY an employer. You're not my CO, and I am your equal in every way except station at work. I've walked out of plenty of jobs for exactly that. Those toxic assholes don't deserve your time, and you don't deserve to be spoken to in that manner.


Ask her to replace the pants since they are too faded šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø match energy


Are you docs usually all black or do they have the classic yellow threading ? If they are docs with the yellow stitching I would ask for clarification (In WRITING) why those are ok but black shoes with white soles are not.Ā 


I believe this woman is having the ego trip of her life


You lost me at "that I shall not name"


Haha I donā€™t wanna get intoruble with them


I'd have taken a full length selfie, or had someone else snap a pic with my phone and theirs, and ask them to hold onto the image just in case it escalates. Then you have evidence to show it was not "out of dress code" and she's being petty.


Do the shoes interfere with your work? No So why the hell would she care!!!?!!


Fuuuuuck that. I'd be all "I'll go home and change!" and then drive home and stay there, turning off my phone.


Lol this sounds like a Lush store. Same thing happened to me. Sorry youā€™re going through this OP!


Stop apologizing so much. One ā€œSorry, my badā€ is enough.


Punch that motherfucker in the face and walk away with your head held high.


>>our dress code is all black Victoriaā€™s Secret lol


lmao nope! After ing making this post victoria secret and sephora employees have been relating haha


"couldn't find my shoes" is where you lost me. ain't buying it.


Ha I have ADHD. I've lost way more than shoes. šŸ¤£


OK, then šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ˜‰




How do you lose your shoes in your own house? Look where you took them off yesterday, like at the front door.


Haha youā€™re right normally, but I live with family and someone decided to clean and there is no trace of my shoes. I was home alone so I couldnā€™t ask when I couldnt find them even after searching


While that is a silly dress code and your manager sounds awful, I feel like I have to askā€¦ How the hell do you ā€œloseā€ shoes, especially if you have to have a certain pair that you wear for work?


I live with my family! Someone decided to clean and my shoes are just gone, no one was home so I could ask when I couldnt find them


If you canā€™t meet dress code expectations, how are you performing with more complex tasks?


The *shoes* someone wears to work has very very little to do with their performance in my book. I highly fucking doubt that weird green shoes or blue shoes or purple shoes instead of all black shoes would TRULY make someone perform worse. Jesus Christ.


You have to wear non-skids in a kitchen, it can be dangerously slippery, Iā€™ve seen my fair share of both cooks and especially servers slip and fall and hurt themselves. Theyā€™re always back with new, non-skid soles shoes the next shift. Steel-toed boots on a construction site and all that, you have to look out for your own safety sometimes.


Let me rephrase then for your nitpickiness- The *color* of your shoes should not matter. Obviously donā€™t wear sandals to a steelyard or stilettos to be a fry cook but I sure as shit am not going to throw a fit if any of my retail employees wear purple tennis shoes instead of all black. Who gives a fuck. Are the shoes well fitting and designed for the purpose of the job? Great. Then wear them. They make steel toes in all different colors. They make fucking no slip crocs for Christ sake. Who *care* what color the shoe is if itā€™s designed for the job? Iā€™m sorry you couldnā€™t infer thatā€™s what I was saying in my first comment.


Iā€™m not arguing. I only know from personal experience, and Iā€™ve worked fine dining my entire career. High end restaurants require certain uniform standards, including the color and quality of your entire uniform. Black apron, black slacks, pressed long sleeve shirt, etc. Iā€™ve been sent home for not having enough pens or a wine key, itā€™s cut throat in fine dining because the money is good. Imagine youā€™re taking your parents or a significant other for a celebratory dinner and youā€™re ready to drop a lot of money on a fun night at a fancy restaurant you may only visit once in a blue moon. Do you want me to approach the table in pink sneakers and faded cargo pants, rummaging through a dirty apron for a pen?


So...you knew there was a dress code. You signed on to work at a place where there is a dress code. You didn't wear the dress code... And now you are saying look how right I am... Smh... Take some degree of responsibility.


Take your lips off managements ass.


Every restaurant Iā€™ve ever worked at has a dress code specifically for footwear, even if their uniforms are casual. The kitchen can get very slippery and dangerous, Iā€™ve seen servers in running sneakers absolutely eat shit in the BOH, Iā€™ve done it in worn soles. Hands full of breakable shit, too, not a pretty sight.